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DOI:10.1145/ 3448248
life-critical consequences for people
The pursuit of responsible AI raises the ante and society? In short, how can we
achieve trustworthy AI?
on both the trustworthy computing and formal The ultimate purpose of this article
methods communities. is to rally the computing community
to support a broad-based, long-term
BY JEANNETTE M. WING research program on trustworthy AI,
drawing on the expertise and sensibili-

ties from multiple research communi-
ties and stakeholders. This article fo-
cuses on addressing three key research
communities because: trustworthy

AI adds new desired properties above
and beyond those for trustworthy com-
puting; AI systems require new formal
methods techniques, and in particu-
lar, the role of data raises brand new
research questions; and AI systems
can likely benefit from the scrutiny of
formal methods for ensuring trustwor-
thiness. By bringing together research-
ers in trustworthy computing, formal
AI systems have achieved good
F O R C E R TA I N TA S K S , methods, and AI, we aim to foster a
new research community across aca-
enough performance to be deployed in our streets demia, industry, and government in
and our homes. Object recognition helps modern trustworthy AI.
cars see. Speech recognition helps personalized From Trustworthy Computing
voice assistants, such as Siri and Alexa, converse. to Trustworthy AI
For other tasks, AI systems have even exceeded The landmark Trust in Cyberspace 1999
National Academies report lay the
human performance. AlphaGo was the first computer foundations of trustworthy computing
program to beat the best Go player in the world. and what continues to be an active re-
search area.41
The promise of AI is huge. They will drive our Around the same time, the National
cars. They will help doctors diagnose disease more Science Foundation started a series
accurately.54 They will help judges make more of programs on trust. Starting with

consistent court decisions. They will help employers

key insights
hire more suitable job candidates.
˽ The set of trustworthiness properties
However, we know these AI systems can be brittle for AI systems, in contrast to traditional
computing systems, needs to be extended
and unfair. Adding graffiti to a stop sign fools the beyond reliability, security, privacy, and
classifier into saying it is not a stop sign.22 Adding noise usability to include properties such as
probabilistic accuracy under uncertainty,
to an image of a benign skin lesion fools the classifier fairness, robustness, accountability, and
into saying it is malignant.23 Risk assessment tools ˽ To help ensure their trustworthiness, AI
used in U.S. courts have shown to be biased against systems can benefit from the scrutiny of
formal methods.
blacks.4 Corporate recruiting tools have been shown to ˽ AI systems raise the bar on formal
be biased against women.17 methods for two key reasons: the
inherent probabilistic nature of machine-
How then can we deliver on the promise of the learned models, and the critical role of
data in training, testing, and deploying a
benefits of AI but address these scenarios that have machine-learned model.

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Trusted Computing (initiated in 2001), “Trustworthy Computing” memo,26 ˲ Privacy: Does the system protect a
then Cyber Trust (2004), then Trust- Microsoft signaled to its employees, person’s identity and data?
worthy Computing (2007), and now customers, shareholders, and the rest ˲ Availability: Is the system up when
Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace of the information technology sector I need to access it?
(2011), the Computer and Information the importance of trustworthy software ˲ Usability: Can a human use it easily?
Science and Engineering Directorate and hardware products. It referred The computing systems for which
has grown the academic research com- to an internal Microsoft white paper, we want such properties to hold are
munity in trustworthy computing. Al- which identified four pillars to trust- hardware and software systems, in-

though it started within the computer worthiness: security, privacy, reliabil- cluding their interaction with humans
science community, support for re- ity, and business integrity. and the physical world. Academia and
search in trustworthy computing now After two decades of investment industry have made huge strides in
spans multiple directorates at NSF and and advances in research and develop- trustworthy computing in the past
engages many other funding organi- ment, trustworthy has come to mean a decades. However, as technology ad-
zations, including, through the Net- set of (overlapping) properties: vances and as adversaries get more
working and Information Technology ˲ Reliability: Does the system do the sophisticated, trustworthy computing
Research and Development (NITRD) right thing? remains a holy grail.
Program, 20 federal agencies. ˲ Safety: Does the system do no AI systems raise the bar in terms
Industry has also been a leader and harm? of the set of properties of interest. In
active participant in trustworthy com- ˲ Security: How vulnerable is the sys- addition to the properties associated
puting. With Bill Gates’s January 2002 tem to attack? with trustworthy computing (as noted),

