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In my point of view, since life is about giving help, we should help those who have a difficult situation to
give them better lives. However, sometime this can be a wrong decision. I am a generous and kind
person. When I see the homeless or people who are in trouble, I am willing to help them anyway. I
usually give them a small amout of money to buy some foods and clothes. Nevertheless one day, I
realized I helped the wrong people when I was reading the news. I was so shock and I feel like others are
taking advantage of my kindness. This experience heavily influences me, helping wrong people has its
consequences, both negative and positive effects. In particularly, it has increased my awareness, but it
has also diminished my willingness to assist others.

The first effect is that, I feel heart-broke and am not inspired to help anyone. I can't stand by and do
nothing when I see someone in distress. My mind was filled with a strong desire to assist someone. I
resolved to assist them in any way I could. I assisted them by collecting all of my savings and attempting
to persuade charitable organizations to assist them without hestitance. Those actions can assist them
with day-to-day expenses as well as access more education. I was very excited and thought it was a well-
earned promotion. But then I understood I'd been duped. That had a significant impact on my mood. My
valuable time and money have been wasted. A major shock, and I'm having unfavorable thoughts about
charity. All of my efforts were in fruitless, which frustrated me greatly.

Secondly, I have learned a lesson that should be careful and raise my awareness when assiting someone
else. When I want to help someone, I try to learn as much as I can about them. For example, find out
information if they are the ones who require assistance. Many people nowadays take advantage of
others' sympathy and turn themselves into miserable persons in order to get money. We need to wake
up and raise awareness in order to locate the proper individual to assist. I've learned a valuable lesson
and will be extra cautious in the future to avoid being duped. When I afraid of helping someone and
need to support them on a broad scale, I believe it is ideal to perform communal actions such as
participating in charitable events. Only then can all my money and efforts be directed in the appropriate
direction. Assist those who are truly in need.

In conclusion, helping the wrong person influences me both negative and positive. Who has never been
cheated? It can make me feel vulnerable and my beliefs exploited, but it has also taught me to be
cautious in the future. Before I undertake any charitable work, I need to be sure I'm supporting the
appropriate individuals. Helping is a good thing, but I should only help the ones that need it.

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