How Clean Must Rebar Be For Good Bonding With ACI Reference

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How clean

must rebar be?

Most specifications require reinforcement to be free of deleterious
materials. But do common construction contaminants have a
harmful effect on bond?


orm-release agents, bond

F breakers and cement splatter

sometimes contaminate rein-
forcing steel before concrete is
placed. However, ACI 301-96,
Standard Specifications for Structural
Concrete (Ref. 1), says “When con-
crete is placed, all reinforcement
shall be free of materials deleterious
to bond.” Inspectors often cite this
Figure 2. Amount of cement splatter (a) and rust (b) on the rebar tested.
sentence when requiring contractors
to remove form-release or bond-
breaker overspray and cement splat- contact reinforcing steel or hard-
ter from contaminated rebar. But is ened concrete against which fresh
this work really necessary? concrete is to be placed.” ACI Man-
The Aberdeen Group ran a series ual of Concrete Inspection (Ref. 3)
of bond pull-out tests to assess the states that “reinforcement should be
effect of contaminants on bond clean, and oil or nonadherent mor-
strength. Pull-out tests measure the tar which has been spilled on it
bond force acting parallel to the bar should be cleaned off.”
on the interface between the bar In contrast to the requirement for
and concrete (Ref. 2). We tested removing oil and mortar, ACI 301
clean, black Grade-60 steel bars and provides different criteria for rust:
bars with form-release agents, curing “Reinforcement with rust, mill scale,
compound/bond breakers, cement or a combination of both will be
splatter, motor oil and rust on their considered satisfactory provided the
surfaces. The results may surprise minimum nominal dimensions,
most inspectors. nominal weight, and the minimum
average height of deformations of a
Requirements for hand-wire-brushed test specimen are
clean rebar not less than the applicable ASTM
Besides ACI 301’s general state- specification requirements.” This
ment requiring all reinforcement to recommendation is based on tests
be free of deleterious materials, the performed by Johnston and Cox in
Figure 1. Form-release agent was specification also specifically men- 1940 (Ref. 4). These investigators
sprayed on the rebar, covering 100% tions form-release agents: “Do not performed about 420 bond pull-out
of the surface. allow formwork release agent to tests on deformed bar specimens
with 78 different degrees of rust.
We couldn’t find similar studies
showing the effect of common con-
struction contaminants on rebar
bond. Without such data, most spec-
ifiers and inspectors take a conserva-
tive approach by requiring removal
of such materials from rebar. But re-
moving contaminants is time-con-
suming and costly, and if construc-
tion contaminants aren’t
detrimental to rebar bond, their re-
moval may not be necessary. Be-
cause of the lack of data, The Ab-
erdeen Group initiated a limited test

Common contaminants Figure 3. Pull-out

Common construction contami- specimens were cast
in 6-inch-diameter,
nants were applied to clean rebar,
6-inch-tall cylinder
and clean black-steel and rusted molds with a #4
rebar were included as reference rebar at least 24
standards. The bar contaminants inches long inserted
and how we applied them are de- at the center.
scribed in the table on page 521.
Grade-60, #4 deformed rebar were setup helped keep the bar vertical room, the loaded ends of the con-
used. The form release and curing during concrete placement and pro- crete specimens were capped with a
compound/bond breaker were vided enough protruding rebar high-strength gypsum-based cemen-
sprayed on 100% of the rebar surface length for the test-machine grips. titious material.
(Fig. 1) to duplicate the worst case of Ready-mixed concrete with a 31⁄2- The test-specimen size, embedded
contaminant coverage possible dur- inch slump and 1.3% air content rebar length, concrete placement di-
ing construction. The used motor oil was delivered to the testing lab. The
was applied to the entire bar length concrete compressive strength at the
with a rag. A cement paste was time of pull-out testing was 5490
mixed and applied to various areas psi.
of the rebar (Fig. 2a). To produce The concrete was cast so it would
rusted rebar, three bars were dipped settle in the direction of the applied
in hydrochloric acid then stored in a load, eliminating any effect bleeding
moist curing room. Figure 2b shows might have on the measured bond.
the amount of rust on the bars. We placed the concrete in two lay-
ers, rodded each layer 25 times and
Specimen construction lightly hand-tapped the cylinder
We constructed bond pull-out sides after each layer was rodded.
specimens with a 6-inch embedment The top surface was floated and then
depth by using the bottom halves of covered with a cylinder lid with a 5⁄8-
6x12-inch plastic cylinder molds inch-diameter hole drilled through
with a 5⁄8-inch-diameter hole drilled the center. The lid provided initial
through the bottom of each (Fig. 3). curing and maintained the bars in a
The molds, 27 in all, were placed on vertical position. After 24 hours in
2x6-inch boards that had been lab air at about 70°F, the cylinder
predrilled with 5⁄8-inch-diameter, 1⁄2- lids and molds were removed, and
inch-deep holes. We inserted #4, the test specimens were placed in a Figure 4. With the test specimen placed
Grade-60 deformed rebar at least 24 moist curing room on top of the 2x6 on a spherical bearing block on top of
inches long in a vertical position, bottom supports. The specimens re- the testing machine, a tensile load was
with 1⁄2 inch of the rebar protruding mained in the moist curing room 15 applied with serrated grips. An
from the bottom of the cylinder days and were tested at that age. electronic digital indicator measured
mold into the hole in the 2x6. This After removal from the moist curing slip at the free end of the rebar.
rection and curing conditions were served specimen failure modes. the deformations, however, no shiny
the same as those used by Johnston surface was visible, indicating that
and Cox to determine the effect of Contaminants had little concrete bearing against the rebar
rust on rebar bond. effect on bond strength deformations during loading re-
Instead of pulling out of the con- moved the contaminant by friction.
Test procedure We believe the greater initial slip of
crete specimen, which would be ex-
Figure 4 shows a typical setup for pected if the contaminants com- rebar covered with the contaminants
a pull-out test. Test specimens were pletely destroyed bond, the rebar was due to loss of adhesion along
placed on a spherical bearing block the smooth part of the bar between
broke in eight of the nine sets of
on top of the testing machine. Ser- the deformations. As shown in Fig-
three tests. The concrete specimens
rated grips were then connected to ure 5, after the initial slip, the load
broke in the remaining test. The
the rebar to allow the machine to was resisted by bearing of the defor-
table shows the average slip at yield
load the bar in tension. A 60,000 mations on the concrete and the
and ultimate load, the average stress shear strength of the concrete be-
pound Tinius-Olsen universal ten-
at ultimate load, and the failure tween the deformations (Ref. 5).
sion/compression frame was used to
mode for the two reference bars and An excessive amount of slip before
apply the load to the rebar at about
seven bars with contaminants. The the yield stress of the bar is reached
200 pounds per second. Technicians
ultimate stress achieved by the bars will increase deflection of reinforced-
measured slip of the free end of the
was not affected by any of the conta- concrete members. While the slip is
rebar with a Fowler 1/10,000 elec-
minants. greater for bars with contaminants,
tronic digital indicator.
We broke open the concrete speci- the increase in slip is similar to that
As the load was applied to each
mens to examine the failure surface of rusted bars when compared with
specimen, one person read the dial
of the rebar. A shiny surface on the unrusted bars (Ref. 4).
indicator while another person mon-
rebar, indicating where the contami- The data and conclusions are
itored the load at each slip reading.
nant had been sprayed, was appar- based on only 27 tests of bars with
A third person recorded data and ob-
ent between the deformations. At nine different surface conditions.

