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A wave is a
disturbance that
transfers energy form
one place to another
without transferring
Mechanical waves

Where does the energy come from in the water wave pictured above?

How do the particles of the medium move when a wave passes through
Types of mechanical
Transverse wave
A transverse wave is a wave in which
particles of the medium vibrate at right
angles, or perpendicular, to the direction
that the wave travels.
Transverse waves called S waves occur during earthquakes. The
disturbance that causes an earthquake sends transverse waves
through underground rocks in all directions away from the disturbance.
Review 1
1.What is a transverse wave
2.Sketch a transverse wave and label
the crests and troughs
3.Infer how S waves might affect
structures such as buildings.

Longitudinal wave
In a longitudinal wave,
particles of the medium
vibrate in a direction that is
parallel to the direction that
the wave travels.
Earthquakes cause longitudinal waves called P waves. The
disturbance that causes an earthquake sends longitudinal waves
through underground rocks in all directions away from the
disturbance. P waves are modeled in the Figure below.

Where are the compressions and rarefactions of

the medium in this model of P waves?
Review 2

1.What is a longitudinal wave

2.Draw a sketch of a longitudinal wave. Use arrows
to show the direction of the wave and the direction
of the vibrating particles of the medium. Add labels
to identify the compressions and rarefactions
3.Describe P waves.

Surface waves
A surface wave is a
wave that travels along
the surface of a medium.

A surface wave is a
combination of a
transverse wave and a
longitudinal wave

Q: What do you think causes ocean waves

A: Most ocean waves are caused by wind blowing across the water.
Moving air molecules transfer some of their energy to molecules of
ocean water. The energy travels across the surface of the water in
waves. The stronger the winds are blowing, the larger the waves are
and the more energy they have.

Surface waves

A surface wave is a
wave that travels along
the surface of a medium.

Q: What do you think causes ocean waves

A: Most ocean waves are caused by wind blowing across the water.
Moving air molecules transfer some of their energy to molecules of
ocean water. The energy travels across the surface of the water in
waves. The stronger the winds are blowing, the larger the waves are
and the more energy they have.

Why waves break?

Types of waves in real life
Activity 1

Simulate the di erent types of waves using your

Activity 2

Read about real life example of waves.

Activity 3

Do a Kahoot of the assigned type of wave.

Waves properties
Wave amplitude is the
maximum distance the
particles of the medium
move from their resting
positions when a wave
passes through.

A wave caused by a
disturbance with more energy
has greater amplitude.
Wavelength is one way of
measuring the size of waves. It
is the distance between two
corresponding points on
adjacent waves, and it is
usually measured in meters.
How it is measured is a little
different for transverse and
longitudinal waves.
and energy

Less energy

More energy

Of all the colors of visible light, red light has the longest wavelength
and violet light has the shortest wavelength. Which color of light has
the greatest energy?
The number of waves
that pass a xed point in
a given amount of time
is wave frequency.

The SI unit for wave

frequency is the
hertz (Hz), where 1
hertz equals 1 wave
passing a xed point
in 1 second.
Frequency and energy

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