Sales, Brand Image & Service Effectiveness With Reference To Reebok

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2013- 2014


This is to certify that MR. DEEP SINGH has satisfactorily completed the

Project work on “A Study of Sales, Brand Image and Service Effectiveness with

reference to Reebok Shoes” under my guidance for the partial fulfillment of MBA

(Semester-IV) submitted to Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa during the

academic year 2013-2014.

To best of my knowledge and belief the matter presented by her is original

work and not copied from any source. Also this report has not been submitted

earlier for the award of any Degree of Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa.


Date: / / 2014 (Project Guide)



I undersigned, hereby declare that this project report entitled “A Study of

Sales, Brand Image and Service Effectiveness with reference to Reebok Shoes”

prescribed by AWADHESH PRATAP SINGH UNIVERSITY, REWA during the academic

year 2013-2014 under the guidance of PROF. NEERAJ SAXENA is my original work.

The matter presented in this report has not been copied from any source. I

understand that any such copying is liable to be punishable in any way the

university authorities deem to be fit. Also this report has not been submitted

earlier for the award of any Degree or Diploma of Awadhesh Pratap Singh

University, Rewa or any other University.

This work humbly submitted to Awadhesh Pratap Singh University for the

partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (Sem-IV).


DATE: / / 2014



Whenever we are standing on most difficult step of the dream of our life,
we often remind about The Great God for His blessings & kind help and he
always helps us in tracking off the problems by some means in our lifetime. I feel
great pleasure to present this project entitled “A Study of Sales, Brand Image and
Service Effectiveness with reference to Reebok Shoes”.
I am grateful to those people who help me a lot in preparation of this
project report. It is their support and blessings, which has brought me to write
this project report. I have a deep sense of gratitude in my heart for them.
I would give sincere thanks to Mr. K.P.Tripathi, Asst. Professor, VIMR Satna for
his valuable guidance.
I am very thankful to my project guide Prof. Neeraj Saxena for his whole-
hearted support and affectionate encouragement without which my successful
project would not have been possible.
Finally, I am very grateful to Mighty God and inspiring parents whose
loving & caring support contributed a major share in completion of my task.

Mr. Deep Singh


S.N. Contents Page No.

1 Introduction of Project 6-14

2 Company Profile 15-22

3 Objectives 23-24

4 Review of Literature 25-29

5 Research Methodology 30-33

6 Data Analysis & Interpretation 34-41

7 Findings & Suggestions 42-44

8 Limitations 45-46

9 Conclusion 47-48

10 Bibliography 49-50

11 51-54




What is brand?

Brands are different from products in a way that brands are “what the consumers buy”, while
products are “what concern/companies make”. Brand is an accumulation of emotional and
functional associations. Brand is a promise that the product will perform as per customer’s
expectations. It shapes customer’s expectations about the product. Brands usually have a
trademark which protects them from use by others. A brand gives particular information
about the organization, good or service, differentiating it from others in marketplace. Brand
carries an assurance about the characteristics that make the product or service unique. A
strong brand is a means of making people aware of what the company represents and what
are it’s offerings.

To a consumer, brand means and signifies:

 Source of product
 Delegating responsibility to the manufacturer of product
 Lower risk
 Less search cost
 Quality symbol
 Deal or pact with the product manufacturer

 Symbolic device
Brands simplify consumers purchase decision. Over a period of time, consumers discover the
brands which satisfy their need. If the consumers recognize a particular brand and have
knowledge about it, they make quick purchase decision and save lot of time. Also, they save
search costs for product. Consumers remain committed and loyal to a brand as long as they
believe and have an implicit understanding that the brand will continue meeting their expec-
tations and perform in the desired manner consistently. As long as the consumers get benefits
and satisfaction from consumption of the product, they will more likely continue to buy that
brand. Brands also play a crucial role in signifying certain product features to consumers.

To a seller, brand means and signifies:

 Basis of competitive advantage

 Way of bestowing products with unique associations
 Way of identification to easy handling
 Way of legal protection of products’ unique traits/features
 Sign of quality to satisfied customer
 Means of financial returns

A brand, in short, can be defined as a seller’s promise to provide consistently a unique set of
characteristics, advantages, and services to the buyers/consumers. It is a name, term, sign,
symbol or a combination of all these planned to differentiate the goods/services of one seller
or group of sellers from those of competitors. Some examples of well known brands are
Mc Donald’s’, Mercedes-Benz, Sony, Coca Cola, Kingfisher, etc.

