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Compiled to Fullfill One of Academic Terms

In Order to Complete Study in Civil Engineering Program
Faculty of Engineering
University of Swadaya Gunung Jati

By :
NPM. 115130089






The Industry, Trade and Cooperative Office Building is a
building that was established by the PUPR Office and is located on
Jl. DR Cipto Mangunkusumo, No 23 Sunyaragi, Kec Kesambi,
Cirebon City, West Java. The Office is expected to be able to
provide information on industry, trade that is professional,
transparent and becomes a community information center in the
city of Cirebon and surrounding areas.
Therefore, this service office requires the development and
fulfillment of adequate facilities on an ongoing basis in order to
meet the maximum information service needs.
Development of the Office of Industry, Trade and UMK Office
needs for facilities in the form of supporting buildings to improve
information facilities and to meet the demand for adequate space.
Therefore, the construction of official office buildings and other
supporting facilities owned by the Office of this Office needs to be
On the basis of safety criteria and excellent service then
loading the planning process must comply with SNI 1727 - 2013
and the structural design of this building must refer to SNI - 2847-
2013 reinforced concrete, the latest regulations are adapted for the
development of the latest material technology with reference to the
AISC, in addition in earthquake engineering calculations also must
refer to SNI 1726-2012.
In this study the focus is on analyzing the Industrial, Trade
and Cooperative Service Buildings with concrete structures


1.3.1 Formulation Of The Problem
1. How does the Office of Trade, Industry and Cooperative
Office design using concrete structures?
2. What are the dimensions of the plate, beam and column
3. How to plan the use of SAP2000?
4. What is the design foundation for the Office of Trade,
Industry and Cooperatives?

1.3.2 Identification Problem

Problem identification is focused on Analyzing the
building structure of the Trade, Industry and Cooperative
Office Building whether the structure is safe or not.


1.4.1 Mean
The thesis proposal titled "STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS
DISPERINDAGKOP BUILDING" will explain the problems
that exist in the research area, so looking for solutions to the
1.4.2 Objectives
1. To analyze the Trade, Industry and Cooperative Service
Buildings using concrete structures.
2. For details of dimensions, plates, beams, columns and
foundations accordingly.

Picture 1.1 research sites



2.1.1 Building Structure
Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 28, 2002,
article 1, paragraph 1, of the building. Building is a physical
manifestation of the work of construction that blends with its
domicile, partly or wholly on the top or in the ground that serves as
a place of human activity, either for residential or residential,
religious activities, business activities, social culture activities, as
well as special activities.
Based on the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 28, 2002,
article 5, paragraph 1 function includes a function of building is
residential, of religious, business, social and cultural, as well as
special functions. Based building business functions include
buildings for offices, trade, industry, tourism, and recreation,
terminal and storage.


2.2.1 Imposition
Imposition is an important factor in designing the
structure of the building. Therefore, in designing the structure
of the need to identify the loads acting on the structure of the
system. The loads acting on a structure caused directly by
the forces of nature and man-made (Schueller, 2001).
The structure is made of a material having mass, the
structure will be influenced by its own weight. Self weight of
the structure and the structural elements referred to as the
dead load. Besides the dead load, the structure is influenced
also by the loads that occur due to the use of the room. This
expense is referred to as the live load (live load).In addition,
the structure is influenced also by influences from the
outside due to natural conditions such as the effects of wind,
snow, earthquake, or influenced by differences in
temperature, as well as damaging environmental conditions
(eg, the effect of chemicals, moisture, or corrosion).
In reviewing a burden, we should not only determine
the amount or intensity, but also need to review under what
conditions the load applied to the structure.
In connection with the elastic properties of the
material structure, every system or structural element will
deform when loaded, and will be back to form together when
the work load removed. Therefore the structure has a
tendency to sway laterally (slideway),or bend down
(deflection) when loaded.

