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June / August 2021

If you want your Website to offer a good user experience with a classic computer, a tablet or a smartphone,
you have to develop it in a specific way. Which one?
• Multichannel Web Design
• Omnichannel Web Design
• Responsive Web Design
• Client Side Web Design

A digital ecosystem is a collection of interactions in a digital structure that fulfils a need by delivering value
in a digital way. Its organizing principles are based on the combination of 4 components. Choose the right
• Customers. Value Proposition. Finance. Capabilities.
• Participants. Shared Capabilities. Rules. Value Exchange.
• Customers. Value Proposition. Rules. Capabilities.
• Participants. Shared Capabilities. Rules. Value Proposition.

What kind of AI techniques is perfectly adapted if you have for example to manage supply chain problems or
to organize human resources during a rush in an international airport ?
• Probabilistic reasoning techniques.
• Optimization techniques.
• Computational Logic Techniques.
• Natural Language Processing Techniques.

Digital business involves the complex interplay of 9 business and technology capabilities, which together
create a certain level of digital maturity across the organization. Among the 4 following propositions, which
one is not one of these 9 business and technology capabilities ?
• Customer Experience Management.
• Innovation Culture.
• Digital Workplace.
• Digital Channels & Ecosystems.
• All propositions are correct.

What is the digital trend that explores how technology can be used to deliver cognitive and physical
improvements as an integral part of the human experience.
• Reality Augmented.
• Human Augmentation.
• Intelleigent Objects.
• Wearables.

"Innovation disrupts traditional institutions, but also creates new competitors and intermediaries. In place of
the usual neutral intermediaries, notary (real estate sales), government (vote, taxes) or bank (transfer of
securities or money), trust is transferred to the technology itself". What technology is this sentence referring
• Big Data.
• Artificial intelligence.
• Blockchain.
• Internet of Things.

What is the difference between A classic CMS and a headless CMS?

• A classic CMS focuses on the administrative interface for content creators, the facilitation of content
workflows and collaboration, and the organization of content into taxonomies.
• A Headless CMS focuses on the administrative interface for content creators, the facilitation of content
workflows and collaboration, and the organization of content into taxonomies. It doesn’t concern itself
with presentation layers, templates, site structure, or design, but rather stores its content in pure format
and provides access to other components through APIs.
• A Headless CMS does not focus on the administrative interface for content creators, the facilitation of
content workflows and collaboration, and the organization of content into taxonomies. It is dedicated
to the presentation layers, templates, site structure and design.
• A Headless CMS allocates the Website resources on demand, taking care of the requests of the visitors.

What is the level of digital maturity of an organization which has embraced the concept of digitalization in
many departments and gained some experience, but can't be considered as an early adopter of digital practices.
• Digital Leader.
• Digital Progressive.
• Digital Beginner.
• No correct proposition.
• All propositions are correct.
• The question is absurd.
• Not enough data to answer.

The introduction of AI techniques within an organization from the public sector can be difficult because
(choose the correct proposition):
• There are no real use cases for AI in the public sector.
• There are not enough data produced in the public sector.
• AI techniques are not adapted to the characteristics of the public sector.
• Classic AI skills do not apply to the public sector.
• No proposition is correct.
• All propositions are correct.
• The question is absurd.
• Not enough data to answer.

What is the computing model that enables and optimizes broad decentralization so that the workloads and data
will be as close as possible to the sources and users of data and content, for example an autonomous car.
• Network Computing.
• Mobile Computing.
• Direct Computing.
• Edge Computing.

Five major characteristics can be attributed to Cloud Computing? Choose the right characteristics.
• Internet Technologies, Augmented Analytics, Service-Based, Shared Services, Scalable and Elastic.
• Internet Technologies, Metered Usage, Service-Based, Shared Services, Scalable and Elastic.
• Internet Technologies, Metered Usage, Service-Based, Shared Services, Progressive Apps.
• Internet Technologies, Metered Usage, Service-Based, Shared Services, Progressive Apps.
Complete this sentence : "A .................... is a physical environment in which humans and technology-enabled
systems interact in increasingly open, connected, coordinated and intelligent ecosystems. Multiple elements,
including people, processes, services and things, come together in a .................... to create a more immersive,
interactive and automated experience for a target set of personas."
• Digital platform
• Smart space
• Data ecosystem
• Smart platform

Choose the right proposition to complete the following sentence: “ A….. of a real-world entity or system. The
implementation of a…… or model that mirrors a unique physical object. Data from multiple…… can be
aggregated for a composite view across a number of real-world entities such as a power plant or a city.”
• Digital twins

Choose the right proposition to complete the following sentence: “ ................ create added value for the
customer (reduced maintenance, breakdown diagnosis, location-based services, ...) through incorporation of
embedded communication, storage and analysis capabilities.”

