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6/21/22, 10:33 AM Quick Rubric :)

Quizlet - Simple Machines

Grade Level: 4th

Standard: S4P3c Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the relationship between balanced and unbalanced forces. c. Ask
questions to identify and explain the uses of simple machines (lever, pulley, wedge, inclined plane, wheel and axle, and screw) and how forces
are changed when simple machines are used to complete tasks. (Clarification statement: The use of mathematical formulas is not expected.)

Full Points
Partial Points
No Points

33 Points 16 Points 0 Points

The student plays the matching The student plays the matching Quizlet The student plays some of the matching The student does not play the matching
game on simple machines to completion. Quizlet game on simple machines. Quizlet game on simple machines.
Quizet game on simple

The student takes a screenshot The student submits a screenshot of the The student submits a partially completed The student submits no screenshot or the
completed Quizlet game on simple screenshot of the Quizlet game on simple screenshot is not uploaded into the Google
of the finished matching Quizlet
machines and uploads the picture into the machines and uploads the picture into the Classroom dropbox.
game on simple machines and Google Classroom dropbox. Google Classroom dropbox.
uploads the picture to Google
Classroom in the assignment

The student submits the The student submits the matching Quizlet The student submits the matching Quizlet The student does not submit the matching
game screenshot into the Google game screenshot into the Google Quizlet game screenshot into the Google
matching Quizlet game by the
Classroom dropbox by the due date. Classroom dropbox after the due date (1-2 Classroom dropbox by the due date.
due date. days late).

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6/21/22, 10:33 AM Quick Rubric :) 2/2

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