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Bank Soal Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Akademi Farmasi Toraja

Paket 3

A. Pilihlah Jawaban yang Tepat di bawah ini! Tulislah hanya Abjadnya saja untuk
Soal nomor 1-25 merupakan pertanyaan tentang kosakata (vocabulary). Perhatikan kata
yang ada di dalam kurung untuk petunjuknya.

1. My mother and I buy a ......... (kue) for my father

a. cake
b. noodle
c. spaghetti
d. chocolate

2. The birds are ......... (terbang) in the sky.

a. flying
b. sleeping
c. sweeping
d. swimming

3. Captain Marvel is one of the ......... (pahlawan) in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

a. villains
b. sidekicks
c. heroes
d. chiefs

4. The ........ (kuda) runs quickly.

a. cheetah
b. whale
c. horse
d. cat

5. My little brother has a ........ (anjing kecil)

a. kitten
b. duck
c. duckling
d. puppy

6. Nobita, Shizuka and Doraemon are best friends. They often ......... (mengunjungi) each
other’s houses
a. jump
b. run
c. stay
d. visit

7. (Orang tuaku) ......... will be in business trip for about one month.
a. My relatives
b. My parents
c. My sisters
d. My brothers

8. ......... (semangka) is one of the fruits that can refresh your body, especially in a hot,
sunny day.
a. Orange
b. Melon
c. Watermelon
d. Jackfruit

9. I need to go to the market in order to buy ......... (meja plastik)

a. chair
b. plastic table
c. cupboard
d. desk

10. Mount Everest is the ......... (yang paling tinggi) mountain in the world.
a. smallest
b. largest
c. widest
d. tallest

11. I watch television in ........ (setiap) weekend.

a. a lot of
b. every
c. rarely
d. almost

12. One of my goals is to be a lead singer of a band. That’s why I ......... (berlatih) singing
a. practice
b. experience
c. into
d. love

13. When you want to filter your eyes from the sunshine, you need to use ....... (kacamata
a. sunglasses
b. lens
c. hat
d. jacket

14. The ........ (kembang api) usually are lit at night.

a. fireworks
b. arson
c. campfire
d. attraction

15. The sakura flowers are blooming every ......... (musim semi)
a. winter
b. spring
c. summer
d. autumn

16. You need to show the ...... (tiket) before entering the playland.
a. ticket
b. money
c. watch
d. gold

17. Once in a while I need to ...... (membersihkan) my room from the dirt and dust.
a. burn
b. clean
c. wash
d. mop

18. Can I ........ (meminjam) your Chronicles of Narnia book?

a. buy
b. sell
c. borrow
d. hide

19. The ........ (awan) look as soft as the cotton.

a. sky
b. ground
c. clouds
d. water

20. After taking a bath and dressing up, my big sister always do her hair with the help of a
........ (cermin)
a. photo
b. mirror
c. towel
d. eyeshadow

B. Soal nomor 21-40 merupakan pertanyaan grammar (simple present tense, simple
continuous tense dan simple past tense). Telitilah dalam membaca dan menjawab
soal dan perhatikan kata dalam kurung untuk petunjuk.
Soal nomor 21-30 merupakan pertanyaan simple present tense.
21. Every morning I ....... the trashes into the trash bins. (simple present tense)
a. throw
b. throwing
c. threw
d. give

22. My father ......... some boxes during arranging the houses (simple present tense)
a. lifted
b. lifts
c. will lift
d. lifting

23. I want to ........ some papers (simple present tense)

a. cut
b. cutting
c. will cut
d. strike

24. When you want to ........ the street, you need to go to the crossroad and wait for the
traffic lights (simple present tense)
a. crossed
b. will cross
c. cross
d. crossing

25. Mr. Andrew ......... me to help him after school. (simple present tense)
a. asking
b. asks
c. asked
d. giving

26. All of the stuff in my house are tidy. My mom ....... every stuff in their place (simple
present tense)
a. puts
b. putting
c. will be put
d. will put

27. I ........ myself after bath by using the towel (simple present tense).
a. drying
b. will dry
c. dry
d. drawn

28. The players ...... the ball to the goal (simple present tense).
a. kicking
b. kicked
c. kick
d. throw

29. Every afternoon, my grandmother always ....... (simple present tense)

a. slept
b. sleeps
c. will sleep
d. awake

30. I don’t feel well today. I decide to ....... to the doctor (simple present tense)
a. go
b. went
c. will go
d. going

Soal nomor 31-35 merupakan soal simple present continuous.

