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Draft 1.2 – 24 September 2018

Part A: Administrative Provisions

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 The Purpose of the Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Disclaimer .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Approval Process for Health Facilities ......................................................................................... 7
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
References within Part A of the Guidelines ....................................................................................................... 7
2.2 The Approval Process ...................................................................................................................................... 7
The Approval Process - A Five Step Process Integrated within the General Building Approval Process ........ 7
New Health Facilities and Existing Health Facilities Undergoing Changes ...................................................... 7
New Health Facilities Undergoing Design Changes while going through the Approval Process ...................... 7
The Approval Process and its Integration in the General Building Approval Process ...................................... 8
Design Changes Requested by the Municipality or Other Authorities giving Approval after the Approval
in Principle – Detailed (AIP-D) was Issued. ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 STEP 1 – Registration ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Process.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Considerations................................................................................................................................................... 8
Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 STEP 2 – Schematic Design Submission ........................................................................................................ 9
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Process.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Considerations................................................................................................................................................... 9
Deliverables ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 STEP 3 – Detailed Design Submission .......................................................................................................... 10
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................... 10
Process............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Considerations................................................................................................................................................. 11
Deliverables ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6 STEP 4 – 90% Completion Inspection ........................................................................................................... 11
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Process............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Deliverables ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 STEP 5 – 100% Completion Inspection ......................................................................................................... 12
Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Process............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Deliverables ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.8 General Building Approval Process Flow Chart .......................................................................................... 13
2.9 General Building Approval Process Master Flow Chart .............................................................................. 14
2.10 Standards and Guidelines .............................................................................................................................. 15
Standards and Guidelines for the Architectural Discipline .............................................................................. 15
Standards and Guidelines for the MEP Engineering Discipline ...................................................................... 15

3. Prequalification Process for Health Facility Design Consultants ............................................. 16

3.1 The Prequalification Process ......................................................................................................................... 16
What is “Prequalification” and what is its Purpose .......................................................................................... 16
Definition of the Health Facility Design Consultant ......................................................................................... 16

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How can a Design Consultant become Prequalified ....................................................................................... 17

3.2 The Level of Prequalification linked to the Type of Health Facility ............................................................ 17
A Tier Based System ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Lowering the Barrier to Entry ........................................................................................................................... 17
Increasing the level of prequalification ............................................................................................................ 18
Frequency of Application ................................................................................................................................. 18
Duration of Prequalification ............................................................................................................................. 18
Prequalification Tier based on building types .................................................................................................. 18
Co-Existing and Integrated Facilities and their Classification ......................................................................... 19
3.3 Definition of Building Types ........................................................................................................................... 20
Hospitals .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Day Procedure Centre ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Diagnostic Centre ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Rehabilitation Centre ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Clinic and Centre ............................................................................................................................................. 21
Pharmaceutical Facility ................................................................................................................................... 22
Mobile Unit....................................................................................................................................................... 22

4. Terms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 23

5. Appendix 01 - Health Facility Registration Form ....................................................................... 24
6. Appendix 02 - Registration Approval Form ................................................................................ 25
7. Appendix 03 - Schematic Submission Registration Form ........................................................ 26
8. Appendix 04 - Schematic Submission Approval Form .............................................................. 27
9. Appendix 05 - Detailed Submission Registration Form ............................................................ 28
10. Appendix 06 - Detailed Submission Approval Form .................................................................. 29
11. Appendix 07 - Request for Inspection Form ............................................................................... 30
12. Appendix 08 - Deliverables - Schematic Submission ................................................................ 31
13. Appendix 09 - Deliverables - Detailed Submission .................................................................... 32
14. Appendix 10 - Consultants Pre-qualification Application Form ............................................... 33
15. Appendix 11 - Template for Non-Compliance Report ................................................................ 34
16. Appendix 12 - Template for SOA ................................................................................................. 35
17. Appendix 13 - Role Delineation Framework ............................................................................... 36
18. Appendix 14 - Sample Design Review Report ............................................................................ 37
19. Appendix 15 - Sample Drawing for Schematic Submission ...................................................... 38
20. Appendix 16 - Sample Drawing for Detailed Submission .......................................................... 39
21. Appendix 17 - Building Types and Permitted FPU’s .................................................................. 40

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1. Introduction
This document, consisting of several volumes and their respective appendices, represents
the KSA Health Facility Guidelines minimum requirements for the Design and Construction
of various types of Health Facilities and for the prequalification of Design Consultants.
Throughout this document, the requirements set out are referred to as the “Guidelines” or
“these Guidelines”.
The Guidelines consist of several volumes, as outlined below:
▪ Part A - Administrative Provisions
▪ Part B - Health Facility Briefing and Planning
▪ Part C - Access, Mobility, OHS and Security
▪ Part D - Infection Prevention and Control
▪ Part E - Building Services and Environmental Design
Part A – Administrative Provisions
This section outlines the licensing process for Health Facilities and the prequalification
process for Design Consultants. Part A basically sets out the different processes whereas
Parts B to E provide the design tools to design fully compliant Health Facilities:
▪ Approval Process – The five step approval process is explained in detail, including the
validity of the interim approvals and the deliverables for each submission.
▪ Standards and Guidelines – All Standards and Guidelines are listed for both the Health
Planning and Engineering disciplines.
▪ Prequalification – Provides all requirements to become prequalified and explains the
process in detail.
Part B – Health Facility Briefing and Planning
This chapter includes all Architectural and Health Facility Planning Guidelines including:
▪ Planning.
▪ Role Delineation Level Guide (RDL).
▪ Individual Functional Planning Units (FPU’s).
▪ Required Rooms and Areas by RDL and FPU.
▪ Functional Relationships.
▪ Typical Room Layout Sheets (RLS) for Standard Components.
▪ Room Data Sheets (RDS) for Standard Components.
Part C - Access, Mobility, OHS and Security
Part C includes the over-riding requirements for Access, Mobility, OHS and Security which
include such considerations as corridor widths, slip resistance of floors, need for natural
light, ergonomic guides and other safety requirements. These are focused on health
projects unlike other generalised standards and guidelines such as those used for disability
access or fire evacuation. Where there is a conflict with other standards, the most onerous
standard will need to be adhered to.
Part D - Infection Prevention and Control
This section incorporates the requirements for infection control. Having a separate section
for these features prevents the need to re-state these requirements many times, in the
context of each department.

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Part E - Building Services and Environmental Design

Part E focuses on the engineering systems and environmental settings such as
Temperature range, humidity control, air changes per hour, size and type of lifts, acceptable
methods of hot water reticulation, ESD etc.

1.1 The Purpose of the Guidelines

These Guidelines do not represent the ideal or best standards; neither do they cover
management practices beyond the influence of design. The main objective of these
Guidelines is to:
▪ Establish the minimum acceptable standards for Health Facility Design and
▪ Maintain public confidence in the standard of Health Care Facilities;
▪ Determine the basis for the approval and licensing of hospitals;
▪ Provide general guidance to designers seeking information on the special needs of
typical Health Facilities;
▪ Promote the design of Health Facilities with due regard for safety, privacy and dignity of
patients, staff and visitors;
▪ Eliminate design features that result in unacceptable practices; and
▪ Eliminate duplication and confusion between various Standards and Guidelines.
In many instances it may be desirable to exceed minimum requirements to achieve optimum
standards. Designers, operators and applicants for Health Facilities are encouraged to
innovate and exceed these requirements wherever possible.
These Guidelines have been compiled for KSA Health Facility Guidelines. Existing
International Guidelines have been referenced in these Guidelines. However, the specific
and unique requirements of the MOH are clearly set out and these will over-ride any other
These Guidelines place emphasis on achieving Health Facilities that reflect current health
care functions and procedures in a safe and appropriate environment at a reasonable facility

1.2 Disclaimer

Although the quality of design and construction has a major impact on the quality of health
care, it is not the only influence. Management practices, staff quality and regulatory
framework potentially have a greater impact. Consequently, compliance with these
Guidelines can influence but not guarantee good healthcare outcomes.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) will endeavour to identify for elimination any design and
construction non-compliances through the review of design submissions and through pre-
completion building inspections, however, the responsibility for compliance with the
Guidelines remains solely with the applicant.
Any design and construction non-compliances identified during or after the approval
process, may need to be rectified at the sole discretion of the MOH at the expense of the
Therefore, the MOH, its officers and the authors of these Guidelines accept no responsibility
for adverse outcomes in Health Facilities even if they are designed or approved under these

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Compliance with these Guidelines does not imply that the facility will automatically qualify
for accreditation. Accreditation is primarily concerned with hospital management and
patient care practices, although the design and construction standard of the facility is
certainly a consideration.

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2. Approval Process for Health Facilities

2.1 Introduction

The purpose of the Approval Process for Health Facilities is to ensure all Health Facilities
within the MOH are designed and constructed to a minimum acceptable standard. This will
maintain the public confidence in the quality of Health Facilities approved, inspected and
licensed by the MOH.
References within Part A of the Guidelines
Where “underlined script” is used, the applicant should refer to the section “Appendices –
Standard documents, Templates and Samples” at the rear of Part A.
Where “italic script” is used, the applicant should refer to the applicable section within Part

2.2 The Approval Process

The Approval Process - A Five Step Process Integrated within the General Building
Approval Process
The Approval Process at MOH, consists of the following 5 steps, as illustrated in this
▪ STEP 1 - Registration of the Health Facility
▪ STEP 2 - Schematic Design Submission
▪ STEP 3 - Detailed Design Submission
▪ STEP 4 - 90% Completion Inspection
▪ STEP 5 - 100% Completion Inspection
New Health Facilities and Existing Health Facilities Undergoing Changes
The Approval Process not only applies to Health Facilities yet to be developed, existing
Health Facilities undergoing changes are also required to follow the process. Although
already registered and licensed, when existing Health Facilities make changes to their
infrastructure and/or scope of service, the MOH will assess whether there could be any
adverse impacts on the quality and safety of patient care. Types of changes could be:
▪ Changing the scope of the facility’s service – reductions or expansions of scope;
changing the type of service provided;
▪ Changing the infrastructure of the facility – reductions or expansions in area; refurbishing
existing area or
▪ Any combination of the above.
Owners/Operators are therefore required to register any changes in the scope of service
and/or changes to the existing Health Facility’s infrastructure. The MOH will assess on a
case by case basis, which steps of the Approval Process which will apply to existing
projects lodged for registration.

New Health Facilities Undergoing Design Changes while going through the Approval

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Should Owners/Operators implement design changes whilst proceeding through the
Approval Process, the portion that remains unchanged may proceed with the current
process whereas the changed portion should be documented and re-lodged for Registration
with the MOH. These changes will be treated in the same way as changes to an existing
Health Facility - the MOH will assess on a case by case basis and advise which steps of the
Approval Process will apply to the changes re-lodged for registration.
The Approval Process and its Integration in the General Building Approval Process
The Health Facility Approval Process is integrated and part of the General Building Approval
Process. The exact timing of the different submissions to the MOH should be adhered to
and pre-requisites for the submissions are therefore in place.
The General Building Approval Process is governed by the Urban Planning Council and by
the different Municipalities operating in the MOH.
Refer to ‘Section 2.9’ of Part A for the typical General Building Approval Process diagram
and how the Approval Process for Health Facilities is integrated and sequenced within.
Design Changes Requested by the Municipality or Other Authorities giving Approval
after the Approval in Principle – Detailed (AIP-D) was Issued.
It is the Owner/Operator’s obligation and responsibility to notify the MOH of any changes
requested by the Municipality and other authorities after issue of AIP-D. The Owner/
Operator should be aware that significant changes requested by the Municipality or other
authorities not reported to the MOH will risk future penalties such as denial of ‘License to
Operate’ certificate post completion.

2.3 STEP 1 – Registration

All Health Facilities in KSA are required to be licensed by the MOH. The registration is the
first step to obtain a license and describes the type and size of the facility, the type(s) of
health services provided, an approximate construction cost, etc.
▪ For first time user of the MOH e-service, registration to create a user account is required.
▪ The Owner/Operator is to register the Health Facility by lodging the Health Facility
Registration Form online. The Registration Form is then to be printed, signed by the
Owner/Operator and a hard copy lodged by hand to the MOH office.
▪ If approved, the “Approval in Principle – Registration” (AIP-R) granted by the MOH
remains valid for twelve (12) months, during which the General Building Approval
Process can be continued and during which Step 2 of the Approval Process for Health
Facilities is to be initiated.
▪ If required, the validity of the AIP-R can be extended for a further twelve (12) months, by
special application prior to the expiry of the twelve (12) months period, allowing the
Owner/Operator to finalise the design.
▪ If not approved, the Registration needs to be re-lodged within twelve (12) months.
▪ Should the Owner/Operator let the AIP-R expire, the registration process is to be re-
▪ Only two (2) registration attempts will be permitted per project.

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▪ Following the issue of AIP-R by MOH, Owner/ Operator is to approach Municipality with
the intent to construct a health facility and seek Location and Zoning approval before
proceeding to STEP 2 as explained below. Municipality will also provide design
parameters specific for the selected land such as building height, FSR, setback etc.
▪ Health Facility Registration Form to be lodged online.
▪ Signed copy of the Health Facility Registration Form to be lodged at the MOH office.

2.4 STEP 2 – Schematic Design Submission

To allow the MOH to identify major design anomalies or errors prior to detailed development
of the Health Facility, a first submission of the documentation is expected at Schematic
Design level. An approval from the Municipality will also be required.
▪ The Owner/Operator is to register the submission by lodging the Schematic Submission
Registration Form online. The Registration Form is then to be printed, signed by the
Owner/Operator and a hard copy lodged with the submission. The MOH will advise by
return email when are where the submission can be lodged.
▪ The Owner/Operator is to prepare an Architectural Submission only - all the required
documents in compliance with the deliverables as described on the Deliverables for
Schematic Submission. The documents are then lodged in both hard copy and soft
copy, at the MOH office.
▪ The submission is checked for completeness by the receiving the MOH official.
Incomplete or non-complying submissions will be rejected.
▪ The MOH then will review the submission against the Standards and Guidelines.
▪ If approved, the “Approval in Principle – Schematic” (AIP-S) will be granted together with
an Assessment Report listing all non-compliances to be rectified. The AIP-S remains
valid for twelve (12) months, during which the General Building Approval Process can be
continued and during which Step 3 of the Approval Process for Health Facilities is to be
▪ If required, the validity of the AIP-S can be extended for a further twelve (12) months, by
special application prior to expiry of the twelve (12) months period, allowing the
Owner/Operator to finalise the design.
▪ If not approved, the Schematic Submission is to be re-lodged within three (3) months.
▪ Should the Owner/Operator let the AIP-S expire, the Schematic Submission process is
to be re-initiated.
▪ Only two (2) Schematic Submissions will be permitted for the same project or the
Registration will be revoked.
▪ For Standards and Guidelines to adhere to, refer to Section ‘2.10’ of Part A.
▪ Owner/ Operator should note that if the proposed health facility is at RDL 3 to 6, a
Preliminary Schematic Submission to the Municipality is required in parallel with the
Step 2 MOH approval. There is no requirement for this step if the proposed health facility
is at RDL 1 or 2.
▪ Approval from both MOH and Municipality (issued separately by the relative Authority)
must be obtained before proceeding to STEP 3 as explained below.

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▪ Applications must include drawings and other documents to represent the proposed
design. These documents must be in compliance with the Deliverables for Schematic
Submission to simplify and speed up the process of evaluation.
▪ Incomplete submissions or submissions that do not follow the prescribed format may be
▪ Deliver:
- Schematic Submission Registration Form to be lodged online
- Signed copy of the Schematic Submission Registration Form
- Signed copy of the Deliverables for Schematic Submission
- Architectural Schematic Design drawings and reports as indicated on the Deliverables for
Schematic Submission

2.5 STEP 3 – Detailed Design Submission

To allow the MOH to identify detailed design anomalies or errors prior to construction of the
Health Facility, a second submission of the documentation is expected at Detailed Design
level. A MOH approval will also be a pre-requisite for an approval by the governing
▪ The Owner/Operator is to register the submission by lodging the Detailed Submission
Registration Form online. The Registration Form is then to be printed, signed by the
Owner/Operator and a hard copy lodged with the submission. The MOH will advise by
return email when and where the submission can be lodged.
▪ The Owner/Operator is to prepare a submission both containing Architectural and MEP
Engineering documentation - all the required documents in compliance with the
deliverables as described on the Deliverables for Detailed Submission. The documents
are then lodged in both hard copy and soft copy, at the MOH office, together with the
signed registration form.
▪ The submission is checked for completeness by the receiving official. Incomplete or
non-complying submissions will be rejected.
▪ The MOH then will review the submission against the Standards and Guidelines and
against the Assessment Report of the Schematic Design submission.
▪ If approved, the “Approval in Principle – Detailed” (AIP-D) will be granted together with
an Assessment Report listing all non-compliances to be rectified. The AIP-D remains
valid for twelve (12) months, during which the General Building Approval Process can be
continued and during which Step 4 needs to be initiated.
▪ If required, the validity of the AIP-D can be extended for a further twelve (12) months or
longer (to be agreed with the MOH and depending on the size of the project), by special
application prior to the expiry of the twelve (12) months period, allowing the
Owner/Operator to reach the 90% completion level.
▪ If not approved, and the number and severity of non-compliances are considered
acceptable (at the sole discretion of the MOH), an Assessment Report listing all non-
compliances to be rectified is issued to the applicant with the request to:
- Re-lodge only those portions of the submission that require redesign, within 3 months.
- Provide answers/solutions to all outstanding non-compliances in the Assessment Report.
▪ If this re-lodgment is approved, the AIP-D will be granted together with a revised
Assessment Report listing all non-compliances to be rectified. The process then
continues as described above.

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▪ If the re-lodgment is still not approved, an Assessment Report listing all non-compliances
to be rectified is issued to the applicant with the request to reinitiate Step 3 within 6
months. Only three (3) Detailed Submissions will be allowed for the same project or the
Registration will be revoked.
▪ Should the Owner/Operator let the AIP-D expire, the detailed submission process is to
be re-initiated.
▪ Only three (3) Schematic Submissions will be permitted for the same project or the
Registration will be revoked.
▪ For Standards and Guidelines to adhere to, refer to Section ‘2.10’ of Part A.
▪ The Owner/ Operator should submit to Municipality for obtaining Approval For
Construction in parallel. However, it should be noted MOH approval (AIP-D) is a pre-
requisite in obtaining Construction Approval from Municipality. MOH is interested in the
proposed healthcare design inside the facility whereas Municipality needs to assess
aspects of the facility related to location, zoning, setbacks, structure, fire and life safety,
carparking, traffic etc.
▪ Applications must include drawings and other documents to represent the proposed
design. These documents must be in compliance with the Deliverables for Detailed
Submission to simplify and speed up the process of evaluation.
▪ Incomplete submissions or submissions that do not follow the prescribed format may be
▪ Deliver:
- Detailed Submission Registration Form to be lodged online
- Signed copy of the Detailed Submission Registration Form
- Signed copy of the Deliverables for Detailed Submission
- Detailed Design drawings and reports as indicated on the Deliverables for Detailed

2.6 STEP 4 – 90% Completion Inspection

To allow the MOH to identify construction anomalies or errors and to verify outstanding non-
compliances from Step 3 are implemented, a 90% Completion Inspection is expected upon
construction completion. Construction Completion is defined as 100% completed building
construction including all building services andl medical equipment installed, tested and
▪ The Owner/Operator is to request the inspection by lodging the Request for Inspection
Form online, at least four (4) weeks prior to the inspection. The registration form is then
to be printed, signed by the Owner/Operator and a hard copy lodged with the
submission. The MOH will advise by return email when and where the submission can
be lodged.
▪ The Owner/Operator is to prepare an Architectural and an MEP Engineering Progress
Report, listing all outstanding non compliances from Step 3 and their answers–
solutions–status–progress on site – using the format of the Assessment Report
(unchanged). The Report is then lodged in both hard copy and soft copy, at the MOH
office, together with the signed Request for Inspection Form.
▪ The MOH then will review the Progress Reports and advise when the inspection will take

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▪ The MOH then will inspect the facility and note comments on the Report.
▪ The Report is returned to the Owner/Operator requiring modifications where required.
▪ Request for Inspection Form to be lodged online.
▪ Signed copy of the Request for Inspection form to be lodged to the MOH office, together
with the Progress Report.
▪ Provide all as-built drawings, testing and commissioning reports/ certificates at least
seven (7) days prior to the scheduled inspection on site.

2.7 STEP 5 – 100% Completion Inspection

To allow the MOH to verify outstanding non-compliances a Step 4 are implemented and to
verify if the facility, a 100% Completion Inspection is expected at the end of facility
commissioning and prior to any occupation.
▪ The Owner/Operator is to request the inspection by lodging the Request for Inspection
Form online, at least four (4) weeks prior to the inspection. The registration form is then
to be printed, signed by the Owner/Operator and a hard copy lodged with the
submission. The MOH will advise by return email when and where the submission can
be lodged.
▪ The Owner/Operator is to prepare an Architectural and an MEP Engineering Progress
Report, listing all outstanding non compliances from Steps 3 and 4 and their answers
and solutions – using the format of the Assessment Report (unchanged). The Report is
then lodged in both hard copy and soft copy, at the MOH office, together with the signed
Request for Inspection Form.
▪ The MOH then will review the Progress Report and advise when the inspection will take
▪ The MOH then will inspect the facility and note comments (if any) on the Report.
▪ The Report is returned to the Owner/Operator requesting modifications where required.
▪ Further inspections may be imposed by the MOH, as required, until all issues are
resolved to their satisfaction.
▪ Request for Inspection Form to be lodged online.
▪ Signed copy of the Request for Inspection Form to be lodged to the MOH office, together
with the signed Progress Report.

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2.8 General Building Approval Process Flow Chart

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2.9 General Building Approval Process Master Flow Chart

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2.10 Standards and Guidelines

Standards and Guidelines for the Architectural Discipline

All Health Facilities in the MOH are to be designed to the Standards and Guidelines as set
out in the table below. Projects lodged with the MOH for review will be tested for
compliance against the “Health Facility Guidelines” and the “Americans with Disabilities Act”
(most current edition). The compliance with the remaining Standards and Guidelines in the
table will not be tested by the MOH considering their compliance falls under another
authority’s jurisdiction (Municipality and Civil Defence).

Standards and Guidelines applying to the Architectural Discipline

1 KSA Health Facility Guidelines - Part B to D (These Guidelins)

2 Americans with Disabilities Act
3 National Fire Protection Standards for Health Care Facilities
4 Civil Defence Authority Manuals
In situations where compliance with the Standards and Guidelines has not been achieved or is
impractical, the non-compliance is to be highlighted to the MOH. Reasons for such non-
compliance and an alternative solution are to be put forward for consideration. The MOH (at its
sole discretion), may accept alternative solutions or compliance with other internationally
recognised Standards and Guidelines offered by the applicant.
These Standards and Guidelines are listed here for information as compliance with these
standards and guidelines is expected and required.
Standards and Guidelines for the MEP Engineering Discipline
Refer to Part E of these Guidelines for a full list of referenced external standards and
guidelines as well as the contents of Part E (Engineering). It should be noted that all
elements of these guidelines from Part A to E over-ride any external, referenced guidelines
including those in Part E.

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3. Prequalification Process for Health Facility Design Consultants

3.1 The Prequalification Process

What is “Prequalification” and what is its Purpose

The prequalification of Health Facility Design Consultants is a further initiative by the MOH
Licensing Department to ensure new Health Facilities within the region are designed to the
appropriate standards by competent consultants. Furthermore, they will give the MOH
confidence that the design outcome will be in line with the Standards and Guidelines which
subsequently will reduce the processing time of the Health Facility Approval Process.
A Prequalified Health Facility Design Consultant (HFDC) will be permitted to participate in
the development of Health Facilities and is therefore automatically permitted to lodge
Schematic and Detailed Submissions to the MOH as part of the Health Facility Approval
Definition of the Health Facility Design Consultant
A Health Facility Design Consultant may be an individual, a company or a similar.
In the assessment of prequalification, the following requirements will apply:
▪ An individual may apply for prequalification if he/she has the minimum necessary
experience as described in this section.
▪ A company may apply for prequalification if at least 50% of its Directors are prequalified.
▪ Companies and Individuals may form a consortium to combine the skills of different
entities for the purpose of designing Health Facilities. A consortium may act as a Health
Facility Design Consultant if it includes members (being individuals or companies) who
are already prequalified.
▪ The MOH may prequalify only legally recognised entities. Should a consortium or Joint
Venture (JV) form a legal entity recognised by the MOH, it may apply for prequalification
as a separate entity to its individual members.
▪ A consortium or JV may carry out Health Facility Design work, however, in the context of
the MOH applications requiring prequalified consultants, only those portions of the
Consortia or JV’s which are prequalified will be recognised.
A Health Facility Design Consultant may be prequalified in the following disciplines:
▪ Healthcare Architecture
▪ Healthcare Mechanical and HVAC including Medical Gases
▪ Healthcare Electrical (Power, lighting, ELV, lightning protection), IT and Communications
▪ Public Health (Plumbing, drainage, LPG gas)
▪ Biomedical Engineering
The MOH requirements for prequalification are in addition to any other legal or professional
requirements for practice under these disciplines.
A Healthcare project may require many more consultants including (but not restricted to):
▪ Landscape Architect
▪ Traffic Engineer
▪ Civil and Structural Engineer
▪ Signage Consultant
▪ Quantity Surveyor
▪ Façade Engineer

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▪ Radiation Shielding
▪ Catering
▪ Sterilising
The MOH may not prequalify consultants for these disciplines.
How can a Design Consultant become Prequalified
Design Consultants can become prequalified by filling out a Prequalification Questionnaire
and lodging a signed copy with the MOH. This document will collect important information
which will be used to assess the capability of the Design Consultant.
The Design Consultant’s expertise will be assessed on multiple criteria. Some examples
are as follows:
▪ The experience of the organisation applying for prequalification, both outside and within
the MOH. The consultant will be assessed on the number and type of Health Facilities
designed and completed. The size and complexity of the Health Facilities will also be
taken into consideration.
▪ The experience and prequalification of the key individuals within the organisation. The
individual expertise is important because key staff may leave the organisation, leaving
the applicant without any experienced staff.
▪ The resources within the organisation. Since the level of prequalification is partly based
on the size of projects undertaken, obviously only organisations with sufficient staffing
will be permitted to undertake large scale projects. The staff may include those working
in Qatar or from other countries.
▪ The methodology and systems used within the organisation. To a large degree, the
successful completion of a Health Facility is dependent on using internationally
recognised tools and systems.
▪ Consultants currently working with or under the MOH and considered to be performing to
an acceptable standard will be given priority for prequalification for a period of 12
months from the publication of these Guidelines.

3.2 The Level of Prequalification linked to the Type of Health Facility

A Tier Based System

For the purpose of prequalification, Health Facilities are divided into different types. Each
type will require a minimum level of prequalification based on the complexity of the facility as
▪ Design Consultants with a prequalification level of Tier 1 will only be permitted to
undertake the smallest and least complex Health Facilities.
▪ Design Consultants with a higher level of prequalification (Tier 2-4) will be permitted to
undertake the more complex Health Facilities.
Lowering the Barrier to Entry
The MOH prequalification system aims to lower the barrier to entry into the Health Facility
Design field experienced by local consultants. The typical path for an individual General-
practice Architect wishing to specialise in this field would be to work for a prequalified
company on a range of healthcare projects under the supervision of experienced specialists.
The individual can then apply for prequalification, initially at low Tier levels and subsequently
at higher Tier levels.
Prequalified individuals can then form new companies, employ support staff and apply for
the prequalification of the company.

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Increasing the level of prequalification

Individual Consultants may apply for higher Tiers of prequalification based on the
experience they gain at lower Tiers as well as work under the supervision of others on
higher tiers.
The MOH at its sole discretion may consider these applications and progressively increase
the prequalification Tier of the consultants.
Companies may also apply for higher Tiers of prequalification based on the experience and
prequalification of specialist staff that they employ as well as a minimum of 50% of the
directors. This experience is demonstrated through the application forms listing the
experience and responsibility for such projects at higher Tier levels.
Frequency of Application
The first applications for the MOH Health Facility Consultant Prequalification may be
submitted at any time. Subsequent applications may be submitted for a number of reasons
at the following intervals:
▪ Submission after the expiry of prequalification- at any time
▪ Re-submission with better information, if requested by the MOH - at any time
▪ Re-submission due to the rejection of a previous application- 6 months after the original
▪ Application for increase in the Tier of prequalification- 6 months after the original
Duration of Prequalification
The MOH prequalification for the current Tier, will be valid for a period of 3 years after
During the period of validity, the Consultants are required to inform the MOH of any major
changes to the information supplied to them on the prequalification forms including changes
to directorship and departure of key specialist staff.
Consultants may apply for the renewal of the prequalification for a further period of 3 years
by the submission of a new prequalification application. A new prequalification application
may be lodged up to 2 months before the expiry of the current prequalification.
A renewed application may be a copy of the previous application with updated information
unless the MOH requirements for prequalification change in the interim period.
The applicant may also request an increase in the Tier level at the time of renewal.
The MOH at its sole discretion may renew the application at the new or a different Tier level.
Prequalification Tier based on building types
Tier levels are based broadly on the experience of different Health Facility Building Types as
listed below. The Health Facilities in turn include one or more Functional Planning Units
(FPU’s) as defined under these Guidelines.
The information supplied by the applicants will be used by the MOH to assess the broad
range of skills in the design for the relevant FPU’s forming these building types and
therefore the appropriate Tier level of prequalification.

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Type Classification
Hospital Research and Teaching Hospital Tier 4
General Hospital Tier 4
Specialised Hospital Tier 4
Rehabilitation Hospital Tier 4
Nursing Home Tier 3
Acute Aged Care Centre Tier 3
Dementia Care Centre Tier 3

Day Procedure Day Surgery Hospital Tier 3

Centre Invasive Imaging Centre Tier 3
Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy Centre Tier 3
Dialysis Centre Tier 3
Plastic Surgery Centre Tier 3
Dental Surgery Centre Tier 3

Diagnostic Centre Medical Diagnostic Imaging Centre Tier 2

Nuclear Medicine Centres (not involving treatment) Tier 2
Medical Laboratory Tier 2

Rehabilitation Day Rehabilitation Centre Tier 2

Centre Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy & Tier 2
Hydrotherapy Centre
Prosthetics and Orthotics Centre Tier 2
Allied Health Service Centre Tier 1
Dental Laboratory Tier 1
Optical Shop Tier 1
Audiometric Shop Tier 1

Clinics Medical Centre Tier 2

Dental Centre Tier 2
General Clinic Tier 1
General Dental Clinic Tier 1
Specialised Clinic Tier 1
Specialised Dental Clinic Tier 1
Medical Polyclinic Tier 1
Dental Polyclinic Tier 1
School Clinic Tier 1
First Aid Post Tier 1

Pharmaceutical Scientific Offices Tier 1

Facilities Drug Stores Tier 1
24 Hours Pharmacy Tier 1

Mobile Health Units Refer to the nearest category above Tier 1-4

Co-Existing and Integrated Facilities and their Classification

Portions of Health Facility types (as listed above) may perform services which are
separately covered under these Guidelines. Where these services operate as an integrated
service within the overall Health Facility and benefit from the overall common services, staff
and patient flows, they will be regarded as part of the overall Health Facility and therefore
fall under its prequalification level.
The services which are relatively independent of the overall Health Facility will be regarded
as separate facilities under these Guidelines and therefore fall under their separate
prequalification levels.
Here are some examples:

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▪ A Medical Diagnostic Imaging Service within a Hospital will fall under the Hospital’s
prequalification Level.
▪ A Dental Clinic on the same grounds as a Day Procedure Centre but operating
independently will fall under its own prequalification Level.
Good indicators of integrated services are:
▪ Common facilities for patient flow management
▪ Common staff and support facilities
▪ Requirement for direct, internal patient transfer
▪ Common paper based medical records
▪ Common building services including central energy facilities
▪ Common services equipment such as air handling units
The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that the Design Consultants who’s work can
potentially affect the functionality of other, more complex and critical areas of Health
Facilities are prequalified at the appropriate level.

