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Kevin Rey B. Villanueva

General Academic Strand, Bacnotan National High School

Practical Research 1

Ms. Rhoda V. Fontanilla


1.1 Background of the Study

As a result of the ever-expanding influence of technology, the world has experienced

enormous changes in the landscape of education since the 1990s. The adoption of online learning

education across many learning contexts, whether formal or informal, academic or non-

academic, residential or remote, is one such development. We have started to witness schools,

instructors, and students adopting eLearning tools that allow teachers to conduct interactive

instruction, effortlessly exchange resources, and enhance student collaboration and involvement

(Elaish et al., 2019; Garcia et al., 2018). Although the educational community has long

recognized the efficacy of online learning education (Barrot, 2020, 2021; Cavanaugh et al., 2009;

Kebritchi et al., 2017; Tallent-Runnels et al., 2006; Wallace, 2003), evidence of the difficulties in

its implementation continues to accumulate (e.g., Boelens et al., 2017; Rasheed et al., 2020).

In December 2019, the Coronavirus disease was first identified as pneumonia of

unknown origin in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China (NEJM, 2020). Later, the International

Committee on Virus Taxonomy determines that COVID-19 is caused by a novel coronavirus

known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (ICTV, 2020). COVID-19 is

rapidly spreading worldwide, prompting the World Health Organization to declare it a pandemic

on March 12, 2020 (WHO, 2020).

The education system has recently been shaken by an extraordinary health crisis, the

COVID-19 pandemic, which has shattered its foundation. As a result, governments around the

world have initiated a crisis response to offset the pandemic’s adverse impact on education.

Curriculum adjustments, availability of technological resources and infrastructure, shifts in the

academic calendar, and guidelines on instructional delivery and assessment are all examples of

this approach. These advancements pushed educational institutions to transition to complete

distance learning until face-to-face learning instruction was permitted. The current situation is

unusual in that it may increase the difficulties encountered while distance learning due to

movement limits and health measures (Gonzales et al., 2020; Kapasia et al., 2020).

Given the current state of things, it is critical to acquire a more detailed knowledge of

students’ distance learning experiences during the COVID-19 outbreak. Many research has

looked into this issue to date, with an emphasis on students’ mental health (Copeland et al.,

2021; Fawaz et al., 2021), home learning (Suryaman et al., 2020), self-regulation (Carter et al.,

2020), virtual learning environments (Almaiah et al., 2020; Hew et al., 2020; Tang et al., 2020),

and overall learning experience ( Adarkwah, 2021; Day et al., 2021; Khalil et al., 2020; Singh et

al., 2020).

Although existing studies have already drawn attention to the effects of the COVID-19

pandemic on students, we are aware of no community studies that contextualize the effects of the

COVID-19 pandemic on students in the General Academic Strand. Addressing the issue will

reveal the breadth of obstacles that General Academic Strand students face in their way of life,

especially in the context of the pandemic.

Meanwhile, our in-depth knowledge of the ways students employ to overcome obstacles

would provide useful information to school administration, teachers, and parents, allowing them

to better meet students’ learning demands. This knowledge would be useful in reviewing the

strategy category in the new learning setup.

1.2 Framework of the Study

Theoretical Framework

The research is based on the theory of transformative learning (Mezirow, 1997). This

viewpoint holds that learning begins when learners encounter an expected condition or an

uncomfortable posture. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic shook the global education

system, resulting in paradigm shifts and transformations. The extension of one’s conscience as a

result of self-adaptation to changing circumstances is defined as transformative learning.

According to Mezirow, the disorienting problem causes variations that lead to cognitive

disparities and severe changes in education. This theory is appropriate since the current research

investigates students’ experiences of learning amid a dramatic shift in primary, secondary, and

higher education in the Philippines. The transformational learning concept is concerned with an

individual’s reactions to a learning scenario. It claims that when students learn, they generate

meaning, resulting in changes in attitudes, behaviors, and comprehension. During paradigm

shifts, learners are presented with difficult tasks, and they should be encouraged to think

critically and rationally to assess their understanding of the learning process (Hashemi et al.,

Transformative learning occurs when learners connect with the environment and integrate

with the learning process, according to Mezirow. In developing countries, learners may have

difficulty accessing resources caused of inadequate infrastructure. This limitation is reasonable

and has a significant influence on students’ learning outcomes in primary, secondary, and higher

education. Educators should apply efficient interventions and adapt the learning process to new

norms to improve students’ learning amid cognitive dissonance. This change will provide

learners with a sense of control and self-awareness. As a result, these variations will lead to

innovation in the learning process and change.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on students in the General Academic Strand of

Bacnotan National High School are the focus of this research. The research sought to address the

following questions to acquire all the necessary data and information:

1. What are the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for General Academic Strand


2. What has been the most challenging aspect of the learning experience throughout the

COVID-19 outbreak?
1.4 Scope and Delimitations

Scope of the Study

The research seeks to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic affects General Academic

Strand students at Bacnotan National High School. An online survey questionnaire will be used

as a source of information. The research shall be conducted with male and female General

Academic Strand students at the ages of 17 years old and above.