Bond pull-out test results (average of three tests)

Description Slip at Slip at Ultimate Failure
yield, in. ultimate, in. stress, psi mode
Plain rebar—in place before concreting <0.0001 ±0.0005 101,125 Bars broke
Rusted rebar—in place before concreting ±0.0002 0.0026 101,083 Bars broke
Cement splatter—applied 24 hrs before
concreting <0.0001 ±0.001 101,083 Bars broke
Form release —applied 24 hrs before

concreting ±0.0005 0.0032 101,083 Bars broke

Form release —applied 15 mins before

concreting ±0.0008 0.0049 100,500 Bars broke

Curing/bond breaker —applied 24 hrs

before concreting ±0.0008 0.0034 97,167 Concrete broke

Curing/bond breaker —applied 24 hrs

before, then cleaned4 15 mins before

concreting ±0.0002 0.0024 101,000 Bars broke
Form release —applied 24 hrs before

concreting ±0.0002 0.0023 101,083 Bars broke

Used motor oil—applied 24 hrs before
concreting ±0.0004 0.0031 101,417 Bars broke

1. A petroleum-based, chemically reactive concrete form-release agent.

2. A solvent-based, chemically reactive curing compound and bond breaker.
3. A water-based, chemically reactive curing compound and bond breaker.
4. A VOC-compliant concrete stripper and degreaser.
5. A petroleum-based, chemically-neutral form-release agent.
yyyyy vc fb va


Figure 5. Applied tensile forces in the rebar are resisted by adhesion (va) along the
bar surface, bearing (fb ) against the deformation face and shear in the concrete
(vc ) between adjacent deformations. For rebar coated with contaminants,
adhesion was reduced, but the bar still broke because of resistance provided by
bearing and concrete shear strength.

They represent one bar size, steel Acknowledgment 2. ACI Committee 408, “Bond Stress—
grade and concrete strength level. The authors thank Dayton Superior The State of the Art,” Journal of the
When Johnston and Cox tested Corp., Miamisburg, Ohio, for supplying American Concrete Institute, ACI, No-
the form-release agents and curing/ vember 1966.
rusted and nonrusted rebar, how-
bond breakers; the ready-mix division of 3. ACI 311, ACI Manual of Concrete In-
ever, they noted similar effects for
CAMAS Colorado Inc., Denver, for sup- spection, SP-2, ACI, 1992.
different bar sizes, rust levels, and plying the concrete; and CTC-Geotek,
steel and concrete strengths. Since Denver, for assisting in specimen con- 4. Bruce Johnston and Kenneth C. Cox,
“The Bond Strength of Rusted De-
The Aberdeen Group tests were struction and testing.
formed Bars,” Journal of the American
made with 100% contaminant cov- Concrete Institute, ACI, September
erage of the reinforcing steel, they References 1940.
represent the worst possible case. 1. ACI 301-96, Standard Specifications 5. R. Park and T. Paulay, “Chapter 9:
Under these severe conditions, the for Structural Concrete, American Con- Bond and Anchorage,” Reinforced Con-
contaminants didn’t adversely affect crete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich., crete Structures, John Wiley & Sons,
1996. New York, 1975.

Publication #C980517
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