3.3 Definition of Building Types

For the purpose of this section of the Guidelines, Health Facility Building Types are defined
as follows:
Hospitals are defined as Health Care Facilities intended for the diagnosis and treatment of
patients. For the purpose of these Guidelines, all Health Facilities which provide overnight
care of patients will be classified as Hospitals.
Hospital Types may include:
▪ Research and Teaching Hospital
▪ General Hospital
▪ Specialist Maternity Hospital
▪ Specialist Paediatric Hospital
▪ Specialist Cancer Care Hospital
▪ Specialist Rehabilitation Hospital
▪ Specialist Mental Health Hospital
▪ Any combination of the above or other specialities
Some facilities will be treated in a similar manner to Hospitals however due to their lesser
complexity; their prequalification level will be reduced. Types may include:
▪ Nursing Homes
▪ Dementia Care Centres
Day Procedure Centre
Day Procedure Centres are defined as Health Care Facilities intended for the diagnosis and
treatment of patients. For the purpose of these guidelines, where these types of facilities do
not provide overnight care of patients, they will be classified as Day Procedure Centres.
Day Procedure Centre Types may include:
▪ Day Surgery Centre
▪ Specialist Dental Surgery Centre
▪ Specialist Eye Surgery Centre

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▪ Specialist Orthopaedic Centre

▪ Specialist Plastic Surgery Centre
▪ Specialist Radiotherapy Centre
▪ Specialist Chemotherapy Centre
▪ Specialist Dialysis Centre
▪ Specialist Invasive Imaging Centre
▪ IVF/ Fertility Centre
▪ Any combination of the above or other specialities
Diagnostic Centre
Diagnostic Centres are defined as Health Care Facilities intended for the diagnosis of
patients through specialist services and equipment. For the purpose of these Guidelines,
where these types of facilities are stand alone and do not provide treatment services, they
will be classified as Diagnostic Centres.
Diagnostic Centre Types may include:
▪ Medical Imaging Centres
▪ Nuclear Medicine Centres (not involving treatment)
▪ Phlebotomy Centres
▪ General Diagnostic Centres – EEG, ECG, etc.
▪ Any combination of the above or other specialities
Rehabilitation Centre
Rehabilitation Centres are defined as Health Care Facilities intended for the treatment of
patients with disabilities or injuries which require long term care. For the purpose of these
Guidelines, where these types of facilities do not provide overnight care of patients, they will
be classified as Rehabilitation Centres.
Rehabilitation Centre Types may include:
▪ Specialist Physiotherapy Centres
▪ Specialist Occupational Therapy Centres
▪ Specialist Hydrotherapy Centres
▪ Specialist Prosthetics and Orthotics Centres
▪ Any combination of the above or other specialities
Clinic and Centre
Clinics are defined as Health Care Facilities intended for the diagnosis and minor treatment
of patients. For the purpose of these Guidelines, generally, all Health Care Facilities not
classified under Hospitals, Day Procedure Centres, Rehabilitation Centres or Diagnostic
Centres will be classified as a Clinic.
A Centre is a Clinic with the addition of support services such as a Laboratory and a
Radiology Department.
Clinic Types may include:
▪ General Practice or Group Practice Primary Health Centres
▪ General and Specialised Clinics - Medical Polyclinics – School Clinics
▪ General and Specialised Dental Clinics - Dental Polyclinics
▪ Community Health Centres

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Pharmaceutical Facility
Pharmaceutical facilities will always be reviewed as part of the above Health Facility Types.
Only where they are stand alone, the design can be completed by a Tier 1 Design
Mobile Unit
Mobile Units can accommodate any of the Health Facilities mentioned above and are
therefore covered under their own prequalification level.

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4. Terms and Abbreviations

Term Meaning Term Meaning
Institute of Electrical and
ADA Americans for Disability Act IEE
Electronics Engineers

Australasian Health Facility

AHFG IT Information Technology

AS Australian Standards LDR Labour, Delivery & Recovery

American Society of Heating,

ASHRAE Refrigeration and Air Conditioning NHS National Health Service (UK)
Chartered Institution of Building National Fire Protection
Services Engineers Association

CCTV Closed Circuit Television NOC No Objection Certificate

CEO Chief Executive Officer OH&S Occupational Health & Safety

CRT Cathode Ray Tube RDL Role Delineation Level

CT Computerised Tomography RDS Room Data Sheet

Functional Planning Unit

FPU RLS Room Layout Sheet

Regulation and supervision

GP General Practitioner RSB

High Efficiency Particulate Air

HEPA SOA Schedule of Accommodation

HTM Health Technical Memorandum TIS Traffic Impact Study

Heating, Ventilation & Air

HVAC UPC Urban Planning Council

HR Human Resources

Refer to the following Appendices 1 to 17 attached overleaf

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5. Appendix 01 - Health Facility Registration Form

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KSA Health Facility Guidelines      
Health Facility Registration Form
All Health Facilities are required to be licensed. The registration is the first step to obtaining a license and describes the type and
size of the facility, the type(s) of health services provided, an approximate construction cost, etc. On satisfactory completion of
this process the applicant will be given an ‘Approval in Principle – Registration’ (AIP-R) certificate.
Process to Lodge this Registration Form:
Fill out this form on screen including selecting the appropriate boxes – print – lodge without signature online – the owner is to sign
the printed copy and include it in the Health Facility Registration Submission. By return email, The Local Authority may confirm
the date and time when the submission can be lodged at the office.

Section 1 – General Information 

‘AIP-R Approval Number(1): For Office Use Only

Type of Application(2):  New License  Change to  Change  Other

Existing Facility
License Location
Project: Name:


Legal Plot Number:

Size (Gross Floor Area in m2):

Type of Building(3):  Dedicated  Commercial  Villa  Flat / Suite

Building Building
Land Availability(4):  Yes  No

Expected Date of: Starting the Project on Site: Commissioning the Facility:

Total Project Cost: Item Value (SAR)

Construction Cost
Medical Equipment Cost
Furniture and Office Equipment Cost
Vehicle and Transportation Equipment Cost
Working Capital
Pre-Operation Cost
First Year Operating Cost
Total Investment

Applicant(5): Company Name:

Name and Surname Executive:

Role Executive:

Business Address:

Business Phone Number:

Business Email:

Date the Health Facility Registration Submission

will be ready: (6)

(1) This is the Type of Application which the applicant is seeking to be licensed.
(2) This is the Type of Building in which the Facility will be located.
(3) This applies to Hospitals only.
(4) This is the Owner/Operator of the Health Facility. This section is to be filled out be a senior executive.
(5) This is the date the Submission will be ready for submission. The Local Authority will advise a date on which the Submission can be lodged.


Section 2 – Type of Facility 

Type of Facility(7):  Hospital  Day Procedure Centre
(Fill in the selected Facility)
 Rehabilitation Centre  Diagnostic Centre

 Clinic  Mobile Health Unit

 Pharmacy  Other

(7) For detailed definitions of each Facility Type refer Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design, Section 3.

Section 3 - Hospitals 
Functional Hospital
Planning Units
(FPU's)(8): Teaching General Maternity Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Nursing Dementia
(Select the FPU’s from and Hospital Hospital Paediatric Cancer Rehab Mental Home Care Centre
below to be included in Research Hospital Care Hospital Health
the Facility) Hospital Hospital Hospital

Administration Unit
Admission Unit
Adult Mental Health
Inpatient Unit
Ambulatory Care Unit
Catering Unit
Child & Adolescent
Mental Health Unit
Cleaning and
Housekeeping Unit
Clinical Information Unit
Community Health Unit
Day Surgery Procedure
Emergency Unit
Engineering &
Maintenance Unit
Hospital Morgue

Inpatient Accommodation
Intensive Care Unit –
IVF Unit
Linen Handling Unit
Main Entrance Unit
Medical Imaging Unit –
Nuclear Medicine Unit
Obstetrics Unit
Operating Unit
Oral Health
Pharmacy Refer Section 7 below
Public & Staff Amenities
Radiation Oncology Unit
Rehab- Allied Health Unit
Sterile Supply Unit
Supply Unit
Waste Management

(8) For detailed information on FPU’s refer Part B – Health Facility Brief and Design, Section 3.


Section 4 – Day Procedure Centres 

Functional Day Procedure Centre
Planning Units
(FPU's)(8): Day Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist Specialist
(Select the FPU’s from Surgery Dental Eye Surgery Ortho- Plastic Radio- Chemo- Dialysis Invasive
below to be included in Hospital Surgery Centre pSARic Surgery therapy therapy Centre Imaging
the Facility) Centre Centre Centre
Centre Centre Centre

Administration Unit
Admission Unit
Cleaning &
Housekeeping Unit
Clinical Information Unit
Day Surgery Procedure
Engineering &
Maintenance Unit
IVF Unit
Linen Handling Unit
Main Entrance Unit
Medical Imaging Unit –
Nuclear Medicine Unit
Obstetrics Unit
Operating Unit
Oral Health Unit
Pathology Unit
Pharmacy Unit Refer Section 7 below
Public & Staff Amenities
Radiation Oncology Unit
Sterile Supply Unit
Supply Unit
Waste Management Unit

(8) For detailed information on FPU’s refer Part B – Health Facility Brief and Design, Section 3.

Section 5 – Diagnostic Centres 

Functional Diagnostic Centre
Planning Units
(FPU's)(8): Medical Imaging Centre Nuclear Medicine Centre Phlebotomy Centre General Diagnostic Centre
(Select the FPU’s from
below to be included in
the Facility)

Administration Unit
Cleaning &
Housekeeping Unit
Clinical Information Unit
Engineering &
Maintenance Unit

Main Entrance Unit

Medical Imaging Unit–
Nuclear Medicine Unit
Radiation Oncology Unit
Pathology Unit
Waste Management Unit

(8) For detailed information on FPU’s refer Part B – Health Facility Brief and Design, Section 3.


Section 6 – Rehabilitation Centres 

Functional Rehabilitation Centre
Planning Units
(FPU's)(8): General or Group Practice General and Specialised Clinic General and Specialised Dental Community Health Centre
(Select the FPU’s from Primary Health Centre – Medical Polyclinic – School Clinic – Dental Polyclinic
below to be included in Clinic
the Facility)

Administration Unit
Cleaning &
Housekeeping Unit
Clinical Information Unit
Rehab- Allied Health
Waste Management Unit

(8) For detailed information on FPU’s refer Part B – Health Facility Brief and Design, Section 3.

Section 7 – Pharmaceutical Facilities 

Functional Pharmacies
Planning Units
(FPU's)(9): 24 Hour Pharmacy Inpatient Outpatient
(Select the FPU from
below to be included in
the Facility)

Pharmacy Unit

(9) This refers to stand alone facilities only. Pharmaceutical Facilities which are included within other facility types are to be in the selected FPU’s for that facility.

Section 8 – Mobile Units 

Functional Mobile Unit
Planning Units
(FPU's): One - Speciality Unit Multi - Speciality Unit
(Select the FPU from
below to be included in
the Facility)

Mobile Unit


Section 9 – Role Delineation Levels – RDL’s 

The applicant must select the services to be provided in the facility by selecting the FPU’s in the above sections together with the
appropriate RDL’s for those services in the following section. The RDL’s below set out the most common health services defined under
each RDL under each category the requirements are stated.

Once both the FPU’s and the RDL’s are selected the facility requirements can be determined and verified by THE HEALTH AUTHORITY.

For detailed information on RDL’s, definitions and abbreviations refer Part B – Health Facility Brief and Design, Section 2.

Role Delineation
Levels (RDL's): Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
(Select the RDL for the services to
be provided)

Medical Services

Renal – General
Renal – Dialysis
Radiation Oncology
Palliative Care
Surgical Services

Vascular surgery
Emergency / Trauma Services

Emergency Department
Urgent Primary Care
Paediatrics Services

Rehabilitation Services

Continuing Care Services

Community Assessment


Role Delineation
Levels (RDL's): Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
(Select the RDL for the services to
be provided)

Prevention and Promotion Services

Environmental Health
 Health protection including food,
air, water, radiation,
pharmaceutical, pesticides,
mosquito borne diseases
Communicable Disease
 Includes food and water borne
diseases, vaccination programs,
STI’s, BBV’s and indigenous
Child and Community
 Community Health Services,
School Health Services, Child
Health Services, Child
Development Services
Indigenous Health
Health Promotion
 Primary prevention including
lifestyle diseases and injury
Breast Screen
Screening & Assessment
 Health promotion, screening
awareness, maintain cervical
cytology register
 Education, research
Primary Care Services

GP Based Community
Ambulatory Care Services

Continuing Care
Child & Adolescents Mental Health, Adult Mental Health, Older Persons Mental Health Services

Mental Health Promotion &

Illness Prevention
Emergency Services
(Hospital Based)
Inpatient Services
Community Clinical Based
Day Therapy Services
(Hospital Based)
Community Non Clinical
Support Programs
Intermediate Care
Mental Health Services


Role Delineation
Levels (RDL's): Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
(Select the RDL for the services to
be provided)

Alcohol & Drug
Eating Disorder
Clinical Support Services

Paediatric ICU
Operating Theatres
Training & Research

I, ……………………………………………………….., ……………………………………………………….., hereby certify or affirm that:

Applicant Name and Surname Title of Applicant
The information provided in this application is complete and accurate;
1. All official documents required by The Local Authority are enclosed;
2. Upon approval of Step 1 – Registration (as setout in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design), Step 2 – Schematic
Submission of the Approval Process must be lodged in full to the Health Licensing Department of The Local Authority
within twelve (12) months of the date of approval of Step 1;
3. In the case of land being reserved by The Local Health Authority, Step 2 – Schematic Submission of the Approval
Process must be lodged in full to the Health Licensing Department of The Local Authority within six (6) months of the
date of The Local Health Authority’s reservation of the land;
4. In the case of Step 2 – Schematic Submission not being lodged within the time limit specified in item 3 above (12
months), the application will become void and a new application shall be required to be lodged commencing with Step 1 –
Registration as setout in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design;
5. If required, the validity of the Step 1 – Registration can be extended for a further 12 months, by special application to the
Health Licensing Department of The Local Authority prior to expiry of the 12 months period.
6. As a result of final inspection of the facility by The Local Health Authority’s Health Audit Team ensuring compliance with
all of the relevant Guidelines and conditions of approval, the Health Licensing Department will deliver the final license to
commission the facility.
7. Note: For Inpatient Pharmacies:
The facility must apply for a separate license.
I acknowledge and attest the facility:
a. Medical professional staff qualifications will meet The Local Authority PRQ;
b. Will deploy and maintain The Local Health Authority’s healthcare quality standards;
c. Will comply with The Local Health Authority’s policies, rules and regulations;
d. Will implement best recognised healthcare practices to manage health information, patient and staff safety,
quality improvement from all perspectives; and
e. Will provide the Health Licensing Department of The Local Authority monthly and yearly statistical reports upon
facility commissioning.


Owner’s Name, Signature and Date: Name:




Date: ………………………………………………..……………………

For Official Use

 Approved  Incomplete, further information  Not Approved

Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....





…………………………..……….. …………………………..……….. …………………………..………..

Chairman of Health Facilities Head of Health Facilities Director of Policy and Regulation
Licensing Taskforce Licensing Department


Part A: Administrative Provisions

6. Appendix 02 - Registration Approval Form

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KSA Health Facility Guidelines     
Registration Approval Form
The purpose of this form is to notify the applicant of the approval or rejection issued by the Local Health Authority for the Registration
Submission Stage (Step 1 as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design) of the application only.

Submission Approval
‘Approval in Principle – Registration’ (AIP-R)
Approval Number:

Number of Registration Submission:

Project Name:


Legal Plot Number:

Applicant: Company Name:

Name and Surname:

Business Address:

Business Phone Number:

Business Email:


Date of Expiry of Approval:

Type of Approval 
 Approved  Not Approved

Notes: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....




…………………………………….. …………………………………….. ……………………………………..

Chairman of Health Facilities Head of Health Facilities Director of Policy and Regulation
Licensing Taskforce Licensing Department


Approval Conditions:
In the case of approval, the Local Health Authority advises approval of this application for the Registration Submission is granted
subject to compliance with conditions of approval noted herein and all the relevant Standards and Guidelines applicable to the
subject facility. Upon approval of the AIP-R (Step 1 as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design), the Schematic
Submission (Step 2 as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design) of the Approval Process must be lodged in full to the
Health Licensing Department of the Local Health Authority within twelve (12) months of the date of approval of the AIP-R.

Rejection Conditions:
In the case of rejection, the applicant is permitted to lodge one (1) further submission only for Step 1– Registration Submission.

Period of Validity of Approval:

The AIP-R remains valid for 12 months, during which the General Building Approval Process can be continued and during which
Step 2 of the Approval Process for Health Facilities is to be initiated. If required, the validity of the AIP-S (Approval in Principle –
Schematic) can be extended for a further 12 months by special application to the Health Licensing Department of the Local Health
Authority prior to expiry of the 12 months period.

Part A: Administrative Provisions

7. Appendix 03 - Schematic Submission Registration Form

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KSA Health Facility Guidelines    
Schematic Submission Registration Form
The purpose of this registration form is to notify the Local Health Authority of the intent to lodge a Schematic Submission for a
comprehensive review against the Standards and Guidelines. The notification will allow the Local Health Authority to streamline
incoming documents and ensure adequate staffing is available for the review process. On satisfactory completion of this process the
applicant will be given an ‘Approval in Principle – Schematic’ (AIP-S) certificate

Prior to lodging this Registration Form, we advise the applicant to verify the Health Facility has been registered with the Local Health
Authority, through the Health Facility Registration Form. If the Facility was registered, the applicant should have received an
“Approval in Principle – Registration” or AIP-R. We advise to transfer the Approval number of the AIP-R to the applicable section
below. Further information on the Licensing process is available through the Health Facilities Guidelines – Part A Administrative

AIP-R Approval Number (1):

Number of Schematic Submission (2):
Project Name:
Legal Plot Number:
Size (Gross Floor Area in m2):
Applicant (3) Company Name
Name and Surname
Role Executive:
Business Address:
Business Phone Number:
Business Email:
Prequalification Number (4):
Date the Schematic Submission will be ready (5):

(1) This is the Approval number on the AIP-R form received from the Local Health Authority when the Registration of the Health Facility was approved.
(2) This is the number of times a Schematic Submission was lodged. The maximum number of submissions is 2.
(3) This is the Owner/Operator of the Health Facility. This section is to be filled out be a senior executive.
(4) This is the Local Health Authority prequalification number for all prequalified Owners/Operators.
(5) This is the date the Submission will be ready for submission. The Local Health Authority will advise a date on which the submission can be lodged.
Applicant’s Signature and Date: Signature:

Date: ……………………………………………….……………………
Part A: Administrative Provisions

8. Appendix 04 - Schematic Submission Approval Form

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KSA Health Facility Guidelines    
Schematic Submission Approval Form
The purpose of this form is to notify the applicant of the approval or rejection issued by the Local Health Authority for the Schematic
Submission Stage (Step 2 as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design) of the application only.

Submission Approval 
‘Approval in Principle – Schematic’
(AIP-S) Approval Number:

Number of Schematic Submission:

Project Name:


Legal Plot Number:

Applicant: Company Name:

Name and Surname:

Business Address:

Business Phone Number:

Business Email:


Date of Expiry of Approval:

Type of Approval 
 Approved  Not Approved

Notes: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....




…………………………………….. …………………………………….. ……………………………………..

Chairman of Health Facilities Head of Health Facilities Director of Policy and Regulation
Licensing Taskforce Licensing Department


Approval Conditions:
In the case of approval, the Local Health Authority advises approval of this application for the Schematic Submission is granted
subject to compliance with conditions of approval noted herein and all the relevant Standards and Guidelines applicable to the
subject facility. Upon approval of the AIP-S (Step 2 as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design), the Detailed Submission
(Step 3 as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design) of the Approval Process must be lodged in full to the Health Licensing
Department of the Local Health Authority within twelve (12) months of the date of approval of the AIP-S.

Rejection Conditions:
In the case of rejection the applicant is permitted to lodge one (1) further submission only for Step 2– Schematic Submission of the
Approval Process and should a rejection be issued for the subsequent submission then the application shall revert back to Step 1 –
Registration of the Application Process.

Assessment Report:
In the case of approval an Assessment Report is attached hereto listing all non-compliances requiring rectification. The applicant is
required to comply with the requirements of the Assessment Report in the following stage application.

Period of Validity of Approval:

The AIP-S remains valid for 12 months, during which the General Building Approval Process can be continued and during which
Step 3 of the Approval Process for Health Facilities is to be initiated. If required, the validity of the AIP-S can be extended for a
further 12 months by special application to the Health Licensing Department of the Local Health Authority prior to expiry of the 12
months period.

Part A: Administrative Provisions

9. Appendix 05 - Detailed Submission Registration Form

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KSA Health Facility Guidelines    
Detailed Submission Registration Form
The purpose of this registration form is to notify the Local Health Authority of the intent to lodge a Detailed Submission for a
comprehensive review against the Standards and Guidelines. The notification will allow the Local Health Authority to streamline
incoming documents and ensure adequate staffing is available for the review process. On satisfactory completion of this process the
applicant will be given an ‘Approval in Principle – Detailed’ (AIP-D) certificate.

 Verify the Health Facility has received an “Approval in Principle – Schematic” or AIP-S. If so, the Approval number of the AIP-S
is to be transferred to the applicable section below. Further information on the Licensing process is available through the
International Health Facilities Guidelines - Part A Administrative Provisions.
 Ensure the Health Facility has received a Project Approval from the Urban Planning Council. Submissions without this approval
will be rejected.

Process to Lodge this Registration Form:

Fill out this form on screen – print – lodge without signature online – sign the printed copy and include it in the Detailed Submission.
By return email, the Local Health Authority may confirm the date and time when the submission can be lodged at the Local Health
Authority office.

AIP-R and AIP-S Approval Numbers(1): AIP-R: AIP-S:

Number of Detailed Submission(2):

Project Name:


Legal Plot Number:

Size (Gross Floor Area in m2):

Applicant(3) Company Name:

Name and Surname Executive:

Role Executive:

Business Address:

Business Phone Number:

Business Email:

Prequalification Number(4):

Date the Detailed Submission will be ready(5):

(1) This is the Approval number on the AIP-R and AIP-S form received from the Local Health Authority when registering and when receiving approval for the Schematic
(2) This is the number of times a Detailed Submission was lodged. The maximum number of submissions is 3.
(3) This is the Owner/Operator of the Health Facility. This section is to be filled out be a senior executive.
(4) This is the Local Health Authority prequalification number for all prequalified Owners/Operators.
(5) This is the date the Submission will be ready for submission. The Local Health Authority will advise a date on which the submission can be lodged.

Applicant’s Signature and Date:


Date: ……………………………………………….…………………

Part A: Administrative Provisions

10. Appendix 06 - Detailed Submission Approval Form

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 29
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018

KSA Health Facility Guidelines    
Detailed Submission Approval Form
The purpose of this form is to notify the applicant of the approval or resubmission required or rejection issued by the Local Health
Authority for the Detailed Submission Stage (Step 3 as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design) of the application only.

Submission Approval 
Approval in Principle – Detailed’
(AIP-D) Approval Number:

Number of Detailed Submission:

Project Name:


Legal Plot Number:

Applicant: Company Name:

Name and Surname:

Business Address:

Business Phone Number:

Business Email:


Date of Expiry of Approval:

Type of Approval 
 Approved  Incomplete, Resubmit  Not Approved

Notes: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....




…………………………………….. …………………………………….. ……………………………………..

Chairman of Health Facilities Head of Health Facilities Director of Policy and Regulation
Licensing Taskforce Licensing Department


Approval Conditions:
In the case of approval, the Local Health Authority advises approval of this application for the AIP-D Detailed Submission is granted
subject to compliance with conditions of approval noted herein and all the relevant Standards and Guidelines applicable to the
subject facility. Upon approval of the AIP-D (Step 3 as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design), Step 4 of the Approval
Process as set out in Part A – Health Facility Brief and Design must be initiated within twelve (12) months of the date of approval of
the AIP-D.

Resubmission Conditions:
In the case of resubmission the applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Assessment Report. The applicant shall then
resubmit within three (3) months of the date of the AIP-D.

Rejection Conditions:
In the case of rejection the applicant is permitted to lodge up to two (2) further submissions only for Step 3– Detailed Submission
of the Approval Process and should a rejection be issued for the third submission then the application shall revert back to Step 1 –
Registration of the Application Process.

Assessment Report:
In the case of approval an Assessment Report is attached hereto listing all non-compliances requiring rectification. The applicant is
required to comply with the requirements of the Assessment Report in the following stage application.

In the case of a resubmission the applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Assessment Report which lists all non-
compliances to be rectified and resubmit only those portions of the submission that require redesign and provide answers/solutions
to all other outstanding non-compliances as listed in the Report.

Period of Validity of Approval:

The AIP-S remains valid for 12 months, during which the General Building Approval Process can be continued and during which
Step 4 of the Approval Process for Health Facilities is to be initiated. If required, the validity of the AIP-S can be extended for a
further 12 months or longer by special application to the Health Licensing Department of the Local Health Authority prior to expiry of
the 12 months period.

Part A: Administrative Provisions

11. Appendix 07 - Request for Inspection Form

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 30
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018

KSA Health Facility Guidelines    
Request for Inspection
The purpose of this registration form is to request the Local Health Authority to conduct a comprehensive site inspection against the
Standards and Guidelines and the Assessment Report issued at various Approval stages namely AIP-R (Approval in Principle –
Registration) & AIP-D (Approval in Principle – Detailed). The notification will allow the Local Health Authority to streamline requests
and ensure adequate staffing is available for the inspection process.

Prior to lodging this Registration Form, we advise the applicant to prepare a progress report listing all outstanding non-compliances
from the Assessment Report (received from the Local Health Authority, with the AIP-D) and their answers and solutions and their
status and progress on site, all in the format prescribed by the Local Health Authority. Further information on the Licensing process
is available through the Guidelines – Part A Administrative Provisions.

Process to Lodge this Registration Form:

Fill out this form on screen – print – lodge without signature online – sign the printed copy and lodge it with the Local Health Authority
together with the progress report. By return email, the Local Health Authority may confirm the date and time when the progress
report can be lodged at the Local Health Authority office.

AIP-R and AIP-D Approval Numbers(1): AIP-R: AIP-D:

Is this a 90% or 100% Completion Inspection:

Project Name:


Legal Plot Number:

Size (Gross Floor Area in m2):

Applicant(2) Company Name:

Name and Surname Executive:

Role Executive:

Business Address:

Business Phone Number:

Business Email:

Prequalification Number(3)

Date the Progress Report will be ready(4)

(1) This is the Approval number on the AIP-R and AIP-D form received from the Local Health Authority when registering & when receiving approval for the Detailed Submission.
(2) This is the Owner/Operator of the Health Facility. This section is to be filled out be a senior executive.
(3) This is the Local Health Authority prequalification number for all prequalified Owners/Operators.
(4) This is the date the Submission will be ready for submission. The Local Health Authority will advise a date on which the submission can be lodged.

Applicant’s Signature and Date:


Date: ………………………………………………...……………………

Part A: Administrative Provisions

12. Appendix 08 - Deliverables - Schematic Submission

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 31
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018
KSA Health Facility Guidelines
Deliverables for Schematic Submission

Guidance on how to Deliver your Submission

The purpose of this document

1. This document provides information on all the deliverables required for a Schematic Submission. It specifies what the deliverables are, their quantity, format, size, scale and content.
2. This document also is to be used as a Checklist for the applicant, to verify the submission is complete. To ensure a complete and compliant submission is presented to Local Health Authority, the applicant is to check all the boxes in the green field. Although the Local Health Authority encourages the


applicant to provide as much information as possible, there may be reasons why certain deliverables may not need to be provided. Where the submission deviates from what is listed below, the applicant is to list these in a separate Non-Compliance Report (refer to item 1.5 and 1.6) and explain the reason. It
should however be noted submissions deemed incomplete may be rejected by Local Health Authority. It is therefore the applicant's responsibility to be as complete as possible .The deliverables as listed below are applicable to a large scale, complex Health Facility - small scale, basic facilities may be

exempt from providing certain deliverables.
3. The MOH officer will use this document to verify the submission is complete and compliant by checking all the boxes in the yellow field.

Key to the spreadsheet below

Part For soft copies - All items with identical numbers are to be filed together in a folder
Size The document is to be submitted in the prescribed size
Scale The document is to be submitted using the prescribed scale
T Template - The applicant is to use a Template for this specific deliverable. All Templates are provided in Part A - Appendices.
S Sample - The applicant is to refer to a Sample for this specific deliverable. All Samples are provided in Part A - Appendices. The Sample will give an indication on the format/content of the deliverable.
PDF An "x" in this column indicates 1 PDF copy is to be provided, to scale and in colour where required. File naming should allow easy identification of each document.

