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1 Three wires of the same material and cross - section support a rigid bar which further supports a weight of 5 kN. The length of the wires is 5m,8m_ and 6m in order. The spacing between the wires is 2m and the weight acts at 1.6 m from the first wire. Determine the load carried by the 5 m wire. * t Py Pe Ps I; + ~<2m>|<2m> | | A | B teri 1.6m 5 kN © 172N © 2373N O 1256Nn © 2435N 2. Ahorizontal bar is supported by two suspended vertical wires 240 mm 1 point apart fixed to a rigid support. A load Wis attached to the ber. The left - hand side wire is of copper with a diameter of § mm and the right - hand side wires of steel 3 mm in diameter. The length of both wires is 4m initially. Neglect the weight of the bar and take ES = 210 GPa and EC = 120 GPa, Find the position of the weight on the bar relative to the copper wire 80 that both the wires extend by the same amount. * & ui a 2 EB 5 5 o 4am < 240 mm >| | A | B w O 147280 © 227mm O 73.62mm © 83.19mm 3. SITUATION. A square footing 2.4 m x 2.4 mx 0.45 m thick supports a 1 point rectangular column 0.35 mx 0.40 mat its center. Column loads are service conditions: DL = 680 kN and LL = 400 kN. For concrete, fe’ = 20.7 MPa and for steel, fy = 275 MPa. Concrete cover to the centroid of reinforcement = 100 mm, Calculate the maximum wide beam shear stress. * © 049 MPa © o57MPa © o7emea © o6sra 4, Calculate the maximum punching shear stress. * 1 point © 174MPa © 1.46 MPa © 153MPa © 1.29MPa 5, Determine the value of Ely at the midspen. * 1 point 1 point 7. SITUATION: A steel channel is used as a purlin of a truss. The top chord of | point the truss Is inclined at a siope of 1 vertical to 4 horizontal and the distance between the trusses is equal to 6m. The purlin has a weight of 79 Nim and is spaced at 1.2m on centers. The dead load including the roof materials is 720 Pa, the live load is known to be 1000 Pa andit is subjected to a wind load of 1440 Pa. The coefficient of pressure at leeward and windward ere 0.6 and 0.2 respectively. Properties of C200 x 76mm (Sx = 6.19x104 mm3, Sy = 138x104 mm3, W = 79 Nim, Allowable bending stress: Fbx = Fby = 207, MPa.) Assume all loads passes through the centroid. Determine the bending stress along the weaker axis for a load combination of 0.75(D +L + w).* O an. © 8.16048 O c.170.78 © 0.130.085 8. Determine the maximum bending stress for a load combination of point 0.75(D+L+W) * O 129.06 © 2.18115 O cr. © 0.25617 9. Determine the maximum ratio of the actual to the allowable bending 1 pcirt tion of 0.75(D + L + W).* 10. SITUATION: A reinforced concrete cantilever beam 4 mlong has a 1 point cross-sectional dimension of 400 mm by 750 mm. itis to carry a superimposed load of 29.05 kN/m including its own weight. The steel reinforcement has an effective depth of 685 mm. Use f'c = 21 MPa, fs = 165. MPa, and n = 9, Determine the location of the balanced NA from top. * © A283mm © 8 255mm O ©. 244mm O 0.222mm 11, Determine the balanced moment. * 1 point O A 28917 O 8.27839 O 6.25036 O 0.26744 12, Determine the number of 28mm bers * Oas Ox. Ocs Ora 1 pont 13, SITUATION. The slab has beam between all supports which are poured 1 poirt monolithically with slab. Use fy = 415 MPa and fc = 21 MPa. Assume Ec be the same for slab, beam and column. The floor live load is 4.25 kPa, flooring weight is 0.65 kPe in addition to the slab weight.Using NSCP Specifications, Direct Design Method, determine the thickness of the slab for the corner panel. * © 125mm O 90mm © 100 mm O 115mm 14, SITUATION. The slab has beam between all supports which are poured | point monolithically with slab. Use fy = 415 MPa and fic = 21 MPa. Assume Ec be the same for slab, beam and column, The floor live load Is 4.25 kPa, flooring weight Is 0.65 kPa in addition to the slab weigh.Using NSCP Specifications, Direct Design Method, determine the ratlo of flexural stiffness of beam section to flexural stiffness of a width of slab bounded laterally by center lines