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i | Ti aa uJ beatles Rud TOP SECRET: INVASION PLANS Gy sere cede hacta a ee Dew ( Calcot a |) oe an. THE INTELLIGENCE HANDBOOK ON ALLIED AIRBORNE FORCES IN NORMANDY Win non Mais Pie Pat Gop Sin BOW Se Ki A). Gong a Historical Constants Andy Dashes {erty Pore), Spriezof War (Nicolo Da Lio) Asstt Writ: Jonathan Forsy, Alun Galle, Richard Charnbers. Thanks Alan Bes, The Aiborne Forces Mase, Captain "Prof Readers Baul Beach, Chis Bricky, Seven Pia, Neal Smith J Knox, RUR Museum, C/Sge. W'T Tener, South Salfordshie Graphic Dain: Dion olovch, Casey Daves Regiment, LW Smith, The Royal Arnal Woolwich, Job Rhodes Miniatures Dag: Eva len, Richard Cie Royal Enginces Museum, Steve Cox, Mark Ris Davies : (Cover and Internal Are Vince i Phorngraph: National Library of New Zealand, Termin Modeling: Dale Peppeel Imperial Wat Museum, Bovingfon Tanke Miseun ; Miniavues Punting: Jeremy Paints Australian War Memorial, Roger Key Private Collection, NARA, é Andrew Salsbury, Wayne Tuer National Arhives Of Canada, wwwsww2modelmakercom 4 Phougraph: Baron Sudo E io gaa NE RY © “Allied Airborne in Normandy . La Fitre 32 Bebe noosing aForce ..- Parachute Rifle Company... . - ae British Airborne Forces Glider Rifle Company 38 6* Airborne Division A.” epee oe Rees onde “6 US Airborne Arenal... rn 46 f Seren COD PAnY ye v8 Neuville-au-Plein oa ; Oa 10 Lieutenane Turner Turnbull 49 an Serta fer aa “13 Sainte Mére-Eglse .....0e.¢eseseeserenaee 50 Bee Ss a US Airborne Uniforms........2000s00eeee 52 ene Bridgehead .... Be Sail RG. Pines bat aebaaae Rete . a Fy Conducting an Ashorne Assaule 55 Pathfinders fa 236 British Airborne Uniforms th Parachute Landings . Coup-de-main Glider Assault. . US Airborne Forces PE Aitbore Divison. Fe cies. +125 saehomne Assault Summary US Drop Zones Map... arena Mission Special Rules ........+. PP UorAirborne Division 2.20.6... eee 22130 Se is Mission: Seize and Hold. .. ‘This isa supplement for Flames Of War, the World War IT miniatures game. A copy ofthe rulebook for Hames Of War is necessary to fally use the contents ofthis book. All rights reserved. No part of tis publication may be reproduced, stored ina terieval system, oF transite, in any form or by any _mcans without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise ctculated jn any form of binding or cover othe than that in which iti published and without a siilar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser, & ‘© Copyright Batclefronr Miniatures Lid 2006, ISBN: 0.958-2755-1-3, Bi id CO Sia cab I i a. «at ALLIED ‘What you get by stealth and guts you must hold with skill and determinatio ‘Major General Richard ‘Windy’ Gale, Commander 6th Airborne. IRBORNE IN NORMANDY sion. eee 5 Junc 1944, D-1,2300 hours: Arsirfildsall across Southern England plane engines roar co life. The frst, heavily laden aircraft lumber down the eunway and into the ai, On board: are the brave young men of thee airborne divisions, one British and two American. ‘These highly skilled soldiers are ftained to drop by parachute and glider deep behind enemy fines. On this night chey will spearhead Operation Neptune, the amphibious and aisborne invasion of German-occupied France ‘As the huge aerial armada crosses the storm-tossed English Channel, below them stretches the largest naval armada {in history, In a few hours these ships will throw thousands ff Allied soldiers ashore on the coast of Normandy. If the ‘enemy is able co rush reinforcements to the landing beaches. the whole invasion could be thrown back into the sea. “The fenemy reinforcements must be stopped at all costs. This is fhe vital mission the Allied Command has entrusted to the airborne divisions. ‘As the commander of an aitborne company you have been speciilly selected because of your leadership ability and initia- five, You'll be leading your men into a battle where you know youll be isolated, surrounded and fighting a larger, moze hheavily equipped and well supported enemy force. Buse co survive, your men will have to rely on their excellent Fitness, training, discipline and fieldcraft. ‘To be victorious theyil need all of your skil, aggression and daring to make the best use of the limited resources. On your shoulders ress the fare of the liberation of Europe. Go to ie HOW TO USE THIS BOOK “The information contained within this book will enable you 10 creare Flames Of War forces that accurately represent the US and British airborne units that fought in Normandy in. 1944, To make the information more accessible we've split the book: into three sections BRITISH AIRBORNE FORCES PAGE 4 This section contains the unit history, Inteligence Briefings and painting guides to help you build a Flames Of War Force based on the brave men of the British 6* Airborne Division. US AIRBORNE FORCES PAGE 26 Like the British section, here you'll find unic histories, Incelligence Briefings and painting guides that allow you to field a Flames Of War force based on the US 82° and 101° Airborne Divisions. AIRBORNE ASSAULTS PAGE 54 Although you can always use your Airborne force in regular ground-based combat missions like those contained in the Flames Of War eulebook, playing games where yout highly- trained force attempts to seize their objective fom the airaré a loc of fun. In this section are contained the rules and combat mission for conducting an airborne assault ee ae ee 5 CHOOSING A FORCE four tr20ps will be from. You have Gr United States. Each has cheir own unique equipment and tacsical style of play. Next choose the @F company you want to lead. Each country has wo types of aisborne company, parchuce and glider. Having picked your: ‘company select che individual platoons that will make up your company from the appropriate sectio a points limi, then wage wat! fighting a batle, you nced to choose your force. To make sure shat you and your opponent ight