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Summer 2022
VOL 2 : Nº 2

A Community Newsletter
Published by Knighton and
District Community Centre

L: 01547 428088
M: 07751 221487

chair of the Offa’s Dyke Association at the Offa’s Dyke Centre
Age Cymru Powys
01597 825908 Q What and where is the Offa’s
Dyke Centre?
CAB (Citizens Advice) A The Offa’s Dyke Centre is at the top
0345 601 8421 - Newtown end of town in West Street adjacent to the
Accessibility Powys riverside park. It is leased by Powys County
07498 833883 Council to the Offa’s Dyke Association
(ODA), a volunteer led membership
Knighton Community based charity. The ODA does not receive
Support any financial support from government
01547 520653 towards the cost of running the Centre
which therefore has to be financially self-
PAVO (Powys Assoc. of Voluntary supporting. ODA members live all over A The move into the new Centre in 1999
Organisations) the UK and abroad and their subscriptions was a landmark in the ODA’s history. The
01597 828607 help to keep the Centre going. charity contributed £50,000 from its own
Police (Dyfed-Powys) reserves towards the construction of the
Q What was the original vision for building which was designed and built by
101 - Non-emergency the Centre?
18001 101 - Text non-emergency Powys County Council. The fact that we
A The Centre was originally located are still here some forty three years later
Powys People Direct (PCC) next door in the old primary school. It is an achievement in itself for a voluntary
01597 827666 opened in 1979 and was the vision of our organisation. The loss of rental income
founder Frank Noble, a Knighton school from the two National Trail Officers when
Samaritans teacher and archaeologist. Frank wanted they moved out followed by the County’s
116 123 (free to call) visitors and locals alike to have access to, decision in 2018 to cease support for
understand and enjoy Offa’s Dyke, so the Tourist Information Centres means that the
Wylcwm St Surgery Centre, by interpreting the Dyke and its ODA has to work very hard to ensure that
01547 528523 (Knighton) immediate landscape, helped deliver the the Centre remains viable. Today we are no
ODA’s charitable aim: longer delivering the functions of a TIC.
The Meadows Surgery
‘To promote ... the conservation, The Centre’s closure during Covid
01588 640573 (Clun)
protection, development and presented the opportunity to refurbish the
improvement of ancient buildings, interior of the building. A successful bid to
earthworks or similar nature and the Welsh Government’s Cultural Recovery
With thanks for generous Fund enabled the ODA to create a new
and ongoing support man-made features of historic or public
interest, in particular those associated and extended exhibition (authored by
with Offa’s Dyke and Offa’s Dyke Path’. Cardiff University’s Professor Keith Ray).
(Wales Council
LED lighting was installed, new display
for Voluntary
Q What have been the most successful stands installed, the floor sanded and re-
outcomes from the Centre since its lacquered, the place redecorated and
inception? continued on page 2

News, information, interesting stories for your community? Contact the Knighton and District
Community Centre: 01547 428088 or 07751 221487 or

Comm Summer 2022

THE COMM INTERVIEWS The Offa’s Dyke Centre


audio visual equipment installed (the Q How will the Centre ‘Passport’ stamping stations with
Centre is now fully equipped for small and the ODA charity proceeds from sales of the Passport
conferences.) continue to improve supporting our own Conservation
The ODA’s charitable aim extends the on their successes? Fund.
full length of Offa’s Dyke and National A We continue to The success of the Centre and ODA
Trail and our Outreach Officers have focus on the delivery charity depends on more people
welcomed school visits to the Centre of our charitable becoming involved, either as members
which also hosts the Knighton branch of aim both within and (£20 single, £25 joint per year),
the Young Archaeologists Club (YAC.) geographically out volunteers or as trustees. Currently only
Although suspended because of Covid it with the Centre. We want more people a small handful of trustees manage the
is hoped to commence the club meetings to visit and study our new exhibition whole workings of the charity and we are
again soon. then go out into the landscape to see the always on the lookout for people with
Dyke for themselves. We also promote, the right skills to lend a hand.
encourage and financially support
the conservation of Offa’s Dyke and Q How do I find out more about
our facilities are made available to the the Centre?
new Offa’s Dyke Conservation Project A Simply visit us when we are
Officer whenever they require them. open or visit the ODA website:
The ODA is represented on the project’s
steering group. The Centre also looks Our opening days will be extended as
after one of the National Trails seasonal the season progresses.