of adjacent panels on each side of the beam (CORNER PANEL). * © 625 © 2.03 O 9.39 © 10:77 15. SITUATION.The siab has beam between all supports which are poured 1 point monolithically with slab. Use fy = 415 MPa and fic = 21MPa. Assume Ec be the same for slab, beam and column. The floor live load is 4.25 kPa, flooring weight is 0.65 kPa in addition to the slab weight.Using NSCP Specifications, Direct Design Method, determine the exterior ultimate negative moment for the short span (edge beam). * B 5.85m © -4022 © -1102 © +1879 © 2924 16. Consider the frame shown below with different cross-section data for 1 point members | and 2. Determine the Euler's critical buckling load (kN) for member 1.* © 8290.7 © 1688.00 © #290 © 41452 lL, =5.0m l, = 1.0m E=210MPa > = 1.2x1075 /K A, = 5000 mm? 1, = 5x10° mm* 1, = 100x10° mm* Assume k = 1.0 17. Consider the frame shown below with different cross-section data for 1 point members 1 and 2. How much can member 1 be heated, or the change in ‘temperature (in Kelvin), until buckling in member 1 occurs? Assume member 2s a rigid member. * [as ak lL, =5.0m ly = 1.0m E=210MPa Q, = 1.2x107> /K A, = 5000 mm? 1, = 5x10° mm* I, = 100x10° mm* Assume k = 1.0 © 29 O 156.2 © ues6 © 175.2 18. Consider the frame shown below with different cross-section date for | pont members 1 and 2. How much can member 1 be heated, or the change in temperature (in Kelvin), until buckling in member 1 occurs? Assume member 2is a non-rigid member. * ly [eo @akw% b=5.0m l, = 1.0m E =210MPa @p = 1.2x1075 /K A; = 5000 mm? 1, = 5x10° mm* I, = 100x10° mm* Assume k = 1.0 O 29 © 156.2 © 12.56 O w2 19. SITUATION. The beam Is used to support a dead load of 10 kIN/m, alive 1 point load of 30 kN/m and a concentrated live load of 40 KN. Assume the support at Aisa pin and Bis a roller. Determine the maximum positive (upward) reaction at A. * 7 —3.2m- 3.2m 4 3.2m- 6 mz O 346kN © 340kN O 348kN © 326kN 20. Refer to the previous problem, determine the maximum positive 1 point moment at C. * O 140.8 kN-m © 268.8kN-m O 275.8 kN-m O 2368kNm ZI. Refer to the previous problem, determine the maximum positive shear 1 point just to the right of the support at A. * © 200kn © 198 kN © 192 kn © 210 kN 22. A diamond shape section having a total depth of “d” and width 1 point Determine the shape factor of the section. * or O25 O1s Ove 23, For the section shown, determine the plastic moment capacity if Fy= point 250 MPa.* + 300mm ——_+ ae 100mm, at 500mm 75mm © 1587 kN-m © 1758 km © 1875 km © 1725 kum 24, The propped beam is 10 m long and is required to carry @load of 200 1 point KN at midspan. if the yield stress steel is 250 MPa, determine the plastic moment capacity of the beam If a load factor against failure Is 1.2. * 25. SITUATION. A simply supported beam has a span of 12m. The beam is 1 point used is aW33x240 A-24? steel with Fy = 345MPa. Properties of W33x240 are shown below. Determine the maximum uniformly distributed load it can support if the compression flange is braced laterally. * Properties of W33x240 Wt. = 3.51 kN/m tw = 21.08 mm A= 45548 mm? Ix = 5660.75x10® mm4 d = 850.90 mm ly = 388.34x10° mm# bf= 402.97 mm Sx = 13322.68x10° mm? tf = 35.56 mm Sy = 1933.67x105 mm? © 168.56 kN/m O 149.71 km © 105.05 N/m © 6243 kn/m 26. Refer to the previous problem. Determine the maximum uniformly 1 point distributed load it can support if the compression flange has lateral support only at its ends. * © 168.56 kN/m © 149.71 km © 165.05 kN/m © 82.43 kN/m 27. Refer to the previous problem, Determine the maximum uniformly 1 point distributed load it can support if If the compression flange has lateral supports only at its ends and the mid span. * © 168.56 kN/m O 149.71 km © 165.05 kvm © 62.43 km 28. SITUATION. A W300x100 beam is connected to a W250x150 column using two angle plates. Each of the two angle sections are bolted to the flange of the column and welded to the web of the beam, as shown. Using E70 Electrode. Fuw = 483 MPa. Assuming the load is acting at the centroid