Acronym Cheat Sheet For CDM: New in RED

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Acronym Cheat Sheet for CDM

New in RED

3T – TBFM/TFDM/TFMS ASDI – Aircraft Situation Display to Industry

A4A – Airlines for America ASECTR – Arrival Sector
AADC - Airport Arrival Demand Chart ASIAS – Aviation System Information and Sharing
AAR - Airport Acceptance Rate ASLOT – Arrival Slot
AARDS – Airport Acceptance Rate Decision Support ASPIRE – Asia and Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emissions
ABRG - Adaptive Compression Bridging ASOS – Automated Surface Observation System
ABRR – Airborne Rerouting ASPM – Aviation System Performance Metrics
AC - Adaptive Compression ASR – Airport Surveillance Radar
ACDM – Airport Collaborative Decision Making ASSC – Airport Surface Surveillance Capability
ACE – Airspace Capacity Estimator ATCAA – Air Traffic Control Assigned Area
ACID – Aircraft Identification ATCSCC - Air Traffic Control System Command Center
ACM - Adjacent Center Metering ATCT - Air Traffic Control Tower
ACSI – Airport Certification Safety Inspector ATD – Actual Time of Departure
ADC - Airport Demand Chart ATD2 – Airspace Technology Demonstration 2
ADL - Aggregated Demand List ATFM - Air Traffic Flow Management
ADOC – Aircraft Direct Operating Cost ATM - Air Traffic Management
ADR – Airport Departure Rate ATMS – Advanced Traffic Management System
ADS – Automatic Dependent Surveillance ATN – Aeronautical Telecommunications Network
ADS-B - Automatic Dependence Surveillance-Broadcast ATO - Air Traffic Organization
ADT – Actual Departure Time ATOP – Advanced Technologies and Oceanic
AEFS – Advanced Electronic Flight Strip System Procedures
AETE – Actual Estimated Time Enroute ATOT – Actual Takeoff Time
AFIX – Arrival Fix ATSAP – Air Traffic Safety Action Plan
AFM – Airspace Flow Management AWC – Aviation Weather Center
AFP - Airspace Flow Program AWWD – Aviation Winter Weather Dashboard
AGT – Actual Ground Time AZ – Arrival Message
AGTD – Actual Gate Time of Arrival BE – Bridge Event
AHA – Aircraft Hazard Areas CACR –Collaborative Airspace Constraint Resolution
AIM – Aviation Impact Map CAAFI – Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative
AIRMET – Airmen’s Meteorological Information CACR – Collaborative Airspace Constraint Resolution
AIRE – Atlantic Interoperability Initiative to Reduce CANSO – Civil Air Navigation Services Organization
Emissions CAP - Collaborative Arrival Planning
AIXM – Aeronautical Information Exchange Model CARF – Central Altitude Reservation Function
AMA – Airport Movement Area CARTS – Common Automation Radar Terminal System
AMASS – Airport Movement Area Safety System CAS – Collision Avoidance System
AMAT – Actual Movement Area entry Time CAT – Category
AMOC – Alternative methods of Compliance CAT – CDM Automation Team (CDM workgroup)
ANSP - Air Navigation Service Providers CATM - Collaborative Air Traffic Management
AOBT – Actual Off Block Time CATMT – Collaborative ATM Technologies
AOC - Airline Operations Control CBI – Computer Based Instruction
AOC Net -Airline Operations Center Network CbTA - Controlled by Time of Arrival
AOP – Aircraft Operations Planner CCAN – Controlled Times Cancelled
APREQ - Approval Request CCSD - Common Constraint Situation Display
ARMT – Airport Resource Management Tool CDM - Collaborative Decision Making
ARMS – Airspace Resource Management System CDMNet – CDM Network
ARSI – Arrival Route Status Impact CDMSS - CDM Strategy System
ARSR – Air Route Surveillance Radar CDR - Coded Departure Route
ARTA – Actual Runway Time of Arrival CDT- Controlled Departure Time
ARTCC - Air Route Traffic Control Center CDTI – Cockpit Display of Traffic Information
ARTD – Actual Runway Time of Departure CETE – Control Estimate Time Enroute
ARTS - Automated Radar Terminal System CFMU – Central Flow Management Unit (EuroControl)
ASDE-X - Airport Surface Detection Equipment (Model X) CFR – Call For Release

