Elementary Korean (핚글의 기초)

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Elementary Korean (핚글의 기초)

About Korean

The essential written language of Korean is the Korean Alphabet. It is similar to the English Alphabet, and each letter represents a
different sound. But sometimes the letter’s sound changes depending on the word or the way the word is used.
Unlike the English Alphabet, in Korean Alphabet each written character represents a syllable. They also write it left to right.

Korean Vowels and Consonants

Hangeul (핚글, the Korean alphabet) consists of forty letters.

Twenty-one of these represent vowels, 모음 (including thirteen diphthongs), and nineteen represent consonants,


Consonants ( Ja-eum )

giyeok nieun digeut rieul mieum bieup siot ieung jieut chieut

kieuk tieut pieup hieut ssang- ssasng- ssang- ssang- ssang-

giyeok digeut bieup siot jieut

Vowels (Mo-eum)

a eo o u eu i ae e ya yeo yo

yu yae ye wa wae wo we oe wi ui

모음.자음 (Moeum . Jaeum )



모음 이름 쓰는 숚서 연습

ㅏ a

ㅓ eo

ㅗ o

ㅜ u

ㅡ eu

ㅣ i

ㅔ e

ㅐ ae



모음 이름 쓰는 숚서 연습

ㅑ ya

ㅕ yeo

ㅛ yo

ㅠ yu

ㅖ yae

ㅒ ye


모음 이름 쓰는 숚서 연습

ㅚ oe

ㅟ wi

ㅘ wa

ㅝ wo

ㅞ we

ㅙ wae

ㅢ ui


Pronunciation Tips (similar sounds in

Vowel Sound Sample Vocab
American English)
ㅏ a announcer, father 아이 (child)

ㅑ ya yacht 야구 (baseball)

ㅓ eo the o in dog/frog, lawn 언제 (when)

ㅕ yeo yonder 영국 (England)

ㅗ o home 오늘 (today)

ㅛ yo yo-yo 요리 (cooking)

ㅜ u too, shoe, moon 우유 (milk)

ㅠ yu you 육수 (broth)

ㅡ eu good (keep mouth relaxed) 금요일 (Friday)

ㅣ e meet 입 (mouth

The vowel ㅐ is simply a combination of ㅏ and l. And ㅔ is a combination of ㅓ and l. Although long ago, they made
a different sound, now they are pronounced the same. If you say those very fast, you simply get a sound like “aye”

ㅒ (ㅑ+ ㅣ) and ㅖ(ㅕ+ㅣ) also have the same sound, simply ㅐ or ㅔ with a “Y” sound added to make “yae”

ㅚ (ㅗ+ㅣ)and ㅙ(ㅗ and ㅐ) also have come to be pronounced the same way, “Wae”.

ㅝ (ㅜ+ㅓ) is a ㅜ sound and an ㅓ sound blended together. “Wo”

ㅢ (ㅡ+ㅣ) is pronounced by keeping your mouth flat and relaxed and saying “ㅡ”and then adding “ㅣ”on the end. If
you say it quickly it’ll be like “gooey”



자음 이름 쓰는 숚서 연습

ㄱ Giyeok

ㄴ Nieun

ㄷ Digeut

ㄹ Rieul

ㅁ mieum

ㅂ Bieup

ㅅ Siot

ㅇ Ieung

ㅈ Jieut


ㅊ Chieut

ㅋ Kieuk

ㅌ Tieut

ㅍ Pieup

ㅎ Hieut


자음 이름 쓰는 숚서 연습











Letter Sample
Letter Sound (Approx. to English)
Name* Vocab

ㄱ Gieok G(grand) 김

ㄴ Nieun N(none) 눈

ㄷ Degeut D (door) 돌

Between R and L. Pretend you are making an R sound and then push
ㄹ Rieul the tip of your tongue 라면

forward a tad.

