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Minutes of the 4th Meeting of the Expert Advisory Group

(EAG) held at Ahmedabad on -45- 6 June, 2007.

The 4th Meeting of the Expert Advisory Group (EAG) of the

Kalpasar Project was held under the chairmanship of Shri
B.N.Navalawala at Ahmedabad on 4-5-6 June, 2007 in which (i)
Prof. Asit K.Biswas, Member, EAG participated for all the three
days and (ii) Mr. A. M. Sutmuller, Member, EAG participated for
two days, 5-6 June, 2007.

Also, the following senior Officers and Consultants participated in

this meeting.
1. ­ Mr. M.S. Patel, Secretary (Kapasar)
2. ­ Shri B.M.Rao, Chief Engineer(K) & Additional Secretary
3. ­ Shri L.V.Ashra,Chief Engineer & Director(I/c), WALMI,
4. ­ Shri D.K.Patel, Officer On Special Duty (K)
5. ­ Shri T.S.Shah, Superintending Engineer(K)
6. ­ Shri N.J.Patel,Superintending Engineer(KalpasarTechnical
7. ­ Officers of Kalpasar Department, GERI-Vadodara, WALMI-
Anand & most of the National Consultants of Kalpasar

At the outset, Shri D. K. Patel, Officer on Special Duty

(Kalpasar) welcomed the members, invitees and officials on
behalf of the Chairman and the Kalpasar Department and with
the consent of the Chairman; he proceeded with the agenda of
the meeting.

Agenda Item No.1: Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of the Expert

Advisory Group (EAG) held at Ahmedabad
on 11-12 January, 2007.
The minutes of the 3rd EAG meeting, which was already circulated to
all EAG members was confirmed unanimously.

Agenda Item No.2: It has been issued separately.

Agenda Item No. 3 : Strategic Paper

EAG in the 2nd meeting on 26-27 July, 2006, decided to prepare a
strategic paper which will be a road map for implementation of
Kalpasar Project and Mr. A.K. Biswas & Mr. A. M. Sutmuller, both
members EAG were requested by chairman EAG to prepare the
Strategic Paper.
Accordingly, Draft strategic paper was jointly prepared by Mr.
A.K. Biswas & Mr. A. M. Sutmuller, both members EAG and was
discussed in the 3rd EAG meeting. Comments were given by some
national consultants of Kalpasar department and also by EAG.
Thereupon, the Chairman, EAG requested Mr. A. M. Sutmuller to
review the strategic paper based on the recommendations of 3rd EAG
Accordingly, Mr. A. M. Sutmuller has revised the strategic
paper. After detailed discussion, the EAG accepted the revised
strategic paper.

Agenda Item No. 4:

Proposal for obtaining revised Administrative Approval (A.A) for
preparation of Detailed Feasibility Report of Kalpasar Project.

1.0 GOG has approved the estimates amounting to Rs.84.00 crores
in the year 2003 for preparation of Bankable detailed project
Report for Kalpasar Project. During 2nd EAG meeting held on 26-
27 July-2006, it was decided to prepare strategic paper as road
map for implementation of Kalpasar Project. This strategic paper
was prepared by Prof. Asit K. Biswas and Mr. A.M. Sutmuller
both members EAG. The strategic paper has also covered an
estimate for the preparation of Detailed Project Report, which is
going to be increased from Rs.84.0 crores to revise to Rs.234.00
crores as per the strategic paper. Based on the above revised
estimate, Kalpasar Department had approached Finance
Department for getting the revised administrative approval of
Rs.234.00 crores to the estimates for preparation of a bankable
DPR for the Kalpasar Project. Finance Department has observed
that till today only Rs.7.17 crores expenditure has been incurred,
against the previous estimated cost of Rs.84.00 crores. Thus
department has already a saving of Rs.76.83 crores available
against the Administrative Approval of Rs.84.00 crores given by
the Government in 2003. The Department was requested to
examine the above aspect and then consider whether there is
adequate justification for seeking revised administrative approval
to the estimate of Rs.234.00 crores for the work of “Preparation
of Detailed Feasibility Report for Kalpasar Project.” Also it was
requested to prepare the proposal on line with previously
approved proposal of Rs.84.0 crores.

