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NIM : 20181111014

Dosen Pembimbing
Dr. Waode Hamsiah, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
Armeria Wijaya, S.S.,M.Pd.


Title Cover
Table of Content
1.1. Background of the Study
1.2. Research Questions
1.3. Research Purpose
1.4. Significance of the Research
1. 5. Scope and Delimitation
1.6. Definition of Key Terms
2.1 Writing
2.1.1 Definition Of Writing
2.1.2 Teaching Writing
2.1.3. Type Of Writing
2.2 Procedure Text
2.3 Media Reels
2.4 Research Hypothesis
3.1. Research Design
3.2. Research Subject and Setting
3.3. Data and sources of data
3.4. Research Instrument
3.5. Data Analysis

1.1. Background of the Study

Language is very important in everyday life because language is a tool of human

communication. With language, a person can convey ideas, thoughts, feelings to others, both
orally and in writing. Without language, we will find it difficult to communicate and convey
our intentions or goals to others and interact in everyday life. Each country has its language.
As in Indonesia, there are various languages, and mostly English is a second language that is
often used at school and home.
English is the most widely used language in the world. English is very important to learn
because there are many benefits that we can use when we can speak English. In addition to
facilitating conversations with outsiders, by being able to speak English skills, we have very
large job opportunities. English has four skills, there are listening, reading, speaking, and
writing. One of the important things is not only speaking but writing.
Writing is most important to communication because people use writing to express ideas,
feelings, opinions in written form. In writing, the delivery of information can be more
complete, systematic, and directed. Although both are forms of communication, writing has
its distinct traits. Our fingers are taught to organize letters into words, words into phrases,
sentences into paragraphs, and paragraphs into essays when we write. It is possible to remove
or change items that do not fit or are not understood. Oral communication, on the other hand,
cannot be replaced by mouth gestures when speaking, and it is sometimes unclear and
difficult for the listener to understand (Ajar et al. 2020).
In writing in junior high school, there are various kinds such a: narrative text, recount
text, descriptive text, and procedure text. Junior high school students should be able to write
from various types of text. One of them is procedure text. Procedure text is a part of everyday
life. This text tells how something is done through steps and actions such as recipes,
ingredients, steps, or how to use something.
There are many problems that we often encounter, such as lack of vocabulary, speaking,
listening. But writing is one of the most common problems. Most students to start writing are
often confused and have difficulty. So we as teachers must find out how to write effectively
in learning English.
To overcome problems in learning to write, teachers can use interesting learning for
students. There are many methods caned for learning. One of them is using video media.
Learning to write using videos can be boring. Using video reels to teach procedure text is
effective in the learning process, so that students become easy, understand, and have fun
learning English.
Based on the statement above, the writer looks for "The Effectiveness of Teaching
Writing Procedure Text Using Reels in SMP PGRI 7 Surabaya"
1.2. Research Questions
1. How effective is the use of the reels application for teaching writing procedure text in SMP
PGRI 7 Surabaya?
2. How are the student’s understanding of teaching writing procedure text using reels in SMP
PGRI 7 Surabaya?

1.3. Research Purpose

1. To know effective of reels application for teaching writing procedure text in SMP PGRI 7
2. To know the students understanding of teaching writing procedure text using reels in SMP
PGRI 7 Surabaya?

1.4. Significance of the Research

The writer hopes that this study can be useful in the education world, particularly for
the teachers, the students, and the other researchers. The results will be useful for teachers to
improve their teaching process and English teachers will be more creative in teaching writing.
By using the new applications in research will make students more creative and innovative.
By reading the research results, it is expected that students can be more creative and can
express ideas, thoughts, feelings as freely as possible.

1. 5. Scope and Delimitation

 Research Subject
The research subject is the students in the ninth grade of SMP PGRI 7 Surabaya
 Research Object
The research objects ware known the problems of student and teaching writing procedure
text using reels
 Research Place
The research was conducted in SMP PGRI 7 Surabaya
 Research Time
The research was conducted in the first semester in the academic year of 2021/2022
1.6. Definition of Key Terms
Explanation of the terms the author uses:
1. Write
one of the skills to learn English. writing is the most important to communicate. By writing,
we can express ideas, thoughts, and opinions in written form.
2. Procedure text
Procedure text is a type of text that serves to inform the reader about the steps to do
something. Procedure text is one of the genres that must be taught to junior high school
3. Reels
Reels is an application that makes short videos of 15 seconds with a choice of audio, effects,
and other creative tools.

2.1 Writing
2.1.1 Definition Of Writing
Writing is the process of describing a language in such a way that the reader can
understand the author's message. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing is the four
components of language skills to master in English. Although writing is the last talent to
learn, it is not unimportant.
Writing, according to Harmer, is a means of producing language and expressing ideas,
feelings, and opinions. Furthermore, he claims that writing is a process in which genre
limitations substantially impact what people write and that these constraints must be present
in learning activities.
Based on the above explanation, it can be concluded that writing is the process of
generating ideas, considering how to express them, and organizing them into statements and
paragraphs to communicate something with other people indirectly. Students make an effort
to express their thoughts through language in writing.

