Plant Disease Detection

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Intelligence in Biological Systems

Disease Detector in Plants Using Artificial Intelligence

Done by:
Anupa Sajikumar
Anugrah Nambiar
Nanda Kishore
Ayyappa Swamy


1. abstract
2. Introduction e
3. existing system
4. proposed system
5. architecture
6. convolutional neural system
7. modules description
○ Methods of Detection and diagnosis of plant disease
○ Preliminary Diagnostic Equipment
○ Eliminating insect Damage and Abiotic Disorders
○ Type of pathogens
○ Symptoms
○ Signs
8. Testing module
9. Conclusion
● The project presented plant leaf disease detection using deep learning techniques for automated vision systems
used in agricultural fields.
● Plant diseases are an important factor as they result in a serious reduction in the quality and quantity of
agricultural products.
● We propose a deep learning-based approach that automates the process of classifying the leaves' diseases. In
particular, we make use of a convolutional neural network to classify image datasets.
● The preliminary result demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach even under challenging
conditions such as illumination, complex background, different resolution, size, pose, and orientation of real
scene image.

They look the same and almost similar. In case the farmer makes wrong predictions and uses the
wrong fertilizers or more than the normal dose (or) threshold or Limit (every plant has some threshold
fertilizers spraying to be followed), it will mess up the whole plant (or) soil and cause enough damage
to plant and fields.
● Traditionally, the Identification of plant diseases has relied on human annotation by visual
inspection and the agricultural production cost can be significantly increased if plants diseases
are not detected and cured in their early stages using the CNN model.
● So, to train a model by a given image dataset with classify the disease type of leaves.

Existing system
● Leaf disease detection plays a vital role in the agricultural field.
● However, It requires huge manpower, more processing time and extensive knowledge about
plant disease. Hence, machine learning is applied to detect disease in plant leaves and is
considered for classification.
● The morphological features and properties like color, intensity and dimensions of the plant’s
leaves are taken into consideration for classification.
● It presents an overview of various types of plant disease and different classification techniques
in machine learning that are used for identifying diseases in different plant leaves.

Disadvantages of Existing System

● It has not focused on the identification of mulberry leaves.
● It has not focused on increasing the recognition rate and classification accuracy of the severity
of leaf diseases.
● There is a lack of disease area segmentation and classification.

Proposed System
● We planned to design a deep learning technique so that a person with lesser expertise in the
software also be able to use it easily.
● It explains the experimental analysis of our methodology and uses the CNN technique.
● Samples of different plant leaf images are collected that include different plant diseases like
Aster Yellows, Clubroot, Leaf blister etc.
● A different number of images is collected for each disease that was classified into database
images and input images.

Advantages of Proposed Systems

● Increasing throughput and reducing subjectiveness arising from human experts in detecting
plant diseases.
● It is essential to detect a particular disease. In our country, many farmers are not so educated
to get correct information about all diseases.

Convolutional Neural Network

In deep learning, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is a class of artificial neural networks, most
commonly applied to analyze visual images.

A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a Deep Learning algorithm that can take in an input image,
assign importance to various objects in the image and be able to differentiate one from another. The
preprocessing required in a CNN is much lower as compared to other classification algorithms.

It is well known for its widely used applications of image and video recognition and also in
recommender systems and Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, the convolutional neural
network is more efficient because it reduces the number of parameters that makes it different from
other deep learning models.
Main Steps to Build a CNN
● Convolution: is the first layer to extract features from the input image and it learns the
relationship between features using kernel or filters with input images.
● ReLU Layer: ReLU stands for the Rectified Linear Unit for a non-linear operation. The output is
f(x) = max(0,x). We use this to introduce the nonlinearity to CNN.
● Pooling Layer: it is used to reduce the number of parameters by downsampling and retaining
only the valuable information to process further. There are types of Pooling:
Max Pooling. Average and Sum pooling.
● Flattening: we flatten our entire matrix into a vector like a vertical one. so that it will be passed
to the input layer.
● Fully Connected Layer: we pass our flatten vector into the input Layer. We combined these
features to create a model. Finally, we have an activation function such as softmax to classify
the outputs.

