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pee eee Pa RKO unos a OU gag The Webrmacht (Defence Force) had three official arms of service, the Heer or Army, the Luftwaffe or Air Force, and the Kriegsmarine ot Navy, and a fourth de facto arm in the Waffen-SS or Armed SS—the armed forces of the Nazi Party “OF the fous, the Heer, the Lufiwaffi, and the Waffen-SS all sent ground troops to fight on the Eastern Front, All thice " ase represented by the forces in Easferm Front and have their ‘own Motivation and Skill ratings to reflect this. Plaroons " tetain their original ratings when supporting a company from another arm of service, POINTS VALUES German platoon entries have symbols above the points ‘values to indicate which arm each column of points applies "10. If you are fielding a platoon as Heer troops, you snust use the points in the column marked”. If you are fielding 4 plaoon as Waffen-SS oops, you must use the points in "the column marked. The Lufiwaff fielded both elite Fallschirmjiger (parachute) divisions and hastily-saised field cons. Ifyou are fielding a platoon as Fallschirmpdger, you ‘must use the points in the column marked @. If you are "fielding a platoon as Lufiwaff field troops, you must use the points in the column marked @ PLATOON Ground combat is tradivionally che domain of the Heer or Acmy, and the vast majority of combat troops fighting in che ast were theirs, and the rest fought under Heer command, J companies, except for the Air Forces Luftwaffe Feld ‘Kompanic, Fallschirmjagerkompanie, and Fallschirmpionier- NTA ANESS The Waffen-SS are the armed forces of the Nazi Party. While “under the operational control of the Heer, they have cheir own recruiting and supply organisations. This often leads to "them having different struccure and equipment. “On the face of it, the Lufiwaffé seems unlikely to have ground _ sroops fighting on the Eastern Front. However, the Air Force controls the Fallchirmjdger (paratroops) and formed. its field divisions rather than surrendering surplus person- troops. Due to the level of rivalry beeween them, all three arms count as being allied armies as if hey were from different countries for the purposes of the Fielding Allied Plasoons rule on page 183 of the rulebook. For all other purposes, all shree arms count as German forces. ARM OF SERVICE-SPECIFIC PLATOONS, While the Heer and Waffen-SS were equipped with much the same equipment, but some items were specific to one or the other, Platoons marked with an arm of service symbol to the lefe of the oprion are only available to chat arm of service “The various arms of service usually provided cheir own sup= porting troops, there were occasions when they received support from a different arm of service. ‘This is shown by am arm of sesvice symbol to the right of the option. gua “The example above shows thar she Lufewaffe Feld Platoon is from the Luftwaffe (GH), and is only available to the Heer (%), SIONS kompanie, can be fielded as Heer szoaps. Heer companies use the column marked ( when calculating their points. 1f the values in that column are blank, chat equipment is nor available to them. Heer troops do not have any SS support, bur may have Luftwaffe support where shown in che Support options, DIVISIONS SS companies use the column marked #) when calculating their points. IF the values in that column are blank, that ‘equipment is not available to chem. SS crops do nor have © suipporc from any other arm of service, eA aS nel to the Heer. Fallichirmjiger companies use the column | marked @ , while Luftwaffe companies use the column marked} when calculating cheir points Both may Pans Wolf Schmidt had just finished his training as a aker’s apprentice when he was called up for military service 4m August 1939. He served as an Unieroffisien, or Sergeant, vith 257. Infenteriedivision in Poland later chat year. During the Baule of France in 1940, he won the Iron Cross, Second | Class, assaulting a pillbox while breaching the Maginot Line in aly. In November, he was promoted to Faldwebel, or Platoon J Sergeane, when he was transferred to the newly-formed [1U/516. bafanterieregimens of 295. Infanteriedivision, E the division fought with 17. Armee on the southern front in ‘Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of che Soviet Union from ine 1941. Schmidt won the Iron Cross, First Class, in the Highting at Poltava in November 1941, leading his company ter all of the officers became casualties. He was promoted co ‘Oberfeldwebel (Senior Sergeant) early in 1942, commanding own platoon during the harsh winter battles. Schmidt is 2 Warrior, a Pioneer, and Command team rated Fearless Veteran. ic is armed with a Russian PPSh-41 submachine-gun and jraro-masher stick grenades wich the following ratings: nge: 4°/10cm, ROF: 3, Anti-tanle 1, and Firepower: 6, ike an SMG team, Schmide fires at full ROF when moving. shmide replaces the Command Pioneer SMG team of an Fall Blau, the advance on Stalingrad in July 1942, saw | Oberfeldivebel Schmidt once more in the thick of batde. His company was heavily involved in the fighting over Stalingrad’s Mamayev Kurgan in September. Schmidt led assaults to the summit twice before it was Finally taken, October saw the survivors of Schmidr’s company taking part in the intense fighting for the Barrikady and Stalingrad Tractor factories. Schmidcled his small group of survivors, now formed into an assault group, though che grim hand-to-hand bactes in the factories. By January, Schmides assault group was one of the few still functioning in the surrounded division. They foughe ro the lase. ‘There is no record of Schmide in Russian captivity after she surrender. 