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A Research Study Presented to Ms. Hazel Gutierrez Central Luzon State University Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements in General Psychology

By Edna Lyn Bolanos Florlita de Guzman Sheila Marie Espiritu Marianne Inocencio October 2007

Chapter I Introduction Background and Need of the Study General Education embraces the traditional subjects normally required of educated persons that form the shared intellectual heritage of our diverse culture. It teaches the skills of critical thinking, and of accurate and effective communication. It develops openness to the views of others, and allows revision of judgments after careful and critical thought. General Education promotes the integration, synthesis, and application of knowledge, and includes proficiency in information literacy. General Education fosters an important intellectual attitude: commitment to and participation in a life of thought and continuous learning. General Education promotes global awareness. The educated person is conscious of the important social and ethical concerns of the day, sensitive to diversity, and cognizant of technological, scientific and societal changes, and their effects on humankind. Such understandings equip the individual to make meaningful contributions to society. Universal class currently offers over eighty (80) courses in our General Education category including over twenty five (25) related subject areas. General Education covers Psychology, Writing, Teaching Resources, Education, Science, Legal Studies and more. It is a necessity that every students should take up Psychology subject as General Psychology and a lot more before he can graduate in college. One should attend this subject and comply with its requirements in order to pass. Psychology is the scientific study of the mind, along with such aspects of mind as perception, cognition, emotion and behavior. It is a such areas Art, as Math, Special Music,

scientific enterprise that obtains knowledge through systematic and objective methods of observation and experimentation. To make it easier to learn, one should enjoy the subject. The attitudes, which include the feelings, beliefs and ideas of a student, are another key to its enjoyment. This means that the learning of Psychology really depends on the attitude of each student. (De Sagun, 1997). Social Psychologists typically explain human behavior as a result of the interaction of mental states and immediate, social situations. Social Psychology is an interdisciplinary domain that bridges the gap between psychology and sociology. One of the important things Education needs to consider is the attitude of the students in Psychology. This research will be conducted to find out the attitude of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology in order to improve and understand it more. This research work will be conducted so as to know the different attitudes of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology and to know if their behavior on class by their attitude. It will be significant to conduct this study so as to improve the negative attitude of a student in General Psychology and to improve those who need an improvement. In turn, the students will also be benefited more for learning General Psychology accurately. Given a clear view of their strengths and weaknesses in General Psychology subject, the students may look possible ways and measures by which strengths can be reinforced to put into maximum utilization, whereas their weaknesses could be remedied for a better understanding of the subject and or better academic performance. In addition, this research will also tighten the interests of students and rise up their means of studying General Psychology.

This study will benefit the teachers in General Psychology of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) because they can make the findings of the study as basis for formulating their supervisory plans in the coming year. They may include in their plans some remedies to correct the attitude of the student so as to strengthen the instruction. Statement of the Problem This study aims to find out the attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology. Specifically, it will answer the following questions: 1. What are the attitudes/impressions of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology? 2. In what ways does their attitude affect their learning of the subject? 3. What are the difficulties/problems of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students in relation to their General Psychology subject? 4. What are their suggestions regarding the learning and teaching of General Psychology? Review of Related Studies Jessica L. Snowden and Len B. Lecci from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington present a study to examine the relation between explicit and implicit attitude measures within the context of student interests in psychological research and practice. Using a sample of college students completing an undergraduate research methods class, implicit and explicit attitude measures were compared and used to predict grades and career interests. Implicit attitude measures were not significant predictors for either criterion, yet explicit attitudes significantly predicted for both grades and career interests. The predictive validity of explicit attitudes for grades was not

greater than that of grade point average. The possible utility of explicit attitudes for grade prediction in classes is discussed. Jonathan Osborne, Shirley Simon, Sue Collins made a study about attitudes to general psychology and its implications over the past 20 years. It argues that the continuing decline in numbers choosing to study psychology at the point of choice requires a research focus on students' attitudes to psychology if the nature of the problem is to be understood and remediated. Starting from a consideration of what is meant by attitudes to psychology, it considers the problems inherent to their measurement, what is known about students' attitudes towards psychology and the many factors of influence such as gender, teachers, curricula, cultural and other variables. The literature itself points to the crucial importance of gender and the quality of teaching. Given the importance of the latter we argue that there is a greater need for research to identify those aspects of psychology teaching that make studying engaging for pupils. In particular, a growing body of research on motivation offers important pointers to the kind of classroom environment and activities that might raise pupils' interest in studying psychology and a focus for future research. Scope and Limitation This study will be limited to determine the attitudes of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students in Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija towards General Psychology during the first semester of school year 2007-2008. The scope of the study includes the attitudes of the respondents towards General Psychology. It will include a total of seventy (70) selected students from the different colleges of CLSU as the respondents. The different colleges are the College or Arts and

Sciences, College of Business Administration and Accountancy, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Fisheries, College of Home Science and Industry, and College of Veterinary Science and Medicine. The research method to be use is the survey method. Conceptual Framework The attitude of an individual maybe good or bad, and this may strongly affect his way of living and his way of perceptions of learning. If an individual has a good perception in one thing, his performance will be good, and often times, this intrinsically heightens his interest and motives in the process of learning (Fennema and Sherman, 1998). This study outlines the content of this research work in the paradigm of the study. Figure 1 contains the input, processing and output. The input includes the attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards Psychology. The process that will be used to gather the data is a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a series of questions to be answered by the respondents. The output of this study is to improve the attitude of CLSU students towards General Psychology. Input Output Process

Profile of Respondents Sex Age Course


Attitudes of the Respondents towards General Psychology

Fig. 1 Paradigm of the Study

Chapter II Methods and Procedures This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in this research study. Likewise, this is also includes the research design, population and locale of the study, Instrumentation or tool and the data gathering procedure used.