As for the various loads that work as follows :

a. Dead load

Dead load is the weight of the whole material

attached building construction, including walls, floors,
roofs, ceilings, stairs, partition walls remain, finishing,
klading buildings and architectural components and other
structural and other equipment installed serviceability
including faucet (SNI 1727- 2013).
For purposes of analysis and design of building
structures, the amount of dead load should be estimated
or determined in advance. Dead loads are loads that
work down at the structure and has the characteristics of
the building, such as floor coverings, mechanical devices,
and partitions. To calculate the amount of dead load an
element is done by reviewing the unit weight of the
material is based on volume elements. The unit weight
(unit weight) of material empirically determined and listed
many table on a number of standards or regulatory
Alone unit or heavy weight of some construction
materials and components can be determined from the
building regulations in Indonesia, Indonesian Loading for
Building Regulations 1983 or regulation in 1987.
Information on the unit weight of various construction
materials commonly used dead load calculation are listed
below ,

1) Building Materials
Table 2.1 Weight Alone Building Material
No. Material Weight Specification
1. Steel 7850kg / m3
2. Natural stone 2600kg / m3

Stone sides, cobble

3. 1500 kg / m3 pile weight
stone, stone mountain

4. The rock 700 kg / m3 Weight stacks

5. Stone broke 1450 kg / m3
6. Stone castings 7250kg / m3
7. Concrete 2200 kg / m3
8. Stone reinforced 2400 kg / m3
9. Wood 1000 kg / m3 Class 1
air dry until
10. gravels, coral 1650 kg / m3 damp, without
11. Pairs of red rocks 1,700 kg / m3
Pairs atu sides, cobble
12. 2200 kg / m3
stone, stone mountain
13. Pairs print stone 2200 kg / m3
14. Pairs of rock 1450 kg / m3
of air to moist
15. Sand 1600 kg / m3
of water
16. Sand 1800 kg / m3
of air to moist
17. Sand gravel, coral 1850 kg / m3
Dry air until
18. Land, clay and silt 1700
Source: Imposition Planning Guidelines for Home and Building.

2) Building Components

Table 2.2 Individual Components Weight Building

No. Material Weight Description
Digesters, per cm
● From the 21 kg / m2
cement 17 kg / m2
● from lime,
cement red / tras
Asphalt, per cm
2. 14 kg / m2

wall couples brick

3. ● Onestone 450 kg / m2
● half stone to 250 kg / m2
wall couples batako:
● Perforated:
20 cm wall
200 kg / m2
thickness (HB 20)
of 10 cm wall 120 kg / m2
thickness (HB 10)
● without holes:
15 cm wall to 300 kg /
thickness m2
Teal walls 10 cm 200 kg / m2
The ceilings and
walls, comprising:
● asbestos
includes the
ribs, without
5. (plasterboard), 11 kg / m2
suspension or
max thickness of 4
● Glass, 3-5 mm
10 kg / m2
ceilings, spans
simple wooden floor
6. 40 kg / m2 up to 5 m,
with wooden beams
max live load
of 200 kg / m2
spans up to 5
Hanger ceiling m, distance
7. 7 kg / m2
(wood) sks min 0,80
with battens
8. Cover the tile roof of 50 kg / m 2
and rafters /
rafters per m2
roof area
Closing the roof with battens
9. 40 kg / m2
shingle and rafters
ata Cover p zinc
10. 10 kg / m2 Without rafter
gelombag (BJLS-25)
Tiles portland
Floor covering tiles, 7
11. 24 kg / m2 terrazzo and
cm thick
ut mortar
The asbestos
12. 11 kg / m2
Source : Guidelines imposition for Home and building

b. Live Load

Live load is a load that occurs as a result of

residential / use of a building and its depth including the
loads on the floor coming from items that can move,
machinery and equipment that are part of the building are
inseparable of the building and can be replaced during
the lifetime of the building, resulting in a change in the
loading floor and the roof.

Especially on the roof into the live loads may

include loads which comes from rain water, either due to
inundation or due to hit falling (kinetic energy) of water
droplets. Into the live load does not include wind loads,
earthquake loads and special loads. From this
description, it is clearly impossible to review separately all
loading conditions that may occur. Therefore, it is used a
statistical approach to define the burden of this life, as an
evenly distributed static load that is safe to be equivalent
to the weight of the usage centrally expected maximum
for a particular application.

The actual live load actually acting on the structure

are generally smaller than the planned live load weighing
on the structure. However, there is possibility live load
magnitude cooperation with the design load on the
structure. It is clear that the structure of the building has
been planned for a particular use should be re-examined
when the powers will be used for other purposes. For
example, a building which was originally planned for the
apartment will not be strong enough when used for the
building or the market.

