Math1 Report

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Parametric Equations, Motions, Hyperbolic Functions Parametric Equations: a) Parametric Representations If the rectangular coordinates of a point on a plane curve

can be expressed as functions of a common variable u in the form x = f(u), y = g(u) (1) the equations (1) are called parametric equations of the curve and the variable u is called a parameter. If we eliminate u from the equations in (1), we obtain the rectangular or cartesian equation of the curve. Note: The elimination of the parameter assures us that any point satisfying equations will satisfy the rectangular equation, but the converse is not necessarily true. Ex1. Find the rectangular equation of each of the ff. curves. (ans. x2 = y + 6x - 7) x=3t y = t2 - 2 Ex2. Write the parametric equations as a rectangular equation x = 2 cos q y = 5 sin q Since cos2q + sin2q = 1, solve for sin q and cos q in the above equations and substitute into the identity statement. x/2 = cos q y/5 = sin q cos2q + sin2q = 1 (x/2)2 + (y/5)2 = 1 x2 y2 =1 + 4 25 We have an ellipse. b) Derivatives in Parametric Form If the equation of a curve is given by the parametric equations x = f(u), y = g(u), then by D9, the slope of the curve for each value of u is given by dy y' = dx = dx du dy' du = dx dx du dy'' du = dx = = f'(u) dy du = f'(u) g'(u) = g1(u), provided that f'(u) = 0

dy' y'' =

g1'(u) = g2(u),

dy'' y''' =

g2'(u) = g3(u),

dx f'(u) du Ex3. Find y', y'', y''' if x = 3sin and y = 5 9cos Curvilinear Motion In the Derivative as an Instantaneous Rate of Change, we found out how to find the velocity from the displacement function using:

and the acceleration from the velocity function (or displacement function), using:

These formula are only appropriate for rectilinear motion (i.e. velocity and acceleration in a straight line). This is inadequate for most real situations, so we introduce here the concept of curvilinear motion, where an object is moving in a plane along a specified curved path. We generally express the x and y components of the motion as functions of time. This form is called parametric form. Ex4. Draw the curve y(t) = cos t, x(t) = sin t for t = 0 to 2 in 0.5 intervals. Solution: First, we need to set up a table of values which we obtain by substituting various values of t: t 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 x(t) 0 .48 .84 1.0 .91 .60 .14 -.35 -.76 -.98 -.96 -.71 -.28 y(t) 1 .88 .54 .07 -.42 -.80 -.99 -.94 -.65 -.21 .28 .71 .96 We plot our 13 points, starting at (1, 0) as follows:

We see that we have formed a circle, centre (0,0), radius 1 unit. Notice that the variable t does not appear in this graph, just the variables x and y.

Horizontal and Vertical Components of Velocity The horizontal component of the velocity is written: and the vertical component is written: We want to find the magnitude of the resultant velocity v once we know the horizontal and vertical components. We use: The direction that the object is moving in, is found using: Example 5 If x = 5t3 and y = 4t2 at time t, find the magnitude and direction of the velocity when t = 10. When t = 10, the particle is at (5000, 400). Here is the graph of the motion. Note: The axes are x and y (and do not involve t). The particle is accelerating as time goes on (the red dots are at one second intervals)

We are told that x = 5t3 So At t = 10, the velocity in the x-direction is given by: dx = vx = 15(10)2 = 1500 ms-1 dt Also, y = 4t2 so the velocity in the y-direction is: dy = 8t dt When t = 10, the velocity in the y-direction is: dy

= vy = 8(10) = 80ms-1 dt So the magnitude of the velocity will be: v = vx2+ vy2 = 15002+ 802 = 1502.1 ms-1 Now for the direction of the velocity (it is an angle, relative to the positive x-axis): So v = 0.053 radians = 3.05. Acceleration of a Body in Curvilinear Motion The expressions for acceleration are very similar Magnitude of acceleration: to those for velocity: Direction of acceleration: Horizontal component of acceleration: Vertical component of acceleration:

Ex6.A car on a test track goes into a turn described by x = 0.2t3, y = 20t 2t2, where x and y are measured in metres and t in seconds. (i) Sketch the curve for 0 t 60. (ii) Find the acceleration of the car at t = 3.0 seconds.

(ii) Acceleration: Horizontal acceleration: x = 0.2t3 vx = dx/dt = 0.6t2 ax = d2x/dt2 = 1.2t At t = 3.0, ax = 3.6 Vertical acceleration: y = 20t 2t2 vy = dy/dt = 20 - 4t ay = d2y/dt2= -4 At t = 3.0, ay = -4 Now a = ax2+ ay2 = 3.62 + (-4)2 = 5.38 and ay a = arctan ax = arctan (-4 / 3.6) a = 312 (4th quadrant) So the car's acceleration has magnitude 5.38 ms-2, and direction 312 from the positive x-axis.

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