All dimensions, levels and areas to be metric
All documents produced by the applicant to be in English

1. Documents, Approvals by Other Authorities and Service Providers, Non-Compliance Report

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

1.1 Deliverables for Schematic Submission 1 A3 T x To be submitted with the submission
1.2 Schematic Submission Registration Form 1 A4 T x PDF (scanned, signed and stamped soft copy ) to be submitted online by the operator/developer. Signed hardcopy to be submitted with the submission
1.3 Affection Plan (relevant authority/KSA Municipality) 1 A4 x Authority/supplier name, purpose of document and approval date mentioned in the file name
1.4 All other authority and utility suppliers approvals 1 A4 x Authority/supplier name, purpose of document and approval date mentioned in the file name
and NOC's received to date
1.5 Non-Compliance Report - Deliverables 1 A4 T x Where the submission is not fully compliant (not all boxes ticked in the applicant self check field), all non-compliances are to be listed in a separate report
explaining the reasons for the non-compliance. The missing item is to be identified by the corresponding reference number on this sheet.
1.6 Non-Compliance Report - Design 1 A4 T x Where the design is not fully compliant with the Standards and Guidelines, all non-compliances are to be listed in a separate report, explaining the
reasons for the non-compliance

2. Reports, Schedules and Calculations

2.1 Reports

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

2.1.1 Project Synopsis 2 A3/A4 x General description of the facility, 10 to 20 pages maximum
* Type and purpose of the facility
* Overall design philosophy
* Need and benefits
* Complete list of all FPU's (Departments) including their gross floor area and proposed RDL
* Explain FPU's (Departments) functional relations (explain adjacencies)
* Key planning figures such as number of beds - operating rooms - birthing rooms - ICU bays/rooms - etc.
2.1.2 Role Delineation Level (RDL) Matrix 2 A4 T x Declare the intended level of service for every FPU within the facility. Note this should match what was declared when Registering (Step 1) the Health Facility

2.2 Schedules and Calculations

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

2.2.1 Schedule of Accommodation 3 A4 T x Room names in line with KSA Facility Guideline nomenclature
Room number and its metric floor area
No of rooms per type, per FPU (Functional Planning Unit)
Total circulation within the department
Departmental totals - net, circulation, gross

Page 1 of 2
3. Drawings

3.1 Architectural and Health Planning Drawings

No Item Part Scale T/S PDF Showing

3.1.1 Site Plan 4 1/500 x Ground floor layout of the facility with overhanging roofs and canopies dashed
1/1000 On grade car parking, including traffic directions and markings. Indicate the numbers of each type of car park - standard, accessible, accessible van, etc.
Car Parking calculation as per Local Design Code
Where the number, type, size of car parking spaces is not matching other authority's requirements, the most onerous shall be followed
Vehicle and pedestrian ramps & Externals steps and stairs
Ambulance access and parking
Drop off zones
Helipads if provided
North arrow
Site boundary
Surrounding streets and access points
Total land area, ground floor footprint area and total building area
3.1.2 Architectural Floor Plans 5 1/200 S x Room names in line with KSA Facility Guideline nomenclature
Room number and its metric floor area
FPU (Department) names in line with DHA Facility Guideline nomenclature
Total FPU (Department) area written within each FPU
People, Patient, Staff and Goods Flows At facility level and in the clinical Area
Indicate the exact use of each lift - patients - visitors - staff - goods - maintenance and internal size of each lift cabin/car
Key plan indicating what portion of the facility is shown on the sheet
3.1.3 Architectural Sections 6 1/200 x Metric dimensions of floor to floor heights
Metric dimensions of clear ceiling heights
Key plan indicating where the section is taken

4. Compliance Declaration

We, the undersigned have compiled the Schematic Submission and we confirm the submission is complete and matches Local Health Authority requirements as set out above. We also confirm the design is in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines. Where compliance with the
submission requirements and/or with the Standards and Guidelines was not achieved, these non compliances were listed in the Non-Compliance Reports (item1.5 and 1.6)

Standards and Guidelines for the Schematic Submission KSA Health Facility Guideline - Part A to D
Relevant Green Building Evaluation System
Relevant Fire Code
Local Design Code
ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act)
Architect of Record

Signed: Organisation
Prequalification number

Specialist Health Facility Planner

Signed: Organisation
Prequalification number

For Office use only:

Signed: The local Health Authority confirms the Schematic Submission was received and verified. In terms of completeness and formatting, Comments:
the submission was found to be:
Accepted (1)

Accepted with comments (2)

Stamp: Rejected with comments

Name Local Health Authority Officer:


Notes (1) Although MOH may accept the submission, while testing the submission against the HFG, additional information may be requested to allow the process to continue. The applicant is to provide this within a set time frame, as
determined by MOH.
(2) If minor discrepancies are picked up when submitting, at the MOH officers discretion, may accept the submission but will list a request for additional information. The applicant is to provide this within a set time frame, as determined
by MOH.

Page 2 of 2
Part A: Administrative Provisions

13. Appendix 09 - Deliverables - Detailed Submission

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 32
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018
KSA Health Facility Guidelines
Deliverables for Detailed Submission

Guidance on how to deliver your submission

The purpose of this document

1. This document provides information on all the deliverables required for a Detailed Submission. It specifies what the deliverables are, their quantity, format, size, scale and content.
2. This document also is to be used as a Checklist for the applicant, to verify the submission is complete. To ensure a complete and compliant submission is presented to Local Health Authority, the applicant is to check all the boxes in the green field. Although the Local Health Authority encourages the applicant to
provide as much information as possible, there may be reasons why certain deliverables may not need to be provided. Where the submission deviates from what is listed below, the applicant is to list these in a separate Non-Compliance Report (refer to item 1.6 and 1.7) and explain the reason. It should however be


noted submissions deemed incomplete may be rejected by Local Health Authority. It is therefore the applicant's responsibility to be as complete as possible. The deliverables as listed below are applicable to a large scale, complex Health Facility - small scale, basic facilities may be exempt from providing certain


3. The MOH officer will use this document to verify the submission is complete and compliant by checking all the boxes in the yellow field.

Key to the spreadsheet below

Part For soft copies - All items with identical numbers are to be filed together in a folder
Size The document is to be submitted in the prescribed size
Scale The document is to be submitted using the prescribed scale
T Template - The applicant is to use a Template for this specific deliverable. All Templates are provided in Part A
S Sample - The applicant is to refer to a Sample for this specific deliverable. All Samples are provided in Part A. The Sample will give an indication on the format/content of the deliverable
PDF An "x" in this column indicates 1 PDF copy is to be provided, to scale and in colour where required. File naming should allow easy identification of each document

All dimensions, levels and areas to be metric
All documents produced by the applicant to be in English

1. Documents and Approvals by Other Authorities and Service Providers,Non-Compliance Report

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

1.1 Deliverables for Detailed Submission 1 A3 T x To be submitted with the submission.
1.2 Detail Submission Registration Form 1 A4 T x PDF (scanned, signed and stamped soft copy ) to be submitted online by the operator/developer. Signed hardcopy to be submitted with the submission
1.3 Approval in Principal - Schematic 1 A4 x Authority/supplier name, purpose of document and approval date mentioned in the file name
1.4 Design Review Report 1 A4 S x The Excel Design review Report as issued by MOH when issuing the AIP-S is to be completed and updated as required
1.5 All other authority and utility suppliers approvals and 1 A4 x Authority/supplier name, purpose of document and approval date mentioned in the file name
NOC's received to date
1.6 Non-Compliance Report -Deliverables 1 A4 T x Where the submission is not fully compliant (not all boxes ticked in the applicant self check field), all non-compliances are to be listed in a separate report
explaining the reasons for the non-compliance. The missing item is to be identified by the corresponding reference number on this sheet
1.7 Non-Compliance Report - Design 1 A4 T x Where the design is not fully compliant with the Standards and Guidelines, all non-compliances are to be listed in a separate report, explaining the reasons for the non-compliance

2. Architectural Reports, Schedules and Calculations

2.1 Architectural Reports

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

2.1.1 Project Synopsis 2 A3/A4 x General description of the facility, 10 to 20 pages maximum
* Type and purpose of the facility
* Overall design philosophy
* Need and benefits
* Complete list of all FPU's (Departments) including their gross floor area and proposed RDL
* Explain FPU's (Departments) functional relations (explain adjacencies)
* Key planning figures such as number of beds - operating rooms - birthing rooms - ICU bays/rooms - etc.
2.1.2 Role Delineation Level (RDL) Matrix 2 A4 T x Declare the intended level of service for every FPU within the facility. Note this should match what was declared when Registering (Step 1) the Health Facility

2.2 Schedules and Calculations

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

2.2.1 Schedule of Accommodation 3 A4 T x Room names in line with HFG nomenclature
Room number & its metric floor area
No of rooms per type, per FPU (Department)
Total circulation within the department
Departmental totals - net, circulation, gross
Total circulation outside the departments
Total engineering space & plant rooms
Floor level totals - net, circulation, gross
Facility totals - net, circulation, gross
State which area measurement method was used, internal dimensions or no-gap method
GFA should be listed per floor & per use (offices, clinical, etc.)

Page 1 of 5
3. Architectural Drawings

3.1 Architectural and Health Planning Drawings

No Item Part Scale T/S PDF Showing

3.1.1 Site Plan 4 1/500 x Ground floor layout of the facility with overhanging roofs & canopies dashed
1/1000 On grade car parking, including traffic directions & markings. Indicate the numbers of each type of car park - standard, accessible, accessible van, etc.
Car Parking calculation as per Local design Code

Where the number, type, size of car parking spaces is not matching other authority's requirements, the most onerous shall be followed

Pedestrian crossings & walkways

Loading bays with clean/dirty separation shown
Landscaped areas
Access points to public transport
Vehicle and pedestrian ramps & Externals steps and stairs
Ambulance access & parking
Drop off zones
Helipads if provided
North arrow
Site boundary
Surrounding streets & access points
Total land area, ground floor footprint area & total building area
3.1.2 Architectural Floor Plans 5 1/100 S x Room names in line with HFG nomenclature
Room number & its metric floor area
FPU (Department) names in line with HFG nomenclature
Total FPU (Department) area written within each FPU
Dimensions (between walls) for all rooms, including corridors
Dimensions between grid lines
All built in joinery, sanitary fittings & large furniture/equipment
All floor wastes & shower drains, including floor falls
Where storage rooms/alcoves are shown, specify the exact use in line with the nomenclature as described in the HFG
Indicate the exact use of each lift - patients - visitors - staff - goods - maintenance and internal size of each lift cabin/car
Key plan indicating what portion of the facility is shown on the sheet

3.1 Architectural and Health Planning Drawings- continued

3.1.3 Architectural Sections 6 1/100 x Dimensions of floor to floor heights
Dimensions of clear ceiling heights
Key plan indicating where the section is taken
3.1.4 Reflected ceiling plans 7 1/100 x Room names in line with HFG nomenclature
Room number
Ceiling height
All built in joinery going up to the ceiling
All ceiling mounted equipment & fixtures
Type/material of ceiling
Key plan indicating what portion of the facility is shown on the sheet
3.1.5 Architectural Elevations Exterior 8 1/100 x Dimensions of floor to floor heights
Key plan indicating where the elevation is taken
Operable windows & external vents/intakes clearly labelled
3.1.6 Room Layouts & Elevations of all Typical Rooms 9 1/20 x Room names in line with HFG nomenclature
1/50 Room number & its metric floor area
Dimensions (between walls)
Dimensions for door openings (clear opening)
All fixtures, fittings, joinery, sanitary fittings & equipment
Where sinks & basins are shown, visually identify which are for clinical use, for disposal of body fluids, for cleaning & for hand washing
All floor wastes & shower drains, including floor falls
All MEP outlets (electrical, data, gas)
Reference indicating where this room is located on the 1:100 drawings
3.1.7 Room Layouts & Elevations of all Non-Typical 9 1/20 x As above
Critical Rooms 1/50

Page 2 of 5
4. Engineering Reports, Schedules and Calculations

4.1 Engineering Reports and Specifications

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

4.1.1 MEP Design Report 12 A4 x Explain design Intent
Parameters & consideration
Design criteria, summary of as designed illumination levels,
summary of electrical socket outlets quantity for each patient location types
4.1.2 Major HVAC Sequence of Operations in Relation 13 A4 x Major Equipment, Valves & Control Sequence of Operation
with Healthcare Operator Requirement
4.1.3 Major Public Health Sequence of Operations in 14 A4 x Major Equipment, Valves & Control Sequence of Operation
Relation with Healthcare Operator Requirement
4.1.4 Major Medical Gas Sequence of Operations in 15 A4 x Major Equipment, Valves & Control Sequence of Operation
Relation with Healthcare Operator Requirement

4.2 Engineering Calculations

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

4.2.1 HVAC Airflow Spreadsheet Summary 16 A4 x Heat Load and ACH comparison
4.2.2 Water & Drainage Demand Load Summary 16 A4 x
4.2.3 Medical Gas Total Flow Summary 16 A4 x
4.2.4 Electrical load schedules (MDB, SMDB, IPS) 16 A4 x

5. Engineering Drawings

5.1 HVAC Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.1.1 HVAC Equipment Schedules 17 NTS x Equipment Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Equipment Locations
Detailed Equipment Capacity (Flow rate, Power, Voltage, Frequency, Head, etc.)
5.1.2 HVAC System Riser Diagrams 17 NTS x Equipment and Duct/Pipe Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Detailed Duct Routing & Sizes
Piping Routes & Sizes
Major Valves, Dampers, Controls, Meters, etc.
5.1.3 Building Management System Diagrams 17 NTS x BMS Interface to Mechanical Equipment
Monitor & Control Philosophy

5.2 Public Health Design Drawings (Plumbing, LPG and Drainage)

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.2.1 Public Health System Riser Diagrams including 18 NTS x Equipment & Pipe Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Treatment/Filtration & Solar Heating (If any) Optimized Pipe Routing & Sizes
Major Valves, Controls, Meters, WHA, etc.
Riser Numbers (Description)

5.3 Fire Fighting Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.3.1 Fire Fighting Equipment Schedules 19 NTS x Equipment & Tanks Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Equipment & Tanks Locations
Fire Water Tank Capacity
5.3.2 Fire Fighting System Riser Diagrams 19 NTS x Equipment & Pipe Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Detailed Pipe Routing & Sizes
Major Valves, Controls, FHC, FHR, Hydrants, etc.
Detailed Equipment Quantities (Pumps, tanks, FHC, Hydrants) following Design Drawings

5.4 Medical Gas Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.4.1 Medical Gas Equipment Schedules 20 NTS x Medical Equipment & Cylinder Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Medical Equipment & Cylinder Locations
Optimized Medical Equipment Capacity (Flow Rate, Power, Voltage, Frequency, Head, etc.)
5.4.2 Medical Gas System Riser Diagrams 20 NTS x Equipment & Pipe Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Pipe Routing & Sizes
Major Valves, Controls, Alarms, Terminal Units, Remote Switch, Alarm Switch, etc.
Exact Equipment Quantities (Gas Cylinders, Vacuum, etc.) as per Design Drawings

Page 3 of 5
5. Engineering Drawings- Continued

5.5 Fuel System Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.5.1 Fuel System Equipment Schedules 21 NTS x Equipment Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Equipment & Cylinder Locations
Final Optimized Fuel System Equipment Capacity (Flow Rate, Power Requirements, etc.)
5.5.2 Fuel System Riser Diagrams 21 NTS x Equipment & Pipe Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Pipe Routing & Sizes
Major Valves, Controls, Alarms, Terminal Units, Remote Switch, Alarm Switch, etc.
Exact Equipment Quantities as per Design Drawings

5.6 Electrical Power Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.6.1 Single Line Diagrams 22 NTS x MDB's, SMDB's, DB's & Cables/Busbars Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
All Cables, Busbar & Breaker Sizes
MCC's & Control Panel Descriptions
UPS, IPS, Generators, Symbols and Legend
Distribution schematic diagram/s including details of resilient power supply arrangement for critical care areas.
5.6.2 Major Electrical Distribution Equipment Location 22 1/20 x Layouts indicating locations of main electrical distribution equipment
Plan 1/50 Generators, UPSs and IPSs and fuel storage, Small power layouts

5.7 Electrical Lighting Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.7.1 Luminaire Schedule 23 NTS x Luminaire Types, Location of use., IP Rating, Colour Rendering Index
Lighting Control Philosophy
5.7.2 Emergency Lighting Schematic Diagrams 23 NTS x Central Battery System Topology, Locations, Tags (Abbreviation)

5.8 Electrical - ELV Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.8.1 ELV Riser Diagrams 24 NTS x CCTV System Drawings
Access Control System Drawings
Master Clock System Drawings
SMATV/CATV System Drawings, Other ELV Systems

5.9 Telecommunication Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.9.1 Telecom Riser Diagrams 25 NTS x Structured Cabling Details with Telecom Room Details (sizes & locations)
Server Room Size and Location

5.10 Fire Alarm (FA) and Voice Evacuation (VE) Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.10. FA & VE Riser Diagrams 26 NTS x Detectors, Sounders & Speakers Description & Tags (Abbreviation)
Control Panel Details & Locations

5.11 Lightning Protection Design Drawings

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.11. Lightning Protection Riser Diagrams 27 NTS x Down Conductor and air termination network layout
Conductor Sizing & Routing

5.12 Nurse Call

No Item Part Size T/S PDF Comments

5.12. Nurse Call Systems Schematic Diagram 28 NTS x System topology, Components with Descriptions & Locations

Page 4 of 5
6. Compliance Declaration

We, the undersigned, have compiled the Detailed Submission and we confirm the submission is complete and matches MOH's requirements as set out above. We also confirm the design is in compliance with the Standards and Guidelines. Where compliance with the submission requirements
and/or with the Standards and Guidelines was not achieved, these non-compliances were listed in the Non-Compliance Reports (item 1.6 and 1.7)

Standards and Guidelines for the Detailed Submission KSA Health Facility Guideline - Part A to D
Relevant Green Building Evaluation System
Relevant Fire Code
Local Design Code
ADA ( Americans with Disabilities Act)

We, the undersigned, further confirm the following design aspects were specifically verified against compliance with the Health Facility Guidelines. We confirm they are in compliance:
Infection Control
Specifications of Finishes

Architect of Record

Signed: Organisation
Prequalification number

Specialist Health Facility Planner

Signed: Organisation
Prequalification number

Engineer of Record

Signed: Organisation
Prequalification number

For Office use only:

Signed: The local Health Authority confirms the Detailed Submission was received and verified. In terms of completeness and formatting, Comments:
the submission was found to be:
Accepted (1)

Accepted with comments (2)

Stamp: Rejected with comments

Name Local Health Authority Officer:


Notes (1) Although MOH may accept the submission, while testing the submission against the HFG, additional information may be requested to allow the process to continue. The applicant is to provide this within a set time frame, as determined by
(2) If minor discrepancies are picked up when submitting, at the MOH officers discretion, MOH may accept the submission but will list a request for additional information. The applicant is to provide this within a set time frame, as determined
by MOH.

Page 5 of 5
Part A: Administrative Provisions

14. Appendix 10 - Consultants Pre-qualification Application Form

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 33
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018
KSA Health Facility Guidelines

Health Facility Design Consultants

Prequalification Application Form
Only pre-qualified organisations will be allowed to participate in the Approval process for Health Facilities.
Through this restriction, MOH aims to ensure that the design of Health Facilities is conducted by capable and
experienced design consultants.

In order to prequalify with Health Authorities Architects and Health Planners and MEP Engineering
Companies are required to demonstrate their health project experience by filling out the Consultant
Prequalification Application Form.

There must be an established office located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Process to Lodge this Application Form:

Fill out this form, sign the declaration page and submit it to MOH along with all additional documents

MOH only prequalifies consultants that are recognised as acceptable legal entities in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia. MOH will not prequalify a Business Name, Trust or an entity that is under any form of external

MOH will review and evaluate the credentials of the prospective organisation(s) based on the information
provided. MOH may arrange a time to inspect the premise of the applicant’s registered office to assess
operational capacity. MOH may invite the applicant for an interview to assist with the process.

All information submitted for prequalification evaluation purposes will be considered precise and truthful by
MOH. MOH will ensure its confidentiality in compliance with the Federal Law.

The acceptance of the consultant’s pre-qualification will be at MOH’s discretion. MOH will reserve all rights
to reject any submitted prequalification proposals.

Other Notes to Applicants:

 Applicants shall answer all questions on the application form accurately and concisely. Where the
information requested is not applicable, the applicant shall clearly indicate the reason(s).
 MOH will only discuss or disclose details of the pre-qualification process to the nominated person(s)
under Section 5 below. The applicant is required to provide the appropriate contacts for this
 Where supplementary information is provided (in addition to the application form), this shall be
appropriately referenced to the relevant sections on the application form.
 A copy of the submitted application form and all supplementary materials shall be retained by the
 Refer to Part A Section 04 (Pre-qualification process for Health Facility Consultant) for the definition
of Tier based system.

Page 1
1 Application Purpose:

 New Prequalification  Renew Current Prequalification  Upgrade Current


Notes to Applicants:
For a Renew of a Current Prequalification, Applicant must fill out and update the below section 2,3, 6 and 7.

2 General Application Details:

2.1 Current  Tier 1  Tier 2

Prequalification level if
 Tier 3  Tier 4
already prequalified:
2.2  Tier 1  Tier 2
level pursued:  Tier 3  Tier 4

Supplementary Information Required:

 A copy of the company’s prequalification certificate if already prequalified.

3 Company Profile and Company Registration Details:

3.1 Registered name:

3.2 Current Trading Name:
Other Trading Names
(if applicable):

3.4 Registered Address:

3.5 Telephone number:
3.6 Fax number:
3.7 Email address:
3.8 Website (if any):
3.9 Type of Organisation:  Public Limited  Limited  Partnership
(Please tick one)  Sole Trader  Other (please specify)
3.10 The company’s
registration with the KSA
3.11 Name of Authority:
3.12 Registration Number:
3.13 Date of Registration:
3.14 Registered Address if
different from the above:

Supplementary Information Required:

 A copy of the company’s trade license. For foreign companies, the company’s registration from the
country where the head office is located shall also be submitted.
 The company’s organisational chart.

Page 2
4 Healthcare Project Experience:
The Health Facility Consultant is to demonstrate its healthcare project experience through submitting a
separate report providing the following information, for each relevant project carried out in the last 5 years.
Each project should be covered in a maximum of 2 pages (1 preferred).

4.1 Project Name:

4.2 Client:
4.3 Client Contact Details:
4.4 Location:
4.5 Healthcare Facility Type:
4.6 Size (GFA in m2):
4.7 Project Value (SAR):
4.8 Project Commencement
4.9 Project Completion
4.10 Role(s) on the project:
4.11 Picture Insert at least one picture

Supplementary Information Required:

 Relevant healthcare project experience. Provide a project summary list with the information as
shown above. Listed projects should be separated based on their location - within the GCC and
outside the GCC.

5 Health Facilities Design Capabilities:

The Health Facility Consultant is required to demonstrate its capabilities (including qualifications and
limitations) to provide design services against each of the categories below.

5.1 Architectural Services

5.1.1 Master Planning:

5.1.2 Feasibility and Project Risk


5.1.3 Conceptual Design and Briefing:

5.1.4 Schematic Design:

5.1.5 Design Development:

5.1.6 Design Documentation and


Page 3
5.1.7 Project Management:

5.1.8 Site Supervision:

5.1.9 Project Commissioning and

Certification – Pre and Post

5.1.10 Facilities and Asset Management:

5.2 Engineering Services

5.2.1 Mechanical and HVAC including
Medical Gases:

5.2.2 Electrical (Power, lighting, ELV,

lightning protection), IT and

5.2.3 Public Health (Plumbing, drainage,

LPG gas):

5.2.4 Biomedical Engineering:

Page 4
6 Personnel Capabilities:
In the case of an individual Consultant, the capabilities of the individual should be demonstrated in the
following form.
In the case of a company or similar legal entity, the applicant is required to demonstrate the capabilities of at
least 4 key individuals including 50% of the Directors in the following form. Use 1 page per person.

6.1 Key Personnel 1

6.1.1 Name:

6.1.2 Title or Position:

6.1.3 Date of Birth:

6.1.4 Professional

6.1.5 Responsibilities within


6.1.6 Years of experience in

healthcare design:

6.1.7 Relevant Project

Experiences (includes
company, project
names, project role etc.):

Supplementary Information:
 Personnel CV’s showing the background and experience of the individuals may be submitted in
addition to the above form (maximum 3 pages each, 1 preferred)

7 Nominated Contacts for Enquiries:

Should MOH require further details, MOH wishes to contact the relevant person within your organisation to
discuss managerial, technical or financial matters. Please provide details as requested below.

7.1 Managerial Enquiries

7.1.1 Name:
7.1.2 Position
7.1.3 Telephone:
7.1.4 Email:
7.2 Technical Enquiries
7.2.1 Name:
7.2.2 Position
7.2.3 Telephone:
7.2.4 Email:
7.3 Financial Enquiries
7.3.1 Name:
7.3.2 Position
7.3.3 Telephone:
7.3.4 Email:

Page 5
8 Business Capabilities:

8.1 The main business

activities of your

8.2 Any professional or

trade bodies of which
your organisation is a

8.3 Total number of

employees overall:

8.4 Number of
employees in

8.5 Approximate Year: Year: Year:

Permanent Staff
turnover in the last
three calendar year: Percentage: Percentage: Percentage:

8.6 Does your Municipality  YES  NO

organisation deal with Civil Defence  YES  NO
these regulatory
bodies on the right on
a regular basis?

Page 6
9 Legal Information:

9.1 Has your organisation ever been convicted of a criminal offence related to  YES  NO
business or professional conduct?
9.2 Has any of the owner’s officers or major shareholders of your organisation  YES  NO
ever been indicted or convicted of any criminal conduct?
9.3 Has your organisation ever had a claim made against it for improper,  YES  NO
delayed, defective or non-compliant work or failure to meet warranty
9.4 Does your organisation have any outstanding judgements or claims against  YES  NO
9.5 Has your organisation ever been disbarred or otherwise precluded from  YES  NO
pursuing public work or ever been found to be non-responsive by a public
9.6 Has your organisation or any of its principals ever petitioned for bankruptcy  YES  NO
or been terminated on a contract awarded to you?
9.7 Is your organisation or any of its owners, officers, or major shareholders  YES  NO
currently involved in any arbitration or litigation?

Supplementary Information Required:

 If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, please provide a copy of all the relevant
documents related to the legal case.

10 Financial Information:

10.1 Details of your Banking Institution

Contact Person and contact details:
10.2 Has your organisation met all its obligations to pay its creditors and staff  YES  NO
during the past two years? If answer ‘No’, please provide details of such.
10.3 Has your organisation met the terms of its banking facilities and loan  YES  NO
agreements (if any) during the past two years? If answer ‘No’, please
provide reasons and actions taken to rectify the situation.

Supplementary Information Required:

 If you have answered ‘no’ to any of the above questions, please provide details as requested.

11 Insurance:

Provide details and relevant document of your current insurance Value (SAR)
11.1 Employer’s Liability:
11.2 Public Liability:
11.3 Professional Indemnity:
11.4 Other (please provide details):

Supplementary Information Required:

 Please provide a copy of all your insurance policy certificates.

Page 7
12 Quality Assurance:

12.1 Does your organisation hold an internationally recognised Quality, Health,  YES  NO
Safety and Environment (QHSE) management certification equivalent to
ISO 9001?
12.2 If not, please explain the current processes and/or procedures currently adopted for QHSE

Supplementary Information Required:

 If you have answered ‘yes’ to Question 10.1, please provide a copy of your QHSE Certificate.

13 Safety Record and Program:

13.1 Describe the procedures implemented by your company for regular monitoring and conducting
periodic reviews on your Health and Safety matters.

13.2 Describe the risk assessment/ management process of your organisation.

13.3 Describe the Health and Safety assessment criteria your organisation uses on other sub-
contractors employed by your organisation.

Supplementary Information Required:

 A copy of your current Health and Safety Policy Statement shall be provided with this application.

Page 8
14 References
Provide details of three business contacts for reference. Preferably each individual will be from a different
organisation in either the public or private sector.

14.1 Reference 1
14.1.1 Name of Organisation:

14.1.2 Name of Contact Person:

14.1.3 Title of Contact Person:

14.1.4 Contact Number/ Email:

14.1.5 Type of Contract/ Project

14.1.6 Contract Value (SAR):

14.1.7 Contract Period:

14.2 Reference 2
14.2.1 Name of Organisation:

14.2.2 Name of Contact Person:

14.2.3 Title of Contact Person:

14.2.4 Contact Number/ Email:

14.2.5 Type of Contract/ Project

14.2.6 Contract Value (SAR):

14.2.7 Contract Period:

14.3 Reference 3
14.3.1 Name of Organisation:

14.3.2 Name of Contact Person:

14.3.3 Title of Contact Person:

14.3.4 Contact Number/ Email:

14.3.5 Type of Contract/ Project

14.3.6 Contract Value (SAR):

14.3.7 Contract Period:

Page 9
15 Additional Information:
Please list all the additional documents/ information you have provided in the space below.

 Item 1 - A copy of the company’s trade license. For foreign companies, the company’s registration
from the country where the head office is located shall also be submitted.
 Item 1 - The company’s organisational chart.
 Item 2 - Relevant healthcare project experience.
 Item 4 - Personnel capability report.
 Item 7 - If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions, provide a copy of all the relevant
documents related to the legal case.
 Item 8 - If you have answered ‘no’ to any of the questions, provide details as requested.
 Item 9 - Provide a copy of all your insurance policy certificates.
 Item 10 - If you have answered ‘yes’ to Question 10.1, provide a copy of your QHSE Certificate.
 Item 11 - A copy of your current Health and Safety Policy Statement.
 Other – if so, please specify:

Page 10
16 Pre-qualification Application Declaration:
The following must be signed by an authorised senior executive from your organisation. Only an original
signature will be accepted.

I/ We ………………………………………………….., ……………………………….., hereby certify or affirm that

Applicant Name and Surname Title of Applicant

the information supplied is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge and that I/ we accept the conditions and
undertakings requested in the questionnaire. I/ we understand that false information could result in my/ our
exclusion from the pre-qualified consultants list.

Applicant’s Name, Name:

Signature and Date:



Date: ………………………………………………..……………………

Page 11
Part A: Administrative Provisions

15. Appendix 11 - Template for Non-Compliance Report

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 34
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018
Version 1, December 2017

KSA Health Facility Guidelines

Non-Compliance Report

Guidance on how to fill out the MOH Non-Compliance Report

Key to the Non-Compliance Report - Deliverables

No The number refers to the item number on the Deliverables for Schematic /Detailed Submission
Item The item refers to the item on the Deliverables for Schematic /Detailed Submission
Non Compliance Reason Explain in detail the reason for the non-compliance

Key to the Non compliance report - design

No Number of non-compliance
standard List the Standard / Guideline the Applicant does not comply with, as listed in the Standards and Guidelines
Clause No List the clause number the Applicant does not comply with
Non Compliance Reason Explain in detail the reason for the non-compliance
Alternative solution Provide a detailed alternative solution, preferably using another International Design Guideline or Standard. Attach a copy of the Standard / Clause to this Report

Important notes
1. To ensure all health facilities within the MOH are designed and built to a high standard, MOH will enforce compliance with all requirements as set out in the Health Facility Guidelines. Practically this means all design aspects are to comply with the Standards and Guidelines as listed
in Part A of the Health Facility Guidelines. However, there may be circumstances where compliance is difficult or impossible - only in those cases MOH will allow the applicant to propose alternative solutions. This Non-Compliance Report in no way provides an opportunity for the
designer to make the health facility compliant with a Standard / Guideline than prescribed by MOH.
2. Any rejected non compliance reason will be listed by MOH HRD in the Schematic submission review report and/or Detailed Submission review report as applicable.
3.. By signing the Deliverables for Schematic / Detailed Submission Form the Applicant confirms the list of non-compliances for both the deliverables and the design as listed in the Report is complete.