The amount of live load evenly distributed

equivalent to be reckoned with in the building structure,
can generally be determined based on the applicable
standards. The planning application Unswagati hall living
expenses adjusted to the function room which is already
planned, in this case refers to the imposition of SNI -
1727- 2013 for buildings are as follows:

1) on floor building Living Expenses

Table 2.3 Living Expenses on floor building
No. Residential Weight Description
The office building
- office space
1. 240kg / m2
- on the first
floor corridor at
seats remain
Meeting Main Stage
2. 479 kg/ m2 and are not
meeting Floor podium
3. the dining room and
479kg / m2
4. Points bowling,
The gym is 359kg / m2
swimming pool
5. the ballroom 479kg / m2
6. mosques,
churches, show
Floor and balcony room /
inside of the meeting 479kg / m2 restaurant,
room movie theater
with fixed
7. corridor on the
Hospitals 383 kg / m2
first floor
8. Domestic and family hot of office
479kg / m2
road r Domestic
9. Floor Appliances, for
192kg / m2
10. The library 287kg / m2

11. Retail 479 kg / m2 Minimum
Wholesale 600 kg / m2

12. Hotel 250 kg / m2

13. School
Classrooms 192kg / m2
on the first floor 383 kg / m2

Source: SNI - 1727- 2013 Minimum expense buildings

c. Earthquake Load
In planning a building structure (buildings, bridges,
docks, etc.) seismic is one of the most decisive
parameter load. In real terms this can be seen from the
number of building damage and failure caused by the
earthquake. The number of casualties also encourage
scholars to pay more attention to the effects of the
earthquake in the planning.
To plan a good earthquake resistant buildings
some institutions have made a guide in the earthquake
load. In Indonesia, the guidelines must be used today for
planning the seismic load is SNI 03-1726-2012 which is a
replacement of SNI 03-1726-2002. This standard refers
to the code ASCE 7-10, FEMA P750 / 2009, and IBC
SNI 03-1726-2012 specifies that the seismic load
analysis can be done with three procedures, namely the
equivalent lateral force analysis, response spectrum
analysis of variance, and the procedure history seismic
response. Determination of analytical procedures that
can be used depending on the category of seismic design
of structures, structural systems, dynamic property, and
regularity. Conditions allowed analytical procedures that
can be seen in Table 1. In addition to the three
procedures SNI allow alternative procedure done with the
consent of the licensor who has the legal authority (SNI
Article 7.6).

d. wind load
The amount of wind load acting on the structure of
the building depends on the wind speed, air density,
geographical location, shape and height of the building,
as well as the rigidity of the structure. The building is
located on the track winds, will cause the wind to turn or
to stop. As a result, the kinetic energy of the wind will be
transformed into potential energy, in the form of pressure
or suction on the building.