3 SPECIAL RULES 3 ——— Follow Me: Schmidt and his Assaule Troop always pass ‘Motivation tests on a roll of 3+ instead of the normal roll. Old Hands: Schmide and his Assaule Squads (but not the Heavy Squads) hit on a roll of 2+ in assaule combats. Cautious Movement: Schmidt and his Assault Troop use the _ Recce Cautious Movement rale on page 63 of the rulebook Reconnaissance Deployment: After all deployment, but before the game begins, Schmidt and his Assaule Troop may move up to their normal movement in any direction, This nor be At the Double and may not rake any team within 16°/40cm of the enemy, movement ma oo Methodically, Zaytsev cleans his rifle. The Kapitan steps inco the dugout. “Pavlov didn't come back,” he says. Zaytsev looks up, silent, waiting. “That's three of your zaychata in as many days,” the Kapitan says with exasperation, “don't you teach F your baby hares to hide properly?” Zaytsev seems to look right chrough him. Suddenly nervous, imagining crosshairs | in those pale eyes, the Kapitan licks his lips. “The brass says “the Fascists have a sverehsnayper, a super snipes,” he says at last, “some Prussian named Koenig. So watch yourself, E Zaysev. Dismissed.” J SS CHARACTERISTICS — ee Major Koenig is a Sniper and a Warrior. He is rated. as Fearless Vereran Mojor Koenig can join any Grenadierkompanie or Pionierkompanie for +80 points. =, E SPECIAL RULES SS Hand-picked Rifle: Koenig uses his own hand-picked Kar98k rifle with a Zeiss telescopic sight giving him a range ‘of 24°/60cm. Grack Shot: Koenig is a crack shot. Re-roll any failed rolls ‘to hit when he shoots _ Sniper-killers Koenig was brought in to hunt down and kill enemy snipers. Enemy snipers that fired in their turn do not count as Gone co Ground when shor at by Koenig, In a new lais, the second floor of a burnt out building, Zaytsev waits for a target. He has wriggled deep behind che Fascist lines, chrough sewers and drains. The new lair is more exposed than he likes, but he can se once. Taking off his helmet and pulling on his pilocka cap. Zayssev settles down co wait. down three streets at ‘Aa officers peaked cap appears briefly in a window as its incautious owner moves into position. Zaytsev smiles, waiting. The cap rises slowly as the officer peers over the sil. Zaytsev's finger tightens gencly on che tigger. And pauses. Something's wrong wich the way ifs moving, the angle of the cap, its trap. Pasiently, Zaytsey scans the surrounding buildings breaching slowly. There! Sunlight on glass in a bombed our building. Through the scope, he sees a shadow in the shadows at a window. Waiting, Patiently. For his shot Scope to scope, they face each other across the ruins. Zaytsew holds his breath, squeezing his trigger. He sees the opposing murale flash and Sings himself to the floor. A bullet chrows his helmet againse the wall. In an instant he is up, eye glued to the scope. The shadow is gone. 4 ‘Not today, my friend, Zayesey whispers. “You, I will have, for my saschata and for me.” SNIPER | Koenig follows all of the Sniper Rules on page 92 of the | _ rulebook in addition to his own special rules. Bom in Bonn, parachute assaule ed a serious head wound Greece. He spen seturned to Fran By Novemb: seginning of 1943 and for treatment on. He October 19 ous Returned to German Berli 3 as a result of wor vehicle accident. CHARACTERISTICS ee Koch is a Warrior and Higher Command t ced 2 Fearless Veteran, He is atmed with an M40 SMG with the follo Range: 4°/10cm, RO: 3 th carries his weapon w schimpionierkompani¢ for +5 glider in an airborne assault without affectin; he is currently leading. ces on a roll of. Fight on: K tly leading al pass M E Galatas, and Canca for which he “Cross by Hitler. my, Von der Heydte was given command ent in Normandy. After heavy fi again as part of ( which he Qakleaves to his Knights Cros Von der Heydtc’s war ended with the last Gi assault during the Battle of the Bulge. He pa ne arm in a sling and injured the other on lan¢ he failure of this Eby the US Ar a pistol with the following ratings: Range: 4°/10cm, ROF: 1, Anti-tank: 1, Rally Once More: As sought out lightly wounded troop: fighting. He made sure that he got the m dee ralliessthe survive) t on unharmed. badly wounded and the Ifthe result the team and it continues to rcded as a dashing and competent leader, § mer was given the prestigious command the elite armoured infantry of I, Bataillon, Panzergrenadierregiment Grossdeutschland December 1942, His first cask was t0 build his devastared barralion after the E brutal winter battles in the Lutchessa Valley. | Remer’s firse battle with his new command p was Kharkov in May 1943. He was awarded * “the Knight's Cross and promoted to Major or the leadership he displayed. Typically, he credited che award ro the bravery and skill E of his men, femer went on to lead his battalion through ¢ Battle of Kursk, winning new respect both him and his men in the process Basaillon was always in che forefront of Sattacks, with Remer at their head earning the Close Combat Clasp in Silver for P45 assaults, and the Wound Badge in Silver for cight wounds in combat. In November Remer was awarded the Oak Leaves for his E Knight’ Cross, the 325" German soldier to receive this coveted award, for ‘outstanding Eaccomplishments as a commander’ during ‘the summer months. Tn March 1944, Remer was transferred to ie highly sought after post commanding Wachbaszillon Berlin, thebatealion responsible guarding the German capital. He was instrumental in foiling the coup atcempt lowing the 20 July plot on Hider life, Hider’ geacinude resulted in an immediate Promotion to Oberst and command of the rerbegleitbrigade, anew formation formed ® fom Hitlers military escort. E Under Remes, the Fihrerbegleithrigade acquitted itself well F during the unsuccessful Battle of the Bulge in December 1944 When his brigade was expanded into the Fiibrerbegleitdivision, Remer was promoted again, this time to Generalmajor. At 52, he was the youngest German General of the war. Fighting co the last days, Remer ended the war in an American POW camp after