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By RPAD Post & Under Certificate of posting

Proprietor _____________,


Under instruction from my client, ___________, S/o ______________, No.

__________________, with instructions I hereby issue Legal Notice is as follows:

01. My client state that, you are the friend of my client since 3 years, and you are
visiting my client house frequently and to attend family functions, and my client
also visiting your house for family functions along with my client family

02. My client submits that, on _________ you have approached to my client to give a
loan a sum of Rs._________/- (Rupees ________ only) for your family
necessities and to develop Bar and Restaurant in the name and style of
__________________, ________, same may be return the said amount within 4
months. And same day you had issued a post dated cheque on _______, drawn on
the ___________., No._________, Bangalore, and cheque bearing
No.__________. You have requested to my client the said cheque may be
presented on ____________ or subsequent thereto, you are agreed to pay the
interest thereon ____% per annum.

03. My client submits that, thereafter as per your instruction, my client has
presented the said cheque on __________ through _________, Branch,
Bangalore, for realization through your Bank ________., Bangalore. And same
was dishonoured by your banker and returned with endorsement dated
___________ stating that insufficient funds in your account.

Continued …2
04. My client submits that, thereafter my client had contacted and brought to the
notice that your cheque has been returned for insufficient funds in your account.

05. My client has presented the said cheque on _______ through ______ Bank,
Branch, Bangalore, for realization through your Bank _______ Ltd., Bangalore.
And same was dishonoured by your banker and returned with endorsement dated
_________ stating that insufficient funds in your account

06. My client submits that, my client has contacted you personally and brought the
notice the cheque has been dishonoured, in spite of repeated request made by my
client you are not paid the said amount instead of repay the amount you have
abused in filthy language to my client, and threatening that you are having
Political influence. With intention to making wrong full loss to my client and
making wrongful gain to yourself with intention to cheat my client, you are
stating that to my client that the said amount can not recover from you and also
you are threatening to my client in daire consequences.

07. you have issued a cheque a sum of Rs.___________/- (Rupees ___________

only) towards repayment of the said amount payable by you without keeping
sufficient funds in your account and you have also not made arrangement for
depositing the required amount to honour cheque, thus my client is entitled to
recover the said amount due under the cheque with interest at the rate of 20%
from the date of borrowel till the date of payment.

Under circumstances stated above, you are hereby called upon you to pay or remit the
said amount a sum of Rs.___________/- (Rupees _________ only) to my client within 15
days from the date of receipt of this notice, if you fail to repay the said amount within
15 days my client will be constrained to institute appropriate civil and Criminal case
against for recovery of the said amount due and payable by you and prosecute before
jurisdictional criminal court for offence committed under section 138 of Negotiable
Instrument Act and 420 of IPC

The charges of this legal notice is Rs.5,000/- which is you are liable to pay to my client.


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