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End-to-end installation of WebCenter and BPM 11g (64-bit) | RedStack

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End-to-end installation of WebCenter and BPM 11g (64-bit)

Posted on September 20, 2010 by Mark Nelson

I n this post we will present a complete end-to-end installation and configuration of Oracle BPM, including Oracle WebCenter for the Process Portal, Spaces and Composer features, on the Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.4 64-bit operating system, with Oracle Database The system used in this post is a virtual machine running on Oracle VM 2.2. The guest has 8 cores, 24GB of memory, 160GB of disk and 18GB of swap space. I t is running Oracle Enterprise Linux Release 5 Update 4. Everything is 64-bit (unless otherwise stated). I f you want to complete this installation on a single machine, you are going to want to have at least 12GB of memory and 4 cores. Otherwise it may be a little bit slow. You could also install the various components on different machines, and in fact you probably would in a real production installation. This post will help you set up everything you need to get started with BPM, including the runtime environment for business processes, the web-based Process Composer which allows business users to edit their processes, the worklist that allows business users to process tasks, and dashboard reporting. I t will also guide you through configuration of the Process Portal feature, which provides a whole stack of social BPM capabilities, including the ability for end users to create self-service collaboration spaces to share information around processes and process instances. Note: I t is possible to use BPM without the Process Portal feature. I f you were to do that, you could leave out about two thirds of the steps in this post!

We created an operating system user and group, both called oracle, which will be used as our normal users to install and run the software. Before we start the actual installation, we have a couple of housekeeping tasks to take care of. The virtual machine is configured with a static I P address and hostname, and the DNS servers are configured. This can be done using the system -config-networ k command, and by updating the / etc/ hosts file to include a line for the static I P address and hostname you have chosen. The virtual machine is also configured to use the Oracle Unbreakable Linux Network so that we can easily install updates and packages as required. You need to be an Oracle Enterprise Linux customer to use this facility. I f you are not, you will need to download and install the packages individually, or use some other package management application to do this. I n order to install the Oracle Database, we need to meet a number of prerequisites. Almost all of these can be handled with one simple command. Note that throughout this post, commands that are shown with a # prompt must be issued as root.


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# yum i nst al l or acl e- val i dat ed

At the time of writing, two packages are missing, so you will also need to install them manually, using the following commands:

# yum i nst al l l i bai o- dev el # yum i nst al l uni xODBC- devel

I nstall Database
Now we are ready to install the Oracle Database. I n this post, we are using Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (also known as 11g Release 2). First, we will create directory to install the database into, and give our oracle user access to this directory.

# m di r / u01 k # chown or ac l e: or acl e / u01

Now we can run the installation program

or ac l e$ . / r unI ns t al l er

The installation program will launch and we need to step through a number of screens. Firstly, you can provide your Oracle Support details if you want to get automatic security updates from Oracle. I f not, just uncheck the box and click on the N ext button.

You will be asked to confirm that you do not want the security updates. Click on Yes.


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On the next screen we select what we want to do, leave Cr eate and configur e a database selected and click on N ext.

For our installation, we are going to use a Ser ver Class database. You can choose D esktop Class if you want to, everything will still work, but our choice here will give us some more flexibility. Click on N ext.

I n this case, we will just run a single instance of the database, not a cluster. Click on N ext.

We are going to want to change some of our settings from the defaults, like our database character set for example, so we want to choose Advanced I nstall here and click on N ext.


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Click N ext to choose English as the language to install. (Feel free to install in your own language.)

We will use the Enter pr ise Edition of the Oracle Database in this example. Any of the database editions will work, so choose the one that you are licensed for, then click on N ext.

Now we need to specify where we want to install the database. We put ours in / u0 1 the directory we created earlier. The Softwar e Location will be automatically determined based on the Or acle Base you specify. Click on N ext.

As this is our first installation, we need to create our inventory. This may not happen in your environment, if you have installed other Oracle products previously. Here we just need to provide the location for the inventory. We put it in our home directory, as shown below. Click on N ext to continue.


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Wow! A lot of questions here! We are almost done. Next, we need to decide what kind of database we want. We are going to use the Gener al Pur pose / Tr ansaction Pr ocessing option and click on N ext.

Now we need to define our Global database nam e and Or acle Ser vice I dentifier ( SI D ) . Here we are just going to use obpm for both of these. I f you have a number of Oracle database instances in your environment already, your Database Administrators may have some standards for these, which you might want to comply with. They are pretty hard to change later! Enter whatever values you will use, and click on N ext.

Now we get to memory and character sets. We definitely want to make some changes here. By default, the database will take around 40% of the physical memory. This is a lot of memory for us to give up, and given our workload, it is not really necessary. We set our database to use only 1,024 M B of memory as shown below. This will be more than enough for our intended usage. I f you are installing a production environment, you will probably want more you should check the documentation for recommendations. Dont click on N ext just yet. We also need to make some changes on the Char acter sets tab.


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Change the setting to U se U nicode ( AL32U TF8 ) . We need this character set to support the data that our other products will want to keep in the database. Now click on N ext to continue.