Research Design The researchers make use of the descriptive type of research in this study. This is to determine the status of the CLSU students in relation to their attitudes towards the study of General Psychology. Calmarin (2003), is justified that a descriptive survey method signifies the gathering of data regarding present situation. Population and Locale of the Study The respondents are the people who are actually selected to participate in the study. They are the one who supplies the information asked for. The researchers use selected seventy (70) CLSU students who are currently taking up or who already took up General Psychology subject during the first semester of School Year 2007-2008. The said respondents are selected based on the judgment of who best qualify the objective of the research.

This research study is conducted in the Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija. It is conducted specifically in the different colleges of the University except the College of Agriculture because it does not have a General Psychology subject. Instrumentation/Tool The researchers draft a questionnaire which is use to gather the necessary data needed in the study. The questionnaire is composed of four parts: the first part deals with the attitudes or impressions of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology wherein they answer whether they like General Psychology so much, a little or not at all; the second part is all about the different ways on how their attitude affect their learning of the subject in which they encircle the number that best describes their attitude based on the scale given; the third part deals with the difficulties/problems encountered by the CLSU students in relation to their General Psychology subject wherein they put a check on the column of the set scale which best describes their feelings on each item given; and the last part is composed of their suggestions regarding the learning and teaching of General Psychology in which they list all their comments and suggestions regarding General Psychology for the improvement of learning and teaching the subject. The given questions in the questionnaire answer the statement of the problem of this research. The draft is initially presented to their adviser before it is subjected to experts for the content validation. Data Gathering Procedure Initially, the researchers identify the locale and probable respondents. They sight of the administration of the research study using the selected seventy (70) CLSU students as the respondents and

the different colleges of CLSU as the locale of the study. Upon the release of the permit, they coordinate with their colleagues to conduct the instrument. With the cooperation of the concerned teachers, the floating and retrieval of the questionnaires is realized. They tally, score, analyze and interpret the result of the data gather. In terms of quantifying the responses of respondents in relation to their attitudes toward the study, the following five point descriptive scale is used: NOMINAL SCALE 5 4 3 2 1


DESCRIPTION Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

In terms of quantifying the responses of respondents in relation to the different ways which affect the learning of General Psychology subject, the following six point descriptive scale is used: SYMBOL A O ST S R N DESCRIPTION Always Often Sometimes Seldom Rarely Never NOMINAL SCALE 5 4 3 2 1 0

Chapter III Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data This chapter presents the essential data regarding the attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology. It also includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the gathered data by the researchers. Moreover, this chapter presents the profile of the respondents in terms of their Sex, their College and their Age. Likewise, this reveals the students real attitudes towards General Psychology. The presentation of the data was classified into five (5) categories: Profile of the Respondents, Attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology, Difficulties/Problems encountered by the students and their suggestions for the improvement of the learning and teaching of General Psychology. Data obtained from the research instrument were presented in tabular and textual form. I. Profile of the Respondents Table 1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by Sex Sex Female Male Total Frequency (f) 34 36 70 Percentage (%) 48.57 51.43 100

As could be gleaned in Table 1, thirty four (34) or 48.57 percent are female and thirty six (36) or 51.43 percent are male out of the seventy (70) total respondents. It shows that there are more male than female respondents.

Table 2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by College College College of Arts and Sciences College of Business Administration and Accountancy College of Education College of Engineering College of Fisheries College of Home Science and Industry College of Veterinary Science and Medicine Total 10 10 10 10 10 70 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 100 Frequency (f) 10 10 Percentage (%) 14.3 14.3

As gleaned from Table 2, there is an equal distribution of ten (10) student-respondents or 14.3 percent per college. The researchers made use of the convenience sampling technique to provide fairness. An equal distribution between colleges of the respondents has taken into account in order to have a valid result of what are the real attitudes of students in Central Luzon State University (CLSU) towards General Psychology.

Table 3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents by Age Age 22-23 20-21 18-19 16-17 Total Frequency (f) 3 14 31 22 70 Percentage (%) 4.3 20 44.3 31.4 100

Table 3 shows that the age of the respondents ranges from sixteen (16) to twenty three (23) years old. It can be notice from the table that majority of the respondents are eighteen (18) to nineteen (19) years old having a total of thirty one (31) students or 44.3 percent out of the total seventy (70) respondents. The second larger groups of students-respondents were those who are sixteen (16) to seventeen (17) years old garnering a total of twenty two (22) or 31.4 percent. Next are the respondents of age from twenty (20) to twenty one (21) years old having fourteen (14) or 20 percent. As it is noted in the table, the respondents who are twenty two (22) to twenty three (23) years old has the smallest population having garnered a total of three (3) respondents or 4.3 percent out of the seventy (70) respondents.

II. Attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology Table 4 Percentage of the Attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology

Statements 1. I like General Psychology so much 2. I like General Psychology a little. 3. I do not like General Psychology

CBAA M 2 ) 0 (0%) ) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) F 4 ) 4 ) 0 ) 3 M 1

CAS F 1 ) 5 ) 0 (0%) ) ) 1 M 4 ) 2

CED F 1 ) 2 ) 0 ) 0 (0%) M 2 ) 3

CF F 2 ) 3 ) 0 (0%) ) )

CVSM M 1 ) 5 ) 0 (0%) ) 1 1 ) 0 F 2 ) 4 M 3

CEN F 1 ) 2 ) 0 (0%) ) ) 2 ) 2

CHSI M 1 ) 4 ) 0 F 1

(20% (40% (10% (10% (40% (10% (20% (20% (10% (20% (30% (10% (10% (10%

(40% (30% (50% (20% (20% (30% (30% (50% (10% (40% (20% (20% (40%


(10% (0%)

(10% (0%)

(20% (0%)

at all.

Table 4 shows the attitudes of CLSU students towards General Psychology based on the questionnaires floated. As could be gleaned from the table, two (2) out of ten (10) respondents or 20 percent male CBAA students and four (4) or 40 percent female students answered that they like General Psychology so much. Also, there are four (4) or 40 percent female CBAA students who responded that they do not like General Psychology a little and of course, no one responded that they do not like General Psychology at all. From the College of Arts and Sciences, one (1) or 10 percent male and female responded I like General Psychology so much and three (3) or 30 percent male CAS students and five (5) or fifty percent female students said that I like General Psychology a little. It is glad to know that no one responded o do not like General Psychology at all. Based on the gathered questionnaires from the College of Education, the following results are collected: four (4) or 40 percent male and one (1) or 10 percent female students responded I like General Psychology so much while those who answered I like General Psychology a little are two (2) or 20 percent, both male and female. There is one (1) or 10 percent male CED students who said that he do not want General Psychology at all. From the College of Fisheries, two (2) or 20 percent, both male and female answered I like General Psychology so much. Also, there are three (3) or 30 percent male and female respondents who responded I like General Psychology a little. Again, nobody answered I do not like General Psychology at all. The results of the questionnaire floated to the College of Veterinary Science and Medicine are: out of the respondents, one (1) or 10 percent male and two (2) or 20 percent female responded that they like General Psychology so much. Five (5) or 50 percent male and

one (1) or 10 percent female said I like General Psychology a little. Meanwhile, one (1) or 10 percent female student from CVSM answered I do not like General Psychology at all. Based from the College of Engineering, there are three (3) or 30 percent male and one (1) or 10 percent female who answered I like General Psychology so much. Four (4) or 40 percent male and two (2) or 20 percent female responded I like General Psychology a little. Again, nobody said I do not like General Psychology at all. From the College of Home, Science and Industry, one (1) or 10 percent male and female said that they like General Psychology so much. Two (2) or 20 percent male respondents and four (4) or 40 percent female said I like General Psychology a little. There are two (2) or 20 percent male CHSI students who responded I do not like General Psychology at all. As gleaned from the table, male respondents have a greater positive attitude than females. There are a total of fourteen (14) male respondents who answered I like General Psychology so much and a total of twelve (12) female respondents who answered the same. Also, it can be seen from the table that the College of Business Administration and Accountancy have a greater positive attitude towards General Psychology compared to other colleges. A total of six (6) respondents answered I like General Psychology so much and the remaining respondents are shared by the other colleges given: two (2) from CAS; five (5) CED; four (4) from the CF; three (3) coming from CVSM; four (4) CEN; and two (2) from the CHSI. III.Ways on How Attitudes Affect the Learning of General Psychology Table 5

Ways on How Attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students Who Like General Psychology so much Affect their Learning of General Psychology

Tot Statements 1. I go to the library to research about the topics. 2. I do advance readings. 3. I do my A 5 % 4 %) 14 %) 16 %) 6 %) O 5 % 8 %) 7 %) 5 % 5 % ST 9 (34.62 %) 8 (30.77 %) 4 (15.38 %) 4 (15.38 %) 8 (30.77 %) S 2 (7.69 %) 2 (7.69 %) 0 (0%) 1 (3.85 %) 5 (14.2 3% R 3 (11.54 %) 3 (11.54 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (3.85 %) N 2 (7.69 %) 1 (3.85 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (3.85 %) 26 26 26 26 26 al

(14.23 (14.23

(15.38 (30.77

assignments. 4. I participate

(15.38 (26.92

during class discussions. 5. I organize my notes after every discussion. 6. I seek help from others whenever I experience problems or difficulties regarding the topics. 7. I attend classes. 8. I review my

