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As far as automobiles are concerned, safety is very important to reduce the

occurrence of accidents in speed restricted zones. It minimizes the loss of property
and life. According to the recent surveys, in the past few years, an accident near
the school zones, hospital zones and accident zone and sharp turnings have
increased tremendously, because of their hurry to get the targeted place soon.
Therefore controlling vehicle speed has been a crucial issue to be considered. This
paper aims to give a practical, compact and simple design to develop an automatic
vehicle speed control syst em, which has to be quickly get implemented in school,
college, hospital, sharp turning zones to reduce the number of accidents. This
automated speed controlling system is built using the microcontroller-based
platform of the PIC Controller board. Here the PIC Controller is programmed in
such a way that, the prescribed speed limit was incorporated in the transmitter unit
which transmits the signals, and it was received by the receiver in the vehicle using
RFID Reader wireless communication technology and the speed of the vehicle
was automatically controlled by the input signals by the receiver, with the help of
speed encoder sensor. Once this technique was implemented the accidents will be
reduced on a larger rate, and also reduce the nuisance by some drivers.


The Indian Law Commission has an advisory to limit the speed at critical zones, to
reduce the road accidents and to make a peaceful environment for the people. The
existing methodologies can’t able to reduce the accidents still now, Because of the
rash driving of some drivers. Hence speed control is in need to be implemented in
all the vehicles. Here is the new idea of ours to install an automated speed control
system in the vehicles mainly in the restricted areas. Here setup device as a
transmitter where the multiple devices are combined to monitor the speed of the
vehicle when the vehicle enters above the prescribed speed and controls it by
placing a receiver at the vehicles, based on the signals transmitted the speed of the
vehicle get reduced by interfacing a microcontroller. The current speed of the
vehicle is sensed by the dc motor and the output of it was given to the
microcontroller where it compares the speed with the prescribed limit and the
speed is controlled automatically. The technology used in this system to
communicate between transmitter and receiver is RFID Reader technology, which
covers up to 10-100m within its range. This is comparatively cheaper than others.
Therefore this system controls and monitors the overall vehicles in its covered
area. By implementing this system the accidents are reduced in this fast-moving
world. In the developed and developing countries, people finds inconvenience with
the road accidents, jamming of vehicles because of the drivers who dislike to obey
the laws at the restricted zone, where the speed has to be limited as prescribed in
that zone by using an automated speed control system to limit the speed
automatically using RFID Reader technology.

The above study has a high impact on the design and components selection of the
automatic vehicle speed control system and inferred that RFID Reader wireless
communication can be used instead of RF communication module and RFID tag in
the system for real-time working systems in the vehicle. The method for
recognizing the restricted zone is done through the RFID Reader transmitter in the
zone and the RFID Reader receiver is placed on the vehicle which is inferred from
the review. The content from the above-mentioned reviews is taken into
consideration for the design and development of the vehicle speed control system

The main objective of this system is to reduce the accident rates in the speed
restricted zones like school zone, hospital zone and sharp u-turns due to the
negligence of the driver to reduce the vehicle speed to limited speed as mentioned
in the signboard in that zone. In this automatic vehicle speed control system, When
the vehicle enters the speed limiting zone the transmitter block starts to work and
transmit the signal to the vehicle receiver which is placed in the vehicle, the RFID
Reader receiver which is connected with microcontroller process the signals and
compares the speed of vehicle with the predefined speed of that particular zone.
The PIC Controller was used as a controller that two-controller were used here
one for transmitter control and other for the receiver and other actions to take place
based on the program set up in the controller. The transmitter circuit is powered by
dc battery is enough for the working of RFID Reader which is placed near the
restricted zones. The driver of the vehicle will be warned to reduce the speed by
giving warning alerts through visual or audible alerts for reducing the speed
manually by the driver. If the speed of the vehicle is less than the predefined speed
programmed in the microcontroller no action takes place. If the speed of the
vehicle is greater than the predefined speed then the microcontroller controls the
speed of the vehicle motor by sending a signal to the motor driver in it and the
motor driver used reduces the speed of the electric motor, if rpm of motor
decreases which automatically reduces the speed of the vehicle in that particular
THE RESTRICTED AREA’ using PIC Controller , DC motor, RFID Reader
module and sensor, where the speed of the vehicle is reduced automatically. This
speed control system assures that the number of accidents near the school and
another specific zone to reach its minimum speed. this system requires very low
cost, durable, low power, and gives maximum safety to the public and simple
design to implement in the specific areas. This system also works on bad weather
days. This system will protect the public from the rash drivers, alcoholics, and the
drivers who lost their minds while driving. By implementing this system we can
give a safe and peaceful environment to the public

The road accidents are major cause for premature death and disability over the
world from the past decades. As per the survey held by World Health Organization
(WHO), around 1.3 million people are losing their lives due to road accidents
every year and more than 50 million people get injured. The numeral count of
road accidents are increasing due to over speeding, negligent driving, drink and
drive, poor vicinity of roads etc. Among these reasons, over speeding is the major
cause for the accident. The problem of over speeding becomes more dangerous in
the rainy, winter and spring season. Also the roads which has full of turns are more
prone to accidents.