Choose the right proposition to complete the following sentence: “In the emerging “platforms” economy,
companies/providers expose their (internal) digital business assets or service on the form of (Web) ……. to
third parties (consumers or other companies) with the goal of unlocking additional business value through the
creation of new assets”.
• Application
• Bots
• Chatbots
• API’s

Choose the right proposition to complete the following sentence: “...... commerce refers to services in which
smart ….. make purchases on behalf of human customers by directly taking requests from the customers or
inferring demand based on rules, context and customer preferences.”
• Application / API
• Subscription / products
• Conversational / chatbots
• Things / Machines

Disintermediation is one of the characteristics of digital business and marketing. Choose the right explanation
for this concept.
• Crowdsourced content and social networks have changed the game. Empowered by cloud computing,
data and mobile technologies, new disruptive models are emerging (sharing economy).

Which Digital Marketing Channel presents barriers to data sharing, makes campaign measurement more
difficult and requires customer or premium creative content.
• Social adversiting

Industry 4.0 can be characterized by 8 distinct functional characteristics. Among the following four
characteristics, one proposition is false. Which one?
• Self-optimizing machine networks. Intelligent and connected machines ... transportation vehicles able
to improve performance autonomously
• Smart products. Products create added value for the customer through ... incorporation of embedded
communication, storage and analysis.... capabilities.
• Personalized delivery. Intelligent and connected supply chains.....
• Continuous product monitoring. Products unit level tracking .... Through smart products to ensure
consistent quality and ...
The new step after the “Digital Business” will be a Business characterized an industrialized use of complex
mathematical models pivotal to driving improved business decisions process automation for competitive
differentiation. How do you call this new global Business Model?
• Algorithmic business
• E-business
• Artificial business
• Industry 4.0

There are 3 major enablers for API development and growth. So in the next 4 propositions, one is false. Which
• Increased API availability and accessibility
• Shift between classic computers and mobile devices.
• Development tools and platforms with which companies can create, run and secure their APIs.
• A mindset shift among next-generation developers and strategists.

The internet of Things will be the major source of data for new Digital Business Models. IoT will take different
forms. Among the 4 propositions below which one is false?
• Home Automation/Consumer (Connected Home, Wearables, Fitness, ....)
• Vertical Markets and IoT (Industrial and Manufacturing, Retail and Entertainment, Healthcare and
Medical Telecommunications).
• Instant Messaging (Smartphones, Intelligent Things, (Chat)Bots, ....)
• Machine 2 Machine (Connected Vehicles, Remote Sensing, Fleet Management, Supply

Which technology can be deployed following 3 different models: centralized, decentralized and distributed?
• Blockchain

Among the strategic technology trends, 3 are especially important when it comes to blend the digital and
physical worlds to create a natural and immersive digitally enhanced experience. Choose the right proposition.
• Digital Twins
• Empowered Edge
• Immersive experience

What does SEA mean?

• Search engine advertising

If you had to explain the “NATU” business model with only one word, which one would you choose?
• NATU (Netflix,Airbnb, Tesla, Uber): is “essentially” based on a disruption of existing uses and
markets. It is mainly powered by (at the beginning) lightweight platforms combining cloud, mobile,
social and data.

One way to explain the digital marketing is to identify three major axes: customer engagement, permission
marketing and ….
• Content marketing

Subscription commerce enables the sale of physical products (fashion, personal care, food, ...) as well as digital
products and services (software, media, video games, ...) on a recurring and automatically renewing basis. For
an enterprise, subscription offers the opportunity to:
• (Look answer on Readings)

Data are the key of a successful Digital Business Platform. The quality of these data is measured on the basis
of 6 specific qualities. Among the 4 qualities proposed below, one is not correct. Which one?
Among the following recommendations on how an enterprise can deploy an artificial intelligence strategy,
which one is false?