Delimitations of the Study

The research will not go into detail on the advanced elements that influence the General

Academic Strand students of Bacnotan National High School with familial and financial

problems. The structure of the way of life, on the other hand, will be covered. It will also show

the relationship between the factors.

1.5 Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in this study have been defined.

The terms below are defined as follows:

Pandemic. Refers to an event that occurs over a large geographic area, such as many countries

or continents, and often affects a large section of the population. It has a larger impact and

affects more lives than an epidemic.

General Academic Strand Students. Refers to students who are unsure of what college course

or degree they want to pursue.

Technology. The technical aspects of a particular field of effort.

eLearning. The letter “e” stands for electronic, and “learning” refers to the act or experience of

learning, therefore it is a learning approach that is based on formalized education yet uses

electronic resources.

Distance Learning. A form of learning in which students do not need to attend school and

instead receive lectures or classes through a correspondence and or online.

Curriculum. Programs provided by an educational institution.

Academic. Associated with students’ achievement.

Questionnaire. A set of questions for gathering valid and reliable information from individuals.

Respondent. Refers to a person who responds to something, especially one who answers a

survey or fills out a questionnaire.

Phenomena. Refers to an observable fact or event.

1.6 Importance of the Study

The purpose of the research is to provide information and knowledge about the chosen issue

from respondents needed for the expected importance to individuals, as follows:

Researchers. The research will be a tool to assist and steer them in identifying credible and

reputable variables that are known as important data for deeper learning on the topic. They

would improve their research skills, strategies, and knowledge.

Teachers. Teachers would analyze students’ needs and compare and contrast teaching methods

prior to and during the pandemic in the educational field.

Students. In this research, students will identify the good and bad effects of the COVID-19

pandemic on their academic achievement and their way of life.

Parents. Parents will be able to determine the value of distant learning education.

Future Researchers. It may serve as a guide for them to acquire information as well as a

foundation for a larger study.


2.1 Research Design

The research adopted a descriptive survey method to address the research questions. This

method allowed the researchers to collect complex data about students’ experiences in the

current COVID-19 pandemic situation and to clearly understand the phenomena from their

perspective. A descriptive survey method was chosen as it provides an accurate depiction or

account of the qualities of a specific individual, situation, or group, such as behavior, opinions,

abilities, beliefs, and knowledge (Burns and Grove, 1993:29).

2.2 Population and Locale of the Study

Population of the Study

One of the most important factors in keeping the research successful is the population,

who are General Academic Strand students at Bacnotan National High School. The respondents

were chosen using convenience sampling. This sampling method involves taking each member

of the population around the area in a convenient manner (Edgar and Manz, 2017).

Locale of the Study

Bacnotan National High School is a primarily urban public secondary school managed by

the Department of Education that serves as the mother school for all secondary public schools in

Bacnotan, La Union. The school has Junior High School and Senior High School Departments.
As a result, the research was conducted as it offers the General Academic Strand. It is located in

Barangay Poblacion, Bacnotan, La Union.

2.3 Research Instrument


Due to movement restrictions and health precautions, the researchers were unable to

personally conduct interviews in the current COVID-19 pandemic situation. Therefore, the

researchers had to use an online survey questionnaire tool named Google Forms. The researchers

chose Google Forms as an instrument to survey since the research was related to the COVID-19

pandemic and it is shareable via a link and easier to use.


An online survey questionnaire was designed, and a link to an online Google Forms

questionnaire was shared on Facebook and Facebook Messenger. Respondents will be given

informed consent outlining the purpose, risks, benefits, methods, and other ethical considerations

before they are allowed to answer the survey. Moreover, according to the Philippines’ Data

Privacy Act of 2012, all the answers will be used only for research purposes.
2.4 Data Analysis

Reliability and Validity of the Survey Questionnaire

The online survey questionnaire was sent to the Practical Research teacher of Bacnotan

National High School to ensure its validity. The teacher’s suggestions and comments were

incorporated into the survey questionnaire and taken into account for improvement. The

researchers conducted an initial test of the draft questionnaire with students not involved with the

research to ensure that it was understandable for the reliability of each item.

Data Collection

An online survey questionnaire was chosen as a data-gathering instrument. At the

beginning of the questionnaire, the purpose and uses of the data were briefly explained. The

second section of the questionnaire focused on the demographic profile of the students, such as

name, age, gender, and grade level. The third section assessed five Likert scale questions on the

consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on respondents’ academic performance, social

communication, lifestyle, behavior, health, and hobbies. Finally, the fourth section evaluated the

challenging aspects of the learning experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, which included

four Likert scale questions and a free text response question. The information obtained through a

questionnaire is similar to that obtained through an interview, yet the questions tend to have less

depth (Burns and Grove 1993:368).

The data analysis process began following the completion of the questionnaire from the

Google Forms shared with the respondents. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics,

and the results were displayed as tabular charts. The open-ended and closed-ended questions

were evaluated using a spreadsheet linked to the online Google Forms questionnaire. Data

collection was done within three days of the given date by the Practical Research teacher.

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