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Revision 1

Prepared by
Associate Prof Dr Rashmi Walvekar
Question 1

Final year students of Xiamen University Malaysia Campus have designed a heat
transfer experiment using a slab of stone and ice block. The thickness of the ice
block is 100 mm which is placed on a stone slab of area 24 cm x 100 cm. Bottom
of the slab is exposed to steam at 100°C. The experimental findings reveal that
4 kg of ice melts in 1 hour. Assume the temperature of ice as 0°C and latent
heat of fusion of 80 Cal/gram. Based on the data provided calculate the thermal
conductivity value of slab in Cal/cm-s-°C.
Question 2

In this experiment you are required to compare the heat transfer rate of two different
rectangular blocks as shown in Figure below. The blocks can be arranged in two different
arrangements (series and parallel) as shown below. Both the blocks have same dimensions
and temperature difference between the ends along the x direction. However, the thermal
conductivity of second block is twice that of first block. The experimental results show that
arrangement I takes 9 seconds to transfer heat from hot end to cold end. Calculate the
time required to transfer heat in arrangement II.
Question 3

Consider a flat plate that is 1 m wide and at 80°C. Air at 20°C and
atmospheric pressure flows over a flat plate at a velocity of 3 m/s.
Calculate the following at x = 300 mm.
(a) Boundary layer thickness
(b) Local friction coefficient
(c) Local heat transfer coefficient
(d) Total Heat transfer rate
Question 4

A composite wall consisting of 25 cm of fire clay brick, 20 cm of kaolin, and a 10

cm outer layer of masonry brick is exposed to furnace gas at 1370 K with air at
300 K adjacent to the outside wall. The inside and outside convective heat
transfer coefficients are 115 and 23 W/m2 .K, respectively as illustrated in
Question 4

(a) Calculate the total resistance across the three composite layers including
convective resistance at both of the surfaces.
(b) Determine the heat loss per square foot of the wall.
(c) Determine the temperature of the outside wall surface under these
(d) Given the conditions in Figure , except that the outside temperature of the
masonry brick cannot exceed 325 K, calculate the additional thickness of
kaolin needed to satisfy this requirement.
Question 5

Consider a 50 mm diameter pipe insulated with asbestos having thermal

conductivity (𝑘) of 0.17 𝑊 𝑚∙𝐾 which is exposed to the atmospheric air at 20℃
with heat transfer coefficient (ℎ) of 3 𝑊 𝑚2∙𝐾 . The surface temperature of the
pipe is 200℃.
(a) Identify the critical radius of insulation for asbestos.
(b) Determine the percentage increase in heat transfer with insulation.
(c) If asbestos is replaced with fibre glass insulation having thermal
conductivity, (𝑘) of 0.04 𝑊 𝑚2∙𝐾 , explain would the heat transfer rate

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