Health and Well-being Festival help. Without you, it will not Car Boots at the Comm

A date for your diary planner be the success that we hope for
the town. So please, come Our car boot event returned on March
We are all super excited here at 26th and thank you to everyone who
and join us. If you can
the Comm; meetings have taken came down and those who had boots.
help in any way, if you are
place, ideas have been thrown It was a great morning and we’ve had
part of a group that may
around and we can now lots of lovely feedback! We are glad we
want to share your work
announce that we are holding can offer car boots every other month!
on this wonderful day,
a Health and Well-being The next dates are:
then let’s all come together.
Festival on 7th August at the
We have many stalls already July 23rd and September 24th.
Community Centre Hub, a magnificent
booked from established therapists /
venue for this event.
sellers / crafters from surrounding areas,
A wonderful event full of stalls - Psychic Knighton and District
but we need the people of Knighton.
Readers, Crystals, Tarot Readers, Esoteric Community Support
Maybe you can put posters up, spread
Gifts, Healthy Eating, Eco Skincare.
the word, maybe you can help out on Furniture Barn
Also mental health, grief, agencies
the day, maybe you know someone who Open Monday to Friday from 08.30am
and services from the third sector and
might like a stall. There are many ways - please phone for closing times, as
statutory organisations; alternative health
you can help, but the biggest is to support this is currently varied on a weekday
specialists to sit and talk with, and an
us from your heart. basis. Saturdays are always 9.00am to
array of joy, abundance and a feeling of
We would like to invite you to have a to 12.30 midday. Donations needed
stall, if you offer any kind of therapy, be (subject to condition) of furniture items:
There will be talks throughout the day.
it physical or talking, if you hold a group sofas / beds. Please do not leave
We will have therapists offering taster
of any kind that is directed to donations out of hours. Phone 01547
sessions, bee-keeping. Food and drink
the mental and physical well 520444 and speak to Mrs Yvonne Moses
(healthy options) and Free Entry! We
being of the community, if (Chairperson) for any queries.
have already ordered the sunshine, so it
you are a crafter, especially
will be a glorious day. Transport Office
if this craft has helped you
A dream of many years that is
with your mental well-being, Currently running a pilot every
manifesting every day for Annie and
we want to share the many different Wednesday for supermarket shopping
Ceri at the Comm; we are inviting you
ways we can help ourselves and others. trips to Llandrindod / Leominster /
to be a part of it and help this dream
So, pop the date in your diaries Ludlow. Phone 01547 520653 for
come to fruition. The intention is to
Sunday 7th August 10am to 5pm and details and to book. Cost: £5 per person
bring the community together on this
let’s make this a huge success for many - must have a minimum of three people
beautiful Sunday, sharing alternative
years to come. If you want to become to proceed. For any transport to a
ways for your well-being and choosing a
involved in any way please contact: hospital, please give us as much notice as
different way to live, think, feel. or possible, as we are extremely busy and
We are bringing this amazing event to can no longer guarantee a driver.
the town of Knighton, but we need your

News, information, interesting stories for your community?

Contact the Knighton and District Community Centre: 01547 428088 or 07751 221487 or

