Statement of Intent Real

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Statement of intent

Product 1
My magazine covers will represent the different social groups of gender by featuring one male
model and one female. In my first front cover the female model will be Infront of a barn workshop
and the location of the business. I feel this would be meeting the needs of the target audience as it
challenges gender roles and fulfils the aspirational traits of many of the young readers. This cover
would challenge stereotypes as she will be shot in a low camera angle to show her as powerful and
in control (Stuart Hall.) This would be in keeping with the magazine’s audience as 16–25-year-olds
are the type of people looking for jobs, this would also be interesting to the audience as when
starting your life, you can feel a lot more confident to do things if you see first-hand others doing it. I
will be constructing how younger, influential people view women in the media as being successful
rather than objectified (Van Zoonen.) This fits with the audience as women reading the magazine
will be inspired to create their own success. The male model I will show on my second magazine will
be an athletic outfit and stereotypical probs such as a race number, a medal (etc.) will be on the
misc-en-scene. This representation of an ambitious young male would be suitable for the target
audience as young generations are very ambitious and would want to see younger people achieving
goals. This would also support halls reception theory as shooting this shot with bold and happy
colours would create a preferred reading of the photo as positive. The lexis and the typography will
be indirect, informal and sin-serif this will attract the target audience as being younger they would
probably not of had a higher education and so the majority would be more comfortable with an easy
lexis and a working-class mode of address. The colour palette will be limited to 3 colours to make the
cover look well organised and appealing. On each magazine theory will be wearing the Hearst logo
and IPSO to be in with keeping regulation (Livingstone and Lunt.)

Product 2
My website will be featuring both of my magazine covers as examples of what the website is about,
it will be mobile friendly as this is the most preferable way to access my website for the target
audience. It will also have lots of social media links all around the site to encourage the readers to
share the site on the relevant sites to that age group. The male front cover will have #in it to win it.
This will be an intertextual reference to the slogan used at the end of prize giveaways. This will again
re-enforce the aspirational goal of success and will be linked to the audience as they will have heard
this at the end of tv shows they watch.

I will link both media products by promoting the content available online (only,) on the magazine,
testing on android and apple phones will be done to make sure it optimised for the audience. Using
only relevant social media sites will be done as this again would attract the correct audience.

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