I n this example, we are not using Gr id Contr ol, so just take the default option here to U se D atabase Contr ol for database m anagem ent. Feel free to turn on email notifications if you wish. Click on N ext to continue,

Now we need to tell the installer where we want to keep our database files. I n our case we are just going to use the File System , nothing fancy. Leave that selected and provide a location to keep the files. We used / u0 1/ or adata as shown below. Click on N ext.


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I ts a good idea to Enable autom ated backup. You may be happy you did one day! Click on N ext.

We used the same password for all of the system accounts. You can do the same, or provide different passwords for each account. This wont make any difference to our installation. Complete either the top or bottom part of this screen and then click on N ext. Now, this may seem obvious, but you would be surprised how often we get support calls from people who did not bother to remember the passwords! M ake sure you remember your passwords you will need them later.

On the next screen we set the operating system user and group that the database will run under. I n our environment these are both called or acle. Then click on N ext.


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At this point, the installer will check if there are any additional packages required. There should not be any, but depending on our choices in the installer, there may be. I n our case there were two, as shown below. You will need to install these (using yum for example) and then click on N ext.

Once all the packages are installed, the installation summary screen will be displayed. We are finally ready to actually install this database! Click on the Finish button to get started!

As the installation runs, you will see the progress windows (below) update to provide you information about what is happening.

After the installation phase is completed (i.e. after all the product binaries have been installed), the D atabase Configur ation Assistant will run. This is the part that creates your actual database instance.


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When this is completed, you will get a final screen showing you details of what was done. You are probably going to want to keep a copy of the information on this screen if you are not familiar with the Oracle Database already. Click on OK when you are ready to go on.

At this point, we need to run a couple of scripts as the root user. Open a terminal windows as root, and run the indicated scripts. Once these are completed, click on the OK button ton continue.


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Congratulations, you now have a shiny new Oracle 11g Release 2 database installed!

I nstall WebLogic Server

The next phase of our installation is to install WebLogic Server. Most of the remaining components run on top of WebLogic Server. I n this post, we are using the WebLogic Server 10.3.3 installer. You can download this from if you have a license, or if you want to take up the development license option. Once you have it downloaded and unzipped, invoke r unI nstaller . After a few moments, the installation interview will appear, as shown below. Click N ext to get started.


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On this page, we need to tell the installer where we will create our new M iddleware Home. We used / u0 2. The M iddleware Home is the location where all of the product binaries will be installed, and additionally where we will create our data files as we create (one or more) domains. You will want to make sure you have at least 5GB of free space in the M iddleware Home. I f you want to put it on a separate disk, or a RAI D group, to improve performance, you should cancel the installation and go and set that up now and mount it on / u0 2 or wherever you choose to put your Middleware H ome. Note that you can have more than one M iddleware Home on a (virtual or physical) machine (or operating system image) and that these can contain different products and/ or different versions of products.

On the next page you can provide your Oracle Support details, or uncheck the box and click on N ext as we did.

Choose Typical for your installation type and click on N ext. I n this example, the typical installation is fine for what we need.


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Now we need to select the JDK to use. The installer should automatically detect your JDK and list it for easy selection, as shown below. I f your JDK is not found automatically, or you want to use a different one, click on the Br owse button to locate it. Otherwise, just click on N ext.

You can change the product installation directories on this screen. We will just accept the defaults and click on N ext.


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Now we are presented with the summary, click on N ext to start the installation.

As the installation runs, we can see its progress.


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When it is completed, uncheck the Run Quickstar t option and click on D one to leave the installer. I f we were just installing WebLogic Server, we would go ahead and run the Domain Configuration tool now. However, we are also planning to install additional products, so we will run it later on, after those other products are installed.

Run the Repository Creation Utility

Now we will set up the necessary schemas in the database to hold data for the various products we are planning to install. This is done using the Repositor y Cr eation U tility. Again, you can download this from edlivery or OTN. You want the version, which includes the schemas for Oracle Business Process M anagement. I t is not necessary to run the version first. Note that there is not a Linux 64-bit version of the download. You can just use the 32-bit version. This tool is just used during the installation, to create objects in the database, it is not part of the running system. After you have downloaded and unzipped it, invoke r unI nstaller from the r cuH om e/ bin directory. After a few moments, the installation interview will appear. Click on N ext to get started.

Select the option to Cr eate the database schemas and click on N ext.


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On the next screen, we need to provide details to connect to our database (which we installed earlier). Enter the hostname of your machine, the port number (the default port is 1521), the service name (this is the SI D that we created earlier), sys as the user nam e and the password that you set during the database installation. The role will default to SYSD BA. At this point, we need to pause to discuss the Oracle Database Listener. This is a component of the database that is responsible for managing incoming connections. When you created the database instance (a few minutes ago) it also created a set of configuration files for the listener. These are located under the networ k/ adm in directory in the database home and are called listener .or a and tnsnam es.or a. I f you have a problem connecting to your database at this step of the installation, and you are confident you have entered all the information correctly here, then it could be that you need to update the configuration of your listener, or perhaps change the information you provide on this screen to match what is already in the listener configuration. You can use the command lsnr ctl status to view information about the configuration of the listener. This will tell you how many services it is supporting. Those services are database instances. You should see your database instance listed in the output. The listener might also have derived a different hostname than you expected. You might try localhost or look in the two configuration files mentioned above to find the name or I P address the listener is using. You will need to supply the same information in the H ost nam e field on this page. I f you do all of this, and still cannot connect, you may need to update your listener configuration. A quick Google search on the two configuration files should turn up instructions on how to do that. I f this still does not solve your problem, post a comment and I will write a post on that topic.