Summer 2022
The Knighton Community Market Knighton and District
The market, which usually happens Refugee Support Group
twice monthly, continues to grow from
strength to strength with new stalls
coming in regularly and is now delivered
by staff, the management team and
volunteers from the Comm.
We have choices for everyone from
skincare, children’s books, meat, cider
and gin, honey, chocolates, wax melts, We welcome and support
wooden outdoor furniture, cakes, refugees in Wales and
handbags home furnishings, handmade beyond. This year we’ve
crafts perfect for gifts, Art, pies, hand raised over £2000 to help refugees from
dyed wools, you name it we have it all countries and donated £1000 to
...  but we are always on the lookout the Disasters Emergency Committee.
for more food stalls! If you have a food Fundraising continues apace and we
Knighton Town Silver Band stall and would like to get involved were pleased to support the Comm’s
Since the last newsletter, the Band has in our community market please event for Ukraine. We’re delighted we
taken part in a street collection in aid of contact Ceri Brown (Administrator) at: can aim to host another respite day
the Ukraine appeal when over £180 was for refugees in Wales again in the near
raised. We also took part in the Walk of We have recently bought in a new future (watch the local noticeboards
Witness on Good Friday. vegetable stall. All salad and vegetables for more news.) Find us on Facebook
Band engagements: are sourced locally from around the or email
Tuesday 12th July Herefordshire / Gloucestershire areas. for more information. You can donate
Church Hall - Band AGM Our first stall went really well and the at Knighton Refugee Support Group
Saturday, 6th August - Clun Carnival feedback was very positive. Look out for (Barclays), Sort Code 20-45-45, Account
Sunday, 7th August the vegetable stall at every market, just 23046907.
Brampton Bryan Scarecrow Sunday inside the hall.
Don’t forget after you have shopped Knighton Access Group
Saturday, 13th August
Montgomery Show until you drop! You can relax in the We are a voluntary organisation,
Saturday, 27th August - Knighton Show Market Café and enjoy one of our supported by Accessibility Powys,
delicious bacon baps (bacon sourced promoting the needs of disabled people.
The Richie Owens Memorial Concert from Tom Pugh’s), toasties and all The group offers peer support by
will take place in late September. washed down with a tea or coffee, or providing knowledge, experience,
if you are feeling really indulgent you emotional, social and practical help.
Knighton Girlguiding can have a hot chocolate with a piece of For more information and help please
Volunteers Wanted! homemade delicious tray bake. If you contact us at any of the following.
We have spaces for girls who might fancy helping out as a volunteer at the Tina Sharp on 01547 528017
want to join us, come and make new Market Café, 9am to 1.30pm monthly, or or Facebook:
friends, learn new skills and have fun! please email knightonhubcoordinator@ Knighton Access Group. All
We are also looking for volunteers to information given to us is treated in the
help us run our units. If you feel you Upcoming markets: strictest confidence.
can spare a couple of hours then come
25th June 
along and support us, we would love to Knighton Food Bank
9th and 23rd July
include you. You’ll work alongside other Norton St Baptist Church Tues and Fri:
13th August
volunteers to give girls fun, friendship, 10am to 11.30am
10th and 24th September 
challenge and adventure. Training Do you need help
opportunities available for anyone with getting enough food due to
wanting a qualification. Knighton Library Friends increased fuel and energy bills? Knighton
Email: On July 23rd, the and East Radnor Food Bank provides
for further information. Knighton Library Friends crisis food, vouchers for local shops
will have a second-hand and cleaning products, toiletries and

Knighton Library Opening Times book stall at the Knighton feminine hygiene products to those
Tues - 10.30am to 1pm, 2 to 5pm and District Community in our community struggling to make
Thurs - 10.30am to 1pm, 2 to 6pm Centre Hub Car Boot. Do ends meet. If you need our confidential
Fri - 8am to 12.30 come along and support the Friends and help, contact Helen on 07731 524058
4th Sat of month - 10.30am to 12.30 buy yourselves some really good ‘reads’. or
and Lego Club Proceeds from the sale will be put to We welcome donations, including
good use such as gifting monies to vouchers from Tom Pugh Butchers. We
the Knighton Festival and to help fund also need biscuits, tinned fruit, tinned
activities for children during school custard, tuna, sweetcorn and any hygiene
holidays. products.

News, information, interesting stories for your community?

Contact the Knighton and District Community Centre: 01547 428088 or 07751 221487 or

