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Name: Ma. Jeneva D.

Salahid Date: June 17, 2022

Section: BEED-1B Subject: PrEd 141

Discuss at least two global issues and explain proposed solutions to the same

Pollution is one of the most difficult global issues to combat, as the umbrella term refers
to ocean litter, pesticides and fertilizers, air, light and noise pollution. Clean water is essential for
humans and animals, but more than one billion people don’t have access to clean water due to
pollution from toxic substances, sewage or industrial waste. It is of the utmost importance that
people all over the world begin working to minimize the various types of pollution, in order to
better the health of the planet and all those living on it. Pollution is becoming a phrase that even
children are familiar with. It is now such common information that almost everyone admits the
persistent rise in pollution.

Pollution refers to the presence of any unwanted foreign material in a substance. When
we speak about pollution on earth, we are referring to the contamination of natural resources by
a variety of contaminants. All of this is mostly the result of human actions that degrade the
environment in several ways. Therefore, it is imperative to address this problem immediately.
Thus, pollution is causing tremendous harm to our planet, and we must recognize its impacts
and avoid further destruction.

In this paper about pollution, we will study the causes and remedies for pollution.
Pollution has far-reaching effects on the quality of living. It operates in strange ways, which are
sometimes invisible to the human sight. Nonetheless, it is abundant in the environment. For
example, you may not be able to see natural gases in the air, but they are still there. Similarly,
the chemicals that are polluting the air and raising carbon dioxide levels are very hazardous to
human health. A rise in carbon dioxide levels will result in global warming. In addition, water
pollution caused by industrial growth, religious rituals, and other factors will result in a lack of
potable water. Without water, humans cannot survive. In addition, the manner in which garbage
is placed on the ground inevitably pollutes the soil. If land degradation continues at this pace,
we will no longer have rich soil on which to raise food. Therefore, substantial steps must be
implemented to drastically decrease pollution. Air pollution, water pollution, and soil
contamination are all types of pollution.
After understanding the negative impacts of pollution, one must immediately begin
avoiding or decreasing pollution. To prevent air pollution, individuals should use public
transportation or carpool in order to reduce vehicle emissions. Air and noise pollution may be
reduced by eliminating firecrackers during festivals and festivities, but this may be difficult.
Above all else, we must develop the practice of recycling. All discarded plastic ends up in the
seas and on land, contaminating them. Therefore, remember not to discard them after usage,
but to reuse them wherever possible. Additionally, we must urge everyone to plant more trees,
which will absorb dangerous pollutants and purify the air. To protect the fertility of the land, the
government must restrict the use of fertilizers on a larger scale. In addition, companies that
dump their trash into seas and rivers, creating water pollution, must be prohibited. In conclusion,
all forms of pollution are harmful and have severe repercussions. Individuals and industries alike
must take action in the direction of change. As addressing this issue requires a collaborative
effort, we must now join forces. Moreover, innocent animal lives are lost as a result of such
human actions. In order to rid the world of pollution, we must all take a stance and speak out for
those who cannot be heard.
Climate Change
By 2100, the global temperature is projected to climb from 2.6 degrees Celsius to 4.8
degrees Celsius. This would result in more severe weather, food and resource shortages, and
the spread of disease. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and educating people about the
significance of turning green may make a significant effect. Effective strategies for combating
climate change include lobbying governments, proposing policies to cut carbon emissions, and
promoting reforestation. Climate change refers to the alteration of the earth's natural
circumstances. This occurs as a result of several internal and external variables. In recent
decades, climate change has become a worldwide issue. Moreover, these climate variations
have varied effects on life on earth. These climate changes are influencing the environment and
ecology in several ways. Due to these changes, several plant and animal species have become

Human actions began altering the climate eons ago, but we just learned about it in the
past century. In the 20th century, humans began to recognize the effects of climate change on
human existence. We began investigating climate change and discovered that the earth's
temperature is increasing owing to the greenhouse effect. The warming of the earth's surface
contributes to ozone depletion, impacts agriculture, water supply, and transportation, among
other issues. Though there are hundreds of causes for climate change, we will only cover
natural and anthropogenic (human) causes. Among these include volcanic eruptions, solar
radiation, the movement of tectonic plates, and orbital changes. Due to these actions, the
geographical conditions of a region become very hazardous to the survival of life. In addition,
these activities significantly increase the earth's temperature, generating a natural imbalance.
Due to need and avarice, a person has engaged in several actions that not only affect the
environment but also himself. Numerous plant and animal species go extinct as a result of
human activities. Human activities that negatively impact the climate include deforestation, the
use of fossil fuels, industrial waste, various forms of pollution, and several more. All of these
factors severely harm the climate and biosphere. Due to hunting, several animal and bird species
have become extinct or are on the brink of extinction.

These climatic shifts have detrimental effects on the ecology. Due to climate changes,
the sea level is rising, glaciers are melting, CO2 levels in the atmosphere are growing, forests
and fauna are disappearing, and aquatic life is also being affected. In addition, it is estimated
that if this trend continues, many plant and animal species would go extinct. And there will be
significant environmental damage. If we do nothing and things continue as they are today, there
will come a day when people are no longer present on the surface of the world. But if instead of
ignoring these issues we take action, we can preserve the planet and our future. Despite the
fact that human error has caused significant harm to the climate and ecology, however, it is not
too late to attempt to restore the environmental harm we have caused so far. And if every
person begins contributing to the environment, our continued existence in the future is assured.

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