2.0 � Considering the above observations of Finance Department,

Department in consultation with national consultants has
prepared detailed revised estimate proposal amounting to
Rs.234.00 crores with some internal changes from the strategic

paper. The same was discussed at length in the 4th EAG meeting
held on 4th June to 6th June 2007.
Also, the Department has prepared the measurement
sheet in the form of break-up for PMDC item of revised estimate
for the preparation of bankable DPR for Kalpasar Project and it
was included in the same proposal, the same was also discussed
at length in 4th EAG meeting. In addition, additional
requirement of provision for Salt balance study, hiring the
services of national and international experts, specific
requirement for port development related modelling studies was
also discussed.
Also, the enhancement of the provision for establishment
of project office and site office as well as the same for
topographical, bathymetry, sub bottom profiling and Geophysical
Investigations was also discussed keeping in view the
expenditure already incurred and the projected probable
expenditure to be incurred for various surveys by SOI, NIOT,
NIO etc. was taken into consideration.
In the earlier proposal of Rs.234 crores, 20% provision for
contingency part was considered. This seems to be on higher
side as per Govt. norms of 3%. The matter was discussed at
length and it was decided by EAG to keep contingency as per
prevailing Govt. norms. And in some of the items like
Geotechnical investigation, Bathymetry Survey, Topography
survey, the provision is made on lower side. The scope/necessity
of surveys for the above mentioned studies were presented by
respective national consultants in EAG meeting and EAG was
convinced for readjusting the cost proposed in the revised AA

3.0 � In view of the above discussions EAG accepted the department’s
proposal for revised administrative approval worth Rs.234.0
crores breakup is as under:

Budget Estimate


(mln (Rs.In
US $) crores)
A. Works to be carried out In-house by PMDC
A.1 Project
Administration 3.00 13.500
and Process
A.2 GIS & Database GIS & Database design and
Data Analysis
Environmental Baseline 2.20 9.900
Socio-economic Baseline
Assessment etc
A.3 Regime Software & related activities 0.20 0.900
Modelling Hydrological Investigations 0.30 1.350
Hydrodynamic Investigations 0.50 2.250
Morphological Investigations 0.50 2.250
Water Quality Investigations 0.35 1.575
Port Development 0.15 0.675
A.4 Design Activities Assessment current situation
Marine works Optimization Development
Design Database Development
Preliminary Engineering
Probabilistic/Risk Assessment 7.00 31.500
Quantities Costs &
Implementation etc.
A.5 Power Studies 0.60 2.700
A.6 Capacity Study Tours 0.20 0.900
Building Counterpart training 0.20 0.900
Overseas training 0.20 0.900
Total of A 15.40 69.300

B. Works to be carried out by Separate Contract System in consultation
with PMDC by Department or independently by Department
B.1 Establishment Hardware, Software, running
Project Office / Site cost, office rent, Color Zerox 1.00 4.500
Office machine, Plotters, audio-
visual equipments,
communication equipments,
LAN, WAN equipments, GPRS
systems etc
B.2 Quality Control 5% of costs of studies and 1.00 4.500
B.3.1 Site Investigation Topography, Bathymetry and 4.46 20.000
sub-bottom profiling and
Geophysical etc.
B.3.2 Geotechnical Investigations 14.00 63.000
(5,300 m. boring and
including “marine rock search”
and quarry investigations)
B.3.3 Oceanographic and Water 0.30 1.350
Quality Surveys
B.3.4 Marine Ecosystem Surveys 0.35 1.575
B.3.5 Terrestrial Ecosystem Surveys 0.70 3.150
B.3.6 Socio-economic Survey 1.40 6.300
B.3.7 Soil Surveys 0.50 2.250
B.3.8 Salt Balance Study & 0.391 1.759
B.4 Design Activities
Irrigation & Land
Reclamation 4.00
B.5 Water Supply Studies 0.30 1.350
& related activities
B.6 Transport 0.20 0.900
& related activities
B.7 Environmental
Impact Assessment 1.50 6.750
& related activities
B.8 Social Impact
Assessment & 1.50 6.750
related activities
B.9 Economic & Financial
Studies & related 1.50 6.750
B.10 Hiring of National and 2.00 9.00
International experts,
Expert Advisory etc
Group and
conference etc.
Total of A+B 50.485 227.184
Contingencies Approximately 3% 1.515 6.816
Grand Total 52.00 234.00
(At exchange rate 1 US$ = 45 INR)
4.0 � The comparision of the earlier estimate of Rs.84.0 crores with
Rs.234.0 crores are also worked out and discussed in EAG (as
per Annex-4-a).
5.0 � EAG observed that the earlier estimate was prepared without
consulting international experts and without considering some of
the studies/surveys in details. Considering the above and also
price escalation since year 2003,revision of old estimate of Rs
84.00 crores is now needed. The revised cost at present price
level looks in order. EAG approved the same revised A.A.
estimate amounting to Rs.234.00 crores.
6.0 � EAG has recommended that the cost of Rs.234.0 crores is very
meager compare to total cost of Kalpasar Project. In the pre-
feasibility report, the cost of preparation of feasibility report was
estimated at 1% of the total cost i.e. Rs.550.0 crores.
7.0 � EAG has also finalized to complete this feasibility report within 4
years. Hence, Rs.234.0 crores is required to be spent in the
span of 4 years.