Comm Summer 2022

Welcome to Knighton Town Council Wylcwm Street Surgery Knighton Festival of Books,
The new line up from May 2022 is: We would like to introduce Gareth Art and Music 2022
Clerk Neil King  Ratcliffe, who supports the surgeries The Feelgood Festival
Mayor Mark Coxill  across the area in improving health The fifth Knighton Festival will
Deputy Mayor Holly Adams-Evans  messages. As part of his role, he will take place at the Comm later this
be able to deliver Dementia Friends year during the October half term,
South East Ward
Awareness courses in the community. from Friday October 28th to Sunday
Bob Andrews, Ben Caine, The aim is to raise awareness about November 6th. The theme chosen as we
Petronella Ford, John Goodband, how we think, act and talk about return to normal life is loosely based
Mark Vaughan the condition. Stigma and lack of around the topics of health and well-
Central Ward understanding cause many people with being, both physical and mental: The
Christine Branford, Tina Sharp, the condition to experience loneliness Feelgood Festival. As in previous years,
Tom Taylor  and social exclusion. Dementia Friends the Festival is free to all to attend. Please
West Ward  is about learning more about dementia get in touch if you would like to get
Holly Adams-Evans, Ben Butler, and the small ways you can help. Every involved with the Festival, either as a
Mark Coxill, Sally Vaughan  action counts, from telling friends about sponsor or volunteer helper. Our email
the Dementia Friends programme to is:
Outer Ward visiting someone you know living with
Chris Bevan, David Williams  dementia. Any groups interested in KINDA
If you need to contact the council: having a dementia friends session, please
contact Gareth at gareth.ratcliffe@pavo. As I write this, Knightons to discuss. sixth Dementia Action Week is about
or 01547 529660 or call at the Civic
to kick off. Knighton was awarded
Centre, Tuesday to Friday.
Age Cymru Powys Dementia-Friendly Town status in
We would like to welcome our new 2015 and over the past years our local
members and extend our gratitude to the The Veterans Project Officer in Powys
has been busy arranging Well-being Dementia Friends Champions have
outgoing members. created around 350 Dementia Friends
activities for Veterans in Powys,
including Indoor Bowling, 4 x 4 Driving although it’s been a little quiet over the
Powys Community Health Council last couple of years! Did you know that
Experiences, Coffee and Chats and
The Council is the independent voice of Creative Art Taster Days. There are you can book an out-of-hours visit to
people in Powys who use NHS services. lots more activities being organised for our brilliant dementia-friendly museum
Do you wish to speak with us regarding Veterans during the forthcoming months for your group and we can combine this
an NHS service you have recently working alongside many other Veteran with a dementia-awareness session for
received? You can do so by contacting Projects running here in Powys. If you’re you? We run these all year round but
us on 01874 624206, or by emailing aged 65+ and live in Powys, or are a recommend that you wrap-up well in relative of a Veteran, then please get in winter. We offer loads of opportunities
You sharing your views and experiences touch to see how we can help and what for sensory stimulation, from the scent
helps strengthen our voice when working activities we can offer you. Contact Age of fresh baked bread to the taste of
with those who plan and deliver NHS Cymru Powys on 01686 623707 and homemade caraway seed cake!
services. To understand more of what speak to Gwyneth, Veterans Officer.
we do, please visit our website at: Knighton’s Youth Project Knucklas Village Fete
The youth project has got off to a flying The Knucklas Village Fete
Teme Valley Environment Group start, currently there are between 35 and 2022 will be held on

Continue leaving your recyclable crisp 40 young people accessing our weekly Saturday 30th July between
bags at the Co-op in Knighton. We sessions. Leading up to the summer the 12 and 5pm at Knucklas
are assured by Peter the manager that youth team are coordinating some fun Community Centre. The
recycling continues. Start buying Two activities for members of youth club, so Black Crow Vikings are
Farmers Crisps now at the Co-op; if you are aged between 11 and 17 years returning with more re-
plastic free bags! Litter picking will old and want a chance to socialise with enactments and historical
restart on September 25th (Offas Dkye your peers, make new friends, improve recreation. There will be
Association at 10am). Look out for your physical and mental well-being then classic cars, a dog agility display as well as
our stall at the Knucklas Fete, July 3th. please come and join us at Knighton a dog show. A huge selection of stalls will
Come and help support the Knighton Community Centre on a Wednesday offer a wide variety of hand-made and
railway garden and Edible Knighton evening, 6.30pm to 8.30pm. A big thanks artisanal goods and there will be delicious
‘pick me’ trees and herbs - we need to Knighton Fire Station, Gary Cooper refreshments available throughout the
some help. Watch out for film in and Julia Roberts who have taken the afternoon. Bags of fun, games and
September. Contact: nicola.colston@ time to come and talk to the youth club entertainment too for all the family. All or 01547 529460. members which included some exciting funds raised will be used for the Knucklas
Website: fire equipment demonstrations. Castle Community Land Project. Contact:

News, information, interesting stories for your community?

Contact the Knighton and District Community Centre: 01547 428088 or 07751 221487 or