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we also want (overlapping) properties trustworthy AI necessarily directs our might be a concurrent program that
such as: attention from the primarily determin- uses locks for synchronization and P
˲ Accuracy: How well does the AI istic nature of traditional computing might be “deadlock free.” A proof that
system do on new (unseen) data com- systems to the probabilistic nature of M is deadlock free means any user of
pared to data on which it was trained AI systems. M is assured that M will never reach a
and tested? deadlocked state. To prove that M sat-
˲ Robustness: How sensitive is the Verify, to Trust isfies P, we use formal mathematical
system’s outcome to a change in the How can we design, implement, and logics, which are the basis of today’s
input? deploy AI systems to be trustworthy? scalable and practical verification
˲ Fairness: Are the system outcomes One approach for building end- tools such as model checkers, theo-
unbiased? user trust in computing systems is rem provers, and satisfiability modulo
˲ Accountability: Who or what is re- formal verification, where properties theories (SMT) solvers.
sponsible for the system’s outcome? are proven once and for all over a large Especially when M is a concurrent,
˲ Transparency: Is it clear to an ex- domain, for example, for all inputs to distributed, or reactive system, in tra-
ternal observer how the system’s out- a program or for all behaviors of a con- ditional formal methods, we often add
come was produced? current or distributed system. Alterna- explicitly a specification of a system’s
˲ Interpretability/Explainability: tively, the verification process identi- environment E in the formulation of
Can the system’s outcome be justified fies a counterexample, for example, an the verification task:
with an explanation that a human can input value where the program produc- E, M  P
understand and/or that is meaningful es the wrong output or a behavior that For example, if M is a parallel pro-
to the end user? fails to satisfy the desired property, cess, E might be another process with
˲ Ethical: Was the data collected in and thus provides valuable feedback which M interacts (and then we might
an ethical manner? Will the system’s on how to improve the system. Formal write E ⏐⏐ M  P, where ⏐⏐ stands for par-
outcome be used in an ethical manner? verification has the advantage of obvi- allel composition). Or, if M is device
˲ …and others, yet to be identified ating the need to test individual input driver code, E might be a model of the
The machine learning community values or behaviors one-by-one, which operating system. Or, if M is a control
considers accuracy as a gold standard, for large (or infinite) state spaces is im- system, E might be a model of its envi-
but trustworthy AI requires us to ex- possible to achieve completely. Early ronment that closes the control loop.
plore trade-offs among these prop- success stories in formal methods, for The specification of E is written to
erties. For example, perhaps we are example, in verifying cache coherence make explicit the assumptions about
willing to give up on some accuracy in protocols48 and in detecting device the environment in which the system
order to deploy a fairer model. Also, driver bugs,5 led to their scalability and is to be verified.
some of the above properties may have practicality today. These approaches For verifying AI systems, M could
different interpretations, leading to are now used in the hardware and be interpreted to be a complex sys-
different formalizations. For example, software industry, for example, Intel,29 tem, for example, a self-driving car,
there are many reasonable notions IBM,6 Microsoft,5 and Amazon.15,44 within which is a component that is a
of fairness,40 including demographic Due to advances in formal methods machine-learned model, for example,
parity, equal odds, and individual fair- languages, algorithms, and tools, and a computer vision system. Here, we
ness,20 some of which are incompatible to the increased scale and complex- would want to prove P, for example,
with each other.12,33 ity of hardware and software, we have safety or robustness, with respect to
Traditional software and hardware seen in the past few years a new surge M (the car) in the context of E (traffic,
systems are complex due to their size of interest and excitement in formal roads, pedestrians, buildings, and so
and the number of interactions among verification, especially for ensuring the on). We can view proving P as prov-
their components. For the most part, correctness of critical components of ing a “system-level” property. Seshia
we can define their behavior in terms system infrastructure.7,10,11,15,27,30,34,49 et al. elaborate on the formal specifi-
of discrete logic and as deterministic Formal verification is a way to pro- cation challenges with this perspec-
state machines. vide provable guarantees and thus in- tive,51 where a deep neural network
Today’s AI systems, especially those crease one’s trust that the system will might be a black-box component of
using deep neural networks, add a di- behave as desired. the system M.
mension of complexity to traditional From traditional formal methods to But what can we assert about the
computing systems. This complexity formal methods for AI. In traditional machine learned model, for example,
is due to their inherent probabilistic formal methods, we want to show that a DNN, that is a critical component
nature. Through probabilities, AI sys- a model M satisfies () a property P. of the system? Is there a robustness
tems model the uncertainty of human M  P or fairness property we can verify of
behavior and the uncertainty of the M is the object to be verified—be the machine-learned model itself?
physical world. More recent advances it a program or an abstract model of a Are there white-box verification tech-
in machine learning, which rely on big complex system, for example, a concur- niques that can take advantage of
data, add to their probabilistic nature, rent, distributed, or reactive system. P the structure of the machine learned
as data from the real world are just is the correctness property, expressed model? Answering these questions
points in a probability space. Thus, in some discrete logic. For example, M raises new verification challenges.