escaping the advancing Russian armies. = ——» — CHARACTERISTICS —— met is a Warrior and a Higher Command team rated as Fearless Veteran. ic is armed with a Russian PPSh-41 SMG and a sharpened _gnerenching tol with the following satings /10cm, ROF: 3, : SMG team, Remer has full ROF when moving. ner can join any Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie or | Panzergrenadierkompanic for +55 points with a Schwimm- gen for cranspore, or +70 points with an Sd Kfz 251/1C. Thalf-track for his transport. eS ee SPECIAL RULES ee re Follow Me: Remer and any platoon he is currently leading always pass Motivation tests on a roll of 3+ instead of the normal roll Forwards: Remerand any platoon that heis currently leading may make Stormtroopers moves on a roll of 2+ instead of the normal roll. No Quarter: Remer and any platoon that he is currently — Jeading hit on a roll of 2+ in assault combats HEADQUARTERS Ie eerty eae rer) PSN cette! 1 | 1¢ first rw Heer Schnsere Panzaraheril lions) to fight in the Ease late in 19 in the centre a MOTIVATION AND SKILL Companies are rated Confident Veteran. 1 SS Companies are rated Fearless Veteran, + Replace all Panzer III N tanks with Panzer IIT L or M tanks for +5 points per tank. ‘Add Sd K&- 9 (188) recovery half-track for +5 points | The legendary Tiger heavy tank entered W in 1942 and for the next year became the euler of the bat- F ileficld, Its thick armour and deadly 8.8m gun provided Ha distiner edge for the Germans in any tank battle. Fully capable of sanding up and defeating any foe, che presence of a Tiger in a battle commanded immediate attention. OPTION * Replace all Panzer III N tanks with Panzer III L or M tanks for +5 points per tank. Remember to roll for your Tiger Ace Skil: before each ESCORT TANKS The Tiger battalions had an escort tank for each Tige tank to protect them from infantry and anti-tank gun: With their much lighter armour their life expectancy was low: A 1942 Schwere Panzer Platoon that consains Tiger 1 E tanks docs not count Panzer Ill tants as Destroyed when determining if it needs 0 check Plasoon Morale rid War HI late Ean PNA Company Command Tiger | E GOIN ‘The Company Command Tiger 1 E always has two Tiger Ace \ Skills (see page 168 of the rulebook) Roll 2 dice and any rallof © 4, 26 (or & ) allows you to choose your Tiger Ace skill Command Tiger |E Tiger1E Panzer Ill N Panzer llIN _ REORGANISATION The Panzer IIL was originally issued to the heavy tank units as escorts for the Tiger tanks. Combat proved them. rather vulnerable for this role, so many units operated + with separate Tiger and Panzer III platoons. Any 1942 Schwere Panzer Platoon may swap all of its | Panzer IIT tanks for all of she Tiger TE tanks of anovher Schwere Panzer Platoon atthe sare of che game before deploy- 1 ment. The result will be one platoon of Tiger I E tanks and A, one plasoon of Paneer II tanks, Pocus ARMOUR TEN eva on fom each box) eon eure Ree TLL ARGS oo PN euch acmeen | | _ ue PANZERABTEILUNG due be Gale tank battalions MOTIVATION AND SKILL Heer Companies are rated Confident Veteran, FSS Companies are nated Fearless Veteran. Pe EEE | OPTION + Add Sd Kfz 9 (181) recovery half track for +5 points. The Campany Command Tiger 1E always has wo Tiger Ace Skills (se page 168 ofthe ruleboak) Roll 2 dice and any roll of a6 (or ©) allows you to choose your Tiger Ace skill. a Remember that your 2iC Tiger 1 E ako gets a Tiger Ace shill CONVEY MoI UcoLo aE 1943 SCHWERE PANZER PLATOON =~ ———$#———_—— 4 — _ PLATOON “The reorganization of Tiger battalions climinated the Panzer III tank from its platoons leaving each platoon a full = complement of heavy tanks. Uncil che arrival of heavy Soviet sanks, the Tiger ruled the bartlefield exacting heavy losses ERS ‘n its enemies. Though still heavy and slow, the expertise of = “their crews and lethality of its 8.8cm gun kepe it the single ‘most feared opponent rhe Allies would face in che war Remember t0 roll for your Tiger Ace Skills before each gare iain Monee ovina toes Lleol NET les INFANTRY ee us . INFANTRY pois ii 4 es a Csi ea ] ° a in the pro h aaa : tank in production calling i eco Si sce ncn he MA NY DIVISIONAL SUPPORT PLATOONS (Chosse on platoon rom each box) Tie evan . er 00 ee x} ints inventory away from the test of the division. MOTIVATION AND SKILL HEADQUARTERS Company HQ with: OPTION. * Add an Sd Kf 9 (18t) recovery half-track for +5 points. ch Panzer companies were initially equipped ep jh Patzer 38(0 and Panzer II light canks. However, zer 38(t) had just 25mm of armour, bur 38(0 sported an additional 2 all 3 it from going head to head with the newer Sovier i wess of the panzer HEADQUARTERS eee rea fl Mating Neg : PTURED T-34 TANKS s Rei i (TANK COMPANY) Cae ANTL-AIRCRAFT RECONNAISSANCE INFANTRY RG nique in a handful DANO remeuconeen NZL Pune ud LTE g Bais RECONNAISSANCE evar roa eae ANTI-AIRCRAFT ta Yay a es MOTIVATION AND SKILL Heer Companies are rated Confident Veteran. SS Companies are rated Fearless Veteran. _ COMPANY HQ HEADQUARTERS Company HQ with: ad] Upgrade any or all Panzer IIL G to the following tanks for the points indicated (points are per tank): Add Schiirzen sideskirts to any or all Panzer IIL 1, 7 M ot N, or Panzer IV G (late) tanks for +5 points per tank. ‘Add Cupolas to any or all I-34 obr 1942 tanks for +5 points per tank. OPTION + Add an Sd Kfz 9 (18t) recovery half-track for +5 points. HAUPTMANN Company Command tank aie 2iC Command tank LEICHTE PANZERKOMPANIE HQ. “The Panzer company HQ coordinates the actions of the entie company, Issuing orders and bolstering combar platoons at crisical moments. The effect thar the HQ platoon can have on the outcome of the bate is enormous, Recovery vehicles like the massive Famo Sd Kfz 9 half-track with is 18-tonne draw capacity use the vehicle recovery rules ‘on page 41 of the rulebook to get stuck vehicles moving, Ifthe Company HQ of a Mittlere