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Submiitted by:
Daydreams Childcare
1.Conduct Assessment

My Team conduct Needs Assessment to support and

improve the academic development of children ages 5-
12 yrs old of Sitio Campo Swerti Cansilayang Pototan,
Iloilo. My team encourage our community and their
schools to systematically examine performance gaps
and identify, understands, and prioritize the needs that
must be address to improve outcomes for all children.
The source of the data collected is a survey
questionnaire answered by Grade1 to 6 pupils ages 5to
12 years old. The questionnaire was composed of five
question to find the gaps between current conditions
and desired conditions.
Need Assessment Questionnaire

Questionnaire for the Need Assessment

Survey Question
1. Know how to read?
• Yes
• No
2. Can able to identify letter
• Yes
• No
3. Which activities in the classroom do you enjoy the most?
▪ Fast facts
▪ Memory
▪ Treasure hunt
4. Given a chance, what is one change that you would like to see?
▪ Teaching method
▪ Time taken to complete a chapter
▪ Extracurricular activities

5. What motivates you to learn?

▪ Asking a lot of question to the teacher
▪ Completing various assignments
▪ Sports and other extracurricular activities
6. Do you think that the school provides you with an effective teaching
styles or method?
▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ Not always

Interview question
Now during this pandemic are you satisfied with this new normal set up?
2. Develop Missio,Goal and

: The goal of this program is to improve the reading

comprehension and vocabulary of every Grade 1-6 ages 5-
12 years of Sitio Campo Swerti , Bgry. Cansilayan Pototan
Iloilo to better understand what they are reading we will
last in 3 months. Whenever they come across a word, they
look up its definition and then use it in sentence to
understand its meaning.

The mission of this program is to create and maintain an effective

environment for children by establishing a network of like-minded
individuals with passion for learning. To acquire knowledge that
children can use in the work force and in their daily life to be better
and the world around them.

Children in the community can properly practice or enhance

their academic development through encouraging pupils to join in
this program to:
- to improve the community's literacy rate
- achieving a better grade
3.Identifying Funding Sources

Resource Identification Form:

Name of Organization: Daydreams Childcare Organization

Name of Contact Person: Armonidad, Hannah Vegael a. (Executive Director)
Telephone #: 3621-9899-2013 / 9074111126
Address: Sitio Campo Swerti, Brgy. Cansilayan, Pototan , Iloilo
Project Title: DayDream Childcare Program
Project Description:
Is an academic program with the goal to provide all children with a
developmentally appropriate program that emphasizes the growth, and
development of children in terms of their academic performance, and help
children to make dreams come true. To support all children by creating
caring and exclusive social play environments that can naturally
promote child development in all areas of learning, including
literacy and numeracy.

Audience Targeted by Project: 25 target audience ages 5-12 years old in

Sitio Campo Swerti, Brgy. Cansilayan, Pototan , Iloilo.

Service is Primarily: Prevention Intervention Both

Service Involves: Education, Networking, Skill Building
Webbing Form
The information you provide is confidential and will we used only to help us expand our
fundraising base. Return this form to Ms. Hannah Armonidad by Mrs Jennifer Tuazon Guttierez.

Thank you for your help.

1. List Five people, organization, or business that you feel can afford to make a donation,
contribution, or gift to our organization.
a.) Green peace Philippines
b.) Volunteer Youth leaders for Health Philippines
c.) Gentle Hands
d.) Childhope Philippines

2. Would you be willing to speak with any of the names listed above on our behalf? If yes,
please indentify which one(s).
• Childhope Philippines and Gentle hands.

3. If applicable, are any of your costumers or supplies known to be involved in local

philanthropy effort?
• NO

4. Have you ever helped this organization or any other receive a gift or more than 500?
• NO

5. Of what social fraternal athletic, civic or other clubs are you a member?
• Peer facilitator club

6. What is your educational background?

• Bachelor in Human Service of ISATU in A.Y. 2022-2023

7. To what church or synagogue do you belong

• Christian

8. Please list any corporate and/or philanthropy membership or directorships you hold.
• None

9. What is your home address?

• Sitio Campo swerti Cansilayan Pototan, Iloilo

4. Assign Leadership Task
Task Person responsible
Set up of the event and materials Program Planner
(Christine Pearl)

Finalized Panel Participants and Researcher

Moderator (Ian)