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Verifying a machine-learned model M. short, verification of AI systems will be

For verifying an ML model, we reinter- limited to what can be formalized.
pret M and P: M stands for a machine- These inherently probabilistic
learned model. P stands for a trust- models M and associated desired trust
worthy property, for example, safety,
robustness, privacy, or fairness. Formal verification properties P call for scalable and/or
new verification techniques that work
Verifying AI systems ups the ante
over traditional formal methods. There
is a way to over reals, non-linear functions, prob-
ability distributions, stochastic pro-
are two key differences: the inherent provide provable cesses, and so on. One stepping-stone
probabilistic nature of the machine-
learned model and the role of data.
guarantees and to verifying AI systems is probabilistic
logics and hybrid logics (for example,
The inherent probabilistic nature of M thus increase Alur et al.,3 Kwiatkowska et al.35 and
and P, and thus the need for probabilistic
reasoning ( ). The ML model, M, itself
one’s trust that the Platzer46), used by the cyber-physical
systems community. Another ap-
is semantically and structurally differ- system will behave proach is to integrate temporal logic
ent from a typical computer program.
As mentioned, it is inherently proba- as desired. specifications directly in reinforce-
ment learning algorithms.24 Even more
bilistic, taking inputs from the real challenging is that these verification
world, that are perhaps mathemati- techniques need to operate over ma-
cally modeled as a stochastic process, chine-generated code, in particular
and producing outputs that are associ- code that itself might not be produced
ated with probabilities. Internally, the deterministically.a
model itself operates over probabili- The role of data. Perhaps the more
ties; for example, labels on edges in a significant key difference between
deep neural network are probabilities traditional formal verification and
and nodes compute functions over verification for AI systems is the role
these probabilities. Structurally, be- of data—data used in training, testing,
cause a machine generated the ML and deploying ML models. Today’s ML
model, M itself is not necessarily some- models are built and used with respect
thing human readable or comprehen- to a set, D, of data. For verifying an ML
sible; crudely, a DNN is a complex model, we propose to make explicit the
structure of if-then-else statements assumptions about this data, and for-
that would unlikely ever be written by mulate the verification problem as:
a human. This “intermediate code” D, M  P
representation opens up new lines of Data is divided into available data
research in program analysis. and unseen data, where available data
The properties P themselves may be is data-at-hand, used for training and
formulated over continuous, not (just) testing M; and unseen data is data over
discrete domains, and/or using expres- which M needs (or is expected) to oper-
sions from probability and statistics. ate without having seen it before. The
Robustness properties for deep neural whole idea behind building M is so
networks are characterized as predi- that based on the data on which it was
cates over continuous variables.18 Fair- trained and tested, M would be able to
ness properties are characterized in make predictions on data it has never
terms of expectations with respect to seen before, typically to some degree
a loss function over reals (for example, of accuracy.
see Dwork et al.20). Differential privacy Making the role of data explicit
is defined in terms of a difference in raises novel specification and verifica-
probabilities with respect to a (small) tion challenges, roughly broken into
real value.21 Note that just as with prop- these categories, with related research
erties such as usability for trustworthy questions:
computing, some desired properties Collection and partitioning of avail-
of trustworthy AI systems, for example, able data:
transparency or ethics, have yet to be ˲ How much data suffices to build
formalized or may not be formalizable.
For such properties, a framework that a The ways in which machine learning mod-
considers legal, policy, behavioral and els, some with millions of parameters, are
constructed today, perhaps through weeks of
social rules and norms could provide training on clusters of CPUs, TPUs, and GPUs,
the context within which a formaliz- raise a meta-issue of trust: scientific reproduc-
able question can be answered. In ibility.