Figure 2.1.Effects of wind on buildings

One of the important factors that affect the
magnitude of the pressure and suction on the building at
the time of moving wind is the wind speed. The
magnitude of the wind speed is different for each
geographic location. Wind speed plan is usually based
on the 50-year period. Due to the higher wind speed with
height above the ground, then the high speed of the plan,
too. In addition it should also consider whether the
building was situated in an urban or rural. If the wind
speed is known, the wind pressure acting on the
buildings can be determined and expressed in equivalent
static force.
The actual movement of the wind patterns around
the building is very complicated, but configuration has
been widely studied and tabulated. Due to a building,
causing the wind pressure and suction, then there is a
special coefficient for the pressure and suction of wind
tabulated for various locations in the building.
To account for the effect of wind on structures,
guidelines in Indonesia requires several things as
● pressure of the wind should be taken at least 25 kg / m 2
● pressure of the wind on the sea and on the edge of the sea as far
as 5 km from the coast, should be taken minimum 40 kg / m 2
For places where there is wind speed which may
result in a larger inflatable pressure. The wind pressure
(p) can be determined based on the empirical formula:
P = V2/16 (kg / m2)
where V is the wind speed in units of m / sec.
Due to the wind load will cause pressure and
suction, then based on experiments, it has been
determined coefficients forms of pressure and suction for
various types of buildings and roofs. The purpose of the
use of these coefficients is to simplify the analysis. For
example, the building is closed, in addition to the walls of
the building, the roof structure of the building will also be
under pressure and wind suction, whereby the amount
depends on the shape and slope of the roof. In buildings
and homes covered with a high no more than 16 m, with
floors and walls that provide sufficient rigidity, the main
structure (portal) need not be counted against the wind.
e. The combination Imposition
There are several types of loads that can work on
every structure. This is important in determining the
design load on the structure is to question whether all of
the work load simultaneously or not. The dead load due
to its own weight of the structure must always be taken
into account. While the magnitude of the live load is
always changing depending on the use and combination
of live load. For example, it is not reasonable to design
the structure to be able to withstand the maximum load
caused by the earthquake and the maximum wind load,
and simultaneously carry the burden of life in a full state.
Possible workings maximum loads on the structure at the
same time is very small. The building structure can be
designed to carry the maximum load which all work
simultaneously. But the structure is designed so would
have a very real strength may occur during the design life
of the structure. From the standpoint of structural
engineering, structural design with a load like this is
unrealistic and very expensive, in this respect, many
regulations recommend to reduce the design load on a
particular combination of loading.
For loading on multistory buildings, it is not
possible at the same time all the floors bear the burden of
the maximum life simultaneously. Therefore, it is
permitted to reduce the burden of living for planning,
structural elements by taking into account the effect of
the combination of loading and placing the burden of life.
For specific load combinations are often allowed to
reduce total design style with a certain factor. For
example, instead of a combination of 1.0 (dead load +
live + seismic load or wind load) are used for calculations,
but 0.75 (dead load + live + seismic load or wind) so
required by many regulations. What is meant by this
expression is that not all of the burden that will work on
the structure at a maximum price simultaneously, given
the seismic load or wind load is a load transient. Instead
the structure should be designed to carry a combination
of dead load and live load full working simultaneously, or
expressed as 1.0 (dead load + live load). For the
structural design of the building, in general, many
combinations of load should be reviewed in the analysis.
The elements of the structure must be designed to
endure the worst possible combination of loading occurs.

f. The combination Imposition On Portal Structure

In Indonesia, in general, the design life of the
building structure the average is 50 years. Therefore,
during the life of the plan, building structures that must be
able to accept or assume a wide variety of combinations
of load (load combination) that may occur. The loads
acting on the building structure, can be any combination
of multiple load cases (load case) occurring
To ensure that a building structure can persist for
the life of the plan, then the design process of the
structure, necessary to review some combination of
loading that may occur in combinations structure loading
that must be considered in the design of building
structure is:
1) A combination of imposition Stay
Loading At this fixed combination, burden to be
into account work on the structure is (SNI 1727-2013).
2) The combination Imposition While
On this temporary load combination, the load to
be reckoned with work on the structure is (SNI 1727-
D = dead load
L = live load
A = The roof load
R = Load rain
W = Wind Expenses
E = Expenses earthquake
F = Fluid pressure
T = Charging of decline foundation,
Imposition temperature, concrete creep and
shrinkage coefficient of 1.0, 1, 2, 1.6, 1.4, is the
multiplier of expenses, which is called the load factor
(load factor). While the factors of 0.5 and 0.9 is the
reduction factor. Structural systems and structural
elements must be weighed against two combination of
loading, ie loading permanent and temporary loading,
bending moment (Mu), torsional or torsional moment
(Tu), shear force (Vu), and the normal force (Pu),
which occurs in an element- the second consequence
of structural elements combination of loading are
reviewed, selected the most substantial costs, for
subsequent use in the design process.
For the purposes of analysis and design of a
building structure, necessary engineering mechanics
calculations of concrete portal with two loading
combinations are still loading and loading while.
Combination of loading to the structural design of
buildings that are often used in Indonesia is (SNI
In general, as the horizontal forces are working
on the system in terms portal structure is earthquake
loads, therefore Indonesia has the burden of
earthquake greater than the wind load. Earthquake
load acting on the structure of the system can be
directed back and forth, therefore this effect needs to
be reviewed in the calculation. Dead load and live
load is always trending down since the gravity loads,
wind loads or load while the earthquake was
horizontal directional load.


Basic structure is one part of the overall process of planning
and building. The design process is a combination of elements of
art and science that requires the expertise in the process. The
process is divided into two multi-story:
➢ The first phase of
The general design of a general review of the outline
of the decision region. Structure type selected from various
alternatives allows.Tata location of the structure, geometry or
shape of the building, the distance between the columns,
high floor and building materials have been established with
certainty at this stage.
➢ The smallest design.
Design smallest among other great review about the
determination of the cross section beams, columns, thick
plates and other structural elements. Both interlocking
design process.