In order to reduce the count of accidents, the respective department of government

has been deploying necessary steps like sign boards, speed humps etc., these steps
need an individual riders attention which is not taking place effectively.

So that it is necessary to design the smart system to alert the driver about the
accident zone and to control the speed of the vehicle. Using the advancement of
technology a new system is designed to prevent the road accidents. There are
various methods available in real time to design the system. But this paper presents
two methods such as RF technology and RFID Reader to control the speed of
vehicle. In RF technology the system has two sections, transmitter and receiver.
The transmitter has to be installed on the road side in accident zones, which
transmits the speed limit of the particular zone. The receiver is embedded in the
vehicle, which receives the data and alerts the driver about the zone to control the
speed of the vehicle. In RFID Reader, different RFID Reader area can be created
by using RFID READER tracking software application as per the requirement with
different radius. The location based values like latitude and longitude of mobile
devices are keeping on updated to the server. When the devices enter the RFID
Reader area, the notifications are sending to the controlling part of the vehicle from
the server. The Controlling part in the system activates the necessary action to
control the speed of the vehicle based on the notifications.


A recent survey shows that the maximum rate of serious road accidents are raised
due to high uncontrollable speed than necessary speed limited in the particular
zone and also due to unaware obstacles. Minimizing the number of rate of
accidents and their worst consequences are the most challengeable task for the
automotive manufacturer, traffic government authorities and automotive research
and development groups. The important needs for the driver while driving the
vehicle is awareness of the restricted zone in any term either audible or visual alert
to insist the driver of the vehicle about the obstacle in front of the road. And this
system is available in today's vehicle as a special feature in the vehicles market,
and the future vehicle requires higher safety in driving controls intelligently in
each and every vehicle. Road transport is a major type of transport system used in
India. India has a huge network of road connects throughout the nation. Our nation
faces the maximum number of accidents and accidental fatalities while comparing
to other nations around the world. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
report revealed that India has got one road accident every minute in a year which
lost one life in 3 minutes. Contrary to popular belief, only 1.5% of the accidents
are caused by defective roads. In the majority of the cases (77%), the driver is at
fault. This becomes more dangerous in populated regions like schools or hospitals.
In school areas, speed breakers are provided to reduce the speed of vehicles, but
the drivers do this manually. Many times due to driver’s fault speed is not


The main concern of the modern automotive industry is passenger safety and
accidents due to drivers' negligence are one of the problems for the roadside
people. This problem is being partly solved with the use of this vehicle speed
control system. Hence a system that does ensure safety is in huge demand. Such a
system is called the Automatic vehicle speed control system.


After the study of the problem statement and the market needs for the system, the
target specifications for the systems are being framed. In this case adaptation of the
system, compact to a vehicle, and the process of the system is being defined. The
main parameters based on which the system is to be designed are as follows
• Reliable

• Low cost

• Low power consumption

• Quick response

• Durability

• Easy adaption in vehicles

• Compact process

• Highly secured

Research and development :

The whole system is being controlled by an PIC Controller as a microcontroller.

The main reason for choosing this as a controller for their advantage of having
higher processing speeds and their ability to handle multiple inputs and outputs at
the same time without compromising the accuracy and precision of the outputs.
This PIC Controller which has enough capacity to process the input from the
RFID Reader receiver. The main purpose of the processor is to process the signal
from the RFID Reader transmitter which receives by the receiver. By using these
input signals PIC Controller process these signal and actuate the respective relays
and the processor accordingly generates output signals. This specific board can
also be

connected to a computer for easy implementation or modification of the code that

basically is the brain for the processor to control the activities. Also, the board’s
ability to connect with the computer via dedicated software can be used to view an
analog or graphical representation of both inputs.

Hardware Components :

 Pic Controller

 LCD Display

 Battery

 Power Supply Board

 RFID Reader

 DC Motor

Software Details

 Embedded C Programming

Existing System:

Every year the density of vehicles are increasing rapidly, which results in more
traffic related problems and leading to accidents. The causes for the accidents are
over speeding, negligent driving and ignoring the road rules etc. These problems
can be solved by using a system which alarms the accident zone or speed limit
area, in response to these alarms the speed of the vehicle can be controlled in order
to, avoid the accidents. The system can be implemented by using two methods
such as RF communication and RFID Reader. The proposed system is an attempt
to control the speed of the vehicles, which is designed with software and hardware
to enable the driver to get the speed of the area in which the vehicle is currently


The main focus of this project is to provide safety and precaution to the driver as
well as to the passengers and to avoid the accidents which can save many lives.The
framework makes utilization of two methods which are mentioned earlier. In RFID
Reader method RFID Reader placed at accident zones (such as school zones,
hospital areas and speed limit areas etc.) and RFID Card placed in the vehicle will
communicate using electromagnetic waves. The microcontroller that is the brain of
the project activates the particular action corresponding to the received signal. The
prototype is implemented using RFID Reader technology to overcome from the
drawbacks which are encountered in RFID technology.