Social and messaging platforms such as Facebook Messenger or WeChat are rapidly increasing in popularity,
together with the success of voice-driven services (Baidu, Siri) and smart home devices (such as Amazon Echo
and Google Home). "Chatbots," virtual personal assistants (VPAs) and virtual customer assistants (VCAs) are
becoming mainstream and development is accelerating. This global trend opens the area of the .........
• Conversational commerce

What is the emerging model for digital commerce sites in which organizations shift from only first-party
products (owned or sourced by the selling entity) to third-party products, which are owned, priced and
delivered by someone other than the site owner?

Which technology must be used by an enterprise to automate decisions that otherwise require human
intervention and to classify complex data, such as text, video and audio, that would otherwise require human
• AI

If you choose a Digital Business optimization model for your enterprise, Digital business technologies and
approaches will be used to improve the enterprise without changing its business model. Among the following
opportunities, one is false. Which one?

Making consumers proactive in actively seeking out information for their needs and creating interactions with
brands through content, search and social media" can be achieved by a company by deploying ...
• a SEO marketing strategy.
• an outbound marketing strategy.
• a mobile marketing strategy.
• an inbound marketing strategy

Among the following technologies, which one could you use to build a wireless based application inside a
shopping mall?
• PWAs.
• Beacons.
• AR/VR.
• 4G.

Focus on customer experience, frictionless access to ecosystems and speed to market are important drivers
explaining the rise of ...
• the Internet of Things.
• the API Economy.
• the practical blockchain.
• the digital twins.

Business ecosystems are designed to transform a company’s value chain into a value network of multiple
partners. Of course, questions must be answered before this value network can work effectively. Among the
following questions, one is not correct. Which one ?
• Is there a clear value proposition or a strategic issue to serve as the basis for a future value proposition?
• Does the solution require more than two partners, and what are the risks facing each of the involved
• Is the value proposition of the ecosystem compatible with the mobile first approach now widely
favored by consumers.
• Does the expected benefit (total margin from the value proposition) justify the risk and the cost to all
participants as well as the transaction costs incurred by the orchestrator, e.g. to pay for the required IT
platform and orchestration personnel?

Which proposition doesn’t match the concept of "digital business"?

• The insurance policies offered by a company are individualized, based on data gathered from the
smartphones and wearables of the customers.
• The machines of a supplier for car manufacturers are controlled by algorithms that change the
characteristics of the different parts produced, according to data collected in real time from the
• The machines of a supplier for car manufacturers are controlled by algorithms that accelerate or slow
down the production depending on the real time price of electricity.
• The products ordered online are delivered in physical stores that are directly chosen by customers
according to their location and preferences.

Your CEO decides to put all the IT systems and applications of the company in the Cloud. The company being
active in the car production industry and the scalability of the Cloud platform being a major argument, which
Cloud provider can you recommend ?
• Microsoft Azure.
• Amazon Web Services.
• Google Cloud Platform.
• Alibaba Cloud.
Choose the right proposition to complete the following sentence : A .................... is a digital representation of
a real-world entity or system. The implementation of a .................... is an encapsulated software object or
model that mirrors a unique physical object. Data from multiple ..................s can be aggregated for a composite
view across a number of real-world entities such as a power plant or a city.
• virtual object
• algorithmic network
• connected ecosystem
• business platform
• no correct answer (digital twin)

What does SAAS mean?

• Software Advertising Application System
• Software As A Service
• Search Advertising Application System
• Search As A Service

The Digital Business model of Uber is based on digital technologies (Internet of Things, Mobile and Social
Media), new regulations (legalization of private drivers) and a digital trend. Which one?
• Sharing economy.
• Earned Media.
• Digital marketing.
• SoloMo.

On which level of the “Digital Transformation Scale” do you place a technology that renovates existing
markets with large-scale societal effects, aggregates capabilities, enhances new business models, but generates
moderate secondary disruptions.
• The “Enhance” level.
• The “Transform” level.
• The “Revolutionize” level.
• The “Reinvent” level.

Which characteristic of “Big data" can you connect to the data produced via smartphones?
• Volume.
• Veracity.
• Velocity.
• Variety.
• All of them

In the context of an omnichannel marketing campaign for your business, a consulting company proposes to
use QR codes for several goals. Which of these propositions is not possible with a QR code?
• Adding a QR code on your advertisements in the newspapers. By scanning this code, clients will access
to a specific web page with special promotions on your products.
• Automatically generating a QR code on a Web page to allow clients to pay online by scanning this
code with a specific application.
• Establishing a partnership with a real estate company to print a 10 m² QR code on the facade of a
building during its renovation. People walking will scan this code from the street to access a specific
web page with special promotions on your products.
• Adding a QR code on your advertisements in the newspapers. Customers with a NFC enabled
smartphone will just have to touch the QR code with their phone to access a specific web page with
special promotions on your products.