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Once you get the database details correct, a small dialog box will open and the Repository Creation Utility will run a prerequisites check on your database. After this is completed, click on the OK button to continue. Note: if you choose to use the Oracle Express Edition (XE) database, then you will get a warning message at this point informing you that it is not a supported database for production. You will have to click on I gnor e to continue. I t is perfectly reasonable to use XE as the database in your BPM development environment, but you should not use it in production.

On the next screen, we need to select which schemas we want to create. Select all of the schemas in the two groups called SOA and BPM infr astr uctur e and W ebCenter Suite as shown below. Then click on N ext to continue. Note that there is a prefix at the top of this page. The default value is D EV . This allows you to use a single database instance to hold schemas for more than one BPM domain. You would probably only want to do this in your BPM environment if you have a large RAC database environment, or if your database is on an Oracle Database Machine (Exadata), or if all of the BPM environments are non-production.


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A dialog box will appear as a further prerequisite check is completed. Once this is done, click on the OK button to continue.

On the next page, we need to specify the password to use for the schemas. You can specify to use the same password for all of them, as we have done here, or specify individual passwords for each schema. Either way, complete the necessary details and click on N ext.


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The next page gives is the opportunity to map schemas to tablespaces if desired. For this example, we will just accept the defaults. I f you are setting up a production environment, you may want to sit down with your Database Administrator and do a more thorough mapping. Click on N ext to continue.

Click OK in the confirmation dialog that appears.

Now the Repository Creation Utility will create any tablespaces that do not already exist. This step can take a few minutes, depending on the speed of your storage. When it is done, click on OK to continue.

Finally, we are presented with a summary of the work to be done. Click on Cr eate to go ahead and create all of the schemas and load them with data.


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You can watch the progress as this task runs. Note that this can also take some time if you have slower storage.

When it is complete, a summary will be displayed. Click on Close to finish this part of the installation.


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I nstalling SOA Suite

Now that our database contains all the necessary definitions and data, we are ready to move on to our other product installations. First we will install Oracle SOA Suite. You will need to download the installer and also the patchset installer, which we will use a little later on. Unzip the installer and invoke r unI nstaller from the D isk1 directory. I t may ask you to enter the location of your JDK before the installer interview appears on screen. I n our example this was / usr / java/ jdk1.6.0 _ 21. Once the installer appears, click on N ext to get started.

The installer will run some prerequisite checks. Once these are completed, click on N ext.

Now we need to specify the location where we want to install SOA Suite. Note that our Middleware Home (which we created earlier) is automatically selected for us. Click on N ext.


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Now a summary is displayed. Click on I nstall to start the process.

Again, we can observe progress as the installer runs.


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Once it is finished, click on N ext to continue.

Here we see a summary of what was done. Click on Finish to complete this phase of the installation.


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I nstalling the Web Tier

Next we will install the Web Tier. This is required by the Oracle Universal Content Management system (UCM ) which is used to store content in the WebCenter environment. When we have our business processes running later on, process participants are able to attach documents, comments, have discussions, tag, and collaborate in other ways around an instance of a process. This content that they create is stored and managed in UCM . The Web Tier contains a web server, load balancing and caching technologies, but for our purposes, we are just going to install the web server component. Again, you will need to download the Web Tier installer and patchset installer from edelivery or OTN. Keep the patchset installer for later on. For now, unzip the installer and invoke r unI nstaller from the D isk1 directory. Again, you may need to provide the JDK location. After a few moments, the installer will appear, as shown in the image below. Click on N ext to get started.

Select the option to I nstall and Configur e the software and click on N ext.


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Some prerequisite checks will run. When they are complete, click on N ext.

We need to specify the installation location. Put this into the same Middleware Home we have used for WebLogic Server and SOA Suite. I t should be automatically selected. Press N ext to continue.


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On the Configur e Com ponents screen, uncheck everything except for Or acle H TTP Ser ver and click on N ext. We are not going to use the Web Cache in our environment and we do not want to associate our web server with a WebLogic domain. You might want to use these other options in a production environment, but they would most likely be installed on a different machine anyway.

On the next screen we need to specify the location for our instance. Go ahead and accept the defaults here and click on N ext to continue.


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On the next page, we have the opportunity to set the port numbers to use. The default port number for Web Tier is 7777. We are going to accept the default in our example. Click on N ext to continue.

Again, you can provide your support details if you wish. Click on N ext to continue.


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A summary page will be displayed. Click on I nstall to start the installation.

You can watch the progress as the installer runs, and then the instance is created and started. This step may take a while to complete as it will check that it can successfully start and stop the instance.


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When the installation is finished and the configuration has completed, click on N ext to continue.

A summary screen is displayed, showing what was done. Click on Finish to leave this part of the installation.


