Pipeline Properties Calculation Worksheet

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Pipe Steel Properties

Outside Diameter OD 323.90 mm
Wall Thickness t 25.00 mm
API 5L SMYS FY 450.00 Mpa
Steel Density ρ 7850.00 kg/m3
Elastic Modulus Es 207000.00 Mpa
Poisson's Ratio ν 0.3

Pipe Coating Definitions

External Corrosoin Coating Thickness tce 4.00 mm
External Corrosion Coating Density Dce 900.00 kg/m3
Concrete Coating Thickness tcc 50.00 mm
Concrete Coating Dry Density Dcc 3040.00 kg/m3
Concrete Compressive Strength fc' 50.00 Mpa
Bond Stress µ 20685.00 Pa

Field Joint Coating Definitions

Minimum Corrosion Coating Cutback Lce 250.00 mm
Minimum Concrete Coating Cutback Lcc 360.00 mm
Field Joint Filler Saturated Density Df 0.00 kg/m3

Miscellaneous Input
Water Density Dw 1025.00 kg/m3
Concrete Ultimate Water Absorption %w 0.05
Average Joint Length L 12.19 m

Pipe Section Properties

Inside Diameter ID OD - 2 t 273.90 mm
Cross Sectional Area A π x ID2 /4 58921.52 mm2
Steel Area AS π (OD - t) t 23475.55 mm2
Total Coated Outside Diameter TD OD + 2 tce + 2 tcc 431.90 mm

Pipe Section Weights

Steel weight Ws AS x ρS 184.28 kg/m
Corrosion Coating Weight Wce π (OD + tcc) tce x Dce 3.71 kg/m
Concrete Coating Weight Wcc π (TD - tcc) tcc x Dcc 182.37 kg/m
Concrete Water Absorbtion Wcwa π %wa (TD - tcc) tcc x Dw 3.07 kg/m
Field Joint Filler Weight Wf π (TD - tcc) tcc X Df 0.00 kg/m
Contained Water Weight Ww π x (ID/2)2 x Dw 60.39 kg/m
Displacement Unit Weight Wd π x (TD/2)2 x Dw 150.17 kg/m
Total Field Joint Void Unit Weight Twf Ws + Wce +Wf 187.99 kg/m
Total Coated Pipe Void Unit Weight Twc Ws + Wce +Wcc 370.36 kg/m

Pipe Joint Average Weights

Void Dry Weight Wair Twc - 2 (Lcc/12)(Twc - Twf)/L 369.46 kg/m
Void Submerged Weight Wsub Wair + Wcwa - Wd 222.37 kg/m
Flooded Dry Weight Wfdry Wair + Ww 429.85 kg/m
Flooded Submerged Weight Wfsub Wsub + Ww 282.76 kg/m
Effective Pipeline Stiffness
Summation of Force + Iterative procedure to yield
the shift in Neutral axis
Angle α 1.42 rad
Average Concrete Radius rcc (TD - tcc)/2 190.95 mm
Neutral Axis Shift acc rcc x cosα 29.31 mm
Average Steel Radius rs (OD - t)/2 149.45 mm
Neutral Axis Shift as rs x cosα 22.94 mm
Modulus of Elasticityof Concrete Ec (Dcc)1.5 x 0.043 x(fc')0.5 50964.04 Mpa
Modular Ratio N Es / Ec 4.06
Radius of Curvature at Elastic Limit ρe 330 x OD 106887.00 mm
f"c 0.85x f'c 42.50 Mpa
Pipe Length influenced by field joint Lj
MOI of Steel Pipe Isi π (OD4 - ID4)/64 2.640E+08
MOI of Steel Pipe about Neutral axis Is Isi + As x as2 2.764E+08
Transformed Concrete Thickness Ttc 13.29
Tranformed Concrete Diameter Dtc 350.49
MOI of Concrete Coating about Neutral axis Ic 2.00E+08
Total Computed MOI about Neutral axis Ia 4.768E+08
Stiffness of Pipe Composite Section Ela 9.870E+07
Bare Pipe Stiffness Els 5.721E+07
Average Stiffness of bare and coated Pipe Elj 7.796E+07
Stiffness of Pipe Composite Section El'a
Effective Stiffness of Pipe Ele 5.852E+07
Effective Moment of inertia of pipe Ie 2.827E+08
Axial Stiffness of pipe EAs 4.859E+09
Torsional Stiffness GCt 4.501E+07
Beach Pull
Pipe Weight in air 369.46 kg/m
Pipe Submerged Weight (including 5% water absorption) 222.37 kg/m
Pullhead Weight 1.00 MT
Soil Friction 1.00 (Sand)
SMYS 450.00 Mpa