Panzerkompante HQ has E34 tanks, the company must have at least two Mitelere Panzer Platoons with T-34 tanks. Otherwise it must have at least two Mittlere Panzer Platoons with Panzer IIT and | IV tanks, q COMBAT PLATOONS ¥ IGHT PANZER PLATOON B PLATOON Light Panzer Platoons are Reconnaissance Platoons. LEUTNANT LEUTNANT. SAR Command Panzer IF HQ SECTION UNE aaE UNTEROFFIZIER Upgrade any or all Panzer III G tanks to the tanks listed | below for the points per tank shown: a Mor N, or Panzer IV G (late) tanks for +5 points | per tank. * Add Cupolas to any or all T-34 obr 1942 tanks for +5 points per tank Each tank in a Mitelere Panzer Platoon may have different \ upgrades. PANZER ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN PLATOON PLATOON + Upgrade to armoured half-tracks with Front, Side and Top armour rating of 0 for +10 points per_| hhalf-track. reraft platoons provide the Panzertruppen with mobile it can keep up with the speed of their Waa In 1942 and the first half of 1943, Panzer battalions wer posed to be equipped with three leichre or light compa: nies equipped with 17 Panzer III and five Panzer II tanks and a mitilere or medium company equipped with ten Panzer LV and five Panzer II tanks. Some divisions maintained this str ture, but others, such as 6. Panzerdivision in 1943, dispensed wich the Panzer II tanks and integrated their Panzer TIT an IV tanks into mixed companies and platoons. LEUTNANT. PNT Command Sd Kiz 7/1 (Quad 2em) ENE aSON PUTTY SECTION comers PLATOON HQ Section with: OPTION + Replace any or all motorcycles and sidecars with two solo motorcycles based together, a Kewenkrad half-tracked motorcycle, or a Kiibelwagen jeep per motorcycle and sidecar at no cost. Replace all motorcycles and sidecars with Schwimmwagen amphibious jeeps for +5 points for the platoon. Panzer Scout Plaroons are Reconnaissance Platoons PANZER PIONEER PLATOON PLATOON HQ Section with: OPTION + Upgrade all Maultier half-tracks to Sd Kfe 251/7 (Pioneer) half-tracks for +10 points per half-track. _ Atank’s most powerful weapon is its engine. Ie stands to reason " then, that ies worst enemy is anything that limits its manoeu- _ wre. The pioneer platoon’ role is to clear obstacles from the path of the tanks so that they ate fice to manoeuvre. ee: TANK PLATOON——«———= OPTION * Add Schiirzen sideskirts to any or all Flamm- panzer III flame-tanks for +5 points per tank. enn Pieee may make Combat Attachments to © Mirzlere Panzer Platoons or Panzer Platoons Flammpanzer Il flame-tanks may not Launch Assauls | 20 ay they Counteratack if asad LEUTNANT. UNTEROFFIZIER. RAY alt MG team Motorcycle and sidecar with MG tit Command Motorcycle and MGteam —sidecar with MG ECRaIeM See) UNTEROFFIZIER WAY ald || ATR old MGteam Motorcycle and MGteam Motorcycle and sidecer with MG sidecar with MG UT SQUAD PANZER SCOUT PLATOON UNO ATR Pioneer MG Opel Mauttier RR ome [Command Pioneer Kibelwagen| MG team PeRaros UNTEROFFIZIER. Pioneer MG Opel Maultier TONG Eo Command Flammpanzer Il ORNS Flammpanzer Ill cy Flarnmpancer Il (TANK COMPANY) DiaNol Vasc) ie) Pee Mee oon OV Ne) PANZER DIVISIONS REBUILT Kursk was a turning point in mar not least in the z ‘After Kursk the m the tide of the Soviet of- m chose that preceded them. ga mixed organisation in cach battalion, the vere sapposed (0 have a battalion of the new Panther tanks “and one of the latest model of Panzer IV. Some also ad a battalion of SwuG instead of a separate fensive were corals ip practice the heavy fighting quickly reduced the number of om the planned 200 or so down to 20 oF POO ec tee weve ver I wire | evs tia Pare a ect Peconic Pe wey ie a a cee Se MOTIVATION AND SKILL Heer Companies are rated Confident Veteran. ‘ompanies are rated Fearless Veteran. COMPANY HQ HEADQUARTERS OPTIONS Add Schiirzen sideskirts to any or all StuG G and Panzer IV G (late) or H tanks for +5 points per tank. Add Sd Kfz 9 (180) recovery half-track for +5 points. Replace Sd Kfi 9 (180) recovery half-track with a Bergepanther recovery vehicle in a Company HQ. with Panther tanks for +30 points. HAUPTMANN: HAUPTMANN. Company Command tank aes 2iC Command tank PANZERKOMPANIE HQ At least one Combat Platoon of a Panzerkompanie must have she same sype of tanks as the Panzerkompanie HQ. * Add Schiirzen sideskirts to any or all SG G or | Panzer IV G (late) or Hi tanks for +5 points per (TANK COMPANY) Peter 2 cece eva COMBAT PLATOONS Nii Ee ae etwiiiscg RECONNAISSANCE Ry acne | 4 TO va te MOTIVATION AND SKILL The Company HQ and Panther Plasoons in a Pantherkompani Trained. Ad! Weapons and Support Plaroons are rated as Confids > — Company HQ HEADQUARTERS pa rata) peur ey OPTION i + Add an Sd Kf 9 (181) recovery half-track for +5 points or a Bergepanther recovery vehicle for +25 points. Eras ong PLATOON ane Peery 565 points While the design of the Tiger tank preceded Operation Barbarossa, the Panther tank was adirect resulcofthe mauling the Webrmach received at the hands of the powerful Soviet 7-34 tank. Like the'T-34 itwas developed as a medium tank, bur weighed more than many heavy tanks. Both possessed sloped armour co maximise their armour protection and, large road wheels and wide tracks for excellent cross-country mobility. Hitler considered the Panzer V Panther Ausf D* so important that the date of Operation Zitadelle was poseponed to allow 200 of these brand new tanks to take pare All were in 39. Panzerregiment which was attached to the Grosdéwschland division for the duration of the battle. They suffered numerous mechanical problems in this, their first outing, but most were quickly resolved after the battle, By the end of 1943, eight Panzer divisions had chai allotted bactalior of Panthers. PQHEER ie are rated as Confident || lent Veteran. | PENN ein t ein Company Command Panther PLING nIO) Panther ER SECTION ZENON “This version should have been a small ‘d” to indicate the fourth