The microcontroller used in the proposed system is PIC which stands for
Peripheral Interface Controller given by Microchip Technology to identify its
single-chip microcontrollers. PIC microcontrollers are very successful in 8-bit
microcontrollers. It acts as heart of the project. This onboard computer can
efficiently communicate with the output and input modules which are being used.
The controller contains some internal memory to store the program code. This
memory is also used to dump some set of assembly instructions into the controller
and these help for the functioning of the controller. The crystal oscillator speed that
can be connected to the PIC microcontroller ranges from up to 20Mhz. Using the
CCS C compiler usually 20Mhz oscillator will be used. The cost of the
microcontroller is also very cheaper.
The 20 MHz crystal oscillator should be connected with about 22pF capacitor.
There are 5 input/output ports on PIC microcontroller namely port A port B port C
port D and port E. Every single port has different based functionality. Most of
them can be used as general I/O ports. The microcontroller uses Harvard
architecture which separates both Program and Variable (data) memory interface.
This facilitates fetching of an instruction and the operation on data/accessing of
variables simultaneously.

PIC Microcontroller



A power supply (sometimes known as a power supply unit or PSU) is a device or system
that supplies electrical or other types of energy to an output load or group of loads. The term is
most commonly applied to electrical energy supplies, less often to mechanical ones, and rarely to


All digital circuits work only with low DC voltage. A power supply unit is required to
provide the appropriate voltage supply. This unit consists of transformer, rectifier, filter and a
regulator. AC voltage typically of 230Vrms is connected to a transformer which steps that AC
voltage down to the desired AC voltage level. A diode rectifier then provides a full wave
rectified voltage that is initially filtered by a simple capacitor filter to produce a DC voltage. This
resulting DC voltage usually has some ripple or AC voltage variations. Regulator circuit can use
this DC input to provide DC voltage that not only has much less ripple voltage but also remains
in the same DC value, even when the DC voltage varies, or the load connected to the output DC
voltage changes. The required DC supply is obtained from the available AC supply after
rectification, filtration and regulation. Block diagram of power supply unit is shown in Figure 2.1


Figure 5.1 Power Supply Block Diagram

The main components used in the power supply unit are Transformer, Rectifier, Filter
and Regulator. The 230V AC supply is converted into 9V AC supply through the transformer.
The output of the transformer has the same frequency as in the input AC power. This AC power
is converted into DC power through diodes. Here the bridge diode is used to convert AC supply
to the DC power supply. This converted DC power supply has the ripple content and for normal
operation of the circuit, the ripple content of the DC power supply should be as low as possible.
Because the ripple content of the power supply will reduce the life of the circuit. So to reduce the
ripple content of the DC power supply, the large value of capacitance filter is used.

This filtered output will not be the regulated voltage. For this purpose IC7805 regulator
IC is used in the circuit.


Transformer is a device used either for stepping-up or stepping-down the AC supply

voltage with a corresponding decreases or increases in the current. Here, a transformer is used
for stepping-down the voltage so as to get a voltage that can be regulated to get a constant 5V.

A rectifier is a device like semiconductor, capable of converting sinusoidal input
waveform units into a unidirectional waveform, with a nonzero average component.


Capacitors are used as filters in the power supply unit. The action of the system depends
upon the fact, that the capacitors stores energy during the conduction period and delivers this
energy to the load during the inverse or non-conducting period. In this way, time during which
the current passes through the load is prolonged and ripple is considerably reduced.


The LM78XX is three terminal regulator available with several fixed output voltages
making them useful in a wide range of applications. IC7805 is a fixed voltage regulators used in
this circuit.

Circuit diagram of such power supply is as shown in Figure 3.2

Figure 5.1.1 Five Volts Power Supply

Relay driver:

How to Build a Relay Driver Circuit

A relay driver circuit is a circuit which can drive, or operate, a relay so that it can function
appropriately in a circuit.

The driven relay can then operate as a switch in the circuit which can open or close, according to
the needs of the circuit and its operation.

In this project, we will build a relay driver for both DC and AC relays. Since DC and AC
voltages operate differently, to build relay drivers for them requires slightly different setup. We
will also go over a generic relay driver which can operate from either AC or DC voltage and
operate both AC and DC relays.

All the circuits are relatively simple to understand.

DC Relay Driver Circuit

We will first go over how to build a relay driver circuit for relays which operate from DC power.