A brand connects the four crucial elements of an enterprise- customers, employees, manage-
ment and shareholders. Brand is nothing but an assortment of memories in customers mind.
Brand represents values, ideas and even personality. It is a set of functional, emotional and
rational associations and benefits which have occupied target market’s mind. Associations
are nothing but the images and symbols associated with the brand or brand benefits, such as,
The Nike Swoosh, The Nokia sound, etc. Benefits are the basis for purchase decision.

Brand Name
Brand name is one of the brand elements which helps the customers to identify and
differentiate one product from another. It should be chosen very carefully as it captures the
key theme of a product in an efficient and economical manner. It can easily be noticed and its
meaning can be stored and triggered in the memory instantly. Choice of a brand name
requires a lot of research. Brand names are not necessarily associated with the product. For
instance, brand names can be based on places (Air India, British Airways), animals or birds
(Dove soap, Puma), people (Louise Phillips, Allen Solly). In some instances, the company
name is used for all products (General Electric, LG).

Features of a Good Brand Name

A good brand name should have following characteristics:

1. It should be unique / distinctive (for instance- Kodak, Mustang)

2. It should be extendable.
3. It should be easy to pronounce, identified and memorized. (For instance-Tide)
4. It should give an idea about product’s qualities and benefits (For instance- Swift,
Quickfix, Lipguard).
5. It should be easily convertible into foreign languages.
6. It should be capable of legal protection and registration.
7. It should suggest product/service category (For instance Newsweek).
8. It should indicate concrete qualities (For instance Firebird).
9. It should not portray bad/wrong meanings in other categories. (For instance NOVA is
a poor name for a car to be sold in Spanish country, because in Spanish it means
“doesn’t go”).
Process of Selecting a renowned and successful Brand Name

1. Define the objectives of branding in terms of six criterions - descriptive, suggestive,

compound, classical, arbitrary and fanciful. It Is essential to recognize the role of
brand within the corporate branding strategy and the relation of brand to other brand
and products. It is also essential to understand the role of brand within entire market-
ing program as well as a detailed description of niche market must be considered.
2. Generation of multiple names - Any potential source of names can be used; organiza-
tion, management and employees, current or potential customers, agencies and pro-
fessional consultants.
3. Screening of names on the basis of branding objectives and marketing considerations
so as to have a more synchronized list - The brand names must not have connotations,
should be easily pronounceable, should meet the legal requirements etc.
4. Gathering more extensive details on each of the finalized names - There should be ex-
tensive international legal search done. These searches are at times done on a sequen-
tial basis because of the expense involved.

5. Conducting consumer research - Consumer research is often conducted so as to con-
firm management expectations as to the remembrance and meaningfulness of the
brand names. The features of the product, its price and promotion may be shown to
the consumers so that they understand the purpose of the brand name and the manner
in which it will be used. Consumers can be shown actual 3-D packages as well as ani-
mated advertising or boards. Several samples of consumers must be surveyed depend-
ing on the niche market involved.
6. On the basis of the above steps, management can finalize the brand name that maxi-
mizes the organization’s branding and marketing objectives and then formally register
the brand name.

Brand Image

Brand image is the current view of the customers about a brand. It can be defined as a
unique bundle of associations within the minds of target customers. It signifies what the
brand presently stands for. It is a set of beliefs held about a specific brand. In short, it is
nothing but the consumers’ perception about the product. It is the manner in which a specific
brand is positioned in the market. Brand image conveys emotional value and not just a men-
tal image. Brand image is nothing but an organization’s character. It is an accumulation of
contact and observation by people external to an organization. It should highlight an organi-
zation’s mission and vision to all. The main elements of positive brand image are- unique
logo reflecting organization’s image, slogan describing organization’s business in brief and
brand identifier supporting the key values.

Brand image is the overall impression in consumers’ mind that is formed from all sources.
Consumers develop various associations with the brand. Based on these associations, they
form brand image. An image is formed about the brand on the basis of subjective perceptions
of associations bundle that the consumers have about the brand. Volvo is associated with
safety. Toyota is associated with reliability.

The idea behind brand image is that the consumer is not purchasing just the product/service
but also the image associated with that product/service. Brand images should be positive,

unique and instant. Brand images can be strengthened using brand communications like ad-
vertising, packaging, word of mouth publicity, other promotional tools, etc.

Brand image develops and conveys the product’s character in a unique manner different from
its competitor’s image. The brand image consists of various associations in consumers’ mind
- attributes, benefits and attributes. Brand attributes are the functional and mental connections
with the brand that the customers have. They can be specific or conceptual. Benefits are the
rationale for the purchase decision. There are three types of benefits: Functional benefits -
what do you do better (than others ),emotional benefits - how do you make me feel better
(than others), and rational benefits/support - why do I believe you(more than others). Brand
attributes are consumers overall assessment of a brand.