of the weld group, if ultimate load Pt 8mm welds required, in mm. * 1 point 400 KN, evaluate the total length of P I | \ \ \ \ \ | The Art of Civil Engineering ) © x0 © 170 © 50 29. (continuation) If L1= 50 mm, L2 = 180, and Pu = 400 kN, determine the | pont ultimate shearing stress on the 8 mm weld, In MPa. * © 308 O26 O 126 © 288 30. (continuation) If L1= 50 mm, L2 = 180, and Pu= 440 kN, determine the | point required weld thickness, inmm. * Oe Oe Ow On 31. SITUATION. The 2L-200x150x12 with long legs back-to-back shown in 1 point the figure below is connected to the gusset plate. Determine the ultimate axial load capacity Pu (in kN) based on shearing on the 4-25 mm@ bolts with $0.75. * Bolt diameter, de = 25 mm Bolt hole diameter, dh = 27 mm S1=S2=60 mm Properties of 2L-200x150x12: A=8112 mm? Fy = 248 MPa Fu = 400 MPa x= 37mm Bolt shear capacity = 224 MPa Rupture on net area, @ = 0.75 Yielding on gross area, 6 = 0.90 Block shear, o = 0.75 Uns = 1.0 Ow O% © 22 © ws 32. (Continuation) Determine the ultimate axial load capacity PU(iN KN) 1 point based on rupture on net area. Neglect shear lag effect, U = 1.0. Also note that NSCP 510.4.1(2) limits the net area to a maximum of 0.85Ag. * © 229 © 1903 © 2758 © 2060 33. (Continuation) Determine the ultimate axial load capacity Pu (in kN) 1 point based on block shear. * O om O 197 O 273 © 1705 34, Which of the following is the correct orientation of steel purlins? * 1 point mo LL Oa Oe et 35. SITUATION.A W 250 x 58 A 36 steel columnis pin connected at the top 1 point and bottom with sideways being prevented. The load P is eccentric by 25 mm causing bending about the major axis. The column is 6 m high without any lateral bracing and subjected to lateral uniform load of 0.4 kNim causing bending about the minor axis if this load exists alone. Assume cm = 0.85 and that the section is compact. Use NSCP 2001. Determine the allowable axial stress. * Properties of W 25 x 58 A= 7420 mm? rx = 108 mm d= 252mm ry =50.4mm Sx = 693 x 10° mm? bf = 203mm Sy = 186 x 10° mm? 3.5mm Fy = 250 MPa tf=8mm © ce.25ma © 86.05 MPa O 71.94MPa © 9533 MPa 36. SITUATION.A W 250 x 58 A 36 steel column is pin connected at the top 1 point and bottom with sideways being prevented. The load P is eccentric by 25 mm causing bending about the major axis. The column is 6 m high without any lateral bracing and subjected to lateral uniform load of 0.4 kN/m causing bending about the minor axis if this load exists alone. Assume cm = 0.85 and that the section Is compact. Use NSCP 2001. Determine the safe axial load P.* Properties of W 25 x 58 A= 7420 mn? x = 108 mm d= 252mm ry =50.4mm Sx = 693 x 10° mm? bf = 203 mm Sy = 186 x 10° mm? tw=13.5mm Fy = 250 MPa tf= 8mm © 208kN O 412k © 208kNn © 539kn 37. Classify the structure * point CO Sitatically determinate CO Sitatically indeterminate, 1st degree indeterminacy CO Statically indeterminate, 2nd degree indeterminacy © Unstable 38. A 300mm x 500mm column is reinforced with 6-28mm bars, with point fc'=276 Mpa and fy=414 MPa. Use steel cover of 75mm.Rebars are distributed evenly along short direction, and eccentricity is measured parallel to long dimension. Determine the Pbal * © A1504.429 kN © 81670.37 kN © ©€1703.71 kN © 01592.89 kN 39. For the continuous beam shown in the figure, El is constant. Determine | point the Moment at B. * © 4425/31 km © 8-425/31 kN-m © 485/31 kN © 0-485/31 kN-m 40. SITUATION. A footing 2 m wide x 2 mlong and 0.45 m thick carries a1 point, square column 0.40 m x 0.40 m on its center. Effective depth of the footing = 0.35 m, fe = 28 MPa, fy = 415 MPa. Allowable stresses at ultimate loads: For two-way action shear = 1.76 MPa; For wide-beam shear = 0.88 MPa, Strength Reduction factor = 0.75. 