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I nstalling WebCenter
The next step is to install Oracle WebCenter. This is the component that will provide all of the collaboration services to our BPM environment. You will need to download both the WebCenter installer and the WebCenter patchset installer. Again, keep the patchset installer for later on. You also need to download and unzip the Oracle Content M anagement for WebCenter installer. Take a note of where you unzip this. Unzip the installer and invoke r unI nstaller from the D isk1 directory. You may need to specify the JDK path again. After a few moments, the installer interview will appear. Click on N ext to get started.

A prerequisites check will run. When it is complete, click on N ext.


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Again, we will install WebCenter in to the same M iddleware Home. Click on N ext.

M ake sure you leave the option to I nstall and Configur e Or acle U niver sal Content M anagem ent selected. Accept the default ports, 4444 and 4440, and enter the web server address as shown. Note that this is the address of the Web Tier we just installed a few minutes ago, which should be running now, with / ucm on the end. You should be able to hit the web server in your browser and get the Oracle Fusion Middleware welcome page. I n this example, this would be at http:/ / bpm 11g:7777/ . I f you cannot view the homepage, then you need to stop and go fix that before you continue here. When you are ready, click on N ext.


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On this screen, we need to provide the database details for UCM to use. The connect string is in the format hostnam e:por t:SI D . Substitute in the values that you used earlier when we ran the Repository Creation Utility. I n our case it is bpm 11g:1521:obpm . You also need to provide the schema username, note that this matches the one we created with the RCU, note also it has the D EV_ prefix that we pointed out earlier, and provide the password you set for the schema when we ran RCU. When all of these details are entered, press N ext.

The summary screen is displayed. Click on I nstall to start the process.


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We can watch the progress as the installer runs.

When it is complete, click on N ext to continue.


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Now we need to tell the installer where we unzipped the UCM installation media. Note that you want to point at the ContentSer ver directory inside the directory where you unzipped the file, as shown below. You can click on the Br owse button to locate this directory. Click on N ext when you are ready to continue.

The installer will install UCM and configure it for use with WebCenter. You can watch progress.


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When this is complete, click on Finish to leave this part of the installation.

I nstalling the Web Tier PatchSet

Our next step is to run the patchset installers to upgrade our installation from to We start with the Web Tier patchset installer, which we downloaded and unzipped earlier. I nvoke r unI nstaller from the D isk1 directory. You may need to provide the JDK location. When the installer opens, as shown below, click on N ext to get started.


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Point the installer to the location where you installed Web Tier earlier. This should be automatically found for you. Click on N ext.

Provide your Oracle Support details if you wish, then click on N ext.


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The summary screen is displayed. Click on I nstall.

We can watch progress.


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When it is complete, click on N ext.

And then click on Finish.


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I nstalling the WebCenter PatchSet

Next we will patch WebCenter. I nvoke the r unI nstaller from the D isk1 directory from your unzipped WebCenter patchset. Provide the JDK details if necessary. When the installer opens, click on N ext to get started.

Point it to the location where you installed WebCenter. This should have been automatically found. Click on N ext.


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Review the summary page and click on I nstall.

You can watch the progress.


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When it is complete, click on N ext.

Click on Finish.


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I nstalling the SOA Suite PatchSet

This is a large patch and it adds the BPM N support to SOA Suite, to effectively extend it to include BPM Suite. Again, we invoke r unI nstaller from the D isk1 directory of the SOA Suite patchset that we installed and unzipped previously. Provide the JDK details if necessary. When the installer opens, click on N ext.

Point the installer to the location where we installed SOA Suite. This should have been automatically populated for us. Click on N ext.


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Review the summary screen and click on I nstall.

We can observe progress.


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When it is complete, click on N ext.

Review the summary and click on Finish.


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Configure the Web Tier to support Oracle UCM

We need to make one small update to the configuration of the Web Tier to support Oracle Universal Content M anagement (UCM ) which will act as the content server for various content created in our BPM environment. To complete this configuration, you need to edit the httpd.conf (web server configuration) file for the Web Tier. I t is located here:

/ u02/ Or acl e_W i nst ances/ i nst ance1/ conf i g/ OHS/ ohs1/ ht t pd. conf T1/

The following line must be added to the end of this file:

i ncl ude " / u02/ Or acl e_W ucm dat a/ us er s/ apac he22/ apache. conf " C1/ /

This change directs the web server to load up the configuration from UCM. You will need to restart the web tier after making this change. This can be done with the following commands:

cd / u02/ Or ac l e_W i nst ances / i ns t anc e1/ bi n T1/ . / opm nct l shut down . / opm nct l st ar t al l

Providing there were no errors, the web server should now start up and be accessible at http:/ / your ser ver :7777/ . You should also be able to access UCM at http:/ / your ser ver :7777/ ucm . Note that this URL is formed using the information we provided during the WebCenter installation interview. Your screen should look like this:


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Configuring a Domain
Now that we have finished installing all of the software, we are ready to create our WebLogic Domain. The domain is essentially all of the configuration information needed to actually run the software. We can create as many domains as we like, with different combinations of software in them. I n our example, we will just create one. I n a real world installation, you would most likely have separate domains for production, disaster recovery, training, test, etc. To create the domain, we use the Fusion M iddlewar e Configur ation W izar d. I nvoke in your / u0 2/ Or acle_ SOA1/ com m on/ bin directory. When the configuration wizard opens, select Cr eate a new W ebLogic dom ain and click on N ext.