ㅁ Mieum M (money) 말

ㅂ Bieup B (like English B, but without voicing the sound) 밥

ㅅ Siot S (sing) 살

ㅇ Ieung silent at beginning of syllable, NG (sing) if at ending. 방

ㅈ Jieut Similar to J with tongue pressed up behind the teeth 절

ㅊ Chieut CH (cheese) 차

ㅋ Kieuk K (key) 코

ㅌ Tieut T (try) 턱

ㅍ Pieup P (pizza) 표

ㅎ Hieut H (high) 혀

You might notice some words have the same consonant stuck together two times. The sound is very similar to
original pronunciation, but it is simply tensed, pronounced more strongly. These sounds also require some listening
practice in order to recognize the difference.

음절의 구성 ( The structure of syllables)

The shape of the syllables varies depending on the consonant-vowel combination. And the Korean syllable is written in the way
of combining the beginning, middle and ending sound, not written side by side.

ㄱㅏㅇ(x) 강 (o)

How to Compose Syllabic Units

Syllables consisting of vowel only

 These vowels are written to the right of the consonants

: ㅏ,ㅑ,ㅓ,ㅕ,ㅣ,ㅐ,ㅔ,ㅒ,ㅖ
 These vowels are written below the consonants
 These vowels are written to the right of the consonants
: ㅘ, ㅙ, ㅚ, ㅝ, ㅞ, ㅟ , ㅢ

[ 예 ] 아, 어, 이, 오, 우, 으, 와, 워, 의

Syllables consisting of a consonant and a vowel

 가, 나, 더, 러, 모, 보, 수, 주, 츠, 크, 티, 피

Hangeul Chart
Here is a basic chart of how the consonants and vowels of Hangeul combine. From here, 받침 s are simply put on
the bottom. Writing this over a few times is a great way to memorize.

If you look closely, you can find some basic Korean vocabulary words! For example, if you don't like the 비 (rain) you
could stay inside and have a glass of warm 우유 (milk) or perhaps some 차 (tea). Or you could go to the hospital and
measure your 키 (height), get a 피 (blood) test, or check and see if your 코 (nose) or 혀 (tongue) are functioning


1) ㅤ구, ㅤ수, 고구마, 고기, 구두

2) 나, 나라, 나무,누나

3) 다리, 도로,도시,두부,드라마

4) 라디오, 라이터, 러시아, 루비

5) 마스크, 미리, 모기, 모자, 무

6) 바나나, 바다, 부모, 부자, 비

7) 사이다, 사자, 소리,스키

8) 아기, 아버지, 어머니, 우리, 야구

9) 자리, 주소, 주스, 지도, 지하

10)차, 초, 초대, 치마, 치즈

11) 카드, 커피,코코아, 키

12) 타이어, 타조, 터키, 토마토, 티셔츠

13) 파리, 파티, 포도, 피아노, 피자

14) 하루, 허리, 휴ㅤ, 휴지



단어 연습
















We call the consonant which is written below the vowels 받침. ㄲ,ㄸ,ㅃ,ㅆ,ㅉ,ㄳ,ㄵ, ㄶ,ㄺ,ㄻ,ㄼ,ㄽ,ㄾ,ㄿ,ㅀ,ㅄ is the basic

consonant can be used as 받침. But they have only seven sounds such as [ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ,ㅇ] at the end of the syllable. 14
basic consonants have the sound at the end of the syllable as shown below:

Syllables consisting of a vowel and a consonant

There are syllables consisting of a vowel and a consonant like the following. But when you write a letter, ‘ㅇ’ has
to be added in front of the vowel. And the consonant at the end of the syllable is written below the vowel.

 안, 암, 입, 잊, 얻, 얼, 엉

Syllables consisting of a consonant, a vowel and a consonant

 강, 벌, 봄, 손, 춤, 힘


1) 밖, 부엌, 숙제, 약국, 학교

2) 간호사, 돈, 산, 손, 전화기
3) 걷다, 끝, 꽃, 낮, 밭, 속옷, 있다
4) 달, 말, 불, 일요일, 하늘
5) 마음, 밤, 사람, 엄마, 음료수
6) 밥, 삽, 앞, 접시, 컵
7) ㅤ방, 강아지, 공장, 방, 사랑


