Submission: Human Capital Development Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Halek Mu'min 480000015 Week IIV Hris

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Human Capital Development

Digital Marketing & E-Commerce

Student’s Name
Halek Mu’min
ID Number

Week IIV
Unit #

Success Advisor’s Name

Rossano Salvosa Almonia

March 26, 2022
Unit 1 Week IV
Introduction HRD

No 1
Human resource management is a strategic area of the organization. HRM should be
viewed as an extension of the traditional view of managing people effectively and for that requires
knowledge of human behavior and the ability to manage it (Umar, 1991). Therefore, it is only
natural that the preparation of a human resource strategy must be relevant to the preparation of a
business strategy (Alwi, 1992). Of course, this will require a commitment to a higher level of
involvement from HR staff.
Human Resource Management or HRM (Human Resources Management) is part of the
management function. If management focuses on 'how to achieve common goals with other
people, then HRM focuses on "people" both as subjects or actors and at the same time as
objects of actors. So how to manage people in an organization that is planned (planning),
organized (organizing), implemented (directing), and controlled (controlling) so that the goals
achieved by the organization can be obtained optimally, efficiently, and effectively.
The interesting thing is that humans are unique creatures compared to other creatures in
this world because they have individual desires, group desires, or desires in groups in a larger
form (organization) to interact and cooperate which gives birth to various interesting phenomena
to study and studied in human resources. So, it is natural that HRM is the core management that
drives the organization so that a forum for both profit-oriented organizations (profit organizations)
and non-profit-oriented organizations (non-profit organizations) becomes 'alive' and dynamic
according to its human character so that the organization continues to exist and has good
performance. that can be enjoyed by members in the organization as well as provide benefits to
the surrounding community.
Based on my personal experience in the company where I work all the plans result in one
business plan. The business plan provides one thing that relates to several views of the
company's situation today and from other companies and the goals and plans of each department
in 5 years. Managers mostly use the term "business planning" about smaller businesses. This is
done because the plan investors or fund owners want to see before offering money to the
In business planning in general there are no rigid rules about what some of the contents of
the plan are. However, they usually include, in one of; (1) a description of the business (including
ownership and products or services), (2) a marketing plan, (3) a financial plan, and (4) a

Unit 1 Week IV
Introduction HRD

management or personnel plan. Thus, business planning without alternatives can guide every
functional department in the company; from sales and marketing to manufacturing as well as

No 2
Human Resources (HR) is one of the important assets for the company. A successful
company is believed to have quality human resources. Someone responsible for the company's
HR is called talent acquisition. Talent acquisition is someone who identifies and acquires
employees with the best talents to meet company needs, as written by Smart Recruiters.
Talent acquisition deals with the strategies, tactics, and processes for identifying, recruiting, and
retaining the human resources a company needs. It includes developing, implementing, and evaluating
programs for sourcing, recruiting, hiring, and orienting, Shrm ( 2021)
Talent acquisition is one of the first gateways for prospective employees who want to join a
company. Broadly speaking, talent acquisition is responsible for identifying, acquiring, assessing,
and recruiting employees according to the position that is currently needed by the company.
Moreover, talent acquisition is also tasked with sustainably maintaining the quality of employees,
one of which is in terms of employer branding. Many people debate the difference between talent
acquisition and the recruiter or Human Resources Department (HRD). Both of them have a role in
recruiting employees.
So far, a recruiter is known as someone who is looking for the best candidate for the
company. Meanwhile, talent acquisition focuses more on candidate talent, not only in terms of
individuals. In some companies, talent acquisition must coordinate with HRD. Some companies
only have talent acquisition or HRD, not both.
According to Arviana (2019), there are 5 main tasks carried out by a talent acquisition as
quoted from HR Technologist, which is as follows.
1. Inbound marketing
Before recruiting employees, the task of talent acquisition is to attract the attention of job
seekers to apply for their company. At the inbound marketing stage, talent acquisition is
responsible for building the image that being an employee at the company is the right choice.
Some of the ways that can be done are by building a strong employer brand, creating a
recruitment marketing campaign, and so on.