On the Select D om ain Sour ce page, we need to select which components we want configured in the domain. Select the components shown in the image below. Pay special attention to the part in brackets at the end of the name. There are some components that have very similar names. When you have made your selections, press N ext.


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On the next page, we need to specify the name of the domain and the location where its files will be stored. You can go ahead and accept the defaults and press N ext to continue.

On the next page, we need to provide a password for the domain administrator (weblogic user). Enter a password and click on N ext.

Next, we specify whether we want the server to run in D evelopm ent M ode or Pr oduction M ode, and which JDK to use. For now, accept the defaults and click on N ext. We can change this later on, when we are ready.


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Now we need to provide the database connection details. Select all of the Com ponent Schem as listed in the table by checking the boxes next to each one, then type in the appropriate values in the fields at the top. The D BM S/ Ser vice field is our SI D, we used obpm . The hostname is bpm 11g in our case, port 1521. I f you specified the same password for all schemas when we ran RCU, then you can just type that password in here. I f not, you will need to select each schema one by one and enter its password. When you are done, click on N ext.

The configuration wizard will check that all of the schemas are accessible. I f there are any errors, you will need to go back and correct them. When everything is successful, click on N ext to go on.

We do not need to do any optional configuration, so just click on N ext.


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The summary page is displayed. Click on Cr eate.

We can watch progress.

When it is complete, click on Finish.


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Note that the configuration wizard gives you the Admin Server URL. Take a note of that.

Starting the environment the first time

Now we are ready to start up the environment for the first time. We will start everything from the command line so we have easy access to the consoles, and so we can easily start and stop the servers, as we will need to do this a few times as we complete the configuration. First, we start the Administration Server.

cd / u02/ user_projects/ domains/ base_domain/ bin ./

The server will start up and produce a number of messages. This may take a few minutes the first time. Eventually, a message will be displayed informing you that the server is in the RUNNI NG state. Once you see this message, open a browser and point it to:

ht t p: / / y our s er ver : 7001/ c onsol e

The WebLogic Server console will be displayed. You can log on using the user weblogic and the password you specified during the domain creation wizard previously.

You may also like to point your browser at the Enterprise Manager URL:

ht t p: / / y our s er ver : 7001/ em


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You can log on using the same details.

When you log in, you will see the Farm status page, which will look something like the one below. You may not have the same servers running as shown in the image, and the menus on the left may be slightly different for now. When you start the additional servers, your screen should resemble the image quite closely.

To start the other servers, called the M anaged Servers, run the following commands, each one in a separate shell/ window (you will need to set the directory in each shell before executing the other command):

cd / . / st . / st . / st . / st

u02/ user _pr oj ect s/ dom ns/ base_dom n/ bi n ai ai ar t M anagedW ebLogi c. s h soa_ser ver 1 ar t M anagedW ebLogi c. s h W LS_Ser vi c es ar t M anagedW ebLogi c. s h W LS_Por t l et ar t M anagedW ebLogi c. s h W LS_Spaces

The first time you start up these managed servers they will take a bit longer than usual and you will get some errors as we have not configured security yet. They will each ask you for a user and password (in their shell/ window) when you start them. You will need to enter weblogic and your password. I t is a useful exercise to start them up and validate they all start successfully. You will know they have started when they each issue the message about being in RUNNI NG state. I f you want to stop one of these managed servers, you just type a Control-C in its shell/ window. I t will perform an orderly shutdown. You must stop all managed servers completely befor e you shutdown the admin server, and you must start the admin server completely befor e you start the managed servers.

Setting up


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We can create a special file called oper ties to provide the user and password to WebLogic so that we dont have to manually enter them when we start up the servers. This file should contain the following data:

user nam e=webl ogi c pass wor d=what ever

Change the password from whatever to the one you chose during domain creation. Save a copy of this file in each managed servers security directory, i.e.:

/ / / / /

u02/ u02/ u02/ u02/ u02/

user _pr oj user _pr oj user _pr oj user _pr oj user _pr oj

ec t ec t ec t ec t ec t

s/ s/ s/ s/ s/

dom ai dom ai dom ai dom ai dom ai

ns/ ns/ ns/ ns/ ns/

base_dom ai base_dom ai base_dom ai base_dom ai base_dom ai

n/ n/ n/ n/ n/

s er ver s/ s er ver s/ s er ver s/ s er ver s/ s er ver s/

s oa_s er ver 1/ s ecur i t y bam er ver 1/ s ecur i t y _s W LS_Ser vi ces/ secur i t y W LS_Por t l et / s ecur i t y W LS_Spaces/ secur i t y

The file must be called oper ties in each case. Next time you start a managed server, it will read the details from this file and it will not ask you to enter them. I t will also encrypt the contents of this file. You can verify this by taking a look at the file after you have restarted the managed server.