Brand image has not to be created, but is automatically formed. The brand image includes
products' appeal, ease of use, functionality, fame, and overall value. Brand image is actually
brand content. When the consumers purchase the product, they are also purchasing it’s im-
age. Brand image is the objective and mental feedback of the consumers when they purchase
a product. Positive brand image is exceeding the customers expectations. Positive brand im-
age enhances the goodwill and brand value of an organization.

To sum up, “Brand image” is the customer’s net extract from the brand.

Brand Attributes

Brand Attributes portray a company’s brand characteristics. They signify the basic nature of
brand. Brand attributes are a bundle of features that highlight the physical and personality as-
pects of the brand. Attributes are developed through images, actions, or presumptions. Brand
attributes help in creating brand identity.

A strong brand must have following attributes:

1. Relevancy- A strong brand must be relevant. It must meet people’s expectations and
should perform the way they want it to. A good job must be done to persuade con-
sumers to buy the product; else inspite of your product being unique, people will not

buy it.

2. Consistency- A consistent brand signifies what the brand stands for and builds cus-
tomers trust in brand. A consistent brand is where the company communicates mes-
sage in a way that does not deviate from the core brand proposition.
3. Proper positioning- A strong brand should be positioned so that it makes a place in
target audience mind and they prefer it over other brands.
4. Sustainable- A strong brand makes a business competitive. A sustainable brand
drives an organization towards innovation and success. Example of sustainable brand
is Marks and Spencer’s.
5. Credibility- A strong brand should do what it promises. The way you communicate
your brand to the audience/ customers should be realistic. It should not fail to deliver
what it promises. Do not exaggerate as customers want to believe in the promises you
make to them.
6. Inspirational- A strong brand should transcend/ inspire the category it is famous for.
For example- Nike transcendent Jersey Polo Shirt.
7. Uniqueness- A strong brand should be different and unique. It should set you apart
from other competitors in market.
8. Appealing- A strong brand should be attractive. Customers should be attracted by the
promise you make and by the value you deliver.

Brand Positioning

Brand positioning refers to “target consumer’s” reason to buy your brand in preference
to others. It is ensures that all brand activity has a common aim; is guided, directed and de-
livered by the brand’s benefits/reasons to buy; and it focusses at all points of contact with the

Brand positioning must make sure that:

 Is it unique/distinctive vs. competitors ?

 Is it significant and encouraging to the niche market ?

 Is it appropriate to all major geographic markets and businesses ?
 Is the proposition validated with unique, appropriate and original products ?
 Is it sustainable - can it be delivered constantly across all points of contact with the
consumer ?
 Is it helpful for organization to achieve its financial goals ?

 Is it able to support and boost up the organization ?

In order to create a distinctive place in the market, a niche market has to be carefully chosen
and a differential advantage must be created in their mind. Brand positioning is a medium
through which an organization can portray it’s customers what it wants to achieve for them
and what it wants to mean to them. Brand positioning forms customer’s views and opinions.

Brand Positioning can be defined as an activity of creating a brand offer in such a manner
that it occupies a distinctive place and value in the target customer’s mind. For instance-Ko-
tak Mahindra positions itself in the customer’s mind as one entity- “Kotak ”- which can pro-
vide customized and one-stop solution for all their financial services needs. It has an unaided
top of mind recall. It intends to stay with the proposition of “Think Investments, Think Ko-
tak”. The positioning you choose for your brand will be influenced by the competitive stance
you want to adopt.

Brand Positioning involves identifying and determining points of similarity and difference to
ascertain the right brand identity and to create a proper brand image. Brand Positioning is the
key of marketing strategy. A strong brand positioning directs marketing strategy by explain-
ing the brand details, the uniqueness of brand and it’s similarity with the competitive brands,
as well as the reasons for buying and using that specific brand. Positioning is the base for de-
veloping and increasing the required knowledge and perceptions of the customers. It is the
single feature that sets your service apart from your competitors. For instance- Kingfisher
stands for youth and excitement. It represents brand in full flight.

There are various positioning errors, such as-

1. Under positioning- This is a scenario in which the customer’s have a blurred and un-
clear idea of the brand.

2. Over positioning- This is a scenario in which the customers have too limited a
awareness of the brand.
3. Confused positioning- This is a scenario in which the customers have a confused
opinion of the brand.
4. Double Positioning- This is a scenario in which customers do not accept the claims
of a brand.