and an interesting gan unit as a points value. Agree with your opponent on the maximum points may spend on your armies, The mie for eypcal game is 1500 points PUMu be Respectfully known as the “Rote Teufel” ~ the Red Devils Seer eee ean acne ee et rss divisions are amongst the finest of the British Army Sn ets tenes nee Ae ei and Iraly the paratroopers have already proven themselves eee cy to cross the channel from England and take the fi directly co the German Army sheltering behind Hicler’s pea a “The fledgling arm of the US Army, the airborne divi- sions are already carving out a legend for themselves in Seen a ce ee es Mediterranean, these men are about to undertake the "Great Crusade’ for which they have trained. Now their Pet een eaters cise eee crc Cote ema ese LINUINe nana ONg ‘The men of the Parachute Rifle Company are the cream of the American military. The voluntecrs undergo ‘months of training and physical conditioning to pre pare them for the rigours of parachuting into the midst ‘of encmy held territory. The paratroopers will move faster, strike harder and hold their ground better than any other infantry force. To back them up heavier sup port can be landed by glider, and for a full-scale ground atiack the paratroopers can be reinforced by tanks and er Lengo sgresive lighting force and are now prepa oe L7UINe Oe TONS ie eer ee ome en reer See oreeneetc sree ten etm aes sickly overcome enemy resistance at their objectives Hold until Relieved. To help them ia this difficult Serene ete ee ens renee ere aot cetera at tera = by powerful equipment like Shesman tanks, and the 25- pounder guns of the Royal Antllery Seber eet een eeccet n the ground attack role the paras will be further einfor GLIDER RIFLE COMPANY “The brave glidermen of the Glider Rifle Company are not volunteers like the paratroopers and their organisa- tion is more akin to their ‘leg infantry’ cousins. Unlike f Meme e ee erennns trained to conduct airborne assaults, Their vital role is to act as reinforcements to consolidate the positions erase ee ee eer attack role the glidermen may receive tank or other heavier support. Whatever they are given to fight with, the men of the Glider Rifle Company are determined to prove themselves every bit the equal of the ‘glory boy” Perera tee cme Maa eerie es AIRLANDING COMPANY The paratroopers of the Aitlandi deadly precision right at their ol coup-de-main, With bulldog tenacity they clear the Pore ees g Compa ‘enemy positions in bloody close assault. Once secured, the coup-de-main party can be reinforced by divisional Pee and airborne light ranks, Like their parachutist comrades, when used in a ground attack capacity the Airlanding Company can expect to receive much heavier support from attached armour and artillery reinforcements landed by CHOOSING PLATOONS poston chain henge Bing doce Opn Son ae ling ingeyladesng : ; = Tiaic niee fects piston ae mupebe pale ieee aa st Name Theft platoon an hema oman Es ade chemin our pon Organisation Showing the composition and Restrictions: In some organisation of the platoon, same yp Platoon: A lise of the basic platoon choices available and the points cos ofeach. D-Day loomed, all across Southern England oops readied themselves for ther alloted missions. It was the untried 6th Airborne Division that had been selected to swoop from the skies onto the eastern flank of he invasion heaches wo safeguard the Brish and Canadian f[imphibious landings. ‘The British paras had carne the in- ickname of Red Devils’ due o their famous ted beret, and the Red Devils of the 6° trzined hard for theit Gificule task. On 24 April they participared in a full-scale ess rcheatsal of the operation, with their colleagues from the!" Aitboone Division playing the enemy. Morale was high and every man knew what was expected of him. timidac Major-General Richard Gale commanded the 6" his force ‘comprised of three brigades: Brigadier Mills 3¢ Parachute Brigade; Brigadier Poctrs 5 Parachute Brigade and the 6 ‘Ait Landing Brigade under Brigadier The Honourable Hugh Kindersley. Divisional suppore and attached units included the 22" Independent Parachute Company and the Tertrarch light tanks of the 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment. he Divisions: D-Day objectives were in a rough triangle beoveen Ouistreham, Cabourg and Caen on the shoulder of Sword Beach, where Lord Lovat's I* Special Service Brigade, ihe 3% Infancry Division and 22"! Armoured Brigade would he coming ashore, The bridges over the Caen canal and the ‘Ome and Dives rivers had to be taken to prevent enemy rein= Forcements reaching the beaches. At Merville the paras would hhave to storm a heavily fortified battery of coastal guns that threatened the landing craft ofthe invasion fleet. Shortly before midnighon D-1, the vanguard ofthe Division took-off, Six Albemarle aircraft casried che Pathfinder teams of the 22% Independent Parachute Company: ‘These small groups of highly trained men were laden down with equip- ment, light, radios and radar beacons, intended to mark the landing zones for the paratroopers of the 3" and 5* Brigades. ‘Already plans went awry. Many of the pathfinders landed off target, and some discovered their Eureka radar beacons did 196¢ work. In spite of these setbacks 2 sufficient number of athfinders managed to land and mark the three drop zones car Ranvile, Varaville and Toufteville Simultaneous withthe pathfinder drop, six Horss gliders carrying the small assult foree, or coup-de-main party of Major Howard swooped from the darkness onto che bridges crossing the Caen Canal and Orne River. Three glides were assigned to the swing bridge over the canal at Bénowville (Cubscquently christened "Pegasus Bridge’ after che British Airborne insignia) and three to the nearby bridge over the river cast of Ranville. All but one of the gliders landed with precision just yards from