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NOMROF. 104220 Dates: Ape 43,2020, EXPERIENCE LETTER “This sto cently that Mr. Mohammad Unai 0 Mir Nene Ahmod has werked wth hs ogarization from June 08, 2004 to Apr 10,2020. ‘During the period of his employment wih the Company, ne performed inthe flcvng lecaons and postions HOELPAKEPC Power Incharge Design Cec 01,2019 to Apr 10,2020, 2DEL-PAREPC Power Engineer 18 “OF, 2017 to Nov 30,2018 S.DEL-PAR-EPC Power LEAD 1g ‘Aug 15,2006 to Jun 30,2017 ‘DEST EST LEAD IBC Jun 03,2008 to Aug #4, 2018 His perfomance, troughout thi tenure was stsacory and we found him tobe a deleated member of our Organization, ‘We wien him athe success nis future endeavars we HAMMAD SAFDAR Head HR EPC Division ce: Pile acon Hagar 8m err Rab. PO Boe 20 Lore 578, Pon {Uap 11 BESCON 07 249 F230 1939 Es docanucocom Wmmconco ee ——————

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