To drive a DC relay, all we need is sufficient DC voltage which the relay is rated for and a zener

All relays come with a voltage rating. This is called on a relay's datasheet its rated coil voltage.
This is the voltage needed in order for the relay to be able to operate and be able to open or close
its switch in a circuit. In order for a relay to function, it must receive this voltage at its coil
terminals. Thus, if a relay has a rated voltage of 9VDC, it must receive 9 volts of DC voltage to
operate. So the most important thing a DC relay needs is its rated DC voltage. If you don't know
this, look up what relay you have and look up its datasheet and check for this specification.

And the reason why a diode is needed is usually because it functions to eliminate voltage spikes
from a relay circuit as the relay opens and closes. The coil of a relay acts an inductor. Remember
that inductors are basically coils of wires wrapped around a conductive core. This is what relay
coils are as well. Therefore, they act as inductors. Inductors are electronic components that resist
changes in current. Inductors do not like sudden changes in current. If the flow of current
through a coil is suddenly interrupted, for example, a switch opening, the coil will respond by
producing a sudden, very large voltage across its leads, causing a large surge of current through
it. From a physics or physical perspective, this phenomen is a result of a collapsing magnetic
field within the coil as the current is terminated abruptly. Mathematically, this can be understood
by noticing how a large change in current (dI/dt) affects the voltage across a coil (V=LdI/dt).
Since we are opening the switch, in this case, the current literally goes from full mode to 0
instantaneously. This creates a large voltage spike. Surges in current that result from inductive
effects can create very high voltage spikes (as high as 1000V) that can have nasty effects on
neighboring devices with in the circuits, such as switches and transistors getting zapped. Not
only are these voltage spikes damaging to other electronic components in a circuit but thye are
also damaging to the relay's switch contacts. The contacts will suffer from these spikes as well.

So how do we prevent these voltage spikes? How can we suppress them so that they don't cause
this damage? The answer for DC relay circuits is to use a diode. A diode is placed reverse biased
in parallel with the relay. The diode acts as a transient suppressor. A transient is a spike. A
transient suppressor suppresses these spikes. Placing a diode in reverse bias across a relay's coil
eliminates voltage spikes by going into conduction before a large voltage can form across the
coil. In other words, a diode will conduct current in reverse bias once the voltage reaches a
certain threshold and shunt the current to ground. Once the diode begins conducting, it no longer
holds voltage. So that the relay in parallel will not receive the excess voltage. So the diode
functions to shunt excess power to ground once it reaches a certain threshold. Diodes are devices
that do not conduct in reverse. However, if the voltage reaches a certain level, called the
breakdown voltage, it will conduct. This is a good thing, when we need the diode to act as a
transient suppressor, because it forces all excess power to ground, as to not affect any other parts
of the circuit.

The diode must be rated to handle currents equivalent to the maximum current that woudl have
been flowing through the coil before the supply current was interrupted. Therefore, if the relay
normally passes a certain amount of current through it during normal operation, the diode must
be rated for a current rating above this value, as to not stop normal operation.

Components Needed

 DC Relay
 Zener Diode
 DC Voltage Source

Again, the DC relay must receive its rated voltage value in order to operate.

The DC power source can be either batteries, wall wart power, or a DC power supply- any DC
power source.

The zener diode is placed reverse biased in parallel to the relay.

DC Relay Driver Circuit Schematic

Below is the DC relay driver circuit which we will build:

The relay which we use in this case is rated for 9V. Therefore, a 9-volt DC voltage source feeds
the resistor. To suppress transients that may be caused by the relay opening and closing, we place
a zener diode reverse biased in parallel with the relay. This will shunt all excess power to ground
once it reaches a certain threshold. This is all that is needed to operate the relay. With sufficient
power, the relay will now closed, driving the loads that are connected to its output.

How to Build an AC Relay Driver Circuit

Now we will show how to build an AC relay driver circuit.

This is a relay which is run, not off of DC power, but AC power.

To drive an AC relay, all we need is sufficient AC voltage which the relay is rated for and again
a transient suppressor.

Unlike DC relays, however, you cannot use a diode to to eliminate voltage spikes. With AC
power, the diode will conduct on alternate half-cycles. Using 2 diodes in reverse parallel will
also not work because the current will not make it to the coil of the relay. The current will just go
through the diodes. Instead, to create a working transient voltage suppressor with an AC circuit,
we use an RC series newtwork placed across the coil in parallel. The capacitor absorbs excessive
charge and the resistor helps to control the discharge.
Components Needed

 AC relay
 0.05µF capacitor
 100Ω Resistor
 AC Voltage Source

The AC voltage source will likely come from a plug plugged into a US wall outlet.

Warning: Be very careful with AC power coming directly from a wall outlet because it is
lethal enough to cause shock. Please consult a professional before taking power directly
from a plug in a wall outlet.

AC Relay Driver Circuit

The AC relay driver circuit we will build is shown below:

We, again, feed the AC relay the AC voltage it is rated for. If we use a relay with a rated
voltage of 110VAC, we must feed it 110V from an AC power source. The capacitor and
resistor in series acts as the transient voltage suppressor to suppress voltage spikes. This
first half of the circuit serves as the relay driver. With the relay now having sufficient
power, it will turn on and power the loads it is connected to.