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a model M for a given property P? The reasoning at hand, one approach is

success of deep learning has taught us to use a different validation approach
that with respect to accuracy, the more for checking the specification of D;
data, the better the model, but what such approaches could borrow from a
about other properties? Does adding
more data to train or test M make it The formal methods repertoire of statistical tools. Another
approach would be to assume an ini-
more robust, fairer, and so on, or does
it not have an effect with respect to
community tial specification is small or simple
enough that it can be checked by (say,
the property P? What new kind of data has recently manual) inspection; then we use this
needs to be collected if a desired prop-
erty does not hold?
been exploring specification to bootstrap an iterative
refinement process. (We draw inspira-
˲ How do we partition an available robustness tion from the counterexample guided
(given) dataset into a training set and a
test set? What guarantees can we make
properties of abstraction and refinement method14
of formal methods.) This refinement
of this partition with respect to a de- AI systems, in process may necessitate modifying D,
sired property P, in building a model
M? Would we split the data differently particular, image M, and/or P.
˲ How does the specification of un-
if we were training the model with re- processing systems seen data relate to the specification

used in autonomous
spect to multiple properties at the of the data on which M was trained
same time? Would we split the data dif- and tested?
ferently if we were willing to trade one
property over another?
vehicles. In traditional verification, we aim to
prove property, P, a universally quan-
Specifying unseen data: Including tified statement: for example, for all
D in the formal methods framework input values of integer variable x, the
D, M  P gives us the opportunity to program will return a positive integer;
state explicitly assumptions about the or for all execution sequences x, the
unseen data. system will not deadlock.
˲ How do we specify the data and/ So, the first question for proving P
or characterize properties of the data? of an ML model, M, is: in P, what do we
For example, we could specify D as a quantify over? For an ML model that is
stochastic process that generates in- to be deployed in the real world, one rea-
puts over which the ML model needs to sonable answer is to quantify over data
be verified. Or, we could specify D as a distributions. But a ML model is meant
data distribution. For a common statis- to work only for certain distributions
tical model, for example, a normal dis- that are formed by real world phenom-
tribution, we could specify D in terms ena, and not for arbitrary distributions.
of its parameters, for example, mean We do not want to prove a property for
and variance. Probabilistic program- all data distributions. This insight on
ming languages, for example, Stan,8 the difference in what we quantify over
might be a starting point for specifying and what the data represents for prov-
statistical models. But what of large ing a trust property for M leads to this
real-world datasets that do not fit com- novel specification question:
mon statistical models, or which have ˲ How can we specify the class of dis-
thousands of parameters? tributions over which P should hold for
˲ In specifying unseen data, by defi- a given M? Consider robustness and
nition, we will need to make certain fairness as two examples:
assumptions about the unseen data. ˴ For robustness, in the adversarial
Would these assumptions not then be machine learning setting, we might
the same as those we would make to want to show that M is robust to all
build the model M in the first place? norm-bounded perturbations D. More
More to the point: How can we trust interestingly, we might want to show
the specification of D? This seemingly M is robust to all “semantic” or “struc-
logical deadlock is analogous to the tural” perturbations for the task at
problem in traditional verification, hand. For example, for some vision
where given an M, we need to assume tasks, we want to consider rotating or
the specifications of the elements E darkening an image, not just changing
and P are “correct” in the verification any old pixel.
task E, M  P. Then in the verification ˴ For fairness, we might want to
process, we may need to modify E and/ show the ML model is fair on a given
or P (or even M). To break the circular dataset and all unseen datasets that are

