A Report On Social Service Activities

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Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of degree

Bachelor of technology
Mechanical Engineering

Submitted by
D NAGESWARI (17131A0345)
D VIVEK (17131A0346)


(2017-21 Batch)
This is to certify that the following is a bonafied work / report of social service activity
carried out during 2017-2021 by
D NAGESWARI (17131A0345)
D VIVEK (17131A0346)
in partial fulfilment for the award of B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering.
The total number of certified hours of social service___________ hours.


(Social activity)

Evaluation Panel
1) Examiner-1: Name: Signature
2) Examiner-2: Name: Signature
3) Examiner-3: Name: Signature

We acknowledge with profound gratitude the management and staff of the Gayatri Vidya
Parishad College of Engineering for giving us an opportunity to know about the basic aspects
related to social service and for allowing us to contribute to the welfare of the people.
We also sincerely express our gratitude to our honourable principal
Prof. A. B. KOTESWARA RAO for his help and support.
We also acknowledge with immense gratitude our head of the department
Prof. B. GOVINDA RAO and Associate Prof. SATYA KIRTI CHINTA for giving this
Declaration by the student

I, the undersigned solemnly declare that this report is based on social service activities carried
out by me during the course of study (2017-21) for the partial fulfilment for the award of
degree Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering.

I further declare that

i) The proofs submitted are genuine to the best of my knowledge.

ii) Total number of certified hours of social service ______________.

Signature of the student


Roll No: 17131A0344
Place: Visakhapatnam
Contents Page No

CERTIFICATE................................................................................ 2
ACKNOWLEDGMENT.................................................................. 3
DECLARATION.............................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 6
What does individual role mean? ............................................... 7
WAYS TO TACKLE NATURAL CALAMITIES........................ 8
Prevention.................................................................................. 9
Preparedness.............................................................................. 10
Emergency Response............................................................... 11
Recovery................................................................................... 12
Mitigation.................................................................................. 13
IN CALAMITY .............................................................................. 14

The consequences that a society experiences after any natural calamity is humongous . Such
kind of situations occurs due to the lack of knowledge and action plan which are necessary to
restrict the losses to a minimal stage. This can only be achieved when the individual persons
in the society learn to cooperate with each other at times of difficulties. But the problem is
that most of the persons in a community do not acknowledge the importance of knowing the
kind of individual role they are supposed to do when confronted by challenging situations
like cyclones, earthquakes and tsunami etc. This will leave us with an incomplete and an
obsolete situation which takes a lot of time for us to recover and get back to the previous
situation. Now different individuals have different approaches towards different situations.
But in common they all play a specific role. This ultimately leads us to the conclusion that
these individuals are playing a specific role which they think is necessary and beneficial to
that particular situation. Hence this gives us some kind of idea about the individual roles that
persons have in different situation. To get an even more outlook towards this we can take the
example of the horse and the frog during any calamity. Now let us consider the situation
where a tsunami is about to occur and see the way how both the horse and the frog react to
the situation respectively. Firstly the when the frog senses that the tsunami is to occur then it
will try dig into the soil of any small water body like a lake or a pond to protect itself from
the heavy flow of the ocean water. Now in the case of a horse the reaction would be
completely different. The moment the horse realizes the potential danger it will immediately
try to move away as fast as it can from that area to a potentially safer zone. The above
example gives a proper idea about how the role of an individual can be different in humans as

The term individual role means the moral responsibility of a person which helps in creating a
better society that ultimately creates a better country or world. The role of an individual not
only applies to the social perspective but also to many other fields and aspects of life. Simply
speaking, it is more of like a guideline to make a person get better and more accurate at what
he is doing. It talks about the various ways to fulfil your objectives as well as the society’s
well being so that at the end everyone will be benefitted in some way through your correct
doings. Now since we are talking about the role of an individual in managing a natural
calamity, the objectives for that would be slightly different. In such type of scenarios the
ultimate goal of the individual would be to educate and spread awareness among the people
in his community as to how to react and behave at the times of a natural calamity. It also
includes close cooperation with the local people and the local government authorities to
lessen the amount of damage caused by the natural calamity.

The role of an individual can either be assigned or can be taken up by any particular
individual voluntarily. As we can see in some ethnicities and specific communities the
individual roles for their children will be mostly decided by their parents and their society
who believe that their decision will be fruitful in making their children useful to the society.
Such examples are family consisting of all doctors, the farming communities of rural Andhra
Pradesh, the warrior communities of Rajasthan and so on. Similarly there are families who
press for other type of individual roles for their children depending on their way of thinking
and certain other factors such as pride, legacy etc. In contrast to such kind of families there
are many families who expect some kind of variety from their off springs when it comes to
individual roles. This kind of environment gives the kids more freedom and hence we can see
new types of individual roles coming up from the new generation. The best example for this
is the inclusion of inspection staff and taste testing staff in different chocolate companies and
biscuit companies. The role of these individuals is to taste their companies products and give
feedback regarding it. These are quite unconventional individual roles which have come into
prominence lately.


The pre assessment of any impending disaster or any other natural calamity and the efforts
which follow to reduce the considerable damage of the calamity is called as prevention.
Prevention is a unique technique which is used in almost all scientific fields. Although
prevention is a pre assessment method and helps in giving some important insight about the
occurring calamity it cannot completely help us in facing the natural calamity with absolutely
zero damage. So some of the ways through which prevention can be carried out more
effectively are:

 Individual should know the vulnerable areas before establishing any human
activity as well as shelter because the government may prohibit the people
from living in those areas but they go astray.
 For ex: let’s consider the case of Dar es Salaam a metropolitan city in
Tanzania, Africa that lies along the Msimbazi river. This village almost
experiences rainfall for half of the year and has been consistently hit by huge
floods almost every year.

