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terminologies drawwing exercise


Layering-components of a historic site or monument or bldg that pertains to its historical evolution
expressed either in layout, style or materials. Ex when u go to a town, u’ll notice the old buildings are
usually the church, which is the first layer of the town ganern ? components that are growing in a site.

Maintenance- continuous protective care of the fabric and setting of a place, and is to be distinguished
from repair.

Management- management structure thru which the conservation policy is capable of being
implemented; identifying those responsible for subsequent conservation management decisions and the
day to day management of the place; the mechanism by which these decisions are to be made and
recorded; and the means of providing security and regular maintenance for the place.

Meanings- denote what a place signifies, indicates, evokes or expresses

Monuments- blds, of natural

Movable structures- nonpermanent structures where significant event occurred

National cultural agencies- CCP, national library, museum, etc

Occupancy- intended use of the building or the character of its occupants

Open scpaces- open spaces within the site of historic significance

Petrographic analyses-analysis of thin section of rock stone nder a scanning electron microscop to
classify rock and determine elements

Poulticing technique- uses an inert poweder which may be mixed with water to form a stiff paste and
applied to a lightly wetted surface, the moisture absorbs the salts or efflorescence from the surface

Preservation- maintaining the fabric of a place in its existing state and retarding deterioration

Protection- may involve stabilization; must involve a continuing program of maintenance

Reconstruction- returning a place to a known earlier state and is distinguished from restoration by the
introduction of new material into the fabric. New material may include recycled material salvaged from
other places. This should not be to the detriment of any place of cultural significance

Redevelopment-insertion of contemporary structures or additions sympathetic to the setting

Rehabilitation-process of returning a property to a state of utility, thru repair, or alteration, which makes
possible an efficient contemporary use while preserving those portions and features of the property
which are significant to its historic,, architectural and cultural values
Related places- diff buildings have connections

Related sources of information- contribution which..

Religious value/sacred/symbolic value-focus for a spiritual and religious practice

Restoration- without the introduction of new material

Setting – area around a place may include visual catchments

Social value- embraces the qualities of which, as a site has become a focus for a spiritual, political or
national cultural sentiment

Spalling- concrete deterioration indicated by small chips or fragments removed from the masonry

Stabilitzation- periodic activity to halt deterioration

Stakeholders- when u are from that place. Special association with the place

Stereophotogrammetry- photo mosaic



Vista- panorama that includes the foreground and background elements, either manmad or natural,
which are relevant to the overall context of the view of historic site/structure

Visual catchment-visual inertia that refers to the orientation, position and location of structures that
makes the entourage unique

Zoning-designated area

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