Line up Volunteers. Check date for Service providers

Conflicts with other events. ( Larwen Armonidad)

Responsible fro discovering and building Grant writer

relationship with funders. ( Adrian Hierro)

Prepare Information kit Program Director

( Aillen Porras)

Follow up with phone or personal invite to Researcher

media ( Ian Calicaran)
Evaluation Program Supervisor
( Hannah Armonidad)

Follow up evaluation how useful was it to Program Supervisor

participants. Record comment ( Hannah Armonidad)

Write report for program planning file Program Planning

5.Design Program Task

1. Letter Identification
2. Flash Card
3. Reading Racetracks
4. Read Actively
5. Repeated Reading
6. Sentence Combining
7. Self-Correction with Verbal Cues
Intervention Timeline
Intervention Person When? 1Q, 2Q,
Activity Responsibility 3Q, 4Q
Letter Cristine Pearl First Quarter
identification Virgula
Flash Card Adrian Hierro First Quarter

Reading Racetrack Ian Calicaran First Quarter

Read Actively Aillen Porras Second Quarter

Repeated Reading Hannah Vegael Second Quarter
Self-correction with Cristine Pearl Third Quarter
verbal cues Virgula & Aillen
Sentence Combing Adrian Hierro & Fourth Quarter
Hannah Vegael
Process & Outcome Objective
Process Objective: Outcome Objective
By 2022, to achieve 50% of reading Within three months, 50% of Grade 1 to Grade
comprehension and vocabulary of Grade 1 to 6 students aged 5 to 12 increased their reading
Grade 6 ages 5 to 12 years old. comprehension and vocabulary by 50%.

Know how to read?
Can able to identify letter
What motivates you to learn?
Do you think that the school provides you with The students can read and recognize words.
an effective teaching styles or method?
Interview question: Now during this pandemic
are you satisfied with new normal set up of

The data that will be collected is qualitative
data type through question

Source: Evaluator:
The source of the data collected is The program planning team conduct the
questionnaire answered by Grade 1 to Grade 6 evaluation to the pupils
ages 5 to 12.

Collection Method: Use

Survey questionnaire is used to collect the data To fill the gap and meet the needs of all
community children aged 5 to 12 years old,
particularly in reading comprehension and
Baseline: The program planning team will communicate
The baseline of this program are (1) number of the results to the community's nearest school
pages read, (2) number of words they learn. and among the target audience to share the
technique/style that we used so that they can
build these styles as well.
Staffing Plan

Role Project Skills Required Number Estimated Duration

Responsibility of Staff Start Date Required

Program Set up of the event Managing skills, 1 February 2 years

Planner and materials Leadership 2nd
skills, Creativity.

Researcher Finalized Panel Technical Skills 5 February 2 years

Participants and 14th
Moderator, Follow
up with phone or
personal invite to
Service Line up Volunteers. Recruitment, 3 February 2 years
providers Check date for Organizing 20th
Conflicts with other skills, Flexibility.

Grant writer Responsible for Negotiation 3 February 2 years

discovering and skills, financial 2nd
building relationship skills, social
with funders. skills,
Program Prepare Information Management 1 March 1st 2 years
Director kit skills, Analytical
skills, Creativity.

Program Evaluation, follow Critical thinking, 1 March 1st 2 years

Supervisor up evaluation how Problem-
useful was it to solving,
participants. Record Interpersonal
comment. skills.
Program Write report for Teamwork, 6 February 2 years
Planning program planning Decision 2nd
Team file making,

Budget- Intervention Operating Costs

Item Name Cost Number

Transportation P15,000.00 6
Personal P10,000.00 6
Printing P30, 000.00 3
Foods P5,000.00 6
Utilities (Rent) P15,000.00 6
Insurance P20,000.00 6
Medical P10,000.00 6
Gifts (Gift Giving) P5,000.00 30

Budget-Program Capital Costs

Item Name Cost Number

Raw Materials
Card Board (flash P500.00 3
Pentel Pen P20.00 25
Notebook P15.00 25
Pad Paper P10.00 25
Pencils P6.00 25
Am Snacks P50.00 30
Lunch P100.00 30
Pm Snacks P50.00 30
Sound Operator P 10,000.00 3
Program Support
Facilities P20,000.00 1
Supplies for P30,000.00 30
6. Implementing Program Tasks
7.Evaulation Program Tasks
Outcome Question:

Outcome Question:

Did the program contribute to improvements in academic outcomes?