Reebok is an American-inspired, global brand that creates and markets sports and
lifestyle products.
The brand is committed to designing products and marketing programs that reflect
creativity and the desire to constantly challenge the status quo.
Reebok was founded by Joseph. William Foster in the 1895.
Reebok originated from Bolton, England.
J.W. Foster made the first running shoes with spikes. It was a black shoe in chrome
J.W. Foster died at the age of 52 in the year 1933.
‘J.W. Foster and Sons’ got its name ‘Reebok’ in 1958.
‘Reebok’ means African Gazelle.
It became an American company in 70’s.
Reebok launches the first women’s athletic shoe, the “Freestyle”, in 1982, meant for
new fitness exercise called aerobics dance.
In 1986 Reebok acquires ‘Rockport’ and the apparel division for Reebok has also
started in this year.
1986 was the beginning of step training; Reebok launched Step Reebok nationally in
1989 after conducting scientific and biomechanical research.
Reebok came into India in the year 1995.
In the year1996 Basket ball player “Allen Iverson” endorsed with Reebok.
In December 2001-2, Reebok and the National Football League signed a 10 year con-
tract allowing Reebok to manufacture market and sell NFL licenced merchandise.
Year 2005 Paul Fireman announced his move to sell Reebok to adidas.


In 1995, Reebok started operations in India, exactly 100 years after Foster handmade the first
Reebok shoe, through Reebok India company.

1. Reebok has an extensive distribution network, reaches out to its target customer
through over 105 exclusive Reebok stores, 100 shop in shop outlets and 2500 dealer
2. Currently Reebok is a market leader in its segment with a total of 47% market share,
with footwear contributing 55% and apparel contributing 45% share in turnover.
3. Reebok mission is to inspire people to achieve their personal fitness goals by provid-
ing global expertise in design, styling and knowhow.


The name of the showroom with sports footwears having new technology, apparels and
various accessories of men, women and kids is Reebok Planet. The showroom design of an
environment through visual communications, lightings, colours, music and scent to stimulate
customers’ perceptual and emotional responses and ultimately to affect their purchase
behavior .

1) Lighting –

a) *Highlight merchandise.
b) *structure space and capture a mood.
c) *energy efficient lighting
d) *downplay features

2) Colour-

a) *warm colours and active responses

b) *cool colours have a peaceful,gentle effect
c) *culturally bonded

3) Music-control the pace of store traffic,create an image & attract or direct consumer

Employees are engaged in this showroom where there is 1 General Manager, 1 Sales
Manager, 1 Accountant, 2 for marketing are present. All staff is well behaved, helpful and


i. EasyTone activates key leg muscles and tones them with every step. Balance pods
are built-in under the heel and forefoot of the shoes. The balance pods are designed to
create natural instability with every step, to force your muscles to adapt and encour-
age toning. EasyTone activates key leg muscles more than a traditional walking shoe.

(Based on tests comparing it to a typical foam based walking shoe, the Reebok Hex
ii. KineticFit provides a fit system that accommodates the changes in size and shape of
an athlete’s foot as it moves. From impact through toe-off, the foot can change up to
half of a shoe size. KineticFit construction makes use of a series of engineered stretch
panels positioned in key areas of the shoe. These panels allow the shoe to respond and
move naturally with the foot.

iii. HexRide, a cushioning technology, was created to provide the athlete with a cush-
ioned, lightweight ride. The midsole of a HexRide shoe is cored out into a pattern of
hexagonal recesses. The air inside the hexagonal shapes is sealed in with an impact
resistant polymer film to create a lightweight yet very cushioned ride.

iv. SmoothFit is an upper technology that provides the ultimate in comfortable fit. The
construction of SmoothFit is designed from the inside out. All seams are either elim-
inated or sealed both inside and outside the upper. The goal is to create a fit with min-
imal potential irritation inside a light, flexible, streamlined aesthetic upper. 

v. XStatic is a heat-regulating thermodynamic silver meets an EPA-registered antimi-

crobial. Together they create an anti-odor, anti-sweat and anti-cold fabric so power-
ful, it's performance stays true over time. XStatic silver embedded fibers react to the
body's temperature, keeping you cool when it's hot and warm when it's cold. Add a
powerful antimicrobial to repel odor, into Reebok's signature SmoothFit Premier
Running tech tops and suddenly, anything else is just plain old clothing.

vi. DMX Foam is a proprietary foam formulation that delivers a cushioned ride in a
longer lasting, more lively feeling system. DMX Foam is typically more consistent
and longer lasting than standard midsole formulations.