their objectives, enabling the para- troopers from the 2"! Ox and Bucks Light Infantry co seize both bridges from the starled defenders after a sharp fight. The Germans had been caught 50 off guard that the bridges were not even rigged for demolition. Howards men chen fought off enemy counterartacks that included old caprured French light tanks. Half an hour after the landing, Lieutenant Colonel Pin Coffins 7 (Light Infantry) Parachute Bacaalion of 5" Parachute Brigade dropped to support Howards men. Low cloud and anti-aircraft fie resulted in many’of the paratoop- ers missing their drop zone and Pine-Coffin could initially gather only 200 of his force to defend the crucial bridges. The nearby village of Bénouville was fortified by A Company just in sime to fend off the ist of the German counterattacks that would continue for 17 hours The rest of 5" Brigade dropped case of the Orne to seize the town of Ranwille and the nearby high ground. Lieutenant Colonel Johnsonis 12° (Workshire) Parachute Bacalion dug in around Le Bas de Raswille, fighting off heavy German ‘counterattacks that included tanks with the limited means at their disposal. Major Sim won the Military Cross for leading a group of 12 paratroopers against the atcacking Pancergrenadiers inflicting severe casualties and forcing them 10 withdraw: Sims little group only withdrew when reduced to just three men. 13° (Lancashiee) Patachure Battalion under Lieucenant- Colonel Peter Euard dropped near their objective Ranwille, the villa guarding the approaches to the Orne bridges from sheeast Sometunformunate men landed in the village itself nd were bald or captured. Sounding his hunting-horn Luard Sgeickly sceabled the remainder ofthe battalion and stormed amelie, overcoming the German garrison by 0230 hours The 13° then became locked in a biner struggle, holding (off the Counterattacks of the 125. Pansergrenadierregiment {armoured infantry regiment), 21. Penzendivision, through- four D-Day The tops and guns of 6 Airlanding Brigade landed by Horsa and Hamilear glider and reinforced 5* Brigades postions. Lord Lovat's commandos, marching inland from Sword Beach, reached the Caen canal bridge at 1400 hours bolstering the morale of the hard-pressed defenders. Yet much hand-fighting remained before the arrival of farther infantry and the Shermans of che 13/18 Hussars consolidated the paratroopen’ position. The 31 Brigade’ 8 (Midland Counties) Parachute Battalion under Licutenant-Colonel Pearson and Lieutenant-Colonel Bradbrookes 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion had mean- while landed in che flooded plain surrounding the River Dives. A number of men had landed in the the remainder had becn widely scattered, needing local guides iver itself, and to help them seach their objectives. Struggling through the terrain, the paratroopers succesfully destroyed the Ipridges at Varaville, Robehomme, Bures and Troarn Lieutenant-Colonel Orway' 9* (Eastern & Home Counties) Parachute Bactalion faced the most dangerous task of al, si- lescing the guns at Merville. The battery was heavily forifed in concrete and carth bunkers, singed by mines and barbed write and strongly garrisoned. Yee ifthe guns could noc be Kgnockd out belore the frst landing craft approached ‘Sword beach the whole landings could be in danger. In preparation for their daring mission Orway’s men and supporting sappers fioin 591" Squadron, Royal Engineers had trained evhaus- sively ona ful scale mock-up of the battery in Beekshir. Bue noe all went to plan. A preparatory bombardment by the RAF fell wide of the mark and Oxway himself narrowly avoided death ot capture when he landed in the garden of the local German headquarters. The gliders carrying, most of the sappets landed miles away depriving Orway’s force of the demolitions equipment needed to breach the defences. Undaunted, Orvay and his men pressed on. Using only their bunds, a small party of sappers bravely cleared a path through the mines opening the way for an assault. Two gliders sched- uled to crash-land on the roof of the bunkers themselves missed their target and landed some distance from the bate the woops on board being immediately atacked by Germ reinforcements. Back atthe battery the assaulting parattoop their way inside with grenades and hand-oshand fighting. Otway lost 70 officers and men in the shore, Bloody. struggle, buc his oops climinated the defenders and disabled the guns before withdrawing to dig in, Late in the afternoon con the following day, the survivors of the attack were Finally relieved by some of Lord Lovat’s commandos. ‘The Division remainsd in the line until 26 August, fighting off German counterartacks which were incredibly fierce around, Breville, The men of the 1 Canadian Parachute Battalion particularly distinguished themselves in this fighting. ‘The build-up of reinforc:ments from the beachhead allowed the Division to advance towards Le Havre and the river Seine: jon was withdrawn. Normandy’ ‘As more men flooded ashore, the fiom the front into reserve, its crucial parc in th ‘campaign over ‘Against the odds the 6" Airborne Division had compleced their vital sks on D-Day and after. The many months of planning and training, the leadership oftheir bold command. xs and the resolve of the men had been well tested. Through their skill and bravery the Allies had gained a foothold in Europe. Before the year was out the now batle-hardened Division) was back in action, In December the Germans launched a surprise counteroffensive through the Ardennes forest. The paratroopers of 6 Aisborne were tushed 10 the front to help sem the armoured ride, winning yet another bactle honour in whar would become known as the Battle of the Bulge (On 24 March 1945 the Division cook part in’ Operation Varsity, the aizborne crossing ofthe River Rhine in Gesmapy: “The operation, although ultimately successful, proved 