Generic Relay Driver Circuit

The last relay driver circuit we will show is one which can be driven by an arbitrary
control voltage.

This is a relay driver circuit which can be driven by either AC or DC input voltage. And
unlike the other circuits, a specific voltage, such as the rated voltage values we used to drive
the others, does not need to be used. Because this circuit contains a transistor, much less
power needs to used on the input side to drive it.

Components Needed

 6-9V Relay
 2N2222 Transistor
 Zener diode
 1KΩ Resistor
 9V Battery or DC Power Supply
 Another input voltage source

Relay Driver Circuit

The circuit we will build is shown below:

Now that we're using a transistor to drive the relay, we can use considerably less power to
get the relay driven. Because a transistor is an amplifier, we just have to make sure that the
base lead gets enough current to cause a larger current to flow from the emitter of the
transistor to the collector. Once the base receives sufficient power, the transistor will
conduct from emitter to collector and power the relay.

With no voltage or input current applied to the transistor's base lead, the transistor's
emitter-to-collector channel is open, hence blocking current flow through the relay's coil.
However, if sufficient voltage and input current are applied to the base lead, the
transistor's emitter-to-collector channel will open, allowing current to flow through the
relay's coil.
Relay Driver Circuit

transistor relay driver circuit schematic

Another 470uF capacitor is added parallel to the relay coil which maintains steady current
through the relay coil so that relay clicking can be avoided if the power supply varies

IN 4007 diode eliminates back e.m.f when the relay switches off and protects the transistor. LED
indicates the on status of the relay

What is a relay? How can we connect relay to a circuit? What is relay driver? These are some
of the common doubts of an electronics beginner. Don’t worry, here CG will guide you with the
basic concepts and working of relays..!Relays were invented in 1835 by an American scientist
Joseph Henry. You can turn on larger electrical machines and electrical appliances by sensor
currents with the help of relays. When the relay coil is energized by a small current, the coil will
attract a common contact to another contact making the circuit closed.
Relay Driver IC Circuit
Relays are components that permit a low-power circuit to control signals or to switch high
current ON and OFF which should be electrically isolated from controlling circuit.

The Required Components

 Zener Diode
 6-9V Relay
 9V Battery or DC Power Supply
 2N2222 Transistor
 1K Ohm Resistor
 Second Input Voltage Source

Relay Driver IC Circuit

In order to drive the relay, we use transistor and only less power can be possibly used to get the
relay driven. Since, transistor is an amplifier so the base lead receives sufficient current to make
more current flow from Emitter of Transistor to Collector. If the base once gets power that is
sufficient, then the transistor conduct from Emitter to Collector and power the relay.
The Transistor’s emitter-to-collector channel will be opened even though no input current or
voltage is applied to Base lead of Transistor. Therefore, blocking current flows through relay

The emitter-to-collector channel will be opened and allows current to flow through relay’s coil if
enough current or voltage is applied as input to the base lead. AC or DC Current can be used to
power the relay and circuit.Relays are electromagnetic devices which allow low-power circuit to
switch a high current ON and OFF switching devices with the help of an armature that is moved
by an electromagnet.

Driver Circuit is used to boost or amplify signals from micro-controllers to control power
switches in semi-conductor devices. Driver circuits take functions that include isolating the
control circuit and the power circuit, detecting malfunctions, storing and reporting failures to the
control system, serving as a precaution against failure, analyzing sensor signals and creating
auxiliary voltages.

Driver Circuits

A typical digital logic output pin supplies only tens of MA of current.  External devices such as
high-power LEDs, motors, speakers, light bulbs, buzzers, solenoids and relays can require
hundreds of MA and they need same voltages. In order to control small devices which use DC, a
transistor-based driver circuit is used to amplify current to the required levels. If the voltage and
current levels are in perfect range, the transistor acts like a high-current switch controlled by the
lower current digital logic signal. A discrete BJT is used at times in place of MOSFET transistor
especially on older or low voltage circuits as shown below.
Driver Circuit

Basic Driver Circuit using a BJT Transistor

PNP, NPN, or MOS transistors are also be used. Transistor provides current gain. The resistor
used on the base of the transistor is 1K ohm. On inductive loads (i.e., motors, solenoids, relays),
a diode is often connected backwards across the load to suppress the voltage spikes (back EMF)
generated when turning devices OFF.

Inductor V = L* di/dt

A negative voltage spike is produced when turning the device OFF.  A diode is also connected
across the transistor instead of the load sometimes in order to protect the transistor. The 2N3904
shown below is a small discrete BJT transistor is used for a driver circuit that required less than
200MA. In this circuit with BJTs, Vcc – higher voltage supply than the logic power supply and 6
or 12V DC is required for motors or relays.