(61.54 (14.23

(23.08 (14.23

8 %) 22 (84%) 17

6 %) 3 (11.54 %) 5

8 (30.77 %) 0( 0%) 1 0 (0%) 1 (3.85 %) 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 3

4 (15.38 %) 0( 0%) 0 26 26 26

(30.77 (23.08

lessons during examinations and quizzes. (65.38 (14.23 %) % (3.85 %) (0%) (11.54 %) (0%)

Table 5 shows the different ways on how the attitudes of the twenty six (26) respondents who answered I like General Psychology so much affect their learning of the subject; the following results have been collected: Statement no. 1 I go to the library to research about the topics. Five (5) or 19.23 percent answered agree and often; nine (9) or 34.62 percent answered sometimes; two (2) or 7.69 percent answered seldom; three (3) or 11.54 percent answered rarely; and two (2) or 7.69 percent answered never. Statement no. 2 I do advance readings responses are: four (4) or 15.38 percent answered always; eight (8) or 30.77 percent answered often and sometimes; two (2) or 7.69 percent answered seldom; and one (1) or 3.85 percent answered never. I do my assignments responses are: fourteen (14) or 53.85 percent answered always; seven (7) or 26.92 percent answered often; four (4) or 15.38 percent answered sometimes; and none give answers to seldom, rarely and never. The statement a participate during class discussions responses are: sixteen (16) or 61.54 percent answered always; five (5) or 19.23 percent answered often; four (4) or 15.38 percent answered sometimes; one (1) or 3.85 percent answered seldom; and no one answered rarely and never. Statement no. 5 I organize my notes after every discussion. Out of twenty six (26) respondents, six (6) or 23.07 percent answered always; five (5) or 19.23 percent answered often; eight (8) or 30.77 percent for sometimes; five (5) or 19.23 percent answered seldom; one (1) or 3.85 percent answered rarely and never.

Statement no. 6 I seek help from others whenever I experience problems or difficulties regarding the topics, responses are: eight (8) or 30.77 percent answered always; six (6) or 23.08 percent answered often; eight (8) or 30.77 percent for sometimes; none answered seldom and rarely; and four (4) or 15.38 percent for never. I attend classes during classes responses are: twenty two (22) or 84 percent answered always; three (3) or 11.54 percent for often; none answered sometimes; one (1) or 3.85 percent said seldom; and no one answered rarely and never. The last statement I review my lessons during exams and quizzes responses are: seventeen (17) or 65.38 percent answered always out of twenty six (26) respondents; five (5) or 19.23 percent often; one (1) or 3.85 percent sometimes; none in seldom; three (3) or 11.54 percent rarely and no one answered never. Table 6 Ways on How Attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students Who Like General Psychology A Little Affect their Learning of General Psychology

Tot Statements 1. I go to the library to research about the topics. 2. I do advance readings. 3. I do my assignments. 4. I participate 12 (30%) 7 A 1 (2.5%) 2 (5%) O 4 (10%) 5 (12.5 %) 11 (27.5 %) 5 ST 16 (40%) 21 (52.5 %) 14 (35%) 18 S 11 (27.5 %) 10 (25%) 2 (5%) 7 R 4 (10%) 2 (5%) 1 (2.5%) 3 N 4 (10%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 40 40 40 40 al

during class discussions. 5. I organize my notes after every discussion. 6. I seek help from others whenever I experience problems or difficulties regarding the topics. 7. I attend classes.

(17.5 %) 1 (2.5%)

(12.5 %) 12 (30%) (45%) 16 (40%)

(17.5 %) 9 (22.5 %) (7.5%) 2 (5%) (0%) 0 (0%) 40

11 (27.5 %) 33 (82.5 %)

13 (32.5 %) 6 (15%) 14 (35%) 1 (2.5%) 7 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 1 40 (2.5%) (2.5%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (2.5% ) 40 40

8. I review my lessons during examinations and quizzes. 24 (60%) 8 (20%) (17.5 %)

Table 6 shows the different ways on how the attitudes of the forty (40) respondents who answered I like General Psychology a little affect their learning of the subject; the following results have been collected: Statement no. 1 I go to the library to research about the topics, the responses given are: one (1) or 2.5 percent answered always; four (4) or 10 percent often; sixteen (16) or 40 percent sometimes; eleven (11) or 27.5 percent seldom; four (4) or 10 percent answered rarely and never. I do advance readings responses are: two (2) or 5 percent answered always; five (5) or 12.5 percent answered often; twenty one