April, 2022 – CDM Acronym List Updated by CDM Training Team

CGDE – Controlled Gate Time of Departure ECR – EDCT Change Request
CGTE – Controlled Gate Time of Arrival e-CVRS – Computerized Voice Reservation System
CIWS - Corridor Integrated Weather System EDC – Enroute Departure Capability
CIX – Collaborative Information Exchange EDCT - Expect Departure Clearance Time
CLEEN – Continuous Lower Energy Emissions and Noise EDDS – Enroute Data Distribution Service
COCESNA – Central American Cooperation for Air EDFT – Estimated Departure Fix Time
Navigation Services EDT – Estimated departure Time
CONOPs - Concept of Operations EFD – Electronic Flight Data
CONUS – Continental US EFPT – Enroute Flow Planning Tool
CONUSE – Concept of Use EFS – Electronic Flight Strips
CoSPA – Consolidated Storm Prediction for Aviation EFSTS – Electronic Flight Strip Transfer System
CP - Collaborative Planning EFTA – Estimated Fix Time of Arrival
CPDLC - Controller Pilot Data Link Communication EFVS – Enhanced Flight Vision System
CRCT - Collaborative Routing Coordination Tool EGT – Estimated Ground Time
CRDA – Converging Runway Display Aid EI - Early Intent
CRO - Converging Runway Operations EIS – Environmental Impact Statement
CSS-Wx – Common Support Services - Weather EMS – Environmental Management System
CSPO – Closely Spaced Parallel Operation EOBT – Estimated Off Block Time
CSPR – Closely Spaced Parallel Runways ERAM – Enroute Automation Modernization
CTA - Controlled Time of Arrival ERIDS - Enroute information Display System
CTAS - Center TRACON Automation System ESIS – Enhanced Status Information System
CTD - Controlled Time of Departure ERTA – Earliest Runway Time of Arrival
CTFM – Collaborative TFM ERTD – Earliest Runway Time of Departure
CTOP – Collaborative Trajectory Options Program ESM - Enhanced Substitution Module
CTT - CDM Training Team (CDM workgroup) ESP - Enroute Sequencing Program
CVRS – Computerized Voice Reservation System ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
CWA – Center Weather Advisory eTCF – Extended TFMS Convective Forecast
CWAM – Convective Weather Avoidance Model ETD – Estimated Time of Departure
CWP – Controller Work Position ETE – Estimated Time Enroute
CWSU - Center Weather Service Unit ETMS - Enhanced Traffic Management System
DARC – Direct Access Radar Control FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
DAS - Delay Assignment FAAAC - FAA Academy, Oklahoma City, OK
D-ATIS - Digital Automated Terminal Information System FACE – FCA Airspace Capacity Estimator
DCENTR – Departure Center FACET - Future ATM Concepts Evaluation Tool
DCNS – Data Comm Network Services FACT – Future Airport Capacity Task
DFIX – Departure Fix FAD – Fuel Advisory Delay
DIM – Delay Initiative Meeting FADE – FAA/Airline Data Exchange
DLY – Delay FANS – Future Air Navigation System
DME – Distance Measuring Equipment FAO – FAA Order
DMP – Departure Metering Procedure FAST - Field Automation Support Team
DOD – Department of Defense FC – Flight Plan Create Message
DOT - Department of Transportation FCA - Flow Constrained Area
DP - Departure Procedure FCT - Future Concepts of TFM (CDM workgroup)
DR - Discrepancy Report FDC – Flight Data Center
DRC – Departure Reservoir Coordinator FDIO – Flight Data Input/Output
DRM – Departure Reservoir Management FEA - Flow Evaluation Area
DRVSM – Domestic Reduced Vertical Separation FET - Flow Evaluation Team (CDM workgroup)
Minimums FFP – Free Fight Phase Program
DRWP – Diversion Recovery Web Page FH – Historical Flight Route Message
DSECTR – Departure Sector FICON – Field Condition
DSP - Departure Spacing Program FIDS – Flight Information Display System
DSR – Display System Replacement FIXM – Flight Information Exchange Model
DSS – Decision Support Services FIR – Flight Information Region
DST – Decision Support Tool FIS-B – Flight Information Service-Broadcast
DTO – Director of Technical Operations FIXL – Fix Loading
DUCT - Depart Under Center Traffic FLEX – Flexibility in the Terminal Area
DVRSN – Diversion FM – Flight Plan Modification Message
DZ – Departure Message FMC - Flight Management Computer
EAFT – Estimated Arrival Fix Time FMS - Flight Management System
ECFP – Extended Convective Forecast Product FO – Flight Operator