The load is directly connected to battery power and cannot passed through the voltage regulator
in battery operated devices. Many devices such as motors have more inflow current spike when
they are first turned ON. Be cautious on maximum current ratings.
Relay Driver Circuits

Advantages of Low Side Driver

More interface options are available which includes popular ULN2003 driver.

 Easy to interface to low voltage logic circuitry.

 Fewer components are used.
 Less expensive NPN drive transistors.
 Relay power reduces load on voltage regulator.
 It uses more commonly obtained NPN drive transistors.
 It is easier to interface relay.
 It is economic.
 Uses Industry standard technique.

The ULN2003 has internal clamp diodes. While these work OK in non-critical applications and
it leads to rise of glitches.

Clamp Diode
The clamp, free-wheeling or commutation diode provides a path for the inductive discharge
current to flow when the driver switch is opened. If not provided, it will generate an arc in the
switch—while the arc will not generally damage a switch contact, it will cause contact
degradation over time—and yes, it will destroy transistors—been there, done that. The diode
requirements are non-critical and a 1N4148 signal diode will generally work OK in low power

Avoid emitter follower drivers. If the relay is switched to OFF in 4007 diode eliminates back
e.m.f and safe guards the transistor. ON status of the relay is indicated by LED.

DC Relay Driver IC Circuit

Let us see construction of relay driver circuit for relays that are operated from DC power. In
order to drive a DC relay, DC voltage is needed in required quantity to rate a relay and a zener
diode.Voltage is required for the relay to operate and to open or close its switch in a circuit.
Relays exist with a voltage rating. This is known as relay’s datasheet to rate its coil voltage. For
the function of relay, it must receive this voltage at its coil terminals. Thus, if a relay has a rated
voltage of 9VDC, it should get 9 volts of DC voltage for its working. In order to eliminate
voltage spikes from a relay circuit, a diode is required for its proper functioning. The coil of a
relay acts an Inductor.

DC Relay Driver Circuit

The inductors are electronic components which withstand changes in current and also the
inductors are coils of wires wrapped around a conductive core. Voltage spikes damages all
components in a circuit and also damages relay’s switch contacts. To prevent these voltage
spikes, a diode is kept reverse biased in parallel with the relay which acts as a transient (spike)
suppressor eliminates voltage spikes by going into conduction before voltage is formed across
the coil. A transient suppressor suppresses these spikes. A diode conducts reverse bias current if
voltage reaches a certain threshold. The diode functions to shunt excess power to ground, and the
diodes conduct if the voltage reaches breakdown voltage.
The Required Components

 DC Relay
 Zener Diode
 DC Voltage Source or a DC power supply.

The zener diode is placed reverse biased in parallel to the relay.

The Relay used in the above is rated for 9Volts. In this a 9V DC Voltage source feeds the
resistor. A Zener diode reverse biased is placed in order to suppress the transients caused by
opening and closing the relay. This shunts all excess power to ground if it reaches a particular
threshold. This is the process to operate a relay. Driving the loads which were connected to the
output taking required power the relay will be closed.

AC Relay Driver IC Circuit

This AC Relay driver IC circuit is a relay that runs with AC power and cannot be run with DC
power. In order to run an AC relay, enough AC voltage is required tp rate the relay and transient
suppressor. In AC relay circuit we cannot use a diode to remove voltage spikes. This diode
conducts an alternate half-cycle with AC power. We use an RC series network by placing across
coil in parallel to form a working transient voltage suppressor with an AC circuit. Capacitor
absorbs charge which comes excessively and resistor helps to control overflow.Components
required to form the circuit is as follows

AC Relay Driver Circuit

 AC Relay
 100 Ohm Resistor
 0.05 Micro Farad Capacitor
 AC Voltage Source

NOTE: AC voltage source may come out from plug that is inserted into US wall outlet.

Be careful with AC Power that comes out directly from wall outlet as it causes Shock. Consult a
Professional before taking power from plug into wall outlet.

When we use a relay with rated voltage 110VAC, we should feed it with 110V from an AC
power source. To suppress voltage spikes, resistor and capacitor connected in series acts as
transient voltage suppressor.

Relay Driver IC ULN2003

The relay driver uln2003 ic is a high voltage and current darlington array ic, it comprises of 7-
open collector darlington pairs with common emitters. A pair of darlington is an arrangement of
two bipolar transistors. This IC belongs to the family of ULN200x ICs and various types of this
family interface to various logic families. This ULN2003 IC is for 5V TTL and CMOS logic
devices. These ICs are used as relay drivers as well as to drive a wide range of loads, line drivers,
display drivers etc. This IC is also normally used while driving Stepper Motors. The pairs of
darlington in ULN2003 is esteemed at 500mA and can withstand peak current of 600mA.In the
pin layout, the i/ps & o/ps are provided reverse to each other. Each driver also has a suppression
diode to dissipate voltage spikes while driving inductive loads
Relay Driver IC ULN2003
This project is designed for a three-phase-solid-state relay system. It incorporates three single-
phase units wherein each phase is controlled individually by power TRIAC with RC snubber
network for a zero-voltage switching (ZVS).