(21) or 52.5 percent sometimes; ten (10) or 25 percent seldom; two (2) or 5 percent rarely; and no one answered never. Statement no. 3 I do my assignments. Out of forty respondents (40), twelve (12) or 30 percent answered always; eleven (11) or 27.5 percent often; fourteen (14) or 35 percent answered sometimes; two (2) or 5 percent answered seldom; one (1) or 2.5 percent rarely and none in never. In statement no. 4 I participate during class discussions, the responses are: seven (7) or 17.5 percent always; five (5) or 12.5 percent often; eighteen (18) or 45 percent sometimes; seven (7) or 17.5 percent in seldom; three (3) or 7.5 percent rarely and zero (0) in never. The statement I organize my notes after every discussion responses are: one (1) or 2.5 percent of forty (40) respondents answered always; twelve (12) or 30 percent often; sixteen (16) or 40 percent sometimes; nine (9) or 22.5 percent seldom; two (2) or 5 percent rarely; and no one answered never. Statement no. 6 which runs this way, I seek help from others whenever I experience problems or difficulties regarding the topics, the responses are: eleven (11) or 27.5 percent answered always; thirteen (13) or 32.5 percent often; fourteen (14) or 35 percent sometimes; none in seldom; and one (1) or 2.5 percent both in rarely and never. Statement no. 7 I attend classes responses are: thirty three (33) or 82.5 percent answered always; six (6) or 15 percent often; one (1) or 2.5 percent sometimes; and no one answered seldom, rarely and never. I review my lessons during exams and quizzes responses are: twenty four (24) or 60 percent answered always; eight (8) or 20 percent often; seven (7) or 17.5 percent sometimes; none answered in seldom and rarely; and one (1) or 2.5 percent answered never.

Table 7 Ways on How Attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students Who Do Not Like General Psychology At All Affect their Learning of General Psychology

Tot Statements 1. I go to the library to research about the topics. 2. I do advance readings. A 0 (0% ) 0 (0% 3. I do my assignments. ) 1 (25 4. I participate during class discussions. 5. I organize my notes after every discussion. 6. I seek help from others whenever I experience problems of difficulties regarding the topics 7. I attend classes. 3 (75 %) 1 (25 8. I review my lessons during examinations and quizzes. %) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 2 (50 %) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 2 (50 %) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 2 (50 %) 0 (0% ) 1 (25 %) 0 (0% ) 1 (25 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 4 4 %) 3 (75 %) 0 (0% ) O 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 1 (25 %) ST 1 (25 %) 1 (25 %) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) S 1 (25 %) 1 (25 %) 1 (25 %) 1 (25 %) 1 (25 %) R 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) 2 (50 %) 0 (0% ) 0 (0% ) N 2 (50 %) 2 (50 %) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (50 %) 4 4 4 4 4 al

Table 7 shows the different ways on how the attitudes of the four (4) respondents who answered I do not like General Psychology at all affect their learning of the subject; the following results have been collected: Statement no. 1 I go to the library to research about the topics responses are: no one answered always and often; one (1) or 25 percent answered sometimes and seldom; zero (0) in rarely; and two (2) or 50 percent answered never. Statement no. 2 I do advance readings responses are: no one answered always and often; one (1) or 25 percent both in sometimes and seldom; no one in rarely; and two (2) or 50 percent in never. I do my assignments responses are: one (1) or 25 percent answered always; no one in often and sometimes; one (1) or 25 percent in seldom; two (2) or 50 percent rarely; and zero (0) in never. Statement no. 4 I participate during class discussions. Out of four (4) respondents, three (3) ot 75 percent answered always; no one answered often and sometimes; one (1) or 25 percent seldom; and zero (0) both in rarely and never. In statement no. 5 I organize my notes after every discussion, the following are the responses: no one answered always, sometimes and rarely; one (1) or 25 percent answered often and seldom; and two (2) or 50 percent said never. The statement I seek help from others whenever I experience problems or difficulties regarding the topics responses are: three (3) or 75 percent said always; no one answered often, sometimes, seldom, and rarely; and one (1) or 25 percent answered never. Statement no. 7 I attend classes responses are: one (1) or 25 percent answered always; two (2) or 50 percent answered often; no one answered sometimes, seldom, and never; and one (1) or 25 percent answered rarely.

Statement no. 8 I review my lessons during exams and quizzes responses are: no one answered always, often, rarely and never; and two (2) or 50 percent both said sometimes and seldom. IV. Difficulties/Problems encountered by the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology Table 8 Difficulties Encountered by Central Luzon State University Students Towards General Psychology Statements 1. The teacher is terror, unapproachable and boring. 2. The lessons are too hard to understand. 3. The assignments, quizzes and exams given by the teacher are difficult. 4. The teacher lacks knowledge about the subject. 5. Topics discussed by the teacher are irrelevant. 6. I find doing the research paper difficult. SA 3 (4.2% ) 3 (4.2% ) 3 (4.2% ) 2 (2.9% ) 2 (2.9% ) 7 (10%) A 3 (4.2% ) 9 (12.9 %) 18 (25.7 %) 0 (0%) 4 (5.7% ) 18 (25.7 %) UD 10 (14.3 %) 9 (12.9 %) 14 (20%) 6 (8.6% ) 10 (14.3 %) 13 (18.6 %) DA 27 (38.6 %) 33 (47.1 %) 25 (35.7 %) 25 (35.7 %) 30 (42.9 %) 27 (38.6 %) (7.1% SD 27 (38.6 %) 16 (22.9 %) 10 (14.3 %) 37 (52.8 %) 24 (34.3 %) 5 TOTA L 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% )

