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backed up by another argument, and so on and so on.

is justified by the last claim, and they just move in a
circle. guarding
stopping the skeptical regress, and building common
to solve the probiem assumptions, with the people you're talking to
skeptical regress problem
When it's openly and literally

there's no end, so you never have a premise

Don't need to give a reason express our own feeling
Avoided skeptical regress
A problem for argument

Good/Bad(general words) do not do in the first place

Meet the stander/violate the stander limited time

Assure cites an authority that the audience shares as an
reflexive authority with the other person
Positive words with positive words it's talking about yourself
won't be better used in common speech to get you to agree with them by making a
conditional abuse that applies to you only if you don't
abusive agree with them
Positive words with negative words Way of using words Evaluation
Good meaning How to Understand Arguments somebody might question it
the audience accepts the authority that is being referred to
without having reason for the evaluation too much trouble

Decrease the level of our words Most
Citing the possible objection in order to reject it or Guarding
count it
you can defend your premises How
Discounting Extend

protect your premises and avoid the skeptical Probability

regress by discounting the kinds of objections,

Still Making the premises weaker Show the opponents that they’re false
It's when you use the word still at the beginning of
For example so that your point will be hard to deny
the sentence Purpose
1.They assert two claims Discounting words
2.They contrast those two claims Although
3.They emphasize one of the claims
use them in order to head off objections

The arguer discounts easy objections to make

people forget to think about the more difficult
objection the trick of discounting straw people
You can combine this trick of discounting straw people
Using discounting terms along with guarding terms
and also assuring terms

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