Item wise Comparison between Old Estimate of Rs.84.00 crores
and revised estimate of Rs. 234.00 crores.
Rs. In Item Description Cost as per Cost as Increase
crores Estimate of per in
Rs.84.00 Revised estimate
crores Estimate in Rs.
of Rs. Crores
1 Project To coordinate various 23.000 20.250 -2.750
Management studies and to
Administration and prepare bankable DPR
2 GIS & Database GIS & Database 2.000 9.900 7.900
design and
Data Analysis
Baseline Assessment
Baseline Assessment
3 Regime Modelling Software & related 6.500 9.000 2.500
Water Quality
Port Development
4 Design Activities Assessment current 11.000 31.50 20.50
Marine works situation
Development Scheme
Design Database

Rs. In Item Description Cost as per Cost as Increase
crores Estimate of per in
Rs.84.00 Revised estimate
crores Estimate in Rs.
of Rs. Crores
Quantities Costs &
Implementation etc.
5 Establishment Hardware, Software, 2.000 4.500 2.500
Project Office / running cost, office
Site Office rent, Color Zerox
machine, Plotters,
audio- visual
equipments, LAN,
WAN equipments,
GPRS systems etc
6 Site Investigation Topography, 20.000
Bathymetry and sub-
bottom profiling and
Geophysical etc.
Investigations (5,300 22.000
m. boring and 62.350
including “marine
rock search” and
quarry investigations)
Oceanographic and 1.350
Water Quality
7 Environmental
Assessment &
related activities 6.000 13.500 7.500
Social Impact
Assessment &
related activities
8 Marine Ecosystem 1.575 1.575
9 Terrestrial 3.150 3.150

10 Socio-economic 6.300 6.300


Rs. In Item Description Cost as per Cost as Increase
crores Estimate of per in
Rs.84.00 Revised estimate
crores Estimate in Rs.
of Rs. Crores
11 Hiring of National 7.500 9.000 1.500
and International
experts, Expert
Advisory etc Group
and international
conference etc.
12 Power Studies 2.700 2.700
13 Soil Surveys 2.250 2.250
14 Salt Balance Study 1.759 1.759
& Sedimentation
15 Design Activities
Irrigation & Land
18.000 18.000

16 Water Supply ---- 1.350 1.350

Studies & related
17 Transport 0.900 0.900
& related activities

TOTAL (A) 80.000 219.984 135.784

(B) Additional Items as per Strategic Paper

1 Capacity Building Study Tours 2.700 2.700
Counterpart training
Overseas training
2 Quality Control 5% of costs of studies ---- 4.500 4.500
and design
Total (B) 0.00 7.200 7.200
Total (A+B) 80.00 227.184 142.184

Contingencies (A+B) 4.00 (5%) 6.816 (3%) 2.186

Grand Total 84.00 234.00 150.00

Agenda Item No.5 : Appointment of International Consultants
for Specific Studies
Dr. Gavin Warnock, who was the Group Leader Consultant in the Six
Specific Studies for the tidal power generation study has shown his
willingness to further co operate for kalpasar Project. He also
suggested following names of International Consultant for Seismic &
Tsunami Studies & same were put up to EAG.

1.Dr Jost Studer 2. Dr I. M. Idriss 3. Dr. W.D. Liam Finn

4. Dr Anil K. Chopra 5. Dr Martin Wieland 6. Dr Harald Kreuzer
7. Dr Robin Charlwood 8. Dr David Bowles 9. Dr Kaare Hoeg
10. Dr. Mark W. Stirling 11. Professor Leopoldo 12. Dr. Francisco Grimaldi

For Tidal Power Study the department had suggested following

1. ­ Mr. F. Lemperiere, Chairman, Hydrocoop, France.
2. � Mr. Mahiom, Director Incharge of hydroelectricity & Tidal Energy
Electricite de France, La’Rance, France
3. ­ Mr. Gavin Warnock
Short CVs of the following International Consultants were put to
EAG for discussion and EAG was requested to suggest the names
of International Consultant.
1. ­ Dr. J.Gavin Warnock
2. ­ Mr. Peter S. Lee UK
3. ­ Dr. YooMan HUH, Rep. of Korea
4. ­ Er. Gopalakrishnan
5. ­ Mr. W.R.Rangeley (Great Britain)
6. ­ Mr. John Hennessy (Great Britain)
7. ­ Mr. Sharizaila bin Abdullah (Malaysia)
8. ­ Mr. A.M.Shaddy (Canada)

9. Prof. dr. Bart Schultz (The Netherlands)
10. Mr. Jose F. Rebelo Pinto, Portugal
11. Mr. Peter Adamson Scott, Great Braitain
12. Mr. S.K. Jain, India
13. Mr. Maurice N. Langley, USA
14. Prof. Ir.A.Volker , Netherlands
15. Dr. Jose Maria Martin Mendoluce, Spain
16. Dr. M.G.Bose, The Netherlands
17. Dr.Istvan Ijjas, Hungary
18. Dr. Safwat Abdel-Dayem, Egypt
19. Mr. Ramesh Chandra, India
20. Dr. Fatma Abdel-Rahman Attia, Egypt
21. Dr. Javad Farhoudi, Iran
22. Dr. Ing. Wolfram Dirksen, Germany
23. Mr. Qishun Zhang, China
24. Mr. Franklin E. Dimick, USA
25. Mr. R.Jeyaseelan, India
26. Dr.C.D.Thatte

Mr. Sutmuller expressed that “One of the key expertise for the
Kalpasar refers to the closure of Tidal Basins. It was also observed
that among the list of suggested international consultants there are a
number of highly qualified dam experts but no experts with hands-on
experience with the closure of tidal basins.