41. Based on two-way action shear, what is the allowable axial load (kN) at ultimate condi jon? * © wis © 1220 © 2327 © 2053 41. (continuation) Based on wide-beam shear, find the allowable axial load 1 point (kN) at ultimate stresses? * © 2053 © 2927 © 278 © 1029 42. (continuation) The design moment at ultimate loads at the face of the point column is 300 kN-m. How many 20 mm o bars are required? * O« O7 Os Oo 43. SITUATION. A 40-kg plate is lifted by four cables connected at points A, point B, Cand D. Determine the tension at D. * 550mm, © 145.87 © 134.85n © 61.35N © e7en 44, (continuation) Determine the tension at C. * 1 point © 145.87 © 134.85n O «rasn © 8478N 4S. (continuation) Determine the tension at point A” 1 point © use © 1485n © «1.35N © #4.78N 46. SITUATION. Four cables are used to lift a precast concrete slab (at the 1 psirt corners) with dimensions 3m x 3m and 76 mm thick. The cables are attached toa hook above the center point of the slab. The height of the hook from the slab is 2m. The area of each cable Is 79 mm“2. Use 24 kNin*2 as unit weight of concrete. 46. What Is the tensile force (KN) in each of the cables? * © 282 © 598 © 2.02 © 1948 47. (continuation) Determine the normal stress (MPa) in each of the cables? 1 coirt © 195.95 © 75.70 O 3.70 O ws 48. (continuation) If the cables elongated by 1mm, whatis the vertical 1 point Zisplacement (mm) of the precast slab? * O17 O 07 O 146 O 280 49. The figure shows the upper haif of a built-up girder (the cross section is 1 point symmetric about the neutral axis). All rivets used in fabrication heve a ciameter of 22mm. The moment of inertia of the entire cross-sectional area of the girder about the neutral axis is | =4770 x10°6 mm4. The working stresses are 100 MPa for rivets in shear and 260 MPa for bearing of the ‘web plate. If the maximum shear force carried by the girder is 450 kN, determine the largest allowable spacing of rivets that join the angles to the ‘web plate * aber | tae 10mm: 510mm Web plate 10mm NA O 4166.1 mm O 82348mm O casemm © 011.6 mm 50. For the cantilever beam in the figure. Determine the major principal 1 point, stress located at point A just below the flange. * 40kN 1000 mm 200 mm hmm 20 mm: Tt 260 mm + 20 mm © 445.20 mes © 828.30mpa © 029.1 Mpa © D211 MPa 51. (continuation) For the cantilever beam in the figure. Determine the 1 point minor principal stress located at point A just below the flange. * © A-24MPe © 8467 MPa O c-52MPa © o-7aMPa 52, SITUATION. A flange bolt coupling consists of six 10 mm diameter steel | point bolts on a bolt circle of 300 mm in diameter and four 20 mm diameter stee! ‘ona concentric bolt circle 200 mm in diameter. Determine the stress in the inner bolts? [Hint: Refer other given to the next question] * © 20MPa © 40MPe © 50MPa O oomre 53. [continuation] What torque (kN-m) can be applied without exceeding a | point shearing stress of 60 MPa in the bolts * O 1390 OQ 178 © 927 © 761 54, SITUATION. A rigid bar is hinged at one end and is supported by two 1 point identical springs. The spring consists of 20 turns of 10 mm diameter wire ‘with a mean diameter of 150 mm. Use G= 80 GPa . What is the stress of the spring at B in MPa? * O77 O 2 O 2323 © 2545 ‘55. [continuation] What Is the stress of the spring at D in MPa? * 1 point O77 O 22 © 2328 © 25.45 56. Situation. 4 plan for a reinforced concrete bullding is shown in the oint figure. Given DL= 5.0 kPa (including the weight of the slab), and LL= 4.5, kPa. Which of the following gives the ultimate negative moment (kN-m) of the slab bounded by FGJK?* he 400mm b= 300 mnt O4te © 38 Osa © 522 57. [continuation] Determine the spacing of the 10 mm 0 bar for the point ultimate negative moment of the span FGJK. Use fe'=20.7 MPa and fy=275 MPa, * © 200 O 210 © 300 O 30 58. The boom AB lies in the verticel y-z plene andis supported by a ball- {pain and-socket joint at B and by the two cables at A. Calculate the tension in each cable resulting from the 20-kN force acting in the horizontal plane and applied at the midpoint M of the boom. Neglect the weight of the boom. Which of the following gives the tension at cable AC. * O 1230 © 82075kN O cseskn O 022.8kN 59. The boom AB lies in the vertical y-z plane and is supported byaball- 1 point and-socket joint at B and