Opto-isolators are used in each phase to receive switching signals from a microcontroller of the
8051 family, loads are connected in series with a set of TRIACS driven by an opto-isolator. The
microcontroller is designed to generate output pulses after zero voltage pulse to ensure that the
load gets switched on at zero cross of the supply waveform.

The zero crossing feature of the TRIAC driver, (an opto-isolator) ensures low noise generation
thus avoiding sudden inrush of current on resistive and inductive loads. In this project, two push
buttons are used for generating the output pulses from the microcontroller randomly, away from
the ZVS ie not coinciding with zero voltage supply voltage of the waveform.
Semiconductor Relay with ZVS Project Kit by
Thus the lamp which is used as a load is forced to switch on and off at non ZVS points but the
final switch happens at the next ZVS only. Using CRO or DSO we can see the waveform of
voltage supplied to load for verifying the switching ON/ OFF the load at zero voltage point.

Furthermore, this project can be enhanced by using 2 back-to-back SCRs, in each phase for
heavy load switching as used in industries. Over load and short circuit protection can also be
incorporated for higher reliability.

Circuit Options Explore Issues, Solutions For Relay Drivers

Relays usually are driven using optocouplers, which offer isolation between analog and digital
grounds to ensure that switching currents in the relay coils do not affect the noise margin of the
digital circuit. For driving a large number of relays through a bus-based backplane, the on-board
complex programmable logic device (CPLD)/FPGA provides the interfacing and diagnostics to
the I/O board.

A ULN2803 Darlington transistor with base current controlled by the optocoupler drives the
relay. To minimize power for CPLDs, their outputs are connected to the cathode of the
optocoupler, while the anode is connected to either +5 V through a current-limiting resistor.

In a typical backplane bus-based system, +5 V and +24 V are used for powering the digital logic
and relay coil, respectively. The problem begins when we independently switch off the digital-
circuitry power supply before the relay-coil supply. In the circuit of Figure 1, the CPLD has to
output a logic “1” (+5 V) to ensure that the relay is switched off. When the digital power supply
is switched off, the power supply begins to decay, with the time constant depending on the load.

As +5 V reaches 2.5 V, the CPLD output goes to logic zero, causing the optocoupler to switch
the Darlington transistor ON. This, in turn, energizes the relay. As the power supply decays to
+1.2 V, it turns the optocoupler off, which in turn de-energizes the relay. This intermittent
energizing of relays can cause problems in critical applications due to improper power

For example, the relay may be driving a safety valve and a power switch-off would cause the
safety valve to actuate or de-actuate, resulting in a critical process disturbance. A similar event
takes place during power-on, when +5 V ramps up slower than +24 V.

The blue and pink lines in Figure 2 represent the +5 V and relay’s normally open (NO) contact,
respectively. The duration of the energization is directly related to the time between the +2.5-V
to +1.2-V transition, after which the relay gets permanently de-energized.
LCD is a type of display used in digital watches and many portable computers. LCD displays
utilize to sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them. An electric
current passed through the liquid causes the crystals to align so that light cannot pass through
them. LCD technology has advanced very rapidly since its initial inception over a decade ago for
use in lap top computers. Technical achievements has resulted in brighter displace, higher
resolutions, reduce response times and cheaper manufacturing process.

The liquid crystals can be manipulated through an applied electric voltage so that light is allowed
to pass or is blocked. By carefully controlling where and what wavelength (color) of light is
allowed to pass, the LCD monitor is able to display images. A backlight provides LCD monitor’s

Over the years many improvements have been made to LCD to help enhance resolution, image,
sharpness and response times.

One of the latest such advancement is applied to glass during acts as switch allowing control of
light at the pixel level, greatly improving LCD’s ability to display small-sized fonts and image

Other advances have allowed LCD’s to greatly reduce liquid crystal cell response times.
Response time is basically the amount of time it takes for a pixel to “change colors”, in reality
response time is the amount of time it takes a liquid crystal cell to go from being active to

This is due to following reasons:

The declining prices of LCDs.

The ability to display numbers, characters and graphics. This is in contrast to LEDs, which are
limited to numbers and a few characters.

An intelligent LCD display of two lines, 20 characters per line that is interfaced to the pic16f72

Incorporation of a refreshing controller into the LCD, thereby relieving the CPU to keep
displaying the data. Ease of programming for characters and graphics.

Most of the LCD modules conform to a standard interface specification. A 14-pin access is
provided having eight data lines, three control lines and three power lines. The connections are
laid out in one of the two common configurations, either two rows of seven pins, or a single row
of 14 pins.

