Automatic Irrigation Project

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Introduction to Electrical Engineering[19AIE104]



Project report done by:

Thati Ayyappa Swamy – 21084
Bharadwaj Madiraju – 21041
Anupa Sajikumar – 21071
Anugrah Nambiar – 21016
Nandakishore – 21045

Project done under the guidance of

Deepthi mam


January 2022

The automated irrigation system is a fully functional prototype which consists of a soil
moisture sensor; an LCD display to show the moisture percentage and pump status; a
relay module which used to control the on and off switch of the water pump; and a water
pump. When the soil moisture sensor senses the dry soil, it will show the moisture
percentage on the LCD display, and the relay module will switch on the water pump
automatically to start the watering process, or vice versa. Hardware testing is conducted
to ensure the proposed system is fully functional.
Here in Tinker cad the moisture sensor is not available so we did complete the project
using the temperature sensor which is almost like the moisture sensor but their serious
issues faced due to this. But we will show the difference and drawbacks at the end of the


Introduction page -3
Objectives –3
Components Required –4,5
Circuit diagram -5
Working of the system –6,7
Result -7
Drawbacks and Approach -7
Conclusion –8
Appendix/Code - 9
References -10

An automated irrigation using Arduino microcontroller system which is cost effective and
can be used farm field or average home garden. The proposed system is developed to
automatically water the plants when the soil moisture sensor has detected the soil is
insufficient of water by using the Arduino as the center core.
However, one of the top concerns for many new or novice gardeners is how often to water
their plants and how much. Others may need to leave their garden unattended for some
time and needed help with the watering. So, what if it was possible to ensure plants were
watered automatically while ensuring the ideal amount, at the ideal time?
Well…with the right system in place, this is possible.
The following project works by automatically watering plants when needed. The circuit is
built using a temperature sensor and Arduino. As its name suggests, this sensor tracks the
temperature and, via Arduino, a pump is controlled that supplies water to the plants.
To avoid over or under-watering, the soil is never left completely dry or fully wet. Rather,
the moisture level is supported at a reasonable level. Personally, I have successfully built
and used this system for my kitchen garden, which has a few potted plants.
The temperature sensors are set in the pots and a submersible, mini-DC motor is placed
inside a water tank. Its water outlet is provided to the pots through a nozzle that has a
drip irrigation. When soil in any of the pots begins to get dry, the pump automatically
starts and the plant is gently watered.
Once the soil receives an adequate level of temperature, the pump automatically shuts off.
This system has ensured all my plants are properly watered, whenever needed, and
without my help!


• No matter whichever weather it is, either too hot and dry or too cloudy and wet, you
want to be able to control the amount of water that reaches your plants. Modern
watering systems could be effectively used to water plants when they need it.
• This manual process of watering requires two important aspects to be considered:
when and how much to water. To replace manual activities and making gardener's
work easier, we have created automatic plant watering system.

Arduino UNO Temperature sensors

DC motor Potentiometer

Resistors Bread Board

LCD display 16*2. Jumper cables

• LED lights (red and green)

First, we are going to use the pre-built-in LCD circuit board given by the tinker cad. Later
the connection will be given to sensor and A0 pin for the reading from the temperature
sensor and give value for the Arduino which makes it execute the sensor will also be
connected to the positive and negative terminal too. Few pins will be connected to LCD for
printing the output.
The circuit operation is quite simple: when the soil begins to get heat, the sensor will
output to the Arduino board, which switches ON the water pump. Once the soil is
adequately watered, Arduino switches OFF the water pump. That’s it.
• The temperature sensor is of variable resistance. This means its resistance varies
per the conductivity changes between sensor in soil. When this sensor is inserted
into the soil, their conductivity changes as per the soil’s temperature content. If the
soil is hot, the motor will start pumping the water and vice versa if the it is cold it
stops pumping.
• The sensor’s output temperature is given to Arduino as an analog input. The
Arduino board will then convert it into a digital value and measure the soil’s
• If the temperature is greater than 50 degrees Celsius, it will switch ON the relay
through the transistor, turning ON the pump.
• As the pump flows, the soil begins to cool. Arduino will continuously read the soil’s
temperature from sensor.
• When a set temperature is reached less than 50 degrees in sensor rods, Arduino will
switch OFF the relay, which turns OFF the pump.
• This cycle is continuous so the plant is watered when its soil becomes hot.
For this project, I’ve used only one sensor. But one can use a maximum of eight in
different potted plants.
The operation of this circuit works because the program is downloaded (or embedded)
into Arduino’s microcontroller.
We are going to code in Arduino c to make the system work the code is the brain for the
The code will be written in Arduino IDE and tested if there are any kind of errors or bug
which doesn’t makes the program properly. Later after getting a result of zero errors then
it we set into the tinker cad’s Arduino UNO code compound to execute.
All the connection will be as per the Tinker cad connection board. Here first the Arduino
gets the reading from sensor the reading enters the A0 it analyses the reading and as per
the reading the LED will glow if the reading is less than 50 degrees then the green led
glows and the reading is greater than 50 degrees red led glows, firstly if the green led
glows the system does nothing but when the brightness of the red led increases the
pumping of water starts.

speed of water dripping is directly proportional to


• We don't have the moisture detector in tinker cad so we used the temperature
sensor here it is the major drawback. Though the moisture in soil is already enough
for the temperature, as if the sensor only detects on temperature around it continues
to water the plant which may also cause some other effects.
• The machine made don't know for what kind of plant it is watering either it might
be a plant which may need more water than usual one or it might be a plant which
need only limited amount of water because of watering more of the less water
required plant it may die soon.
The Arduino based automatic irrigation system is simple and precise way of irrigation.
Hence, this system is extremely useful as it reduces manual work of the farmers and helps
in the proper use of resources. It drops the manual switching mechanism used by the
farmers to ON/OFF the irrigation system. This project can be extended to greenhouses
where manual supervision is less. Fully automated gardens and farm lands can be created
using this principle in the right manner on large scale.

<500 C

>500 C

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

const int TMP = A0;

const int motor = 13;

const int LedRed = 12;

const int LedGreen = 11;

LiquidCrystal lcd(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

void setup() {


lcd.begin(16, 2);

lcd.print("Automated Plant");


lcd.print("Watering System!");

pinMode(motor, OUTPUT);

pinMode(LedRed, OUTPUT);

pinMode(LedGreen, OUTPUT);



lcd.print("Temp= ");


lcd.print("WaterPump= ");

void loop() {

int value = analogRead(TMP);

float Temperature = value * 300.0 / 1023.0;




if (Temperature > 50){

digitalWrite(motor, HIGH);

digitalWrite(LedRed, HIGH);

digitalWrite(LedGreen, LOW);

lcd.print("ON ");

else {

digitalWrite(motor, LOW);

digitalWrite(LedRed, LOW);

digitalWrite(LedGreen, HIGH);




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