vii. Hexalite is a lightweight, honeycomb-shaped cushioning material that provides en-
hanced shock absorption in areas of peak pressure. The Hexalite technology is 4 times
more durable than EVA foam and absorbs up to 23% more energy than the equivalent
amount of EVA Foam. Tough urethane film combined with the structural integrity of
the honeycomb linkage make it one of the most durable cushioning systems used in

viii. 3D Ultralite is a proprietary foam material engineered to be lightweight, with extra

durability and responsiveness. As a result, shoes made with 3D Ultralite are 10-20%
lighter than shoes made with conventional construction. The proprietary blend of ma-
terials in 3D Ultralite includes EVA, rubber and other compounds. The mix of these
materials can be varied to meet the specific needs of different activities. The process
of creating 3D Ultralite is based on injection-molding, which creates more uniform,
more consistent sole units.

ix. Playshield is an “outer layer” that acts as the final shield against the elements.
Breathable linings, friction reducing fabrics, strategic venting and ergonomic con-
struction integrate to maximize the athletic performance in the most inclement

x. PlayDry is a moisture management system that helps keep you cooler, dryer and
more comfortable. This “base layer” moves moisture, accelerates evaporation, in-
creases ventilation and reduces abrasion without trapping the body’s thermal energy.
PlayDry is available in a variety of apparel and footwear offerings.

xi. PlayWarm is a “cover layer” that creates “dead air” space to slow the body’s thermal
energy loss, while assisting in the dispersion of moisture initiated by the PlayDry
base layer.


Reebok is known for its product. As Reebok’s products fall under specialty goods, it
is important to know about specialty goods.

Specialty goods are goods with unique characteristics or brand identification for
which a sufficient number of buyers is willing to make a special purchasing effort. Examples
include cars, stereo components, photographic equipment, and men’s suits.
A Mercedes is a specialty good because interested buyers will travel far to buy one.
Specialty goods do not involve making comparisons; buyers invest time only to reach dealers
carrying the wanted products. Dealers do not need convenient locations; however, they must
let prospective buyers know their locations.

The product line of a Reebok retail outlet generally consists of sports accessories. The
product line is divided into four sections:
1) Shoes
2) Apparels
3) Sports equipment
4) Exercising / health products

1) Shoes
Reeboks specialty is their shoes. They vary from shoes for every day use to
professional footwear. The outlet has around 4000 different types of shoes. The outlet

also sells floaters and sandals which have gained a tremendous amount of popularity
among the youth.

2) Apparels
These include T-Shirts & shirts, track suits, shorts, socks & caps which a quiet
popular among teenagers, sportsmen and professionals.

3) Sports Equipment
Sport equipment includes like Cricket bats & balls, Tennis balls and gymnastic

4) Exercising / Health Products

It also sells exercising / health products like dumbles & weights, skipping ropes etc.

Recently Reebok has launched its Iverson Collection which consists of Tees, Singlets and 13
play off Basket Ball shoes.


Buyers respond differently to different products. Hence every company tries to

develop distinctive images for their brand. Apart from Reebok many other sport companies
like Nike, have succeeded in convincing millions of young consumers that a shoe is not
simply a shoe, it is an attitude.

Identity and image needs to be distinguished. Identity comprises the ways that a
company aims to identify or position itself or its product. Image is the way the public
perceives the company or its products. Image is affected by many factors beyond the
company’s control. The fact that image can have a life of its own is exemplified by Nike’s
problems in maintaining its appeal to the fickle youth market.

Now the market is following perfect competition. There are numerous buyers and
sellers with no single firm able to influence market prices. It is assumed that products are
identical in every respect and that the firm accepts the price set by the market. Hence, the
company likes to differentiate its product by using latest designs with comfort.

The Reebok symbol represents Vector – an animal similar to the Cheetah which runs
very fast.




1) To find out the awareness regarding Reebok shoes.

2) To find out the most important source through which customers came to know about
Reebok shoes.

3) To find out the factors influencing the purchase of Reebok shoes.

4) To find out the factors influencing the purchase of branded shoes.




Review of Literature:


Brand means a specific product, service, or business identity. ‘Brand love’, or love of a
brand, is an emerging term encompassing the perceived value of the brand image (Keller,
2003). A name, term, sign, symbol, design, a good or service which are identifying the sellers
to distinguish them from their competitors. Watkins (2006), Aaker (1991), Doyle (1994) and
Kotler et al. (1996) adopt this definition. In order to achieve goals of product and brand
management, it is important to build a strong brand. Strong brands will result in higher profit
stream, either in long term or short term (Aaker, 1991). Pearson (2005) explains a brand
is constructed by features, customer benefits and values. A brand is invented when the

marketing is adding value to a certain product within the process to distinguish the similar
features and benefits from the other products.