Onshore 24.40 m
Length of Pipeline to be Pulled
Offshore 1000.00 m

Lay barge Tension (10MT) 10.00 MT

Total Pipe Weight in Air 8.78 MT
Total Pipe Weight in Water 212.56 MT

Assumed Upthrust per Tank Type 1 (Net Buoyancy) 212.30 kg

Assumed Weight Per Tank Type 1 23.70 kg

Assumed Upthrust per Tank Type 2 (Net Buoyancy) 424.70 kg

Assumed Weight Per Tank Type 2 101.00 kg

Number of Submerged Tanks Type 1 560.00 -

Number of Non-Submerged Tanks Type 1 25.00 -
Total Number of Tanks Type 1 585.00 -

Number of Submerged Tanks Type 2 0.00 -

Number of Non-Submerged Tanks Type 2 4.00 -
Total Number of Tanks Type 2 4.00 -

Total Pull Force Required 119.85 MT

Winch Capacity Required (Sf = 1.5) 179.77 MT
MBL Cable Required (Sf = 3.0) 359.54 MT

Steel Pipe OD 323.90 mm

Steel Wt 25.00 mm
Young Modulus 207.00 Gpa
Pipe Radius of Curvature 5000.00 m
Area of Steel Pipe 23475.55 mm2
Calculated Maximum Pipe Stress 56.79 Mpa
Allowable Pipe Stress (72% SMYS) 324.00 Mpa
Step 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Length of Payout Pipe (m) 0 49 98 146 195 244 293 342 390 439 488 537
Equivalent No of Joints 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Length of Submerged pipe Pulled (m) 0 49 98 146 195 244 293 342 390 439 488 537
Length of Onshore Pipe Pulled (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nb of Submerged Tank Type 1 0 25 53 81 109 137 165 193 221 249 277 305
Nb of Submerged Tank Type 2 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Nb of Non-Submerged Tanks Type 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nb of Non-Submerged Tanks Type 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Winch Tension (Mtons) 10.00 14.88 19.83 24.55 29.49 34.44 39.38 44.33 49.05 53.99 58.94 63.88

Step 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Length of Payout Pipe (m) 586 634 683 732 781 830 878 927 976 1000 1024.8
Equivalent No of Joints 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 82 84
Length of Submerged pipe Pulled (m) 586 634 683 732 781 830 878 927 976 1000 1024.8
Length of Onshore Pipe Pulled (m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24.4
Nb of Submerged Tank Type 1 333 361 389 417 445 473 501 529 557 560 560
Nb of Submerged Tank Type 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0
Nb of Non-Submerged Tanks Type 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 25
Nb of Non-Submerged Tanks Type 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4
Winch Tension (Mtons) 68.82 73.55 78.49 83.44 88.38 93.32 98.05 102.99 107.93 114.33 119.85
Static Lateral Stability Analysis
Pipe Data
Pipe Size 12.75 Inch
Pipe Outer Diameter 323.85 mm
Wall Thickness 25 mm
Internal Lining Thickness 0 mm
External Corrosion Coating Thickness 4 mm
Steel Density 7850 kg/m3
Internal Lining Density 0 kg/m3
Corrosion Allowance, tcor 0m
External Corrosion Coating Density 900 kg/m3
Concrete Coating Density 3040 kg/m3
Seawater Density 1025 kg/m3
Pipe Content Density 0 kg/m3
Concrete Cut-Back Length 0.36 m
Density of Field Joint 1025 kg/m3
Pipe Length 12.2 m

