Data Mining Part 1: Ing. Ridho Rahmadi, M.SC

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Data Mining Part 1

Ing. Ridho Rahmadi, M.Sc

Magister Teknik Informatika

Universitas Islam Indonesia

November 21, 2017

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All contents are from materials and book Introduction to Data Mining by
Tan, Steinbach, Kumar.

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Given a collection of records (called training set)

1 contains a set of attributes
2 an attibrute is the class

Gender Height Temperature Fever

F 170 35.4 No
M 165 36.3 No
M 175 39.0 Yes

Task: Find a model for class attribute as a function of the values of other

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Classification cont’d

Gender Height Temperature Fever

M 180 35.4 ?
F 155 35.5 ?
M 163 37.3 ?

Goal: previously unseen records should be assigned a class as accurately as


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Classification cont’d

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Classification cont’d

Examples of classification tasks:

1 Predicting tumor cells; benign or malignant
2 Classifying credit card transactions; legitimate or fraudulent
3 Categorizing news; finance, weather, sports, etc.

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Classification cont’d

Classification techniques:
1 Decision tree based methods
2 Rule based methods
3 Support vector machine
4 and many more

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Decision tree

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Decision tree cont’d

There can be more than one tree that fits the same data set!
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Applying model to the test data

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Applying model to the test data

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Applying model to the test data

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Applying model to the test data

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Applying model to the test data

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Applying model to the test data

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Applying model to the test data

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Learn model

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Decision tree algorithms

Finding the best decision tree is NP-hard

Greedy strategy: split records based on an attribute test that
optimizes a criterion
Decision tree algorithms:
1 Hunt’s algorithm
2 ID3, C45

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Hunt’s algorithm

Let Dt be the set or training records for node t

1 If Dt contains records belonging to the same class yt ,
then t is a leaf node labeled as yt
2 If Dt contains records belonging to more than one class,
A) use an attribute test to split the data into smaller subsets and
B) recursively apply the procedure to each subset.

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An example

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Issues in tree induction

1 Determine how to split the records

How to specify the attribute test condition?
How to determine the best attribute to split on?
2 Determine when to stop splitting

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How to specify test condition?

1 Depends on attribute types

2 Depends on number of ways to split
2-way split
Multi-way split

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Splitting based on Nominal attributes

Multi-way split
Use as many partitions as distinct values.

Binary split
Divides values into two subsets; need to find optimal partitioning.

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Splitting based on Ordinal attributes

Multi-way split
Use as many partitions as distinct values.

Binary split
Divides values into two subsets, respects the order; need to find optimal

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Splitting based on Continuous attributes
1. Discretization to form an ordinal categorical attribute
Static; discretize once at the beginning
Dynamic; ranges can be found by equal interval bucketing, equal
frequency bucketing (percentiles), or clustering.
2. Binary decision (A < v ) or (A ≥ v )
3. Consider all possible splits and finds the best cut
can be computationally intensive

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How to determine the best split

Suppose before splitting: 10 records of class 0, 10 records of class 1.

Which test condition is the best?

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How to determine the best split

Greedy approach
Nodes with homogeneous class distribution are preferred

Need a measure of node impurity

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Use measures of node impurity

1. GINI index
2. Entropy
3. Misclassification error

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Measure of impurity: GINI index
GINI index for a give node t:
GINI (t) = 1 − [p(c|t)]2

where p(c|t) is the relative frequency of class c at node t.

Maximum (1 − 1/nc ) when records are equally distributed among all

classes, implying highest impurity.
Minimum (0) when all records belong to one class, implying lowest

Try to compute the GINI indices above...

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Quality of a Split Based on GINI

Used in the decision tree algorithms CART, SLIQ, SPRINT.

When a node p is split into k partitions (children nodes), the quality of

split is computed as:
X ni
GINIsplit = GINI (i)

where ni =number of records at child node i, and n =number of records at

node p.

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Computing GINI index for binary attribute

GINI (N1) GINI (N2) GINI (Children)

2 2 2 2
= 1 − (5/7) − (2/7) = 1 − (1/5) − (4/5) = 7/12 × 0.41 + 5/12 × 0.32
= 0.41 = 0.32 = 0.37

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Computing GINI index for categorical attribute

Compute the GINI indices for each of above nodes!

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Binary split selection: Continuous attributes

For each attribute a

Sort the values of occurring in the records at that node
Scan these values, each time updating the count matrix and
computing the GINI index of that split
Choose the split position that has the smallest GINI index

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Measure of Impurity: Entropy

Entropy at a given node t:

Entropy (t) = − p(c | t) log p(c | t)

where p(c | t) is the relative frequency of class c at node t.

Measures homogeneity of a node.

Maximum (log nc ) when records are equally distributed among all classes
implying highest impurity.
Minimum (0) when all records belong to one class, implying lowest

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Quality of a Split Using Entropy: Information Gain

Information gain:
X ni
GAINsplit = Entropy (p) − ( Entropy (i))

where parent node p is split into k partitions; ni is number of records in

partition i.

Measures reduction in entropy achieved when using split to partition

the values of attribute a
Choose the split with maximum GAIN
Used in ID3 and C4.5
Disadvantage: tends to prefer splits that result in large number of
partitions, each being small but pure

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Measure of Impurity: Classification Error

Classification error at a given node t:

Error (t) = 1 − max p(c | t)


where p(c | t) is the relative frequency of class c at node t.

Measures misclassification error made by a node.

Maximum (1 − 1/nc ) when records are equally distributed among all
classes implying highest impurity.
Minimum (0) when all records belong to one class, implying lowest

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Comparison among splitting criteria
For a 2-class problem

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Any questions?

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