Brand Image

Brand image is defined by Keller (2003) as a strong, favorable with unique brand association
in recognition, which will result in positive attitude, perceived quality and positive affect in
overall. He also states that brand image has been widely accepted in literature that is the
perception existing in the memory of the customer. When a customer or consumer can
recognize a product brand, it means that they had combined the symbolic value and the
willing to own the product as well. Keller also states the high level of brand awareness and
positive brand image will increase brand choice probability of consumer, lead to increasing
consumer loyalty and lower the damaging of market action.

According to Hsieh, Pan, and Setiono (2004), "a successful brand image enables consumers
to identify the needs that the brand satisfies and to differentiate the brand from its
competitors, and consequently increases the likelihood that consumers will purchase the
brand" (p. 252). A company or its product/ services which constantly holds a favorable image
by the public, would definitely gain a better position in the market, sustainable competitive
advantage, and increase market share or performance (Park, Jaworski, & MacInnis, 1986). In
addition, several empirical findings have confirmed that a favorable image (i.e. brand,
store/retail) will lead to loyalty (e.g. Koo, 2003; Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2000; Nguyen
& LeBlanc, 1998), brand equity (Faircloth, Capella, & Alford, 2001; Biel, 1992; Aaker,
1991; Keller, 1993), purchase behavior (Hsieh et al., 2004) and brand performance (Roth,

Reynolds (1965) noted that "an image is the mental construct developed by the consumer on
the basis of a few selected impressions among the flood of the total impressions; it comes
into being through a creative process in which these selected impressions are elaborated,
embellished, and ordered" (p. 69). Kotler (2001) defined image as "the set of beliefs, ideas,
and impression that a person holds regarding an object" (p. 273). On the other hand, Keller
(1993) considered brand image as "a set of perceptions about a brand as reflected by brand
associations in consumer's memory" (p. 3). A similar definition to Keller's was proposed by
Aaker (1991), whereby brand image is referred to as "a set of associations, usually organized
in some meaningful way" (p. 109). Biel (1992) however defined brand image as "a cluster of
attributes and associations that consumers connect to the brand name" (p. 8).

Brand image has been conceptualized and operationalized in several ways (Reynolds &
Gutman, 1984; Faircloth et al., 2001). It has been measured based on attributes (i.e. Koo,
2003; Kandampully & Suhartanto, 2000); brand benefits/ values (i.e. Hsieh et al., 2004;
Roth, 1995; Bhat & Reddy, 1998); or using Malhotra's (1981) brand image scale (i.e.
Faircloth et al., 2001). Measuring image based on the above definition would help marketers
to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their brand as well as consumers' perceptions
toward their product or services.

Zooming into Keller's (1993) conceptualization of brand image, it is considered a perception

about a brand as reflected by the brand associations held in consumers' memory. He
suggested that "brand associations" comprise of brand attributes, brand benefits, and overall
brand attitudes.

To Keller (1993), attributes are "descriptive features that characterized a product or service –
what a consumer thought the product or service is or has and what is involved with its
purchase or consumption". Attributes can be classified into product-related attributes and non
product-related attributes (i.e. price, packaging or product appearance information, user and
usage imagery). Product-related attributes refer to the ingredients necessary for performing
the product or service function sought by consumers while non product-related attributes
refer to the external aspects of the product or services that relate to its purchase or
consumption. As for benefits, these are considered "the personal value consumers attach to
the product or service attributes – that is, what consumers think the product or service can do
for them" (p. 4).

Keller (1993) described that this image benefits can be classified into functional, experiential
and symbolic benefits, which was originally derived from the work of Park et al. (1986).
Here, the functional benefits are related to the intrinsic advantages of product or services
consumption and usually correspond to the product related attrib utes. For example,
experiential benefits refer to "what it felt like to use the product or services and usually
correspond to the product related attributes", while symbolic benefits were associated with
the underlying needs for social approval or personal expression and outer-directed self-
esteem and basically corresponded to non-product related attributes.

For brand attitude, Keller (1993) referred to Wilkie's (1986) definition of brand attitudes
which was "consumers' overall evaluations of a brand" (p. 4). Overall, image can generate
value in terms of helping customer to process information, differentiating the brand,
generating reasons to buy, give positive feelings, and providing a basis for extensions (Aaker,
1991). Creating and maintaining image of the brand is an important part of a firm's marketing
program (Roth, 1995) and branding strategy (Keller, 1993; Aaker, 1991). Therefore, it is very
important to understand the development of image formation and its consequences such as
satisfaction and loyalty.