The digital transformation is the result of the interaction of 4 major forces: (1) Cloud, (2) Data, (3)
Empowerment and (4) Internet of Things. Each of these 4 forces will evolve towards a second phase. Choose
the right proposition to describe this second phase.
• API. (2) Algorithms. (3) Sharing Economy. (4) Autonomous Things.
• Platforms. (2) Algorithms. (3) Disruption. (4) Wearables.
• Distributed Cloud. (2) Algorithms. (3) Sharing Economy. (4) Smartphones.
• Distributed Cloud. (2) Artificial Intelligence. (3) Disruption. (4) Autonomous Things.

Your General Manager wants to offer to your customers a mobile access to the services provided by your
company. His idea is to develop a native mobile application (App), rather than a Web App. He gives you 4
reasons to justify his choice. But you have to tell him that one of these reasons is not correct. Which one ?
• A mobile application allows a maximum use of all the technical features of a smartphone to provide
an optimal "user experience".
• With a mobile application, you don’t need to develop specific versions for the different mobile
• A mobile application is by itself an element of publicity and notoriety for the company.
• Customers are used to download applications and to make frequent updates

The Digital Business model of an Insurance company that wants to personalize its health insurance contracts
is based on digital technologies (Internet of Things, wearables), new regulations (for example a new law that
increases wellness incentives) and a digital trend. Which one?
• Sharing economy.
• Quantified self.
• Open innovation.
• Global reach.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) comprises a group of technologies that can learn from data and make conclusions
without being explicitly programmed. AI can be used for different categories of use case in digital commerce.
Among the following categories, which one is false ?
• Data and analytics. Examples include product recommendation, personalization for keyword search,
content and landing/category page, UI optimization, fraud detection, price optimization, demand
forecast, review/sentiment analytics, product categorization, customer segmentation, and tag
• Visual recognition. Examples include image categorization, product image search and shoppable
• Financial Management. Examples include billing systems that support the financial reporting side of
the commercial transaction, including automatic recurring billing.
• Natural language interactions. Examples include chatbots, VPA, VCA, natural language search and
guided selling.

Whet is the definition of the "Intelligent Digital Mesh" ?

• In a more and more automated world, technology platforms based on sensors and devices are
connecting people to one another and to digital services.
• In a future characterized by smart devices delivering increasingly insightful digital services
its true everywhere, digital and physical worlds are merging to create a natural and immersive digitally
enhanced experience.
• In a future based on distributed ecosystems providing digital services are centrally managed but
delivered to the edge environment for execution.
• In a more and more automated world, physical devices are executing functions previously performed
by humans.

Future wireless networks are expected to deliver a latency as low as 1 millisecond and to offer sufficient
bandwidth and speed to support services such as ultra-high definition video streaming, large file downloads
and virtual reality applications. What is the new standard that will be used by those networks ?
• WiFi.
• Edge.
• Bluetooth.
• 4G.
• No correct answer (5g).

In digital marketing, what is the definition of “earned media”?

• The audience is reached through editorial, comments and sharing online.
• The content published to engage customers and prospects to meet business goals.
• The different online media controlled by a company.
• The commission-based arrangement where referring sites receive a commission on sales or leads by

The concept of “Opt in” refers to a customer who ...

• declines the offer to receive further marketing information from a company.
• agrees to receive ads through an affiliate content network.
• agrees to receive further marketing information from a company.
• seeks information related to his needs and preferences.

You have to explain to your general manager why your company should start a big data strategy. One of the 4
reasons you mention is wrong. Which one?
• Organizing online communities.
• Segmenting target audiences to customize the offer.
• Making information more transparent.
• Better decision making.

Sharing economy is the result of technological, societal and economic drivers. Among the 4 following
propositions, choose the economic driver.
• Social networks. They facilitate peer-to-peer transactions by matching up supply and demand in a way
that wasn’t previously possible. They help build trust between buyers and sellers.
• Mobile devices and platforms. Many startups in the Sharing Economy are mobile-driven. The rise of
smartphone adoption means that customers can increasingly offer or locate goods and services
anytime, anywhere.
• Access over ownership. Individuals who can’t afford luxury goods can now rent them. Businesses can
hire on-demand workers or rent on-demand space. We’re moving to a world where access to goods,
services, and talent triumphs ownership.
• Payment systems. E-commerce and payment platforms are required to broker transactions between
buyers and sellers. In the future, new forms of value will include non-traditional currencies or new
forms of measurement that account for resale or multiple users in the total cost of ownership.

