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21 November Saturday APPOINTMENTS Qn weal G f L ae ee Ce ae iy + ees Sx. 2 pee @ 26-c40) 47 Sunday "9 @zt-cs9) mer -—) & Sloan fp Cs oe aa Van S — —}——— dae tC aa | ae ae aeyes30 se 5 m1 i mas Truchumanvalueistousetinestfetivaly.Allofyovareembodiments ote © is 17 a8 39 20 21 22 Domnot harm, cheat or hurt others or your own self There is no form of devo fo 25 26 25 24 27 28 29 higherthandevelopingthese sacred qualities. Sathya al aba cs 23 020 Monday ) 0 oh ot Hw ie APPOINTMENTS 5 (En dt et : Ss a ee ee fs >) dn = fegf = fog flr) + <_ yy ee Le a 24 November Tuesday D 629-037) W4g APPOINTMENTS 5: fe: firnjdn = c [fom dm, : de 7 ae 8 fer 6. [urwda = fadns en poduneo mw BA Ww pave -fiendionn a NH 25 oe Wednesday es yl ee ee es = begl t+ fis pea] ee of fer[so+ Plas eho) +e “be @ =a © (imme as we Se EEE) - [aot In ie eet rae a4 26 November Thursday O 021-005 84 PageaS Poi Taachn. BrtD [eae a anh 2-_ Bee bh Gayo) Bae © ORES EB CAH2) pus A=3 Won ter lows fromahigherlevelto lowntothose who are bent with ows ‘othe lower levels, God's grace tovislikethat humility.-Sti Sathya Sai Baba —E 2020 27 Friday gan wes8_O e APPOINTMENTS, pial hy Beale 3 | ri hl ar 1 Stewnelonelig ec 7 ofan pebioebh eo 5 — Substittion X ame Banat Be elie \ Dyas G7 Sees ee Wa o 28 November Saturday (833 -033) nag APPOINTMENTS _ [nerd : 30 ber 2020 Monday om = wMTtTWrrss mega 2 34s, € The vig ower by so7 8 9 1011 a2 43 sr elseg eo Ht Sheds its Fragrance all around, Likewise the PEFSON gy ae as a6 27 18 9 a0 “hasaigant DMinity withinoneselfbecomesasourceoflightandstrength! sa 21 22 23 2 25 26 7 5328 29 3031 a 1 December Tuesday incre fa a 72 24 24 25 26 27 Fenunciation saturates your heart, you Jose contact withthe world and slip” 3 mw 08 lapofthe Lord.~SriSathyaSai Baba i a eee 2020 cxr-oowna® O Wednesday 42 a ents ee beget S = ie Panne, led with good thoughts, such as truth, k a ind serenity.-SriSathyaSai Baba —_ December Thursday © t-te APPOINTMENTS, Thaw Me (Logs) - — pease 2020 as cannn4e Friday a ede s Eee ONTMENTS. ae ee fog *— 1 f n de Es a Lo a OO ue ee == g om pee gist WR ‘Sathya Sai Baba Dec Saturday “ember (0-25 « APPOINTMENTS oe eel ey See ie we | LEN A GOS 6 but t= log: Sunday a) © (eam MH hether we do ene eerie jevitable. Thisis the Nature of Kar a 2020 ) Mond: aac nso _O in 7) reas 9 Ake) Ok 2 te Ot | TS z+ f Ca) adw. fos as Weg) dive md — dus ahog® da ate io a YO 8 December Tuesday APPOINTMENTS: 3, Te" [Ro +8 fo dhs FGDC, © 83-02%) | SK ar No: bn [ee a 2020 ee © ua zn nS APPOINTMENTS, ae SS ee ae —_— hur i evel; worship is for the mental level; wisdom is for the 5 41 32 a3 16 ‘Sathya Sai Baba 4 —_ 10 December Thursday © 1) my APPOINTMENTS Sq. CK phen? Uy = fee sae (-n)- - pa (58 Friday APPOINTMENTS A FO. ees ee. = 3 FD) oon ee donuary er ware ere 1 ik paserss™ human beingfordoingyour duty (karma).Lifeisgiventoyouonlyto yyy 12 48 3 18 16 1 ay we 32s 27 8 0 \nbomay ise Div iva eu andthe body isthe nstrumentforachevingthspurposs w I Dec ne ember © 047-019 43 (D_Conuph 1 Rurtial “action. == p—_ (n+) An ae Sf tee) Geary (ner eye tL ea lar See x _& S) eae mas = ACT) BCT) OTD) + Cig) 13 as Sunday © 8-01) i. s2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Anandayourself. Anandaisyour nativ | stamp, yourweryt=® sm 29 001 ~SiSathyasalBaba ns tvecharactenyourrealstanp r 14 2020 Monday os oes) 2. APPOINTMENTS fst ay fd a fece a Nereey Al aen at2)> =beteg es phage han i a Becconcae ee Ase SS 15 a Tuesday Decembe, © 10-01 45 APPOINTMENTS. peo E ; 2020 16 Wednesday st OE) RST 2 d APPOINTMENTS @ Spe o mee a - oe cee 17 December Thursday @ (352-014) 45, APPOINTMENTS, a Zes insite . wrote = Sipe —— x = \}FE eM =F Cb) —Fla) FC lel [F 1? te ) LLOQ —Noke! Fon De fmnite Srkegn He "mbegvekou Cowehonnt = an Wot jonclnded Aw __ Te Pt Ales, es ee Degfnite Onbesok 1 PR an = [ross 4 frotie freode ee) eee eee A body is valuable on} realising God. A body devoid of DW 16 a7 _strengthis equivalent to dust.-SriSathya Sai Baba ——al ~ 2020 18 oo! yaywent Friday APPOINTMENTS oe [rem dua [fener » [Fenian > [Float -wWdn. Oo Cont, whin bh2 0 by UL 2a Min a a Lion) dn = _fflaqmMdoe oO ° a - 5 [fordn = 0 when Foy b -a Odld fy, = afte whur (m) a Even that resists the reins,acar without J, are all equally heading towards

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