by the two cables at A. Calculate the tension in each cable resulting from the 20-KN force acting in the horizontal plane end applied at the midpoint M of the boom. Neglect the weight of the boom. Which of the following gives the tension at cable AD. * © Acokn © BSSKN O c42kn © 033kn 60. SITUATION. T beam section Is reinforced with 3-32 mm dia bars in ‘pent tension (bottom bars) and itis carrying 8 1OOkN-m moment. (Use Working Stress Design with n = 9). Data's listed below. Determine the location of the neutral axis from the bottom, * Width of flange = 600 mm Thickness of flange = 80 mm Width of web = 300 mm Effective depth = 500 mm © 147mm © 157mm © 167mm O 17mm 61. SITUATION. T beam section is reinforced with 3-32 mm dia bers in 1 point tension (bottom bars) and itis carrying a 100kN-m moment. (Use Working Stress Design with n = 9). Data is listed below. Determine the cracked moment of inertia of the section, in x10°6 mm". * Width of flange = 600 mm Thickness of flange = 80 mm Width of web = 300 mm Effective depth = 500 mm © 3773 © 2872 © 3273 © 2377 62, SITUATION. T beam section is reinforced with 3-32 mm dia bars in 1 point tension (bottom bars) and it is carrying a 100kN-m moment. (Use Working Stress Design with n = 9). Datais listed below. Find the total compressive force in the concrete * Width of flange = 600 mm Thickness of flange = 80 mm Width of web = 300 mm Effective depth = 500 mm © 100.5 © 120.95 © 320.59 © 22095 63, Determine the ultimate axial load capacity of a square tied column in 1 point kN, 500mm on each side, reinforced with 8-22mm diameter longitudinal bars. Use f'c=28 MPa. fy=415 MPa. * © sna © srizcz © suose O 73960 64. Determine the ultimate axial load capacity of a spiral column in kN, 1 point 500mm on diameter, reinforced with 10-22mm diameter longitudinal bars. Use clear cover = 40mm, with spiral reiforcement diameter = 10mm, spaced at 50 mm on center. Use f'c=28 MPa, fy=415 MPa, fyt=350 MPa. * © 209.51 © 3927.13 © 8226.17 © 6160.20 65. Determine the spiral reinforcement ratio of a spiral column, 500mm on 1 paint diameter, reinforced with 10-22mm diameter longitudinal bars. Use clear cover = 40mm, with spiral reiforcement diameter = 10mm, spaced at 40 115 MPa, fyt=350 MPe. * 66. In the overhanging beam shown, determine the value of the maximum 1 point, shear in Ibs. * 400 lb/ft 400 Ib 200 Ib/tt A /\ E = c B 2m 1 ft t 4ft 2ft O a © 400 O 72 © #20 67.In the overhanging beam shown, determine the value of the maximum 1 point negative moment in Ib-ft.* 400 lb/ft 400 1b 200 lb/ft A ec E B 2” iit t an 2it © 800 © -400 0-76 68. In the overhanging beam shown, determine the value of the maximum 1 point positive moment in Ib-ft. * 400 lb/ft 400 Ib 200 lb/ft © 800 © 400 O 16 Ow 69. In the beam shown, determine the shear 3m from the left end. * 1 point 10kN{m 70. If the shear force along a section of a beam is zero, the bending 1 point moment at that section Is * © Aeverage of mavimum-minimum © Brminimum O creo © bmaximum 71. In a loaded beam, the point of contraflexure occurs at a section where * 1 point © Ashearing force is maximum © Bbending moment is maximum © Coending moment is minimum © bending moments zero or changes sian 72. The maximum bending moment due to a moving load on a simply supported beam, occurs * © Aanywhere on the beam CO Batthe mid span © Catthe supports © Dunder the load 1 point 73. SITUATION (For No. 73 to 75). As shown in the figure below, @ bracket 1 pain supporting a crane run-awey is connected to a supporting column by 10 fastener using A-325 bolts. The maximum load that a fastener can sustai 5OKN. Allowable shearing stress of a fastener is 207 MPa. Determine the diameter of the fastener in mm. * 150 Note:All dimensions are in millimeters Oat Oe Ocw O ow 74, Determine the allowable load P in kN. * O aszoie © 227564 O c9422 © 0348.62 75. Determine the minimum shearing stress of a bolt in MPa. * © 728 © 87021 O cizise © 013002 1 point 1 point

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