) 7. The teacher gives difficult projects, group and classroom activities. 8. Topics are only discussed inside the classroom. 9. Attendance is a requirement. 5 (7.1% ) 9 (12.9 %) 28 (40%) 10. The teachers strategies are not effective. 11. The lessons are not interesting. 12. Students are required to attend the Psych Congress. 13. There is no motivation to study the subject. 14. The teacher is biased. 2 (2.9% ) 6 (8.6% ) 21 (30%) 5 (7.1% ) 2 (2.9% 15. Plain lectures are used. ) 10 (14.3 %) 11 (15.7 %) 15 (21.4 %) 19 (27.1 %) 4 (5.7% ) 9 (12.9 %) 18 (25.7 %) 3 4.2%) 3 (4.2% ) 12 (17.1 %) 13 (18.6 %) 17 24.3% ) 4 (5.7% ) 13 (18.6 %) 9 (12.9 %) 7 (10%) 18 (25.7 %) 18 (25.7 %) 13 (18.6 %) 31 (44.3 %) 21 (30%) 11 (15.7 %) 29 (41.4 %) 24 (34.2 %) 16 (22.9 %) 7 (10%) 24 (34.3 %) 18 (25.7 %) 10 (14.3 %) 8 (11.4 %) 8 (11.4 %) 22 (31.4 %) 22 (31.4 %) 8 (11.4 %) 16 (22.9 %) 20 (28.6 %) 17 (24.3 %) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% ) 70 (100% )

Table 8 shows the difficulties encountered by CLSU students towards General Psychology. The following are the results gathered: Statement no. 1 the teacher is terror, unapproachable and boring. Out of seventy students-respondents, three (3) or 4.2 percent answered strongly agree and agree; ten (10) or 14.3 percent

undecided; twenty-seven (27) or 38.6 percent disagree and strongly disagree. Statement no. 2 the lessons are too hard to understand responses are: three (3) or 4.2 percent answered strongly agree; nine (9) or 12.9 percent responded agree and undecided; thirty-three (33) or 47.1 percent disagree and sixteen (16) or 22.9 percent strongly disagree. The assignments, quizzes and exams given by the teacher are difficult responses are: three (3) or 4.2 percent responded strongly agree; eighteen (18) or 25.7 percent agree; fourteen (14) or 20 percent disagree; and ten (10) or 14.3 percent strongly disagree. The teacher lacks knowledge about the subject. Two (2) or 2.9 percent out of seventy (70) answered strongly agree; no one answered agree; six (6) or 8.6 percent undecided; twenty five (25) or 35.7 percent disagree; and thirty seven (37) or 52.8 percent answered strongly disagree. Statement no. 5 topics discussed by the teacher are irrelevant responses are: two (2) or 2.9 percent responded strongly agree; four (4) or 5.7 percent agree; ten (10) or 14.3 percent undecided; thirty (30) or 42.9 percent disagree and twenty four (24) or 34.3 percent said strongly disagree. Statement no. 6 I find doing research paper difficult. Seven (7) or 10 percent answered strongly agree; eighteen (18) or 25.7 percent agree; thirteen (13) or 18.6 percent undecided; twenty seven (27) or 38.6 percent disagree and five (5) or 7.1 percent strongly disagree. In statement no. 7 the teacher gives difficult projects, group and classroom activities responses are: five (5) or 7.1 percent responded strongly agree; eleven (11) or 15.7 percent agree; thirteen (13) or 18.6 percent undecided; thirty one (31) or 44.3 percent disagree and ten (10) or 14.3 percent are strongly disagree.










classroom. Nine (9) or 12.9 percent answered strongly agree; fifteen (15) or 21.4 percent agree; seventeen (17) or 24.3 percent undecided; twenty one (21) or 30 percent disagree; and eight (8) or 11.4 percent answered strongly disagree out of seventy (70) respondents. Attendance is a requirement responses are: twenty eight (28) or 40 percent answered strongly agree; nineteen (19) or 27.1 percent agree; four (4) or 5.7 percent undecided; eleven (11) or 15.7 percent disagree; and eight (8) or 11.4 percent strongly disagree. Statement no. 10 the teachers strategies are not effective responses are: two (2) or 2.9 percent responded strongly agree; four (4) or 5.7 percent agree; thirteen (13) or 18.6 percent are undecided; twenty nine (29) or 41.4 percent disagree; and twenty two (22) or 31.4 percent strongly disagree. Statement no. 11 the lessons are not interesting. Six (6) or 8.6 percent are strongly agree; nine (9) or 12.9 percent agree and undecided; twenty four (24) or 34.3 percent are disagree; and twenty two (22) or 31.4 percent strongly disagree. The statement students are required to attend the Psych Congress responses are: twenty one (21) or 30 percent strongly agree; eighteen (18) or 25.7 percent agree; seven (7) or 10 percent said undecided; sixteen (16) or 22.9 percent disagree; and eight (8) or 11.4 percent are strongly disagree. Statement no. 13 there is no motivation to study the subject responses are: five (5) or 7.1 percent strongly agree; three (3) or 4.2 percent agree; eighteen (18) or 25.7 percent undecided; twenty four (24) or 34.3 percent disagree; and twenty (20) or 28.6 percent are strongly disagree. The teacher is biased. Out of seventy (70) respondents, two (2) or 2.9 percent said strongly agree; five (5) or 7.1 percent agree; sixteen (16) or 22.9 percent undecided; twenty two (22) or 31.4