Environmental Data
Water Depth 4.87 m
Average Steady Current 0.102 m/s
Height of Measured Current 1m
Wave Angle to Pipe Axis 90 degree
Significant Wave Height, Hs 1.68 m
Peak Period 8s
Steady Current Angle to Axis, Delc 90 degree
Wave Induced Velocity, Us m/s
Wave Acceleration, a m/s2
Keulegan-Carpenter No. , KC
Reynold's Number, Re
Equivalent Drag Coefficient Pipe + BT
Lift Coefficient
Inertia Coefficient
Kinematic Viscosity of Water 1.00E-06
Mean Perpendicular Steady Current
Wave Velocity 90deg to Pipe
Wave Acceleration 90deg to pipe

Soil Data
Seabed Roughness z0 2.10E-05 m
Pipe/Soil Friction Factor 0.7
Dry Unit Soil Weight, ys 9.77 kN/m3
Soil Friction Angle 30 deg
Trenching NO (YES/NO)
Buoyancy Tanks
No L (m) Diameter (m) Cd
BT Type 1 7 0.89 0.56 0.7
BT Type 2 0 0 0 0
Foam Tank 0 0 0 0

Minimum Concrete Thickness

Mininum Factor of Safety
Coated Pipe Outer Diameter
Weight of Pipe in Air
Buoyancy of Pipe
Buoyancy of Tanks

Filled Pipe
Pipe Submerged Weight
Pipe Specific Gravity

Empty Pipe
Pipe Submerged Weight
Pipe Specific Gravity
Type of Foundation Shallow
Fooring Type Strip Footing
Base Length L 11.60 m
Base width B 2.40 m
Depth d 0.00 m
Shape Factors Rectangular
Sc 1.13
Sq 1.12
Sγ 0.92
Effective Unit Weight γ 1996.67 kg/m3
Cohesive Strength C 0.00 kPa
Soil Friction Angle Ψ 30.00 deg
Bearing Capacity Factor
Nq eπ.tanΨ x tan2(45+Ψ/2) 18.40
Nc (Nq - 1) cot (Ψ) 30.14
NY 2(Nq + 1) tan(Ψ) 22.40
Factor of Safety
FOS 4.00
Ultimate Bearing Capacity qu CNcSc + dNqSq + 0.5γBNySγ 49382.33 kg/m2
Allowable Bearing Capacity qall qu/FOS 12345.58 kg/m2
External Loading
Self Weight 35.00 MT
Vertical Load due to Pulling/Hol 29.21 MT
Total Load Fv 64.21 MT
qload Fv /( L x B ) 2306.44 kg/m2
qload / qall < 1 0.19 OK
Mass of Steel
Parameters PIPE Coating Concrete Units
Density 7850.00 900.00 3040.00 kg/m3
Density of liquid 1025.00 1025.00 1025.00 kg/m3
Acceleration Due to Gravity 9.81 9.81 9.81 m/s2
OD 323.90 331.90 431.90 mm
Thickness 25.00 4.00 50.00 mm
ID 273.90 323.90 331.90 mm
Inner Area 58921.52 82397.07 86517.58 mm2
Outer Area 82397.07 86517.58 146506.30 mm2
Area of Cross-Section 23475.55 4120.51 59988.71 mm2
Volume of Unit Length 0.02 0.00 0.06 m3
Buoyancy Force 236.05254 41.432788 603.20149
Weight in Air 184.28308 3.7084616 182.36568


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