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Topic 3 Week 5: A critical thinking approach to making and reviewing decisions

Type of Activity Task

Watch Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Make Better Decisions

Having critical thinking is similar to infrared goggles, which allow us to

view beautiful things outside our planet that were previously impossible
to see with our naked eyes. It allows us to identify the true problem, the
main causes, as well as the opportunities. It is useful in our daily lives;
we may apply it anywhere and at any time.

When having critical thinking it requires a framework, however having a

framework begins with a problem statement. It's similar to a project
charter in that it describes the whole project. It comprises goals, such as
what your project is attempting to achieve, success criteria, such as how
you will know whether it succeeded or failed, assumptions about the
project, timelines, and stakeholders who will be engaged in your project.
There are two more reasons why it is crucial to have. The first is that
when you go into problem-solving mode, you will start unearthing a lot of
symptoms that might be caused by entirely other root causes.
Documentation of such symptoms is beneficial, but no alternative
solutions or action plans are required. It will simply assist you in
understanding the nature of your problem, who to deal with, and the
timelines involved. The second reason why problem statements are
significant is that they take you to the fundamental causes of the

The five stages of problem solving are as follows:

1. Problem Charter
a. It is a stage in which we buy in so that we may obtain
resources and shift things around.
2. Root Causes Identification
a. Identifying the root causes helps in determining why the
event occurred rather than just the what and how of it.
There are other strategies to choose from, including the
fishbone, the 5 whys, and others. However, for the most
basic undertakings, 5 whys is the best way to go. But
keep in mind that 5 is only an arbitrary number.
3. Solution Alternatives
a. Developing potential solutions, whether they will work or
not, simply jot them down.
4. Evaluate Alternatives
a. Evaluating the alternatives using the criteria you created,
such as possible threat, effect, simplicity of
implementation, and alignment with strategy.
5. Create an Implementation Plan
a. Executing a straightforward strategy without complicating
it. If the answer is complicated, it should be treated as a

Having alternatives in critical thinking encourages open-mindedness and

a readiness to consider relevant facts and argument when creating or
modifying our own opinions and values.

The fifth stage in the six-step process is to evaluate, select, and refine
an alternative or option. This is the process of studying and evaluating
alternatives and applying assessment criteria to alternatives or choices
in a way that promotes decision making.
Depending on the complexity of the choices and the conclusion, this
might be a one-step or multi-step process. If the decision or the criteria
are complicated, the process may be iterative, including the application
of a succession of criteria with varying degrees of specificity. In a three-
level process, broad criteria may be used to screen out unrealistic
solutions, and more comprehensive assessment criteria may be applied
in future review levels. This simplifies the evaluation by concentrating on
data gathering and analysis of relevant options. The multi-level
evaluation also allows for the refinement of choices or alternatives to
more effectively accomplish the desired goals or results, with a better
knowledge of the alternative's strengths and weaknesses in each

Watch Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

People that practice critical thinking in their daily lives have the ability to
generate new and innovative ideas as well as solve problems. It also
allows you to make better decisions.

It usually consists of one to two sentences that describe your problem in

detail, including what the process improvement project will address. You
can observe the negative aspect that was highlighted in the current
circumstance in the problem statement and explain why and how it

There are five stages to solving a problem, as follows:

1. Problem Charter
2. Root Causes Identification
3. Solution Alternatives
4. Evaluate Alternative
5. Create an Implementation Plan

Making alternative plans while thinking critically allows us to be open to

different factors that can assist our decision be more effective, which can
lead to decision success.

The importance of critical thinking in our lives, even in our daily lives, is
information that I learned this week. Critical thinking helps us make
better decisions on everything we do, whether it is simple or difficult,
because minor decisions can have big consequences if they are not
planned effectively.

Looking for my decisions in life, even if they are small ones, and
realizing that they have an influence that critical thinking may change
your viewpoint in terms of decision making was one of the things I
enjoyed this week.

Researching the portion for evaluate, select, and refine section was
difficult for me because it was difficult to understand the meaning of
each term.

The study on the 7-step process, which includes the parts of evaluate,
select, and refine, has helped me better grasp that part of the process,
which allows us to make more successful decisions.

My biggest takeaway from this week is that every decision we make in

our lives has the potential to have a significant impact on us. As a result,
we must thoroughly consider our decision before putting it into action to
ensure its success. However, we cannot prevent the fact that unpleasant
things happen, so when they do, we must learn from them and do things
differently next time.

Every day, we face numerous challenges, we have numerous tasks to

complete, and we need some rest. However, planning ahead of time and
managing my time is difficult for me, but if we have the courage to
succeed in life, all of our difficulties will serve as encouragement and
motivation to help me finish this.

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