Summer 2022
Co-working at the Comm Community Fayre October 2022 Lunch Club
Tired of working alone? Fed up of Hello all, My name is Steph Griffiths Churches Together Lunch Club
working from home? Would you like to and I am the Volunteer Co-Ordinator continues week by week, where people
be part of a local professional co-working at Knighton and District Community who are sixty-plus meet together for
community? Visit the New collaborative Centre. As part of my funding from good conversation, a two course meal
workspace at Knighton and District PAVO, I with the help of my colleagues and tea or coffee for £5, and sometimes
Community Centre. need to host a Community Fayre, I am entertainment. This club has been in
Open for business now: therefore asking you, as a community existence for nearly fifteen years and has
• Two permanent fully equipped group / charity to take part in the fayre. a warm, friendly atmosphere. We
workstations (bookable) It is intended to be held on Saturday meet on a Monday at Methodist
• Two drop-in fully equipped October 1st - Save the date! Every premises in Victoria Road and meals are
workstations in co-working space - day locally we see and hear about served from 12.30. The doors are open
bring your laptop people doing amazing things. The from 11.30 and we aim to finish by
• Shared tables for collaboration Community Fayre will give you the 2pm. If you find yourself alone, or are a
• Free Wi-Fi opportunity to introduce your club or couple wanting a change, you are most
• Large public car park* organization, give a brief update and welcome to come along.
• Range of meeting rooms and share information, ideas and plans with Sister Margaret: 01547 528 154
conference facilities* the public and each other. We hope to
• Large CleverTouch screen available host as many clubs and organizations Walkies from the Comm
for hybrid meetings* as possible and also hope to have music ‘Walkies from the Comm’ in
• Bookable solo digital pod for private and entertainment with good food partnership with ‘Paws A While’ is a
meetings throughout the day. Please contact me dog walking group, intended for
• Public library onsite for printing and if you would be interested in having a socialisation of both hoomans
copying* space on the day. We would love to see and pups! The group
• Great coffee from our Nespresso what we can show the public that they meets at the Comm
machine or the Café is open on have available to do locally. Contact: at 10am monthly
Tuesdays and Thursdays or coinciding with the first Market of the
07983 169887 month (2nd Saturday normally) and
Open for work:
leaves no later than 10.05. We are out
• Tuesday 9am to 5pm (printing Open Gardens for around an hour and usually enjoy
available in the library) Our garden opening for NGS is on June some refreshments from the Community
• Wednesday 9am to 3pm 25th and 26th, from 2pm until 5.30pm. Market Café afterwards. All doggies
• Thursday 2pm to 6pm (printing Entry is £5 and covers two gardens - 1 welcome, but must be fully vaccinated,
available in the library) Ystrad House (entry is from Station not be reactive and will need to remain
• Friday 9am to 3pm (printing available Road) and 2 The Coach House. After- on leads at all times.
am only) noon teas and plants also available. It is For further details email:
The co-working space at Knighton and also possible to have private viewings by
District Community Centre is a free arrangement. john and margaret davis or call 07570 258 511
pilot for two months, grant funded by
the UK Community Renewal Fund, to NEWSLETTER UPDATE a great knowledge of the community,


scope out interest and shape future its people and activities. If you
developments. For more information, Please note that this summer edition
of the Community Newsletter will are interested in getting involved,
contact Knighton Library or Knighton please contact Annie England at:
Comm. To book a workstation call be the last one in its current form.
From feedback via the community it is
01547 528778 As we close to an end of a great
felt that although hugely appreciated
*charges apply for parking, coffee and printing publication, I would like to extend my
the time has come to look at a
new and more cost-efficient way of deepest thanks to our first-hand man
Knighton Bowls Club disseminating timely information Rafi. Without him on board none of
This year’s bowls season is well underway. within Knighton and beyond. The what we have offered would have been
The club is very busy with a mixture of current format was the communities possible. I would also like to thank
club competitions, friendly matches, ‘response’ to the emerging Covid all our contributors over the last two
league games and has hosted county pandemic two years ago; now things years. You have made the newsletter
matches at the bowling green. It’s not are ‘getting back to normal’ the format a publication of local interest and
too late to come and join us. Our all can be changed to that of online. our community has hugely valued
inclusive and accessible club is always on Thus, we will be looking at bringing all of the stories, information and
the lookout for new members of all ages, the newsletter online and are looking more within its pages. Thank you for
either new to the game or with for volunteers to help with this task. reading the newsletter. We do hope it
experience. It’s a great sport and we’re a An interest in writing, journalism, has been of use to you all.
friendly bunch. Monday evening is social computer technology, graphic design, ~annie england Hub Co-ordinator
bowling. Enquiries 07710 302741. etc. would all come in useful; as would Knighton and District Community Centre

News, information, interesting stories for your community?