April, 2022 – CDM Acronym List Updated by CDM Training Team

FOB - Fuel on Board JPDO - Joint Planning and Development Office
FOC - Flight Operations Center JRC – Joint Resource Council
FOS – Flight Operator System KSN – Knowledge Services Network
FOSA – Flight Operator Surface Application LAADR - Low Altitude Arrival/Departure Route
FP – Flight Plan Message LAHSO – Land and Hold Short Operations
FPL – Filed Flight Plan Modification LAMP - Localized Aviation MOS Program
FR – Flight Route Message LADP – Local Airport Deicing Plan
FRC – Full Route Clearance LCH - LAMP/CCSD Hybrid
FS – Flight Schedule Message LED – Light Emitting Diodes
FSA - Flight Schedule Analyzer LGTA - Airline Gate Time of Arrival
FSM - Flight Schedule Monitor LGTD - Airline Time of Departure
FSS - Flight Service Station LNAV – Lateral Navigation
FTFW – Future Traffic – Future Weather LOA - Letter of Agreement
FTI – FAA Telecommunication Infrastructure LP – Localizer Performance
FU – Using Historical Route LPVG – Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
FYI - For Your Information LRTA – Airline Runway Time of Arrival
GA - General Aviation LRTD – Airline Runway Time of Departure
GAAP – General Aviation Airport Program LTA – Letters to Airmen
GBAS – Ground Based Augmentation System MAP – Monitor Alert Parameters
GC – Ground Control MEA – Minimum Enroute Altitude
GDP - Ground Delay Program METAR - Aviation Routine Weather Report
GIS – Geographical Information System MIFR – Marginal IFR
GLS – GNSS Landing System MIL - Military
GNSS – Global Navigation Satellite System MINIT – Minutes–in-Trail
GPS - Global Positioning System MIT - Miles-in-Trail
GS – Ground Stop MOA - Military Operating Area
GUI - Graphical User Interface MOS - Model Output Statistics
HAATS – Houston Area Airspace Transition System MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
HCS – Host Computer System MRA – Metrics Reporting and Analysis
HDTA – High-Density Traffic Airports MTT – Minimum Turnaround Time
HITL - Human In The Loop (testing) NADIN – National Airspace Data Interchange Network
HOST – ARTCC Computers NAM – North American Mesoscale
IATA - International Air Transport System NAR - National Airspace Redesign
I-ATM - Integrated ATM NARP – North American Route Program
IAW – In Accordance With NAS - National Airspace System
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ICR - Integrated Collaborative Rerouting NASSI – National Airspace System Status Information
ICR – Impact – Constraint Resolution NATS - North Atlantic Track System
IDAC – Integrated Departure Arrival Capability NBAA - National Business Aviation Association
IDFL – Interactive Dynamic Flight List NCF – National Customer Forum
IDRP – Integrated Departure Route Planning NCWF – National Convective Weather Forecast
IDS – Information Display System NEAN – North European ADS-B Network
IENTRY – Initial Element Entry Time NEC – North East Corridor
IFL – Integrated Dynamic Flight List NEO – Network Enabled Operations
IFR – Instrument Flight Rules NEMS – NAS Enterprise Messaging Service
IGTA – Initial Gate Time of Arrival NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act
IGTD – Initial Gate Time of Departure NESP - National Enroute Spacing Position
ILS – Instrument Landing System NextGen – Next Generation Air Transportation System
ILSP – Integrated Logistical Support Team NEXRAD – NextGen Weather Radar
IMC – Instrument Meteorological Conditions NGIP – Next Generation Implementation Plan
IOC – Initial Operating Capability NGRVR – Next Generation Runway Visual Range
IP - Internet Protocol NIDS – NAS Information Display System
IPM - Integrated Program Modeling NIEC – NextGen Integration and Evaluation Capability
IRIS - Integrated Reporting Information System NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology
IROPS - Irregular Operations NIWG – Next Generation Working Group
iTBO – Initial Trajectory Based Operations NNEW – NextGen Network Enabled Weather
ITP – In-Trail Procedures NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association
ITWF – Integrated Tactical Weather Forecast NOC - National Operations Control Center (Nav Canada)
ITWS - Integrated Terminal Weather System NOCC – National Operations Control Center
JATOC – Joint Air Traffic Operation Command NOD – NAS Operations Dashboard