He also stressed the absolute necessity to have this expertise

available to the Kalpasar Department.”

Following names were accepted by EAG as International &

National consultants.

1. Prof. Dr. Bart Schultz (The Netherlands)
2. Dr. Safwat Abdel-Dayem, Egypt
3. Mr. R.Jeyaseelan, India
4. Dr.C.D.Thatte
5. R.S. Warshney, India.

The EAG in principle approved all above names and advised the
Department first of all to get their detailed CVs as well as their consent
and to finalise the names of the consultants for appointment in
consultation with the Chairman, EAG. In addition as per the
suggestion of Mr. Sutmuller, the department may put up further
names for the consideration of EAG in next EAG meeting or to the
Chairman EAG.

Agenda item : 6
“Dr. T.N. Chaudhary had submitted the report on Assessment of land
Areas in periphery of Gulf of Khambhat for Investing land
improvements requirements, towards value based land utilization”.

Dr. T.N. Chaudhary made presentation in 4th EAG meeting on the

land areas in periphery of Gulf of Khambhat and method of
investigation and improvement of land in the highly saline areas and
requirements towards value based utilization”.

Further he presented the report in pursuant to the direction

given in 3rd EAG meeting. The EAG suggested that Dr. T. N. Chaudhary
should visit the site with Kalpasar Staff and thereafter identify the
areas for soil investigation, ground water investigation and pilot
studies on the base map. The Consultant should also justify the
technical factors for the selection of sites and the number of pilot

projects. The sites should be finalized in consultation with local
farmers and in areas where irrigation command conditions similar to
the Kalpasar project exist. Accordingly, the services of GERI, Vadodara
for soil investigation, GWRDC for ground water investigations and the
Agriculture Universities for agriculture purposes can be utilized or
alternative can also be worked out by the consultant. The Consultant
should suggest the works to be executed by these institutes and the
tentative time and cost involved. Also the EAG had suggested that Dr.
T. N. Chaudhary should prepare a comprehensive report covering all
the above points as well as keeping in view the format of Detailed
Bankable Report and submit the report before next EAG meeting i.e.
before June 2007.

For identify the reclaimable areas and areas for pilot studies,
Dr. Chaudhary should describe the methodology as to how he has
carried out reconnaissance survey of @103 villages in five zones
around the periphery of Kalpasar Project, keeping in view the socio
economic features, agricultural situation, ground water related
limitations, farmers perception of land development and utilization.

In his report Dr. Chaudhary has described zone wise the

promising land areas for land improvement. Also he has identified the
saline land areas, selection of pilot areas, techniques to be applied for
reclamation, investigational issues for the pilot studies etc. Moreover
Dr. Chaudhary has submitted the estimate of Rs.174.465 lakh for one
pilot study. According to Dr. Chaudhary’s report, a first approximation
of promising land areas peripheral to Gulf is as under:

Zone Land area (ha)
Mudflats Salt affected (‘Khar’) lalnds
(Govt.) Total Private Govt. *
SE 23000 20000 4000 16000 (1000)
ME 22000 32000 7000 25000 (1000)
NE 30000 33000 6000 27000 (1500)
NW 14000 35000 20000 15000 (2500)
SW 66000 57000 23000 34000 (5000)
Total 1,55,000 1,77,000 60,000 1,17,000 (11000)
* In parentheses, designated forest land area

The study carried out by Dr. Chaudhary after extensive field

visits and discussions with field officers was accepted by the EAG.
Further the EAG suggested to immediately obtain the Govt. approval
for this estimate and take up the pilot study in consultation with the
Chairman, EAG. The EAG has also suggested if possible services of
Government institutes like GERI, WALMI, GWRDC etc. can be utilized.
Dr. Chaudhary in consultation with all these institutes will decide the
future course of action.

EAG member Mr. A.M.Sutmuller has suggested that the report of

Dr. Chaudhary suggests that areas bordering the tidal power basin
would not be suitable for land reclamation. It is recommended to
reconsider this conclusion, since worldwide areas bordering estuarine
(= saline) environments have been successfully desalinized and
reclaimed. EAG also accepted the same.