10 Bs a bloody one costing the live of many brave paratroopers of the 6th Airborne. ‘Operation Varsity would be the 6 Airborne Divisions Hit combat drop of the war. As ground troops they moved east wards, forming a linkup with advancing Soviet troops at the Baltic pore of Wismar just prior to the fnal capitulationjo ‘Nazi Germany, BRITISH AIRBORNE FORCES I Lv] i= a a 2) =] i721 9 U rt) a by fey: [oF ISP (et: IMA Sh RaR- EI ys | PARACHUTE COMPANY INFANTRY COMPANY ‘A force based around a Parachuce Company must contain: * 0't0 1 Airlanding Recce Platoon (p. 14), Airlanding + 1 Company HQ, and Armoured Reece Platoon (p. 14), Centaur Platoon | + 2or3 Parachute Platoons. (p. 15), oF Armoured Platoon (p. 15), and | Weapons Platoons avilable o a Parachute Company are: * to 1 Commando Plaroon (p. 16) or | + Oto 1 Parachute Mortar Platoon. Rifle Platoon (p. 16)- Support Plaroons asilable to Parachute Company are: You may have up to rwo Support Platoons arached to your =O fet taachute annie ance ‘company foreach Parachute Platoon you fil. Royal Engineers (p. 9), Oto 1 Airlanding Platoon (p. 11), MOTIVATION AND SKILL tot Airlancling And-tank Platoon (p: 12), The paras are all hand-picked volunteers. Years of hard Oto 1 Aidanding Heavy Anki-tank Pltoon (p. 13), taining bas made them some of the oughest oops on to 1 Airlanding Batcery, Royal Arcillery (p. :4),or 97 battlefield | Field Battery, Royal Araillery (p. 17), [A Parachute Company is rated Fearless Veteran. | tz 1 ComPANY HQ > ves HEADQUARTERS \ Company HQ ene tht th OPTIONS Comey Claes iC Command + Add PIAT teams for +20 points per team. + Add up to three Sniper teams for +50 points per team. CoN ono All SMG teams in the Company HQ carry Gammon, Pome eee} Per ira officers are specially selected because of their leadership sbilicy a hat they will be isolated, surrounded, and out-numbered, jtiative, They lead their men into battle knowing ‘ COMBAT PLATOONS 2. OR 3 PARACHUTE PLATOONS SEN Gr SET 2 | PLATOON | roeeee a twa | 3 Rifle Squads 240 points Command Rila/MG toam PLAT wom | PeReIey - | 2 Rifle Squads 175 points SS SE ARAAK || RAK RifietaGteam || iflyMG team AAI |) CH RifenaGteam || _ Fflg”MG team EM Peer ION f WEAPONS PLATOONS Se CON Be cae eDiets Cn et ec ere te team RAH File46 toam EI Router ee ee ec Pe ae aera } t 0 TO 1 PARACHUTE MORTAR PLATOON SUNN | a SES LATOON, ' HQ Seton wits th ad j 2 Mortar Sections ee itech 1 Mortar Section EORSaIN an aft ant |[ att aK Sonor S'mertar ‘moter mortar Sao PARACHUTE MORTAR PLATOON, SUPPORT PLATOONS O TO 1 PARACHUTE ASSAULT PLATOON, ROYAL ENGINEERS tere eat et Seng a eC ee Mortar Sections with Vickers HM aes of the game before deployment. SUA a a, Command Prnsar ile tear PLATOON \ Assault Platoon 125 points OPTIONS + Add PIAT team for +20 points + Add a Light Morir team for +25 points. Sean AK Ponce V6 am fi Foner Rite/MG eam ea ona You may replace one Pioneer Ri Pee) ee eee eee ee deployment Ifyou need someone to fix it, clear it, torch i, blow it up, fill ie in, or build a bridge over it, these elite specialists are the men for the job. is wae Las ORI ele ROYAL ENGINEERS AIRLANDING COMPANY INFANTRY COMPANY A force based around an Airlunding Company must + 1 Company HQ, and + 2to4 Airlanding Platoons. ‘Weapons Platoons available to an Aitlanding Company + 001 Aislanding Pioneer Platoon, + 00 I Airlanding Machine-gun Platoon, + Oto 1 Airlanding Mortar Platoon. and + Ow 2 Airlanding Anti-tank Placoons. Support Platoons available to an Aislanding Company are: + Oo 1 Airlanding Platoon, Royal Engineers (p. 13), + 0 1 Aislanding Heavy Anci-tank Platoon (p. 13), + 0 F Airlanding Battery, Royal Antllery (p. 14), oF Field Battery, Royal Artillery (p. 17), + 010 | Airlanding Recee Platoon (p. 14), Airlanding Armoured Reece Platoon (p. 14), Centaur Platoon (p- 15), or Armoured Platoon (p. 15), and 010 1 Commando Platoon (p. 16) oF Rifle Platoon (p. 16) You may have up to one Support Platoon attached to your company for each Airlanding Rifle Platoon you field. MOTIVATION AND SKILL Airlanding troops are not volunteers, but they are put through the same intense training regime asthe paras. This weeds our the weallings leaving an elite force An Airlanding Company is rated Fearless Veteran 1 ComPANY HQ HEADQUARTERS Company HQ OPTIONS + Add PIAT teams for +20 points per ceam. * Add up to threee Sniper teams for +50 points per team, 65 points CoG ee eee Tenement cere tet} [An airlanding company arrives onto the battlefield on a wing, land a prayer. Theit commander is central to the success oF ile of their crivical mission, whether it be 2 coup-de-main Gsiaule on some strategic target or reinforcing the divisions el won gains from a secure landing zone. MAJOR eH fit Company Command ‘SM team tht 2 Command ‘SM team COMBAT PLATOONS 2 TO 4 AIRLANDING PLATOONS SUNT | PLATOON HQ Secon wih esti iy ON get 2 Rifle Squads 230 points 1 Rifle Squad 170 poines See AA AK FilerMG team Re team REI ARAN AAA Rife toam Rite/MG team Coe} All Rifle/MG teams in a Airlanding Platoon carry fee ee erence eee ero Gadz ci The sirlanding platoon has to be slightly smaller in size to the standard infantry platoon i order to fir into a Horsa glider. Tough, motivated and well equipped these men are every bit i their parachuting brothers-in-arms. Fite team EUPIA oN Pe eee ee ce er eee ee ere ee Pee eee eee eee eee terete yeas Pre rereecen renee Kernen ortega ener enTrece Pe ersten 2A eran ee eee ream eer oe hey O TO 1 AIRLANDING PIONEER PLATOON, SUTIN Ny TY | Platoon \ “th eee ese 3 The aislanding pioneer platoon provides the aidanding company with its own assault engineering capability. Their main role is to breach minefields, demolish obstacles, and ain cxblshng the ballon’ dfs ones the je RK RIKK | Perot fife tan Ronee ite ean Fee ie eon SECTION 0 TO 1 AIRLANDING MACHINE-GUN SUBALTERN. PLATOON : PLATOON. hh HQ Section with: Soneand [2 Machine pan Sesion 160 pat al |. 