Choose the right technology to complete the following sentence: "By deploying ...................., you give users
access only to the resources they need for a particular task. .................... allows your users to access the latest
software and infrastructure offerings to foster business innovation."
• Mobile technologies
• Cloud Computing
• Big Data
• Digital Business

Customers use an increasing number of channels in their buying journey, which poses challenges for online
sellers as they try to provide consistent experiences across each channel. Not only are customer-buying
journeys more complex than in previous years, but customer expectations are also changing. To meet these
expectations, companies have to provide flexibility, continuity and consistency across digital and physical
channels to deliver a superior customer experience. This can be done by ...
• a unified commerce strategy.
• a mobile commerce strategy.
• a social commerce strategy.
• a API commerce strategy.

Your international real estate agency works with an extensive network of local partners. To improve and unify
your services, how do you proceed to integrate automatically on their websites all the houses or buildings on
sale in their local area?
• With a website developed in Responsive Web Design, your partners can integrate your services and
be sure that they can be accessed from any kind of device.
• By using the same Content Management System as your partners, they have access to all information
they need.
• Through an Application Programming Interface, your partners can directly communicate with your
back office and receive the list of houses they need and their detailed presentations in a standardized
• By deploying your Content Management System throughout your network, your partners have access
to the list of houses they need and their detailed presentations in a standardized format.

The Internet of Things will be the major source of data for new Digital Business models. IoT will take different
forms. Among the 4 propositions below, which one is false ?
• Home Automation/Consumer (Connected Home, Wearables, Fitness Trackers, Connected Vehicles,
• Vertical Markets and IoT (Industrial and Manufacturing, Retail and Entertainment, Healthcare and
Medical Telecommunications, ...).
• Machine 2 Machine (Connected Vehicles, Remote Sensing, Fleet Management, Supply Chain, ...).
• Building Automation (Smart Energy, Smart Building, Smart Parking, Digital Workplace).
• All are correct

You work in a digital agency and one of your clients is a local butcher specialized in the distribution of organic
produced meat. He asks you how to integrate mobile technologies in his business. For you, because of the
characteristics of his activities, it is clear that there is no need to use these technologies. What’s the better
reason to explain your point of view?
• All his clients already know his shop. There is no need to offer them an alternative way to get in touch
with it or to have more information about the products. In fact, by adding new complex technologies
to his business, there is a risk of losing clients.
• His products can’t be delivered by Internet.
• Nobody seeks information about meat online, especially using a smartphone
• Mobile technologies (local search, QR codes, messaging, …) are great for major retailers, but not for
small businesses.

Tracking people, socially inept experiences, algorithmic bias, control on the data or misuse of personal data
are examples of legal, ethical and social risks related to ...
• the Blockchain.
• the Internet of Things.
• the mobile payments.
• the digital commerce

What are the 5 areas that constitute the scope of action of a digital business technology platform?
• Partners Ecosystems. Customer Experience. Data & Analytics. Employees Information Systems.
Internet of Things.
• Partners Ecosystems. Customer Experience. Data & Analytics. Logistics Information. Internet of
• Partners Ecosystems. Customer Ecosystems. Data & Analytics Ecosystems. Employees Ecosystems.
Mobile Ecosystems.
• Partners Ecosystems. Products. Data & Analytics. Employees Information Systems. Internet of

Digital transformation is more and more challenged by ethics. For example, one of the challenges is the
complexity of the digital systems that has finally made it impossible, even for IT generalists, to understand
how the digital tools and services really work. Technical standards, AI, algorithms, legislation, ... have become
incomprehensible. Big Techs "compute" us, control us, replace us. The gap is widening between those who
make the most of the digital world and those who would like to free themselves, but don’t know how. From
an ethical point of view, how do you qualify this specific challenge
• The end of digital territories.
• The end of digital diversity.
• The end of digital equality.
• The end of digital trust.

Choose the right definition for Open Data.