31. Now, we ........ the Premiere League in the TV (simple present continuous)
a. watch
b. watched
c. are watching
d. looking

32. I .......... the omelette for the breakfast. (simple present continuous)
a. am cooking
b. cooked
c. cook
d. baked

33. While I ........ for the bus, my little brother ........ his Playstation Portable. (simple
present continuous)
a. am waiting, is playing
b. am waited, is played
c. wait, plays
d. go, throw

34. No need to rush. Right now, Sandy ......... to us. (simple present continuous)
a. comes
b. is coming
c. are going
d. went

35. The ants ........... the foods to their nest. (simple present continuous)
a. brings
b. bring
c. are bringing
d. brought

Soal nomor 36-40 merupakan soal simple past tense.

36. A week ago my uncle ........ me some souvenirs from Japan. (simple past tense)
a. giving
b. gave
c. will give
d. find

37. We ........ the answer of the exam yesterday. (simple past tense)
a. will discuss
b. discussing
c. discussed
d. erase

38. I ........ want to swim in the cold, deep lake (simple past tense)
a. do
b. did not
c. done
d. try

39. Three years ago the principal of the school .......... the formation of the school’s
basketball clubs. (simple past tense)
a. approved
b. approve
c. approving
d. will want

40. Who ....... the winner of the 2019 FA Cup? (simple past tense)
a. is
b. do
c. was
d. winner

C. Bacalah teks-teks pendek di bawah ini dengan seksama kemudian jawablah

pertanyaan yang tersedia sesuai dengan teks yang telah dibaca!

Untuk mengerjakan soal nomor 41-45, bacalah teks di bawah ini dengan seksama.
I love my family. Every morning, my mother cooks me my favorite dish, omelette. My
father always plays with me although he is busy with his work. Sometimes, he asks me to
wait for an hour to finish his work before playing with me. While I am waiting for my
father, I am helping my mother with the house chores. I also love to water the plants.
There are apple, orange and mango trees in the garden. I enjoy my time with my family.

41. Who cooks the omelette for the storyteller?

a. his sister
b. his aunt
c. his mother
d. his father

42. How many trees do the storyteller mention?

a. ten
b. eleven
c. three
d. one

43. Who plays with the storyteller?

a. his little brother
b. his father
c. his son
d. his nephew

44. Mention the name of the trees according to the storyteller.

a. apple, jackfruit and watermelon
b. melon, apple and orange
c. mangosteen, mango and grape
d. apple, orange and mango

45. Who helps the mother with her house chores?

a. the storyteller
b. father
c. helper
d. aunt

Untuk mengerjakan soal nomor 46-50, bacalah teks di bawah ini dengan seksama.
The zoo is a place where you can look at various animals. There are approximately more
than 100 species that can be found there. Sometimes, the zoo lets the animals free from
their cage to greet the visitors. The animals that often greet the visitors are giraffes,
elephants and deers. The zoo is also in charge of training and taming wild animals, as
well as the place to conserve the extinct species. Orangutan is one of the extinct animals
that is being kept by the zoo to be protected and conserved before releasing them into the
wild again. The zoo is one of famous places to be familiar with several species of

46. What is the passage about?

a. the market
b. the sport
c. the zoo
d. the airplane

47. What does the passage describe about the zoo?

a. the zoo is a place to be visited every weekend
b. the zoo is a place to be familiar with several species of animals
c. the zoo is a place to ride several attractions
d. the zoo is a place to buy animals

48. Mention the animals that greet the visitors.

a. cheetah, lion and tiger
b. giraffe, lion and crocodile
c. monkey, orangutan and gorilla
d. giraffe, elephant and deer

49. What is the conserved animal according to the passage?

a. hippopotamus
b. dinosaur
c. orangutan
d. whale

50. How many animals that are kept in zoo approximately?

a. more than 1000 species
b. more than a million species
c. more than 100 species
d. more than 100,000 species

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