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In today’s competitive, global business environment, average

results are no longer acceptable. Teams must strive to achieve
optimum success and be prepared to work in sometimes turbulent,
demanding, and complex conditions to meet their goals.

You soon will attend the Maximizing Team Performance session, in 15 minutes
which you will learn about five Team Success Factors that, when Approximate
put in place, will help your team perform at its highest level. completion time

You also will learn to:

• Understand how your role as a leader is critical to creating and
sustaining a high-performance team environment.
• Assess your team’s performance to identify the conditions
preventing maximum results.
• Leverage the five success factors to involve your team Bring this completed
members and strengthen their performance. document to class.
You will use it during
This course is designed to help those who have formal the session.
responsibility for leading a team and ensuring the team
accomplishes its goals. A “team” can consist of direct reports
and/or people on a cross-functional project team.

Maximizing Your Team’s Performance

To prepare, select one team to focus on for this session. If you lead a team of direct reports, you
should use this team. If not, then choose one project or work team that you lead and that you’d
most like to see improve its performance. Then, answer the following three questions in the
spaces provided.

If you could transform your team to perform at its best:

1. What effective behaviors would team members start or continue to do?

- proactive
- trust
- has commitment
- takes accountability

File Name: MTP-CoursePrep

© Development Dimensions International, Inc., MMXIV. 1 Permission is granted to photocopy this page for internal use only.

2. What ineffective behaviors would team members stop doing?

- lack of commitment
- lack of trustand openess
- Low tolerance on changes: diversity

3. What’s currently going on within and outside your organization that might impact your team’s
- low tolerance to changes/diversity.

in our organization, we work on small teams and although each team works effectively within that
group, there are instances when a ceoss functional team is needed to support each other - this is
where we need to improve.

© Development Dimensions International, Inc., MMXIV. 2 Permission is granted to photocopy this page for internal use only.

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