The process of readying or preparing yourself and the rest of the people in the society to
effectively face the natural calamity is called as preparation. The rate at which the society has
prepared to effectively counter the affects of the calamity is called as preparedness. It
involves a number of activities such as organizing shelters, stocking provisions, self isolation,
and so on.

 Individual should know where and when and how to shut off electricity, gas
and water at the main switch and valves as well as having tools required
completing the job. This step is very important as it reduces the scope for
dangerous explosions, and other unnecessary damage to the home at the time
of natural calamity.
 Each and every family member should know how to use the ABC type fire
extinguisher. All house residents must be aware of the where the extinguisher
is usually kept. It should be checked immediately under the supervision of the
 Individuals including children must know how and when to use the emergency
numbers when a situation occurs. Emergency telephone numbers for ex: 108,
112 etc must be dialled immediately if any extreme situation occurs. Everyone
in the family must be prepared to provide the essential information regarding
their whereabouts and health.
 Individual is to be prepared as possible for a disaster on behalf of one self and
one’s family. That means establishing a place to meet up with the family if
they become separated during the calamity. Storing a good stock supply of
fresh water and food is also recommended.
 The last step to be followed by the individuals is to reunite after the calamity
is over. It is very much essential for family members to develop a plan for
reuniting after the disaster. To prepare for a natural fire caused in home due to
thunders the family members should identify a nearby safe household as their
meeting point. If the house members meet at the same spot fire fighters need
not necessarily risk their lives looking to save the inmates of the house but
rather can focus on putting down the fire first. The place must be designated at

Emergency response refers to the immediate relief actions that take place after any natural
calamity or any manmade disaster. Emergency response mostly involves the relief teams sent
by the government and the non profit organisations that provide relief provisions and items to
the effected people. But an emergency response can also include a group of common people
like daily wage labourers, blue collar workers and even white collar employees. The main
objective of emergency response is to provide the indispensable activities and services that
must be undertaken during the initial impact and the aftermath of a disaster including those to
save lives and to prevent further damage to the property. The steps that must be taken by the
individuals are:
 Individuals must completely participate in helping and assisting the victims who
survived the onslaught of the calamity.

 Individuals should use available ways of communication to convey message to the

desired organization or individual.

 Transportation and evacuation of the people must be carried out as quickly as possible
from the disaster areas. Below is an example of people getting rescued from Hud-
Hud cyclone hit area.

The process of regaining the pre calamity situation and environment is called as recovery. It
is one of the most important steps that the individuals must make sure to do as it sets the right
tone for future growth of the city or the country after the calamity.
It can also be defined as the action or process of getting something back that has been lost.
In a much broader sense it deals with the activities that are taken after initial impact to
develop socio economical and environmental conditions that are destroyed by disaster aimed
at achieving return to normality. The most important steps in recovery are:
 Individuals must participate in helping victims in different ways according to the
 Individuals should use available ways of communication to convey the emergence
message to the required organisation or authority concerned.
 Searching and evacuating the victims from disaster areas must also be done
simultaneously to reduce.
 Individuals must also cooperate with the local authorities who carry out the search
and rescue operations to make the process more effective.
 Every Individual should have communal safety attitude of life but not individualized
attitude. One must try to think of the well being of his neighbours, relatives and
 Individual must learn to share the available resources with victims such as land, water
and other required resources to revamp the destroyed life systems.



An all-hazards approach to disaster management considers all known hazards and their
natural and anthropogenic potential risks and impacts, with the intention of ensuring that
measures taken to mitigate one type of risk do not increase vulnerability to other types of
risks. Proactive disaster mitigation measures are generally more effective than reactive
measures in eliminating or reducing the impacts, but not all disasters are reasonably
foreseeable, and when an unforeseen disaster occurs, mitigation is necessarily after the fact.
Proactive disaster mitigation measures may be structural or non-structural, and will generally
be based on measurement and assessment of the risk and the cost of setting up the measures,
and possibly the cost of maintenance. Mitigation planning identifies policies and actions that
can be taken over the long term to reduce risk, and in the event of a disaster occurring,
minimize loss. Such policies and actions are based on a risk assessment, using
the vulnerabilities and probabilities of occurrence and estimates of impact to calculate risks,
and are generally planned in cooperation with the stakeholder groups. 
The principles are applicable to mitigation of risk in general.
Planning processes may include:

 Stakeholder agreement on actions for risk reduction

 Assessment of relative risk and vulnerability
 Building partnerships among stakeholders
 Increasing awareness of hazards, vulnerabilities and risk
 Establishing priorities
 Aligning risk reduction and mitigation strategies with other objectives
Risk assessment and mitigation measures may include:[3]

 Hazard mapping
 Flood plain mapping
 Land use and zoning practices
 Implementing and enforcing appropriate building codes
o Reinforced tornado safe rooms
o Burying of electrical cables to prevent ice build-up
o Raising of buildings in flood-prone areas
 Public awareness programs
 Insurance programs



 https://www.academia.edu/
 www.wikipedia.com
 www.quora.com
 https://www.disaster.qld.gov.au/dmg/rr/Pages/default.aspx

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