Mark's Heist Question Bank: Unit 3

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Mark’s Heist Question Bank

Unit 3
1. What is a Servlet.
2. What are the advantages of Servlet?
3. What are the disadvantages of Servlet?
4. Explain the lifecycle of Servlet.
5. What is the difference between doGet() and doPost() in Servlet?
6. What is XML?
7. Why we need XML?
8. Differentiate between HTML and XML
9. Explain the term Document Type Definition (DTD).
10.Write suitable example of DTD.

Unit 4
1. What is JSP?
2. Enlist advantages of JSP over CGI?
3. What do you mean by JSP processing? How JSP pages are handled? Explain
with architecture.
4. Explain various JSP directives.
5. What are general features of web services?

Unit 5
1. What are the advantages of PHP over scripting languages?
2. List and explain various features of PHP.
3. Briefly explain the basic structure of PHP program with an
4. Discuss about various control structures used in PHP. Give suitable
example for each.
5. Explain control and looping statement in PHP.
6. Discuss about string functions used in PHP with a suitable
7. Describe following functions of PHP.
a. Chr
b. Strlen()
c. Strpos()
d. Strcmp()
8. Explain PHP-Two-Dimensional Arrays using example(program)
9. Explain PHP GET and PHP POST variables.
10. What are cookies? Explain cookies in PHP.
11. Explain Session Management technique in PHP
12. Explain PHP module to insert a record in MySQL Database.

Note: This study materials should be only used for exam and study purpose.

Total Questions = 27

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