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BCAAs Delay Fatigue During Prolonged Training

BCAAs have been shown to inhibit both central and peripheral fatigue during exercise, so

you can be strong for longer. Peripheral fatigue is delayed because BCAAs serve as an

additional source of energy during prolonged exercise. This means that even after your

body has used up its glycogen stores, you can draw strength from BCAAs that are "stored" in

your muscles (Kainulainen, Hulmi & Kujala, 2013; Gualano et al., 2011 ). Central fatigue can

also be delayed by BCAAs which block the amino acid tryptophan from passing through the

mind. Tryptophan is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, a central fatigue

substance that produces feelings of relaxation and drowsiness (Newsholme & Blomstrand,


2.BCAAs Improve Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance When Taken Systematically

Trained cyclists who received an additional 6gr. BCAAs daily and continuously for a week,

ending with a test leading to exhaustion, achieved 4% higher VO2max, including 13% higher

VO2 at their aerobic threshold (LT) and output 6% more power (watts) at their aerobic

threshold (LT) ), compared to placebo cyclists (Matsumoto et al, 2009). As every athlete

knows, a small increase in performance can mean the difference between a result on the

podium… or not. In another study involving trained cyclists, the researchers found that 10

weeks of continuous BCAAs (12g / day) resulted in a 19% increase in peak power in an all-out

sprint and a 4% increase in average power in relation to body mass, compared to placebo

cyclists (Kephart et al., 2016). Importantly, the results of these studies indicate that BCAAs

can improve both aerobic capacity for exercise and anaerobic performance.

3.BCAAs enhance the Immune System

Intense and heavy training that is repeated for several days and/or weeks can lead to

fatigue, suppression of the immune system, and overtraining if the athlete does not recover

(rest) adequately between workouts. The chronic (long-term) additional intake with 12gr.

BCAAs daily have been shown to improve and enhance the immune system's response to

several consecutive weeks of intense training in cyclists, runners and swimmers (Kephart et

al., 2016). But now, there is new scientific data, even better! Researchers have found that

BCAAs can be used by immune cells in the stomach as an energy source, allowing our

immune system to be strengthened, regenerated and rejuvenated more efficiently, and

protected against harmful pathogens (Z al, 2017). A strong immune system helps in recovery

and makes you less vulnerable to diseases.

4. BCAAs Protect Lean Muscle Mass

BCAAs have been shown to protect muscle mass under conditions of extreme catabolism,

which are characterized by muscle protein destruction and muscle wear, as in

hypermarathons and high-altitude mountaineering due to lack of oxygen (Schena, Guerrini,

Tregnaghi, & 1992). During exercise, the destruction of muscle proteins, and especially, the

breakdown (essentially destruction) of BCAAs for energy supply increases (Shimomura et al.,

2004).By providing the muscles with extra BCAAs as a supplement, the body is less likely to

consume its own stores of amino acids (protein).

5. BCAAs Promote Muscle Protein Synthesis

This is the main reason that weightlifters and bodybuilders love BCAAs. As mentioned

before, leucine is the most important of the three BCAAs and activates the synthesis of

protein in muscle, which is necessary to build muscle. A dose of 2-3gr. leucine (depending on

body weight) is generally considered to be effective in activating and stimulating to the

maximum the process of protein synthesis in muscles, and usually, this amount (2-3g) is

referred to as the leucine threshold (Norton & Layman, 2006) .

6. BCAAs Reduce Exercise Pain and Injury

Management of BCAAs before and after exercise can reduce the severity, and duration of

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness), where there is a delay in the onset of muscle

soreness (pain and fatigue). It is a well-known painful sensation that lasts for days after

prolonged or intense exercise (Shimomura et al., 2010). In addition, studies have shown that

BCAAs supplementation reduces muscle damage caused by resistance training (weights)

(Howatson et al., 2012) and endurance training (marathon, Ironman) (Coombes &

McNaughton, 2000; Kim et al., 2013). This means you can get back to your daily training

routine faster and have less muscle damage between your workouts.