Using the Node Manager

At this point, you may wish to configure the Node M anager so that you can also start and stop servers from the WebLogic Server console or Enterprise M anager. I f you wish to do so, then take a look at this post for the instructions to enable the Node M anager. Once you have done that, you can then start just the admin server and then the node manager from the shell window/ command line. The managed servers can then be managed from the consoles. To start the Node Manager, you would use these commands:

cd / u02/ wl ser ver _10. 3/ ser ver / bi n st ar t NodeM anager . sh

Configuring WebCenter
Now we need to configure WebCenter for use with the Process Portal. This part gives us access to the new social BPM features provided in the Oracle BPM 11g product release. The first step is to register the connection to the content server. Login to the Enterprise M anager at http:/ / yourserver:7001/ em using the user weblogic and your password. I n the main navigation tree on the left hand side of the page, navigate to Far m -> WebCenter -> WebCenter Spaces -> w ebcenter


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I n the context menu (at the top of the main content pane and indicated by the red arrow in the image below), select Settings -> Ser vice Configur ation Click on Content Repositor y -> Add

Complete the fields as shown below:

Connection name = local-ucm Repository type = Or acl e Cont ent Ser v er Active Connection = checked Administrator User Name = sysadm n i Root Folder = / Spaces Application Name = Spac es RI DC Socket Type = Sock et Server Host = l oc al host Server Port = 4444 Others may be left on default values

Save your changes and restart the W LS_ Spaces managed server. To verify this has worked successfully, you should now be able to login to WebCenter Spaces at http:/ / yourserver:8888/ webcenter using your weblogic user and see that the Documents view (its a taskflow technically) displays correctly, with no error message.


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Alternatively, you can see the same in your recent documents view in the personal side bar on the left hand side of the screen. The image below shows the two places where you can validate this.

Next, we want to set up the discussions server. We will need to configure WS-Security to do this, so we need to create our security keys first. Create a directory to hold our keystore:

m kdi r / u02/ k eyst or es

I n this directory, create a new keystore and a RSA key pair. Note that this whole command is entered on one line. I t

is shown here on multiple lines for ease of reading only. You may need to put the path to your JDKs bin directory before the keytool command if that directory is not in your PATH. You need to add in the appropriate Common Name (CN) as shown in bold. Here we have used the fully qualified hostname of the WebCenter server, with the hostname as a cn and each domain name component as a dc. You also need to provide a password for the key (keypass) and for the keystore (storepass), as shown.

keyt ool - genkeypai r - key al g RSA - dnam " cn=your ser ver , dc=au, dc=or acl e, dc=com e " - al i as or akey - key pass wel com e1 - key st or e webcent er . j ks - st or epass wel com e1 - val i di t y 1064

Now we need to create the certificates. I n this example, we are going to use self signed certificates. This is suitable for test or development systems, but in a production system you may wish to purchase certificates from a trusted external Certificate Authority. Alternatively, you may have already purchased a signing certificate and have your own certificate authority. I n this case, you will need to get your certificates signed by the administrator of the certificate authority. The following command is used to create a new certificate which we will call or akey.


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keyt ool - expor t c er t -v - al i as or akey - key st or e webcent er . j ks - st or epass wel com e1 -rfc - f i l e or akey . cer Cer t i f i c at e st or ed i n f i l e <or ak ey. c er >

Now we import that certificate into the WebCenter keystore with a new name, webcenter _ spaces_ ws.

keyt ool -i m por t c er t - al i as webcent er _spaces_ws - f i l e or akey . cer - key st or e webcent er . j ks - st or epass wel com e1 Cer t i f i c at e al r eady exi s t s i n keyst or e under al i as <or ak ey> Do y ou s t i l l want t o add i t ? [ no] : yes Cer t i f i c at e was added t o key st or e

Now we are ready to copy our keystore, which contains our certificate, into our domain configuration directory, using a command like this: (again, this command should be entered on one line)

cp webcent er . j ks / u02/ user _pr oj ec t s/ dom ns/ boot _dom n/ c onf i g/ f m ai ai wconf i g/

Next, we will configure our domain to use this keystore. I n Enterprise M anager, navigate to Far m_boot_domain -> Weblogic Domain -> boot_domain

From the context menu, select Secur ity -> Secur ity Pr ovider Configur ation

Scroll down to Keystor e, expand it, and click Configur e. Deselect (uncheck) the box Configur e Keystor e M anagem ent and click Ok. This will make sure that we reset the configuration and remove any old values. Obvisously, since we just installed the software and created our domain a few moments ago, there wont be any old values, but if you have to come back and do this again for any reason, then you will want to follow this two step process.


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Now go back to K eystor e, and click Configur e again, this time check the box Configur e K eystor e M anagem ent and enter the
following information:

Keystore Path = . / webc ent er . j k s Password = wel com e1 Confirm Pwd = wel com e1 Signature Key Alias = or ak ey Signature Password = wel com e1 Confirm Pwd = wel com e1 Encryption Key Crypt Alias = or ak ey Crypt Password = wel com e1 Confirm Pwd = wel com e1

Save your changes and then stop all managed servers, and then the admin server, then restart the admin server and then the managed servers.