Agenda Item No.7: Impact of Kalpasar on existing and

proposed ports around the project.
- A proposal of NEERI regarding above study was discussed in the
2nd EAG, meeting. The issue of positive and negative impacts on
existing and proposed ports due to Kalpasar was discussed in
detail and the proposal of NEERI was concurred by the EAG.
Thereafter, the proposal of NEERI amounting to Rs.1.20 crores +
service tax was sent to the Gujarat Maritime Board(GMB) and
ports department, finance department and after scrutinizing at the
top level, it was approved by the Government of Gujarat. In
pursuant to this approval, Dr. Watte from NEERI made
presentation regarding various aspects of the proposal. He
discussed the importance of mathematical model study of effects
on ports. The various objectives, scope of the study, plan of work,
methodology to be adopted for carrying out the study were also
discussed. In the scope of work, the inclusion of alternative study
regarding, the shifting of dam alignment to keep Dahej and
Bhavnagar port out side the Kalpasar area was also suggested.

The EAG has also accepted the modification of TOR as per

e suggestions of GMB as well as the alternative alignment of
Kalpasar dam and diversion of Narmada water by canal so as to
keep tidal power and existing ports outside the Kalpasar dam

Agenda Item No.8: Report of Dr.D.G.Faldu on revised command

& Irrigation planning for Kalpasar project.
In its 3rd EAG meeting, the EAG requested the consultants to study
the following points and place the results/findings of their study before
next EAG.

(i) Reallocation of available water for irrigation, domestic and
industrial purposes
(ii) ­ Planning the irrigation command area with reference to:
a) Protective irrigation,
b) Drip & Sprinkler irrigation
c) Special provision for socially & economically backward
areas or any other suitable irrigation pattern.
d) ­ The integration of existing projects, coastal tidal
regulators, check dams etc while planning for irrigation
(iii) ­ Examination of availability of surplus water in South Gujarat &
alternative(s) to divert this water to Saurashtra and other area
of Gujarat and feasibility to use Kalpasar reservoir as a tool for
diversion storage.

The above studies were assigned to the consultants Shri N.B.

Desai, Shri G.L. Java and Dr. D.G. Faldu.

In this context Dr. D.G. Faldu appointed as national level

consultant, has prepared the report elaborating revised command area
& irrigation planning as per his assignment. He presented the
summary of report in the 4th EAG meeting.
Dr. Faldu stated that in earlier six specific studies, gross
utilizable volume of fresh water reservoir was worked out as 9334Mm3
allocating 5461Mm3 for irrigation. Now in 3rd EAG meeting, it was
decided to adopt 50% dependability .criteria for water availability.
Accordingly, the water availability works out to 10011Mm3 and
considering the same for the detailed thread bar analysis of climate,
rainfall, soils and resultant agricultural situation in Saurashtra region,
he has suggested the command area of 19.38 lac ha covering six

districts for the Kalpasar Project. Dr Faldu suggested the utilizable
irrigation water of 6568Mm3 with coverage of 14.09 lac ha. under
irrigation in Phase-I. Since the Kalpasar reservoir has live storage
capacity 12247Mm3, it leaves the storage of 2236 Mm3 after
accommodating the water availability of 10011Mm3. For this, he
suggested that with this surplus water storage, the water for irrigation
can be earmarked at 8804 Mm3 i.e. (6568 Mm3 + 2236 Mm3). Hence
this additional water quantity covers area up to 18.93 lac ha in
Phase-II. Dr Faldu adopted the concept of extensive irrigation with
over all cropping intensity 98% with utilization of seepage water.

While presentation, he suggested some points for further studies viz.

• Constraints, potentials and approach for promoting use of drip
and sprinklers (micro irrigation)
• Diagnosis of soils of command area: Review and synthesis of
information on soils.
• Fortnightly water requirement for sizing of canals and planning
of irrigation.
• Pilot centres for demonstrations, training and extension
• Potential areas: Investigation issues, potentials and remedial
measures for
- Saline area (Kharopat) of Amreli & Bhavnagar districts.
- Ghed area (Porbandar district)
- Bhal area (Bhavnagar district).
• Post linkage actions on input supply, value addition and

During his presentation he pointed out some critical problematic
area in Kalpasar command for special treatment. like Kharo pat in
Amreli,Dist., Ghed area in Porbander Dist & Bhal area in Bhavnagar
District. He suggested for special training & visit programs for
cultivators to adopt modern agricultural practice.

Finally, Dr. Faldu, suggested irrigation intensity for both scenario

as below :
CCA : 19.38 Lac. Ha.
Phase Total Cropping Intensity (%) Water
Irrigation utilization
Kharif Rabi Total
(Lac ha.) (Mm3)
I 12.60 46.37 18.62 64.99 6568
I@ 14.09 49.58 23.11 72.69 7142
II 16.98 62.17 25.43 87.60 8804
II @ 18.93 66.47 31.18 97.66 9573
@ with seepage water

EAG has accepted the study carried out by Dr. D.G. Faldu on
revised command and irrigation planning for Kalpasar Project. As per
Dr. Faldu’s recommendation in Phase-I, 12.60 lakh ha irrigation seems
to be achievable. Now, it is required to finalize the canal alignment
accordingly. A group of experts namely Shri N.B. Desai, Shri G.L. Java
and Shri P.D. Trivedi may be requested to suggest the most
appropriate canals alignment and put up in next EAG.