2.1.2 Teaching Writing

When teaching students how to write, we should show them how to write and assist
them in learning to write successfully. When students are taught to write as a process of
discovery, rewriting becomes the primary focus of the course, and the teacher, who typically
provides comments after the fact, intervenes to guide students through the process (Zamel,
1982: 206).
Teaching, according to Brown (2000:7), is "showing or assisting someone in learning
how to do something, imparting knowledge, causing to know or comprehend." Thus, teaching
writing is not just the responsibility of the school. Writing is an important tool for studying a
discipline, and all students and teachers have a responsibility to help pupils develop their
writing skills.

2.1.3. Type Of Writing

There is 4 type of writing :
 Expository writing sets forth facts. Textbooks, journalism (excluding opinion and
editorial articles), business writing, technical writing, essays, and directions all
contain it.

 Descriptive writing evokes imagery. In fiction, poetry, journal writing, and

advertising, it can be found.
 Persuasive writing attempts to persuade the reader to agree with the author's
viewpoint. It's often used in advertising, as well as the opinion and editorial pieces,
reviews, and job applications.

 Narrative writing a story is told through narrative prose. Fiction, poetry, biographies,
human interest stories, and anecdotes all contain it.

2.2 Procedure Text

A procedure is a certain way of getting something done or acting. It can be concluded,
procedure text is one type of English text which contains ways or steps to do something.
According to Carlene Walter (2015), others argue that process text instructs the reader on
how to perform a specific task. It explains to the reader what equipment and materials are
required, and it walks the reader or user through the steps required to execute the work
The goal of a procedure document based on Walter is to ensure that something is done
correctly and that the result is satisfactory. It signifies that the objective of a procedural text is
to convey knowledge, such as how to produce something, cook something, use something, or
operate something, that is necessary for readers to reach a successful result.
According to Knapp and Watkins ( 2005: 158 ), the generic structure of procedure
text is goal, materials, and steps.
1. Goal: Purpose of doing the instructions.
2. Materials: Ingredients, equipment to do the instructions.
3. Steps: A step of instruction to achieve the final purpose.

2.3 Media Reels

Reels invites you to create fun videos to share with your friends or anyone on
Instagram. Record and edit 15-second multi-clip videos with audio. You can share reels with
your followers on Feed, and, if you have a public account, make them available to the wider
Instagram community through a new space in Explore. Reels in Explore offers anyone the
chance to become a creator on Instagram and reach new audiences on a global stage.

2.4 Research Hypothesis

Based on the above explanation, the writer makes a hypothesis that reels are effective
or not effective in teaching writing of procedure text in the ninth-grade students of SMP
PGRI 7 Surabaya.

3.1. Research Design

In this research, the authors conducted quantitative research using the pre-
experimental design method, with one group pre-test and post-test. One group pretest-posttest
design, according to Arikunto (2010:124), is a research activity that includes a pre-test before
treatment and a post-test after treatment. After seeing this understanding, it can be concluded
that the results of the treatment can be known more accurately because it can compare with
the situation before being given treatment. The use of this design is adjusted to the objectives
to be achieved, namely to determine students' writing skills in learning to identify procedural
text before and after and after being given treatment.

3.2. Research Subject and Setting

The subject in this study was the ninth-grade students of SMP PGRI 7 Surabaya. The
sampling technique used is the total population sampling technique. This sampling technique
was chosen when the research was conducted in a small population area. Researchers use this
sampling technique because the population is too small.

3.3 Population of the Research

The population in this study were ninth-grade students. Consisting of 17 students,
they are in one class. Arikunto stated that the number of subjects is less than 100, it is better
to take the entire population and if the number of subjects is more than 100 respondents it is
better to take 25% or more. For this condition the authors take the total population as a
sample. The sampling technique used is total sampling.
Distribution of the Research Population and Sample
NO Class Female Male Population
1 XI 4 13 17
Total 17

3.4. Research Instrument

In carrying out research, it is necessary to have good data collection techniques so that
the results are good. the author uses the data collection design as follows:
 Test Technique
This technique aims to measure the knowledge skills and abilities possessed by students. The
types of tests given are in the form of pre-test and post-test. This test was conducted to
determine the effectiveness of writing procedure text using reels.
 Preliminary analysis
Preliminary analysis is an analysis before being given treatment that aims to determine the
ability of students before being given treatment. The data used is the pretest value.
 Final stage analysis
This analysis aims to determine the data obtained from the study results (post-test).

3.5. Research Procedure

The data was collected by using pretest and posttest. A pre-test was given to the students at
the beginning of the research. Then, the post-test was given to the students at the end of the
The procedures of collecting data are as follows:
1. Pre-test
The pretest was done before treatment intended to obtain the effectiveness of teaching writing
procedure text using reels. Items used for pre-test is written how to make an omelet
2. Treatment
The treatment is to Write procedure text using reels. items used for treatment is making text
from reels and making reels how to make a brownies
3. Post-test
The posttest was given at the end of the research. The items used for posttest is how to make
an omelet with watch the reels

3.6. Data Analysis

To find out the students’ individual scores, the writer used formula as follows:
correct answer
Students score = X 100
Then, to interpret the score, the writer used the criteria of measuring the test score to find the
effectiveness of teaching writing procedure text using reels, the criteria can be seen as
The Criteria Students’ Score in Reading Comprehension
The score of comprehension Categories
80-100 Very Good
66-79 Good
56-65 Enough
40-55 Less
30-39 Fail
Brown, H-Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. London:
Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. How to Teach Writing. (Longman: Pearson Education Limited).
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Edisi Revisi VI.
(Jakarta:Rineka Cipta, 2006.), p. 134.

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