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Women Rights

Women Rights
Women rights mean privileges and freedom equal to those of men. Women rights refer to the fundamental
rights in the political, economic, civil, social and cultural spheres.

Constitutional Provisions Regarding Fundamental Rights

Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides equal rights and the chapter on Principles of Policy
underlines the principle of equal rights and equal treatment to all citizens/ persons, without any distinction
including on the basis of sex.

Following articles of Constitutional of Islamic Republic of Pakistan broadly cover the women rights:

Article 3 calls upon the State to eliminate all forms of exploitation.

Article 4 provides for the right of individual to enjoy the protection of law and to be treated in accordance
with the law. This applies to the citizens as well as “to every other person for the time being within
Pakistan” without distinction. This article also clearly states that certain rights cannot be suspended.

Article 25 ensures equality before the law and equal protection of the law and states that there shall be
no discrimination on the basis of sex alone.

Articles 25(3) and 26(2) allow the state to make special provisions for the protection of women and

Article 26 & 27 provide for equal access to public places and equality of employment in the public and
private sector.

Articles 11 & 37 (g) prohibit trafficking in human beings as well as prostitution.

Article 32 makes special provisions for the representation of women in local Government.

Article 34 directs the state to take appropriate measures to enable women to participate in all spheres of
life and social activities.

Article 35 asks the state to protect the marriage, the family, the mother and the child.

Article 37 (e) directs the state to make provisions for securing just and humane conditions of work
ensuring that children and women are not employed in vocations unsuited to their age or sex, and for
ensuring maternity benefits for women in employment

Articles 51 & 106 provide for the reservation of seats for women in the legislatures.

Pakistan's International Commitments on Women Rights and

Gender Equality
Pakistan has accessed and ratified a number of conventions on women rights and gender equality; some
major International Commitments are as under:

Pakistan and the CEDAW

Pakistan acceded to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
(CEDAW) on 29th  February, 1996, being the 174th State-Party while declaring that accession by Government
of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the [said Convention] was subject to provisions of the Constitution of
the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and entering a reservation on Article 29(1), “The Government of Islamic
Republic of Pakistan declares that it does not consider itself bound by paragraph 1 of article 29 of the
Convention". Read More (/system/files/CEDAW.pdf)

Our Policy regarding Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Government of the Punjab discourages gender discrimination and exploitation of basic human rights. It
resolves to eliminate negative customary practices by increasing awareness of women about their
fundamental rights convergent with provision of support system for facilitating their access to law and
justice. Ensuring effective implementation of existing legal frameworks and introduction of legal reforms for
removing gender disparity are the fundamentals of the policy of Government of Punjab which is inclined to
synthesize its dedication on legal empowerment of women with international women rights, treaties and
commitments to come in confluence with other nations.

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