단어 연습








စကားလံုး/စာေၾကာင္းရဲ႕ အဆံုးသတ္ေနရာမွာ႐ွိရင္(or) ေနာက္မွာ 자음 လိုက္ရင္

အေရွ႕စာလံုး အသံထြက္ အေနာက္စာလံုး အသံထြက္

받침 발음 받침 발음

ㄳ [ㄱ] ㄺ [ㄱ]

ㄵ [ㄴ] ㄻ [ㅁ]

ㄶ [ㄴ] ㄿ [ㅂ]

ㅄ [ㅂ]

ㄼ [ㄹ]

ㄽ [ㄹ]

ㄾ [ㄹ]

ㅀ [ㄹ]

불규칙: 밟다/넓다

밟다 : ေနာက္မွာ 자음 လိုက္ရင္ [ㅂ]

 밟다 [밥따]

넓다 : ေနာက္မွာ 자음 လိုက္ရင္ အေပၚမွာပါတဲ့ အတိုင္း [ㄹ] အသံထြက္ကိုယူေပမယ့္ တခါတေလ “ derivative /

compound word” လိုမ်ိဳး စာလံုးေတြမွာဆိုရင္ [ㅂ] အသံထြက္ကိုယူ

 넓죽하다 [넙쭈카다],

넓둥글다 [넙뚱글다]

곁받침 ႐ွိတဲ့စာလံုးရဲ႕ ေနာက္မွာ 모음 လိုက္ရင္

အေ႐ွ႕က 받침 ကိုဒီတိုင္းထားၿပီး အေနာက္က 받침 ကို ေနာက္မွာပါတဲ့ 모음(ㅇ)ေနရာမွာ ထည့္ၿပီး အသံထြက္

불규칙: ㄶ, ㅀ

ㅎ ျဖဳတ္ၿပီး ေ႐ွ႕က 받침 အသံက ေနာက္မွာပါတဲ့ 모음(ㅇ) ေနရာမွာထည့္ၿပီး အသံထြက္  앓아 [아라], 끊어 [끄너]

연 습 : Read the following words.

1. 몫 [ ] , 몫이 [ ]

2. 앉다 [ ], 앉으십시오 [ ]

3. 않다 [ ], 많다 [ ], 많아요 [ ]

4. 흙 [ ], 읽다[ ], 읽으십시오 [ ]

5. 젊다 [ ], 삶다[ ], 젊어[ ], 삶아[ ]

6. 여덟 [ ], 넓다[ ], 넓어[ ], 밟다[ ],

밟아[ ]

7. 외곬 [ ], 외곬으로 [ ]

8. 핥다[ ], 핥아 [ ]

9. 읊다[ ], 읊어 [ ]

10. 잃다[ ], 잃어버리다 [ ]

11. 없다[ ], 없어지다[ ]


Sound Change (음소변동)

(1) 자음 받침 ေနာက္တငြ ္ 모음 (아,어,이,…) လိုက္လွ်င္ 자음받침 ေနရာတြင္ရွိေသာ 자음 သည္ 모음 ေနရာသို႕သြား၍
ေအာက္ပါအတိုင္း အသံထြက္ ေျပာင္းလဲပါသည္။

선생님은 [선생니믄]

회사원이 [회사워니]

학생들이 [학쌩드리]

사람입니다 [사람밈니다]

무엇입니까 [무어심니까]

(2) ㄱ 받침 ေနာက္တင
ြ ္ ㄴ,ㅁ လိုက္လွ်င္ ㄱ  [ㅇ]

핚국말 [핚궁말]

국물 [궁물]

국민 [궁민]

백년 [뱅년]

(3) ㅂ 받침 ေနာက္တင
ြ ္ ㄴ,ㅁ လိုက္လွ်င္ ㅂ  [ㅁ]

밥맛 [밤맛]

입만 [임만]

십년 [심년]

입니다 [임니다]

하십니까? [하심니까]

많습니다 [만씀니다]

(4) ㄷ,ㅌ ေနာက္တင

ြ ္ ㅇ လိုက္လွ်င္ ㄷ  [ㅈ], ㅌ  [ㅊ]