percent disagree; and twenty five (25) or 35.7 percent answered strongly disagree. Statement no. 15 plain lectures are used responses are: ten (10) or 14.3 percent answered strongly agree; twelve (12) or 17.1 percent agree; thirteen (13) or 18.6 percent undecided; eighteen 18( or 25.7 percent disagree; and seventeen (17) or 24.3 percent said that they strongly disagree. V. Suggestions for the Improvement of the Learning and Teaching of General Psychology From the total seventy (70) respondents, twenty seven (27) do not make their comments and suggestions for the improvement of the learning and teaching of General Psychology. Four (4) of these respondents, state their reason why they didnt make any comments or suggestions for the improvement of the subject. Two says that it is because they are contented on the teaching strategy made by their teacher, one is because he understand the General Psychology well and the last one says that he did not make any suggestions because the improvement on learning still depends on the students. The comments and suggestions maid by the other Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students were the following: 1. The teachers should have mastery of the subject matter and they should make broader explanation regarding the subject. 2. There should be an improvement of the facilities and rooms used. 3. The teachers should be friendly and they should discuss the topics in funny way as the students relate to it. On the other hand, one of the respondents says that the teachers must become terror so that the students will become more serious to the subject.

4. The teachers should give activities as application for the topics discussed. They should site daily experiences in life as their example. 5. The teachers should give emphasis on the motivation program in order for the student to be more interested in the subject like addition of teaching materials (presentation of visual aids and film showing), seminars, field trips and giving of high grades to those deserving students. 6. The teachers should attend regular meeting. 7. They should know the different behavior of their students. They must be approachable and they should accept suggestions from the students. 8. If ever possible, the teachers should use Filipino language during class discussions. 9. Books should be understandable and can afford by the students. The teachers should not require the student to buy the book. 10. The Audio Visual Room (AVR) must give the students a free entrance for their General Psychology lecture.

Chapter IV Conclusions and Recommendations This chapter summarizes the findings of the study, conclusion made and recommendations offered. The study was designed to identify the profile of the respondents in terms of Age, Sex and College where the respondents belong to and to determine their attitudes towards General Psychology. The specific questions are: 1. What are the attitudes/impressions of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology? 2. In what ways does their attitude affect their learning of the subject? 3. What are the difficulties/problems of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students in relation to their General Psychology subject?

4. What are their suggestions regarding the learning and teaching of General Psychology? The research was conducted in Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija. The respondents were composed of seventy (70) students having an equal number of ten (10) students per college. The descriptive method of research was used in the study with the questionnaire as the main instrument. Except from the Respondents personal profile, it has four parts: the first part deals with the attitudes or impressions of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology; the second part is all about the different ways on how their attitude affect their learning of the subject; the third part deals with the difficulties/problems encountered by the CLSU students in relation to their General Psychology subject; and the last part is their suggestions regarding the learning and teaching of General Psychology. The responses gathered were tabulated. The frequency and percentage respondents. were used to obtain the average scores of the

Conclusion 1. Profile of the Respondents The findings in the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex and college were: Age The age of the respondents ranges from 16-23. The majority of the respondents are eighteen (18) to nineteen (19) years old having a

total of thirty one (31) students or 44.3 percent out of the total seventy (70) respondents. The second larger groups of students-respondents were those who are sixteen (16) to seventeen (17) years old garnering a total of twenty two (22) or 31.4 percent. Next are the respondents of age from twenty (20) to twenty one (21) years old having fourteen (14) or 20 percent. As it is noted in the table, the respondents who are twenty two (22) to twenty three (23) years old has the smallest population having garnered a total of three (3) respondents or 4.3 percent out of the seventy (70) respondents. Sex Male respondents exceed the females. Thirty four (34) or 48.57 percent are female and thirty six (36) or 51.43 percent are male out of the seventy (70) total respondents. College There is an equal distribution of ten (10) student-respondents or 14.3 percent per college. 2. Attitudes of Central Luzon State University (CLSU)

students towards General Psychology Male respondents have a greater positive attitude than females. There are a total of fourteen (14) male respondents who answered I like General Psychology so much and a total of twelve (12) female respondents who answered the same. Also, the College of Business Administration and Accountancy have a greater positive attitude towards General Psychology compared to other colleges. A total of six (6) respondents answered I like General Psychology so much and the remaining respondents are shared by the other colleges given: two (2) from CAS; five (5) CED; four

