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Kathmandu Declaration 2022

May 27, 2022
Sixth General Assembly, 26-27 May 2022

We, the participants of the 6th General Assembly of South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
and Peoples’ SAARC meeting, having met at Kathmandu, Nepal from 26-27 May 2022 on the occasion of
the Sixth General Assembly of SAAPE
Taking note of the worsening socio-economic and political situation and conflicts and tensions in our
respective countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri
Lanka). We recognize that South Asia is at the lowest ebb in terms of regional cooperation,
consequent to the COVID pandemic and the rise of sectarian and divisive politics.
The common problems in the region convince us about the need to strengthen regional solidarity and
cooperation in the process of recovering from COVID-19,
We are in pain and alarmed about the increasing deprivations and inequality in the human, cultural,
economic, social and political spheres of our people and the declining values of social and political
democracy and human rights in the region,
Recalling SAAPE’s mission to intervene on the issues of poverty and exclusion, and affirming the
commitment to revive Peoples’ SAARC to build solidarities among social movements and peoples
across the region to take new initiatives and actions,
Hereby, adopt the following declaration:
1. We commit to build alternative political and social justice to strengthen our quest for a more
equitable and dignified life.
2. We are shocked at the culmination of neo-liberal policies – imposed by imperialisms and
implemented by our local elites – with the unfolding of the debt crisis in Sri Lanka. Many other
South Asian countries are moving towards such a predicament. This process must immediately be
reversed to ensure a dignified and humane life for a huge majority of South Asian population. We
demand an immediate cancellation of illegitimate debt in South Asia – both private and public,
and also call upon South Asian states to unilaterally repudiate illegitimate debt.
3. The experiences of Afghanistan with the recent Taliban takeover have exposed the fragility of the
US military invasion of the country. It has strengthened religious extremism and has brought its
people, particularly women and children to its worst form of life. This experience clearly
manifests democracy and human rights can never be imposed from outside. It is only through
vibrant peoples’ movements for human rights and social justice. We condemn the unprecedented
increase of violence, human rights violations, and exclusion in Afghanistan and call upon South
Asian states and the International Community to come together and adopt policies to restore
normalcy in the country.
4. The increased jingoism and war-like posturing in the region is a matter of concern. We strongly
condemn the state-led repression and militarization in the region and demand an immediate
reduction of military budgets. We demand an end to authoritarianism and extreme concentration
of power in the hands political and business elites.
5. We support the struggle of ordinary Sri Lankans and others across the region against anti-people
policies and grave injustices that we witnessed on a daily basis.
6. We condemn religious fundamentalism and violence against minorities; all forms of
discrimination, marginalization and oppression. We condemn terrorist methods by both state and
vested interest groups. We unequivocally denounce the use of terror against civilian and unarmed
populations. We reaffirm our commitment to progressive, democratic and secular state.
7. We need agrarian reforms to ensure food sovereignty across the region.

8. The region is vastly affected by the climate crisis which is closely linked to the capitalist models
of development. We urge government to take immediate steps to halt the climate crisis. 

9. We demand an end of land and other natural resource grab. Instead, natural resources must be
declared as commons to facilitate collective development for all.
10. We urge the governments of the region to individually, and collectively, prioritize post COVID
economic recovery through regional collaboration and cooperation.
11. SAAPE stands in solidarity with the refugees across the region and uphold their rights to return to
their lands. There is a need for an effective regional and international response to this issue.
12. The marginalization and structural exclusion of women from governance, economic and political
participation has reinforced the feminization of poverty, discrimination, and violence against
them. We recognize that women’s meaningful engagement in politics and governance is their
fundamental right and their meaningful participation can contribute to reducing gaps in society.
13. We condemn all forms of structural discrimination of Dalits, adivasis and various minorities.
14. We demand that all South Asian governments ratify and implement all Human Rights conventions
as our societies can only claim to be democratic when the rights of the marginalized are
15. Full social security needs to be guaranteed for all vulnerable populations in South Asian countries
by national governments. We must ensure a minimum living wage and job security for all workers
in the region. With the ever-rising inequalities, this is mandatory. `

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