Unit 1 Week IV
Introduction HRD

2. Outbound marketing
At the inbound marketing stage, talent acquisition will focus on the company's internals.
Talent acquisition can be said to attract the attention of job seekers passively. Meanwhile, in
outbound marketing, talent acquisition is more active in finding the best candidates. Various
ways can be done, namely placing attractive recruitment advertisements, distributing emails,
and looking for candidates from the job site.
3. Filtering and selection
The third stage of a talent acquisition task is to curate candidates who apply for jobs. There
will likely be many candidates applying. Of the many candidates, talent acquisition must find the
best candidate for the company based on various predetermined parameters. Some of the
parameters commonly used are educational qualifications, skills, personality, career goals, and
culture fit. For some companies, culture fit is one of the most important parameters. From there,
talent acquisition can see whether the candidate will feel at home and be able to adapt to the way
the company and its teamwork.
4. Conversion and onboarding
After getting the best candidate, talent acquisition continues to be responsible for the new
employee in the company. Talent acquisition is responsible for negotiating salaries, benefits, and
employee career paths. Then, talent acquisition will also provide onboarding to new employees.
Onboarding is the process of introducing a company to new employees. Some things that are
usually introduced are general company information, culture, rules, and workflow. In some
companies, the onboarding process can take more than one day.
5. Continuous improvement
A study conducted by Jobvite found that 30 percent of new employees decide to resign
within the first 90 days of work. That number is quite large, of course. Therefore, talent acquisition
is also responsible for ensuring that the new employee can adapt well. Usually, in the first few
months, a new employee will be invited to speak ent acquisition.
On this occasion, talent acquisition can ask about obstacles, experiences, and feedback that
can make the employee's work better.
Based on the definition above, Talent Acquisition is an approach taken to attract, to orient talented
individuals to meet HR needs related to the company effectively and efficiently. As for the focus,

Unit 1 Week IV
Introduction HRD

Talent Acquisition will focus on developing the right talent. So it can be concluded that Talent
Acquisition is included in the recruitment process.
Some companies that are doing branding usually need a Talent Acquisition who can become a
company representative in creating a brand. Not only in terms of expertise, but also in terms of
appearance and appearance to represent the company. That is why a Talent Acquisition will be
more focused on development.

No 3
Type of HRIS will focus

How to implement HRIS (Human Resource Information System) is a very important thing to
do in a company, especially for large companies. Because it serves to improve the quality of
employee performance and build high integrity, both for the employees themselves and for
prospective employees.
Because HRIS itself is arguably very important to pay attention to, then we will discuss how
to be able to implement HRIS itself in a human resource so that it is more optimal and also has
quality performance, Insight (2017). But before discussing this, we will discuss HRIS in general
first. HRIS itself is an abbreviation of Human Resource Information System which is very much
needed by human resources to improve their quality. There are not many fans of HRIS itself, but
the role of HRIS is very important and participates in determining the progress and success of a
Within a company, HRIS has a function to help organize data better because in every
company, of course, all administration must be correct and precise. then also helps to keep
company secrets, especially for important data. It also helps to ensure the viability of a company.
Then it helps to educate and provide training during one's employment to improve the quality of
performance. HRIS also helps to recruit new employees and HR always follows all government
regulations and determines policies that are suitable for the company but also by the government.
However, before implementing HRIS, of course, it requires some preparation first. And some
of these things are the existence of a computerized system that is connected in an integrated
manner, it aims to facilitate access but still cannot be accessed by just anyone. Then it is also run

Unit 1 Week IV
Introduction HRD

by qualified human resources because not everyone can be in this position and there are many
The implementation of HRIS itself is quite simple, it's just that it needs to be studied first to
get a better understanding. Karya (2015) says some basic things that are important in
implementing HRIS itself are as follows:
1. The first of course must prepare human resources first, HR itself is one of the most important
to be prepared because of all the needs and also the main key in a company. If there are no
human resources, of course, all activities within a company will not run.
2. Then the second is the application of systems and technology that are capable and support all
activities within a company. Every human resource, of course, requires equipment that
supports all its activities, from small to large, such as studying and others
3. If these human resources have been trained to use HRIS, then all data needed and become
company secrets will be well preserved. Therefore, human resources must prepare several
things such as planning, compiling, and processing data from within a company.
4. In addition, technology is very important to note, so that the quality of technology such as
computers should support and have good quality so that later it will not interfere with activities
within the company.
Finally, we can take the conclusion that HRIS is a company's HR management
mechanism using information technology, either in the form of desktop software, web apps,
and/or mobile apps. HRIS software is an employee data management solution that can improve
company performance with fewer resources.


Unit 1 Week IV
Introduction HRD

Alwi (2005). Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Untuk Perusahaan. Murai Kencana. PT.
Rajagrafindo Persada. Jakarta.

Husein Umar. (2000). Riset Sumber Daya Manusia Dalam Organisasi. Gramedia Pustaka Utama,

Iman Sugeng. (2002). Mengukur dan Mengelola Intellectual Capital. Paradigma Baru Manajemen
Sumber Daya Manusia. Editor A. Usmara. Penerbit Amara Books. p. 199-213.

Syafaruddin Alwi. 2001. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia: Strategi Keunggulan Kompetitif.
Edisi Pertama. BPFE Yogyakarta.

Shrm ( July 2021) what is Talent acquisition


Arviana (2019) Kenali Apa Itu Talent Acquisition Beserta Tanggung Jawabnya,

Insight. (2017) Sistem HRIS: Manfaat dan Pentingnya bagi Perusahaan.

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