Now we need to create a keystore for the discussions service to use. This is done by issuing the following command, this is done in the same directory as the commands we use previously to create the keystore for WebCenter, i.e. / u0 2/ keystor es.

keyt ool -i m por t c er t - al i as df _or akey _publ i c - f i l e or akey . cer - key st or e owc_di scus si ons. j k s - st or epass wel com e1 Owner : CN=your ser ver , DC=au, DC=or ac l e, DC=c om I ssuer : CN=y our s er ver , DC=au, DC=or acl e, DC=com Ser i al num ber : 4b69f 328 Val i d f r om W Feb 03 17: 05: 28 EST 2010 unt i l : W Jan 02 17: 05: 28 EST 2013 : ed ed Cer t i f i c at e f i nger pr i nt s : M D5: 3C: 7A: D7: 33: 1A: 21: 9F: BA: 24: A2: D1: 9E: 09: F6: FC: 93 SHA1: 59: B6: 3F: 78: 8D: 5B: 28: E4: E8: 8C: 7E: B1: 9A: 22: A9: 20: F6: 39: F1: 20 Si gnat ur e al gor i t hm nam e: SHA1wi t hRSA Ver si on: 3 Tr us t t hi s c er t i f i cat e? [ no] : y es Cer t i f i c at e was added t o key st or e

I n this same directory, create a file named keystor oper ties. This file must contain the following text. I t is very important that this file does not contain any extra spaces at the ends of the lines, or any extra lines. Please check carefully to make sure you have not added any extra spaces. Note that the last line contains the name of the keystore we just created in the last step.


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or g. or g. or g. or g. or g.

apac he. apac he. apac he. apac he. apac he.

ws. ws. ws. ws. ws.

secur i secur i secur i secur i secur i

t t t t t

y. y. y. y. y.

c r ypt c r ypt c r ypt c r ypt c r ypt

o. o. o. o. o.

pr ovi m li er m li er m li er m li er

der =or g. apache. ws . sec ur i t y. com ponent s . cr y pt o. M l i n er n. key st or e. t y pe=j ks n. key st or e. passwor d=wel com e1 n. key st or e. al i as=df _or akey_publ i c n. f i l e=/ u02/ k eyst or es / owc _di s cuss i ons . j ks

We need to update our domain configuration so that this file can be found on the servers CLASSPATH. This is done by updating the file that sets up the environment for the servers. This file is:

/ u02/ user _pr oj ec t s/ dom ns/ boot _dom n/ bi n/ s et Dom nEnv. sh ai ai ai

You need to add the following lines to the end of this file:

i f [ " ${ CLASSPATH} " ! = " " ] ; t hen CLASSPATH=" ${ CLASSPATH} ${ CLASSPATHSEP} / u02/ key st or es/ " ex por t CLASSPATH el se CLASSPATH=" / u02/ keyst or es/ " ex por t CLASSPATH fi

Note that the path to the directory containing the keystor oper ties file is added to the CLASSPATH by this file. You should now restart all your servers to pick up this change. We need to tell the discussions server about the keystore now. This is done by logging in to the Discussion Server Admin tool at ht t p: / / your ser ver : 8890/ owc _di s cuss i ons / admi n usi ng t he weblogic user.
Go to System Pr oper ties Modify the value of webser vi ces. soap. cust om cr ypt o. f i l eNam so that it points to the properties file you just created: . e

webs er vi ces. soap. cus t om cr ypt o. f i l eNam = key st or e. pr oper t i es . e

Note that you dont need to specify full path, as you made the change to the CLASSPATH. Click Save Pr oper ty

Finally, we can register the Discussion Server with WebCenter. Like before, this is done in the Enterprise M anager.
Navigate to Far m -> WebCenter -> WebCenter Spaces -> w ebcenter From the context menu, select Settings -> Ser vice Configur ation Click on Discussions and Announcements -> Add Complete the fields as shown below:


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Connection name = di scussi on_ser ver Active Connection = chec k Server URL = ht t p: / / your ser ver : 8890/ owc _di s cuss i ons Administrator User Name = webl ogi c Connection Secured = check

Then expand Additional Pr oper ties and click Add to add the following properties:

keystore.location = / u02/ user_projects/ domains/ boot_domain/ config/ fmwconfig/ webcenter.jks keystore.type = jks keystore.password = welcome1 - To encrypt the password, check "I s Property Secured" encryption.key.alias = orakey encryption.key.password = welcome1 - To encrypt the password, check "I s Property Secured" group.mapping = forum - that is the default value

Save your work and restart your servers again to activate these changes. At this point, you may feel like you are restarting your servers an awful lot. Strictly speaking, all these restarts are not necessary you could make all the changes in the one go, and then just do one restart. But, if you get anything wrong, it will be pretty hard to find your mistake. This way, step by step, it is easy to identify where you have gone wrong if anything does not work. I f you now log on to WebCenter Spaces (like before) you should be able to see your (empty) discussion forums using the discussions icon in the personal sidebar. I t is the one right underneath the documents icon we saw earlier. Last, but not least, lets set up the Wiki server. Again, this is a two step process. First, in Enterprise M anager, we will generate

a passcode which will be used by the Wiki server for authentication.

Navigate to Far m_boot_domain -> Weblogic Domain -> boot_domain

I n the context menu, select Secur ity -> Cr edentials

Click Cr eate Map to create a new credential map

Name the map owc_wi ki Highlight/ select the owc_wi ki map that you just created, click Cr eate Key and complete the fields as shown:

Select Map = owc_wi ki Key = wsPassc ode Type = Passwor d User Name = webl ogi c - does not really matter Password = wel c om e1

Click on OK to save this.