 Coombes, J. S., & McNaughton, L. S. (2000). Effects of branched-chain
amino acid supplementation on serum creatine kinase and lactate
dehydrogenase after prolonged exercise. Journal of sports medicine and
physical fitness, 40(3), 240.
 Gualano, A. B., Bozza, T., Lopes, D. C. P., Roschel, H., Dos Santos, C. A.,
Luiz, M. M., … & Herbert, L. J. A. (2011). Branched-chain amino acids
supplementation enhances exercise capacity and lipid oxidation during
endurance exercise after muscle glycogen depletion. The Journal of Sports
Medicine and Physical Fitness, 51(1), 82-88.
 Howatson, G., Hoad, M., Goodall, S., Tallent, J., Bell, P. G., & French, D. N.
(2012). Exercise-induced muscle damage is reduced in resistance-trained
males by branched chain amino acids: a randomized, double-blind, placebo
controlled study. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 9(1),
 Kainulainen, H., Hulmi, J. J., & Kujala, U. M. (2013). Potential role of
branched-chain amino acid catabolism in regulating fat oxidation. Exercise
and Sport Sciences Reviews, 41(4), 194-200.
 Kephart, W. C., Wachs, T. D., Mac Thompson, R., Mobley, C. B., Fox, C. D.,
McDonald, J. R., … & Pascoe, D. D. (2016). Ten weeks of branched-chain
amino acid supplementation improves select performance and immunological
variables in trained cyclists. Amino Acids, 48(3), 779-789.
 Kim, D. H., Kim, S. H., Jeong, W. S., & Lee, H. Y. (2013). Effect of BCAA
intake during endurance exercises on fatigue substances, muscle damage
substances, and energy metabolism substances. Journal of Exercise Nutrition
and Biochemistry, 17(4), 169-180.
 Matsumoto, K., Takashige, K. O. B. A., Hamada, K., Tsujimoto, H., &
Mitsuzono, R. (2009). Branched-chain amino acid supplementation increases
the lactate threshold during an incremental exercise test in trained individuals.
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 55(1), 52-58.
Newsholme, E. A., & Blomstrand, E. (2006). Branched-chain amino acids and
central fatigue. The Journal of Nutrition, 136(1), 274S-276S.
 Shimomura, Y., Murakami, T., Nakai, N., Nagasaki, M., & Harris, R. A.
(2004). Exercise promotes BCAA catabolism: effects of BCAA
supplementation on skeletal muscle during exercise. The Journal of Nutrition,
134(6), 1583S-1587S.
 Shimomura, Y., Inaguma, A., Watanabe, S., Yamamoto, Y., Muramatsu, Y.,
Bajotto, G., … & Mawatari, K. (2010). Branched-chain amino acid
supplementation before squat exercise and delayed-onset muscle soreness.
International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 20(3), 236.
 Zhang, S., Zeng, X., Ren, M., Mao, X., & Qiao, S. (2017). Novel metabolic
and physiological functions of branched chain amino acids: a review. Journal
of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 8(1), 10.

*Extra info (Από διαφάνειες Σκουφά)

Τα bcca αμινοξέα διακλαδισμένων δεσμών είναι σημαντικά στο να διατηρούν θετική

ισορροπία αζώτου όταν τρεφόμαστε με λίγες θερμίδες ή γυμναζόμαστε με λίγες θερμίδες.

ΒCAA ΚΑΙ ΜΥΙΚΗ ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑ(Πως τα BCCA μπορούν να βοήθησουν στη διατήρηση ενέργειας
όταν τα αποθέματα γλυκογόνου έχουν εξαντληθεί)

 Μετατρέπουν το άζωτό τους σε Πυροσταφυλικό Οξύ 

και σχηματίζουν το μη βασικό αμινοξύ την ΑΛΑΝΙΝΗ. 

 Η αλαλίνη είναι ένα αμινοξύ που μπορεί να μετατραπεί σε γλυκόζη .Η γλυκόζη μπορεί
να μετατραπεί γρήγορα σε ATP μέσω της γλυκόλυσης και το υποπροιον του
πυροσταφυλικού οξέος μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί στον κύκλο του krebs για αεροβική
ενέργεια η ανακυκλωμένη να μετατραπεί σε περισσότερη αλανίνη από τα bcaa

 Το ΑΖΩΤΟ μεταφέρεται από τα BCAA στο πυροσταφυλικό, έτσι ώστε να σχηματιστεί η


 Η αλανίνη φεύγει από τους μύς και μεταφέρεται στο ήπαρ, όπου εύκολα μετατρέπεται
σε γλυκόζη και μεταφέρεται ξανά στους μυς όπου χρησιμοποιείται ως ενέργεια

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