1. Non-Compliance Report - Deliverables

No Item Non Compliance Reason MOH Comments

2. Non-Compliance Report - Design

No Standard Clause No Non Compliance Reason Alternative solution MOH Comments


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Part A: Administrative Provisions

16. Appendix 12 - Template for SOA

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 35
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018
KSA Health Facility Guidelines
Template - Schedule of Accommodation (SOA)

XYZ Hospital, Riyadh

Version xx
Date xx/xx/xxxx

Functional Planning Unit (FPU) Inpatient Accommodation Unit


Room Name Room Code Area m2 No of Rooms Subtotal m2

1-Bed Room
2-Bed Room
Clean Utility
Dirty Utility
Add rooms as required…

Circulation Allowance %
Gross Area

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Part A: Administrative Provisions

17. Appendix 13 - Role Delineation Framework

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 36
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018

Part A-Administrative Provision

Appendix 13: Appendix
Role Delineation Framework
A: Role Delineation Framework

Draft 1.1 – 2 August 2018

Part A: Administrative Provision
Appendix 13: Role Delineation Framework

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2 
Introduction & Definition .......................................................................................................................... 4 
Interpretation ............................................................................................................................................. 5 
Format ............................................................................................................................................. 9 
Section 1: Clinical Support Services ..................................................................................................... 10 
1  Laboratory........................................................................................................................................................ 10 
2  Pharmacy ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 
3  Medical Imaging .............................................................................................................................................. 14 
4  Nuclear Medicine ............................................................................................................................................. 16 
5  Intensive Care .................................................................................................................................................. 18 
6  High Dependency Care ................................................................................................................................... 21 
7  Operating Suites.............................................................................................................................................. 22 
Indicative List of Surgery for Adults ............................................................................................................................ 25 
8  Anaesthetics .................................................................................................................................................... 27 
Levels of Patient Risk .................................................................................................................................................... 29 
Section 2: Clinical Services ................................................................................................................... 30 
Part A: Emergency ......................................................................................................................................................... 30 
Part B: Medicine ...................................................................................................................................... 34 
1  Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology........................................................................................................ 34 
2  Clinical Genetics ............................................................................................................................................. 39 
3  Dermatology .................................................................................................................................................... 41 
4  Endocrinology ................................................................................................................................................. 44 
5  Gastroenterology ............................................................................................................................................ 48 
6  General Medicine............................................................................................................................................. 51 
7  Geriatrics .......................................................................................................................................................... 53 
8  Haematology .................................................................................................................................................... 56 
9  Immunology ..................................................................................................................................................... 60 
10  Infectious Diseases ......................................................................................................................................... 63 
11  Long Term Care ............................................................................................................................................... 66 
12  Neurology......................................................................................................................................................... 69 
13  Oncology – Medication ................................................................................................................................... 73 
14  Oncology - Radiation ...................................................................................................................................... 76 
15  Palliative Care .................................................................................................................................................. 80 
16  Rehabilitation................................................................................................................................................... 82 
17  Renal Medicine ................................................................................................................................................ 86 
18  Respiratory & Sleep Medicine ........................................................................................................................ 89 
19  Rheumatology ................................................................................................................................................. 93 

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Facility Appendix 13 Page 2
Guidelines Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provision
Appendix 13: Role Delineation Framework

Part C: Surgery ........................................................................................................................................ 96 

1  Burns .............................................................................................................................................................. 96 
2  Cardiothoracic Surgery .................................................................................................................................. 98 
3  Day Surgery ................................................................................................................................................... 100 
4  Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery ......................................................................................................................... 102 
5  General Surgery ............................................................................................................................................ 104 
6  Gynaecology .................................................................................................................................................. 106 
7  Neurosurgery ................................................................................................................................................. 109 
8  Ophthalmology .............................................................................................................................................. 111 
9  Oral Health/Dentistry ..................................................................................................................................... 113 
10  Orthopaedics ................................................................................................................................................. 115 
11  Plastic Surgery .............................................................................................................................................. 117 
12  Urology ........................................................................................................................................................... 119 
13  Vascular Surgery ........................................................................................................................................... 121 
Part D: Women’s & Children ................................................................................................................ 123 
1  Obstetrics....................................................................................................................................................... 123 
2  Neonatology................................................................................................................................................... 128 
3  Paediatric Medicine ....................................................................................................................................... 133 
4  Paediatric Surgery ......................................................................................................................................... 140 
Part E: Mental Health ............................................................................................................................ 144 
1  Drug & Alcohol .............................................................................................................................................. 144 
2  Psychiatry (Child & Adolescent, Women and Adults) ............................................................................... 146 
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................................... 148 

KSA Health Part A

Facility Appendix 13 Page 3
Guidelines Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Introduction & Definition

The Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework (“the Framework”) for public and private health facilities provides minimum
capability criteria for service planning and delivery. The Framework and the Role Delineation Levels (RDL) outlines the minimum service
requirements, workforce requirements and support services for health services to deliver safe and appropriately supported clinical services.
The capability of any health service is recognised as an essential element in the provision of safe and quality patient care.
The Framework has several core components:
1. Role Delineation Levels (RDL)
2. RDL criteria, including:
a. Service description including type of service provided (e.g. setting and general hours of service); type of patient (e.g. multiple
comorbidities); providers and subspecialties, where relevant; and inter-service and/or interlevel relationships, with each level
providing a more in-depth description of the service level capacity, not covered in the module overview.
b. Infrastructure and service requirements including additional detail and service-specific requirements such as nature of the service
provided (e.g. particular interventions or treatment pathways, which could involve telehealth), specialty skills, specific hours and
work-ordered timing of the service; providers (e.g. specific expertise of the team/s); and inter-service and/or inter-level
relationships (e.g. service networking, referral pathways, transfer arrangements and interaction with other services, general
practitioners, multidisciplinary teams and specialists). Also lists infrastructure, asset and equipment requirements including, but
not limited to:
‐ equipment suitable for the needs of the patients (e.g. paediatric, bariatric or geriatric) and/or service
‐ staff responsible for using the equipment are trained and competent in equipment use
‐ users of equipment and infrastructure have access to appropriate maintenance and support services, including biomedical
engineering and technical services, information communications technology support, and building maintenance services
‐ all level 6 services have access to on-site biomedical engineering and technical support services
As the management of patient care becomes more complex, service requirements of a service level may change
c. Workforce requirements describing the medical, nursing, allied health and other workforce specifications relevant to the levels
within each module (exception being anaesthetic services where reference is made to anaesthetic and anaesthetic assistant
workforce). These may be further defined within the service levels as the service level complexity increases. The CSCF does not
prescribe staffing ratios, absolute skill-mix, or clerical and/or administration workforce requirements for a team providing a
service, as these are best determined locally.
Minimum workforce requirements for employed staff are outlined including but not limited to the requirement for all employed staff
to be suitably qualified for the role in which they are employed and only work within their scope of clinical practice.

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 4
Draft 1.1 August 2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

d. Support service requirements identifying the minimum suite of services needed to deliver a service at a particular capability level.
This section of each module depicts the level of service required by other relevant services for minimum safety and quality
Minimum requirements for each criterion are defined in the service levels of the CSCF modules, based on best available
evidence and requirements of the service. The minimum criterion requirements must be met at each level to provide safe and
quality clinical services. A service level may exceed the minimum requirements but cannot claim subsequent service level status
until the minimum requirements for the subsequent level are fully met.
RDL for services and in aggregate for a facility enable role delineation of hospitals and health facilities.
Role delineation is a process which determines the clinical capacity of a health facility to provide services of a defined clinical complexity. It
is based on an assessment of the service provided, infrastructure, equipment and other service requirements, support services, as well as
the number, range and expertise of medical, nursing and other healthcare personnel in a given clinical discipline to provide a specialised

The Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework (CSCRDF) for public and licensed private health facilities outlines the
clinical services health facilities may provide. The document describes service level capability rather than the overall capability of a health
facility. A service refers to clinical services e.g. surgical or maternity services, provided under the auspices of an organisation or facility,
whereas the facility refers to the physical structure or organisation that operates a number of services of similar or differing capability level.
Within the Framework, clinical services are categorised into up to six capability levels, with RDL 1 managing the least complex patients and
RDL 6 managing the highest level of patient complexity.
As a general rule, RDLs build on previous service level capability. For instance, a service nominated as having RDL 6 capability should
have all the capabilities of clinical services up to RDL 5 plus additional capabilities resourcing the most highly complex clinical service. Each
RDL provides the additional capabilities representing the minimum requirements for that level. Where classification by RDL is between two
levels, in-between RDLs can also be considered, i.e. RDL 3/4.
Service, infrastructure and workforce characteristics described in the Framework are a guide only and should not be seen as prescriptive. In
the event a service cannot meet all requirements of a CSCF/RDL level, this may be resolved through development, endorsement (by the
chief executive of the service/facility) and implementation of mitigating risk strategies to ensure delivery of safe and sustainable health care.
Role delineation provides health planners and providers with a common language to describe services available and minimum support
services required for safe delivery. The exercise of delineating health and clinical service roles should be coordinated with the health
authority governing the region and have a flexible approach in achieving service levels to best meet the needs of the community.

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 5
Draft 1.1 August 2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Moderate to high complexity inpatient
and ambulatory care services by
general and specialist pracitioners with
specialist diagnostic and clinical
support services, provision of
education, teaching and research

Moderate to high complexity inpatient and
ambulatory care services by general and
specialist pracitioners with specialist
diagnostic and clinical support services,
provision of education and teaching
Complexity of Care

Moderate complexity inpatient and ambulatory care
services by general and specialist pracitioners with some
specialist diagnostic and clinical support services

Low to moderate complexity inpatient and ambulatory care services by
general and specialist pracitioners with access to specialist diagnostic
and clinical support services

Low complexity ambulatory care services by general and specialist pracitioners

Low complexity ambulatory care services by single practitioner

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 6
Draft 1.1 August 2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

General Nomenclature Service Level Description

 Provides low-risk inpatient and ambulatory care clinical services.
 Delivered mainly by RNs and GPs with admitting rights to the local hospital.
 Patients requiring a higher level of care can be managed for short periods
before transfer to a higher level service.
 Some limited visiting/outreach allied health services provided.
Primary & Ambulatory
 Manages emergency care until transfer to a higher level service.
 Predominantly delivered by GPs (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week but
RDL 2 not necessarily on-site) and RNs including midwives and/or nurses with
specialty qualifications, possibly inclusive of visiting day only specialist
services as well as low-risk surgery and/or minor procedures, and an
education and training role (longer than day only may be arranged).
 Provides low to moderate-risk inpatient and ambulatory care clinical services
delivered by a variety of health professionals (medical, nursing, midwifery and
allied health) including resident and visiting specialists with access to limited
RDL 3 support services.
 Manages emergency care and transfers to a higher level if required.
 No intensive care unit, although the facility may have access to a monitored
 Provides moderate-risk inpatient and ambulatory care clinical services
Secondary Care
delivered by a variety of health professionals (medical, nursing, midwifery and
allied health) including resident and visiting specialists.
 Medical staff on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and an intensive care unit
RDL 4 (may be combined with a cardiac care unit) with related support services also
available on-site.
 If higher level or more complicated care required, patients may need to be
transferred to a level 5 service.
 Some specialist diagnostic services also available.
 Manages all but the most highly complex patients and procedures.
 Acts as referral service for all but the most complex service needs which may
mean highly complex, high-risk patients require transfer or referral to a level 6
Tertiary Care RDL 5
 Has university affiliation(s) and education and teaching commitments, possibly
some research.

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 7
Draft 1.1 August 2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

General Nomenclature Service Level Description

 Is the ultimate high-level service delivering complex care and acting as a
referral service for all lower-level services.
 Can also be a region-wide super specialty service accepting referrals from
RDL 6 across the jurisdiction and cross-regionally where applicable.
 Generally provided at a large metropolitan hospital.
 Has strong university affiliations and major teaching and research
commitments in both local and multi-centre research.

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 8
Draft 1.1 August 2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

The Services and associated RDL have been classified as per the following format:

Section 1: Clinical Support Services 16. Rehabilitation

1. Laboratory 17. Renal Medicine
2. Pharmacy 18. Respiratory & Sleep medicine
3. Medical Imaging 19. Rheumatology
4. Nuclear Medicine
5. Intensive Care Group C: Surgery
6. High Dependency Care 1. Burns
7. Operating Suites 2. Cardiothoracic Surgery
8. Anaesthetics 3. Day Surgery
4. Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery
Section 2: Clinical Services 5. General Surgery
6. Gynaecology
Group A: Emergency 7. Neurosurgery
8. Ophthalmology
Group B: Medicine 9. Oral Health/Dentistry
1. Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology 10. Orthopaedics
2. Clinical Genetics 11. Plastic Surgery
3. Dermatology 12. Urology
4. Endocrinology 13. Vascular Surgery
5. Gastroenterology
6. General Medicine Group D: Women’s & Children
7. Geriatrics 1. Obstetrics
8. Haematology 2. Neonatology
9. Immunology 3. Paediatric Medicine
10. Infectious Diseases 4. Paediatric Surgery
11. Long Term Care
12. Neurology Group E: Mental Health
13. Oncology – Medical 1. Drug & Alcohol
14. Oncology – Radiation 2. Psychiatry (Child & Adolescent, Women and Adults)
15. Palliative Care

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Appendix 13 Page 9
Draft 1.1 August 2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Section 1: Clinical Support Services


Laboratory role descriptions are based on the services provided at or delivered to a site, rather than what is physically present on the site.

RDL Laboratory Service Description Infrastructure & Service Requirements Workforce

Blood and diagnostic specimen collecting Supported by a timely courier service to an No Level 1 service. Refer to higher
services available. accredited laboratory for testing. level.
No on-site laboratory. Collection policies and procedures established
by the accredited laboratory.
Compliance with the quality and safety
As for Level 1. In addition, a range of urgent tests As for Level 1. In addition, compliance with Appropriately trained health workers
may be available. management of blood component to use the automated pathology
2 No on-site laboratory but trained health workers requirements. testing equipment.
available to collect and transport specimens to
As for Level 2. In addition, an accredited On-site basic biochemistry and haematology. As for Level 2. In addition,
branch/satellite laboratory providing core As for Level 2. In addition, under the overall branch/satellite laboratory under
pathology services either on-site or through control of, with specialist scientific and clinical direction and control from
networked arrangements. supervision from, an accredited laboratory. pathologist or senior scientist of
Range of tests available varies according to 24 hours on call access to laboratory general laboratory.
3 clinical need but will usually include basic Access to blood bank services Where appropriate, specialist
haematology (e.g. full blood count, cross pathology staff with appropriate
matching, blood grouping and basic coagulation), qualifications, training and
biochemistry (e.g. liver and renal function tests, experience relevant to scope of
electrolytes) and microbiology (e.g. urine testing being performed.
microscopy, Gram staining).
As for Level 3. In addition, part of a service As for Level 3. In addition, provide an extended As for Level 3. In addition, service
network providing some specialist diagnostic hours service to meet agreed clinical needs. provided by laboratory scientists
4 tests (e.g. fine needle aspiration, frozen section, Specialised pathology services provided by with appropriate tertiary
bone marrow biopsy) and/or an expanded range laboratory scientists qualifications.
of tests.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

RDL Laboratory Service Description Infrastructure & Service Requirements Workforce

Integrated laboratory information system for
referral and results sharing.
As for Level 4. In addition, accredited as As for Level 4. In addition, provide 24 hour As for Level 4. In addition, service
branch/satellite or general laboratory. access to comprehensive suite of pathology provided by full-time pathologists.
Provide access to comprehensive suite of services. The supervising pathologist or
pathology services, either on-site or through Dedicated pathology department. senior scientist must be present or
networked arrangements. Microbiology and histopathology available contactable for consultation during
Provide support for clinical trial and research locally. normal working hours of the
activities. Formal access to sub-specialist pathology laboratory.
May act as ‘hub’ laboratory, providing diagnostic services from Level 6 Pathology services. Specialist pathology laboratory staff
and clinical services for other hospitals or Support provided to lower service level facilities available locally 24 hours.
laboratories in the region or pathology network.
As for Level 5. In addition, accredited as general As for Level 5. In addition, sub-specialty As for Level 5. In addition,
laboratory and may play a region-wide referral pathology services, cytogenetics services, cell credentialled sub-specialty
role for some highly complex sub-specialty culture facilities and cryopreservation, blood pathologists.
pathology services. product storage and cross-matching.
Provide comprehensive range of complex
clinical, laboratory and business support
Perform testing of a complex technical nature in
a range of fields to support specialist clinical
Initiate and lead clinical trial and research
Sub-specialty services and provides highly
complex pathology services such as clinical
transplantation services and blood banking

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


RDL Pharmacy Service Description Infrastructure & Service Requirements Workforce

Service provided by external pharmacy. Medications supplied on individual prescription Access to registered pharmacists where
from a community pharmacy, primary health care not on-site.
clinic or higher level service. Must have access to a registered
Links to other relevant services to support patients medical practitioner for prescriptions.
taking medications.
Access to registered pharmacists for medication
1 management, patient education and support,
home medicines review and formal medication
reviews in collaboration with the patient’s usual
general practitioner.
A reliable internet connection with sufficient
capacity to enable access to receive consultation
from a higher level service.
As for level 1. As for level 1. In addition, medications for As for level 1. In addition, Access to
inpatients on discharge supplied on individual more specialised pharmacist support
prescription from either a community pharmacy, from a higher level facility within the
2 appropriate hospital within the network, or a higher network.
level service with documented processes in place
for the provision of medications that require
As for level 2. In addition, provide on-site As for level 2. In addition, medications and clinical As for level 2. In addition, service
clinical pharmacy service (e.g. patient services for day patients and, where applicable, provided by a pharmacy team which
medicines information, medication chart ambulatory patients in specialty clinics. includes a pharmacist, pharmacy
review, staff education). Timely access to clinical information, including assistant and pharmacy technician.
3 medical records and pathology results, reliable Pharmacist available during designated
access to a dedicated desktop and/or laptop business hours. Documented processes
computer in the ward/clinical area. in place to access medications and
medicines information outside these

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

RDL Pharmacy Service Description Infrastructure & Service Requirements Workforce

Education for nursing staff and support
for medical practitioners.
As for level 3. In addition, provide As for level 3. In addition, medication service that As for level 3. In addition, an after-hours,
administration and pharmacy is available 24 hours. on-call service for medication supply and
4 management support. clinical services, including medicines
May provide medicines procurement, information, available 24 hours
dispensing and distribution services
As for level 3. In addition, provide As for level 4. In addition, basic, non-sterile, As for level 4. In addition, a pharmacy
medicines procurement, dispensing and extemporaneous compounding possibly with team structured to deliver services at
distribution services. limited small-batch manufacturing for local hospital multiple levels throughout the
Contribute to drug and therapeutics use, and sterile, individually compounded products organisation.
committee or equivalent. (e.g. chemotherapy including parenteral, targeted Specialist pharmacist positions which
Provide support for clinical specialty and oral chemotherapy) reflect the range of specialist services
5 services. The capacity to respond to requests for medicines provided (e.g. ICU, haematology, and
information related to direct patient care in a timely medical oncology).
manner, either through a medicines/drug
information service or a service provided
Undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy
teaching and training
As for level 5. In addition, provide support As for level 5. In addition, a specialised drug As for level 5. In addition, a full range of
for highly specialised services. information service may be provided. specialist pharmacist positions which
Active involvement in clinical trials and Participates in research, clinical trials and clinical reflect the range of specialist services
6 research activities. reviews. provided (e.g. ICU, haematology,
medical oncology, cardiology,
paediatrics, geriatrics, psychiatry, and
drug information).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Medical Imaging


Nuc Med
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Medical Imaging Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

May provide low-risk ambulatory A mobile or fixed general x-ray Radiographer or if no

care services during business unit. Range of imaging limited radiographer available then
hours and may provide some to x-ray of extremities, chest licensed x-ray operator.
limited after-hours services. This and abdomen if service is Medical imaging interpreted
1 service involves a single, mobile delivered by licensed by on-site doctor / health
or fixed, general x-ray unit and is operators. professional.
delivered by licensed operators Radiologist readily
contactable to discuss
findings and provide a report
As for Level 2. In addition, service As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition,
is predominantly delivered by a mobile service if present on-site radiographer available
sole radiographer and support limited to x-ray of extremities, during business hours
may be provided by licensed chest, abdomen.
operators. There is a designated Dedicated x-ray room with
room on-site with a fixed x-ray unit fixed x-ray unit available,
and may also include digital range of images not restricted
2 radiography; however, depending when a radiographer on duty
on the range of services provided
at the facility (e.g. day hospitals),
a mobile image intensifier may be
the only modality available. The
service may also have access to
ultrasound for non-complex
As for Level 2. In addition, provide As for Level 2. In addition, on- As for Level 2. In addition,
3 low risk diagnostic radiology site designated radiography radiographer in attendance
service as part of ambulatory and rooms.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

inpatient care. Has on-site Teleradiology facility available. who has regular access to
ultrasound. On-site ultrasound. radiological consultation.
Ultrasound performed by a
sonographer or registered
medical practitioner trained in
As for Level 3. In addition, provide As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
24 hour diagnostic radiology facilities for general x-ray and after-hours access to
services, including urgent x-rays, fluoroscopy, in addition to consultant radiology for
Computed mobile x-ray for wards, reporting.
4 Tomography (CT), ultrasound and operating room and On-site radiographer on-call 3 3 3 3
on-site MRI. emergency department. 24 hours
Provide access to basic diagnostic MRI scanner Registered radiographers
angiography service; may be CT facilities. and sonographers.
networked. Mobile image intensifier.
As for Level 4. In addition, provide As for Level 4. In addition, all As for Level 4. In addition,
access to 24 hour complex modalities available including clinical head of service.
diagnostic radiology services. full ultrasound service. May have medical officer in
5 4 4 4 4 4
Provide access to basic to Basic digital subtraction radiology with three or more
intermediate level interventional angiography (DSA) suite for postgraduate years of
radiology service, interventional services. experience.
As for Level 5. In addition, provide As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
access to comprehensive 24 hour single-plane and/or biplane medical officer/s in radiology
interventional radiology service. DSA suite. with three or more
Paediatric interventional radiology CT scanner on-site. postgraduate years of
provided by specialist children’s MRI scanner on-site. experience.
hospital. May have access to clinical
6 5 5 5 5 5
May provide MRI guided imaging educator/tutor.
interventional radiology.
May provide trauma interventional
May provide interventional

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Nuclear Medicine


Nuc Med
Med Img

Nuclear Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
3 No Level 3 service. Refer to higher level.
Provides basic diagnostic Networking arrangements
nuclear medicine studies such must include the provision of
as bone, brain and lung scans. clinically appropriate transport
Access to nuclear medicine options; nursing care; and
services either on-site or with qualified personnel.
formal networking arrangements
in place.

On-site (or locally based) Specialty services on-site with Nuclear medicine physician
licensed and accredited nuclear consultation available. on-site during business hours.
medicine facility operating One or more gamma cameras Medical radiation scientist
during business hours. offering Single Photon (MRS) nuclear medicine on-
Provide interventional studies Emission Computed site during business hours.
requiring the presence of a Tomography (SPECT) Nuclear medicine physicist
nuclear medicine physician, combined with available during business
5 3 4 4 3 3 3
such as stress myocardial Computed Tomography hours.
perfusion and captopril renal (SPECT-CT). May have a
studies. Preparation or reconstitution of radiopharmaceutical scientist
Offers treatment with radiopharmaceuticals with available.
radiopharmaceuticals. clear and appropriate Nominated and trained
documentation in place, radiation safety officer.
including details of supply

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Nuclear Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

source, preparation date and

batch number and

As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. As for Level 5. In addition,

provide 24 hour on-call nuclear nuclear medicine physician
medicine service. available 24 hours.
Provide services such as Nuclear medicine physicist,
6 positron emission tomography preferably on-site. 3 5 4 3 3 3
(PET), cardiac stress testing, Radiopharmaceutical scientist,
bone densitometry, and/or preferably on-site
offer radionuclide therapies.
Provide in vitro tracer studies.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Intensive Care


Nuc Med
Med Img

Intensive Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
3 No Level 3 service. Refer to higher level.
A Level 4 service provides a self- Dedicated facility in the hospital. Service director with
contained critical care area with Staffed and equipped bed capable considerable experience in
easy access to the emergency of invasive medical ventilation intensive care
department and operating Network arrangements with Level Medical officer competent
theatres within the facility. 5/6 services for transfer and back- in Advanced Life Support
Provide immediate resuscitation transfer. responsible for reviewing
and short-term cardiorespiratory Access to training in Advanced Life patients.
support for critically ill patients. It Support (ALS) Suitably qualified and
must be capable of providing experienced nurse
mechanical ventilation and manager in charge of unit
simple invasive cardiovascular Minimum nurse-patient
4 monitoring for a period of at least ratio of 1:1 for ventilated 4 4 4 4 4 4
several hours. and similarly critically ill
Additional supernumerary
registered nurse providing
assistance to bedside
nurses for every four
patients requiring 1:1
All nurses trained in ALS.
Access to allied health

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Intensive Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 4. In addition, has As for Level 4. In addition, specialty As for Level 4. In addition,
the capability of providing a high services on-site available for at least one intensive care
standard of general intensive consultation. physician or other medical
care including more complex, Networked with a Level 6 service specialist accredited in
extended, multisystem life for clinical advice and professional intensive care medicine
support. development support. appointed.
Provides mechanical ventilation, Staffed and equipped beds capable Ideally all nursing staff
renal replacement therapy, of invasive mechanical ventilation. with, or
invasive cardiovascular Clinical workload of more than 200 working towards,
5 monitoring for extended periods. invasively ventilated patients per recognised 5 5 5 5 5 5
May be capable of providing annum to maintain clinical qualification in intensive
more advanced respiratory and expertise. care or
cardiovascular support using Alternatively, more than 150 clinical specialty of unit.
extracorporeal membrane invasively ventilated patients and May have clinical
oxygenation (ECMO). more than 50 patients receiving information system
non-invasive ventilation (NIV). manager, data manager
Typically can accommodate at and research officer.
four ventilated patients at one time.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, provide As for Level 5. In addition,
capable of providing clinical advice and professional allied health professionals
comprehensive critical care, development support for lower level with specific skills in
including complex and networked services. intensive care.
multisystem life support for an Clinical workload of more than 300
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
indefinite period. invasively ventilated patients per
Referral centre for complex annum to maintain clinical
patients from lower level services expertise.
within region/network. Typically can accommodate at

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Intensive Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provide support for super eight ventilated patients at one

specialty and other complex time.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

High Dependency Care


Nuc Med
Med Img

High Dependency Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
Dedicated unit in health facilities with Dedicated beds Medical officer available 24
no Intensive Care Service. hours (may be on call).
Provide a higher level of monitoring and Allied health professionals
3 observation than standard ward based such as physiotherapist, 2 2 2 2 2
care (e.g. cardiac monitoring, additional occupational therapist, speech
staff) as needed. therapist and/or social
worker available.
Dedicated unit in health facilities with As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3.
an Intensive Care Service. close relationship with the
Provide level of care between standard Intensive Care Service,
ward and an intensive care unit (ICU), including clinical advice
with close monitoring and observation. and professional
For example, patients transitioning out development support.
of the ICU; patients likely to need
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
intensive care outreach support such as
rapid response or ICU liaison.
May provide non-invasive ventilation
(NIV) where the intention is not to
escalate to invasive ventilation.

5 As for Level 4. As for Level 4. As for Level 4. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 As for Level 5. As for Level 5. As for Level 5. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

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Operating Suites


Nuc Med
Med Img

Operating Suites Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provided in either a freestanding Dedicated procedure room Appropriately credentialled
facility or is collocated with a specialist and/or day operating room. medical practitioner available.
clinical service. Care predominantly delivered
2 1 2 2 2
Provide procedures requiring by registered nurses.
analgesia and/or conscious sedation
(excludes general anaesthesia).
Predominantly provided in As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
hospital setting with limited appropriately equipped medical officer available 24
but designated surgical, operating room. hours (may be on call).
anaesthetic and sterilising Access to allied health May have medical specialist
services. services commensurate with credentials in surgery.
As for Level 2. In addition, provide with casemix and clinical Registered nurses utilised as
Common and Intermediate* surgical load. surgical assistants performing
3 procedures. only that role 2 3 3 3 3
May provide selected Major* surgical and not duties of instrument
procedures. nurse.
Infection control coordinator.
Allied health professionals
Staff available for patient
As for Level 3. In addition, provide As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
Major* surgical procedures. access to image intensifier. access to registered medical
4 4 4 4 4 4
May have a second specialists with
operating room

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Operating Suites Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

commensurate with patient credentials in general surgery

load. available 24 hours.
Nursing staff with perioperative
experience may be utilised in
of roles.
Sterilising service assistants
and technical aides
appropriate to service
Access to laboratory staff.
As for Level 4. In addition, provide As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
selected Complex Major* surgical specialty services on-site access to registered medical
procedures. with consultation available. specialists with
24 hour on call availability Usually more than two credentials in general surgery
operating rooms. or surgical subspecialties
5 Provide support for lower available 24 hours. 5 5 5 5 5
level networked services. Medical officer with three or
more postgraduate years of
experience on call 24 hours,
ideally training or qualified as
As for Level 5. In addition, provide As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
Complex Major* surgical procedures. equipped for highly medical officer with three or
Manage patients at the highest level specialised procedures more postgraduate years of
6 of surgical risk^. (e.g. cardiopulmonary experience on-site 24 hours, 6 6 6 6 6
Provide specialised surgery such as bypass, extracorporeal ideally training or qualified as
cardiothoracic surgery and/or membrane oxygenation anaesthetist.
neurosurgery. (ECMO)).

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Operating Suites Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

May have regional role (e.g. major Trained assistant to surgeon,

trauma service, transplant services) as required

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Indicative List of Surgery for Adults

There is no widely accepted and validated system for classifying the physiological stressfulness of surgical procedures. The examples given below,
drawn from different specialties, are intended to provide an indicative guide only and do not replace clinical judgement. Some procedures commonly
provided on an emergency basis are included (e.g. closed reduction of fracture) as useful general indicators of surgical complexity.
Note: The actual range of procedures that may be performed by individual practitioners will be determined through the credentialling process where
clinical privileges/scope of practice is granted.

Minor Common and Intermediate Major Complex Major

Skin biopsy Skin excision with flap or graft Thyroidectomy Multidisciplinary surgery (e.g.
Skin lesion curettage and cautery closure Vascular graft cancer, major trauma)
Skin lesion excision Laser skin surgery Cholecystectomy Oesophagectomy
Subcutaneous tumour excision Appendicectomy Bowel resection Interventional endoscopy
Drainage of abscess Varicose vein surgery Exploratory laparotomy Pancreatic resection
Toe-nail surgery Herniorrhaphy Diaphragmatic hernia repair Aortic surgery
Diagnostic endoscopy Haemorrhoidectomy External and some middle ear Coronary artery bypass graft
Colonoscopy Excision of breast lump surgery Lung resection
Insertion of grommets Mastectomy Sinus surgery Neck dissection
Percutaneous wire removal Breast reduction Pacemaker insertion Skull base surgery
Simple orthopaedic implant Hemithyroidectomy Revision hip/knee replacement Modified radical mastoidectomy
removal Tonsillectomy Open bladder surgery Scoliosis surgery
Cystoscopy Adenoidectomy Prostatectomy Renal transplantation
Vasectomy Septoplasty Nephrectomy Cystectomy
Circumcision Inferior turbinate surgery Complicated ureteroscopy Oculoplastic surgery
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) Closed reduction of fracture Orbital exenteration Microsurgical tissue transfer
guided prostate biopsy Carpal tunnel surgery Extensive or complicated skin Sternal reconstruction
Superficial corneal foreign body Arthroscopy with graft Carotid stents
removal meniscectomy/chondroplasty Major flap reconstruction Complex endovascular grafts (e.g.
Wedge biopsy of eyelid skin lesion Uncomplicated hip/knee Pressure area surgery fenestrated aortic
Chalazion removal replacement Major amputation (e.g. below, branch device)
Minor debridement Simple ureteroscopy above or through knee) Arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
Minor amputation (e.g. toe) Laser transurethral resection of Embolectomy surgery
Tooth extraction prostate (TURP)

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Minor Common and Intermediate Major Complex Major

Minor dento-alveolar surgery Orchidectomy Vascular access procedures for Cerebral neoplasm (base of skull)
Minor periodontal surgery Ocular lens extraction dialysis surgery
Orthodontic anchorage screw Trabeculectomy Carotid endarterectomy Spinal cord injury surgery
placement/removal Pterygium surgery Craniotomy Head and neck tumour resection
Dental laser surgical procedure Simple skin graft Cerebral neoplasm (cortical and graft
Hysteroscopy Maxillo-facial surgery convexity) surgery reconstruction surgery
Suction curettage for miscarriage Major periodontal surgery Epilepsy surgery Caesarean section for placenta
Cervix loop excision for dysplasia Endodontic surgery Cerebral shunting accreta
Major dento-alveolar surgery Osteotomy/Orthognathic surgery Planned caesarean hysterectomy
Dental implant placement/removal LSCS for major placenta praevia Gynaecological oncology surgery
Lower Segment Caesarean Hysterectomy (e.g. laparoscopic,
Section (LSCS) abdominal)
Vaginal prolapse repair Abdominal pelvic floor repair
Diagnostic laparoscopy Bladder neck procedures for
stress incontinence

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Nuc Med
Med Img

Anaesthetics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Analgesia and conscious sedation Formal network linkages with Registered medical practitioner
available. specialist anaesthetist for Visiting registered medical
Provide anaesthesia for ASA 1 consultation specialist with credentials to
and 2^ patients undergoing Minor* Medical practitioner to provide administer general anaesthetic.
surgical procedures. analgesia/minimal sedation Registered nurses with
May have experience/post graduate
2 2 2 2
operating/procedure room. qualifications in anaesthetic
Recovery area for post- nursing
surgical procedures may be
combined with general ward,
with trained recovery staff and
facilities as required.
As for Level 2. In addition, provide As for Level 2. In addition, at As for Level 2. In addition,
anaesthesia for ASA 1, 2^ and least one operating/procedure anaesthetist appointed for
selected ASA 3^ patients room with separate on-site, consultation and service.
undergoing Common and dedicated recovery area/room
Intermediate* surgical procedures. for post-operative care.
May provide anaesthesia for ASA Access to High Dependency
1 and 2^ patients undergoing or Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
3 3 2 3 3 3
selected Major* surgical (may be off-site)
procedures. On-site emergency service
Provide anaesthesia for ASA 3 able to stabilise and transfer
and selected ASA 4^ patients patients that experience
undergoing Minor* surgical deterioration.
procedures. Elective anaesthetic services
are generally provided during

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Anaesthetics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

business hours for regularly

scheduled lists.
On-site medication.
Broad range of day and general As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
surgery and some specialty more than one theatre. medical head of service with
surgery. considerable experience in
As for Level 3. In addition, provide anaesthesia.
anaesthesia for ASA 1, 2^ and Anaesthetist available 24
selected ASA 3^ patients hours.
undergoing Major* surgical Medical officer on-site 24
4 4 4 4 4 4
procedures. hours.
Provide anaesthesia for ASA 3^
and some ASA 4^ patients
undergoing selected Common and
Intermediate* surgical procedures.
Provide appropriate care for ASA
5^ and ASA 6^ patients.
As for Level 4. In addition, provide As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
anaesthesia for ASA 1 and 2^ specialty services on-site for anaesthetist on-site in
patients undergoing selected consultation. business hours.
Complex Major* surgical Medical officer in anaesthesia
5 procedures. with three or more 5 5 5 5 5
Provide anaesthesia for ASA 3 to postgraduate years of
5^ patients undergoing Common experience on call 24 hours
and Intermediate*, and selected
Major* surgical procedures.
As for Level 5. In addition, provide As for Level 5. As for Level 5. In addition,
6 6 6 6 6 6
anaesthesia for all levels of subspecialist anaesthetists.