EAG in the earlier meeting had suggested to utilize surplus live

storage of Kalpasar reservoir by diverting South Gujarat rivers surplus
water. EAG has also constituted experts Shri N.B. Desai and G.L. Java
to finalize quantity of water surplus from South Gujarat rivers and
diverting it to Kalpasar reservoir. EAG has suggested completing this

study by the group of experts and putting up in the next EAG meeting.
Services of Shri P.D. Trivedi may be included in this group.

EAG member Mr. A.M.Sutmuller has observed that water

availability for irrigation is not only a function of the storage capacity,
but also of the inflow and outflow (=withdrawal) regime. EAG
accepted the same.

Agenda Item No : 9: Water Quality Impact on Kalpasar Project

In the 3rd EAG meeting, the EAG has discussed the issue and
recommended as below:

“EAG has advised that EIA/SIA study is very critical. The

external funding agencies can take interest only if the present
environmental and social problems have been analyzed, the mitigation
methodology is decided, management of water inlet to Kalpasar
reservoir and diversion to bye pass is properly studied and the
scenario of pollution from effluents of industries, urban effects etc.,
when the project is likely to be completed in 2020, are studied in

The EAG accepted the report of Shri Rathod & Shri Tyagi on
water quality impact on Kalpasar Project and suggested that Shri
Rathod, consultant who is conversant with Gujarat effluents and
pollution problem should visit the site with Kalpasar field staff and also
visit GERI for utilizing their services for analyzing the water quality
data. The Consultants should prepare the report and cover the above
points as well as water quality and quantity analysis. Also, the
Consultants should prepare the estimate of water quality/flow analysis
and also give opinion regarding GERI’s capacity for this work.”

Accordingly, Shri K. D. Rathod, consultant has carried out further
study. He visited the various sites and discussed the issue with GERI
and WRI. Thereafter he has prepared a report on “Study of Water
Quality Monitoring Final Report for selection of “1. Sampling locations
2.GERI and WRI Monitoring and 3.Cost Estimation of Monitoring
Programme”. In this regard Shri K.D. Rathod made a presentation of
water quality monitoring program and the services of Water Resources
Investigation (WRI) circle and Gujarat Engineering Research Institute
(GERI) Vadodara taken up by the kalpasar department for this work.

The EAG accepted the report submitted by Shri K.D. Rathod The
EAG also noted that the work is already awarded to GERI, Vadodara
and WRI Circle, Ahmedabad and payment made to GERI and WRI
amounting to Rs.30.94 lacs and Rs.26.19 lacs respectively. Thus the
Kalpasar Department can proceed for the monitoring programme for
the two years. Further the EAG suggested the consultant to
immediately collect the planning of various urban area for estimating
quality of water and waste water treatment with a scenario of 2020.
Similarly the industrial water disposal scenario of 2020 planning if any
made by the industries are required to be obtained. The Department of
Industries may also be contacted. The Consultant should come up with
the detailed studies for urban sewerage and industrial effluents by
2020 scenario with the focus on the important points which pollute the
rivers and prepare a detailed layout plan regarding how to divert this
effluent water in normal season downstream of Kalpasar. Shri K.D.
Rathod and Shri Tyagi can take the help of Shri P.D. Trivedi for
finalizing the alignment of canal/pipeline for the diversion of effluent
mainly Sabarmati, Dhadhar, Mahi and Narmada.

Agenda No.10: Bathymetry survey

EAG had advised to take the services of ONGC/WAPCOS/CWPRS/
Indian Navy/NIO and suggested that they should also be immediately
contacted so that an alternative to NIOT can be sought of and the
Bathymetric survey work at shallow depths can be completed at the
earliest. If the above Central Government Agencies are not ready to
take up this work, then Global Tenders should be invited.

Looking to the difficulties noticed in the shallow depth

bathymetry survey, EAG has suggested to invite the Global Tender in
which the option should be given to the bidder, for utilizing any
suitable methodology. EAG has also suggested to utilize the services
of Shri D. Venkata Rao, Dr. Nagendra Kumar and Shri P.D. Trivedi, the
consultants of Kalpasar Project for preparing the estimates and the
detailed tender documents.

The EAG has appreciated the actions taken by the Kalpasar

Department regarding the remaining close interval bathymetry survey
work in corridor. The NIO, Goa has agreed to complete the remaining
close bathymetry survey. In this close bathymetry work, the
alternative dam alignment as discussed in the meeting (i) keeping
Dahej port and (ii) keeping Nava Bandar Port, Bhavnagar, outside the
dam alignment should also be covered. The services of Dr. Nagendra
Kumar and D. Venkata Rao the consultant of Kalpasar may be utilized
for further discussion with NIO, Goa.