The Daydream Childcare Program created by Daydream Childcare
Organization, a nonprofit organization, is showing promising
improvements on student achievement particularly in reading
comprehension and vocabulary, according to early findings. The findings
of the program are mixed, but suggest that the program shows promise
in improving children’s achievement. Daydreamers who taught reading
English and Filipino subject had a statistically significant positive effect
on the student achievement. However, the analysis did not find
statistically significant findings for other subject taught by Daydreamers
in Sitio Campo Swerti Pototan, Iloilo. The program is unique because it
focuses on the academic development of every children ages five to 12
years old in Sitio Campo Swerti Pototan, Iloilo. The Daydreamers
participates in a two-year training program consisting of academic
development sessions.

Did the program result in changes at the community level?

The result of the Daydream Childcare Program had shown the amount of
community change increased dramatically. The result show that it can
contribute to an increase in personal responsibility, and a sense of efficacy and
self-esteem. The participation of children ages five to 12 years in Sitio Campo
Swerti Pototan, Iloilo provide the children with experiential education, skills
development, strengthen academic achievement and increase problem-solving
Evaulation Program Tasks
Outcome Question:

Efficiency Evaluation

Is the cost of the services or activities reasonable in relation to the

The Grant Writer for its effectiveness in attaining the
organization’s stated goals and objectives evaluates the budget.
Evaluation typically involves an examination of how funds were
expended, the outcomes that resulted from the expenditure of funds,
and the degree to which these outcomes achieved the stated
objectives. This phase is fundamental in developing the subsequent
year's budgetary allocations. In effect, budget preparation not only is
an annual exercise to determine the allocation of funds, but also is
part of a continuous cycle of planning and evaluation to achieve the
stated goals and objectives of the organization.

Are there alternative approaches that could have the same outcomes
with less cost?
Many education interventions have yet to be evaluated
rigorously. As data inputs improve and the range of evaluated
interventions expands over time, the outputs will also improve.
Perhaps there might one approaches that could have the same
outcome with less cost.
Applicant Capability :

The organization clearly states the purpose of the program which it to

improve the reading comprehension and vocabulary of grade 1-6 students. The
programs are well stated in the design and program task as well as the intervention
together with its target population which are the grade 1-6 students aged 5-12
years old of Sitio Campo Swerti , Bgry. Cansilayan Pototan Iloilo.

The program has a credible support from the community. The barangay
captain, it’s officers, the teachers and parents are delighted to hear that the
organization has come up with this program and has chosen their school. The
above mentioned had promised to help whatever the organization needs for the
future of the children.The program is well-managed and the organization is fiscally
secured. Because of the positive acceptance of the barangay, its parents and
teachers, the community promised to provide what the team needs.

In conclusion, the organization is capable in managing the program that we

are planning to the children of Sitio Campo Swerti, Brgy. Cansilayan, Pototan, Iloilo.
The program was positively accepted by the barangay, the school and parents.
Summary of Abstract :

In Sitio Campo Swerti, Bgry. Cansilayan Pototan Iloilo, a significant

performance gaps are observed among grade1 to 6 pupils ages 5to 12
years old in the community. Our survey identified performance gaps and
must prioritize the needs that must be address to improve outcomes for
all children. Daydreams Childcare organization’s program aims to improve
the reading comprehension and vocabulary of every Grade 1-6 ages 5-12
years old pupils of the community within three months. The program will
create and maintain an effective environment for children by establishing
a network of like-minded individuals with passion for learning. Through
this program, the pupils must improve the community's literacy rate and
achieving a better grade. The program’s intervention operating cost is up
to 690,000php and the program capital cost is up to 957,275php with a
total cost of 1,647,275php. The budget need will be funded through grant
and to be collected by executive director, Hannah Armonidad with
resource identification form. Daydream Childcare Program is an academic
program with the goal to provide all children with a developmentally
appropriate program that emphasizes the growth, and development of
children in terms of their academic performance, and help children to
make dreams come true.
Scoring Sheet








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