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Advanced Analytics Use Case

As one of the most successful Indonesian wireless network providers, Telkomsel has 169.5 million
customers (Wikipedia 2020) with a variety of services in both business-to-business (B2B) and
business-to-consumer (B2C). In B2B, Telkomsel provides several services, like Digital Advertising
(MyADS Telkomsel), Big Data (Telkomsel MSight), and Internet of Things (Telkomsel IoT). Meanwhile in
B2C, as a company that prioritizes customer-centricity shown through digital products that meet
customer needs, Telkomsel has a portfolio in Digital Lifestyle, Mobile Financial Services, and Digital
As a Data Scientist in the Data Analytics team, you are asked by management to provide them with the
analysis and insights related to Telkomsel and/or Telco Industry in social media. The result will help
them to create further business strategy according to your insights. So, you decide to do research using
sample data. Below are the steps:

1. Firstly, you must discuss with your team to define what are appropriate keywords to collect.
Please use a maximum of 5 keywords to speed up the crawling process.
2. Gather the social media data (Twitter) in the last 7 days from the predefined keywords. That will
be your sample data for analysis.
3. Next, you need to perform text preprocessing, such as tokenization, text normalization, stop-
words removal, etc to remove noises in your sample data.
4. After you gather and perform text preprocessing, you move to the core analysis, sentiment
analysis and basic statistics (e.g count posts, count accounts, etc.) to describe your insights.
5. You can also add another analysis according to your team discussion, e.g: topic model, named
entity recognition, etc.
6. Give the users any insights of your findings related to your research.
7. Create a comprehensive and interactive data visualization using advanced tools provided in
python to present your findings to a specific stakeholder. This dashboard is designed to monitor
and improve several indexes that were previously defined.

Important notes: to get the social media data (Twitter) participants can use the open-source module
from Python to get the data. Participant can also collect data from Twitter using API with this following
1. Create Twitter account (you can also use your existing account)
2. Follow instructions from this link: Getting access to the Twitter API | Docs | Twitter Developer
3. Get your API key and use it for crawling process
Should participants find any difficulties in collecting data from Twitter, please contact PIC from each

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