development series, bue was always written ‘Ausf D’, making it confusing when the definitive Ausf A followed Jater in the wat! as ar MF PE ev oN Tia \vel Uae) ath oe PTE Nd Ter este acy ARMOURED. ECan NTT aan ary eC arin Wer eet a3 rai a eae ANTI-AIRCRAFT 5 E E g 2g a Z Cue NOU g Evaiitasg BS PNT Ng Be ANTLAIRCRAFT MOTIVATION AND SKILL Heer Companies are rated Confident Veteran SS Companies are rated Fearless Veteran. OPTIONS + Replace either or both Command SMG teams with Command Panzerknacker SMG teams for +5 points anti-tank rifle at no cost, or with 8.8cm RW43 (Pippchen) launcher for +10 points. The Company HQ of a Gepanzerte Panzergrenadierkompanie may use the Mounted Asaule special rule on page 96. PLATOON HQ Section with Replace Command MG team with a Command Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points. Gepanserte Panzergrenadier Platoons may use the Mounted Assauls special rule on page 96 ay Company Command 2i¢ Command ‘SMG team ‘SMG team EP EP SdKic 25/10 Sd Kiz 251/10 hall-track half-track Gepanzerte (armoured) Panzergrenadier battalion. Some & make do with just a company, or even none at all. Even so, heir presence in a battle has elevated their role making chem the icon of German assault forces. [ LEUTNANT OR OBERFELDWEBEL. Command MG team Sd Kfz 251/10C hell-track UNINC MG team Sd kfz 251/10 half-track Pa Section if it has no Machine-gun Sections. Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Hesey Platoons may make Combat Attachments 10 Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Platoons. sary ek io ale and defend an cbjexive. the inrer divisions taking part in the Battle of Kursk were the “ist co supplemene these weapons with a handful of 7.5em PLATOON HQ Section with: Sd Kf 251/2C (Bem) half-tracks use the Portee rules on page 47 of the rulebook, As such, you may dismount the mortar by removing the half track army’ clive Grossdewtschland Pancergrenadierdivision was successor to the old Prussian Guards. The $$ equivalens, Lichssandurte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH) SS-Panaergrenadier- jision was Hitler's bodyguard. Both of these divisions re unusually strong, being considerably larger than any “equivalent division, One form this took was the presence of separate mortar platoon in each battalion as well a5 the yrmal company heavy weapons platoon. se armoured mortar platoons bing cheit artillery support ‘Tigh up with the infantry t0 support breakthroughs. Their Upresence can stop an infanery counceractack in ies tracks oF fr the direct support fora hasty assault. UNTEROFFIZIER FRA TRAD MGé2HMG) —MG42 HMG Sd Kz 251/1C (HMG) halt-track MACHINE-GUN Seiten EAE LEUTNANT EOE a Command SMG team Sd Kfz 251/1C half-track HQ SECTION NTEROFFIZIER ax oie Observer —Kilbelwagen Rifle team Goserver Rifle team Kibelwagen Sd Ktz 251/2€ (Bom) halftrack ae Sd Kfa 251/20 (Bom) hal-track IMCNPTSESION inom i oe GRR Ke2812C bem) sake 3120 Gon) halftrack hal-track wagen Sd kfz 251/20 (Bem) fhatrack ReaP Sd Kfz 251/20 (Gem) half-track TaN MORESO IZERTE MORTAR PLATOON a PLATOON E HQ Section Gepanzerte Machine-gun Platoons may make Combat Attachments to Combat Platoons. Grossdeutschland —Panzergrenadierdivision and LSSAH SS-Panzergrenadierdivision also have several machine-gun placoons in cach battalion to add their support co the ‘company heavy weapons platoons. _ GEPANZERTE INFANTRY GUN PLATOON PLATOON OPTI © ° Add Sd Kfz 251/1C half-tracks for +10 points per > half-track. : Tn an assignment to break through the enemy's line and reduce a strong point behind ic, attaching an infanery gun platoon will do the trick. Thearmoured transport will procect "the gun through enemy small arms fite and enable you to get close enough to bring ies firepower to bear on a bunker, gua E pit, or entrenchment shaps the only way that Grossdeueschland Panzergrenadier- division managed to gain an advantage over the LSSAH SS-Puncergrenadierdivision was its chird infantry gun in cach platoon, The extra firepower often proved crucial in pinning ‘the enemy dow before their assaults. _ SELF-PROPELLED ANTI-TANK GUN PLATOON PLATOON HQ Section with: ‘One of the unusual pieces of equipment used by the | SS-Panzergronadier divisions was the Sem PaK38_ (Sf). This was the standard 5cm PaK38 mounted on a lightly- © armoured Sd Kf 10 halé-track. These mobile anti-tank guns ‘can provide both cover fire for assaulting Panzergrenadiers as svell as supporting fire on the Hanks of to keep Sovier ranks at bay. A Command SMG team Sd Kiz 251/1€ hall-track AY AX Command Observer Motorcycle Rifle team and sidecar PeEseIen UEea Es Wrhad 75cm lel618 gun 7.5m lelG18 gun Nee Ske SECTI ‘SECTION UNTEROFFIZIER WAAR 118m lel 18 gun NEM AESTON eSATA NNT (ET our Command Sem Pak3B (St) EeRrares UNTEROFFIZIER Sem Pak3e (St) PNTEINIG ANTI-TANK GUN SECTION GUN SECT atau PLATOON HQ Section with: OPTION + Add Sd Kfe 251/1C half-tracks for +10 points per hhalf-teack. Gepanzerte Anti-tank Gun Platoons may make Combat Axeachments t9 Combat Platoons. ough not quite as Hexible as the self-propelled anti-tank lery fie to the best spots to protect your Panzergrenadiers fist armoured counterattacks. OPTIONS * Replace the Command Pioneer MG team with 2 — Command Pioneer SMG team at no cost. Replace the Sd Kfe 251/1 half-track in the HQ | Section with an Sd Kfz 251/11 (2.8cm) half-track for +5 points. Add a second Sd Kf 251/7 half track to each squad for +10 points per squad. + Add Pioneer Supply 3-1on truck for +25 points or Pioneer Supply Maultier for +30 points farrying pioneers with armoured half-tracks brings the best both worlds co your assault capabilities. The protection yrded your pioneers by the armour allows them ro close inst small arms fire while the ability of pioneers to break rough defences and destroy enemy strongpoints makes this 1¢ standard Sd Kfe 251/7 pioneer half-track sacrifices seats 9 