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Nuc Med
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Anaesthetics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

patient risk^ undergoing Complex Medical officer in anaesthesia

Major* surgical procedures. with three or more
Subspecialty anaesthesia on-site, postgraduate years of
such as neurosurgery, experience on-site 24 hours.
cardiothoracic surgery and/or Broad range of surgical sub-
burns. specialties on-site and
available at close proximity 24

Levels of Patient Risk

Based on the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status Classification System

ASA1 A normal, healthy patient.

ASA2 A patient with mild systemic disease and no functional limitations.
ASA3 A patient with moderate to severe systemic disease that results in some functional limitation
ASA4 A patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life and functionally incapacitating.
ASA5 A moribund patient who is not expected to survive 24 hours with or without surgery.
ASA6 A declared brain-dead patient whose organs are being removed for donor purposes.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Section 2: Clinical Services

Part A: Emergency


Nuc Med
Med Img

Emergency Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provide primary care Referral arrangements for Staff on-site during

assessment within higher level emergency business and operational
designated area of facility. medicine service. hours with basic life
1 Primarily nurse and medical Formal escalation plan for support capability for
practitioner-led. obtaining immediate clinical adults and children.
assistance when critically ill
patient received.
As for Level 1. As for Level 1. As for Level 1. In addition,
2 medical practitioner on call 1 1 1
or available via telehealth.
Provide emergency care As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
within a designated area of purpose specific area to some nurses with extra
facility. receive and manage training in emergency care
Emergency caseload may be emergency presentations, and triage.
intermittent. including a collocated May have allied health
Basic primary and secondary resuscitation area with professionals available.
assessment should be appropriate equipment for
3 available, including advanced paediatric, adult and 3 2 3 3 3 3
Advanced Life Support (ALS) trauma life support prior to
and stabilisation of critically ill transfer to definitive care.
paediatric, adult and trauma Access to specialty services
patients prior to arrival of the (may be via telephone and/or
retrieval service. hospital outreach) such as
On-site, 24-hour access to surgical, medical,
designated emergency orthopaedics, mental health,

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Emergency Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

registered nurses and triage paediatrics, obstetrics and

of all presentations. gynaecology; with ability to
transfer and refer.
Access to formal ALS
education and training for
May have access to allied
On-site ICU or HDU
Manage full range of As for Level 3. In addition, full As for Level 3. In addition,
emergency presentations, resuscitation facilities in a specialist emergency
including some complex separate space. medicine staff on-site in
emergency cases. Services that receive line with casemix and
Provide primary emergency paediatric patients must have clinical load.
care, including short term dedicated area for paediatric Medical officers with a
mechanical ventilation, assessment and management, range of postgraduate
pending transfer to definitive including resuscitation. years of experience
care. Documented processes to rostered to work in the
4 Provide a 24 hour clinical guide clinical management, emergency department 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
triage service. including paediatrics, mental over 24 hours.
May have a dedicated short health and Allied health professionals
stay unit managed within and obstetrics/gynaecology as such as social worker,
by the emergency appropriate. physiotherapist,
department. Access to medical and occupational therapist,
surgical specialties; tertiary and/or dietitian available.
level paediatrics; higher level Administrative and service
critical care services; mental support staff on-site 24
health services; drug and hours.

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Emergency Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

alcohol dependency services;

and community services.
Access to allied health
services in line with casemix
and clinical load.
Formal processes to ensure
readily available, 24 hour
patient transfer and back-
Clinical information system
that records patient details,
clinical information and data.
Point of care ultrasound
On-site ICU.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide definitive care for specialty services on-site for 24 hour specialist
most emergency consultation. emergency medicine cover
presentations, including Purpose built resuscitation (may include on call).
invasive monitoring. area for trauma and other life- Extended hours access to
May have short stay unit or threatening presentations. selected allied health
similar model, managed Specific safe area for mental professionals, such as
5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
within and by the emergency health patients. social worker and/or
department. Emergency medicine short physiotherapist.
Able to manage critically ill stay unit capable of monitoring
patients. and assessment.
Extended hours access to
allied health services.

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Emergency Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, on- As for Level 5.

manage all complex site back-up from a full range
emergencies. of medical and surgical sub
Major referral centre for specialists and diagnostic
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
complex patients from lower services, including
level services within the neurosurgery, cardiothoracic
region. surgery, vascular surgery and

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Part B: Medicine
Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology


Nuc Med
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Cardiology & Interventional
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Cardiology Service Workforce

Provides primary care Protocols to manage Medical practitioner

assessment as low-acuity, thrombolysis and available. All medical
ambulatory care for minor arrhythmias. practitioners trained in
cardiac diseases and Provision of basic advance life support.
management of acute cardiovascular risk factor/ Access too suitably qualified
conditions with the ability to disease prevention and experienced Registered
provide basic life support. information. Nurse/ Nurse Assistant.
1 Health promotion, disease Access to an
prevention and chronic disease electrocardiogram (ECG)
management programs reading service.
available. Access to emergency
Delivered by general patient transport to
practitioners in an outpatient facilitate escalation of care
setting, may incorporate nurse and patient transfer when
led services. required.
As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition,
provides a low-acuity, single- 24 hour access to medical practitioner
system medical condition specialist support and available 24 hours (may
ambulatory and outpatient advice (may include include telehealth).
service. telehealth). Access too suitably qualified
2 3 3 3 2 2
Provided by medical practitioner Access to digital ECG and experienced Registered
who may be general practitioner machine with appropriate Nurse/ Nurse Assistant.
or cardiologist. support from higher level Qualified to carry out 12
Basic primary and secondary services to safely and lead ECG’s.
assessment should be

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Cardiology & Interventional
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Cardiology Service Workforce

available, including Advanced effectively operate and Business hour access to

Life Support (ALS) and maintain equipment. allied health professionals,
stabilisation of critically ill Ability to perform point of as required.
paediatric, adult and trauma care testing.
patients prior to arrival of the Access to allied health
retrieval service. services in line with
Ability to assess and stabilise casemix and clinical load.
patients and initiate low level Access to automated
care, prior to transfer for external defibrillator,
specialist assessment and oxygen and ability to
treatment where appropriate. achieve venous access.
Patient who require complex
diagnostic investigations will
also be referred to high level
cardiac medicine services.
May initiate treatment for ST
elevation myocardial infarction
(STEMI) prior to transfer to
facility with angiography.
Service provided by registered
medical practitioner in an
outpatient setting.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
provides ambulatory and provides inpatient, medical practitioner or
inpatient services that may outpatient and non-acute specialist on site 24 hour
3 require subspecialty outpatient care led by a cardiologist access. 3 3 3 3 3 3
referral. and supported by visiting Access to cardiologists at
Provide cardiac care for medical specialists and/or higher level services.
stabilisation of arrhythmias, via telehealth.

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Cardiology & Interventional
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Cardiology Service Workforce

acute coronary syndrome Stabilisation of patient 24 hour cover by Registered

(ACS), and nonST elevation where required prior to Nurse.
myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). transfer to higher level Access to cardiac
Manage ACS/STEMI in service. rehabilitation nurse, cardiac
consultation with high level Elective diagnostic nurse practitioner or clinical
cardiology service. investigations performed. nurse specialist
Admitted patients managed by Ability to provide (cardiac/health promotion).
cardiologist or physician with thrombolysis, and blood Access to some allied
experience in cardiology. gas monitoring. health services ie
Provide follow up care for Formal referral protocols physiotherapy.
permanent pacemakers. established with higher
May be able to insert temporary level services.
transvenous pacing wire prior to
transfer (desirable).
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provides inpatient cardiology transvenous pacing cardiologist head of service
care to patients with moderate available. responsible for clinical
level of complexity. May have Cardiac governance procedures and
Outpatient consultation is Catheterisation Laboratory audit.
provided by a cardiologist. (CCL). Cardiologist or physician
On site access to intensive care with cardiology experience
4 and/or cardiac care unit. available 24 hours. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Admitted patients managed by Medical officer with three or
cardiologist or internal more postgraduate years of
registered medical specialist experience on-site 24 hours.
with experience in cardiology. Allied health professionals
May provide cardiac on-site.
rehabilitation service and heart
failure program.

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Cardiology & Interventional
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Cardiology Service Workforce

May provide diagnostic

coronary angiography.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
manages all but most highly a CCL. cardiologist with procedural
complex cardiac medicine Designated cardiology expertise available 24
patients and procedures. beds hours.
Designated cardiology beds Cardiac technician or
providing comprehensive echoradiographer available
subspecialty services, with 24 hours.
advanced range of supporting
clinical and diagnostic services
to match complexity of patients
admitted and referred.
All admitted patients managed
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
by designated registered
medical specialist with
credentials in cardiology.
Provide interventional cardiac
catheterisation service.
May provide electrophysiology
services such as pacemaker
May provide 24 hour on call
service for urgent Acute
Myocardial Infarction (AMI)
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
6 provide tertiary/quaternary cardiothoracic surgery cardiologist on call 24 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
referral service for complex and available on-site. hours, with sufficient

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Cardiology & Interventional
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Cardiology Service Workforce

critical cardiac conditions, cardiologists to provide

including electrophysiology sustainable 24 hour cover.
services and management of Medical officer in cardiology
adult congenital heart disease. with three or more
Provide 24 hour primary postgraduate years of
Percutaneous Coronary experience.
Intervention (PCI) services.
Act as a referral service for all
lower level cardiac medicine

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Clinical Genetics


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Clinical Genetics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
Consultative genetics service Access to specialist Clinical geneticist and/or
provided via networked support and advice. other medical specialist
arrangement with higher level Access to genetics available.
service. information resources, Certified or associate
Documented processes for education programs and genetic counsellor
3 1 1
screening and recognising at risk genetics services available.
patients. information.
Provide information and education
through established support
groups after diagnosis.
As for Level 3. In addition, provide As for Level 3. In As for Level 3. In addition,
information and counselling for addition, access to certified or associate
individuals and family members. genetic counselling and genetic counsellor.
Arrange genetic testing as diagnostic services. Allied health professionals
4 required. Access to genetic testing available in line with 3 2
May be provided within a laboratory. patient casemix and
multidisciplinary setting. Access to other clinical clinical load.
specialties on-site.

As for Level 4. In addition, provide As for Level 4. In As for Level 4. In addition,

consultative service within a addition, other clinical clinical geneticist
5 multidisciplinary setting. specialties on-site appointed. 6 2
Provide counselling and diagnostic available for consultation.
services by clinical geneticists.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Clinical Genetics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

May provide specialised genetic Access to other May have other medical
services such as metabolic specialties that use specialists with a scope of
medicine, cancer genetics/familial genomics such as practice in genetics.
cancer, high risk reproductive oncology, neurology, May have medical officer
disorders, cardiac genetics, cardiology. in clinical genetics with
neurogenetics, prenatal genetics. May have specialised three or more
genetic testing laboratory postgraduate years of
service onsite (e.g. experience.
metabolic genetics).

As for Level 5. In addition, may As for Level 5. In As for Level 5. In addition,

have specialist role (e.g. expertise addition, genetics head of service.
in a specific disorder, newborn department. Medical officer in clinical
6 screening program, metabolic genetics with three or 6 3
genetic service), including support more postgraduate years
for acute inpatient care of of experience.
metabolic genetic conditions.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
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Dermatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Limited service with Access to clinical advice and Appropriately credentialled
management primarily by support (may include medical practitioner or
general practitioner or general telehealth). physician.
physician. Medical and/or nurse
2 3 2
Access to patient education practitioner available on-
and support programs. site.
Access to emergency
patient transport service.
As for Level 2. As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
allied health services on-site dermatologist available via
in line with patient casemix network, telehealth or
and clinical load. outreach.
Physician available 24
3 hours. 4 2
Medical officer with three
or more postgraduate
years of experience.
Access to allied health
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide inpatient consultative consultation available from dermatologist appointed.
service to other specialties. other clinical specialties on-
4 May provide outpatient clinic. site. 4 2 2 2 2
May provide Minor* Access to community
dermatological procedures on nursing.
ASA 1, 2 and 3^ patients.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Dermatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,

provide inpatient service with access to facilities for may have medical officer
management by medical surgical procedures. with three or more
practitioner or dermatologist. May have phototherapy unit. postgraduate years of
Provide outpatient services. Access to Level 5 radiation experience.
Provide Minor* dermatological oncology service.
procedures on ASA 1, 2 and Access to Level 4 general
5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3^ patients. Provide surgery.
consultative service for
complex conditions (e.g. drug
reactions, autoimmune
diseases, infections).
May provide specialised clinics
(e.g. psoriasis, eczema).
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide inpatient services. dermatology department. medical head of service.
Provide Common and Dermatology beds. May have dermatologist
Intermediate* and Major* Phototherapy unit. available 24 hours.
dermatological procedures on Provide support to lower Medical officer with three
all levels of patient risk^. level networked services, or more postgraduate
Provide consultative service to including clinical advice and years of experience.
6 6 5 5 4 5 5 5
patients with complex professional development Medical officer on-site 24
conditions within a support. hours to provide patient
multidisciplinary setting (e.g. Access to procedural care.
emergency medicine, facilities for advanced Phototherapy nurse.
oncology, haematology, surgical procedures (e.g.
immunology, rheumatology, complex/wide excision, skin
infectious diseases). grafts, flaps).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Dermatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Specialised dermatology Access to laser equipment

clinics (e.g. psoriasis, eczema, (may be off-site) for
skin cancer, transplant). treatment of non-cosmetic
Provide patient education and medical conditions (e.g.
support programs. birthmark, congenital
May have a regional role or malformation) where relevant
expertise in a particular area to casemix and patient load.
(e.g. melanoma service, Access to radiotherapy
neonatal dermatology, burns, where relevant to casemix
cutaneous lymphoma). and patient load.
May have access to electron

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



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Endocrinology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provide limited outpatient Access to specialist support Medical or nurse
service, with management and and advice (may include practitioner available 24
appropriate referral by medical telehealth). hours.
or nurse practitioner. Access to emergency Formal relationship with
patient transport service to emergency patient
facilitate escalation of care transport service.
and patient transfer when Physician consultation
2 required. available (may include 1 1 1 1
Access to telehealth support telehealth).
and limited outreach clinics Allied health professionals
(e.g. podiatry, dietetics). such as podiatrist and
Access to allied services in dietician available.
line with patient casemix
and clinical load.

As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,

provide inpatient service, consultation available from appropriately credentialled
predominantly diabetes, with other clinical specialties. medical practitioner or
management by general Access to health education physician appointed.
practitioner (GP) or general services relevant to Medical officer available 24
3 3 3 3 3 2 2
physician. endocrine diseases such as hours (may be on call).
May provide diabetes diabetes.
outpatient/ambulatory service. Access to dietetic service.
May provide local support in Access to podiatry service
diabetes management for (may be off-site).

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Endocrinology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

primary care and aged care Access to high risk foot

facilities. service via network or
Access to community

As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,

provide diabetes on-site dietetic service. physician available 24
outpatient/ambulatory services. On-site podiatry service. hours.
Provide diabetes education Access to an integrated Paediatrician appointed if
service. hospital/community diabetes children seen.
May have access to paediatric management service. Medical officer on-site 24
diabetes service (e.g. initial Access to renal and hours.
assessment, acute and chronic cardiology services for May have visiting
4 management) provided by consultation. endocrinologist. Medical 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
general paediatrician. officer with three or more
May provide gestational postgraduate years of
diabetes service. May provide experience.
basic bone metabolism and Allied health professionals
thyroid services; lipid disease on-site, including dietitian
management; management of and podiatrist.
disorders of appetite and
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
manage a range of provide networked support endocrinologist appointed.
endocrinology presentations, to lower level services, Medical officers with three
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
including some complex cases. including clinical advice and or more postgraduate
Provide inpatient consultative professional development years of experience on-site
service to other specialties. support. 24 hours.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Endocrinology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

May provide services in thyroid, Allied health services on- Allied health professionals
adrenal, pituitary medical site in line with casemix and on-site in particular, social
management; reproductive clinical load. worker, physiotherapist,
endocrinology; bone Links with renal (especially and/or occupational
metabolism; disorders of for dialysis), vascular, therapist.
appetite and weight; and/or orthopaedic and May have exercise
lipid disorders. neurosurgery services. physiologist and
May provide high risk foot Access to rehabilitation psychologist.
service. services, particularly
May provide insulin pump amputee, stroke and cardiac
education/provider service. rehabilitation.
Access to ophthalmology
service with expertise in the
management of diabetes-
related eye conditions,
including laser therapy.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
manage complex cases endocrinology beds. medical head of service.
including specialised surgical Endocrinology department. Endocrinologist on call 24
and medical interventions. Shielded treatment room if hours. Medical officer in
Provide consultative inpatient, ablative thyroid treatment is endocrinology with three or
outpatient and ambulatory offered. more postgraduate years
6 service to patients with On-site ophthalmology laser of experience. 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
complex conditions in a service.
multidisciplinary setting (e.g. Access to bone
intensive care, transplantation, densitometry diagnostic
ophthalmology, neurosurgery, equipment.
high risk obstetrics, Access to surgical services
gynaecology, oncology). such as neuroendocrine,

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Endocrinology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Paediatric service provided by cardiac, vascular,

specialist children’s hospital. orthopaedics, relevant to the
Provide high risk foot service. casemix and patient load.
Provide insulin pump service. Access to cardiovascular,
May provide specialty renal and cancer care
outpatient/ambulatory clinics. services and other speciality
May support neuroendocrine services relevant to the
surgery. casemix and patient load.
May have regional role (e.g.
neuroendocrine surgery).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
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Gastroenterology Service Infrastructure &



RDL Workforce
Description Service Requirements

Management and appropriate Access to specialist Medical or nurse practitioner

referral by medical practitioner support and advice. available during business
or nurse practitioner. Access to emergency hours.
1 patient transport service 1 1 1 1 1
to facilitate escalation of
care and patient transfer
when required.
As for Level 1. In addition, may As for Level 1. In As for Level 1. In addition,
have networked endoscopy and addition, access to physician or
colonoscopy services health education service. gastroenterologist available.
(predominantly diagnostic) on May have access to May have access to dietitian.
ASA 1, 2^, and selected ASA 3^ hepatology service. May
patients, provided by a have access to
2 2 2 2 2 2
specialist proceduralist from a Inflammatory Bowel
higher level, performed under Disease (IBD) service.
sedation only. May have access to
allied health services in
line with casemix and
clinical load.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In As for Level 2. In addition,
provide endoscopy and addition, consultation appropriately credentialled
colonoscopy service with some available from other medical practitioner,
therapeutic interventions, on clinical specialties. physician, surgeon and/or
3 3 2 3 3 3 3
ASA 1, 2^ and selected ASA 3^ Access to allied health gastroenterologist appointed.
patients. services, including Medical officer available 24
dietetics service in line hours.
Access to dietitian.

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Gastroenterology Service Infrastructure &



RDL Workforce
Description Service Requirements

with casemix and clinical

Access to community
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In As for Level 3. In addition,
provide enteral procedures (e.g. addition, allied health physician and/or surgeon
insertion, replacement and services on-site in line available 24 hours.
removal of gastrostomy tubes). with casemix and clinical Medical officer on-site 24
Provide home enteral nutrition load. hours. Medical officer with
4 including follow-up care, three or more postgraduate 4 4 4 4 4 4
nutrition support years of experience.
(oral/enteral/parenteral) and Allied health professionals
equipment (e.g. feeding pumps, such as dietitian, social
giving sets, syringes). worker and speech
May provide manometry. pathologist.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. As for Level 4. In addition,
manage most levels of patient gastroenterologist or dual
risk. trained general
Provide endoscopy and physician/gastroenterologist
colonoscopy service including appointed.
5 therapeutic interventions on Medical officer with three or 5 5 5 4 4 4
ASA 1 to 4^ patients. Provide more postgraduate years of
sub-specialised non admitted experience on call 24 hours.
services such as hepatology,
(IBD), manometry and motility
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In As for Level 5. In addition,
6 manages all levels of patient addition, gastroenterologist on call 24 5 6 5 5 5 5 5
risk^. hours. Medical officer in

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Gastroenterology Service Infrastructure &



RDL Workforce
Description Service Requirements

Participate in multidisciplinary gastroenterology gastroenterology with three or

teams undertaking complex department. more postgraduate years of
procedures such as Endoscopic Dedicated experience.
Ultrasound (EUS) supported by gastroenterology beds. Medical officer with three or
on-site cytology service, more postgraduate years of
endoscopic retrograde experience on-site 24 hours.
Provide IBD service.
May have regional role (e.g.
support liver transplant).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

General Medicine


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General Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Management and Access to specialist support Medical or nurse practitioner

appropriate referral by and advice. available during business
1 1 1
medical practitioner or nurse hours.
As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1, In addition,
may provide outpatient access to emergency physician consultation
service. patient transport service to available (may include
facilitate escalation of care telehealth).
2 and patient transfer when Allied health professionals 1 1 1 1
required. available.
Access to allied health
services in line with
casemix and clinical load.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
provide inpatient and acute consultation available from appropriately credentialled
ambulatory care/ outreach other clinical specialties. medical practitioner or
services, managed by Allied health services on- physician.
appropriately credentialled site in line with casemix and Medical officer available 24
3 medical practitioner or clinical load. hours (may be on call). 3 3 3 3 2 2
physician. Allied health professionals on-
site (e.g. physiotherapist,
occupational therapist, social
worker, speech pathologist,

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General Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,

patient care provided by networked with appropriate general physician available 24
general physician. subacute services (e.g. hours.
rehabilitation Medical officer on-site 24
(neuromuscular, cardiac hours. Medical officer with
and/or pulmonary), geriatric three or more postgraduate
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
medicine, palliative care, years of experience.
pain management).
Extended hours access to
allied health services in line
with casemix and clinical
As for Level 4. In addition, a As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
multidisciplinary assessment clinical specialty services medical head of service.
and treatment model of care. on-site for consultation. Medical officer with three or
5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4
Provide formal home nursing Department of (or with more postgraduate years of
program. responsibility for) general experience on-site 24 hours.
and acute medicine.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
serves as a referral centre to specialty departments of medical officer in general and
6 lower level services. medicine. acute medicine with three or 6 6 5 5 5 5 5
more postgraduate years of

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Infrastructure & Service



RDL Geriatrics Service Description Workforce

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Management and appropriate Management and Management and
referral by a medical or nurse appropriate referral by a appropriate referral by a
practitioner. medical or nurse medical or nurse
2 1 1
May provide limited outpatient practitioner. practitioner.
services. May provide limited May provide limited
outpatient services. outpatient services.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
management provided primarily regular geriatrician medical practitioners with
by medical practitioner. consultation available (may scope of practice in
Provide minor surgery without be via telehealth). geriatric medicine.
general anaesthesia and access Access to specialised Physician available for
to other surgical procedures as consultations including consultation. Geriatrician
clinically appropriate. medical, nursing and allied available for consultation.
3 Access to, or may provide health, on-site or via Medical officer available 24 2 2 2 1 1
limited rehabilitation and/or telehealth. hours (may be on call).
reconditioning. Formal links to community Access to allied health
nursing and aged care professionals including
service providers. physiotherapist,
Access to case occupational therapist,
management for dementia speech therapist and
(may be via telehealth). dietitian.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide assessment and consultation and referral physician skilled and
4 rehabilitation involving inter- links to other medical and experienced in diagnosis 3 3 3 3 2 2
disciplinary team. surgical services. and management of
geriatric syndromes, such

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Infrastructure & Service



RDL Geriatrics Service Description Workforce

Provide geriatric medicine Allied health services on- as general physician,

clinics, assisted by staff with site in line with casemix rehabilitation physician
experience in dementia. and clinical load. and/or geriatrician available
Dementia case management by (may be via telehealth).
appropriately trained staff. Medical officer on-site 24
Provide assessment and hours. Medical officers may
management service for include doctors with three
behavioural and psychological or more postgraduate years
symptoms of dementia. of experience.
May provide home care and Allied health professionals
nursing service on-site.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide inpatient geriatric geriatric assessment unit. medical head of service.
assessment. Access to mental health Medical officer with three or
Provide orthogeriatric service. unit. more postgraduate years of
Provide home care and nursing Access to inpatient experience on-site 24
service rehabilitation unit. hours. May have medical
Provide psychogeriatric service officer in geriatric medicine
including social work and with three or more
5 clinical neuropsychology. postgraduate years of 4 5 5 4 4 4 4
Allied health professionals
on-site including
occupational therapist,
speech therapist, dietitian,
social worker, orthotist and

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Infrastructure & Service



RDL Geriatrics Service Description Workforce

As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,

provide a dedicated aged care aged care beds. geriatricians on-site.
service, including admission of Medical officer in geriatric
acute patients from the medicine with three or
emergency medicine more postgraduate years of
department under geriatricians. experience.
Provide psychogeriatric service Allied health professionals
including inpatient care. on-site including
6 6 6 5 5 4 4 4
Provide psychologist.
consultation/management for
complex and extraordinary
May have a behaviour
assessment management

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



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Haematology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
Referral and management Access to specialist Appropriately
primarily by general practitioner or support and advice (may credentialled medical
general physician. Provide be via telehealth). practitioner or physician
outpatient service access. Consultation available from available on-site or via
Provide patient education and other clinical specialties. telehealth.
support programs. Access to allied health Haematologist available.
services in line with Medical officer available
3 casemix and clinical load. 24 hours (may be on 3 3 3 3 2 2
Access to community call).
nursing. Registered nursing staff
available 24 hours in line
with patient case mix and
clinical load.
Allied health
professionals available.
As for Level 3. In addition, provide As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In
inpatient care with capability to allied health services on- addition, physician with
manage a limited range of site in line with casemix interest/experience in
haematological presentations; and clinical load. haematology appointed.
4 may be in conjunction with related Access to palliative care Medical specialist 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
disciplines (e.g. medical oncology, service. available 24 hours with
clinical immunology). Access to with Level 4 access to haematologist
Provide inpatient consultative rehabilitation service. advice (may be
service to other specialties within networked).

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Haematology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

the hospital (e.g. Access to with Level 4 Medical officer with three
gastroenterology/hepatology, geriatric medicine service. or more postgraduate
cardiology, renal medicine). years of experience.
Provide on-site outpatient and Allied health
ambulatory support services. professionals on-site
Provide networked ambulatory (e.g. social worker,
chemotherapy service for low risk occupational therapist,
patients. speech pathologist,
May have multidisciplinary team. dietitian, physiotherapist).
May provide post-transplant Clinical psychologist or
support service. social worker
consultation available
(may be via telehealth).
As for Level 4. In addition, provide As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In
comprehensive range of department of addition, medical head of
haematology services including haematology. service.
assessment and management, Inpatient beds (may be Haematologist available
clinical and laboratory diagnosis. shared with medical 24 hours
Inpatient care provided by oncology or other related Medical officer with three
multidisciplinary haematology disciplines). or more postgraduate
team. Provide consultative service Access to haematopoietic years of experience on-
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
for complex conditions in a stem cell transplant site 24 hours. Preferably,
multidisciplinary setting (e.g. laboratory (may be via medical officer in
intensive care, obstetrics, networked arrangement). haematology with three
gynaecology, surgical service, On-site bone marrow or more postgraduate
emergency service) and on staining and reporting. years of experience.
referral from lower level services.
Provide apheresis (may be
networked arrangement).

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Haematology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provide stem cell autograft, also

known as autologous
haematopoietic stem cell
transplant (may be networked
Provide treatment of acute
leukaemia. May have speciality
clinics (e.g. haemostasis,
haemophilia, thalassemia, graft
versus host reaction, autoimmune
disorders, HIV, haematology,
As for Level 5. In addition, provide As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In
stem cell allograft (also known as provide networked support addition, haematologist
allogeneic haematopoietic stem to lower level services, on call 24 hours.
cell transplant). Provide including clinical advice Medical officers in
outpatient/ambulatory services and professional haematology with three
with specialty clinics (e.g. development support. or more postgraduate
haemostasis, haemophilia, Dedicated beds. years of experience.
thalassemia, graft versus host Inpatient beds with Allied health
6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5
reaction, autoimmune disorders, functional positive pressure professionals with
HIV, haematology, amyloidosis). available. specific haematology
Haematopoietic stem cell caseload on-site (e.g.
transplant laboratory. pharmacist, clinical
Haemato-pathology psychologist, social
laboratory available. worker, occupational
Integrated specialist therapist, dietitian,
laboratory and clinical physiotherapist).