Contact the Knighton and District Community Centre: 01547 428088 or 07751 221487 or

Comm Summer 2022

Crafty Coffee Workshops at the Comm Garden Project at the Comm

May 2022 to April 2023 October 25 11-1pm Weaving

The Knighton and Community Centre November 29th 11-1pm Acrylic

Hub have been awarded a modest grant painting directly onto canvas,
and will be running monthly subsidised with no preliminary sketching
Arts and Crafts workshops from now December 13th 7-9pm Weaving
until next spring. If you would like to 2023
find out more details or book a place January 31st 10am Crochet -
email: A Beginners Guide
2022 February 28th 11-1pm Art workshop
June 28th 7-9pm Silk Painting (topic to be agreed)
July 28th 2-4pm The Use of Pastels March 28th 7-9pm The use of beads
August 30th 7-9pm Mandela Drawing ‘n’ things
and Meditation workshop April 25th 11-1pm
Sept 27th 7-9pm Appreciation of light Art workshop Have you explored the new wildlife
in the landscape and how to paint (topic to be agreed) and sensory garden at Knighton Comm
it in acrylics yet? This peaceful garden funded by the
Welsh government and planted in the
last year with trees, shrubs and blooms
Drop-in Eatery at the Comm Advice from the Hub Update is flowering now. The pretty garden was
On June 30th from 12 to 1.30pm A few weeks ago we said our farewells the backdrop to wedding photos last
the Drop-In Eatery will be warmly to Catherine Cadwallader our Advice week at one of the Comm’s first wedding
welcoming members from the Stowe and Signposting Assistant. Catherine parties. New garden furniture (benches,
and Stanage Women’s Institute (WI), is now employed by RNID and will be planters, seats, a pergola) are now in
who will be the Eatery’s ‘pop-up chefs’ here with us every 3rd Tuesday morning use. The shed and greenhouse, designed
for the day. Whilst you enjoy a delicious at the Hearing Aid clinic. We wish for community use, are now in place
lunch cooked by our pop-up chefs Catherine every success and happiness and some of the vegetables started in
(which is free of charge, donations in her new role. The Advice Service the greenhouse now out in wheelchair-
always gratefully received) you will have will now be available on Tuesdays and accessible planters. The Comm welcomes
the opportunity to meet and talk to Thursdays, 10am to 12.30pm, and you to come at any time and enjoy!
representatives from the WI and get to will be managed by Annie England Knighton welcomes
hear about all they have to offer and Jenny Bevan. For details contact: Palestinian children
the community and how to become a or call
member of this lovely WI. 07496 124302

Looking for support? Not sure who to ask? have around 30 members (nearly half of
PAVO Community Connectors can whom are female) and we meet at various
put you in touch with community venues in the locality, enjoying each other’s
groups and voluntary organisations company and good humour. For more
for support. We will work with you to details see our Knighton Rotary club
access the right local services, support website at or Radnor Palestine Links, together with
and information. People contact us for our Facebook page. human rights charity CADFA, have been
a wide variety of reasons - community working hard to raise the money for a
activities, transport, benefits, health RNID Palestinian children’s visit to the area in
conditions, housing, loneliness, general NHS Hearing Aid Services at Knighton early July (Pictures shows a sponsored walk
well-being and so much more. Your local Community Centre, Bowling Green Lane, on Offa’s Dyke in May.) It is so exciting
Community Connector can be contacted Knighton, LD7 1DR. 3rd Tuesday of to hear that the visitors have their visas
on 07935 008 999 or hayley.lloyd@ every month 10am-1pm. We are now able and air tickets and will be making their Facebook Hayley Pavo to resume our face-to-face service, offering long journey over to see us. They will be
or our Duty Line on 01597 828649 or repair, battery replacement and support. visiting local schools and youth clubs and Drop-off service still available. Masks are just enjoying the freedom and greenness!
encouraged to keep our staff, volunteers Do come and meet them if you like at
Knighton and District Rotary Club and NHS hearing aid users safe. a welcome meal at Knighton Comm on
We are a sociable club who share fun and For more information: Catherine Weds 6th July at 7pm.
friendship whilst raising funds for charitable Cadwallader on 07741 078068 or
causes, both in the local community and
further afield. We support local charities or RNID Info Line 0808 808 0123
such as the Knighton Food Bank and Text message 0780 000 0360
fund-raise for national charities such as Relay UK 18001 then 0808 808 0123
the Air Ambulances. We also support local Textphone 0808 808 9000
youth projects and activities. We currently Email
Graphic design by Community Centre logo by Pickledegg Printed by
All material, including text, photographs, illustrations, logos and designs are copyright © KDCC and individual contributors 2022,
unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved. To reuse any material please contact Knighton and District Community Centre.

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