1 Machine-gun Section 90 points ‘ See aR ‘Armed with the enormously reliable Vickers Mark { medium machine-gun the machine-gun platoon gives heavy, sustained, fie support for your company. Lacking the ammunition t supply-and training of the specialise machine-gun batzalions, they cannot conduct machine-gun bombardments woah soa || can conf Viokers HMG_Viekers HMG. | | Vickers HMG Vickers HMG AIRLANDING MACHINE-GUN PLATOON, : PLATOON HQ Section with: 1 Mortar Section With six tubes che airlanding mortar platoon is more effec- tive than the equivalent unit of your parachuting friends Landing by glider, the platoon is quickly ready for action, ;providing the company with its own integral, highly mobile and accurate light artillery ass With thice observer teams available you can cover every Tikely enemy approach to spot targets quickly, giving further Support to your company when attacking or p defending. SUBALTERN UTE tht Command Rife tam Pensa SERGEANT RA RA (Obsarvar fle team Observer Rife team at att | att att aa BAK Ont Observer F'mortar 3 mortar fife tam een ESN AIRLANDING MORTAR PLATOON 0 TO 2 AIRLANDING ANTI-TANK PLATOONS PLATOON HQ Section with: 2 Anti-tank Sections 1 Anti-tank Section 175 points 95 points SE thi Command Reta Airborne companies by their very nature are lightly armed. Jerry’s Panzers have the ability to make a meal of the roughest troops s0 you need anti-tank assets with you on the ground and in action immediately. This is where the ubiquitous 6 par-armed airlanding anti-tank platoon comes to the fore. Landed in Horsa gliders together with their jeep tows, these manoeuvrable guns can hit any German armoured force for SIS Spar gun Sprgun —Waaan || Wanna Sper gun Spr gun 0 TO 1 AIRLANDING PLATOON, ROYAL ENGINEERS UBALTERN $e PLATOON ioe HQ Section with: Ceara rhe PIAT te mor i 3 Sapper Sections 255 points rae Seats 195 pins : 1 Sapper Serdon 5 ies Sem OPTIONS u V ae Say ea detec oa wal n lan a Life aces am Bas oda STEEL + Add PIAT team for +20 points, AN ALK Pioneer Paneer AieN6 eam FitelMG team SEES AIRLANDING PLATOON ROYAL ENGINEERS DIVISIONAL SUPPORT TOV tency praesent Flame-thrower team at the start of the game before Peete MOTIVATION AND SKILL Divisional support is « mix of aitbome units and regular beaches. Unless noted otherwise, all divisional support troops assigned to suppore them after landing over the Platoons are rated as Fearless Veteran. AIR SUPPORT Aireraft Priority Air Support Limited Air Support ‘Typhoon 220 points 170 points TO 1 AIRLANDING HEAVY ANTI-TANK PLATOON SUN PLATOON ttf ati osoen 155 poins eons el The heavy toops ofthe aslanding and-tank battalion are the real ace-up-the-sleve of any cunning sitboone commander. Capable of bringing down even Jerry’ heavy Tiger tank, your 17 pats must be deployed careflly to dominate likely armour approaches. You must maximise cheir destructive capa a critical moment in the bate. Eee 17 pd gun pe gun Despite itssize, che 17 pdr gun can be delivered o the airborne bridgehead in the enormous Hamilear glider, each of which can carry a gun and its cut-down Morris 15 ewe tractor. (cutdonn 15 cat tuck Cut-down 15 et ruck ENON NAG ANTI-TANK PLATOON PLATOON HQ Section with: 1 Recee Section RECONNAISSANCE An Airlanding Recee Platoon is a Reconnaissance fre TO 1 AIRLANDING ARMOURED RECCE PLATOON, PLATOON 4 Tetrarch 23 Tetrarch 155 points ‘Arm Command Tetrarch tank with OQE 3” howit- zerin place of OQF 2 pde gun at no cost. Fic Litljohn adaptor to up to two Tetrach tanks at no cost. 4 Cromwell IV 3 Cromwell IV 365 points Fielding Cromwell IV tanks makes the platoon no longer count as an Airlanding platoon. 205 points 485 points 1 Airborne Armoured Recve Regiment arrived by lider lte fon D-Day with a squadron of fetrarch light canks, The Tetrarch Boldiered on dhroughout the Normandy campaign, in August hey were down to haf their original strength and two platoons Were issued Cromwell cruiser tanks as replacements, Matta ares ee ee Sr emieniat eee ec eae ac ee 0 TO 1 AIRLANDING BATTERY, | ROYAL ARTILLERY PLATOON HQ Section with: 2.Gun Sections 1 Gun Section OPTION Add Jeep teams at no cost, 140 points 85 points Tn order to make sure aizborne forces have ready access to ‘artillery support, the airlanding light regiment lands with its "American 75mm pack howitzers in Horsa gliders. Hven when the field regiments of the Royal Actillery have Bade ir off the beach, with so many competing demands for ite missions, the airborne troops cam be lee to fend for them s s0-this integral light arillery support is essential AU TaraTN See AKA ite team wee ty ecco Joop toam with win AA MG SE Command Univeral Caren wth ex nul MG aa CUENTA AKCION Pee nee locity than normal, significantly i Erma capability at the expense of anti-personnel eapabil -clerated sub-calibre shot to a higher ve- SUBALTERN STE fh at-at aa Command Staftteam Observer Ale teem Fife team 0 TO 1 CENTAUR PLATOON PLATOON, 1 Sherman and: 4 Centaur 300 points 3 Centaur 240 points 2.Centaur 180 points SUBALTERN. So Command Shorman HO TANK, oH" VoD ET te A Centaur Platoon is rated as Confident Trained X Independent Royal Marine Armoured Support Battery landed on Sword Beach on D-Day to give fie support for the initial landings. Later their equipment was handed aver «© the X Armoured Batcery, RA. Under their new ownership the Gentaur tanks gave good service as artillery in the airborne salient. Jn late August, due to a lack of British personnel, the Canadians loaned troops to crew these unusual vehicles, 0 TO 1 ARMOURED PLATOON PLATOON. 