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Haematology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

services available, relevant

to specialties provided.
Access to Level 6 nuclear
medicine service (e.g. for
positron emission
tomography (PET)).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
Med Img

Immunology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Management and appropriate Access to specialist support Medical or nurse
referral by medical or nurse and advice (may be via practitioner available.
practitioner. telehealth). Physician consultation
Provide limited outpatient Access to emergency patient available (may include
2 1 1 1 1
service. transport service. telehealth).
Access to allied health Allied health
services in line with casemix professionals available.
and clinical load.
3 As for Level 2. As for Level 2. As for Level 2.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
service provided by general consultation available from access to immunologist
physician. other clinical specialties. (adult and/or paediatric)
May provide consultative or Extended hours access to via telehealth and/or
outpatient service on-site allied health services in line outreach.
through visiting immunologist with casemix and clinical Physician available 24
from referral higher level load. hours.
service. Medical officer with three
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
May provide education service or more postgraduate
(e.g. asthma education, years of experience.
allergen avoidance, epi-pen Medical officer available
education). 24 hours (may be on call).
May provide immunoglobulin Access to allied health
replacement therapy program professionals.
under guidance of networked
higher level service.

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Immunology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,

manage a range of immunology consultation available from immunologist appointed
presentations; service may be other clinical specialties on- or immunology service
provided in conjunction with site. from related specialty
related specialty disciplines discipline on-site.
(e.g. infectious diseases). Medical officer with three
Provide basic inpatient or more postgraduate
5 immunology service (e.g. years of experience on- 5 5 5 4 4 4 4
asthma, allergy & site 24 hours.
rheumatology) including
consultative service to other
May provide regular
immunology outpatient clinic
and ambulatory services.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide a comprehensive range department of immunology. medical head of service.
of immunology services (e.g. Access to Blood Bank Immunologist on call 24
allergy assessment and Service for specialised blood hours. Medical officer in
management, clinical and products. immunology with three or
laboratory diagnosis, Access to immunopathology more postgraduate years
assessment and management service. of experience.
6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5
of autoimmune disease, May have access to
infection and immune plasmapheresis service, in
deficiency). line with casemix and patient
Provide consultative services load.
for complex conditions (e.g.
immunosuppression guidance
and monitoring, laboratory test

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Immunology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

interpretation), in a
multidisciplinary setting and on
referral from lower level
Provide patient education and
support programs.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Infectious Diseases


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Infectious Diseases Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Management and appropriate Access to specialist support Medical or nurse practitioner
referral by a medical or nurse and advice (may include available during business
practitioner. telehealth). hours
Access to emergency Allied health professionals
patient transport service to available.
facilitate escalation of care
and patient transfer when
2 Access to limited outreach 1 1 1 1
Access to allied health
services in line with casemix
and clinical load.
Access to community health
services. Referral pathways
to relevant programs and
3 As for Level 2. As for Level 2. As for Level 2.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
infection control and isolation room/s with internal infectious diseases
antimicrobial stewardship washbasins and toilets, as physician and/or clinical
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
services provided by nursing well as staff washbasins microbiologist (may include
staff and/or pharmacists with immediately outside room/s. consultation via telehealth or
relevant experience, under outreach).

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Infectious Diseases Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

direction of general physician. Patient area with separate Medical officer with three or
Provide inpatient care. air conditioning available. more postgraduate years of
Allied health services on-site experience. Medical officer
in line with patient load and on-site 24 hours.
casemix. Allied health professionals
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide inpatient consultative may provide network infectious diseases
infectious diseases service to support to lower level physician and/or clinical
other specialties; may be in services. On-site infectious microbiologist appointed.
conjunction with related diseases service. Medical officer with three or
disciplines (e.g. microbiology, Access to clinical more postgraduate years of
HIV medicine, sexual health, microbiology service. experience on call 24 hours.
5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4
immunology). Inpatient beds with May have medical officer in
May provide regular infectious functional negative pressure infectious diseases with
diseases outpatient clinic and rooms. three or more postgraduate
ambulatory services. years of experience.
Specialised infection
prevention and control staff
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide comprehensive range provide network support to medical head of service.
of services and inpatient care. lower level services, Infectious diseases
Provide outpatient clinic and including clinical advice and physician and/or clinical
6 ambulatory services. professional development microbiologist available 24 6 6 6 4 6 6 6
Provide consultative service support. hours.
for patients with complex Infectious diseases Medical officer in infectious
conditions in multidisciplinary department. diseases with three or more
setting within the hospital and

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Infectious Diseases Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

on referral from lower level May have facilities to treat postgraduate years of
services (e.g. complex specified infectious experience.
infections, laboratory test diseases, including very high Medical officer with three or
interpretation, surgical risk infectious/ novel/ more postgraduate years of
complications, intensive care, quarantinable conditions. experience on-site 24 hours.
haematology, oncology,
neurology, maternity,
Contribute to multidisciplinary
care with related disciplines
(e.g. HIV medicine, sexual
health, immunology) and with
other clinical specialties (e.g.
surgical services, intensive
Paediatric service provided by
specialist children’s hospital.
May have a regional role (e.g.
designated facility for
specified infectious

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Long Term Care


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Long Term Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Services are delivered at If providing respite care, Medical practitioner, may be
home to recovering, dedicated environment. specialist, with registered
disabled, and chronically or Access to geriatric or nurses with experience
terminally ill persons who rehabilitation care team for providing residential care.
need medical, nursing, advice and support (may be May have allied health
social, or therapeutic via telehealth). professionals available.
treatment or assistance with Access to emergency patient
essential Activities of Daily transport service to facilitate
Living (ADL). support when required.
Visiting residential care May have access to allied
2 1 1 1 1 1
service provided via health services in line with
community health, primary casemix and clinical load.
care and private care.
May provide patient support
at home (may be via
Facility may provide home-
based nursing care.
Facility may provide respite
day care for patients
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
specialist palliative care, inpatient wards (can be medical practitioner with
3 geriatrics and rehabilitation general) palliative medicine, 2 2 2 3 2 2
care services available (e.g. geriatrics or rehabilitation
access to medical qualification available.

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Long Term Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

practitioner with palliative Allied health services in line Access to registered nursing
medicine qualification or with casemix and patient staff with relevant
palliative care nurse). load. experience and training 24
Provide 24 hour patient hours.
support at home (may Allied health professionals
include telephone support). available. May have allied
Provide inpatient care if health professionals with
required. specific skills in chronic and
long term care available.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
care provided by specialist multidisciplinary allied health professionals
multidisciplinary team, team. with specific skills in chronic
including specialists. Long term care inpatient and long term care
Ambulatory long term care wards in purpose-built available.
services (e.g. outpatient environment, including Staff with training in
clinics) available. spaces for rehabilitation and respiratory/ventilator care
Long Term Acute Care therapy. may be available.
Hospital facility providing
4 services for patients with 3 3 2 3 2 2
long-term, clinically complex
acute medical requirements.
Typically free-standing unit,
although can be located
within acute care hospital.
May specialise in
respiratory/ventilator care
and accept patients from
intensive care units.

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Long Term Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provide consultation service

to other specialties.
As for Level 4. In addition,
specialises in
As for Level 4. In addition,
respiratory/ventilator care
staff with training in
5 and accepts patients from As for Level 4. 4 4 4 4 5 4 4
respiratory/ventilator care
intensive care units.
Provide advanced
psychosocial assessment.
As for Level 5. In addition,
6 As for Level 5. access to multidisciplinary As for Level 5. 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
pain management service.

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Nuc Med
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Neurology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Management and appropriate Access to specialist support Medical or nurse
referral by medical or nurse and advice (may include practitioner available
practitioner. telehealth). Physician consultation
Provide limited outpatient Access to emergency patient available (may include
service. transport service to facilitate telehealth).
escalation of care and patient Allied health professionals
transfer when required. available.
2 Access to allied health 1 1 1 1
services in line with casemix
and clinical load.
Access to limited outreach
Access to community health
services. Access to health
education services.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
provide basic neurology consultation available from physician appointed,
service, including assessment other specialties. preferably with an
of patients with stroke, initial Access to computed interest/experience in
assessment of new neurology tomography (CT) scanning neurology.
3 symptoms (adult and during business hours. Neurologist available for 3 3 3 3 2 2
paediatric) and management consultation (may include
of stable chronic neurological telehealth).
disease, in partnership with Medical officer available 24
specialists from a higher level hours (may be on call).

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Neurology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Referral and management Allied health professionals

primarily by a physician. available (e.g.
May provide support and care physiotherapist,
to stable neurology patients. occupational therapist,
social worker, speech
pathologist, and/or
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, 24 As for Level 3. In addition,
provide local support and care hour access to CT scanning. physician available 24
to stable neurology patients. If providing AST, 24 hour hours.
May have stroke service/unit. access to specialist Medical officer with three
May provide acute stroke neurologist consultation. or more postgraduate
thrombolysis (AST) where Access to Level 4 years of experience.
network with acute rehabilitation service. Medical officer on-site 24
4 thrombolysis service is in Allied health services on-site hours. 4 4 4 4 4 4
place. in line with casemix and Allied health professionals
clinical load. on-site (e.g. speech
Access to adult and therapist for swallow
paediatric assessment).
(EEG) during business hours
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide wide range of clinical specialty services on- neurologist available 24
neurology services and site for consultation. hours.
5 manage acute neurological Stroke unit. Neurosurgeon available for 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
conditions. EEG available on-site. consultation 24 hours.
Provide AST. Allied health services Medical officer with three
including extended hours or more postgraduate

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Neurology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provide neurology outpatient access, in line with casemix years of experience on call
service on-site or via local and clinical load. 24 hours. May have
specialist/s. Access to electromyography medical officer in
May provide neurosurgical (EMG), nerve conduction, neurology with three or
outpatient service. and evoked responses more postgraduate years
diagnostic services. of experience.
Access to magnetic Allied health professionals
resonance imaging (MRI). (e.g. speech therapist,
Adult Level 5 neurosurgery physiotherapist, social
service on-site, with 24 hour worker, occupational
consultation available. therapist, and/or dietitian).
Access to subacute services Allied health
(e.g. rehabilitation, geriatrics, professionals/team with
palliative care, pain specific skills in neurology
management). available.
Access to early home care
and nursing.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
manage full range of department of neurology. medical head of service.
neurological presentations Neurology beds (additional to Neuroradiologist available.
including complex cases. stroke unit). Medical officer in
Provide specialised surgical EEG service available 24 neurology with three or
(e.g. carotid artery angioplasty hours. Interventional more postgraduate years
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
and/or stenting; neuroradiology available 24 of experience.
thrombectomy) and medical hours if thrombectomy Medical officer with three
(e.g. AST) stroke provided. Access to other or more postgraduate
interventions. specialities (e.g. years of experience on-site
Provide specialty outpatient neurosurgery, interventional 24 hours.
clinics. neuroradiology, neuro-

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Neurology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

May have regional role (e.g. immunology, neurogenetics,

complex epilepsy, deep brain neuropsychiatry).
stimulation). Access to angiography.
Access to positron emission
tomography (PET) service.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Oncology – Medication


Nuc Med
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Oncology – Medical Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provide low risk oral Resuscitation trolley and Medical or nurse
chemotherapy service as part automatic defibrillation practitioner available.
of shared care model between available within the unit. Medical oncologist
general practitioner and Level On-site access to a clinician available for consultation
4 (or higher) medical oncology with Advanced Life Support (may include telehealth).
2 service. (ALS) training. 1 2
Provide non-admitted low risk Access to oncology-specific
intravenous chemotherapy pharmacy service for drug
service. compounding and clinical
Care managed by medical advice (may be external
oncologist pharmacy).
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
provide access to non- inpatient capacity. appropriately credentialled
admitted medium risk Consultation available from medical practitioner or
intravenous chemotherapy other clinical specialties. physician.
3 3 3 3
service. Access to radiation oncology May have visiting medical
May have visiting medical service. oncologist. Medical officer
oncologist outpatient clinics. available 24 hours (may be
on call).
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide multidisciplinary visiting radiation oncology medical oncologist
management of oncology clinics. appointed.
4 patients, including case Other specialties on-site for Physician available 24 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
conferences with radiation consultation such as hours.
oncologists and surgeons gastroenterology and Medical officer with three
respiratory medicine. or more postgraduate

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Oncology – Medical Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

(may include teleconference Cancer care coordination. years of experience.

participation). Allied health services on-site. Medical officer on-site 24
Medical oncology outpatient Access to familial cancer hours.
clinics available. service. Allied health professionals
Access to Level 4 on-site (e.g. dietitian,
rehabilitation service. social worker, speech
pathologist, psychologist).
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide high risk and admitted oncology beds available. medical oncologist
chemotherapy service. Palliative care outpatient available 24 hours (may be
Participate in clinical trials. clinic available. networked in rural/regional
Access to enteral nutrition areas). Medical officer in
service including follow-up medical oncology with
5 care, nutrition support three or more 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
(oral/enteral/parenteral) and postgraduate years of
equipment. experience.
May have access to PET. Allied health professionals
May have pain clinic. with specific skills in
oncology such as speech
pathologist and dietitian.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide comprehensive oncology department. medical officers with three
cancer service with defined Radiation oncology service or more postgraduate
specialised multidisciplinary readily available, preferably years of experience on-site
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
teams (e.g. melanoma, breast onsite. 24 hours.
cancer, lung cancer, Access to clinical genetics Oncology pharmacist on-
colorectal cancer, service. site.
gynaecological cancer).

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Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Oncology – Medical Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Paediatric service provided by

specialist children’s hospital.
May provide familial cancer
service. Undertake clinical

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 75
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Oncology - Radiation


Nuc Med
Med Img

Oncology – Radiation Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Service Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
3 No Level 3 service. Refer to higher level.
Consultative service only. Access to specialist support Visiting radiation oncologist,
No radiation oncology and advice (may include working in conjunction with
treatment facilities on-site. telehealth). a higher level cancer care
Consultative palliative care service.
service. Access to registered nursing
Access to allied health staff with relevant
services in line with casemix experience and training 24
4 and clinical load. hours. 2 2 2 3 2 2
Access to community nursing Allied health professionals
service. available such as social
worker, clinical psychologist,
speech pathologist,
occupational therapist,
dietitian and/or
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
part of a comprehensive access to specialised radiation oncologist on-site
cancer service providing radiotherapy services not for inpatient care. Medical
5 primarily non-inpatient available on-site (e.g. officer available 24 hours 5 5 5 5 4 4 4
services. radioactive iodine therapy, (may be on call).
Care is provided in a team stereotactic body radiation Radiation therapist on-site.
environment with training therapy (SBRT)) and positron Medical physicist on-site.

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KSA Health Facility
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Oncology – Radiation Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Service Description Requirements

and service development for emission tomography (PET). Allied health professionals
radiation oncology, radiation Minimum one dual mode on-site such as social
nursing and midwifery, linear accelerator on-site, with worker, clinical psychologist,
radiation therapy and intensity modulated radiation speech pathologist,
medical physics. therapy capability and occupational therapist,
ancillary devices (e.g. image dietitian and/or
guidance, immobilisation, physiotherapist.
dosimetry, quality assurance). Access to biomedical
Dedicated radiation oncology engineer or technician (on-
information system. or off-site).
Allied health services on-site
in line with casemix and
clinical load.
Access to simulation and
treatment planning on-site or
referral arrangement.
Access to inpatient beds (not
necessarily co-located with
the treatment facility). Access
to at least Level 4 medical
oncology service for
Access to oral and
maxillofacial surgery. Access
to home enteral nutrition
service, including follow-up
care, nutrition support (oral/
enteral/ parenteral) and

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 77
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Oncology – Radiation Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Service Description Requirements

equipment (e.g. feeding

pumps, giving sets, syringes).
Access to equipment for
completing nutritional
assessment, including
accurate medical grade weigh
scales and stadiometer.
Access to general
lymphoedema service.
Access to speech and
swallowing assessment
services. Communication
equipment (e.g. voice
restoration such as voice
prostheses, electro-larynx).
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide comprehensive minimum 2 linear accelerators clinical head of service.
multidisciplinary cancer onsite; at least one dual Radiation oncologist
service. mode. available 24 hours.
Provide 24 hour on call Oncology beds. Medical officer in radiation
service for radiation Clinical specialty services on- oncology with three or more
6 oncology simulation and site for consultation (e.g. postgraduate years of 6 6 6 6 5 5 5
treatment. medical oncology, ENT). experience.
Provide one or more CT-simulation, treatment Allied health professionals
subspecialty services (e.g. planning system and mould with specific skills in
brachytherapy, stereotactic room on-site. Specialist radiation oncology.
radiotherapy). lymphoedema service on-site.
Home enteral nutrition service

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 78
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Oncology – Radiation Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Service Description Requirements

Provide inpatient care co- on-site. Equipment for Biomedical engineer or

located with treatment completing nutritional technician on-site in
facility. assessment on-site, including business hours.
accurate medical grade weigh
scales and stadiometer.
Speech and swallowing
assessment services on-site
(e.g. modified barium
swallow, fibre optic
endoscopic evaluation of
Access to mechanical
workshop and biomedical
support facilities.

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 79
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Palliative Care


Nuc Med
Med Img

Palliative Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Generalist palliative care Access to palliative care Generalist clinician such as
service provided via community team for advice and support general practitioner or
health, primary care and private (may be via telehealth). primary health care nurse
care. Access to emergency available.
May provide patient support at patient transport service to May have allied health
home (may be via telephone). facilitate support when professionals available.
2 Access to pain 1 1 1 1 1
management service.
Access to bereavement
Access to pastoral care.
May have access to allied
health services in line with
casemix and clinical load.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
specialist palliative care access to medical medical practitioner with
services available (e.g. access oncology, radiation palliative medicine
to medical practitioner with oncology, mental health, qualification available.
palliative medicine qualification rehabilitation and surgical Access to registered
3 or palliative care nurse). services. nursing staff with relevant 2 2 2 3 2 2
Provide 24 hour patient support Allied health services in line experience and training 24
at home (may include with casemix and patient hours.
telephone support). load. Allied health professionals
available. May have allied
health professionals with

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 80
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Palliative Care Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

specific skills in palliative

care available.
As for Level 3. In addition, care As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provided by palliative care palliative care medical practitioner
multidisciplinary team, including multidisciplinary team. credentialled in palliative
medical practitioner medicine.
credentialled in palliative Allied health professionals
medicine. with specific skills in
4 Ambulatory palliative care palliative care available. 3 3 2 3 2 2
services (e.g. outpatient clinics)
Provide consultation service to
other specialties.
Provide inpatient care if
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide advanced psychosocial access to medical oncology medical officer with three or
assessment. service. more postgraduate years of
Access to radiation experience available 24
5 oncology service. hours. May have medical 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
officer in palliative medicine
with three or more
postgraduate years of
As for Level 5. In addition,
6 As for Level 5. access to multidisciplinary As for Level 5. 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
pain management service.

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KSA Health Facility
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
Med Img

Rehabilitation Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provide low complexity Access to emergency patient Medical or nurse
subacute rehabilitation, transport service. practitioner available.
ambulatory care (day, Each patient has Allied health professional
outpatient or community). documented, on or off site.
Rehabilitation plan may be interdisciplinary, coordinated
carried out by appropriately rehabilitation care plan and
qualified personnel directed by treatment program, including
clinician with expertise in person centred goals and
2 1 1
rehabilitation. specified timeframes.
May provide services for Involvement of patient,
patients with higher complexity carers and family in planning
needs, with outreach or rehabilitation services.
telehealth support. Access to allied health
May provide health education serviced.
service. Access to appropriate
rehabilitation equipment.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
patients are medically stable access to inpatient beds. medical officer available 24
with rehabilitation generally of Allied health services on-site hours (may be on call).
low-medium complexity (e.g. in line with casemix and Access to registered
reconditioning, general clinical load. nursing staff with relevant
3 1 2
orthopaedic). Therapy spaces on-site, experience and training 24
Provide inpatient care. appropriately equipped to hours.
Provide health education support rehabilitation care Allied health professionals
service. and programs delivered. on-site, such as social
worker, physiotherapist,

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 82
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Rehabilitation Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

May provide rehabilitation May have access to occupational therapist and

services for ongoing treatment prosthetics, rehabilitation speech therapist.
and review engineering and/or seating
May provide program or clinics.
rehabilitation case
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide rehabilitation services dedicated therapy spaces rehabilitation physician
for specific impairment groups such as therapy gym, appointed.
(e.g. geriatric, orthopaedic, activities of daily living areas May have medical officer in
stroke) with moderately (e.g. functional kitchen), rehabilitation medicine with
complex rehabilitation needs. hydrotherapy pool. three or more postgraduate
4 Inpatient programs delivered Access to prosthetics, years of experience. 3 2 3
minimum 5 days per week. rehabilitation engineering
Provide program or and seating clinics.
rehabilitation case Access to transitional unit, in
management. line with casemix.
Access to specialised
rehabilitation services.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide rehabilitation services inpatient rehabilitation unit medical head of service;
for patients with complex care located either in an acute may be a rehabilitation
needs, such as neurological, care facility or in a physician.
5 major trauma, brain injury, and standalone facility. Allied health professionals 3 3 4 3 3 3
spinal injury dysfunction. Network with an acute care with specific skills in
Provide daily individual and facility to facilitate patient rehabilitation.
group therapies. transfer for emergency,
critical and surgical care.

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 83
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Rehabilitation Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

May provide in-home Dedicated interdisciplinary

ambulatory rehabilitation teams.
service. Access to medical and
May provide specific surgical specialties for
rehabilitation programs (e.g. consultation, such as pain
amputee, chronic pain, management, plastic
Parkinson’s Disease, surgery.
lymphoedema). May provide Access to specialised
programs for living skills services such as spinal, brain
development and community injury, trauma and transplant
reintegration. rehabilitation.
May provide post-injury Access to mental health and
behaviour management drug and alcohol
intervention program. management services.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide rehabilitation services allied health services medical officer in
for patients with highly available extended hours in rehabilitation medicine with
complex needs, including line with casemix and clinical three or more postgraduate
specific programs (e.g. load (e.g. physiotherapy). years of experience on-
amputee, chronic pain, Interdisciplinary ambulatory site.
Parkinson’s Disease, services for referral, follow
6 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
lymphoedema). up, review and therapy.
Provide clinical and Appropriate setting for
professional advice to lower behaviour management
level services. intervention program.
May provide regional services
(e.g. transplant, brain injury,
spinal injury dysfunction).

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 84
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Rehabilitation Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provide in-reach/consultation
service to acute care facilities.
Provide programs for living
skills development and
community reintegration.
Provide post-injury behaviour
management intervention

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 85
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Renal Medicine


Nuc Med
Med Img

Renal Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provide local support and care to Access to specialist Medical practitioner, nurse
renal patients. support and advice (may practitioner, renal clinical
Provide dialysis facility for self- include telehealth). nurse consultant, renal
managing home dialysis patients Access to emergency clinical nurse specialist or
if considered clinically patient transport services. registered nurse with
appropriate by their nephrologist. Access to allied health appropriate skills and
2 1 1 1 1 1
Provide dialysis facility for those services in line with patient experience available.
who are medically stable but load and casemix. Access to registered
require nurse assistance with Access to renal supportive nursing staff with relevant
dialysis. care. experience and training.
Allied health professionals
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
manage up to stage 4 chronic access to consultation physician available.
kidney disease (CKD); selected, from other specialties (e.g. Nephrologist consultation
stable end stage kidney disease endocrinology, cardiology, available on-site or via
(ESKD); and acute kidney injury vascular surgery). telehealth.
(AKI). Access to vascular access Medical officer available
Care provided by physician in service. 24 hours (may be on call).
3 3 3 3 3 2 2
consultation with other Access to pre-dialysis Allied health professionals
specialists. education. available (e.g. dietitian,
May provide access to satellite social worker,
haemodialysis centre under physiotherapist,
supervision of trained nursing occupational therapist,
staff for stable and self-care speech pathologist).
dialysis patients, with care

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 86
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Renal Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

managed through formal network

arrangement with a higher level
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
manage broader range of renal access to a larger renal nephrologist available for
disease in less stable patients unit for in-centre on-site consultation for
than Level 3. haemodialysis. dialysis patients admitted
Care provided by nephrologist or Allied health services on- with an acute illness.
with nephrologist consultation via site, in line with casemix Medical officer on-site 24
formal networked arrangements. and clinical load. hours.
Provide access to satellite Allied health professionals
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
haemodialysis centre under the on-site (e.g. dietitian,
supervision of trained nursing social worker,
staff. physiotherapist,
May admit patients on peritoneal occupational therapist,
dialysis if trained nursing staff speech pathologist,
available for peritoneal dialysis podiatrist).
exchanges 24 hours a day
(including weekends).
As for Level 4. In addition, may As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
admit patients on all types of in-centre haemodialysis medical officer with three
dialysis. unit with nursing staff or more postgraduate
Provide both peritoneal dialysis trained to conduct years of experience on-
and haemodialysis to inpatients. peritoneal dialysis site 24 hours.
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Provide initiation of dialysis. exchange 24 hours
Provide access to home training (including weekends).
for haemodialysis and peritoneal Access to renal pathology
dialysis (may be via networked service (Light Microscopy
(LM), Immunofluorescence

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 87
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Renal Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

arrangement). Provide renal (IF), Electron Microscopy

biopsy. (EM).
Provide general renal and Access to home dialysis
transplant clinics. service.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide consultative service for nephrology department. medical head of service.
patients with complex conditions May have dedicated renal Medical officer in
in multidisciplinary setting within beds. nephrology with three or
the hospital (e.g. intensive care, more postgraduate years
coronary care, surgical service) of experience available in
and on referral from lower level business hours.
services. Provide home training After hours on call nursing
6 6 5 6 5 6 6 6
for haemodialysis and peritoneal and medical staffing to
dialysis. support dialysis service.
Provide home dialysis outreach
service. May have regional role
(e.g. home dialysis training;
transplantation unit).
May provide specialised renal
supportive care service.

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 88
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Respiratory & Sleep Medicine


Nuc Med
Med Img

Respiratory & Sleep
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Medicine Service Workforce

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Management and appropriate Access to emergency Medical practitioner, nurse
referral by a medical patient transport to facilitate practitioner or registered
practitioner or nurse support when required. nurse supported by
practitioner. Access to respiratory respiratory service.
May provide respiratory diagnostic services such as Access to registered nursing
rehabilitation program. spirometry and oxygen staff with relevant
saturation measurement. experience and training.
Access to respiratory health Physician consultation
2 education programs such as available (may include 1 1 1 1 1
smoking cessation and telehealth).
general lifestyle advice on Allied health professionals
sleep hygiene. such as physiotherapist
Access to Level 2 radiology available.
service desirable.
Access to allied health
services in line with casemix
and clinical load.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
basic inpatient respiratory referral pathways to appropriately credentialled
medicine service provided by respiratory and sleep medical practitioner or
medical practitioner or medicine specialists. physician. Medical officer
3 3 3 3 3 2 2
physician. Blood gas analysis on-site. available 24 hours (may be
May provide acute ambulatory on call).
care service. Allied health professionals

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 89
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Respiratory & Sleep
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Medicine Service Workforce

As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,

manage haemodynamically access to home care and physician available 24
stable adult patients with nursing. hours.
respiratory conditions Allied health services on- Medical officer with three or
requiring close observation site in line with casemix and more postgraduate years of
including non-invasive clinical load. experience.
ventilation, but not patients Access to other specialties Medical officer on-site 24
who are haemodyamically for consultation (e.g. hours.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
unstable or require inotropic infectious diseases, Allied health professionals
support or intubation. immunology, medical on-site, (e.g.
Provide a respiratory oncology). physiotherapist,
rehabilitation service. occupational therapist,
May provide diagnostic social worker, speech
bronchoscopy service. pathologist, dietitian, clinical
May provide respiratory psychologist).
outpatient services.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
manage haemodynamically clinical specialty services respiratory medicine
unstable adult patients with on-site for consultation. physician, sleep medicine
respiratory conditions Extended hours access to physician or dual trained
requiring close observation, physiotherapy services in general
including non-invasive line with casemix and physician/respiratory
5 ventilation. clinical load. physician available. 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
Provide respiratory Level 5 cardiology service Medical officer with three or
ambulatory care service with available on-site or via more postgraduate years of
nursing outreach under referral arrangement. experience on-site 24 hours.
medical supervision. Level 5 cardiothoracic May have medical officer in
May provide access to sleep surgery available on-site or respiratory or sleep
investigation service. via referral arrangement. medicine with three or more

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 90
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Respiratory & Sleep
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Medicine Service Workforce

May provide access to lung Access to subacute postgraduate years of

function laboratory. services, palliative care and experience.
May provide tuberculosis community health services,
clinic. in particular community
May have a department of
respiratory and sleep
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide sleep investigation specialty services available clinical head of service.
and management service on-site include ENT surgery, Medical officer in respiratory
including positive airway thoracic surgery, or sleep medicine with three
pressure, oral appliances, endocrinology, psychiatry or more postgraduate years
upper airway surgery, and dental services. of experience.
positional therapy and weight Respiratory medicine beds.
loss support, either directly or Dedicated acute care
by referral. monitoring area. Respiratory
Provide diagnostic and sleep medicine
6 bronchoscopy service and department. 5 5 5 4 5 6 6
interventional respiratory Respiratory function
procedures. laboratory.
Provide pleural disease
management service.
Provide respiratory
ambulatory care service with a
multidisciplinary team under
specialist medical supervision
for interval care, acute
episodes and post-acute care.

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 91
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Respiratory & Sleep
Infrastructure & Service



RDL Medicine Service Workforce

Provide home delivered

ventilation service, respiratory
outpatient services, sleep
outpatient services,
tuberculosis clinic.
Paediatric services provided
by specialist children’s
May have regional role.

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 92
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
Med Img

Rheumatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Management and appropriate Access to emergency Medical or nurse practitioner
referral by medical or nurse patient transport service to available.
practitioner. facilitate escalation of care Access to registered nursing
2 Provide patient health and patient transfer staff with relevant 1 1 1 1
education. Access to allied health experience and training.
services in line with casemix Allied health professionals
and clinical load. available.
3 As for Level 2. As for Level 2. As for Level 2.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
basic musculoskeletal access to Level 4 physician and/or
medicine service provided by rehabilitation service. paediatrician with an interest
physician and/or paediatrician Consultation available from in rheumatology and/or
with interest in rheumatology other clinical specialties visiting rheumatologist
(e.g. initial adult and/or (e.g. orthopaedics, locally available. Physician
paediatric assessment; cardiology, respiratory and/or paediatrician
management of acute and medicine, endocrinology). available 24 hours.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
chronic rheumatology Allied health services on-site Medical officer with three or
disease) in line with casemix and more postgraduate years of
May provide local support and clinical load. experience. Medical officer
care to rheumatology patients Access to pain management on-site 24 hours.
as part of general community service. Allied health professional
outreach service. May have access to on-site (e.g. physiotherapist,
ambulatory infusion service. occupational therapist,
social worker).

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 93
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Rheumatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,

service provided by clinical specialty services rheumatologist and/or
rheumatologists and/or on-site for consultation. paediatric rheumatologist
paediatric rheumatologists to Access to rehabilitation appointed.
manage a range of service. Medical officer with three or
5 presentations, including some Access to ambulatory more postgraduate years of 4 5 4 4 4 4 4
complex cases. infusion service. experience on-site 24 hours.
Provide inpatient consultative Access to home care and Allied health professionals
service to other specialties. nursing, physiotherapy, with specific skills in
Provide outpatient clinic occupational therapy. musculoskeletal conditions.
and/or ambulatory service. Access to DEXA scan.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide coordinated department of clinical head of service.
multidisciplinary team care of rheumatology. Rheumatologist available 24
rheumatology patients. Rheumatology beds. hours. Medical officer in
Provide consultative Access to relevant rheumatology with three or
rheumatology service to specialties for consultation more postgraduate years of
patients with complex and multidisciplinary clinics, experience.
conditions in multidisciplinary including orthopaedic May have osteoporosis
setting. surgery, endocrinology, fracture prevention liaison
6 5 5 6 5 5 5 5
Provide outpatient vascular surgery, coordinator.
clinic/ambulatory services dermatology, immunology, May have exercise
including rapid access clinic respiratory medicine, renal physiologist and/or
for acute rheumatology medicine, pain medicine, psychologist.
conditions. neurology, haematology,
Provide ambulatory infusion ophthalmology and spinal
service. surgery.
Paediatric service provided by Interventional radiology,
specialist children’s hospital. DEXA, MRI, ultrasound and

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KSA Health Facility
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Rheumatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

May have regional role such nuclear medicine access on-

as expertise in specific site.
disorder. May have positron emission
May provide biologic therapy. tomography (PET).