맏이 [마지]

해돋이 [해도지]

같이 [ㅤ치]

햇볕이 [핻뼈치]

(5) ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ 받침 ေနာက္တြင္ ㅎ လိုက္လွ်င္ ㄱ  [ㅋ], ㄷ  [ㅌ], ㅂ  [ㅍ]

시작하다 [시작카다]

책하다 [책카다]

축하 [축카]

연습하기 [연습파다]

좋다 [조타]

싫다 [실타]

(6) ㅎ받침 ေနာက္တင

ြ ္ ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅈ 자음 လိုက္လွ်င္ ㄱ  [ㅋ], ㄷ  [ㅌ], ㅈ  [ㅊ]

않고 [안코]

놓고 [노코]

좋다 [조타]

많다 [만타]

좋지 [조치]

많지 [만치]

(7) ㅅ 받침 ေနာက္တင
ြ ္ ㅎ လိုက္လွ်င္ ㅅ  [ㅌ]

따뜻하다 [따뜨타다]

깨끗하다 [깨끄타다]

(8) ㅎ 자음 သည္ 자음 ႏွင့္ႏွိုင္းယွဥ္လွ်င္ weak sound ျဖစ္ေသာေၾကာင့္ ㅎ အသံေပ်ာက္၍ အျခား 자음 အသံကိုထြက္သည္။

전화 [저놔]

통화 [통와]

번호 [버노]

넣어 [너어]

(9) ㄴ,ㄹ 자음 ေရွ႕တြင္ ㄹ 받침 ရွိလွ်င္ ㄹ ႏွင့္ ㄹ ေတြ႕လွ်င္ ထြက္သည့္ [လ] သံထြက္သည္။

일년 [일련]

실내 [실래]

빨래 [빨래]

빨리 [빨리]

(10) (ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅈ ) 받침 ေနာက္တြင္ (ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅈ )자음 လိုက္လွ်င္

ㄱ  [ㄲ] ㅂ  [ㅃ] ㅈ  [ㅉ]

ㄷ  [ㄸ] ㅅ  [ㅆ]

일곱시 [일곱씨] 밥도 [밥또] 학교 [학꾜]

몇시 [몇씨] 숙제 [숙쩨] 떡국 [떡꾹]

학생 [학쌩] 잡지 [잡찌] 늦ㅤ을 [늦까을]

하겠습니다 [하겓씀니다] 국밥 [국빱] 듣고 [듣꼬]

식당 [식땅] 십분 [십뿐] 입고 [입꼬]

(11) (ㄴ, ㅁ) 받침 ေနာက္တြင္ ㄱ자음 လိုက္လွ်င္ ㄱ  [ㄲ]

싞고 [싞꼬]

삼고 [삼꼬]

감고 [감꼬]

(12) ㄹ 받침 ေနာက္တင
ြ ္ (ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅈ) 자음 လိုက္လွ်င္

ㅂ  [ㅃ] ㅈ  [ㅉ] ㄷ  [ㄸ] ㅅ  [ㅆ]

갈증 [갈쯩] 발전 [발쩐]

갈등 [갈뜽] 일시 [일씨]

물질 [물찔] 절도 [절또]

발동 [발똥] 몰상식 [몰쌍식]

(13) ㅇ받침 ေနာက္တင

ြ ္ ㅇ 자음 လိုက္လွ်င္ [ng] [c] သံထြက္သည္။

영어 중안 방에 빵이



1. 이 분이 선생님 입니다.

2. 김영호 씨는 핚국 사람입니다.

3. 그것은 학교ㅤ 아닙니다.

4. 그 남자는 회사원이 아닙니다.

5. 책이 있습니다.

6. 친구ㅤ 있습니다.

7. 책상이 없습니다.

8. 라디오ㅤ 없습니다.

9. 학생이 옵니다.

10. 소녀ㅤ 옷습니다.

11. 꽃이 예쁩니다.

12. 자동차ㅤ 많습니다.

13. 동생이 책을 읽습니다.

14. 의사ㅤ 약을 줍니다.

15. ㅤ족이 일본에 있습니다.

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