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Questions for Debate

Q.1 Knowing that Russia is a superpower and more powerful than Ukraine,
Why did you, Ayaan & Krishna choose to side with Ukraine?
A.1. (Ayaan & Krishna) we choose to side with Ukraine, knowing that Russia is
a superpower, because around 6 Lakh Ukrainians have been turned into
refugees in their own country. And the no. of people that have fled the country
and sought refuge in the neighbouring countries like Poland has also increased.
Not to mention the history with USSR and how Ukraine faced constant
mistreatment and brutality in the early 1930s because of the Collectivisation

Q.2 (a) Now since Ayaan mentioned about the refugees, I would also like to
tell that even the Russians citizens are against the war. So, Vihaan and Harsh,
I would like you to answer that why Russia is still fighting this war?
A.2 (Vihaan) Now I would like to simply draw the attention of everyone on how
hollow, empty & helpless the Ukrainian country is. The actual data is that 1
crore Ukrainian refugees are present in the country which is 23% of It’s entire
population, Also referring to what Divyam said, I would like to emphasise that
very less Russian citizens are opposing the war as they are not able to look at
the wider picture and see the advantages of what it’s leader is doing.
Q.2 (b) what do you mean by the “wider picture”, please elaborate?
A.2B (Harsh) The major reason why Russia is still fighting the war is to create a
power reserve and a defence system. As we all know that Russia is surrounded
by countries which are part of both NATO and the EU and which constantly try
to suppress Russia so, Ukraine being the only country which is not a part of
NATO becomes very important to Russia. Adding to it Russia also feels
culturally, religiously and linguistically connected to Ukraine.

Q.3 So Ayaan & Krishna, is this the ----- background --- correct from the side
of Ukraine as well ? --- what are the views from your side ? Do u agree with
them ?

A3. The Biden administration clearly stated that it has no plans to bring
Ukraine into NATO.So ,The more likely argument is that Ukraine threatens
Putin’s regime because Ukraine is democratic. The mere example of (Volodymyr)
Zelenskyy’s government is a threat to the Putin regime in Russia.

A3. Internally, he wants to maintain his own power. Externally, he wants Russia to regain
the status that the Soviet Union had in the late 1930s. , Like Krishna stressed,NATO wasn’t
expanding into Ukraine.NATO refused to make Ukraine a member.

- EU after the benefits even joined

Q5. Ayaan and Krishna , what do u feel about the financial helps and aids
which the Russia gave to u , so what are the major benefits which u got
during that time
Krishna -

and hence the disadvantages which led you to join the EU ?

ayaan - priority partner

- sharing of borders
-economic integration
-deepening of political cooperation

Q6. The major impacts and all the casualities of Ukraine are being shown and
updated everyday on the media worldwide , so what are the impacts of this
war on Russia as well ?

( Vihaan and harsh )

-heavy economic sanctions

Q7. Now concluding to this debate what are the major impacts of this war to
whole world especially explaining about India ?
harsh – 1) 13 % crude oil
krishna – 1) medical students
vihaan - 1) 25000 indians 2)50 % armoury
Ayaan – 1) second largest exporter of the world

Conclusion  divyam

Q – india mein inflation

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