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KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 95
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Part C: Surgery


Nuc Med
Med Img

Burns Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Manage minor burns not Access to wound Appropriately credentialled
requiring surgical management service. medical practitioner.
intervention (<5% of total Access to pain Allied health professionals
body surface area) management service. available such as
2 1 1 1 1
Provide ambulatory care Access to allied health physiotherapist and occupational
burns service. services in line with therapist
casemix and clinical load.

As for Level 2. In As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, access

addition, continuing I.V. fluid therapy available. to specialist (may be via
service by general Access to consultation telehealth)
surgeon for partial with plastic surgical
thickness burns services
estimated at <18% total
3 3 3 3 3 3
body surface area and full
thickness burns of <10%
total body surface area,
or any other burns not
defined for referral to high
level unit.
As for Level 3. In As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
4 addition, may admit on-site allied health appropriately credentialled 4 4 4 4 4 4

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Burns Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

patients for pain services in line with Medical officer available 24 hours.
management. casemix and clinical load. Allied health professionals on-site.
Access to general
rehabilitation service.
Access to scar
management service.
Access to consultation-
liaison psychiatry.
5 As for Level 4. As for Level 4. As for Level 4. 5 5 5 5 5 5
As for Level 5. In As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, clinical
addition, provide a clinical specialty services head of service with relevant
comprehensive regional on-site with consultation clinical experience.
service, including inter- available, such as plastic Renal and emergency medicine
hospital transfer for major surgery, ophthalmology, consultants available 24 hours.
and severe burns pain management, Medical officer in surgery with
patients. palliative care. three or more postgraduate years
Ambulatory burns clinic Dedicated burn operating of experience on call 24 hours
for referrals, including suite sessions/lists. Registered nursing equivalent 16
wound management. Dedicated inpatient beds. hours/patient/day (1:1.3) desirable
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
Provide burns specific Provide support to lower or according to dependency of
health education. level services (may patient. Specialist clinical nurse
include telehealth), desirable.
including clinical advice Allied health professionals
and professional including dietitian, occupational
development support. therapist, orthotist/prosthetist,
Access to comprehensive physiotherapist, psychologist, and
rehabilitation service. speech pathologist. May have
Access to dental service. specific skills in

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Cardiothoracic Surgery


Nuc Med
Med Img

Cardiothoracic Surgery Service Infrastructure &



RDL Workforce
Description Service Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
3 No Level 3 service. Refer to higher level.
4 No Level 4 service. Refer to higher level.
Provide Major* and selected Department of Clinical head of service.
Complex Major* cardiac and cardiothoracic surgery. Cardiothoracic surgeons
thoracic surgical procedures on Clinical specialty appointed.
ASA 1 to 5^ patients. services on-site for Cardiothoracic/thoracic
Provide elective cardiothoracic consultation (e.g. anaesthetists on-site.
procedures (e.g. pacemaker vascular surgery, upper Other specialist surgeons
insertion) and elective and gastrointestinal on-site.
emergency thoracic procedures surgery). Medical officer in general
(e.g. lung resection) that do not Access to surgery with three or more
require cardiopulmonary bypass. comprehensive postgraduate years of
5 rehabilitation service. experience on call 24 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Allied health services hours.
on-site in line with Medical officer on-site 24
casemix and clinical hours.
load. May have medical officer in
Extended hours access cardiothoracic surgery with
to physiotherapy three or more postgraduate
services in line with years of experience.
casemix and clinical Allied health professionals
load. on-site such as

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Cardiothoracic Surgery Service Infrastructure &



RDL Workforce
Description Service Requirements

Link with palliative care occupational therapist,

service. social worker and dietitian.
Physiotherapist available
extended hours (may be on
As for Level 5. In addition, provide As for Level 5. In As for Level 5. In addition,
Complex Major* cardiac and addition, preferable medical officers in
thoracic surgical procedures for all minimum activity of 300 cardiothoracic surgery with
levels of patient open heart (heart-lung three or more postgraduate
risk^. bypass) cases per year years of experience on call
Cardiopulmonary bypass regularly and total of 900 to 1,000 24 hours
performed. cardiac surgery cases
Manage highly complex diagnostic per year is desirable.
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
and treatment procedures (e.g.
Type A aortic dissection, massive
thoracoabdominal aneurysm, renal
tumour with inferior vena caval
involvement) in association with
other specialties (e.g. vascular
surgery, upper gastrointestinal
surgery, urology).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Day Surgery


Nuc Med
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Day Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Minor diagnostic and Where unit is free-standing, Credentialled medical
therapeutic procedures on emergency back-up is practitioner and registered
ASA 1 patients. provided by nearby nurse available.
Procedures restricted to hospital. General surgeon available for
those requiring local Procedure room or day consultation (may include
anaesthesia (excluding surgery theatre. May have telehealth).
spinal, epidural or regional access to allied health May have allied health
2 blocks) or I.V. sedation. services in line with professionals available. 1 1 1 2 2
Endoscopies not requiring casemix and clinical load.
general anaesthesia Uses appropriate
included. preoperative
patient screening and
selection processes and
discharge criteria and
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
provide Common and at least one surgeon credentialled in
Intermediate surgical operating/procedure room general surgery.
procedures on ASA 1 and 2^ with separate recovery Medical officer available 24
patients. area/room for post- hours (may be on call).
3 Provide Minor surgical operative care Allied health professionals 3 3 3 3 2 3
procedures on ASA 2 and 3 Consultation available from available.
patients. other clinical specialties
Diagnostic and therapeutic (may include telehealth).
procedures requiring general
or regional anaesthesia.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
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Day Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Access to allied health

services in line with
casemix and clinical load.
As Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
Common and Intermediate more than one theatre. Nurse Unit Manager
surgical procedures Formal quality assurance available.
4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4
performed on ASA 3 patients program(4). Allied health professionals
by Specialist Surgeons or on-site.
Medical Practitioners
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
Minor, Common and consultation available from Specialist Surgeons and
Intermediate surgical other specialties. Access to Specialist Anaesthetists.
procedures performed on allied health professionals. Paediatric-experienced allied
ASA 1 through to 4. health practitioners available.
Procedures on children aged
5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
12 months to 4 years
performed by General
Surgeon accredited in
paediatric surgery and
anaesthesia performed by
Paediatric Anaesthetist.
6 As for Level 5 service.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery


Nuc Med
Med Img

Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Service Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
Provide Minor* day surgical At least one Otolaryngologist-head and
procedures on ASA 1 and 2^ operating/procedure room neck (ENT) surgeon
patients. with separate recovery appointed (can be visiting)
area/room for post-operative Allied health professionals
care. available, including
Access to audiology service audiologist
(on- or off-site).
3 2 3 3 3
Operative microscope
available for insertion of
tympanostomy or ventilation
tubes (‘grommet surgery’).
Access to allied health
services in line with casemix
and clinical load.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
regularly provide Common access to blood for ENT surgeon available 24
and Intermediate* and transfusion. hours.
selected Major* surgical Designated acute surgical Medical officer available 24
procedures on ASA 1, 2 and inpatient unit. hours.
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
3^ patients. Consultation available from Nursing personnel with
Overnight patient admissions. other specialties (may appropriate post graduate
include telehealth). qualifications/experience in
perioperative and
postoperative nursing

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Ear, Nose & Throat Surgery Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Service Description Requirements

Access to allied health

professionals including
dietitians, and speech
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide Major* surgical clinical specialty services on- medical officer in general
procedures on ASA 1 to 4^ site for consultation. surgery with three or more
5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
patients. ENT endoscopic equipment. postgraduate years of
Access to nerve intensity experience on call 24 hours.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide full range of Complex department of ENT. clinical head of service.
Major* surgical procedures Provide support for lower Medical officer in ENT with
for all levels of patient risk^. level services, three or more postgraduate
Paediatric service provided including clinical advice and years of experience on call
by specialist children’s professional development 24 hours.
hospital. support. Allied health professionals
May participate in Level 6 neurosurgery on-site including audiologist,
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
multidisciplinary teams with for skull base procedures. speech pathologist, social
other specialties (e.g. cancer Allied health services on-site worker, occupational
multidisciplinary teams). in line with casemix and therapist, dietitian,
May perform skull base clinical load. physiotherapist and
procedures. Access to medical oncology, psychologist.
May have regional role in radiotherapy, palliative care,
specific field neurology, neurosurgery and
plastic surgery services.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

General Surgery


Nuc Med
Med Img

General Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provide procedures requiring Procedure room or day Appropriately credentialled
analgesia and/or conscious surgery theatre. May have medical practitioner.
sedation (excludes general access to allied health General surgeon available
anaesthesia). services in line with casemix for
2 1 2 2 2 2
Provide Minor* surgical and clinical load. consultation (may include
procedures on ASA 1 and 2^ telehealth).
patients. May have allied health
professionals available.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, at As for Level 2. In addition,
provide Common and least one surgeon credentialled in
Intermediate* and selected operating/procedure room general surgery.
Major* surgical procedures with separate recovery Medical officer available 24
on ASA 1 and 2^ patients. area/room for post-operative hours (may be on call).
Provide Minor surgical care Allied health professionals
3 3 2 3 3 3 3
procedures on ASA 3^ and Consultation available from available.
some ASA 4^ patients. other clinical specialties (may
include telehealth).
Access to allied health
services in line with casemix
and clinical load.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide Major* surgical more than one theatre. surgeon credentialled in
procedures on ASA 1 and 2^ Access to rehabilitation, general surgery available 24
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
patients. medical oncology, hours.
Provide Common and radiotherapy and palliative Allied health professionals
Intermediate* surgical care services. on-site such as

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

General Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

procedures on ASA 3 and Allied health services on-site physiotherapist,

ASA 4^ patients. in line with casemix and occupational therapist,
Provide appropriate care for clinical load. speech therapist, social
ASA 5 and 6^ patients. Access to cancer worker
Models of care in place to multidisciplinary teams. and dietitian.
separately address Access to services that
emergency and elective support early discharge from
surgery. surgical procedures, such as
home care, ambulatory care
services and community
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide selected Complex department of general clinical head of service.
Major* surgical procedures surgery. Medical officer in general
on ASA 1 and 2^ patients. Clinical specialty services surgery with three or more
Provide Major* surgical on-site for consultation. postgraduate years of
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
procedures on ASA 3 to 5^ Access to Level 6 nuclear experience on call 24 hours
patients. medicine service for Positron
Participate in multidisciplinary Emission Tomography
teams (e.g. cancer, (PET); may be on an
orthopaedic, cardiac). outpatient basis.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Complex Major* most clinical specialties on- medical officer in general
6 surgical procedures for all site; may include surgery with three or more 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
levels of patient risk^. neurosurgery and/or postgraduate years of
May have regional role. cardiothoracic surgery. experience on-site 24 hours

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
Med Img

Gynaecology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provide Minor* gynaecological Procedure room or day Access to gynaecologist
procedures on ASA 1 and 2^ surgery theatre. There are visiting, via telehealth or via
patients. no inpatient services teleconference.
provided at this level.
2 1 2 2 2 2
Access to visiting outreach
service that provides clinic-
based office gynaecological
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
provide Common and at least one visiting obstetrician and
Intermediate* gynaecological operating/procedure room gynaecologist and on-call if
procedures on ASA 1, 2 and 3^ with separate recovery required.
3 patients. area/room for post- Allied health professionals 2 2 3 3 3 3
Provide selected Major* operative care. available.
gynaecological procedures on Access to allied health
ASA 1 and 2^ patients. services in line with
casemix and clinical load.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide Major* gynaecological surgical specialties obstetrician and
procedures on ASA 1 and 2^ available for consultation. gynaecologist credentialled
patients. Models of care in Allied health services on- in gynaecology available 24
4 place to separately address site in line with casemix hours. 4 4 4 4 4 4
emergency and elective and clinical load. Allied health professionals
surgery. on-site.
May provide outpatient and/or Nursing staff with
ambulatory care services. appropriate post graduate

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Gynaecology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

qualifications and/or
experience in perioperative
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide Major* gynaecological department of obstetrics clinical head of service.
procedures on ASA 3 to 5^ and gynaecology. Medical officer in obstetrics
patients. Inpatient surgical beds for and gynaecology with three
gynaecology patients. or more postgraduate years
Clinical specialty services of experience on call 24
5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
on-site for consultation hours.
Nursing staff with
appropriate post graduate
qualifications and/or
experience in
gynaecological nursing
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Complex Major* dedicated women's health gynaecological
gynaecological procedures for ward. subspecialists available 24
all levels of patient risk^. hours.
Provide multidisciplinary Medical officers in
management of gynaecological gynaecological
malignancy including subspecialties with three or
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
chemotherapy and more postgraduate years of
radiotherapy. experience.
May provide specialised
services such as reproductive
endocrinology and infertility.
May provide gynaecological
care for neonatal, paediatric

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Nuc Med
Med Img

Gynaecology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

and adolescent patients in

conjunction with networked
paediatric and adult hospitals.
May have regional role in a
specific field.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
Med Img

Neurosurgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
3 No Level 3 service. Refer to higher level.
Management of minor head Operating room equipment Neurosurgical consultation
injuries by general surgeon. adequate for emergency available (may be via
4 neurosurgery. telehealth). 4 4 5 3 3 4 4
Access to general
rehabilitation services.
Provide Common and Dedicated neurosurgical Neurosurgeon available 24
Intermediate* and selected beds. hours.
Major* neurosurgical Modern neurosurgical Neurosurgical anaesthetist
procedures on ASA 1 to 5^ microscope and surgical available 24 hours.
patients. navigation system in line Medical officer in surgery
Models of care in place to with complexity of with three or more
separately address emergency neurosurgery undertaken. postgraduate years of
and elective surgery. 24 hour access to experience on call 24 hours.
Computed Tomography May have medical officer in
5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
(CT) and Magnetic neurosurgery with three or
Resonance Imaging (MRI). more postgraduate years of
Access to specialised experience.
rehabilitation Medical officer on-site 24
services. hours.
Clinical specialty services Nursing staff with
on-site for consultation. appropriate post graduate
Allied health services with qualifications and/or
extended hours access on-

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Neurosurgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

site In line with casemix and experience in neurosurgical

clinical load. nursing.
Access to services that Allied health professionals
support early discharge on-site such as
from surgical procedures, physiotherapist,
such as home care, occupational therapist,
ambulatory care services social worker and dietitian.
and community nursing.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Major* and Complex department of neurosurgery. clinical head of service.
Major* neurosurgical Neurosurgical intensive care Medical officer in
procedures for all levels of capacity. neurosurgery with three or
patient 24 hour access to more postgraduate years of
risk^. interventional experience on call 24 hours.
6 May participate in neuroradiology (INR) Allied health professionals 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
multidisciplinary teams with service. with specific skills in
other specialties such as May have neurosurgical neurosurgery.
neurology, plastic surgery and close observation unit
orthopaedic surgery.
May have regional role in a
specific field.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
Med Img

Ophthalmology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provide minor extra ocular Procedure room or day Appointed ophthalmologist.
diagnostic and therapeutic surgery theatre. Allied health professionals
procedures under local Slit lamp, ophthalmic available such as orthoptist.
anaesthesia and/or conscious operating microscope and
sedation (excludes general relevant ophthalmic surgical
anaesthesia). For example, slit instruments.
lamp examination, removal of Phacoemulsification
2 superficial corneal foreign (‘phaco’) machine. 2 2 2 2 2
body. Access to outpatient service.
Provide Minor* and Common Access to allied health
and Intermediate* ophthalmic services in line with
procedures on ASA 1, 2 and3^ casemix and clinical load.
Provide referral and after care
as required
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. As for Level 2. In addition,
3 provides overnight admission. medical officer available 24 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 As for Level 3. As for Level 3. As for Level 3. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide Major* ophthalmic operating room with medical officer in
procedures on ASA 1 to 4^ ophthalmic equipment (e.g. ophthalmology with three or
5 patients. laser). more postgraduate years of 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Provide outpatient services Clinical specialty services experience on
with ophthalmic equipment on-site for consultation, such call 24 hours.
available, preferably on-site.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
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Ophthalmology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

as plastic surgery, Allied health professionals

neurosurgery, neurology. available such as
psychologist, social worker
and occupational therapist.
Orthoptist, preferably on-
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Complex Major* department of clinical head of service.
ophthalmic procedures for all ophthalmology. Ophthalmologist available
levels of patient risk^. Access to Level 5 radiation 24 hours.
May operate in association oncology service. Orthoptist on-site.
with other specialties (e.g. Level 6 neurosurgery on-site
cancer and trauma for oculo-plastic procedures.
6 multidisciplinary teams). 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
May provide oculo-plastic
Ability to accept referrals for
complex cases from lower
level services
May have regional role in a
specific field.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Oral Health/Dentistry


Nuc Med
Med Img

Oral Health/Dentistry Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

A level 1 service is provided by

non-oral health professionals
1 that are trained to identify
disease and refer to a Level 2
General oral health care Minimum of one dental chair Dental practitioners (e.g.
provided by visiting dental fixed dental operating dentist, oral health
service to children and/or equipment. therapist, hygienist)
adults. Access to dental x-ray
Fixed site (standalone or part service.
2 1 1 1 1 1
of another facility) or fully
equipped mobile dental clinic.
Provide consultation and
treatment services to
outpatients and/or inpatients.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. As for Level 2.
regular clinic providing Access to complex dental
3 1 1 1 1 1
selected Minor* dental imaging and dental
procedures. laboratory.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide some specialised level access to general dentist with specialised
of oral health care (e.g. anaesthesia (may be off- experience or specialist
orthodontic services, fixed site). dental practitioner.
4 1 1 1 1 1
prosthodontics). Dental suite with two or Dental prosthetist
Provide Minor* dental more dental chairs. available.
procedures. Access to inhalational
sedation (nitrous oxide).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Oral Health/Dentistry Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Access to designated
surgical inpatient beds.
Access to maxilla-facial
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide a range of specialist clinical specialty services dental technician available.
oral health care. on-site for consultation. Dentist available 24 hours.
Provide Common and On-site cone beam On-site facio-maxillary
Intermediate* dental computed tomography and surgeon
5 procedures. orthopantomogram (OPG). Nursing staff with 3 2 4 3 3 3
Provide networked support to Access to dental laboratory appropriate post graduate
lower level services. providing both fixed and qualifications and/or
removable prosthetics. experience in perioperative
On-site maxilla-facial and post-operative nursing.
As for Level 5. In addition, 24 As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
hour service available. department of oral health. clinical head of service.
Provide Major* dental Intravenous sedation service
procedures. available.
Provide a comprehensive Access to allied health
6 range of specialist dental services (e.g. speech 4 4 4 4 4 4
services. therapy and dietetics) in line
Participate in multidisciplinary with casemix and clinical
dental and medical teams to load.
provide dental procedures.
Provide referral service.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
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Orthopaedics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provides minor reduction of Treatment rooms with Medical practitioner.
fractures performed on low- plaster equipment May have plaster technician
risk patients by a registered Access to advice from
2 1 1 2 3 2 2
medical practitioner or visiting specialist orthopaedic
general surgeon with specialists
experience in orthopaedics.
Provide Minor* and Common Power drills, power saws Orthopaedic surgeon in
and Intermediate* and theatre x-ray available. attendance as required.
orthopaedic procedures on Consultation available from Medical officer available 24
ASA 1, 2 and 3^ patients. other clinical specialties, hours (may be on call).
such as general and acute Allied health professionals
medicine, geriatric medicine, including physiotherapist
3 3 2 3 4 3 3
rehabilitation available.
(may include telehealth).
Access to fracture clinic.
Access to allied health
services in line with casemix
and clinical load.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide selected Major* access to general orthopaedic surgeon
orthopaedic procedures on rehabilitation service. available 24 hours.
ASA 1, 2 and 3^ patients Medical officer and/or
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
orthopaedic medical officer
with three or more
postgraduate years of

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
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Orthopaedics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Allied health professionals

including occupational
therapist, dietitian, social
worker, podiatrist and
orthotist available.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide full range of Major* specialty services on-site orthopaedic medical officer
orthopaedic procedures on with consultation available, with three or more
ASA 1 to 5^ patients. including general and acute postgraduate years of
medicine, experience on
geriatric medicine, call 24 hours.
neurology, vascular surgery, Allied health professionals
5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
plastic surgery. on-site.
Orthogeriatrics service. Physiotherapist with specific
Allied health services on-site orthopaedic experience.
in line with casemix and Nursing staff with
clinical load. appropriate orthopaedic
post graduate qualifications
and/or experience
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Complex Major* department of orthopaedics. clinical head of service.
orthopaedic procedures for all Access to specialised
levels of patient risk^. rehabilitation service.
May operate in association Access to medical oncology,
6 with other specialties, such as radiotherapy and palliative 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
cancer and trauma care services.
multidisciplinary teams.
May have regional role in a
specific field (e.g. hand
surgery, spinal surgery).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Plastic Surgery


Nuc Med
Med Img

Plastic Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
A Level 3 service provides At least one Perioperative trained
minor plastic and operating/procedure room nursing staff.
reconstructive surgery with separate recovery Medical practitioner
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
outpatients and same day area/room for post-operative available 24 hours, on call.
procedures by a visiting plastic care. Access to some allied
surgeon IV fluid therapy available. health services.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide Minor*, Common and designated acute surgical plastic surgeon available
Intermediate*, and selected inpatient unit with 24 hours.
Major* plastic surgical appropriately trained surgical Allied health professionals
procedures on ASA 1, 2, 3 and specialist nursing staff. available.
selected 4^ patients. Access to allied health
services in line with
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
casemix and clinical load.
Access to services that
support early discharge from
surgical procedures, such as
home care, ambulatory care
services and community
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide Major* surgical clinical specialty services on- medical officer in general
5 procedures on ASA 1 to 5^ site for consultation (e.g. surgery with three or more 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
patients. vascular surgery). postgraduate years of
experience on call 24 hours

Part A
KSA Health Facility
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Med Img

Plastic Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Allied health services on-site Allied health professionals

in line with casemix on-site.
and clinical load.
Access to rehabilitation
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Complex Major* department of plastic clinical head of service.
plastic surgical procedures for surgery. Medical officer in plastic
all levels of patient risk^. Plastic surgery operating surgery with three or more
May participate in instruments for postgraduate years of
6 multidisciplinary teams with microsurgery. experience. 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
other surgical specialties. Dedicated plastic surgery
May have regional role in ward.
specific field such as severe Post-operative rehabilitation
burns. and comprehensive scar
management services.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



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Infrastructure & Service



RDL Urology Service Description Workforce

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provide Minor* urological Access to continence Medical practitioner
procedures on ASA 1, 2^ and education. credentialled in urology.
2 selected ASA 3^ patients. May have access to allied May have allied health 1 2 2 2 2
health services in line with professionals, such as
casemix and clinical load. physiotherapist, available.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
provide Common and consultation available from medical officer available 24
Intermediate* and selected other clinical specialties, hours.
Major* urological procedures such as general surgery; Allied health professionals,
on ASA 1, 2 and 3^ patients. general and such as physiotherapist,
3 3 3 4 3 3 3
Provide Minor* urological acute medicine (may include available
procedures for ASA 4^ telehealth).
patients on an ambulatory Access to allied health
care basis. services in line with casemix
and clinical load.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide Major* urological links with oncology, urologist available 24 hours.
procedures on ASA 1, 2 and radiotherapy, gynaecology Allied health professionals
3^ patients. and palliative care services. on-site.
4 May provide continence Designated acute surgical 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
service. inpatient unit with
appropriately trained
surgical specialist nursing

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Infrastructure & Service



RDL Urology Service Description Workforce

Allied health services on-site

in line with casemix and
clinical load.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
provide Major* urological clinical specialty services medical officer in surgery
procedures on ASA 4 and 5^ on-site for consultation, with three or more
5 patients and selected including renal medicine, postgraduate years of 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Complex Major* urological oncology, radiotherapy, experience on call 24 hours.
procedures on ASA 1 to 3^ gynaecology and palliative
patients. care services
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Complex Major* department of urology. clinical head of service.
urological procedures for all Participate in cancer and Medical officer in urology
levels of patient risk^. trauma multidisciplinary with three or more
Provide outpatient service. teams. postgraduate years of
Provide continence service. experience.
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
Dedicated nurse specialist
specialising in urology and
providing leadership within
the service.
Comprehensive continence

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Vascular Surgery


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Med Img

Vascular Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provides routine day case Appropriate vascular surgical Visiting vascular surgeons
vascular surgery for low risk and anaesthetic equipment General surgeons
2 patients requiring low available on-site credentialed to perform low 3 2 3 3 3
complexity surgery. complexity vascular surgical
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, General surgeon available
provides inpatient, ambulatory on-site high dependency unit on-site.
and outpatient consulting for available. Nursing staff with post
vascular surgery. General graduate qualifications
3 4 4 4 3 4 4
surgeons may perform basic and/or experience in
vascular surgical procedures. vascular nursing
Access to specialist
vascular sonographers.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, Vascular or general surgeon
provide Minor*, Common and vascular operating available 24 hours.
Intermediate*, and selected instruments (e.g. balloon Medical officer available 24
Major* vascular surgical catheters, vascular clamps). hours.
procedures on ASA 1, 2 and Consultation available from Allied health professionals
3^ patients. other specialties (may available.
4 include telehealth). 4 4 4 3 4 4 4
Pre-operative rehabilitation
consultation available for
elective amputees.
Access to allied health
services in line with casemix
and clinical load.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Vascular Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,

provide Major* vascular access to specialised vascular surgeon available
surgery procedures on ASA 1 prostheses. 24 hours.
to 5^ patients. Clinical specialty services Medical officer in surgery
on-site for consultation. with three or more
Allied health services on-site postgraduate years of
in line with casemix and experience on call 24 hours
clinical load. Allied health professionals
5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5
Access to rehabilitation on-site.
service. Nursing staff with
appropriate postgraduate
qualifications and/or
perioperative experience in
vascular surgery
Specialist vascular
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Complex Major* department of vascular clinical head of service.
vascular surgery procedures surgery. Medical officer in vascular
for all levels of patient risk^. surgery with three or more
May participate in postgraduate years of
multidisciplinary teams with experience
6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
other surgical specialties. Nursing staff with
May have regional role in a appropriate post graduate
specific field. qualifications and/or
extensive experience in
vascular surgery on-site 24

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Part D: Women’s & Children



Nuc Med
Med Img

Obstetrics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provides antenatal and/or Emergency resuscitation Registered midwives or

postnatal care for women and equipment (adult and nurses with access to
infants who have normal care neonate) midwifery support.
needs. Basic equipment for General physician with
Outpatient and ambulatory antenatal and postnatal experience in obstetrics.
care available. care. Access to allied health
No planned birthing services. Access to offsite pathology professionals as required.
Capacity to provide and radiology services.
1 emergency care to support Access to specialist 1 1 1 1
obstetric women until her obstetric services via
transfer of care or a retrieval telehealth / telephone.
service is available.
Registered medical officer may
be available in the local area
for the management of the
postpartum women with no
identified risk factors.
As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition,
capacity to manage the care of antenatal cardiotocograph access to registered
the ‘low risk’ pregnant woman (CTG) monitoring with medical practitioner.
during the antenatal, access to remote Registered midwife
2 2 2 1 1 1
intrapartum and postnatal assessment and available during operational
periods for women from 37 interpretation. hours.
weeks gestation. Access to consultation from
higher level services.