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“similar” (for some formal notion of of autonomous vehicles, relying on tion of guaranteeing that P holds (per-
“similar”). Training a recruiting tool to simulation to identify execution traces haps for a given dataset or for a class of
decide whom to interview on one pop- where a cyber-physical system (for ex- distributions) at deployment time? A
ulation of applicants should ideally be ample, a self-driving car) whose con- variant of this approach is to guide the
fair on any future population. How can trol relies on an embedded ML model ML algorithm design process by check-
we specify these related distributions? could go awry. Tools such as ReluVal56 ing at each step that the algorithm nev-
Toward building a fair classifier that and Neurify57 look at robustness of er satisfies an undesirable behavior.53
is also robust, Mandal et al. show how DNNs, especially as applied to safety Similarly, safe reinforcement learning
to adapt an online learning algorithm of autonomous vehicles, including addresses learning policies in decision
that finds a classifier that is fair over a self-driving cars and aircraft collision processes where safety is added as a
class of input distributions.37 avoidance systems. These tools rely on factor in optimization or an external
Verification task: Once we have a interval analysis as a way to cut down constraint in exploration.25
specification of D and P, given an M, we on state exploration, while still provid- The laundry list of properties enu-
are then left with verifying that M satis- ing strong guarantees. A case study us- merated at the outset of this article for
fies P, given any assumptions we have ing Verisig to verify the safety of a DNN- trustworthy AI is unwieldy, but each is
made explicit about available and un- based controller for the F1/10 racing critical toward building trust. A task
seen data in D, using whatever logical car platform provides a benchmark for ahead for the research community is to
framework () we have at hand. comparing different DNN configura- formulate commonalities across these
˲ How do we check the available data tions and sizes of input data and iden- properties, which can then be specified
for desired properties? For example, if tifies a current gap between simulation in a common logical framework, akin
we want to detect whether a dataset is and verification.32 to using temporal logic38,47 for specify-
fair or not, what should we be checking FairSquare2 uses probabilistic verifi- ing safety (“nothing bad happens”) and
about the dataset? cation to verify fairness of ML models. liveness (“something good eventually
˲ If we detect the property does not LightDP60 transforms a probabilistic happens”) properties36 for reasoning
hold, how do we fix the model, amend program into a non-probabilistic one, about correctness properties of con-
the property, or decide what new data and then does type inference to auto- current and distributed systems.
to collect for retraining the model? In mate verification of privacy budgets for Compositional reasoning enables
traditional verification, producing a differential privacy. us to do verification on large and com-
counterexample, for example, an ex- These pieces of work are in the spirit plex systems. How does verifying a com-
ecution path that does not satisfy P, of trustworthy AI, but each focuses on ponent of an AI system for a property
helps engineers debug their systems only one trust property. Scaling their un- “lift” to showing that property holds for
and/or designs. What is the equivalent derlying verification techniques to in- the system? Conversely, how does one
of a “counterexample” in the verifica- dustry-scale systems is still a challenge. decompose an AI system into pieces,
tion of an ML model and how do we Additional formal methods oppor- verify each with respect to a given prop-
use it? tunities. Today’s AI systems are devel- erty, and assert the property holds of
˲ How do we exploit the explicit oped to perform a particular task in the whole? Which properties are global
specification of unseen data to aid in mind, for example, face recognition or (elude compositionality) and which are
the verification task? Just as making playing Go. How do we take into con- local? Decades of research in formal
explicit the specification of the envi- sideration the task that the deployed methods for compositional specifica-
ronment, E, in the verification task E, ML model is to perform in the specifi- tion and verification give us a vocabulary
M  P, how can we leverage having an cation and verification problem? For and framework as a good starting point.
explicit specification of D? example, consider showing the robust- Statistics has a rich history in model
˲ How can we extend standard verifi- ness of a ML model, M, that does im- checkingb and model evaluation, using
cation techniques to operate over data age analysis: For the task of identifying tools such as sensitivity analysis, pre-
distributions, perhaps taking advan- cars on the road, we would want M to diction scoring, predictive checking,
tage of the ways in which we formally be robust to the image of any car that residual analysis, and model criticism.
specify unseen data? has a dent in its side; but for the task of With the goal of validating an ML model
These two key differences—the in- quality control in an automobile man- satisfies a desired property, these sta-
herent probabilistic nature of M and the ufacturing line, we would not. tistical approaches can complement
role of data D—provide research oppor- Previously, we focused on the veri- formal verification approaches, just as
tunities for the formal methods com- fication task in formal methods. But testing and simulation complement
munity to advance specification and the machinery of formal methods has verification of computational systems.
verification techniques for AI systems. also successfully been used recently for Even more relevantly, as mentioned in
Related work. The formal methods program synthesis.28 Rather than post- “The role of data” noted earlier, they
community has recently been explor- facto verification of a model M, can we can help with the evaluation of any sta-
ing robustness properties of AI sys- develop a “correct-by-construction” ap-
tems,18 in particular, image processing proach in building M in the first place?
b Not to be confused with formal method’s notion
systems used in autonomous vehicles. For example, could we add the desired of model checking, where a finite state machine
The state-of-the-art VerifAI system19 trustworthy property, P, as a constraint (computational model of a system) is checked
explores the verification of robustness as we train and test M, with the inten- against a given property specification.13,50