3 Sherman Il, or V 200 points ‘OPTIONS + Add Firefly VC tank for +80 points + Arm any or all Sherman or Firefly tanks with a (0.5 cal AA MG for +5 points per tank. ein ZUNE ET ate An Armoured Platoon is rated as Confident’ The DD tanks ofthe 13/18 Hussars landed on Sword Beach in the eaily hours of D-Day. After fighting their way off the beach, they accompanied Lord Lovats commandos on their march to telieye Pegasus Bridge. The Hussars remained in support of the Aitborne Division during their early battles te Contaur Centaur UEC SUTIN SUT ‘command Sherman Com BRITISH AIRBORNE FORCES ie 1 PLATOON HQ Section with: 2. Commando Squads OPTIONS Replace one Rifle/MG team with a Light Mortar ‘+ Replace one Rifle/MG team with a PIAT team at no 220 points + Upgrade up to two Rifle/MG teams to SMG teams at no cost. SE Command FileNG team HQ SECTION Ean ese tit Ath AilefMG tear Rfe4G team thi ditt Athi Fitle/MG team Rife/MG tam Rien eam Rie/hG tear COMMITS! CoN ‘COMMANDO PLATOON COMMANDO SPECIAL RULES Poem age Commandos are expected to be independent-minded (iF not downright unconventional) sorts and every man is drilled in the plan before an attack. That way if th Cees he cone er eens cece) rman Mission Tactics Commando Platoons use the special rule, NAEYC} Under Captains W E Fairbairn and AE tough Shanghai policemen, Commandos were t every imaginable method of killing and avoiding being, See ee ee ey ee ee ees Peoria cee ico Conm ee ee ee eee 0 TO 1 RIFLE PLATOON PLATOON HQ Section with: 3 Rifle Squads 2 Rifle Squads 135 points 105 points MOTIVATION AND SKILL A Rifle Platoon is rated as Confident T Now that the airborne troops have doneall the hard work the lads from the infantry regiments that the paratroopers volun: teered to get our of, have Finally arrived to lend a hand. Some fof these men are veterans of every theatre of the war, so are wide-eyed new boys ready to do their bit after guarding the home-front for long years, Whoever they are you can rely ‘on them to display every lase bie of che tenacity the British s@ldier is famous for INE ODIs Cas The men trained at the Commando Basic Training Centre at Achnacarry, Scotland, never forgot thei chant of Its all in the mind and the heart’ as Whit. Ce eRe ee they scaled impossible cliffs and swam rivers in All Commando Infants Domes MN ‘Commandos are fearless, but they are also raiders. Th job is to get in, strike hard, and get out. Prolonged com- bats simply delay their mission, so the British Bulldog rule does not apply to Commando platoons. SUBALTERN. SE MEN ak Command ght Mortar PIAT team Rie team tear Eee Co tr AIK | Ci ini RieMG cam Rile/MG team |} Rie/MG team Rfe/AAG team RIFLE SQUAD PECUD) their ttt FifleMGteam_ifle/MG eam Ee) ROTA ECR © TO 1 FIELD BATTERY, ROYAL ARTILLERY | PLATOON {HQ Troop with: ‘Two Gun Troops with a total of 4 Gun Sections 275 points One Gun Troop wit: 2 Gun Sections 165 points 1 Gun Section 100 poines ‘OPTIONS Ser 15 ew tucks and Quad tractors at no cost | + Replace the HQ Troop jeep with a White scour car pee + Replace any or all Observer Rifle teams and their | OP Carriers with Observer Sherman OP tanks for {sto points per sank: MOTIVATION AND SKILL A Field Battery, Royal Artillery is rated as Confident eee Tau} eee oe oe aes Support choice, each Gun Troop operates as a separate platoon with its own Command team. The HQ Troop Command team and Stalf team are Independent teams. Ifthe HQ Troop Command team joins a Gun troop, it becomes the Platoon Con ee ogee: eee ores Sra Ae eee ee eee ec ea ae treated as a single platoon when caeulating the number of platoons held in Ambush or Reserve, Te prepare Jerry for a really big attack or co defend your Bittle lines from one of his, nothing gets the job done like 4 devastating barrage from the highly tained professionals of the Royal Artillery MAJOR Att wit Command deep Rite tam Command Rife eam Command Fite toam SEG 2pdegn Ve “Sx, Bpdean ee pg TES GEES At ll nn om sat oil Staff team ari Observer OP Carer Rie team a. “SAAD 5 pargun BRITISH AIRBORNE FORCES we ea. 28pargun Y, ROYAL ARTILLERY Wich cight guns ar theie disposal and further batteries ready to support, when the airborne are lucky enough for the ‘gunners to remember them, Jerry bet start digging —onee the barrage lifts the Red Devils won't be far behind, LIGHT TANKS Teanrch 0QF2 pdr gun With Lieeohn udaior With OOF 3° hoster MEDIUM TANKS Comer OQ 95mm hats Bring boribardmens Cromwell 1V OQF 7m ge Shean I, 1,0, or V Mobiisy Range Fally-cackad 247600 ibm 24°I6bem Flly-tracked 24606 4871206 Fully-racke 32°80 Fly tacked M3 75m gun 32780 Fiedy ve Pllysracked (0QF 17 pr gon 32180 Sherman OP Fly eacked RECONNAISSANCE Univeral Cater Halfeacked Rice xp Jeep VEHICLE MACHINE-GUNS ible MG 16%4om Baie oc 15%doon Front ROF Armout Side Ant-tank Firspower Top - 3s Equipment and Notes Co-ax MG, Light nk No HE Soe, Co-ax MG, Protected ammo, Unreliable Sine Soe bomburdens Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Light ank, Powe ammo, Tow hook. Soin fo, Smoke Co-ax MG, Hull MG, Tow hook. Soni ine fire, Soe Co-ax MG, Tow hook No HE, Sots ire Hull MG. Two Hull MG, Tin AA MG, OF 1 fether weapons fre OF | iether weapons fre GUN TEAMS Weapon Mobily Range ROF Anc-tank Firepower Notes Vickers IMG Man-packed — 24'60em 2 6 —_ROF 2when pinned down, No bombardment ML3" Mkt morar Man-packed 2 6 Smoke Bombardment (OQ 6 pdr gun Medium 24°60em 10 Gun sich OQHI7 pk gun Tvmobile — 32780em 18 ‘Gun shield, No HE. MIAL 75mm pack howiter Light 16740em Smoke Firing bomberdnents 6471600 Sinoke bomburdnen 0QF 25 pede gun Heny ——24*60cm 3+ Gunshield, Smoke Tumble, Fring bombard 8072006 Smoke bombardment —— INFANTRY TEAMS Team Range ROP Andi-tank Firepower Notes Rifle ram 1e1s0m 1 2 6 ie tam 614m 6 BRITISH AIRBORNE FORCES SMG team #70 6 Full ROF when moving. Tighe Mora eam 160m Sok, Can fre ever endl cams PIAT team ern Tank Asaule4 Fame thowsr team 10cm Fame thrower Seam cannot shoot Moves asa Hezy Gun tam. ADDITIONAL TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT Pioneer tems are tated Tale Ase 3, Teams with Gammon bombs are rated as Tank Asaul 3, TRANSPORT TEAMS Vehicle Mobi ‘Top Equipment nd Notes Jen Jeep Mons of CMP 15 ewe eck Wheled Quad tactor Wherled White Scout Car ep OP Carne. Halfrcked AIRCRAFT Aleeralt ‘Typhoon Sten Mb5 The Sten gun was a rudimentary bus effecsivesubmachine-gun ‘manufactured by she milons in factories across Britain. You boys are late! Irs all over bar Bethe bloody shouting!’ said the sentry, evidently one of Howard's men, as we doubled across the canal bridge. His jibe clicited much laughter from a small party of his comrades nearby, We reached the western bank and I looked abour. Off to the right T could see three men hunched over a table, scrutinising a map by Jamplight. One of chem had on a pair of cowboy boots, “Wooden Box! I gave my men the order to halt and stand to, and quickl made my way actoss to the table. ‘Lieutenant MacDonald report- ing as ordered, sir’ “MacDonald, where the bloody hell have you been?” said Pinc- Coffin wining towards me. I €ould see Major Howard at his shoulder and another man I didn’t indicating my sodden trousers. ‘Never mind that, you're here now. Wait a momenc will you. He turned back to his licde conference. ‘T want to hold a line running north-south from Le Port to Benowville.’ As he spoke he traced his finger across the map. ‘T've got ‘A company, ot what’ lefe of it, here in Benouville, B company fire, The three men continued talking for another five minutes When they had finished, Howard and the other man walked past me towards the bridge at a brisk is in Le Port. The four battle pace. outposts we planned are proving ‘Righte to be a bit of MacDonald, a problem as “A Company arehaving an, sign of. they've got no bit of difficulty in these Major Smith weapons yet. yer?” paar Sere Stowe eres got clever and is tryingto ‘No sir. He supposedly my reserve but I've already had to parcel out some of it to the two others. MacDonald here is going to command my counterattack force. that all you've got MacDonald?” he asked looking past me to the platoon I had assembled “Braid so, sit. And some of them have only got their Stens.” recognise. Landed ina Wooden Box bog, si. Only “Because of the lack of — ‘lled his eves €xtricated radios, I've given the gor ve back i to his map. Riyself with uspose commande P some dif athority to withdraw.” Because of the aailty’ replied, a rae lack of radios, I've given the ourpost commanders authority to withdraw, but only under heavy pressure.’ As if to add gravity 10 his words, just then the sound of mortar shells echoed along the banks of the canal, followed by the faine sound of machine-gun outflank them.” jumped before meand I've not seen hide nor hair of him since.” Righto, he said thoughtfully, and then after a pause, ‘get those men formed up. 1 want them ready to move out at a moment’ notice.” Yes sir’ We didn’t have long to wait. From thesouth came thesound ofheavy fighting and a short time later a runner came into the Command Post. Iwas summoned ro the map table where old Wooden Box was waiting. ‘A Company are having a bit of difficulty in these woods here. Seems Jerry’s got clever and is uying to outflank them, Take your fellows and clear that wood. Hold it until relieved Understood?” “Yes sir” Born on the family estate in Devonshire in 1908, Richard Geoliey Pine-Cofin was destined to bea career army officer froman ealy age. Receiving his commission in the Devonshire Regiment as a Second Licutenane in 1928, he was steadily promoted and in September 1941 joined the newly formed 2nd Parachute Batalion before assuming command of the 3rd Batalion in 1942, By now a Lieutenant-Colonel, he led his unit gallantly dhroughout the North Affican campaign, ‘winning the Military Cross for his actions. Pine-Coffin was recalled to England to command the fedgling 7ch Parachute Batalion, part of the 6th Airborne Division, as preparations began in earnest for the assault on Hitler's Fortress Europe. On D-Day the 7th Baralion played a vital role in the aisborne assault, reinforcing Major John Howard's ‘coup-de-main force that hal seized the strategically impor- fane bridges spanning the River Orne and Caen Canal. The bridge defenders came under repeated and sustained attack from numerically superior German forees, but Pine-Coffin cooly co-ordinated the defence throughout the day until he and his weary men were relieved by the beach-landed troops. For his par in ths steadfast defence Pine-Coffin was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. Fondly known by his men as ‘Wooden Box’, Pine-Coffin, ‘commanded the 7ch Batzalion through the remainder of the ‘ar, receiving a bar to his DSO during the battalion’ final combat jump over the Rhine in March 1945, CHARACTERISTICS Pine-Coffin is an Infantry team, a Warrior and a: Highes Command team rated as Fearless Veteran He is armed with a Sten gun rated as follows: Range 4”/LOemay ROF 3, Anti-tank: |, Firepower: 6, full ROF when moving Pine-Coffin can join & Parachute Company for +50 points SPECIAL RULES: Counterattack Platoon: When his front line requites tins forcement, Pine-Coffin utilizes a small ad hoc Formation of men as a counteratuck force. At the end of any Searting Step in which she 2iC Command team is within 6°115em of Pine-Caffin you may form, or sip plement, the Countenattack Platoon. To do so nominate up te ‘vo teams from any Parachute Platoon within 6/L5em of the 2iC team. You may never nominate tami from a plasoon of less shan five seams, These teams become part of the Counteratagl, Platoon. The 2iC Command team becomes: he Platoon Command team for the Connteratzack Platoon, ceasing to be «an Independent tean and no longer counting as a 2iC team ‘Teams placed in the Counterateack Platoon are no longer pal af their original platoons. The Counterattack Platoon counts «platoon forall purposes except Company Morale Checks, PA ht iS) m4 9° ig rm Z 4 fe} = = 4 x 2] = 4 a i aA YN 8 ” Pe ug 4 fo} bre Pr Zz, 4 fo} 2 = 4 as Fa) 5 rat—4 E Below; you'll find a comprehensive painting/uniform guide to help you get your Parachute