Brand Satisfaction and Brand Trust

Based on the commitment-trust theory, in order to maintain a long term relationship, trust is a
significant variable in the development of an enduring desire such as brand (Hunt and
Morgan, 2004). Trust and satisfaction are different roles in the forecasting the future
intentions for high and low relational consumers (Johnson and Garbarino 2007). They also
found satisfaction to be keying for occasional customers, while trust was more important for
consistent customers. Doney and Cannon, (1997) suggest that trust is the dominant
antecedent of repurchase intentions. Then, Ranaweera and Prabhu (2003) found both trust
and satisfaction to have strong positive effects on customer retention. Finally, Delgado-
Ballester et al. (2003) suggest that satisfaction affects loyalty both directly, as well as
through trust.

Oliver (1997) defined satisfaction as "the consumer's fulfillment response. It is a judgment

that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provided (or is providing) a
pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment, including levels of under- or over-
fulfillment" (p. 13).


Research Methodology:

This project is prepared with the help of theoretical knowledge as well as practical
knowledge & a crumb of advises & suggestions from the concerned professors. As far as
practical is concerned, all the information about the companies information available on
internet. The theoretical pert taken from the various books & magazines available on this
subject. And other recent happing in marketing is taken from magazines & news paper.
Overall this mission has been completed with the combination of all those things & it had
been with the best of my facts & information.

Research methodology refers to search for knowledge. Redman and Mory define research as
a “Systematized effort to gain new knowledge. Research is an academic activity and such the
term should be used in technical sense. According to Clifford Woody, Research comprises
defining and redefining problem, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting,
organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and research conclusions; and at last
carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

Research is thus an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its
advertisement. It is pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and
experiment. In short the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of
finding solution to problem is research.


Methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem. Research methodology
just does not deals with research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods. It
may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically and
systematically. In studying research problem along with the logic behind them it is necessary
for the researcher to know the research methods, would apply to the problem given to him.
All this means that it is necessary for the researcher to design methodology from problem to

Research methodology may be summarized in the following steps –

1. Defining the research objective.

2. Preparing the research design.
3. Implementation of the research design.

1. Research design

A complete enumeration of the items in the population is known as census enquiry. It can be
presumed that in such as enquiry when all items are covered, no elements of change are left
and highest accuracy is obtained. However this type of inquiry involves a great deal of time,
money and energy.

In sample survey we select only few items from the total population. Results are sufficiency
accurate and much lesser time; energy and money is spending in field studies. Hence, it was
decided to opt for sample survey.

2. Data collection

There are two types of data collection

Primary data collection –

Questionnaire had been prepared to get the response of the people as per guided by the
organizational guide. To provide the best end results without any kind of biasness, which can
give a brief idea about sampling and would be beneficial for making inferences for
tabulations and calculations with research instruments? I made a survey through
questionnaire as prepared by me.

Secondary data collection –

Secondary data collected by authorized dealer, magazine, internet, pamphlets, etc.

Sampling plan

Sampling plan consists of sampling unit, sampling size and sampling procedure therefore it is
necessary to find out sampling plan if population is 100.

Sample Plan Consists of:

Sample Plan

 Sampling Design : Simple Random Design

 Sample Size : 100
 Sample Location : Satna
 Descriptive Research design.


Data is collected by the help of questionnaire. It was collected in all the hours of the day.
And for the analysis the data “PERCENTAGE METHOD” has been used.



1. Age

Age No . of respondent
>19 year 15
20-29 year 70
30-39 year 10
40 year < 5


From the above chart it is clear that the majority of the 70% respondent are belonging 20-29
year age group.

2. Monthly income

Monthly income No. of respondent

>5,000 5
5,001-10,000 20
10.001-15,000 60
Above 15,001 15


From the above chart it is clear that the majority of 60% customers have the income group is

3. Gender


MALE 72 72%
FEMALE 28 28%


From the above chart it is clear that the majority of 72% respondent’s are the male.



MARRIED 24 24%


From the above chart it is clear that the majority of the respondent’s i.e., 76% are Unmarried.



STUDENT 45 45%



From the above chart it is clear that the majority of the respondent’s i.e. 45% are Student.

6. Awareness of the people about Reebok Shoes.

Awareness No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 89 89%
No 11 11%


From the above chart it is clear that the majority of the respondent’s i.e., 89% are aware
about Reebok shoes.

7. Influencing Factors

Factors No. of Percentage

Quality 52 23%
Durability 15 7%
Price 68 30%

Brand Name 42 18%
Reference opinion 38 15%
Others 15 7%

Influencing Factors Quality

17% Price

7% Brand Name

18% Reference


From the above chart it is clear that the Price is the main influencing factor followed by
quality & brand name.



It has been found that:

 Males are the main customers of Reebok as compared to female. Youngsters are the
prime customer of Reebok.