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tistical model used to specify unseen of trustworthy AI for their custom- ecutive order on trustworthy AI to pro-
data, D, in the D, M  P problem. An op- ers, their business, and social good. vide guidance to U.S. federal agencies
portunity for the formal methods com- Of predominant concern is fairness. in adopting AI for their services and to
munity is to combine these statistical IBM’s AI Fairness 360 provides an foster public trust in AI.58
techniques with traditional verifica- open source toolkit to check for un- Just as for trustworthy computing,
tion techniques (for early work on such wanted bias in datasets and machine government, academia, and industry
a combination, see Younes et al.59). learning models.55 Google’s Tensor- are coming together to drive a new re-
Flow kit provides “fairness indicators” search agenda in trustworthy AI. We
Building a Trustworthy for evaluating binary and multi-class are upping the ante on a holy grail!
AI Community classifiers for fairness.31 Microsoft’s
Just as for trustworthy computing, for- Fairlearn is an open source package Acknowledgments
mal methods is only one approach to- for machine learning developers to During 2002–2003, I was fortunate to
ward ensuring increased trust in AI sys- assess their systems’ fairness and to spend a sabbatical at Microsoft Re-
tems. The community needs to explore mitigate observed unfairness.39 At search and witnessed firsthand how
many approaches, especially in combi- its F8 conference in 2018, Facebook trustworthy computing permeated the
nation, to achieve trustworthy AI. Other announced its Fairness Flow tool in- company. It was also the year when the
approaches include testing, simulation, tended “to measure for potential bias- SLAM project5 showed how the use of
run-time monitoring, threat modeling, es for or against particular groups of formal methods could systematically
vulnerability analysis, and the equiva- people.”52 In the spirit of industry and detect bugs in device driver code, which
lent of design and code reviews for code government collaborations, Amazon at the time was responsible for a signifi-
and data. Moreover, besides technical and the National Science Foundation cant fraction of “blue screens of death.”
challenges, there are societal, policy, le- have partnered since 2019 to fund a Whereas formal methods had already
gal, and ethical challenges. “Fairness in AI” program.43 been shown to be useful and scalable
On October 30–November 1, 2019, In 2016, DARPA focused on explain- for the hardware industry, the SLAM
Columbia University’s Data Science ability by launching the Explainable AI work was the first industry-scale project
Institute hosted an inaugural Sympo- (XAI) Program.16 The goal of this pro- that showed the effectiveness of formal
sium on Trustworthy AI1 sponsored by gram was to develop new machine learn- methods for software systems. I also
Capital One, a DSI industry affiliate. ing systems that could “explain their had the privilege to serve on the Micro-
It brought together researchers from rationale, characterize their strengths soft Trustworthy Computing Academic
formal methods, security and privacy, and weaknesses, and convey an under- Advisory Board from 2003–2007 and