passengers co fica locker for the pioneers’ tools and equip- ent. Asa resule each squad is normally issued two half-tracks carry all of its troops, although some units were forced to ake do with just one after heavy losses. When fully kited at with half-tracks this platoon delivers a massive amount ‘of machine-gun fire and is ideal for mounted assaults. Use is unit to rip a hole in the toughest defence that Ivan can Ee EU AYA ‘Command SMG team HQ SECTION UMExeiai —FRAAD, ‘Amictank gun UNEROaEN PAAR, Ant-tank gun ENTERING "ANT-TANK GUN SECTION GUN SECTION UNTEROFFIZIER SRAAR. ‘Antitank gun ANTI-TANK GUN SECTION, CEL NN eee LEUTNANT Command Pioneer MG team Sd Kiz 251/10 half-track ECR aeM UNC aTA UNTEROFFIZIER WAY OP ||| tty ool Pioneer Sd kta 251/70 Pioneer Sd Kiz 251/70 MG team —half-trac MGteam —— hall-track RAT WATE Pioneor Pioneer MG team MG team PIONEER S( PIONEER SQUAD OMENS WA AA. alll Pioneer Pioneer Sd Kfe 251/70 MGteam = MGteam —_ half-rack GEPANZERTE PIONEER PLATOON You may replace up 10 one Pioneer MG team per Pioneer Squad with a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game | before deployment Gepanzerte Pioneer Platoons may use the Mounted Assault special rule on page 96. eka _ ARMOURED FLAME-THROWER PLATOON PLATOON Command Sot 261/186 Sd Ke 251/160 {Fiamm| helf-track (Flamm) hal-track Sd Kj 251/16 (Flamm) half-eracks may not Launch Assaults, nor may they Counterattack if asraulted. Sd Kiz 251/160 Sd Kiz 251/160 © The Sd Kfe 251/16 mounts one flame-chrower on each side {Flamm halareck (Flamm haltrack B) of the body. These can both fire at the same time, but must Be fire at she same enemy platoon. Each flame-thrower can > ae re a rrget on its sit che half-track, from straight Sd Kfe 251/166 Sd Kfz 251/160 a ran al ek a gal ck ARMOURED FLAME-THROWER PLATOON 3 HEAVY INFANTRY GUN PLATOON PLATOON Ne NR ia AR ax ol Command Observer Motorcycle OPTIONS SMG team Rifle teem and sidecar ‘Add Kfz 15 field car and Sd Kf 11 half-tracks to the platoon for +5 points for the platoon, —— Replace Kfz 15 field car and Kfz. 11 hall-tracks wih Rea Sd Kfe 251/1C half-tracks for +25 points for the Settles platoon. 18cm sI633 gun 15cm sI633 gun Bringing 15cm s1G33 guns to the front allows you to ‘dliminate cowardly foes in their bunkers. With the added capability of destroying armour at close range and providing are HEAVY INFANTRY GUN PLATOON, : sensi siti AMUN ios SSS GP a ot Command —SdKfr251/1C Observer —-Motoreyele = . s as SMGteam ——halftreck ——fleteam and sidacar As well as the 7.5em-armed Sd Kz. 251/9 half-track and the Sd Kfz 251/16 flame-throwing half-track, Kursk also was also the debut for the Grille self-propelled infantry gun UNO aaa UNECE ‘These guys can follow your advance through multiple enemy defence fines. After blowing gaps in the first line of enemy rntrenchments, they follow the infantry through and blow a Grille H(T5em 5!) Grile H[15em sI6) “hole in anything trying to stop their advance. (INFANTRY COMPANY) HEADQUARTERS eed Pee a hag Bi ratreeec anid Be matt Sg ri See TZ Nuva Pek EV UTot I) | NN Cues eating Peony aad = MOTIVATION AND SKILL Heer Companies are rated Confident Veteran. © | SS Companies are rated Feactess Veteran, HEADQUARTERS femal ‘Add Anti-tank Rifle team OPTIONS * Replace either or both Command SMG teams with Command Panzerknacker SMG teams for +5 points per team. Replace Aai per ee cin Eon pn tank Rifle team with 2.8cm sPzB41 anti-tank rifle at no cost, or with 8.8cm RW43 ppchen) launcher for +10 points. PLATOON | HQ Section with: eee ret Berea ico OPTION ema eern src) Peon asin Replace the Command MG team with aCommand | Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points. ‘Add a Mortar Squad for +20 points. Add a second Kf 70 truck per Panzergrenadier Squad for +5 points forthe platoon SOF che 100 Panzergrenadier battalions on the Eastern Front Pat Kursk, only 19 were equipped with armoured half tracks. arry chem to the battlefield, but stil HAUPTMANN aha Company 21C Command Command” SMG team SMG team oth going! Motorcycle fr 16 field car and sidecar RA Command MG team Kia 18field car CEaioM a a -_ MGteam Kf 70truck AYA MG team Danae UNIRGaEN ah ge tease Kean wh NOES a UNTEROFFIZIER a MGteam —Kiz70 tuck wh. MG team PLATOON EEO HQ Section with: Command SMG team Kfz 18 field car MG(ZHNG — ‘NGa2HMG * Adda second Kfz.70 truck per Machine-gun Section at no cost. A Heavy Platoon must have a Mortar Section if't has no KieT0truck Machine-gun Sections, 1¢ company’s hewy platoon forms a massive base of fie for Panzergrenadier’ attacks, pinning down the enemy with shine-gun fire as well as deadly accurate mortars. The FRAS PARAL platoon also establishes « solid point of defence. MG42HMG = =—-MG42 HMG Panzergrenadier Heavy Platoons may make Combat Be Attachments to Panzergrenadier Platoons. fz 70 truck WEAPONS UN CoLONG PLATOON HQ Section with: Add Kfz 15 ficld car and Kfe 70 trucks to the platoon for +5 points. The army’ elite Grosidewrschland Panzergrenadierdivision and “the SS premier LSSAH SS-Panzergrenadierdivision were the © strongest divisions in the German armed forces. Both had an "extra heavy company in each battalion. ‘The heavy company’s ~ mortar platoon gave the battalion's Panzergrenadier placoons instant firepower when they needed it. With up co six tubes, the platoon rains devastacion on any sarget in range. They are able t0 pin the enemy down with high-explosive bombardments. If they cach the enemy in the open the ‘mortars will cear them to shreds, assuring that if they seach your lines, they will do so in significanely reduced numbers! They ate also equipped to pur down a smoke otect your troops as they close with the enemy. Panvergrenadiers will be very difficult co see when they advance through a smoke screen. PLATOON © HQ Section with: ax OPTION + Add K& 15 field car and Kf 70 trucks for +5 points for the platoon. Panzergrenadier