or Airlanding Platoons into action with the correct colours as soon as possible. he British Airborne soldier, ike his comrades from the Rifle smock, this was unique to che Brish airbome forces. The Sompanies, wore the Bactledress. ‘This consisted of a shore smock was designed in 1942 by 2 Major Dennison and was jacket and rrousers in a green-brown Khaki. adopted and desigaated by the British Army as the “Airborne Smock Denison Camouflage” Iwas made from a light sand green coloured denim m dark green and chocolate brown camouflage pactern. British paratraops wore their own special tec! helmet. Usually Teas covered with camouflage netting to which bits of cam uflage-coloured fabric could be tied to aid concealment. rial which was hand-painted with British paratroops were also issued their famous red beret. By Many even wore it into battle he standard Bateledress they worea Denison camouflage Beret: Red (947) Helmet: Russian Uniform (924) ‘Camo Strips = Hat Herth (983) ‘Camo Strips Given Ochre (914) Smocks Green Ochre (914) Camo Reflective Green (890) ‘Camo Hat Earth (983) Webbing/Backpacle Geen Grp (886) Trousers: Zing Uniform (921) Gaiters|Cantecns Give Gy (886) Boots/Chinstrap: Blac (950) Skin: Alar lsh (955) Rifle Butt/Entrenching Took: Aeige Brun (875) Rifle BarreV/SMG/Machine Guns: Girnetal Grey (863) Vehicles/Gunst Rusia Uniform ( DENISON SMOCK AA) Starting with a base of English Uniform 921 helps create visual depth on the figure whilst also providing a soli colout for {B) Green Ochre 914 t0 be applied (C) Reflective Green 890 is aed next, followed by (D) Flat Earth 983 in irregular stripes. The exo camo colours should cover roughly 502% of the smock erwcen them. Finally (E) giving the figure light dry brush with Green Ochre 914 helps break up the hard camo lines, whist leaving the recesses darker. PAINTED EXAMPLES Cry TROUSERS AND BOOTS PLL (A) English Uniform 921 trousers, and Black 950 boots. Highlight the trousers by mixing a small amount of Green Ochre 914 with English Uniform 921 (B) or by using Green Brown 879 (C). If you are fielding a Canadian of Brown Violet 887 (D) followed by a highlight of Russian Uniform 924 (B) is a good way to recreate their greener fabrie WEBBING, BACKPACK AND GAITERS AK (A)A shading base of Russian Uniform 924 followed by (B) Gree Grey 886, Mixing alittle White 951 with Green Grey 88640 highlight, (C) Ensrenching tool handle Beige Brown 875 (D) and any extra gear mortars, grenades and binoculars Reflective Green 890 shading colout, Russian Uniform 924 baselhig ight. (E) Shows a completed parstrooper. PAINTING HELMETS AND BERETS M444) (aaa Helmets. (A) Star with a shading base of Reflective Green 890, then a heavy dey brush of Rassien Uniform 924 (B) Paint the hassian strips with Far Earth 983, (C) then pick out half che sips again with Green Ochre 914 (D).(B) Finish by giving a light dry brush with Green Oobire 914 Beret. (F) Base coat with Mar Brown 984, followed by (G) Red 947 mixed witha small amount of Dark Blue 930. (H) Highe light wich Red 947, Tips ‘Where adding white o a colour is suggested for a highlight, you can also use Buff, or Iraqi Sand, this will leave the highlight colour les stark. Green Ochre works well with greens and browns. y the time of the Normandy landings, the 82 ‘Airborne Division was a battle-hardened outfit with many veterans within ies ranks. The ‘All American sion, as it was known, had eame a reputation for hard Highting in che Sicily, Salerno and Anzio landings in the edicerrinean. For Operation Neptune, the Allied. am- Teorganised 10 include wo new regiments, replacements for the 504* Parachute Infantry Regiment which had only fecently arrived in England from Ttaly and was still regroup ing, Under the command of General Ridgway were Colonel Pkman’s 505" Parachute Infantry Regiment, Colonel Millet’ 507° Parachute Infantry Regiment and Colonel Lindquist’ 508% Parachute Infantry Regiment, plus Colonel Lewis! 325° Glider Infantey Regiment and supporting arms includ ing Licutenant-Colonel D’Allessios 4564 Parachute Field Axiillery Baalion, ‘On D-Day the 82%, along with the 101" Airborne Dixision, Was to land in a broad wedge inland from Utah Beach at the base of the Cotentin Peninsula, ‘The airborne divisions were fo seize and hold vital causeways, road junctions and river Bridges, preventing German reinforcements fiom rushing to the invasion beaches and facilitating the movement inland (f the American amphibious force. Specifically, the 82 was #9 seal off the Cotentin from the south, destroy the bridges Nver the Douve, hold its banks to protect VII Corps, occupy both banks of the Merderet River and take and hold Ste. Méte-Reglise. ‘An aerial armada of 378 C47 Skytrain aircraft carrying the division's 6,418 paratroopers roared across the channel in the arly hours of 6 June, following pathfinder units that had one our just a few hours beforchand. The aircraft travelled fin the wake of the formavions carrying the 101* and so had 10 contend with more alert German air defences, though thankfully noc the hail of ‘fiendly’ fire from the invasion Hleet which had crippled che division in the Sicily campaign, Parther C47’ towing Waco gliders fed the men of the 325" and crucial supplies toward four landing ste. Dense fog and heavy anti-aircraft fire led to widespread dis- Persion of the parachute drops, asthe young pilots struggled smaintain speed, formation and direction. Many fuckless paratroopers Fell nto recently Hooded areas whete chey stage sled to rid themselves of their harnesses and heavy equip- ment. Even the fortunate ones who landed on firm ground found themselves many miles from their specified drop zones (DZs) and faced with the daunting task of forming up in the clark and reaching their assigned objectives. “The 505® had the furthest to go, tasked with seizing the

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