(4) from the CF; three (3) coming from CVSM; four (4) CEN; and two (2) from the CHSI. 3. Ways on How Attitudes Affect the Learning of General Psychology Based from the data gathered, it is good to reveal that those respondents who answered I like General Psychology so much tend to do always the different ways on how their attitude affects their learning of General Psychology subject. Those who answered I like General Psychology a little are also interested to do those ways listed above but it is not that intense compared to those who answered I like General Psychology so much. Lastly, those who answered I do not like General Psychology at all have least interest to do those said ways on how their attitude affects their learning towards the subject. 4. Difficulties/Problems encountered by the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students towards General Psychology The result of this research regarding the difficulties encountered by CLSU students towards General Psychology shows that the highest difficulties that students attend to is the statement no. 9 attendance is a requirement having garnered a total of twenty eight (28) or 40 percent strongly agree. Next to this is the statement no. 12 students are required to attend the Psych Congress having a total of twenty one (21) or 30 percent who answered strongly agree. The least difficulties that students encountered are statements no. 4 the teacher lacks knowledge about the subject, statement no. 5 topics discussed by the teachers are irrelevant, statement no. 10 the teachers strategies are not effective and also statement no. 14 the teacher is biased. These four statement s garnered a total of two (2)

or 2.9 percent strongly agree. This means that the students do not have so many problems with their teachers. 5. Suggestions for the Improvement of the Learning and Teaching of General Psychology Twenty seven (27) of the respondents do not make their comments and suggestions for the improvement of the learning and teaching of General Psychology. Four (4) of these respondents, state their reason why they didnt make any comments or suggestions for the improvement of the subject. The comments and suggestions maid by the other Central Luzon State University (CLSU) students were the following: 1. The teachers should have mastery of the subject matter and they should make broader explanation regarding the subject. 2. 3. There should be an improvement of the facilities and The teachers should be friendly and they should discuss rooms used. the topics in funny way as the students relate to it. On the other hand, one of the respondents says that the teachers must become terror so that the students will become more serious to the subject. 4. The teachers should give activities as application for the topics discussed. They should site daily experiences in life as their example. 5. The teachers should give emphasis on the motivation program in order for the student to be more interested in the subject like addition of teaching materials (presentation of visual aids and film showing), seminars, field trips and giving of high grades to those deserving students. 6. The teachers should attend regular meeting.

7. They should know the different behavior of their students. They must be approachable and they should accept suggestions from the students. 8. If ever possible, the teachers should use Filipino language during class discussions. 9. Books should be understandable and can afford by the students. The teachers should not require the student to buy the book. 10. The Audio Visual Room (AVR) must give the students a free entrance for their General Psychology lecture.

Recommendations Based on the conclusions, some recommendations were given to improve the attitudes of the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) towards General Psychology. The following recommendations were: 1. Positive attitudes towards the subject should be instilled to the students to emphasize the importance of General Psychology in every day life. 2. Varied instructional material should be made by the General Psychology teacher in order to make the subject likeable and livelier o the part of the students. 3. Mastery of the subject matter and injecting a sense of humor.

4. The teacher should give more incentives like praises and high grades to produce positive attitudes towards General Psychology. 5. The teacher should motivate and encourage the students to practice and study hard in General Psychology. 6. The students should have a positive thought or attitude towards General Psychology. 7. The student should make it a habit to study General Psychology. 8. The student should try to love and enjoy General Psychology. 9. Continue to have a positive attitude towards General Psychology and change those bad attitudes for the part of the students. This study maybe replicated provided that other variable should be incorporated.


Respondents Profile Name (Optional): __________________________ Sex: _______

Course and Section: ________________________

Age: _______

I. Which of the following best describes your attitudes towards General Psychology? Put a check mark on the corresponding box. I like General Psychology so much. I like General Psychology a little. I do not like General Psychology at all.

II. Indicate how often you do the following in relation to your General Psychology subject by encircling the corresponding number based on the scale below. Nominal Scale 5 4 3 2 1 0 Often Sometimes Seldom Rarely Never N Description Always O ST S R Symbol A

Statements R N 8. I go to the library to research about the topics. 3 2 1 0

A O ST S 5 4

9. I do advance readings. 2 1 0 10. 11. 3 3 13. 3 14. 15. I do my assignments. I participate during class discussions. 2 1 0

5 4 5 4

3 3 5 4 5 4 5 4

2 1 0

12. I organize my notes after every discussion. 2 1 0 I seek help from others whenever I experience 2 1 0 I attend classes. 5 4

problems or difficulties regarding the topics. 3 2 1 0 I review my lessons during examinations and quizzes. 5 4 3 2 1 0

III. Put a check mark on the column which best describes your feeling about each item. Please remember to answer each item in relation to your General Psychology subject only. Please be guided by the following scale: SA Strongly Agree A Agree UD Undecided DA Disagree SD Strongly Disagree Statements 1. The teacher is terror, unapproachable and boring. SA A UD DA SD

2. The lessons are too hard to understand. 3. The assignments, quizzes and exams given by the teacher are difficult. 4. The teacher lacks knowledge about the subject. 5. Topics discussed by the teacher are irrelevant. 6. I find doing the research paper difficult. 7. The teacher gives difficult projects, group and classroom activities. 8. Topics are only discussed inside the classroom. 9. Attendance is a requirement. 10. The teachers strategies are not effective. 11. The lessons are not interesting. 12. Students are required to attend the Psych Congress. 13. There is no motivation to study the subject. 14. The teacher is biased. 15. Plain lectures are used.

IV. What are your suggestions for the improvement of the learning and teaching of General Psychology? ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

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