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Now we can register the Wiki server to WebCenter. Still in Enterprise Manager, navigate to Far m -> WebCenter -> WebCenter Spaces -> w ebcenter From the context menu, select Settings -> Ser vice Configur ation

Click on Wiki and Blog Ser ver -> Add and complete the fields as shown:

Connection name = wi ki _ser ver Active Connection = check Server URL = ht t p: / / your ser ver : 8890 Passcode = wel com - the one we defined above e1

Now save your changes and restart all of your servers. You should now be able to login to WebCenter Spaces and get the option to add Wiki and Blog pages when you click on Page Actions and Cr eate Page as seen in the image below. Note that these page types would not have been available previously.

That completes all of the necessary configuartion of WebCenter for use with BPM. Now we can move on to the final phase of the installation, setting up the Process Portal feature.

Configuring the Process Portal

The final step is to run the script that will configure the Process Portal, but first we need to set up the configuration file. All the files you need are included in the installation in the following directory:

/ u02/ Or acl e_SOA/ bpm pr oc esspor t al . zi p /

You need to unzip this file, then edit the pr ocess-por oper ties file located in the unzipped location. Here is an example of the file contents:

################################################ # BPM Process Portal installation properties # ################################################ #Flag to decide whether to extend existing BPM domain or create a new one.


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extendSoa=true #Flag to decide whether to prompt for passwords or read them from this file promptForPasswords=false #BPM Schema details bpmDBUser=DEV_SOAI NFRA bpmDBPassword=welcome1 bpmDBType=ORACLE bpmDBDriver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver bpmDBUrl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@${oracle_db_host_name}:${ oracle_db_port} :${db_sid} #BPM MDS details bpmMDSUser=DEV_MDS bpmMDSPassword=welcome1 #BPM Runtime details bpmHost=yourserver #Managed server port if BPM is installed on managed server. Else admin port bpmRuntimePort=8001 bpmAdminUser=weblogic bpmAdminPassword=welcome1 #webcenter spaces installation details wcOracleHome=/ u02/ Oracle_WC1 #If extendSoa flag is set to true, then configure the below two properties to point to BPM domain wcDomainName=base_domain #Flag to control whether to set domain realm password or not wcSetDomainRealmPassword=true #This is the password to setup trusted domains. Same password should be set on BPM domain as well wcDomainRealmPassword=welcome1 wc.server.port=8888 #Webcenter's weblogic installation details wcHost=yourserver wcAdminPort=7001 wcAdminUser=weblogic wcAdminPwd=welcome1 wcManagedServerName=WLS_Spaces #Flag to control whether to configure services wcConfigServices=false #content server details wcContentServerName=yourserver wcContentServerPort=4444 wcContentSpacesRoot=/ Spaces wcContentAdminUser=sysadmin #discussion server details wcDiscussionServerUrl=http:/ / yourserver:8890/ owc_discussions wcDiscussionAdminUser=orcladmin

You will need to go carefully through this file and check every value against your environment. Now is a r eally good time to take a backup so that you can easily retry this step if you got anything wrong. Once you are ready, you need to make sure you have ANT on your path. I f you dont have it installed independently, you can use the one provided in your Oracle Middleware home, at / u0 2/ m odules/ or g.apache.ant_ 1.7.1 Then run ant -f install.xm l in the directory where you unzipped your pr ocesspor, i.e. the same directory where you just edited that properties file to match your environment.


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This will probably run for a while maybe ten minutes and if you got all your parameters correct, you will be rewarded with a BUI LD SUCCESSFUL at the end. Congratulations! You have successfully installed a full, complete, end to end Oracle BPM system, including the Process Portal and all social BPM features. Give yourself a pat on the back! Now that you have got one, what do you do with it? A good place to start is to hit the following URLs and start taking a look around. I n future posts we will discuss how to use this environment you now have at your disposal.

WebLogic Console ht t p: / / y our s er ver : 7001/ c onsol e Enterprise Manager ht t p: / / y our s er ver : 7001/ em BPM Worklist Application ht t p: / / y our s er ver : 8001/ bpm wor ks pace / WebCenter Spaces (and Process Portal) ht t p: / / y our s er ver : 8888/ webcent er Process Composer ht t p: / / y our s er ver : 8001/ bpm c om / poser Business Activity Monitoring ht t p: / / y our s er ver : 9001/ Or acl eBAM

p.s. This post took us a long time to write getting all the information together and typed up to present (we hope) nicely. I f it helped you out, or if you found anything was missing, please leave us a comment to let us know. Shar e this:

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About M ar k N elson Mark Nelson is a Consulting Solution Architect in the Fusion Middleware Architects Team (known as The A-Team) in Oracle Development. Their mission is to supply deep technical expertise to support customers deploying Oracle Fusion M iddleware, and to collect real world feedback to continuously improve the product set. Before joining Oracle Development in 2010, Mark worked in Sales Consulting at Oracle since 2006 and various roles at I BM since 1994, including several in Software Group and System/ 390 Group across Asia Pacific. View all posts by Mark Nelson


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