• Opening the data provided by citizens for commercial applications.
• Opening the data coming from mobile applications for telecommunications operators.
• Opening the data of the public services to enable everyone to develop applications based on those data.
• Opening the data of the enterprises for publics services applications

Practical blockchain focuses on how blockchain can be leveraged in practical enterprise use cases that are
expanding over the next three to five years. Among the following propositions, which one is not an valid
example of practical blockchain use case ?
• Asset Tracking. These use cases cover the tracking of physical assets through the supply chain to
identify location and ownership accurately. Examples include tracking of automobiles through loan
processes and locations of ocean freight and spare parts.
• Collaboration. This use case covers the ability of blockchain applications to coordinate actions
between connected things and humans in the physical world using a variety of channels and sensory
• Claims. This category covers automated claims processing in areas such as automobile, agriculture,
travel, and life and health insurance. It also includes other claims, such as processing product recalls.
• Internal Record Keeping. In these use cases, the data to be secured remains within an individual
organization. Examples include master data management, internal document management, purchase
order and invoice records, and treasury record keeping.

The new step after the “Digital Business” will be a Business characterized an industrialized use of complex
mathematical models pivotal to driving improved business decisions process automation for competitive
differentiation. How do you call this new global Business Model?
• Algorithmic business
• E-business
• Artificial business
• Industry 4.0.

Autonomous things explores how physical things in the spaces around people are enhanced with greater
capabilities to perceive, interact, move, and manipulate these spaces with various levels of human guidance,
autonomy and collaboration. They are developing very rapidly, partly because they share some common
technology capabilities. Among the following capabilities, which one is false ?
• Perception. The ability to understand the physical space in which the machine is operating. This
includes the need to understand the surfaces in the space, recognize objects and their trajectories, and
interpret dynamic events in the environment.
• Mobility. The ability to safely navigate and physically move from one point to another in the space
through some form of propulsion (such as walking, cruising/diving, flying and driving).
• Manipulation. The ability to manipulate objects in the space (such as lifting, moving, placing and
adjusting) and to modify objects (for example, by cutting, welding, painting and cooking).
• Autonomy. The ability to complete tasks with a minimum of external input, and to respond to a
dynamically changing space without recourse from cloud-based processing or other external resources.
• All capabilities are correct.

A beacon is a connected device that allows to communicate automatically with a smartphone via the
• Bluetooth

Digital Commerce is based on different technological trends. Which of the following is not one of these
technology trends?
• Conversational commerce
• B2C B2B convergence
• Augmented commerce
• Personalization

What does earned media mean in a digital marketing strategy?

• The online advertising space you buy from specialist providers
• The content you publish on your various online media
• Email lists obtained via the opt-in system on your site
• Email lists obtained via the opt-out system on your site
• None

What does SEO mean?

• Social Engine Optimisation
• Social Engine Operations
• Social Email Opt-in
• None (Search engine optimization)

Some present the BIG DATA by the 4Vs: Volume, Variety, Speed and Veracity. Some experts …
• Value and Visualization

Among the following proposals, one is not content marketing. Which one is it?
• Website
• Blog
• Twitter
• Newsletter
• All

When launching a web project, companies should avoid a number of important mistakes. Which of the
following is not one of these mistakes?
• Choosing which technologies to use at the start of the project
• Forgetting that, in the end, the response time will be the decisive argument
• Assuming you know what users want
• Forgetting about social networking

Digital marketing is different from traditional marketing for several reasons. Of the combinations of reasons
below, one is not correct. Which one?
• Ubiquity, interactivity, universal technological standards, personalisation
• Information density, interactivity, universal technological standards, personalisation
• Disintermediation, interactivity, volatility, customisation
• Ubiquity, disintermediation, universal technological standards, personalisation
All 9 digital technologies specific characteristics are: ubiquity, global reach, universal standards, richness,
interactivity, information density, personalisation, disintermediation.

The 5 stages of Atomic Design are: atoms, molecules, organisms, .... and :
• Template and pages
• Responsive design and applications
• Pages and applications
• None
• All

Spotify's main business model is :

• Distribution
• Subscription
• Direct sales
• Affiliate

Digital transformation is taking place through the interaction of 4 major technological trends. Which of the
following is the main gateway for AI?
• Mobile technologies and connected objects
• Data
• Digital empowerment
• Cloud computing

Which of the following applications can enable consumers to be a force that can profoundly influence a brand's
identity and develop innovations of often unsuspected potential? :
• Gmail
• Facebook
• Netflix
• Itunes

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