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Russel Paul Tepino – IT 3A

The Importance of Studying Rizal

Dr. Jose Rizal is one of the most known national hero in the Philippines. People have known him as one
of the individuals, which had brought a great significance in the Philippine history.

As young people of this generation, it is essential that we study and know the life of Jose Rizal. For it
could benefit us, by knowing how he had lived his life and for his country. We can also learn from it, and
maybe solve the vague questions about him. Rizal’s life is also a great reference of learning ‘patriotism’.
For as we can observed now, that young individuals are not too patriotic to their country. There is also a
great possibility that we may learn some societal issues, that is present today, and also present in Rizal’s
life back then. Through that we may get a hint on how to overcome does issues, what steps, did Rizal
had taken to solve them.

In conclusion, as Filipino as we are, it is vital! To study Dr. Jose Rizal’s life. And we cannot deny the fact,
that it is part of the Philippines history itself. So, as Filipinos, we might as well know it.

Guide Question: 

1. How effective is the Rizal Law in instilling patriotism among students? 

Rizal’s law is a very effective law to learn patriotism, for most of its content is elaborating Rizal’s patriotic
attitude. That’s why it is very helpful for students like us, to learn more and improve our patriotism.

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