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I /we, ________________S/o. _______, R/o ________and I ______________S/o.

,W/o, D/o______________, R/o ___________________, aged about ____ years
do hereby solemnly declare and affirm as under:

1. That I am the applicant/Co-applicant/allottee/Co-allottee of Space/Property

Bearing No. _____ project ___________(hereinafter referred to as the
“Said Property”) constructed by M/s. Supertech Limited, having its
Registered Office at 1114, 11th Floor, Hemkunt Chambers, 89, Nehru Place,
New Delhi-110019 also having its Corporate Office at Supertech Shopprix
Mall, 2nd Floor, C-134-B, Sector-61, Noida, U.P., India (hereinafter referred
to as the “Developer”) vide booking form dated ____ and have paid a sum
of Rs. _________ (Rupees ______) vide receipt as per the details
mentioned herein under”
a. Cheque No. _____ dated _____ drawn on _________ Amount


b. Cheque No. _____ dated _____ drawn on _________

Amount_____________. (hereinafter referred to as the “Deposit Amount”)

2. That due to some personal reasons, I do not want to continue the

booking of my said property with the Developer and therefore I want
to transfer the said property and deposited amount against it in the name
(s) of 1. Mr./Mrs/Ms , ________________S/o, W/o, D/o . _______, R/o
________, and Mr./Mrs/Ms , ________________S/o, W/o, D/o . _______,
R/o ________. (Hereinafter referred to as the “Purchaser (s)”.
3. That after the transfer of the said Property in favour of the Purchaser(s), I
shall have no claim, right, title, interest in the Said Property in any manner
whatsoever, and the right of the Purchaser(s) alone (in respect of the Said
Property) will survive.
4. That it is agreed between me and the Purchaser (s) that the Purchaser (s)
will abide by all the commitments made between me and the Developer,
and I hereby undertake that in the event of the Purchaser (s) not complying
with the same, the Developer shall be at liberty to take any steps which it
deems fit in the circumstances of the case, for recovery thereof from me.
5. That after the transfer of the said property in the name of the purchaser,
all previous and future liabilities due against me shall become due and
payable by the new purchaser (transferee).
6. That I undertake to execute transfer form jointly with purchaser
(transferee) and the developer . That I agree that the transfer shall become
effective after the issuance of the Allotment Letter by the Developer in
favour of transferee.
7. That I agree to surrender all relevant original documents including but not
limited to booking form dated ____, receipts for the payments made,
allotment letter, if, issued, etc. regarding the Said Property with the
Developer failing which the Developer is at liberty to refuse the transfer.
8. That on the Developer acceding to my request and accordingly transferring
the Said Property in the name of the Purchaser(s), I hereby indemnify the
Developer for any loss(s) and damage(s) or consequences that may arise as
a result of the above transfer in favour of the Purchaser (s) and I hereby
undertake that I will make good any loos or damages suffered by the
Developer arising therefrom.



Verified at ____, on this the _____ day of ______, that I am swearing the
present affidavit with my own free will without any undue influence, coercion
or force in any manner whatsoever and that the contents of all the paragraphs
of my above affidavit are true and correct and nothing material has been
concealed therefrom and no part of it is false.


Consent by co-applicant for transfer the ownership of property bearing flat no

_________project ____________situated at_________

I_________________S/o________________ R/o____________ hereby give my

unconditional consent for changing the ownership and transfer the said property
in the name of Mr./Mrs.__________ S/o/W/o________ R/o____________ and
Mr./Mrs._______ _ S/o/W/o _________R/o________


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