 Customers having annual income 2 to 5 lakhs are the main target Market.
 There are more occasional customers as compared to regular.
 Customers are attracted by signage (reduced price, sales promotion etc.)
 Customers are more concern about brand image and price when buying from Reebok.
 Most of the customers believe that Puma can be a substitute of Reebok.
 Moreover, in terms of genders response it was found that women were more influ-
enced by signages as compared to men in making their purchase decisions.
 Non-working women were the ones who were much influenced by signage.
 The degree of attractiveness of different elements in decreasing order is
Display>Store Front>Lighting>Interior Design>Music>Color


 There are still efforts are needed to make people aware about Reebok shoes.

 Reebok Company must provide after sale service to their customers.

 Companies shall introduce or increase the range of their product in respect of price so
that a lower middle class people may also afford to have Reebok shoes.



The marketing researcher has to face certain difficulties while he carries out the research
work. He knows the limitation beforehand, uncontrollable and others are controllable.
Some important limitations, which are faced by researchers as follows:

Sample size: Due to vast area the consumers sample size restricted to 100 only.

Limitation of response: The response given to the researchers were not always accurate
since satisfaction is qualitative indicator the respondents regarding their understanding
of satisfaction.

Limitation of bias: Generally respondents are based to the question raised, thus the re-
sult of research will have error and the very purpose of marketing research is lost. There-
fore took utmost care while dealing with respondents.

Limitation of human behavior: Marketing researches studies the behavior who are ra-
tional. Very often, they do not express their feeling correctly what they think. In such
cases their habitual, practice, preferences cannot be assessed correctly.



 Majority of the customers i.e. (89%) are aware about Reebok shoes.

 Friends i.e. (74%) are the most important source through which customers came
to know about Reebok shoes.

 Price i.e. (30%) & quality i.e. (23%) are the factors which influence the customers
to purchase Reebok shoes.





1. Philip Kotler, “Marketing Management”, 11th edition, Pearson education Asia


2. C.R.Kothari, “Research Methodology methods & techniques”, New Age Interna-

tional (P) Ltd. publishers, 2nd edition.






I am a student of A.P.S University, Rewa pursuing M.B.A. with Marketing

Specialization. I am currently doing a survey regarding “A Study of Sales, Brand Image
and Service Effectiveness with reference to Reebok Shoes”. Please spend your

precious time by filling up this questionnaire. Your feedback will be kept confidential.
Your answers are valuable to my research. Thank you for your kind cooperation.

1. Age

i. >20 year [ ] ii. 21-29 year [ ]

iii. 30-39 year [ ] iv. 40 year < [ ]

2. Gender

i. Male [ ] ii. Female [ ]

3. Marital Status:

ii. Married [ ] ii. Unmarried [ ]

4. Nature of family

i. Nuclear family [ ] ii. Joint family [ ]

5. Educational Qualification:

i. HSC [ ] ii. Graduate [ ]

iii. Post Graduate [ ] iv Others (Specify)_______.

6. Employment Status:

i. Employed [ ] ii. Business [ ]

iii. Unemployed [ ] IV. Student [ ]

v. other (specify) ………………………………………

7. Monthly Income:

i. >5,000 [ ] ii. 5,000 – 10,000

[ ]

Iii. 10,000 – 15,000 [ ] iv. 15,000 < [ ]

8. Are you aware about Branded shoes?

i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ]

9. If Yes, What are the brands?

i. Adidas [ ] ii. Reebok [ ]

ii. Nike [ ] iv. Lee Cooper [ ]

v. Others (Specify)___________________

10. What are the sources through which you came to know about Branded Shoes?

i. Advertisement [ ] ii. Company Outlet [ ]

iii. Relatives [ ] iv. Friends [ ]

v. Other (Specify)____________________.

11. Do you have Branded Shoe?

i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ]

a. If Yes, When did you purchase it?

Specify _______________________________________.

b. Which brand of Shoe do you have?

Specify _______________________________________.

12. How did you Purchase the Shoe?

i. By Cash [ ] ii. By Gift [ ]

iii Others (Specify)___________

13. What are the factors that influence you to purchase Branded Shoe?

i. Quality of service [ ] ii. Durability [ ]

iii. Price [ ] iv. Brand Name [ ]

v. Others (Specify)_____________

14. What do you think about the quality of your shoe?

i. Excellent [ ] ii. Good []

iii. Satisfactory [ ] iv. Poor [ ]

15. Would you suggest others to purchase the brand of Shoe which you have pur-

i. Yes [ ] ii. No [ ]

16. What features do you think should be added for further improvement in Reebok


Place :





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