2.3.1 Types of Structural Upper

Generally these kinds of structures on commonly used to
building are as follows:

❖ Structural steel (steel structure)

The steel structure is very appropriate to be used
in high-rise buildings, because steel materials have the
power and the level of ductility high if compared to
materials other structures.
❖ Composite structure
The composite structure is a composite structure
consisting of two types of materials or more. In general,
composite structures are often used is a combination
between structural steel reinforced concrete. It has
composite structural behavior between steel structure
and reinforced concrete structures. Composite structures
are widely used for medium to high building structure.

❖ Reinforced concrete structure

Reinforced concrete structures are widely used for
building structures to high-level. This structure is the most
widely used when compared with other structures for
more of reinforced concrete structures monolith when
compared with steel and composite structures.
a. Part Of Structure Over
Structure the top or upper structure are building
elements that are above the soil surface. In the
planning process include: roof, floor plates, columns,
beams, portal.
1) Roof
The roof is a structural element that serves
to protect the building and what was inside of the
effect of heat and rain.

2) Slab
Slab is the floor that is not located directly
on the ground, a level floor divider between levels
one level to another. Floor plate is supported by
beams resting on the columns of the building.
Plates are reinforced concrete panels which may
reinforcement two-way or one-way, depending on
the system structure. Continuity reinforcement
plate is passed into the beam - beam and passed
into the column. Thus the whole plate system
becomes a unity form a rigid frame structure
statically indeterminate very complex. The
behavior of the individual components of the
structure is affected by the rigid relationship with
other components. Burden not only gives rise to
moments, shear forces and direct Deflection on
structural components holding him, but other
structural components related also interact as rigid
relationship between components. Based on the
comparison between long span and short-span
plate is divided into two, namely plate one-way
and two-way plate.

❖ Slab one direction

Plate in one direction is the plate that is
supported on two opposite edges only so that
the deflections that arise only in one direction
only, namely in the direction perpendicular to
the direction of the edge support. In other
words the plate in one direction is a plate that
has a ratio between the long side against short
side perpendicular to the larger of the two main
deflection on the shorter side.

❖ Slab bidirectional
Two-way plate is a plate that is
supported along all four sides with a deflection
which will occur in two directions perpendicular
to each other or the ratio between the long side
and the short side perpendicular to each other
that no more than two.

Designed floor plate is a two-way slab

supported on four sides. To facilitate the design
will be used on the chart table and a count of
reinforced concrete based SNI-03-2847-2013.
➢ Determining the Minimum Thickness Plate (h)
1. For greater lm 0.2 but not more than 2.0, h
should not be more than
ln ⁡(0,8+ )
36 +5 β( αm−0,2)

and should not be less than 125 mm

2. For lm larger than 2.0, the minimum plate

thickness shall not be less than
h=ln ⁡¿ ¿

and should not be 90 mm

h = plate thickness
ln = net span length in the transverse
β = ratio between net span in the transverse
direction lengthways against two directions
αm = the average value of α
Ecb . Lb
Ecs . Ls

Ecb = elastic modulus on concrete

Ecs = the elastic modulus of the plates.

3. Plate bending moment Specifies that

Planning and analysis is done using
the concept of load envelope by using the
moment coefficient of the bending moment
Mlx = 0,001.qu.Lx2.Clx
Mtx = 0,001.qu.Lx2.Clx
Mly = 0,001.qu .Lx2.Cly
Mty = 0,001.qu.Lx2.Cly
qu = Expenses Total
Lx = length short span
CTX = coefficient x direction moments
CLX = coefficient moments field directions x
Cty = coefficient of moment pedestal
direction y
Cly = coefficient of torque field y direction

4. Specifies reinforcement (As) x and y


Ratio of steel-reinforcement must meet ρ min ≤

ρ ada ≤ ρ maks
• If ρ ada <ρ min, then used ρ = ρ min and As =
• If ρ ada> ρ maks, the plate thickness shall
enlarged having obtained ρ perlu value, then:
As perlu = ρ
Distance reinforcement staple (taken b = 1
(Distance tul. = 1000 / (as / (1/4 d2)