Machine-gun Platoons may make Combat Attachments to Combat Platoons 'Grosdeurschland Panzergrenadierdivision and LSSAH -Panzergrenadierdivision both had a heavy weapons machine-gun UNEASY aS Observer Rifle team rar Bem GW34 mortar BAW Sem Gw34 mortar A Observer Rifle vam Arr em GW34 mortar Rar Bem GW38 mortar TRG NERC Rar cm GWW34 mortar EST Rr om GW34 mortar A Observer Rifle team UNTEROFFIZIER MGé2 HIG FRRAD, gaz HG MG42 HMG FRA, MGe2 HMG INSey Baile PLATOON HQ Section with: f Eexouecd eee * Either: equip all3.7em PaK36 guns with Stielgranate for +5 points for the platoon, or Mount all 3.7em PaK36 guns on Krupp Kfz70 trucks as Portees at no cost. Enea ene eSr rn Sens) EO ouoee Ly ies Serer : ints | Perec OPTIONS aE © Add Kfz 15 field car and Kfz 70 or 3-ton trucks for 45 points for the platoon. : Replace Kfz 70 or 3-ton trucks with Sd Kfe 10 or 11 half-tracks for +5 points. | Panzergrenadier Anti-tank Gun Platoons may make ® Combat Attachmenis to Combat Platoon -PANZERGRENADIER INFANTRY GUN PLATOO: PLATOON HQ Section with: Eee seotrnn 100 points = I ASS ae i 2a ae ommen abserver — Motoryel Ce | SMG teem Rie team and sdecar Add Kf 15 field car and Kx 70 trucks for +5 points for the platoon. UNEeaR ~ - Waar competition beeween the army and the Wafen-SS 750m le1818 gun as exemplified by the way that Grosdeuschlend ergrenadicrdivision and LSSAH SS-Panzergrenadier- jsion were continually suengthened. The army did nage co gain a lead over the SS in one area, they gave SGrosdeuischland a unique third infantry gun in each Nee ‘ 75cm 1el618 gun ENE IADIER INFANTRY GUN PLATOON OPTION * Add Kf: 15 field car and 3-ton trucks to the platoon for +5 points. The Germans were very impressed with che Sovier 12cm “inortar whenever they encountered it. Most units pressed captured examples into service against their former masters, ‘replacing the lighter 8cm mortars. With their responsiveness and hard punch, the heavy mortais are ideal for silencing machine-guns or anti-tank guns that are holding up the advance. OPTION Add a Cupola to a T-34 or KV-1e tank for +5 points. All captured tanks in a Looted Panzer Platoon are rated 4s Confident Trained. reas | | Nara 12em sGWa3 mortar ‘2em sGWa3 martar is a plus co your advantage. Many German infantry uni repaired tanks that they had captured from the Soviets and used chem against their former masters, However, a lack of spare parts, ammunition, and of course crews co man them, _~ meant that fess lasted particularly long. : HEADQUARTERS Bk. ELL gl | Du | teal : EurC@l ls aCe] hy iat Wire avas Ca — (MECHANISED COMPANY) CAH Ud is v% PVC ten) ws wswe ) | ws wcrc wcwe | ws eseces | — 3 NUN Bunt LA) Lise Tes ) aa _ to a ) eo ed ae it MOTIVATION AND SKILL Heer Companies are rated Confident Veteran, SS Companies are rated Featless Veteran. | OPTIONS * Replace either or both Command SMG teams with Command Panzerknacker SMG teams for +5 points per team. Replace Anti-tank Rifle team with 2.8m sPzB41 anti-tank rifle at no cost, or with 8.8cm RW43 (Piippchen) launcher for +10 points. OPTIONS + Replace the Command Pioneer MG team with a | ‘Command Pioneer Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points Replace the Sd Kfz 251/1 half-track in the HQ Section with an Sd Kf 251/11 (2.8cm) half-track for +5 points. ‘Add a second Sd Kf 251/7 half-track to each squad for +10 points per squad. Replace any or all Sd Kfe 251/7 half-tracks in with ‘Sd Kf 251/1 (Scuka) half-tracks for +40 points per half-track. Add Pioneer Supply 3-ton truck for +25 points or | Pioneer Supply Maultier for +30 points. ' Only one Gepancerte Panzerpionier Platoon may be equipped with Sd Kfz 250/1C (Seuka) half tracks. You may replace up t0 one Pioneer MG team per Pioneer Squad with a Flame-thrower team at the start of the game before deployment HAUPTMANN, EN AR OAM Company Command 21¢ Command SMG team SMG team EP oie SKI 26/1 Sd Kfe 251/10 hal-track hal-track to the premier abilities of the pioneer. Protecting them with armouted transports provides them with a staying power to pry out the best thar the enemy has to offer. EST — a a or Command Pioneer Sd Kfz 251/10 MG team half-track EEEraios Pioneer MG team WA Pioneer 6 Sd Kiz 251/70 half-track Pioneer MG team WAY. Pioneer MG team PONE) HA at, Pioneer Pioneer Sd Kf 251770 MGteam — MGteam —_ half-track aera parser Dancap ania Passa pay ale eee \ | Assaule special rule on page 96. v en Reo une Geet VTE Ng ANTI-AIRCRAFT PNTeyariae Vag i FA iy ° | 5 5 FS 5 a Fi Fi § B B BNI olty NCUA Yoel? PN Biaty J RECONNAISSANCE Callan g Roe Pah Odd vews)\ os Jl weve J ve we ve ve MOTIVATION AND SKILL Heer Companies are rated Confident Veteran. Companies are rated Fearless Veteran, 4 COMPANY HQ HEADQUARTERS Company HQ 45 points 55 points eee eae Cmeees nS OPTIONS Replace either or both Command SMG teams with ‘Command Panzerknacker SMG teams for +5 points per team. Replace Anti-tank Rifle team with 2.8m sPzB41 anti-tank rifle at no cost, or with 8.8cm RW43 (Puppchen) launcher for +10 points. OPTIONS * Replace Command Pioneer MG team with a Command Pioneer Panzerknacker SMG team for 45 points Equip up to one Pioneer MG team with a Goliath | remote-controlled demolition carrier in addition to its normal weapons for +30 paints. Add Pioneer Supply 3-ton truck for +25 points or Pioneer Supply Maultier for +30 points. You may replace up to one Pioneer MG team per Pioneer Squad with a Flame-chrower team at the sare of the game Before deployment yen) he eee ee cn ee ee be benefits 1o a fighting force. Fully capable of building a solid Fesistance against most any type of enemy attack, the ability “of the Panzerpionier to fend off armour or infantry assaults make it a commander's favourite in anchoring the defensive _ perimeter. Supporting them with anti-tank guns, mortars, or ichine-guris provide addiriomal staying power against Jarge Soviet infancry formations. © Ontheartack, the