April, 2022 – CDM Acronym List Updated by CDM Training Team

NOM - National Operations Manager PSR – Primary Surveillance Radar
NOPAC – Northern Pacific Southern Tracks P-time – Proposed Wheels Up Time
NOTAM – Notice to Air Mission PT - Planning Telcon
NOR - Notice of Revision QA - Quality Assurance
NOS – National Oceanic Service QAR – Quality Assurance Review
NRA – Non Radar Airspace R & D – Research and Development
NRP - North American Route Program RAA - Regional Airline Association
NRS - Navigation Reference System RAPT - Route Availability Planning Tool
NSAAP - National Special Activity Airspace Project RBS - Ration by Schedule
NSST - National System Strategic Team RBS++ - Enhanced RBS
NTML - National Traffic Management Log RCTL - Re-controlled
NTMO - National Traffic Management Officer RF – Radius to Fix
NWS – National Weather Service RFD - Request for Deviation
OAG – Official Airline Guide RMD - Recommended
OAPM – Optimization of Airspace and Procedures in RMNT – Route Minimum Notification Time
Metroplex RMT - Route Management Tool
OARS – Operational Analysis and Reporting System RNAV - Area Navigation
OB – Operational Bridging RNP - Required Navigation Performance
OCTA – Original Control Time of Arrival ROG - Route Options Generation
OCTD – Original Control Time of Departure RPI - Relative Position Indicator
ODT - Optimum Descent Level RQD - Required
OE - Operational Evaluation RRIA - Reroute Impact Assessment
OEP - Operational Evolution Plan RRIAR – Reroute Impact Assessment and Resolution
OETA – Original Estimated Time of Arrival RS-CDR - Route Segment CDRs
OETD – Original Estimated Time of Departure RT – Route Message
OETE – Original Estimated Time Enroute RT-FSA – Real-Time Flight Schedule Analyzer
OGTA – Original Gate Time of Arrival RTA - Required Time of Arrival
OGTD – Original Gate Time of Departure RTC – Relative Trajectory Cost
OIS - Operational Information System RTS - Request for Telecommunication Service
OM - Operations Manager RUC – Rapid Update Cycle
OMS - Operations Management System RVR - Runway Visual Range
OOOI – Out, Off, On, and In Times RVSM - Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums
OP – Operations Plan RWI – Reduced Weather Impact
OPD – Optimized Profile Descent RZ – Cancellation Message
OPSNET Operations Network SAA – Special Activity Airspace
OT - Operational Test SAAAR – Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization
OTS – Out of Service Required
PAM – Path Arrangement Management SAIDS – System Atlanta Information Display System
PANS – Procedures for Air Navigation Services SAMS – Special Use Airspace Management System
PAPI – Precision Approach Path Indicator SAR – Search and Rescue
PAR – Precision Approach Radar SAS - Single Authoritative Source
PBN – Performance Based Navigation SATNAV – Satellite Navigation
PCA – Potentially Congested Area SBAS – Satellite Based Augmentation System
PDAR - Preferential Arrival and Departure Route. SBRG - SCS Bridging
PDARS - Performance Data Analysis and Reporting SC – Slot Create
System SCM – Single Center Metering
PDC - Pre Departure Clearance SCS - Slot Credit Substitution
PDARS – Performance Data Analysis Reporting System SCT - Surface CDM Team (CDM workgroup)
PDRR - Pre Departure ReRouting SERMN - SWAP Escape Routes Metro NY
PGUI – Plainview Graphical User Interface SET – Stakeholder Engagement Team (CDM workgroup)
PERTI – Plan Execute Review Train Improve SFDPS – SWIM Flight Data Publication Service
PETE – Proposed Estimated Time Enroute SID – Standard Instrument Departure
PGTA – Proposed Gate Time of Arrival SMA – Surface Management Advisor
PGTD – Proposed Gate Time of Departure SME - Subject Matter Expert
PGUI – Plainview Graphical User Interface SMS – Safety Management System
PIN - Personal Identification Number SOIA - Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approach
PLN - Planned SOP – Standard Operating Procedures
POC - Point of Contact SPC – Storm Prediction Center
PRM – Precision Runway Monitor SPR – Safety and Performance Requirements
PRR – Proactive ReRoute SPT – Strategic Planning Team