fairness, and machine learning. Speak- standing of how they will behave in the 2010–2012.
ers from industry brought a reality future.” With explainability would come When I joined NSF in 2007 as the As-
check to the kinds of questions and ap- increased trust by an end user to believe sistant Director for the Computer and
proaches the academic community are and adopt the outcome of the system. Information Science and Engineering
pursuing. The participants identified Through the Secure and Trustwor- Directorate, I promoted trustworthy
research challenge areas, including: thy Cyberspace Program, NSF funds computing across the directorate and
˲ Specification and verification tech- a Center on Trustworthy Machine with other federal agencies via NITRD.
niques; Learning9 led by Penn State University I would like to acknowledge my prede-
˲ “Correctness-by-construction” and involving researchers from Stan- cessor and successor CISE ADs, and all
techniques; ford, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, Uni- the NSF and NITRD program manag-
˲ New threat models and system-level versity of Virginia, and University of ers who cultivated the community in
adversarial attacks; Wisconsin. Their primary focus is on trustworthy computing. It is especially
˲ Processes for auditing AI systems addressing adversarial machine learn- gratifying to see how the Trustworthy
that consider properties such as explain- ing, complementary to the formal Computing program has grown to the
ability, transparency, and responsibility; methods approach outlined previous- Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace
˲ Ways to detect bias and de-bias ly. (In the interests of full disclosure, program, which continues to this day.
data, machine learning algorithms, the author is on this Center’s Advisory ACM sponsors the annual FAT*
and their outputs; Board.) In October 2019, the National conference, which originally promot-
˲ Systems infrastructure for experi- Science Foundation announced a new ed fairness, accountability, and trans-
menting for trustworthiness properties; program to fund National AI Insti- parency in machine learning. The Mi-
˲ Understanding the human ele- tutes.42 One of the six themes it named crosoft Research FATE group added
ment, for example, where the machine was “Trustworthy AI,” emphasizing “E” for ethics. FAT* has since grown
is influencing human behavior; and properties such as reliability, explain- to recognize other properties, includ-
˲ Understanding the societal ele- ability, privacy, and fairness. ing ethics, as well as the desirability of
ment, including social welfare, social The NITRD report on AI and cyber- these properties for AI systems more
norms, morality, ethics, and law. security calls explicitly for research in generally, not just machine learning.
Technology companies, many of the specification and verification of My list of trustworthy AI properties is
which push the frontiers of machine AI systems and for trustworthy AI de- inspired by this community.
learning and AI, have not been sit- cision-making.45 Finally, in December I would like to acknowledge S. Agraw-
ting still. They realize the importance 2020, the White House signed an ex- al, R. Geambasu, D. Hsu, and S. Jana for

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