Agenda No.11: ­ Environmental Impact Assessment and Social

Impact Assessment.
As EIA/SIA studies are of vital importance for the Kalpasar Project,
the EAG in the 3rd meeting had to take suggested the scoping work

immediately and submitting the progress report in the next EAG
meeting to be held on first week of June, 2007.
The representative of NEERI accepted this and assured that all the
above points would be covered in the scoping.

The Consultancy Agreement for “Scoping of EIA/SIA study for

Kalpasar Project” made on 22-02-07 by Kalpasar Department with the
NEERI, Nagpur, was put up to the EAG for consideration. EAG found
the same generally in order. Dr. S.R. Wate, Dy. Director, NEERI
explained in brief regarding the actions taken by NEERI, Nagpur, NIO,
Goa and CSMCRI, Bhavnagar. As a part of schedule of activities to be
performed, first consultation workshop at Bhavnagar was held on 21-
05-07 in the CSMCRI, Bhavnagar. Various NGOs from Saurashtra,
Central Gujarat, North Gujarat etc participated in the workshop. All
NGOs opined that Kalpasar Project should be started at the earliest.

Two representative of CSMCRI, Bhavnagar also made

presentation on (1) Marine Diversity in and around Kalpasar area and
(2)Survey and current status of salt works in and around the region
covered under Kalpasar project

It was also informed that, tentative date for second consultation

workshop to be held at Bharuch would be on 29/6/06.

They also explained in brief various data available with CSMCRI

and that can be useful as baseline data collection for Kalpasar Project,
along with a draft proposal.

The EAG appreciated the progress done by NEERI, so far.

Minutes of Agenda Item No. 12 :- Topographical survey work.
In the IInd EAG meeting it was decided that “The Kalpasar
reservoir will receive water from Narmada, Mahi, Dhadhar, Sabarmati
and eight rivers of Saurashtra. For the purpose of modelling,
sedimentation, morphological, excessive flood effect and backwater
effect etc. the contouring of rivers is required and for that
topographical survey is essential. EAG had advised to take-up this
work with SOI in order to supplement various feasibility studies such
as EIA/SIA, morphological studies, regime modelling, water quality,
effect of flood etc”.

Accordingly, a proposal was prepared and submitted to the SOI

office on dt. 20/9/06. The additional survey work was estimated to be
10000 Sq.Km. by the SOI office. According to SOI, it will take 3 to 4
years as there are other priority works and shortage of staff.
Therefore, a meeting was held on dt 14/11/06 to decide the phasing of
survey work. The whole additional survey work was divided into four
phases. The first phase of work is mainly consist of survey work of (1)
Narmada river basin, (2) D/s of dam on both the side from (a) dam
site to Mahuva and (b) dam site to Tapi river and (3) Key portions of
dam on both Ghogha side and Hansot side.

Brig. Shri Samudra had made a presentation on 11th & 12th

January 2007,for carrying out additional survey work and explained
that the survey work as estimated to be 10000 Sq.Km. would require
3 to 4 years as there are other priority works and shortage of staff.
Therefore, it was decided to carry out the work in phased manner.

The issue was discussed In the 4th EAG meeting. It was noted
that there was no approval given to the additional survey work by the
SOI Head office. The matter of carrying out the additional
topographical survey work of the top priority areas by the other
alternative way was discussed. While appreciating the efforts made by
the department, the Chairman, EAG has told the department to
explore the alternative way of carrying out the topographical survey so
that other activities will not be effected. EAG after discussing with
various consultants suggested to go for national level competitive
procedure. The services of Dr. Nagendra and Shri P.D. Trivedi,
Consultant can be taken up for preparing the estimates and tender

Agenda Item No. 13 : Report of Dr. Z.S. Tarapore, Consultant

on Regime Modelling.
Dr. Z.S. Tarapore’s reports submitted to Kalpasar Department each for
the data collection for mathematical model study and model calibration
were discussed along with the out come of 3rd EAG meeting as held on
11-12 January, 2007. In addition, Dr. Mani made a presentation on
“numerical modelling”. Thereafter the modelling being the subject to
be studied by PMDC, the discussion took place on the issue whether to
assign various model studies to PMDC or to be assigned to some other
independent agency/institute/ organization. If other independent
agencies are assigned the modelling studies, then the issue of co-
ordination and monitoring required to be considered. After the
discussion, it was opined to keep model studies with PMDC but the
model study essential for EIA/SIA study and NEERI’s proposal for the
study of impact of Kalpasar Project on ports needs to be taken up by
the agency like NEERI and the same should be included in the status

note to be published on Kalpasar website for the information to the
PMDC bidders.