April, 2022 – CDM Acronym List Updated by CDM Training Team

SSA - Special Activity Airspace TPC – TFMS Processing Center
SSA – Surface Situational Awareness TRACON - Terminal Radar Approach Control
SSR – Secondary Surveillance Radar TRC - Tactical Reroute Coordinator (N90)
STA - Scheduled Time of Arrival TSAS – Terminal Sequencing & Spacing
STAR – Standard Terminal Arrival Route TSD - Traffic Situation Display
STARS - Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System TSD-C – Traffic Situation Display for CDM Members
STDDS – SWIM Terminal Data Distribution System TSDI – TFM Surface Data Integration
STMC - Supervisory Traffic Management Coordinator TTOT - Targeted Takeoff Time
STMP – Special Traffic Management Program TVET – Trajectory Valid End Time
STRSN – Standard Terminal Arrival Route Transition TVST – Trajectory Valid Start Time
SUA - Special Use Airspace TWM – TFM Weather Matrix
SVT – Surface Visual Tool TZ – Position Update Message
SWAP - Severe Weather Avoidance Procedures UAS – Unmanned a\Aircraft Systems
SWIM - System Wide Information Management UDP – Unified Delay Program
T&E - Test & Evaluation UPD – Update
TAC – Technical Assistance Contract UPD - Updated EDCT
TAER – Terminal Arrival Efficiency Rate UPT - User Preferred Trajectory
TAF - Terminal Aerodrome Forecast URET - User Request and Evaluation Tool
TALON - Training and Learning Online (FAA website) USO – United Services Organization
TALPA – Takeoff and Landing Performance Assessment VAPS – Visual Approaches
TAMR – Terminal Automation Modernization and VASI – Visual Approach Slope Indicator
Replacement VDL – VHF Data Link
TARP - Traffic Analysis and Review Program VFR – Visual Flight Rules
TBFM - Time Based Flow Management VHF – Very High Frequency
TBLP – Time Based Launch Procedures VIL – Vertically Integrated Liquid
TBM - Time Based Metering VNAV – Vertical Navigation
TBO - Trajectory Based Operations VTT - Variable Taxi Time
TCA - Tactical Customer Advocate WAAS – Wide Area Augmentation System
TCA – Terminal Control Area WAF – Weather Avoidance Field
TCAS – Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System WARP – Weather and Radar Processor
TCF – TFM Convective Forecast WATRS - West Atlantic Route System
TDLS – Tower Data Link Service WET - Weather Evaluation Team (CDM workgroup)
TDP - Training Development Plan WITI – Weather Impacted Traffic Index
TDWR – Terminal Doppler Weather Radar WJHTC - William J. Hughes Technical Center
TERA – Terminal Enhancements for RNAV ATC WSD – Web-based Situation Display
TF5 - Task Force 5 WTMA – Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Arrivals
TFDM – Tower Flight Data Management WTMD – Wake Turbulence Mitigation for Departures
TFM - Traffic Flow Management XFS – Evaluation of Flow Strategies
TFM-M - Traffic Flow Management Modernization XML – Extensible Markup Language
TFMS - Traffic Flow Management System
TFR – Temporary Flight Restriction
TGUI - Timeline Graphical User Interface
TIS-B – Traffic Information Service-Broadcast
TMA - Traffic Management Advisor
TMA – Time-Based approach to Metering Arrivals
TMA-RT – Traffic Management Advisor Release Time
TMC – Traffic Management Coordinator
TMAC – Target Movement Area entry Count
TMAT – Target Movement Area entry Time
TMC - Traffic Management Coordinator
TMI - Traffic Management Initiative
TMO - Traffic Management Officer
TMS – Traffic Management Specialist
TMU - Traffic Management Unit
TechOps - Technical Operations
TO – Time Out
TOBT – Target Off Block Time
TOC – Time Out Cancel
TOPS - Trajectory Based Operations
TOS - Trajectory Options Set

April, 2022 – CDM Acronym List Updated by CDM Training Team

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