3) Beams
Beams are structural members that support
the vertical and horizontal loads. Vertical load in
the form of dead load and live load of the floor
plate is received, its own weight and the weight
block wall insulation on it. While the horizontal
loads such as wind and earthquake loads. The
beam is an important part of the building structure
and aims to carry the load that can be either
transverse bending loads, shear and torsion.
Therefore, planning a beam that is efficient,
economical and safe is very important for a
building structure, especially high-rise structures or
large-scale structure. Step beam planning:

➢ Determine the quality of concrete

≤ 30 MPa f'c then β1 = 0,85 Mpa
f'c ≥ 30 MPa then β1 = 0.65 MPa
➢ Determining the value of reinforcement ratio ρ:

√ ( )( )
2 fy mu
0,8 fy ( 0,8 fy ) −4 0,4704
f'c bd 2

( )
2 X 0.4704 X '
f c

ρmin =

0,75 fc β 600
ρmaks =0,75( )( )
fy 600+fy

Prerequisite: ρ min <ρ < ρ maks

ρ = ratio of reinforcement to the concrete

expanses effective under conditions of
ρ max = ratio of reinforcement maximum
ρ min = ratio of reinforcement minimum
➢ Specifies the effective height (d) and width (b)
concrete cross section
d = h - dc - Øtulangan ½ - ½ Øsengkang
4) column
Column definition is the component
structure supporting the main task vertical axial
load demanded by the high and unsupported at
least three times the smallest lateral dimension.
The column is a vertical press rod of the frame
(frame) load bearing structure of the beam or joist.
Column continuing burden of elevation up to the
lower elevation until it reached to the ground
through the foundation. Collapse in a column is a
critical condition that can lead to the collapse
(collapse) the floor is concerned and also
collapsed total (total collapse) the whole structure.
The column is the structure that supports the load
of the roof, beams and weight alone are forwarded
to the foundation. In the structure of the column
receives a large vertical loads, but it must be able
to withstand horizontal loads even a moment or
torsion / torque due to the influence of the
eccentricity of loading. Another thing to note is the
high column of the planning, the quality of
concrete and steel used and the eccentricity of
loading terjadi.with other words, the column also
taken into account to support the axial load tap
with a certain eccentricity,

Pu <Pn Pn = 0,1.Ag.Fc
Pu = Load In column
Pn = Strength column
Fc' = Quality of the concrete used
Ag = Dimensions column (Area of column)
0.1 = factor Reduction
If Pu > Pn then the sectional column must
be enlarged or concrete quality should be
5) Portal
Is a frame structure of the building must be
able to withstand the loads that are working, either
dead loads, live loads, as well as temporary load.

❖ Portal does not sway (braced frames)

Steady the portal is defined as a portal
where bending oscillation is prevented by the
strut elements of the structure and not by the
portal itself. Portal not sway has the properties:
● The portal is symmetrical and the work load
of symmetrical
● Portal which is concerned with the
construction of another that does not sway
❖ Portal Sway
A portal is said sway, if :
● Costs which are not symmetrical working on
the portal simetris or not symmetric
● Symmetrical load acting on the portal
symmetrical or asymmetrical.

2.3.2 Sub-Structure
Sub-structure is part of the building which is located
under the surface. The foundation is a construct that serves
to forward the loads of the building on the ground who are
able to support them. Foundations generally applicable as a
component of the supporting structure of the building and
palm bottom of the foundation serves as the final element
that transmit the load to the ground, so that the sole
foundation should fulfill the requirements for being able to
safely deploy loads that are transmitted such that the
capacity or the soil bearing capacity is not exceeded. It
should be noted that in planning the foundation must take
into account the circumstances that relate to land quite
strong in certain circumstances.

a. Planning Sectional Foundation

Figure 2.2 Pieces Foundation

σ nettotanah=σ tanah−Σ(h . γ beton )−Σ( h. γ tanah )

P My Mx
σ nettotanah= + +
A perlu 1 1
2 2
6. Bx . B y 6. B y . B x

(SNI 03-2847-2002)
Then, by trial and error in the capture value Lp (width of
the foundation) and Pp (length foundation) so obtained
grades A No = Lp x Pp> A necessary.