Modules Description
Training module:
● Feature Extraction extracts all the images of leaf i.e. input.
● Feature selection performance disease classification from the disease database.
● Disease database contains all the various diseases of the leaf.
● Thousands of different leaf datasets will be trained.

Methods of Detection and Diagnosis of Plant Diseases

Detection: The action or process of identifying the presence of something concealed.
Diagnosis: The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the

Preliminary Diagnosis Equipment

A few simple tools are useful for the preliminary diagnosis of plant diseases. These include

A hand lens:- A hand lens is often necessary to see the fungal growth on a
Sharp knife:- The knife is used to make cross-sections of the stem tissue. Clean the knife after each
use with a tissue or cotton ball soaked with rubbing alcohol.
Clear glass container or jar:- The glass jar is used for the bacterial streaming test.
Plastic storage container and rubbing alcohol:-The storage container becomes a moisture
chamber for inducing fungal growth from infected tissue.

Eliminating Insect Damage and Abiotic Disorders

Plant health problems result from
1) Plant pathogens causing diseases.
2) Insects are damaging the plant.
3) Environmental factors, often referred to as abiotic disorders. The symptoms for these health
problems are often very similar.

A good approach to the identification of plant disease is to begin by deductively eliminating insect
damage and abiotic disorders as possible alternative causes.

Insect Damage

Leaf scale caterpillar damage

sooty leaf

Abiotic Disorder

Freeze damage tomato sunscald damage of pepper fruit


Drought stress on geonoma excess water in ficus


Sunburn on palm leaf

Nutrition deficiency

Potassium(K) Manganese(Mn)
Deficiency on Chamaerops humilis deficiency on Cassia Fistula
Pesticide Phytotoxicity

2,4-D herbicide damage to litchi Metribuzin Herbicide Injury to Tomato

Type of Pathogens
To diagnose plant diseases effectively, it is necessary to understand the biology of the microorganisms
that cause them: fungi, bacteria, and viruses.

Fungi:About 85% of plant diseases are caused by fungi. These are multi-celled microorganisms that
may be seen without a microscope during certain stages of their life cycles.

Bacteria:Bacteria are one-celled microorganisms that are so small they can be seen only with a
powerful light microscope. Most plant pathogenic bacteria do not produce spores.

Viruses:Viruses are the smallest of the three pathogens described here and can only be seen with an
electron microscope

● A symptom is a manifestation of damage caused by the Pathogen.
● Symptoms are abnormal features of the plant that indicate something is wrong.
❖ Chlorosis
❖ Discoloration
❖ Wilting
❖ Stunting
❖ Distortion
❖ Loss of vigor

Spots on the leaves Blight

Dry Rots Galls or Tumors on branch of Oleander

Vascular Browning Fruit rot

A positive diagnosis of a plant disease is often difficult or nearly impossible to make on the basis of
symptoms alone.

Symptoms of specific diseases and some abiotic disorders overlap.

To properly identify a fungal or bacterial disease, one must look for the signs of the pathogen.

The most significant of which is the presence of the pathogen itself viewed with the unaided eye, a
hand lens, or a microscope.

A sign is any visible part of the actual pathogen

● Spores of fungal hyphae
● Bacterial streaming
● Parasitic plant parts
● Nematode Eggs

Leaf Rust Fungal growth (White Fuzzy growth) and

Sclerotia (hard black structures)


Droplets of bacterial ooze streaming of bacterial ooze

Testing module
● Deep learning is part of a broader family learning method based on artificial neural networks
with representation learning.
● Using deep learning. It compares the diseases from the feature selection classification to find
the type of disease that leaf has.

Plant Diseases are major food threats that should have to be overcome before it leads to further loss
of the entire field. But, often farmers are unable to distinguish between similar symptoms but face
different diseases. This will mislead to wrong or overdosage of fertilizers. Here, we employ a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) called Deep Learning Algorithms to reduce this loss and guide
farmers with video lessons. This can be done through a mobile App. "Not all farmers but some do use

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