One of these pins is numbered on the LCD’s printed circuit board (PCB), but if not, it is quite
easy to locate pin1. Since this pin is connected to ground, it often has a thicker PCB track,
connected to it, and it is generally connected to metal work at same point.



Vcc, Vss and Vee: -

While Vcc and Vss provide +5V and ground respectively, Vee is used for controlling LCD
RS Register Select: -

There are two very important registers inside the LCD. The RS pin is used for their selection as

If RS=0, the instruction command code register is selected, allowing the user to send a command
such as clear display, cursor at home, etc.

If RS=1, the data register is selected, allowing the user to send data to be displayed on the LCD.

R/W, read/write: -

R/W input allows the user to write information to the LCD or read information from it.

R/W = 1 for reading.

R/W= 0 for writing.

EN, enable: -

The LCD to latch information presented to its data pins uses the enable pin. When data is
supplied to data pins, a high–to-low pulse must be applied to this pin in order for the LCD to
latch in the data present at the data pins. This pulse must be a minimum of 450 ns wide.

D0 – D7: -

The 8–bit data pins, DO – D7, are used to send information to the LCD or read the contents of
the LCD’s internal registers.

To display letters and numbers, we send ASCII codes for the letters A–Z, a-z numbers 0-9 to
these pins while making RS=1.

There are also instruction command codes that can be sent to the LCD to clear the display or
force the cursor to home position or blink the instruction command codes.

We also use RS = 0 to check the busy flag bit to see if the LCD is ready to receive information.
The busy flag is D7 and can be read when R/W=1 and RS=0, as follows: if R/W = 1, RS = 0.
When D7= 1 (busy flag = 1), the LCD is busy taking care of internal operations and will not
accept any information.
RFID Reader :

The RFID reader has a radio transmitter and receiver inside. It is also called as an
interrogator. The reader transmits radio frequency signals continuously upon
powering. When an RFID tag is placed inside the range area of a reader, it
energizes the tag through electromagnetic induction and collects the information
from it.

The image given above is that of an RFID tag (smart card shaped tag). RFID tags
are available in different types of size and shapes. The Tag contains an IC for
storing the data, an antenna for transmitting and receiving, and also a modulator.
Tags are very small in size and they can hold only few bits of data.

Radio frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless identification technology that

uses radio waves to identify the presence of RFID tags.

Just like Bar code reader, RFID technology is used for identification of people,
object etc. presence.

In barcode technology, we need to optically scan the barcode by keeping it in front

of reader, whereas in RFID technology we just need to bring RFID tags in range of
readers. Also, barcodes can get damaged or unreadable, which is not in the case for
most of the RFID.

RFID is used in many applications like attendance system in which every person
will have their separate RFID tag which will help identify person and their

RFID is used in many companies to provide access to their authorized employees.

It is also helpful to keep track of goods and in automated toll collection system on
highway by embedding Tag (having unique ID) on them

Electronic Control Systems

Electronic control technology for stoichiometric engines using three-way catalysts

has been extensively developed. Nearly all engine emission control systems used
in the United States since 1981 incorporate computer control of the air-fuel ratio.
Similar systems have been used in Japan since 1978 and in Europe since the late
1980s. These systems measure the air-fuel ratio in the exhaust and adjust the air-
fuel mixture going into the engine to maintain stoichiometry. In addition to the air-
fuel ratio, computer systems control features that were controlled by vacuum
switches or other devices in earlier emission control systems. These include spark
timing, exhaust gas recirculation, idle speed, air injection systems, and evaporative
canister purging.

The stringent air-fuel ratio requirements of three-way catalysts made advanced

control systems necessary. But the precision and flexibility of the electronic
control system can reduce emissions even in the absence of a catalytic converter.
Many control systems can self-diagnose engine and control system problems. Such
diagnostics are mandatory in the United States. The ability to warn the driver of a
malfunction and assist the mechanic in its diagnosis can improve maintenance
quality. Self-diagnostic capabilities are becoming increasingly sophisticated and
important as engine control systems become more complex. Computer-controlled
engine systems are also more resistant to tampering and maladjustment than
mechanical controls. The tendency for emissions to increase over time is thus
reduced in computer-controlled vehicles.

This study shows the role of reducing vehicle speed automatically and its
contributions to the safety of pedestrians and road users. It is found that the use of
the vehicle speed control system contributes a lot in minimizing the accident rate
that occurs due to the negligence of the driver to disobeying roadside signboards in
special zones. Though the RFID Reader system in a vehicle is effective, they help
much in terms of improving safety, keeping both the passenger safety and the
pedestrians on the roads. Considering the automatic RFID Reader system is
incorporate in school zones or hospital zones which allows the vehicle to act
independently to slow down the vehicle when the vehicle comes at a higher speed
which minimizes the accidents due to negligence of the driver actively and in a
way more effectively. Hence it is concluded from the above study that the uses of
Automatic vehicle speed control systems in restricted zones minimize unwanted
accidents to a great extent compared to normal behavior.


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