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1 - Getting started:
Let’s start.
Shall we begin?
I think we should begin.
We only have one hour.

2 - The agenda:
Can I assume minutes have been read?
Does everyone have an agenda?
These are the four main topics on the agenda.
Let’s start with item one.

3 - Objectives:
The main purpose of this meeting is to...
Our aim today is to...
Our main objective is to...

4 - Introducing a topic:
As you know...
I think everyone knows that....
The current situation is...
You may not know that...

5 - Bringing people in...

Mike, what’s your opinion...?
Would you like to begin, Lisa, with...?
I believe you wanted to say something about...
I’d like you, John, to outline...

6 - Points of view:
I have to say that I’m opposed to...
Are you in favor of...?
I agree with that.
As far as I’m concerned...
As far as I know...
From my point of view...
From my understanding... ( not very common / usual though )
7 - Moving on:
Can we move on to the next item?
Let’s go on to...
Can we deal with ... next?

8 - Digressions:
Can we deal with that point later?
Can we get back to the main point?
I think we are getting away from the subject.

9 - Concluding:
Let’s recap.
Is there anything anyone wants to add?
So, we have decided to...

10 - Voting:
Shall we vote on the proposal then?
Those in favor? Those against?
Are you abstaining?

11 - Ending the meeting:

I suggest we leave it there.
Let’s finish there.
I think we can call it a day.
Thank you all for coming.

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