Contact voltage control that occurred bottom of


P My Mx
σ nettotanah= + + <σ netto tanah
Aada a 1
2 2
6. P . L 6. L . P

(SNI 03-2847-2002)

Distance to center reinforcement pull into the fiber of


d=h−Pb – ½ ν tulangan pokok ....... (SNI 03-2847-2002)

description: Rated P, Mx, My

land = weight of soil volume (kN / m3)

b. Land Data
Pada In the development planning of the
Muhammadiyah University of Cirebon in the watubelah
the research or testing of the soil has been carried out
namely the test of sondir and boring.

2.3.3 Structural System Selection

Selection of the structural system above (upper
structure) has a close relationship with the functional system
of the building. The structural design will affect the overall
building design. The factor a factor that determines the
choice of structural system is as follows:
a. Architectural Aspects
It is concerned with the plan and structure are
selected, in terms of architecture.
b. functional aspect
This relates to the use of space. Usually it will
affect the use of structural elements used span.
c. Aspects of the strength and stability of the structure
Of this aspect relating to the ability of the structure
to accept the burden - the burden of the work load both
vertical and lateral loads as well as the stability of the
structure in the second direction.
d. Economic aspects and ease of implementation
Is usually in a building, can be used several kinds
of structures. Therefore, economic factors and ease of
implementation are factors that affect the execution
system structure to be selected.
e. Factors ability of the structure to accommodate the
building services systems.
Selection of the structural system should also
accommodate consider ability structure in the existing
service system, which involves work. mechanical and
electrical As for choosing the type of bottom structure
(lower structure) that is the foundation, it must implement
measures - steps as follows:
➢ Obtain information that comes closest with respect to
state of building and the load is transferred to the
➢ Determining the underground conditions in general.
➢ Consider immediately the general shape of the
foundation, to decide whether the foundation can be
made to existing conditions. In a preliminary step that
does not match the shape is removed.
➢ Creating a more detailed study and preliminary design
of the most appropriate form of foundation.
➢ Estimating the cost of each - each form of foundation.


1. Autocad Software
Autocadis a software that works for graphic design, which
can result in the form of a 2D image. Besides, this software is
very lightweight than other software. Although it looks simple,
Autocad allows us to draw more quickly and accurately. This
program is a program that is flexible 2D modeling applications
fast and practical. Autocad is also usually used to design the
building as well as the details with 2D appearance that is easy
to read.

2. SAP Program (Structure Analysis Programs)

SAP is a program to take into account the final result of
the imposition of the moment, and the force that occurs in the
planned structure. The program is designed to be very
interactive, so some things can be done, for example, control
the voltage conditions on the elements of structure, change the
dimensions of the rod and the (code) without having to repeat
the analysis of the design of the structure.

3. Etabs (Structure Analysis Programs)

Etabs is a program to take into account the final result of
the imposition of the moment, and the force that occurs in the
planned structure. The program is designed to be very
interactive, so some things can be done, for example, control
the voltage conditions on the elements of structure, change the
dimensions of the rod and the (code) without having to repeat
the analysis of the design of the structure.


The research method used is a qualitative method by
surveying and observing directly to the object of research is in the
Office of Industry and Trade Office of the UMKM Cirebon City


The planning method starts with gathering and studying literature
related to management. The field collects data that will be used as data in
objects. The method used in this paper is as follows:
1. literature study by collecting references and methods needed as a
reference Overview from books and other media (internet).
2. Processing and analysis of data obtained.
3. Conclusions and recommendations of research results.


Various types and sources of data as follows:

1. Main data In this study primary data collection is to conduct a field

survey, the object of research in the Office of Industry and Trade
Office of the City of UMKM Cirebon.
2. Secondary data
a. Literature Review Method Collecting process data derived from
reference books, journals on the internet and related agencies in
the form of data areas to be analyzed by management, and data
such as building drawings to develop data. The data will be used
for the preparation of this thesis.
b. Documentation method Data collection includes drawings or
documentation planned by the author on the object under study.
documentation is obtained from the camera used to assist in the
manufacture of a thesis.

This thesis proposal is made as an illustration of the thesis that

planning will be made. I hope that this thesis proposal can be approved,
bearing in mind that this proposal is an academic requirement of the Civil
Engineering Faculty of Engineering Program, Swadaya University,
Gunung Jati University, Cirebon.

Cirebon, Agustus 2019

Indra Bardani

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