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Name: Nguyễn Ngọc Tiên

Bonus +1,5

Diem 4,4 = TOTAL: 5,9

Many problems and difficulties have confronted me throughout my life. But one thing that makes me
extremly depressed is learning IELTS, espeacially the speaking skill. I started to prepare for when I was in
11 grade. That was a dreadful period for me and I felt extremly stressful since everything is too difficult
to learn. Fortunately, I was supportes by a good English teacher in my school who helped me to
overcome the challenges and inspired me to become braver to face the challenges. She was quite
helpful and encouraged me to practice more. This makes me more confident and become a helper,
changing my academic life later on.

Firstly, she makes me more confident in speaking english by encouring me to take more efforts in
practice. I was proud of this because this is an effective method. She stills in me a greater sense of self
assurane in my ability to commnunicate when I spoke English, I was too hesitant to express my idea and
this prenvent me from inproving the speaking skill. Fortunately, my teacher was aware of that and she
was willing to help me ovecome the challenges. She turtored me in English. I was gradually acclimating
to this language. I have finally conquered it after so much effort and when I speak english I gain more
confidence. She is a huge supporter of mine when I am under a lot stress and want to give up. I am very
grateful for her dedication. Her lesson teaches me to be embraces the challenges, which helps me to
overcome the fear. It empowers me to break through self imposed limits. The confidence is the decisive
factor whichs empowers me to succeed.

Secondly, this assists me become a helper and finds the way how to assist someone who is in a similar
circumstance to myself. I'm scared I won't be able to conquer this obstacle without her assistance in
overcoming my fear of possibilities. It encourages me to desire to help people who are having trouble
with the IELTS. I'll be ready to assist them in the same way that my teacher assisted me. Because I know
that sometimes just a few words of encouragement and the sharing of some good study methods might
help that guy improve his speaking skill. It also has an impact on my mood that helping others makes me
more blishful and socially connected.

In conclusion, my English progress may be ascribed to my high school English teacher, who has greatly
aided me in becoming more confident in learning English and becoming a helpful. I wouldn't be able to
learn this language as well if I didn't have such a wonderful tutor. It's only a small gesture, but it has a
significant impact on my life. I'm grateful to her for assisting me in overcoming my anxiety of speaking
English fluently.

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