The issue of physical modelling was also discussed at length. As

the GERI has the separate infrastructure and staff with requisite
experience in physical modelling, it was decided to explore the
possibility of assigning physical modelling work to GERI in consortium
with either CWPRS or any competent organization under the guidance
of Dr. Z.S. Tarapore, Consultant for Kalpasar Project. It was also
discussed that the location for preparing physical model will be more
suitable at GERI, Vadodara.

As data collection for the mathematical model study is the

responsibility of the department, the department may go ahead in
consultation with Dr. Z.S. Tarapore, Dr.Mani and other consultants of
Kalpasar department.

Agenda No. 14 : Proposal from ISR

This agenda is deferred till the next EAG meeting.

Agenda No. 15 : Tidal Power Generation.

As a follow-up of the 3rd EAG meeting, Mr.Mathur and Mr. Bajaj have
submitted their report. Also Shri Mathur made presentation on the
issue in the meeting.

Mr. Gavin Warnock, who was main consultant in preparation of

Tidal Power Generation Report of Six Specific Studies, has also
recently submitted the latest position of Severn Project of United
Kingdom. This report was put to the EAG. After detailed discussion,
EAG recommended that,

(i) The observations submitted by Mr. G.N. Mathur & Mr. H.L.Bajaj
may be studied by PMDC.
(ii) ­ Mr. F.Lemperiere, Hydrocoop, France, Mr. MAHIOU, Director In-
charge of Hydroelectricity & Tidal Energy Electricite de France, La
Rance, France and Dr. Gavin Warnock, UK may be considered for
their appointment as international consultants subject to their
consent and availability.

EAG member Mr.A.M.Sutmuller has suggested that, some of the

selected International Consultants might belong to organizations that
also participate in the PMDC tender. It should be made clear that
employment of these particular consultants will not hinder the
participation of their respective organization in a PMDC consortium.
EAG agreed with the same.

Agenda Item No. 16: Geotechnical Report of Mr. D. M. Pancholi

Mr. D.M. Pancholi, Consultant for Geotechnical work made the
presentation covering the points such as
(i) Geophysical Investigations
(ii) Geotectonics, Layout and Design
(iii) Laboratory and Field Tests
(iv) Borrow Area Investigations
(v) Geodynamics of Gulf & Drilling Methodology (vi) Selection Criteria.
Dr. Boominathan also made presentation and recommended as

• To establish the subsurface soil strata condition to a depth of 200 m

below the seabed which can have influence on the bund to be
constructed along the chosen alignment.

• To determine engineering properties of each of the soil strata
encountered either through test or in situ tests or both as per the
• To carryout geophysical survey to obtain the properties of the sub
sea strata conditions along the chosen bund alignment.

(1) Field Test

(a) Seismic Cone Test
(b) Seismic Refraction Survey
(2) Lab Test
(a) Resonant Column Test or
(b) Bender Element Tests
(c) Cyclic Triaxial Tests

The recommendations were discussed in detail in the EAG meeting and

the EAG agreed with Dr. Bhoominathan’s recommendations. Also, it
was decided that since Geotechnical studies and in particular drilling of
hole being the costliest affair and as location of drill hole depends upon
outcome of Geophysical close interval survey, it would be advisable to
wait till the completion of above referred Geophysical survey for
deciding the suitable number & location of the drill holes.

EAG member Mr.A.M. Sutmuller suggested that in view of the

complexity and many interdependences of the various project
components it is essential that the PMDC is recruited as soon as

Agenda item No.17 Dam Alignment

Since the issue under this agenda item concerns with Dahej Port,
foundation of spillway near Narmada Mouth, free board of proposed
Earthen dam, Nava Bandar port at Bhavnagar etc. it was decided that
the issue of dam alignment in context with Dahej Port and Bhavnagar
port out side and inside the proposed dam alignment, should be got
studied by requisitioning a special study as entrusted jointly to NEERI,
NIO and CWPRS, Pune.

No. EAG-42007-47-Kalpasar
Kalpasar Prabhag
Narmada, Water Resources,
Water Supply & Kalpasar Deptt.
8/7,New Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar

Date ­: / /2007

Copy respectfully submitted to:

1. ­ Secretary to Chief Minister, Chief Minister’s office, Block No.1/5,
New Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
2. ­ The Chief Secreary, Government of Gujarat, Block No.1/3,
3. ­ Mr. B.N. Nawalawala, Chairman,EAG
4. ­ Dr. Asit K.Biswas, Member, EAG
5. ­ Mr. A.M.Sutmuller, Member, EAG
6. ­ The Secretary (Kalpasar)
7. ­ The C.E. (K) & Additional Secretary, Kalpasar.
8. ­ The, C.E. & Director, WALMI, Anand.

Copy forwarded with compliments to:

9.The OSD (K)
10. ­ The Joint Director (Tech.),WALMI, Anand.
11. ­ The Superintending Engineer (Kalpasar Technical Cell)

Copy to E E (All) & D E E (All)

Superintending Engineer (K)
N.WR,WS & K Department,


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