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Obstetrics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Will have formal policy/

protocols to guide staff, in the
safe, local management of the
pregnant woman presenting
with ‘risk factors’, in the
intrapartum period or with an
unexpected emergency until
her transfer of care or a
retrieval service is available.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
capacity to provide safe care ability to perform continuous 24 hour access to
and planned births for woman foetal monitoring in labour obstetrics/ genecology
with a singleton pregnancy, where clinically indicated. registered medical
identified as ‘low risk’ at ≥37 On site facilities for practitioner who is able to
weeks gestation. emergency delivery attend within 30 minutes.
Will provide a range of models (abdominal or vaginal). 24 hours access to a
of maternity care that Able to perform elective registered medical
complement the demographics caesarean at ≥ 39 weeks practitioner with credentials
3 and needs of the local gestation. in anaesthetics who can 3 2 3 3 3 3
community. Able to support induction of attend within 30 minutes.
Will have access to a labour following 39 24 hour access to a
breastfeeding support. completed weeks of registered medical
pregnancy. practitioner. credentialed to
Able to support vaginal birth provide care to the neonate
following 39 weeks of and who can attend within
pregnancy. 30 minutes.
Urgent retrieval to Level 4 or
above maternity service.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
capacity to provide safe care 24 hour access to foetal registered medical

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Obstetrics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

for the woman with a singleton scalp pH or lactate specialist with credentials in
pregnancy or a twin pregnancy sampling. obstetrics on-site and on-
with ‘low risk’ factors and/or Access to on site urgent call 24 hours who can
minor complications ≥34 blood and specimen testing, attend within 30 minutes.
weeks gestation. blood and volume On-site specialist
Mothers at risk of delivery of expanders. anaesthetist on-call 24
an infant at 32 and 33 weeks Blood storage facilities on hours and able to attend
gestation at a Level 4 service site. within 30 minutes.
deemed at higher risk of Access on site to 24 hour On-site specialist
maternal and neonatal ultrasound services. paediatrician with
morbidity (e.g. multiple On site Level 4 neonatology experience in neonatal care
pregnancy, fetal growth service. on-call 24 hours and able to
restriction) if safe to do so Access to Level 4 or above attend within 30 minutes.
should be transferred in-utero ICU/HDU service 24 hour access to Level 4
to a Level 5 or 6 service as Access to genetics service or above General Surgical
appropriate. as required. Service
Will have access to a Access to perinatal mental Resident medical officer
community midwifery services. health service. and midwives on-site 24
Access to allied health
professionals as required,
including physiotherapy and
social work.
Access to a midwifery
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, a As for Level 4. In addition,
capacity to provide safe care full range of antenatal, clinical leadership roles in
5 for moderate and high birthing and postnatal care Obstetrics, Midwifery, 5 4 4 4 4 4
complexity mother’s, singleton facilities, including dedicated Nursing and Neonatology
or twin pregnancy at ≥ 32 birth suites, an antenatal

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Obstetrics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

weeks gestation, including the day assessment unit, Obstetric registrars and
care for most medical allocated inpatient beds RMOs Paediatrics
conditions and pregnancy within a maternity unit and registrars and RMOs.
related illnesses. dedicated maternity beds for Anaesthetics registrars and
Capacity to manage all the acute care of high-acuity RMOs.
unexpected pregnancy and patients On-site allied health
neonatal emergency On-site Level 5 Neonatology professionals including
presentations. Service. occupational therapy,
Formal arrangements for in- On-site Level 4 or above continence advisors and
utero transfer of women. General Surgery Service. dietitians.
Will have access to Adult ICU. The capacity to measure
and permanently document
foetal scalp sampling and
cord blood gases.
Portable ultrasound in birth
suite 24 hours used by
practitioners credentialed in
Access to interventional
radiology and vascular
Provides training of
specialist obstetricians and
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, A As for Level 5. In addition,
provides all levels of care, 24 hour obstetrics service Specialist neonatologists
including the highest level of that provides on-site and on-call 24
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
complex care for women with comprehensive specialist hours.
serious obstetric and foetal services, including, but not Obstetricians with
conditions that require high- restricted to, midwifery, certification or special

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Med Img

Obstetrics Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

level multidisciplinary care, obstetric, mental health and interest in maternal foetal
including any higher order surgical care for women with medicine and obstetric
multiple pregnancy. high risk and complex ultrasound.
needs. 24 hour on-site access to
On-site dedicated acute consultant-level radiology,
observation area within the paediatrics, anaesthetics
maternity unit. and adult ICU staff.
On-site 24 hour access to
obstetric imaging service.
On-site Level 6 Neonatology
Access to maternal foetal
medicine specialty services.
Access to foetal surgical
On-site perinatal mental
health service.
On-site vascular surgery
and interventional radiology

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework



Nuc Med
Med Img

Neonatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

No routine management of the Basic neonatal life support General Practitioner(s)

neonate. skills and equipment. available.
Some local registered medical Access to registered nurses.
officer services may be May have access to
Minimum Core Services are as for
available in the area for the registered midwives.
the relevant level of the linked
management of the healthy
1 obstetrics service.
newborn baby who has no
identified risk factors.
See D1: Obstetrics
In some instances, the healthy
newborn may be supported by
a community midwifery
As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition,
capacity to provide emergency emergency resuscitation registered nurses and/or
care to support the sick equipment available. midwives available.
neonate until the retrieval Access to emergency Minimum Core Services are as for
service arrives. patient transport services. the relevant level of the linked
2 Some registered medical obstetrics service.
practitioner(s) may be
available in the area for the See D1: Obstetrics
management of the healthy
newborn baby who has no
identified risk factors.
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, Minimum Core Services are as for
capacity to provide safe care designated neonatal care appropriately credentialed the relevant level of the linked
for neonates greater than 36 facilities for transitional registered medical obstetrics service.
weeks gestation with a birth and stabilisation of the

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Neonatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

weight more than 2500g at unexpectedly sick practitioner(s) available 24 See D1: Obstetrics
birth when supported by singleton neonate. hours.
Neonatologist/Paediatrician. Nursery equipped with: 24 hour on site access to a
Will have formal policy/ • radiant heater health professional skilled in
protocols to guide staff, in the • convection- warmed initiating accredited neonatal
safe, appropriate, local heater resuscitation.
management of premature or • oxygen analyser Access to allied health staff.
low birth weight neonates. • pulse oximeter Access to perinatal mental
• phototherapy lamp health services.
• ‘point of care’ blood Access to infant and child
sugar analysis machine cognitive and developmental
assessment services.
Have registered midwives/
nurses available for neonatal
care in the nursery area.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, On
Special Care Nursery onsite. designated special care site paediatrician with
Capacity to provide safe care nursery for transitional experience in neonatology on
for neonates greater than 34 care and stabilisation sick call 24 hours.
weeks gestation with minimal neonates. Registered medical officers
complications and a birth Commences mechanical rostered and available 24 Minimum Core Services are as for
weight more than 2000g. ventilation in consultation hours per day, seven days the relevant level of the linked
4 Capacity to provide safe care with a higher level per week. obstetrics service.
for neonates who can be neonatal service pending Have access to appropriately
managed in a bassinet or cot, transfer to a higher level qualified registered midwives/ See D1: Obstetrics
and/or require incubator care service. nurses to manage the
for short term transitional All patients managed by neonatal care in the nursery
problems or recovering after attending paediatrician. area.
an acute illness which can Nursery equipped with: Nursing staff with appropriate
post graduate qualifications

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Med Img

Neonatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

reasonably be expected to incubator for and/or experience in neonatal

resolve. thermoregulatory care nursing.
oxygen therapy for short
term oxygenation < 4
gavage feeding equipment
infusion pump for safe
management IV therapy
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, an
NICU or Special Care Nursery designated neonatal appointed / nominated
onsite. nursery with the capability specialist Paediatrician or
Capacity to provide safe care of providing neonatal Neonatologist as head of
for neonates greater than 32 special care. neonatal services.
weeks gestation and a birth Provision of short term Paediatricians/Neonatologists
weight of more than 1500g at mechanical ventilation <6 available on site and for
birth. hours pending transfer. consultation 24 hours.
Capability to plan and deliver Access to nasal CPAP Appropriately accredited Minimum Core Services are as for
care for infants with risk (continual positive airway registered medical officers the relevant level of the linked
factors or complex care pressure). with a designated role to obstetrics service.
needs. Has immediate access to support the neonatal services
A community neonatal nurse a blood gas machine for available 24 hours. See D1: Obstetrics
service may be available to measurement of blood Access to a full range of
support the neonate after gas, plasma glucose and physicians, subspecialty
discharge. electrolytes. physicians and surgeons.
Has neonatal special care The neonatal unit is managed
services. by a registered nurse/midwife
Nursery equipped with with appropriate post
• oxygen therapy via registration qualifications.
humidified head box or cot
oxygen < 35% FiO2

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Neonatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

• cardiorespiratory Has a designated clinical

monitoring nurse/midwife educator
assigned to the neonatal unit.
Access to specialist
neonatology allied health
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 6. In addition,
NICU onsite. designated neonatal Have an appointed specialist
Capacity to provide nursery with neonatal Neonatologist as head of
multidisciplinary intensive care beds. neonatal services.
comprehensive management On site neonatal Neonatologists available for
of the most complex neonatal emergency transport team consultation and able to
patients. on call 24 hours. attend within 30 minutes to
Has the capacity to provide On site neonatal surgery. provide support 24 hours.
continuous life support and Nursery equipped with: Designated neonatal
care for newborns born at less • airway support suitable registrar/nurse practitioner
than 32 weeks gestation. for comprehensive oxygen available on site 24 hours.
May have regional role. therapies which includes Have access to full range of
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
continuous airway physicians, subspecialty
pressure, high frequency physicians and surgeons.
ventilation, nitric oxide The neonatal unit is managed
administration and by a registered midwife/
mechanical ventilation nurse with appropriate post
• oxygen analysers for registration qualifications.
continuous inspired Have a designated registered
oxygen therapy midwife/nurse rostered each
electroencephalography, shift to attend resuscitations.
end tidal and Have a neonatal nursing care
transcutaneous CO2 outreach program.

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Med Img

Neonatology Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

• cardiorespiratory Have registered

monitoring for all patients nurse/midwife appointed as
• equipment for safe the clinical coordinator to
management IV therapies, manage the post discharge
arterial lines and central follow up of high risk
venous lines neonates.
• equipment for controlled
infusions, including syringe
drivers and infusion pumps
• parental nutrition
• peritoneal dialysis
• exchange transfusion
• therapeutic hypothermia
Has technical support staff
to manage all of the
equipment provided.

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Appendix 13 Page 132
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Paediatric Medicine


Nuc Med
Med Img

Paediatric Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provides ambulatory care, Staff trained in Registered medical

during business hours, for assessment, care and practitioner delivering
children and their management and delivery services.
parent/carer/guardian(s), with of health promotion Referral pathway to
no inpatient care. activities and programs for paediatrician.
Care predominantly provided by children and their families. Access to registered
registered nurse or registered Referral pathway must nurses and/or registered
midwife for maternity care, exist to provide access to midwives or nurse
nurse practitioner or allied hearing assessment, practitioner.
health professionals. maternal, child health,
Provides rapid health development and neonatal
assessment for the sick child, services for infants up to 28
routine child health care, days of age.
1 1 1
prevention and promotion of
health, screening and early
diagnosis of conditions for early
intervention, treatment or
referral and chronic/ long term
care and management.
Interventions may include family
assessment, immunisation,
parenting education and
support, feeding support,
developmental screening,
environmental health and
disease control.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Med Img

Paediatric Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Capable of providing limited

treatment for minor injuries and
illnesses, basic life support and
limited stabilisation prior to
transfer to higher level of
As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition,
primarily provides planned access to accredited registered medical
ambulatory care for healthy medical practitioner (may practitioner or specialist
children. be on call) delivering services.
Can provide low risk acute care Healthcare practitioners
and treatment to a child. include, but not limited to,
medical practitioners,
registered nurses, nurse
2 practitioners, registered 1 1 1 1 1
midwives and lactation
consultants, enrolled
nurses and allied health
Minimum one staff member
on-site each shift trained in
advanced life support.

As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,

provides definitive planned and members of medical practitioner
unplanned ambulatory and/or multidisciplinary team available 24 hours.
3 inpatient care for children and suitably qualified and Nursing staff levels in 3 3 3 3 3 3
may provide subspecialty experienced in general accordance with the
ambulatory referral system. paediatric principles and relevant industrial
practice. instruments.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Paediatric Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Inpatient services usually treat No children admitted to Suitably qualified and

single-system disorders for general intensive care experienced registered
children with low-acuity medical beds, except for nurse in charge of each
conditions. stabilisation prior to shift.
Allocated bed area or bay of transfer. Other suitably qualified and
inpatient children’s beds May provide some visiting experienced nursing staff
available. specialist ambulatory appropriate to service
Capable of providing advanced services. being provided.
life support for children and can Designated paediatric Access to allied health
stabilise children who require ward/area where children professionals (including
transfer to higher level of and adolescents are dieticians, occupational
service. physically separated from therapists,
adult patients. physiotherapists,
Access to audiology psychologists, speech
services pathologists or social
Access to allied health workers), as required.
services for children
including physiotherapy,
occupational therapy,
speech pathology,
dietetics, mental health and
social work.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provides ambulatory and/or multidisciplinary team designated registered
inpatient care. approach used in care / medical specialist with
Provides multidisciplinary team treatment of children credentials in paediatrics
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
approach to broad range of including community based as lead clinician
conditions (e.g. developmental multidisciplinary team. responsible for clinical
assessment teams). Documented processes governance of children’s
between ambulatory and medical services.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Paediatric Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Inpatient service provides inpatient children’s medical Access 24 hours to

designated children’s ward, and service teams. registered medical
all children up to age of 14 Paediatric support for specialist with credentials
years should be admitted to emergency departments in paediatrics. Medical
children’s ward (flexibility with where emergency practitioner dedicated to
adolescents should be department located on-site. paediatrics on-site during
exercised). Access to lung/respiratory business hours and
All admitted infants of less than function assessment accessible after hours.
3 months of corrected age must services. Suitably qualified and
be involved with paediatric May provide non-invasive experienced nurse
medical services team on ventilation care. manager.
admission. All registered nurses
working within service
trained in paediatric life
Access to lactation
Access to allied health
professionals with relevant
qualifications and
experience in children’s
service delivery (including
but not limited to, dietician,
occupational therapist,
physiotherapist, speech
pathologist and social
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
5 provides definitive ambulatory on-site paediatric ICU and paediatric surgical, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
neonatal ICU. anaesthetics, intensive

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Paediatric Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

and/or inpatient care with some On-site paediatric surgeons care, neonatology and
subspecialty services available. and specialist anaesthetics mental health medical
Service provided separately (paediatric). subspecialists.
from neonatal services with On-call paediatric surgical Medical practitioners (on-
access to Level 5 neonatal and ICU specialists site 24 hours.
service. available 24 hours. Dedicated child
Specialised Paediatric Inpatient On site school facility. development registered
Unit with medical, surgical, Multidisciplinary team medical specialist with
intensive care and neonatology members experienced, and credentials in paediatrics
sub-specialty services available. have advanced knowledge supports ambulatory child
and skills in delivery of development service.
children’s services Nursing staffing levels in
pertaining to specialty / accordance with the
subspecialty area (e.g. relevant industrial
children’s surgical service). instruments.
Well-developed, dedicated, Extended hours access to
child development Physiotherapy and Social
specialist service. Work, and other disciplines
Designated close where indicated for
observation care area / specialist patient groups.
beds managed by
paediatric specialists.
Designated children’s-
specific day-stay treatment
Well-developed children’s
ambulatory service, which
may be provided in
standalone environment.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Paediatric Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,

provides most complex medical multidisciplinary team lead clinician responsible
services to children. members have for clinical governance of
Sub-specialties include demonstrated experience, medical services with
adolescent medicine, and advanced knowledge qualifications in paediatrics.
cardiology, child development, and skills, in children’s Lead clinicians in all
child protection, clinical services pertaining to specialty units.
genetics, community child specific specialty and/or Senior registrar with
health, dermatology, subspecialty area/s. significant role in junior
endocrinology, Adolescent-based staff management and
gastroenterology, general ambulatory service with leadership. Accessible
paediatrics, infectious diseases, defined transition to adult service provided 24 hours
immunology, medical imaging, service. for all specialties where
metabolic medicine, Designated adolescent clinically relevant.
nephrology, neurology, inpatient service with Nursing staff levels in
6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5
oncology and haematology, appropriately trained and accordance with the
palliative care, pathology, experienced nursing staff. relevant industrial
rehabilitation medicine, Children’s pain- instruments. Suitably
respiratory medicine, management service. qualified and experienced
rheumatology and Links with all other nursing leader/s. All
transplantation medicine ۛ children’s services, specialties have designated
where appropriate, specialties ensuring care is provided children’s specialist nurse.
accessible 24 hours a day. locally in coordinated Suitably qualified and
Supports children’s Level 6 manner. experienced designated
surgical, intensive care, Links with Level 6 neonatal nurse manager to all
emergency and child and youth services, in particular, service units.
mental health services. maternal foetal medicine
Supported by appropriately services.
staffed Level 6 paediatric Active in the development
intensive care service, and and implementation of

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Paediatric Medicine Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

equipped for retrieval support clinical guidelines for

24 hours a day. children.

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Appendix 13 Page 139
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Paediatric Surgery


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Med Img

Paediatric Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

Provided in setting without Medical, nursing or oral Medical practitioners
anaesthetic or perioperative health practitioner services (general practitioners) with
service. provided on-site or in close demonstrated competency
Operates on demand and enough proximity for rapid in dosage and application
manages low-risk patients who response. of local anaesthesia for
fall into the category of surgical At least one procedure children.
complexity (SC) I. room. Access to registered nurses
Minor diagnostic and and/or registered midwives
therapeutic surgical procedures or nurse practitioner
Procedures do not involve
penetration of internal body
cavities via the epithelium other
2 1 1 1 1 1
than with a needle.
Most procedures requiring local
anaesthesia will be performed
in ambulatory, day-stay or
emergency-room settings.
Children’s Anaesthetic
Services are not accessible 24
hours a day and no elective
surgical services are provided.
Services may be provided by
suitably qualified and
experienced medical

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Paediatric Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,

provided predominantly in access to monitored bed for surgeon or medical
hospital setting with limited, but emergencies with children’s practitioner
designated, anaesthetic, surgical close observation (surgery) credentialled to
perioperative and sterilising care area/s. treat children.
services. Operating suite and Anaesthetist or medical
May be staffed by medical recovery space appropriate practitioner (anaesthesia)
practitioners/general to the credentialled to treat
practitioners with credentials special needs of children children.
and defined scope of practice and carers. Medical practitioner to
to provide surgical and May provide emergency remain on-site until patient
anaesthetic services. services at any time, as recovered from anaesthesia
May be supported by visiting required. and meets post-anaesthetic
registered medical specialists May provide specialist care service discharge
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
with credentials in surgery services / functions on a criteria.
and/or surgical subspecialties. visiting basis. 24 hour access to
Registered medical specialists dedicated operating theatre
with credentials in anaesthesia staff.
may provide anaesthesia for Suitably qualified and
elective surgery lists. experienced nurse
Provide Minor* surgical manager in charge of
procedures on ASA category 1 surgical services. Suitably
to 4^ children. qualified and experienced
Provide Common and registered nurse in charge
Intermediate*, and selected of each shift.
Major* surgical procedures on Access to staff trained in
ASA category 1 and 2^ paediatric life support.

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Paediatric Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Must have access to Level 4 Preferably, allied health

children’s intensive care professionals with specific
service and be capable of paediatric caseload.
providing immediate
resuscitation and short-term
cardiorespiratory support until
patient transfer to an intensive
care service.
Selection of patients and
surgical procedures should
ensure intensive care
admission would be
unexpected and rare event.
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provide Common and facility to isolate in single surgeon credentialled to
Intermediate*, and selected room. treat children.
Major* surgical procedures on Allied health services on- Anaesthetist credentialled
ASA category 1 to 4^ children. site. to treat children.
Dedicated children’s ward or Access to child life therapy Paediatrician available 24
recovery area exists. or resources. hours.
May have dedicated children’s Should have adolescent Medical officer on-site 24
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
close observation care areas, area available. hours.
but does not have on-site May have access to adult Allied health professionals
neonatal intensive care specialty services. with specific paediatric
services. May have access to youth caseload on-site (e.g.
Service is supported by health services, such as occupational therapist,
specialist anaesthetists and adolescent clinics and physiotherapist, speech
fully functioning perioperative transition services for pathologist, social worker
services. chronic illness. and/or dietitian).

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


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Paediatric Surgery Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

5 As for Level 4. As for Level 4. As for Level 4.

As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition,
provide Complex Major* paediatric medical clinical head of paediatric
surgical procedures for children specialties available on-site. surgery service.
at all levels of patient risk^, Allied health services in Paediatrician and paediatric
including rare complex paediatric specialties. surgeon with specialty
congenital malformations Access to youth health interest available 24 hours.
(frequency of less than one in services, such as Paediatric anaesthetist
2,500 births). adolescent clinics and available 24 hours.
Provide paediatric surgical transition services for Medical officer in surgery
specialties. chronic illness. with three or more
Provide regional services and School service for postgraduate years of
role. inpatients. experience on call 24
6 May provide neurosurgery, hours. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
cardiac surgery. Medical officer in
paediatrics with three or
more postgraduate years of
experience on-site 24
Medical officers in
paediatric specialties with
three or more postgraduate
years of experience
Allied health professionals
with skills in paediatric

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Appendix 13 Page 143
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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Part E: Mental Health

Drug & Alcohol


Nuc Med
Med Img

Drug & Alcohol Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Provides general drug and Information, risk Medical practitioner.

alcohol services by community assessment and referral is Visiting community nursing
health staff and general provided by community and / or allied health staff
practitioners. health staff and general with specialist knowledge
1 practitioners. and skills in alcohol and
Service provides drugs treatment and
information, counselling and support.
referral to specialist
As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition, As for Level 1. In addition,
outpatient assessment and provides pharmacotherapy general practitioners and/or
brief intervention. for opioid dependence. medical officers accredited
to provide pharmacotherapy
for drug dependence,
2 3 4
including opioid
Access to specialist allied
health drug and alcohol
service providers
As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition, As for Level 2. In addition,
provides inpatient and counselling and support for management supervised by
3 outpatient detoxification and families and significant health professionals with 4 4
support services for low risk others affected by drug use specific drug and alcohol
patients. experience/training.

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Drug & Alcohol Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

Access to allied health

professional services
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
comprehensive, specialist assessment and specialist alcohol and drugs
multidisciplinary, extended treatment provided by multidisciplinary team
hours alcohol and drug multidisciplinary addiction available on-site
treatment services on-site, medicine team. Access on-site to specialist
4 4 4 3 3 3 3
including medical Access to alcohol and drug mental health services.
detoxification for patients with residential rehabilitation
multiple drug dependencies. services.
Inpatient beds suitable for
patient detoxification
As for Level 4. In addition, full As for Level 4. As for Level 4.
range of alcohol and drug
assessment and treatment
services including assessment
5 for brain injury, management 4 5 5 4 4 4
of drug related brain injury,
clinical supervision of staff,
public education and
prevention activities.
As for Level 5. As for Level 5. As for Level 5. In addition,
nursing staff with
appropriate post graduate
6 qualifications and/or 5 5 5 4 4 4
experience in drug and
alcohol nursing on most

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework

Psychiatry (Child & Adolescent, Women and Adults)


Nuc Med
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Psychiatry Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

1 No Level 1 service. Refer to higher level.

2 No Level 2 service. Refer to higher level.
Provides mental health care Admission and management General practitioner or
to low complexity mental by general practitioner or other medical practitioner
health patients. other medical officers Limited access to mental
Capacity to cope with acutely health multidisciplinary
unwell pending transfer team. Visiting allied health
Limited assessment and staff with specialist
treatment for severe and knowledge and skills in
persistent mental health mental health treatment and
3 3 3 3
conditions support.
Limited access to mental Nursing staff with
health multidisciplinary team. appropriate post graduate
qualifications and/or
experience in mental health
Access to psychiatrist (via
As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition, As for Level 3. In addition,
provides mental health care to inpatient mental health multidisciplinary staff
moderate complexity mental treatment. available 24 hours, on call.
4 4 4 3
health patients. It has the
capacity for dedicated mental
health treatment as inpatients.
As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition, As for Level 4. In addition,
5 capability of providing mental capacity for comprehensive 5 4 3 4 3 3
health care to low, moderate

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Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


Nuc Med
Med Img

Psychiatry Service Infrastructure & Service



RDL Workforce
Description Requirements

and high complexity mental involuntary/authorised mental multidisciplinary team

health patients. health treatment. routinely available on-site.
Capacity to provide May have secure mental
involuntary mental health health unit.
treatment. Comprehensive
multidisciplinary team
available on-site.
As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5. In addition, As for Level 5.
capability of providing mental Assessment and treatment
health care for patients who for complex mental health
present with the highest level conditions.
6 5 5 5 5 4 4
of mental health risk and Secure mental health unit.
complexity. This service Psychiatric intensive care
provides mental health care service on-site.
24 hours.

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Part A: Administrative Provisions
Appendix 13: Clinical Services Capability & Role Delineation Framework


This RDL and Framework incorporates parts of common methodology, terminology and concepts which are used in health services and
facility planning including the following:
American Medical Directors Association, 2010. Transitions of Care in the Long-Term Care Continuum Clinical Practice Guideline.
Ministry of Health Singapore, 2015. Intermediate and Long Term Care Guidelines
Department of Health, Queensland Government, 2016. Clinical Services Capability Framework.
South Australia Health, 2016. Clinical Services Capability Framework
Department of Health & Human Services, Tasmania, 2015. Tasmanian Role Delineation Framework.
New South Wales Ministry of Health, 2016. NSW Health Guide to the Role Delineation of Clinical Services.
Ministry of Health New Zealand, 1993. Guide to the Role Delineation of Health Services in New Zealand.
We acknowledge the collective contribution of the above documents to the overall development of the role delineation concept and

Part A
KSA Health Facility
Appendix 13 Page 148
Draft 1.1 02.08.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions

18. Appendix 14 - Sample Design Review Report

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 37
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018
Sample – Design Review Report
Application Number: xxxx123
Facility Name : xxxxxx Hospital
Revision Number & Date: Rev xx - xx/xx/xxxx

1.Architectural review

No Room Number Room Name Guidelines Reference Comments Applicant Response

Level B02
Staff Amenities
001 There appear to be no provisions for House Keeping on this floor, other than the HK (is this
General house keeping?) rooms B02-102 and B02-85. This appears to be unsatisfactory and a more
even distribution over the large floor plate would be preferred.
002 The changing rooms ideally should allow space for seating, dirty linen skips and waste bins.
Locker rooms General Some rooms also may need clean attire storage.
003 WC/shower ADA4.1.3 (21) 5% of the changing rooms are to be accessible
004 B02-70 WC/shower General Wash hand basins are missing.
005 B02-65 WC/shower HC female ADA4.13.6 The entry door is not accessible.
006 B02-54 Change Staff Female PartB-FPU 380-7.1(12) We have assumed that this Facility is RDL 5 . As a minimum the room should be 25m2

2.MEP Engineer review

No Room Number Room Name Guidelines Reference Comments Applicant Response

Level B02


Page 1 of 1
Part A: Administrative Provisions

19. Appendix 15 - Sample Drawing for Schematic Submission

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Facility Administrative Provisions Page 38
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions

20. Appendix 16 - Sample Drawing for Detailed Submission

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 39
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018
Part A: Administrative Provisions

21. Appendix 17 - Building Types and Permitted FPU’s

KSA Health Part A

Facility Administrative Provisions Page 40
Guidelines Draft 1.2 24.09.2018

Building Types and Functional Planning Units (FPU)

1. Reference Table
For each building type as defined in Part A-Administration Provisions (Section 3.3 Definition of Building Types), a single or several FPU (Functional Planning Units) are
associated. The following table is provided as a guide. Core FPU are the mandatory units which must be considered. Optional FPU may be applicable is such clinical services
have been identified as part of the Facility’s service plan. Detail requirements of each FPU can be found in Part B of this Guidelines and the relevant section number of Part B
is also provided below.

Building Type Core FPU’s Section in Optional FPU’s (1) Section in Remarks
Part B Part B
1. Hospital 100 120 (1) Not a mandatory FPU’s Depending
 Administration Unit  Burns Unit
on specialties services as per
110 130 Hospitals service plan.
 Admissions Unit & Discharge  Cardiac Investigation Unit
Unit (2) When a full-service Food Services
Unit is not provided, a holding and
 Clinical Information Unit 140  Complementary & Alternative 150
reheating facility to serve the number
Medicine Unit of beds must be provided.

 Day Surgery/ Procedure Unit 170  Coronary Care Unit 160 (4) Education Unit is mandatory for
education hospital RDL (Role
 Emergency Unit 210  Delivery Unit (Inc. Special 180 delineation level) 05 and research
Care Unit) hospital RDL 06

 Engineering and Maintenance 230  Dental Surgery Unit 190

 Food Services Unit (2) 240  Education Unit (4) 200

 Housekeeping Unit 280  Endoscopy Unit 220

 Inpatient Unit – General 310  Health Spas and Clubs 260

 Intensive Care Unit - General 350  High Dependency Unit 270

 Laboratory Unit 380  Inpatient Maternity Unit 290

 Linen Handling Unit 390  Inpatient Unit – Bariatric 300

Page 1

Building Type Core FPU’s Section in Optional FPU’s (1) Section in Remarks
Part B Part B
 Main Entrance Unit 400  Inpatient Unit - Long Term 320
Care (LTC)
 Medical Imaging Unit – General 420  Inpatient Unit – Paediatric and 330
 Mortuary - General 480  Inpatient Unit – Rehabilitation 340

 Operating Unit 510  Intensive Care Unit - Neonatal 360

 Outpatient Unit 520  IVF Unit (Fertilisation 370

 Pharmacy Unit 530  Medical Imaging - Nuclear 410
Medicine Unit & PET
 Public and Staff Amenities Unit 540  Mental Health - Outpatients 430

 Sterile Supply Unit (SSU) 570  Mental Health Unit - Adult 440

 Supply Unit 590  Mental Health Unit - Child & 450

 Waste Management Unit 600  Mental Health Unit - Older 460
 Mobile Healthcare Unit 470

 Oncology Unit – Medical 490

 Oncology Unit - Radiation 500

 Rehabilitation Unit – Allied 550

Health Unit
 Renal Dialysis Unit 560

 Sub-acute Aged Care Unit 580

Page 2

Building Type Core FPU’s Section in Optional FPU’s (1) Section in Remarks
Part B Part B
2. Day Procedure Centre 100 130 (1) Not a mandatory FPU’s Depending
 Administration Unit  Cardiac Investigation Unit
on specialties services as per
140 190 Hospitals service plan.
 Clinical Information Unit (3)  Dental Surgery Unit
(3) Support services should be sized
 Day Surgery/ Procedure Unit 170  Endoscopy Unit 220 accordingly to the number of staff,
Role delineation level (RDL) and
 Housekeeping Unit (3) 280  Engineering & Maintenance 230 service plan as defined by the
Unit (3) project.

 Laboratory Unit (3) 380  IVF Unit (Fertilisation 370

 Linen Handling Unit (3) 390  Medical Imaging Unit-General 420

 Main Entrance Unit (3) 400  Oncology Unit – Medical 490

 Outpatients Unit 520  Oncology Unit - Radiation 500

 Pharmacy Unit (3) 530  Renal Dialysis Unit 560

 Public & Staff Amenities Unit (3) 540  Sterile Supply Unit (SSU) (3) 570

 Supply Unit (3) 590

 Waste Management Unit (3) 600

3. Diagnostic center 100 130 (1) Not a mandatory FPU’s Depending

 Administration Unit (3)  Cardiac Investigation Unit
on specialties services as per
140 230 Hospitals service plan.
 Clinical Information Unit (3)  Engineering & Maintenance
Unit (3) (3) Support services should be sized
accordingly to the number of staff,
 Housekeeping Unit (3) 280
Role delineation level (RDL) and
service plan as defined by the
 Laboratory Unit (6) 380 project.

 Linen Handling Unit (3) 390 (6) For Diagnostic Center it must include

Page 3

Building Type Core FPU’s Section in Optional FPU’s (1) Section in Remarks
Part B Part B
 Main Entrance Unit (3) 400 one of these services.

 Medical Imaging - Nuclear 410

Medicine Unit & PET (6)
 Medical Imaging Unit – General 420

 Public and Staff Amenities Unit 540


 Supply Unit (3) 590

 Waste Management Unit (3) 600

4. Rehabilitation Centre  Administration Unit (3) 100  Complementary and 150 (1) Not a mandatory FPU’s Depending
on specialties services as per
Alternative Medicine Centre Hospitals service plan.
 Clinical Information Unit (3) 140  Engineering and Maintenance 230
(3) Support services should be sized
Unit (3) accordingly to the number of staff,
280 260 Role delineation level (RDL) and
 Housekeeping (3)  Health Spas and Clubs service plan as defined by the
 Linen Handling Unit (3) 390  Pharmacy Unit 530

 Main Entrance Unit (3) 400 

 Public and Staff Amenities Unit 540 


 Outpatient Unit 520 

 Rehabilitation – Allied Health 550 

 Supply Unit (3) 590 

 Waste Management Unit (3) 600

Page 4

Building Type Core FPU’s Section in Optional FPU’s (1) Section in Remarks
Part B Part B
5. Clinic and Centre 100 150 (1) Not a mandatory FPU’s Depending
 Administration Unit (3)  Complementary and
on specialties services as per
Alternative Medicine Hospitals service plan.
140 190 (3) Support services should be sized
 Clinical Information Unit (3)  Dental Surgery Unit accordingly to the number of staff,
Role delineation level (RDL) and
 Housekeeping Unit (3) 280  Health Centres 250 service plan as defined by the
 Main Entrance Unit (3) 400  Laboratory Unit (3) 380
(5) Only the ambulatory clinic part is
 Outpatient Unit 520  Linen Handling Unit (3) 390 applicable. Inpatient services cannot
be included under the licensing of a
540 420 ‘Clinic and Centre’.
 Public and Staff Amenities Unit  Medical Imaging Unit –
(3) General (3)
 Supply Unit (3) 590  Pharmacy Unit (3) 530

 Waste Management Unit (3) 600

6. Pharmaceutical  Administration Unit (3) 100  Laboratory Unit 380 (1) Not a mandatory FPU’s Depending
Facility on specialties services as per
280 Hospitals service plan.
 Housekeeping Unit (3)
(3) Support services should be sized
 Pharmacy Unit 530 accordingly to the number of staff,
Role delineation level (RDL) and
 Public and Staff Amenities Unit 540 service plan as defined by the
(3) project.

 Supply Unit (3) 590

 Waste Management Unit (3) 600

7. Mobile Unit  Mobile Healthcare Unit 470

Page 5

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