Panzerpionier becomes the assault engineer. Experts in cracking open difficule enemy strong points, the Neterans of the Panzecpionier platoons provide explosives, “Aame-throwers, and combat ingenuity 10 succesfully ake || Carma | Pj HEER iiss | Cx HAUPTMANN, HAUPTMANN. RA OR Company 2iC Command Command “SMG team SMG team at Mororeycte. and sidecer AW Coma nee via Kix Stel car Pioneer MG team Pioneer MG team Pioneer MG team Pioneer MG team Pioneer MG team Pioneer MG team Kz T0 truck PANZERPIONIER PLATOON and hold well-defended objectives. Their additional forié in removing armoured vehicles enhances an already devascating capabilicy to cake the fight to the enemy. A fully-equipped Panzerpionier platoon can dig-in, defend tenaciously, move owt, and deliver a decisivg assaule agaiist the best an enemy can field. If you have a particularly tough ‘opponent, then fielding a Panzerpionier kompanie.c 3 your need oven Pao | RECONNAISSANCE RECONNAISSANCE RECONNAISSANCE fire iy ucas | Minos euros (MECHANISED COMPANY) Peer wcs rite. RECONNAISSANCE Wt oll Perna ae Lay EOuEr Le i = 3 Y tng Pee ERNIE economies Doli - a —_ INFANTRY —— aT. @ ew SS ARTILLERY Roa = a Pat sas. q ¥ BL ¥ ANTI-AIRCRAFT oan o eae edd C8 Taras ae | Na Ta ae kl MOTIVATION AND SKILL Heer Companies are rated Confident Veteran. SS Companies are rated Fearless Veteran 3 ComPANY HQ You must field at least one Combas Platoon equipped at Lease in part with the same vehicle as the Company HQ. The teams of a Panzerspihkompanie Company HQ are Reconnaissance teams. OPTION Replace any or all Sd Kfz 222 (2cm) armoured cars with Sd Kf 221 (2.8cm) armoured cars at no cost. Replace all Sd Kfe 222 and 223 armoured cars with Panhard P-178(f) armoured cars at no cost. ARMOURED CAR PATROLS © Panzerspih platoons will often splicinro patrols to carry out their reconnaissance work to let them cover more ground and low them a beteer chance af reporting enemy positions. Panzerspath Pasrols operate as scparate platoons, each with their own command seam. Although its patrols aperate as separate platoons for all other purposes, each Light Panzerspih, Halfaracked Panzerspah, Tiacked Panzerspah, or Heavy Pancerpah Platoon deploys at the § same rime as a single platoon. For example, this means that you treat the entire Panzerspah Platoon as a single platoon when calculating the number of platoons held in Ambush or Reserve Company Command Armoured Car PANZERSPAHKOMPANIE HO. A Command Sd Kf 250 half-track counts as a Tank team in a Panzerspabkompanie Headquarters and may fire its rear AA MG even though it doesn't carry any passengers, SONG ii 2: ii Command Se Kf 222(2em) Sd Kf 222 [2em) Si Kiz 223 (radio) i di» ip Command Sd Kfe222(2cm} Sd Kfz 222 (2emi) 6 Kfe 228 (radio) LIGHT PANZERSPAH PLATOON J \ Light Panzerspih Platoons are Reconnaissance Plataons. a Half A Command Sd Kfz 250 halfsrack in a Half-tracked Panzerspith Platoon counts as a Tank team. and may fire its reay AA MG even though it doesn't carry any passengers. A Half-tracked Panzerspith Platoon uses the Armoured Car Patrol special rule on page 57. RACKED PANZERSPAH PLATOON PLATOON ‘A Tracked Panzerspith Platoon uses the Armoured Car Patrols special rule on page 57. 1 wheeled armoured cars, while successful in France there there were plency of roads, had not performed as ell in Russia. As a result in September 1943, 4° and 9° inzer divisions replaced their wheeled armoured cars with = of Panzer i L Luchs (Lynx) light reconnaissance inks. At the same time mos: of the Panzer divisions in the ast finally received a company of half-tracked Sd Kf 250/9. moured cars co replace their wheeled armoured cars. IEAVY PANZERSPAH PATROL =>———-. PLATOON Panzerspit Platoon uses the Armoured Car rule on page 57. ied with both a 2cm gun and a coaxial machine-gun, the ght-wheled (acht rad) Sd Khe 231 (Brad) heavy armoured has thicker armour and greater mobility co assist the ghter armoured cars in extracting themselves from small 3s fire-fights. The 2cm gun is powerful enough to take out ig in machine-guns and artillery, if the company discovers. nemy entrenchments while secking the enemy. “LEUTNANT Command $d Ktz 250 Satz 250/9(2em) —$é kta 250/9 (20m) Command Sd Kie 250 SdKfz 250/9(2em) Sd Kz 250/9{2em) sas Oe al a — Gy Ge ir Command Panzer Luchs Panzer Ii Luchs Panzer dite er Ge Command Panzer Luchs Panzer II Luchs Panzer Il ucts, —_ nS ————" ‘TRACKED PANZERSPAH PLATOON LEUTNANT Command $4 Ktz 231 ad) Sd Kfe 231 (8-radh Command $4 ke 231 (8-rad) Sd Kiz 231 (8-radh Ee > Command $4 Kfz 231 (8-rad) Sd Kz 281 (8-rad) ENDAZANAT Soca) 5CM ARMOURED CAR PLATOON PLATOON 75cm Armoured Car Platoons are not reconnaissance platoons. UNTEROFFIZIER ‘This 7.5cm gun on the Sd Kf 231 (8-rad) armoured car assis isan essential component so the Panzerspah company: is heavy 7.5cm gun will blast out entrenched infantry and engage tanks while your armoured cars ger out of the w. Sa Kt2 253 7.5em) Sa kfe 2387 5cm) Ee — ee B7.5CM ARMOURED CAR PLATOON AUFKLARUNGS PLATOON PLATOON HQ Section with: aim —, —Onneni— | ttt Wate. WAY. Command MG team IGteam == MG team OPTIONS: = : ea gag cap fa 15 field car with MG Kiibelwagen Kibelwagen | * Replace the Command MG team with a Command — eee —_! ae! Panzerknacker SMG team for +5 points. Replace all Kiibelwagen jeeps with motarcycle and eae ee = E ONe a OMEN ia Replace all Kilbehwagen jeeps with Schwimmwagen |) WAC WAR | | WAR wARAr. amphibious jeeps for +5 points for the platoon. MGteem | MGteam MGteam MG team + Arm all Kiibelwagen jeeps, Schwimmwagen amphi- eee cine || oie ing bious jeeps or motorcycles and sidecars with a Kobeheegen’ Rubewmages |M| Klbewvazen xetaNiegen Passenger-fired MG for +10 points per Aufklarungs | Squad: ci “Ga ) EPANZERTE AUFKLARUNGS PLATOON PLATOON NS HQ Section wt +t wate wats. Command MG team MG team MG team OPTIONS

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